Table of Contents

Council Leadership Team Welcome Letter ...... 2

Youth Protection & Child Safety ...... 3

Northern Lights Council Information ...... 4

Why & How to Use This Guide ...... 5

Planning The Year ...... 6

Family ...... 7

Cub Adventure Zone ...... 8

2018 Journey to Excellence Recognition Program ...... 9

National Summertime Pack Award Application ...... 10

Cub Scout Lions Program ...... 11

Boy Scout Adventure Zone ...... 12

2018 Boy Scout Journey to Excellence Recognition Program ...... 13

Annual Troop Planning Conference ...... 14

Troop Planning Worksheet ...... 15

Order of the Arrow ...... 16

Advancement Policies & Procedures ...... 17-18

Funding The Year ...... 19

Popcorn Sale ...... 20

Fiscal Policies & Procedures for BSA Units ...... 21-23

Unit Money Earning Application ...... 24

Growing Your Unit ...... 25-26

Growing Adult Leadership ...... 27

Developing a Leadership Succession Plan ...... 28

Webelos to Scout Transition Timeline ...... 29

Training the Unit’s Leadership ...... 30

Northern Lights District & Council Dates ...... 31-71

Online Resources ...... 72


Thank you for your personal commitment of time, talent and resources to make the Scouting programs in our communities deeply impactful Council Leadership

Team Welcome Letter Welcome Team IRUWKRXVDQGVRI\RXWK

The has collaborated with Chartered David A. Sprynczynatyk organizations and volunteers for many years to provide the highest Northern Lights Council Board President quality programs and most unforgettable and life changing experiences, that build character, develop leaders and create outstanding citizens and civic servants.

3DUHQWVFRQ¿UPWKH1RUWKHUQ/LJKWV&RXQFLORIIHUVWKHLUIDPLO\ adventures that enhance leadership skills and develop positive ethical and moral decision making in their son or daughter. Youth will tell you the programs of the Northern Lights Council, are exciting and FUN!

This calendar and program planning guide is a critical resource to use in developing your Ideal Year of Scouting and in planning the program and activities that will keep your Scouts excited and active, earning advancements and progressing along the Scouting trail. There are also some very important policies and procedures to review, such as Youth Protection, meant to keep our youth in a safe and secure environment and to keep our leaders protected against false allegations. Mike Briggs Northern Lights Council Use this guide to improve the quality of your unit programs, and if you Commissioner have questions, don’t forget to contact your District Executive, who is always there to help answer questions and be an additional resource for training, advancement, program, , volunteer recruitment and any policy and procedures.

Thanks again for being an important member of the Scouting family, and an investor in the next generation of servant leaders who grow into men and women of unshakable character.

Yours in Scouting,

David Sprynczynatyk Mike Briggs Roger B. Hoyt

Roger B. Hoyt Northern Lights Council Scout Executive

2 Youth Protection & Child Safety

The Boy Scouts of America is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our youth members. Youth protection requires sustained vigilance, and we work every day to protect children through mandatory policies and procedures at every level of our organization. We are also committed to continuous improvement in our approach to youth protection. The policy of the BSA is that Youth Protection training is required for all BSA registered volunteers, regardless of their position and will be required to take the new BSA Youth Protection Training by October 1, 2018.

YOUTH PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS: • Open Program – All aspects of the Scouting program are open to observation by parents and leaders. Parents are encouraged to attend all Scouting Activities.

• Privacy of Youth & Adults – Privacy for all youth and adults is safeguarded by the BSA policy. Adult leaders must respect the privacy of members and protect their own privacy, especially in situations Youth Protection

such as changing clothes and taking showers at camp. No youth is permitted to sleep in the tent of an & Child Safety adult other than his or her own parent or guardian.

• Two-Deep Leadership – Scouting has a strict “two-deep” leadership policy which requires at least two adults to be present with youth at all times during Scouting activities. One-on-one contact between adults and youth members is not permitted, including texting and communications on social media.

• Mandatory Reporting – All involved in Scouting are personally responsible to immediately report to law enforcement any belief or good faith suspicion that any child is or has been abused or exploited or endangered in any way. No person may abdicate this reporting responsibility to any other person.

All Incidents need to be reported to the Scout Executive, Roger B. Hoyt, who can be reached at the 6FRXWLQJRI¿FHDWWK$YH6RXWK)DUJR1'DW  ,QWKHHYHQWDQHYHQLQJRU ZHHNHQGUHSRUWLVQHFHVVDU\KHFDQEHUHDFKHGE\FDOOLQJ  

• SCOUTS FIRST HELPLINE – Dedicated 24/7 Scouts First Helpline to report any suspected abuse or LQDSSURSULDWHEHKDYLRU6&2876  

PARENTS AND SCOUTS Education Empowerment

Scouts are required to complete personal safety awareness training with parents

• Parents and youth are required to review the BSA’s Youth and leaders as a requirement for rank advancement. The BSA teaches the “three R’s” Protection materials, available of youth protection, which convey an important message in a clear manner easily at the front of every handbook, understood by youth members: as a condition of enrollment.

• Every application for youth • Recognize situations that place them at risk, how child molesters operate, membership advises parents and that anyone could be a molester.

about the basic principles of • Respond to suspected, attempted, or actual abuse, as well as policy violations youth protection. that may prevent the full use of the barriers to abuse. If a peer is affected, • Every parent completing reassure them that they are not to blame and encourage them to seek help. a youth membership form • Report suspected, attempted, or actual abuse to a parent, trusted adult or law acknowledges awareness of the enforcement. This prevents further abuse and helps protect other children. BSA’s Youth Protection policies. Understand that you will not be blamed for what occurred.

3 Northern Lights Council 1-877-293-5011

John L. Wanzek Grand Forks Bismarck Minot Center for Scouting Service Center Service Center 6FRXW2I¿FH 4200 19th Ave S 1701 Cherry Street 1929 N Washington St #AA 615 S Broadway #L7 Fargo, ND 58103 Grand Forks, ND 58201 Bismarck, ND 58501 Minot, ND 58701 701-293-5011 701-775-3189 701-223-7204 701-839-2260 2I¿FH+RXUV 2I¿FH+RXUV 2I¿FH+RXUV Monday - Friday Tuesday - Thursday Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm 9:00 am - 3:30 pm 8:00 am - 3:00 pm SPRQ7KXUVGD\ Professional Staff Contact

Northern Lights Scout Executive Roger B. Hoyt 701-293-5011

Council Information Director of Field Services Darin Steindl 701-499-0646 Program Director Tom Barry 701-499-0643 Camp Wilderness Tom Barry 507-456-2121 Asst. Director of Field Service Cory Wrolstad 701-223-7204 Marketing Connie Koehmstedt 701-499-0641 Flickertail District Michael Schatz 507-254-7301 Oxcart Trails District Lindsay Aune 701-799-6753 Lakes District Andrew Moore 320-766-9784 Northern Sky District Brett Drevlow 701-499-0644 Northern Sky District Kevin Mehrer 701-499-0645 Lake Agassiz District Thomas Huether 406-780-0690 Roughrider District Beth Ann Pulley 219-765-8162 Tomahawk District PJ Jenkins 224-628-3292 Voyageur Trails District Jessica Toth 701-775-3189 Frontier Trail District Ric Jensen 701-223-7204 Great Plains District Ethan Crisp 208-965-1224 Development Director Dale Musgrave 701-499-0647 4 Why & How to Use This Guide

The units that plan, promote and execute their Ideal Year of Scouting, offer unparalleled experiences for more youth, and are recognized in the Journey to Excellence program.

How would you like

• A stronger program for your Scouts at less personal cost to you

• More parental involvement

• More Scouts camping

• Better retention

• More funding with less time spent fundraising

• To eliminate out-of-pocket expenses for your parents

• Enough money to do all the activities

• Scouting to be simpler, easier and more fun

The Steps of the Ideal Year of Scouting

1. PLAN Work your way through this guide and map out the advancements, activities, camping, training and parent involvement you’ll need for your Ideal Year of Scouting.

2. FUND Determine the expenses from all the activities, advancements, camping and training your unit wants to do, then decide how much fundraising your unit must do to cover those expenses.

3. GROW When you have a good plan, communicate it to your current and potential Scouts to engage more youth in the Scouting program, along with their parents to help make it all happen.

4. TRAIN Plan to promote trainings to your current and new leaders. Every Scout deserves a trained leader.

5. ASSESS Use the Journey to Excellence worksheet to measure the success of your plan and your year. Use This Guide Why & How to

5 Planning The Year

Start with the next few pages and follow the steps.

• Use the Den & Pack Meeting Resource Guide/Troop Program Features to make planning easier

• Determine what advancements each Scout will need for next rank

• Decide what activities the Scouts will do Planning The Year Planning The

• Survey current youth members and parents on which events were a huge success and which events could go away.

• Survey current youth members and parents on some new ideas for meetings.

• Decide what camping opportunities to participate in

• Plan to do at least one chartered partner service project and Scouting for Food

• Plan the meeting dates

A calendar has been provided for you and it can be downloaded at

6 Family Scouting

Offering Iconic Boy Scouts of America Programs to Boys & Girls

What is Happening? • Starting in 2018, Families can choose Cub Scouts for their sons and daughters

• A scouting program for older girls will be delivered in 2019.

Why the Change? • Families today are busier than ever and with less free time, families want convenience.

• In a recent survey of parents not involved with Scouting... • 90% are interested in programs like Cub Scouts for their daughters Family Scoutiing • 87% are interested in a program like Boy Scouts for their daughters.

Cub Scouts (Ages 5-10 or Grades K-5) • All-Boy Cub Scout Pack

• Boys & Girls Cub Scout Pack

• All-Girl Cub Scout Pack

³2OGHU6FRXWV´ $JHVRU*UDGHV • All-Boy Scout Troop

• All-Girl Scout Troop

• Chartered organizations can have one of each Troop

7 Cub Scout Adventure Zone Cub Scout

8 Journey to Excellence Recognition Program

7KH-RXUQH\WR([FHOOHQFH -7( LVWKHWRROZH¶YHDGRSWHGWRPHDVXUHWKHTXDOLW\RIWKH6FRXWLQJ program in our council. A unit that plans their Ideal Year of Scouting, based on goals and standards set IRUWKLQWKH-RXUQH\WR([FHOOHQFHFDQEHFRQ¿GHQWWKH\¶UHGHOLYHULQJDTXDOLW\SURJUDPVXSSRUWHGE\D healthy unit with trained leaders. Pack ______of ______District 2018 Scouting's Journey to Excellence "The BSA method for annual planning and continuous improvement"

Bronze Silver Gold Objective Bronze Level Silver Level Gold Level Item Points Points Points Planning and Budget Total Points: 200

Planning and Budget: Have a program plan and Achieve Bronze, plus pack Achieve Silver, plus pack Have an annual program plan budget that is regularly reviewed by the pack committee meets at least six conducts a planning meeting #1 and budget adopted by the 50 100 200 committee, and it follows BSA policies relating to times during the year to review involving den leaders for the pack committee. fundraising. program plans and finances. following program year.

Membership Total Points: 500

Conduct a formal recruitment Achieve Bronze, and either Achieve Silver, and either Building Cub Scouting: Recruit new youth into program by October 31 and increase youth members by increase youth members by #2 50 100 200 the pack in order to grow membership. register new members in the 5% or have at least 40 10% or have at least 60 pack. members. members.

Retention: Retain a significant percentage of Reregister 60% of eligible Reregister 65% of eligible Reregister 75% of eligible #3 50 100 200 youth members. members. members. members.

With a troop, hold two joint Webelos-to-Scout transition: Have an effective activities or 75% of second 60% of eligible Webelos 80% of eligible Webelos #4 plan to graduate Webelos Scouts into Boy Scout 25 50 100 year Webelos have completed register with a troop. register with a troop. troop(s). "The Scouting Adventure."

Program Total Points: 900

Advancement: Achieve a high percentage of 50% of Cub Scouts advance 60% of Cub Scouts advance 75% of Cub Scouts advance #5 100 200 300 Cub Scouts earning rank advancements. one rank during the year. one rank during the year. one rank during the year.

Each den has the opportunity Each den has the opportunity Each den has the opportunity Outdoor activities: Conduct outdoor activities to participate in three outdoor to participate in four outdoor to participate in five outdoor #6 50 100 200 and field trips. activities or field trips during activities or field trips during activities or field trips during the year. the year. the year. 33% of Cub Scouts participate 50%, or 33% and have 75%, or 50% and have Day/resident/family camp: Cub Scouts attend in a camping experience or #7 improvement over the prior improvement over the prior 50 100 200 day camp, family camp, and/or resident camp. improvement over the prior year. year. year. Participate in two service Participate in three service Achieve Silver, plus at least #8 Service projects: Participate in service projects. projects and enter the hours on projects and enter the hours on one of the service projects is 25 50 100 the JTE website. the JTE website. conservation-oriented.

Hold eight pack meetings a Achieve Bronze, plus dens Pack and den meetings and activities: Dens Achieve Silver, plus earn the #9 year. Den or pack meetings meet at least twice a month 25 50 100 and the pack have regular meetings and activities. Summertime Pack Award. have started by October 31. during the school year.

Volunteer Leadership Total Points: 400

Achieve Bronze, and prior to Achieve Silver, plus every den Leadership recruitment: The pack is proactive in Have a registered assistant recruiting event, the committee #10 has a registered leader by 50 100 200 recruiting sufficient leaders. Cubmaster. identifies pack and den October 31. leadership for the next year.

Achieve Bronze, plus the Cubmaster or an assistant Cubmaster and den leaders Achieve Silver, plus two-thirds Trained leadership: Have trained and engaged Cubmaster or pack trainer has have completed position- of committee members have #11 leaders at all levels. All leaders are required to 50 100 200 completed position-specific specific training or, if new, will completed position-specific have youth protection training. training. complete within three months training. of joining.

† Bronze: Earn at least 525 points by earning points in at least 7 objectives. Total points earned: Journey To Excellence † Silver: Earn at least 800 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives. † Gold: Earn at least 1,050 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives and at least Bronze in #6. No. of objectives with points: 2018 Cub Scout

† Our pack has completed online rechartering by the deadline in order to maintain continuity of our program.

† We certify that these requirements have been completed:

Cubmaster ______Date ______

Committee chair ______Date ______

Commissioner ______Date ______

This form should be submitted to the Scout service center or your unit commissioner, as directed by your council. 9 A strong Cub Scout program involves year round activities. The National Summertime Pack award is recognition that a Cub Scout Pack can earn by having year round program. Summer is a great time for youth to enjoy the “Outing in Scouting.” When planning your year round calendar make sure your Pack is attending Resident Camps, along with the local Day Camps. Make it fun, keep it simple and help make memories by getting your Pack outdoors in the summer. National Summertime Pack Award Application Pack Award National Summertime Pack Award Application

Cub Scout Pack No.______of chartered organization______1DPH











10 Cub Scout Lions Program Coming This Fall! Lions Program Cub Scout

A new Scouting program for kindergarten-age \RXWK is available for all Cub Scout Packs starting this fall.

Research shows that childhood development accelerates around ages four and five, about the time youth begin formal education. To supplement the learning and growth \RXWK experience at home and in an educational environment at that age, Boy Scouts of America has developed a program for five-year-old kindergarten \RXWK called “Lion.”

What Is the Lion Program?

The Lion program weaves concepts of character development, leadership skills, personal fitness and citizenship into activities that are age-appropriate and fun for the \RXWK and their parents.

The activities introduce the family to Cub Scouting, and provide an exciting way for the little \RXWK to explore the world around them. The program will fuel their imagination, creativity and fun as they experience the growth Scouting can provide. At the end of the Lion year, they “graduate” to Tiger and advance through Cub Scouting.

More information will be made available in the coming months around the specifics of the program, FAQ’s, and much more. Please join the excitement as we expand our ways to reach America’s youth with the benefits of Scouting!

11 Boy Scout Adventure Zone

12 Journey To Excellence Recognition Program

7KH-RXUQH\WR([FHOOHQFH -7( LVWKHWRROZH¶YHDGRSWHGWRPHDVXUHWKHTXDOLW\RIWKH6FRXWLQJ program in our council. A unit that plans their Ideal Year of Scouting, based on goals and standards set IRUWKLQWKH-RXUQH\WR([FHOOHQFHFDQEHFRQ¿GHQWWKH\¶UHGHOLYHULQJDTXDOLW\SURJUDPVXSSRUWHGE\D healthy unit and trained leaders. Troop ______of ______District 2018 Scouting's Journey to Excellence "The BSA method for annual planning and continuous improvement"

Bronze Silver Gold Objective Bronze Level Silver Level Gold Level Item Points Points Points Planning and Budget Total Points: 200

Planning and budget: Have a program plan and Achieve Bronze, plus troop Achieve Silver, plus troop Have an annual program plan budget that is regularly reviewed by the committee meets at least six conducts a planning meeting #1 and budget adopted by the 50 100 200 committee, and it follows BSA policies related to times during the year to review involving youth leaders for the troop committee. fundraising. program plans and finances. following program year.

Membership Total Points: 500

Have a membership growth Achieve Bronze, and either Achieve Silver, and either Building Boy Scouting: Recruit new youth into plan that includes a recruit- increase youth members by increase youth members by #2 50 100 200 the troop in order to grow membership. ment activity and register new 5% or have at least 25 10% or have at least 35 members in the troop. members. members.

Retention: Retain a significant percentage of Reregister 75% of eligible Reregister 80% of eligible Reregister 85% of eligible #3 50 100 200 youth members. members. members. members.

Achieve Bronze, plus provide Webelos-to-Scout transition: Have an effective With a pack or Webelos den, Achieve Bronze, plus recruit at least one den chief to a #4 25 50 100 plan to recruit Webelos Scouts into the troop. hold two joint activities. two Webelos Scouts. pack and recruit five Webelos Scouts.

Program Total Points: 900

Advancement: Achieve a high percentage of 40% of Boy Scouts advance 50% of Boy Scouts advance 60% of Boy Scouts advance #5 50 100 200 Boy Scouts earning rank advancements. one rank during the year. one rank during the year. one rank during the year.

Short-term camping: Conduct short-term or Conduct four short-term Conduct seven short-term Conduct nine short-term #6 50 100 200 weekend campouts throughout the year. overnight campouts. overnight campouts. overnight campouts.

Long-term camping: Participate in a long-term The troop participates in a long- 60% of Scouts attend a long- 70% of Scouts attend a long- #7 50 100 200 camp with a majority of the troop in attendance. term camp. term camp. term camp.

Service projects: Participate in service projects, Participate in three service Participate in four service Participate in five service #8 with at least one benefiting the chartered projects and enter the hours projects and enter the hours projects and enter the hours 25 50 100 organization. on the JTE website. on the JTE website. on the JTE website.

Achieve Silver, plus PLC The troop has patrols, and Achieve Bronze, plus PLC meets at least ten times. At each has a patrol leader. Patrol method: Use the patrol method to meets at least six times. The least one Scout has attended #9 There is an SPL, if more than 50 100 200 develop youth leaders. troop conducts patrol leader an advanced training course, one patrol. The PLC meets at training. such as NYLT or Order of the least four times a year. Arrow Conference. Volunteer Leadership Total Points: 400

Achieve Bronze, plus the troop Achieve Bronze, plus the troop Leadership and family engagement: The troop Have at least one registered holds two courts of honor, holds three courts of honor, #10 is proactive in recruiting sufficient leaders and 50 100 200 assistant Scoutmaster. where troop plans are where troop plans are communicates regularly with parents. reviewed with parents. reviewed with parents. Achieve Silver, plus two-thirds Achieve Bronze, plus the of active committee members Scoutmaster and 60% of have completed position- Trained leadership: Have trained and engaged Scoutmaster or an assistant assistants have completed specific training and at least #11 leaders at all levels. All leaders are required to Scoutmaster has completed 50 100 200 position-specific training or, if one person has attended an have youth protection training. position-specific training. new, will complete within three advanced training course months of joining. involving a total of least 5 days. Journey To Excellence † Bronze: Earn at least 525 points by earning points in at least 7 objectives. Total points earned: † Silver: Earn at least 750 points by earning points in at least 8 objectives.

† Gold: Earn at least 1,000 points by earning points in at least 8 objective and at least Bronze in #6 or #7. No. of objectives with points: 2018 Boy Scout

† Our troop has completed online rechartering by the deadline in order to maintain continuity of our program.

† We certify that these requirements have been completed:

Scoutmaster ______Date ______

Committee chair ______Date ______

Commissioner ______Date ______

This form should be submitted to the Scout service center or your unit commissioner, as directed by your council. 13 Annual Troop Program Planning Conference

This is the step where your troop program comes alive. The success of this conference began when you, the Scoutmaster, prepared your senior patrol leader. Be alert throughout the conference to help out the senior patrol leader. Don’t wait for him to fail, but be careful not to take over for him. Careful, QRQLQWUXVLYHFRDFKLQJZLOOKHOS\RXUVHQLRUSDWUROOHDGHUEXLOGFRQ¿GHQFH6KDUH\RXUOHDGHUVKLSZLWK them. Planning Conference Annual Troop Program Annual Troop Who attends the conference?

The troop’s annual planning conference is attended by the Scoutmaster, assistant Scoutmaster for the new-Scout patrol, assistant Scoutmaster for the Venture patrol, senior patrol leader, assistant senior patrol leader, patrol leaders, and troop guide.

Physical Arrangements

&DUHIXOSODQQLQJVKRXOGHQVXUHWKDWWKLVSODQQLQJFRQIHUHQFHLVD¿UVWFODVVH[SHULHQFHIRU\RXU\RXWK leaders. Pick a location that would be special to your Scouts, possibly one offering opportunities for other activities, such as swimming, boating, etc. You can make it a weekend experience, although the conference is easily completed in a day.

Whichever you do, don’t involve the youth leaders in a lot of housekeeping chores that distract them from the primary purpose of planning the troop program. Consider using other troop adults to cook and clean up; let your patrol leaders’ council concentrate on the task at hand. Make sure the IDFLOLWLHVDUHVXLWHGIRUDFRQIHUHQFH,VYHQWLODWLRQJRRG",VWKHUHVXI¿FLHQWOLJKWLQJ"$UHWKHFKDLUV comfortable? Are there tables to work on? Is there a way to hang calendars on the wall?

Setting up the conference facility should have been previously assigned to members of the patrol leader’s council. A checkup by the senior patrol leader prior to the conference ensures that nothing is forgotten.

Follow the agenda. When directing a session, your senior patrol leader should be aware that it’s easy to get sidetracked. If the group starts to drift away from the agenda, a gentle nudge from you may be in order to put them back on course.

Remember the conference ground rules: 1. The Senior Patrol Leader presides. 2. Each event and program is voted on. 3. The majority rules.

Note: No time limits have been placed on the agenda, but working sessions should last no longer WKDQPLQXWHVZLWKRXWDEUHDN



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16 Advancement Policies & Procedures

What Is Advancement? Advancement is the process by which youth members of the Boy Scouts of America progress from rank to rank in the Scouting program. Advancement is simply a means to an end, not an end in itself. Everything done to advance and earn these ranks, from joining until leaving the program, should be designed to help the young person have an exciting and meaningful experience. Advancement is one of several methods designed to carry out the Aims and Mission of the Boy Scouts of America. Advancement for Northern Lights Council youth is governed by the current BSA Guide to Advancement. 7KHYHUVLRQLVDYDLODEOHIURPWKH&RXQFLORI¿FH(DFKXQLWLQRXU&RXQFLOLVHQFRXUDJHGWR have a copy of this essential guide close at hand!

Education and fun are functions of the Scouting movement, and they must be the basis of the advancement program. A fundamental principle of advancement in Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, , and is the growth a young person achieves as a result of his/her participation in a unit program.

Advancement Principles Council and district advancement committees implement procedures that help achieve the following advancement principles.

Personal growth is the prime consideration in the advancement program. Scouting skills— what a young person knows how to do—are important, but they are not the most important aspect of advancement. Scouting’s goal is the total growth of youth. This growth may be measured by how youth live the Scouting ideals and how they do their part in their daily lives.


Each youth progresses at his or her own rate. Advancement is not a competition among individual young people, but is an expression of their interest and participation in the program. Youth must be encouraged to advance steadily and set their own goals with guidance from their parents, guardians, or leaders.

A badge is recognition of what a young person is able to do, not merely a reward for what he or she has done. The badge is proof of certain abilities and is not just a reward for the completion of a task.

Advancement encourages Scouting ideals. Scouting teaches a young person how to care for KLPVHOIKHUVHOIDQGKHOSRWKHUV$GYDQFHPHQWVKRXOGUHÀHFWWKHGHVLUHWROLYHE\WKH&XE6FRXW%R\ Scout, or Venturing Oath in his/her daily life.

Advancement in the Four Scouting Program Phases Advancement Policies Advancement is one of the methods used to achieve the aims of Scouting in all four phases of the 6FRXWLQJSURJUDP &XE6FRXWLQJ%R\6FRXWLQJ9DUVLW\6FRXWLQJDQG9HQWXULQJ 7KHDLPVRI6FRXWLQJ DUHFKDUDFWHUEXLOGLQJFLWL]HQVKLSWUDLQLQJDQGSK\VLFDODQGPHQWDO¿WQHVV & Procedures

Cub Scouting The Cub Scout program in the den and pack is the basis for Cub Scout advancement. The steps in Lion Scout, Tiger Scout, Wolf Scout, Bear Scout, Webelos Scout and Arrow of Light advancement SURFHGXUHVDUHSUHSDUDWLRQTXDOL¿FDWLRQDQGUHFRJQLWLRQ

17 Boy Scouting The Boy Scout requirements for rank are the basis for a Boy Scout’s advancement. The four steps in the Boy Scout advancement procedure are: learning, testing, reviewing, and recognition.

Varsity Scouting The Varsity Scout requirements for rank advancement are the same as for Boy Scouts. However, the advancement program is supervised by a youth member called an advancement program manager, who is assisted by an adult on the team committee.

Venturing A male Venturer who has achieved the First Class rank as a Boy Scout in a troop or as a Varsity Scout in a team may continue working toward the Eagle Scout rank as a Venturer until his 18th birthday. All Venturers may work towards recognition such as the , Silver and Quartermaster awards, just to name a few.

How Advancement is Recorded $GYDQFHPHQWLVQRWRI¿FLDOO\UHFRJQL]HGXQWLOLWKDVEHHQVXEPLWWHGWRWKH&RXQFLORQDQDGYDQFHPHQW report. Advancement reports may be picked up in any Council Service Center. Advancement can only be recognized for youth registered in the unit at the time it is processed.

0HULW%DGJH&RXQVHORUVPXVWEHUHJLVWHUHGDVVXFKDQGIRUWKHEDGJHVWKH\DUHTXDOL¿HGIRU7KHUH is no fee to serve as a Merit Badge Counselor. Merit Badge Counselors are not unit registrants, even when they indicate that they only wish to work with one unit. As such, their application only needs to be signed by the applicant and then submitted to the Council for the Scout Executive or Designee’s signature. The applicant would use position code 42 and a position description of “Merit Badge Counselor” on their application.

Internet Advancement Internet advancement is a link available at the Northern Lights Council home page Internet advancement allows you to enter youth advancements, awards, and merit badges and perform the following actions: • Select members from your existing roster • Review, update, or add ranks, merit badges, and/or awards • Access an online Review Unit Roster feature and the Unit Advancement Summary • Print an Advancement Report with a Unit Awards Summary to assist in purchasing.

Before beginning Internet Advancement, collect all member information, including advancement records, award records, and merit badge applications with the appropriate signatures. To complete ,QWHUQHW$GYDQFHPHQW\RXPXVWEHFRQQHFWHGWRDSULQWHUWRSULQWWKH¿QDOUHSRUW

For assistance, you can consult the “help” button for instructions on using Internet Advancement on the Internet Advancement link of the Council home page

Advancement Reports Reports are available by clicking on “Advancement Forms” on the Internet Advancement link at the bottom of the Council home page

Adobe Acrobat Reader

18 Advancement Policies Funding The Year Funding The Year

Budget Planning is a large part of the unit’s program planning process. Providing a quality program to RXU6FRXWVLVWKHWRSSULRULW\RIHYHU\XQLWDQGLWWDNHV¿QDQFLDOUHVRXUFHVLQRUGHUWRDFFRPSOLVKWKLV,W is important each unit plans out the expenses for the year along with what fundraising will need to be accomplished in order to carry out the program.

Basic Expenses • Registration Fees - $33/year per youth/adult ‡/LDELOLW\,QVXUDQFH FKDUWHUIHH \HDUSHUXQLW • Accident Insurance - $1.80/year per youth/adult • Boys Life - $12/year • Activities • How much will each Meeting/Extra Activities Cost? • Summer Camps, Winter Camp, Day Camp & Resident Camps • Does the unit pay for part/all of these activities or the individual youth? • Advancements • What type of awards and approximately how many does the unit plan to hand out? • Troop or Den/Pack Dues • Does the unit charge a due to help cover Troop/Den/Pack Costs? • Reserve Fund • Does the Unit have adequate funds in reserve for unforeseen expenses

Fundraising Opportunities The Northern Lights Council provides youth with fundraising opportunities to help pay for the unit’s expenses along with awards, camps, registration fees, youth life and much more. Teaching our youth that they can earn their own way is just one of the many values that the Boy Scouts teach our Youth. Last year through the popcorn sale and spring product sales local units put over $500,000 into their unit accounts to help provide quality program.

• Trails End Popcorn Sale • Runs from September 21 through October 26 • Great commissions • Prizes and incentives for youth • Last year over $2 million was sold in the Northern Lights Council

• Spring Product Sale • Runs from March 1 through May 1 • Many units use this opportunity to give the youth all commissions to help send themselves to Summer Camp, High Adventures, Day Camp & Resident Camps.

19 Popcorn Sale

20 Fiscal Policies & Procedures For BSA Units (Frequently Asked Questions)

Should our unit have a checking or savings account? Yes. Unit funds should be deposited in a checking or savings account that requires two signatures on every check or withdrawal. The unit leader could be one of the signees, but it is recommended it be DFRPPLWWHHSHUVRQ,WFRXOGEHWKDWWKHXQLWOHDGHUVKDYHDSHWW\FDVKIXQG ZLWKWKHOLPLWVHWE\WKH FRPPLWWHH WKDWLVDFFRXQWHGIRUZLWKUHFHLSWVHDFKPRQWK

'RHVDSDFNRUWURRSQHHGLWVRZQWD[LGHQWL¿FDWLRQQXPEHU",IVRZKHUHGRZHJHWLW" Most units obtain their own tax ID number by completing IRS Form SS-4. There is no fee involved. The FXUUHQWIRUPDQGLQVWUXFWLRQVDUHDYDLODEOHRQWKH,56ZHEVLWH ZZZLUVJRY $OVRWKH,56QRZDOORZV you to provide the information over the phone and immediately receive a unit EIN. The IRS phone number is 800-829-4933.

$OOXQLWVQHHGDWD[,'QXPEHU DOVRUHIHUUHGWRDVDQ³(,1´±(PSOR\HU,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ1XPEHU 8QLWV should NOT use the Social Security number of an adult leader. If they do, the IRS will attribute all banking transactions, unit purchases, etc., to that leader as an individual. Units may use the tax ID number of their chartered organization, if given permission. This may be especially useful for the unit if that organization is tax-exempt.

:KRLVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKH¿QDQFHVRIWKHXQLW" 7KHXQLWFRPPLWWHHLVUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKHXQLW¶V¿QDQFHV$WUHDVXUHULVDVVLJQHGDQGWKHFRPPLWWHH chair should receive the bank statement for monthly reconciliation. All unit funds should pass through the bank account; this includes but is not limited to dues, money from unit fundraisers, product sales, and gifts. An exception might be registration fees that are collected as part of an organized School Night program. In this case, fees are collected by district/council representatives and are transmitted to

the Scout Service Center. Procedures For BSA Units

Should our unit consider insuring our unit equipment? Yes. It is suggested that your unit insure its equipment. Remember, the chartered organization owns the Fiscal Policies & unit, and all funds used by the unit remain the responsibility of the chartered organization as long as the charter issued by the BSA remains in place. It is recommended that an inventory of the unit’s equipment be given annually to the chartered organization, and needs for insurance coverage discussed at that time. Frequently, unit equipment can be added to an existing policy of the chartered organization at minimal cost.

Can our unit deposit funds with the local council? Yes. Most councils allow units to deposit funds to their credit in the council service center, thus making it convenient for units to make purchases without sending cash. A “unit account” is established for each unit that deposits funds with the council. At a minimum–at least annually–the council should provide a detailed statement of activities of your unit account for your unit to review.

What happens to the unit funds and equipment should the unit dissolve? In the event of the dissolution of a unit or the revocation or lapse of its charter, the unit committee shall apply unit funds and property to the payment of unit obligations and shall turn over the surplus, if any, to the local council. In the case of a chartered organization, any funds or equipment that may have been secured as property of the unit shall be held in trust by the chartered organization or the council, as may be agreed upon, pending reorganization of the unit or for the promotion of the program of the Boy Scouts of America.

21 When should our unit submit a BSA Unit Money-Earning Application? For all unit fundraising. All unit money-earning projects must be approved in advance by using the BSA’s Unit Money-Earning Application. Approval must be made by the chartered organization and the local council.

Is our pack or troop considered tax-exempt by the IRS? That depends on who charters your unit. The only time a unit can be considered “tax-exempt” is if its chartered organization is also tax-exempt and includes the unit.

The BSA National Council grants a charter to religious organizations, service clubs, businesses, and others who want to charter a Scout unit. A unit is actually “owned” by its chartered organization. Chartered organizations vary widely in tax status.



Can our pack or troop be covered under the BSA’s group exemption? 1R7KH,56DOORZVRQO\ORFDOFRXQFLOV DQGFRXQFLOWUXVWIXQGV WREHLQFOXGHGXQGHUWKH%6$JURXS exemption. Packs, troops, and other Scout units cannot be included under the BSA group exemption because they “belong” to their chartered organization. 1RWH7D[LVVXHVIRU*LUO6FRXWWURRSVDUH KDQGOHGGLIIHUHQWO\E\WKH,56EHFDXVHRIKRZ*LUO6FRXWFRRNLHVDOHVDUHVWUXFWXUHG

IRS Form SS-4 asks for a “GEN.” What is that, and do we have one? The “GEN” is the Group Exemption Number for the BSA. As discussed, only councils are covered under the BSA group exemption. Units cannot use this number. However, once your unit receives an (,1WKHXQLWPD\VWLOOTXDOLI\IRUDQXPEHURIVWDWHDQGVDOHVWD[H[HPSWLRQVDVDQRQSUR¿WRUJDQL]DWLRQ under your state laws. Check with your state; this varies widely across the country.

A volunteer suggested that our unit apply for its own tax-exempt status. Can we? Units should not incorporate or apply for their own tax-exempt status. For one thing, units are not legal entities. Even if they were, this is an expensive and time-consuming process. Units are only permitted Fiscal Policies & to raise funds through approved unit money-earning projects. Units could lose their charter if they tried to get their own tax-exempt status and solicit tax-deductible gifts. Procedures For BSA Units Procedures For BSA We can’t solicit gifts for our unit? No. Simply put, units are not permitted to solicit any gifts. Both the Charter and Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations of the BSA make this very clear; only local councils may solicit, individuals, corporations, United Ways, or foundations for gifts in support of Scouting. Units, unit leaders, and youth members may notVROLFLWJLIWVLQWKHQDPHRI6FRXWLQJRULQVXSSRUWRIXQLWQHHGVDQGDFWLYLWLHV H[FHSW LQXQXVXDOFLUFXPVWDQFHVZKHUHWKHXQLWKDVUHFHLYHGSHUPLVVLRQWRGRVRIURPWKHORFDOFRXQFLO 8QLWV are also prohibited from soliciting gifts on their websites.

22 Does that mean people can’t make gifts to our unit? Units are not supposed to solicit gifts, but they can receive gifts. Anyone can contribute to Scout pack, WURRSRUXQLW±DQGPDQ\GRQRUVGRQ¶WQHHGRUFDUHDERXWFKDULWDEOHGHGXFWLRQV2EYLRXVO\GH¿QLQJD “solicited gift” is not always easy. But we rely on our unit leaders to set good examples and honor the intent and spirit of these important guidelines. We know it’s hard to stop people from being generous, especially toward Scouting.

&DQJLIWVJRWRWKHORFDOFRXQFLOWREHQH¿WRXUXQLWWKHQ³SDVVWKURXJK´WKHFRXQFLOWRXV" No. Your unit “belongs” to your chartered organization, not to your local council. IRS guidelines prohibit any charity from accepting gifts that are “passed through” to a person or unrelated entity. A council could accept a gift in the name of your unit and hold it in a unit account. The unit could then “draw GRZQ´RQWKHDFFRXQWIRUFDPSIHHVXQLIRUPDQGVXSSO\QHHGVHWF 7KLVLVKRZFROOHJHVKDQGOH VWXGHQWVFKRODUVKLSV %XWEHVXUHWR¿UVWDVN\RXUORFDOFRXQFLOLILWKDVWKHVWDIIDQGWLPHWRGRWKLV This is entirely the council’s decision. A council accepting a gift in the name of the unit does not QHFHVVDULO\H[WHQGWD[EHQH¿WVWRWKHGRQRU

My local company has employee voluntarism grants and will contribute to charities where I volunteer my time. Can these gifts go to our unit? Employee incentive awards and voluntarism grants usually cannot go to a pack, troop, or unit due to the company’sJLYLQJUHVWULFWLRQV&RUSRUDWHGRQDWLRQVRIWHQFDQJRRQO\WRFKDULWLHVWKDWDUH³ F    charities,” and many units are not chartered by tax-exempt charities. Also, many companies won’t make gifts to religious organizations. If a unit is “tax-exempt,” it’s often because it’s chartered to a church, synagogue, etc., so it couldn’t receive corporate funds either. Of course, corporate awards and grants may go to any local council for use at the discretion of the council.


Questions? Need more information? Please contact your local council. Thank you for all you do for Scouting and the youth in your community.

23 Guides To Unit Money-Earning Projects

$XQLW¶VPRQH\HDUQLQJPHWKRGVVKRXOGUHÀHFW6FRXWLQJ¶VEDVLFYDOXHV:KHQHYHU\RXUXQLWLVSODQQLQJ a money-earning project, this checklist can serve as your guide. If your answer is “Yes” to all the questions that follow, it is likely the project conforms to Scouting’s standards and will be approved.

1. Do you really need a fund-raising project? RZQ PHULWV QRW WKH EHQH¿W UHFHLYHG E\ WKH There should be a real need for raising money Boy Scouts. The principle of value received is based on your unit’s program. Units should critical in choosing what to sell. not engage in money-earning projects merely  If a commercial product is to be sold, will because someone has offered an attractive the fund-raising activity comply with BSA plan. Remember that individual youth policy on wearing the uniform? members are expected to earn their own way. 7KH RI¿FLDO XQLIRUP LV LQWHQGHG WR EH ZRUQ The need should be beyond normal budget primarily for use in connection with Scouting items covered by dues. activities. However, council executive boards 2. If any contracts are to be signed, will they be may approve use of the uniform for any fund- signed by an individual, without reference raising activity. Typically, council popcorn to the Boy Scouts of America and without sales or Scout show ticket sales are approved binding the local council, the Boy Scouts of uniform fund-raisers. America, or the chartered organization?  Will the fund-raising project avoid soliciting Before any person in your unit signs a contract, money or gifts? he must make sure the venture is legitimate and The BSA Rules and Regulations state, “Youth worthy. If a contract is signed, he is personally members shall not be permitted to serve responsible. He may not sign on behalf of the as solicitors of money for their chartered local council or the Boy Scouts of America, nor organizations, for the local council, or in may he bind the chartered organization without support of other organizations. Adult and youth its written authorization. If you are not sure, members shall not be permitted to serve as check with your district executive for help. solicitors of money in support of personal or unit  Will your fund-raiser prevent promoters participation in local, national, or international from trading on the name and goodwill of events.” the Boy Scouts of America? For example. Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts and Because of Scouting’s good reputation, leaders should not identify themselves as customers rarely question the quality or price Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts or as a troop/pack of a product. The nationwide network of participate in the Salvation Army’s Christmas Scouting units must not become a beehive of Bell Ringing program. This would be raising commercial interest. money for another organization. At no time are 4. Will the fund-raising activity uphold the units permitted to solicit contributions for unit good name of the BSA? Does it avoid programs. games of changes, gambling, etc.? 8. Does the fund-raising activity avoid 6HOOLQJUDIÀHWLFNHWVRURWKHUJDPHVRIFKDQFH competition with other units, your chartered is a direct violation of the BSA Rules and organization, your local council, and the Regulations, which forbid gambling. The United Way? product must not detract from the ideals and Check with your chartered organization principles of the BSA. representative and your district executive to 5. If a commercial product is to be sold, will make certain that your chartered organization it be sold on its own merits and without and the council agree on the dates and type of reference to the needs of Scouting? fund-raiser. All commercial products must sell on their

The local council is responsible for upholding the Charter and By-laws and the Rules and Application Regulations of the BSA. The ensure compliance, all unit fund-raisers MUST OBTAIN WRITTEN APPROVAL from the local council NO LESS THAN 14 DAYS before the fund-raising activity. Unit Money Earning 24      Growing YourUnit

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25 Growing Your Unit Growing Your

26 Growing Adult Leadership Growing Adult

27  ,DRH   


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28 Webelos To Scout Transition Timeline

August • Troops should get names, address & phone numbers of 2nd year Webelos.

September • Troops should contact Webelos Dens and introduce their Troop. • Troops should include Webelos on their Troop newsletter mailing list.


November • Boy Scout Troops should be attending Webelos meetings and talking to the boys about how a Boy Scout Troop functions.

December • Webelos should be attending a Boy Scout Troop meeting


February • Troops should be participating in a “bridging over” ceremony at the Blue and Gold banquet.

March • Troops should have an activity planned so new Scouts get involved and comfortable in their new Boy Scout Troop.

April • Boy Scouts Troops should be conducting a summer camp orientation.

Summer • Ensure all new Scouts attend Summer camp with the Troop. Transition Timeline Webelos To Scout

29 What Makes A Trained Leader?


What Makes A What Makes Trained emblem when they have completed Youth Protection Training and the Trained Leader? Trained training courses outlined below, or have completed Youth Protection Training and a previous basic training course when it was current.

Youth Protection Training is a joining requirement for all registered adults and must be retaken every year!


3RVLWLRQ6SHFL¿F for your position*


Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaster 3RVLWLRQ6SHFL¿F and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills 6FRXWPDVWHUVDQGDVVLVWDQWV

Troop Committee Challenge FRPPLWWHHPHPEHUV


9DUVLW\&RDFK3RVLWLRQ6SHFL¿F and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills &RDFKHVDQGDVVLVWDQWV

Team Committee Challenge FRPPLWWHHPHPEHUV



Crew Committee Challenge FRPPLWWHHPHPEHUV

Need Help? * Pack Trainers take Pack Committee Contact Scouting University Challenge and )XQGDPHQWDOVRI7UDLQLQJ 972-580-2000 Chartered Organization Representatives take This Is Scouting and Training the Chartered Organization Representative. 30