Teacher: John M. Brown, Olive Hill Church of Christ, Sunday Class, June 2012

INTRODUCTION: Remember the subjects Paul has previously discussed. Here in this chapter he warns the Corinthians against a felling of self-sufficiency or self-satisfaction. There is a danger of departing from God, as Paul illustrates from the history of Israel. The Corinthians had many problems they must correct, lest they fall from God!


A. The blessings of Israel, vv. 1-4 1. They had passed through the sea (see Exodus 14:30 ff.). 2. They had been baptized unto (they were his disciples; he was God’s spokesman). 3. They ate and drank spiritual meat and drink (see Exodus 16-17; Numbers 20).

B. The unfaithfulness of Israel, vv. 5-10 1. The sin of lust, verse 6 (see Numbers 11:4-10, 13, 30-33).

2. The sin of idolatry, verse 7 (see Exodus 32:1-10).

3. The sin of fornication, verse 8 (see Numbers 25:1-9; cf. Revelation 2:14).

4. The sin of tempting God, verse 9 (see Numbers 21:4-9).

5. The sin of murmuring, verse 10 (see Numbers 14:1-4, 26-32; 16:41-50).

C. The comparison between Israel and Christians: 1. Christians have been abundantly blessed (see Ephesians 1:3). 2. We have been baptized into Christ (Romans 6:3-4; Galatians 3:27). 3. We have been led out of the slavery of sin (John 8:31-36; Colossians 1:13). 4. But – some Christians prove unfaithful: a. Lust – see James 4:1-2; 2 Timothy 4:10; 1 John 2:15-17. b. Idolatry – see Matthew 6;33; Romans 12:2 c. Fornication – see Galatians 5:19ff; 1 Corinthians 5 d. Tempting the Lord – see 1 Timothy 6:6-8; :5-6

D. Paul’s exhortation to faithfulness, vv. 11-13 1. Consider the example of Israel (Romans 15:4; Amost 6:1 ff). 2. The need for self-examination (see 2 Corinthians 13:5; :12). 3. Remember that God is faithful: a. Temptation is the common lost of humanity (1 John 2:15-17). b. Himself was tempted (Hebrews 4:15). c. There is a way of escape! (1) Gk, EKBASIS = “an escape – like a way out of a mountain pass” (2) Note :13-15 and compare Genesis 39:1-12 II. CHRISTIANS MUST NOT PARTICIPATE IN IDOL FEASTS, 10:14-22

A. Flee idolatry! 1. The context here is not simply eating meats sacrificed to idols, but actually participating in idolatrous temple worship. 2. Idolatrous worship is fellowship with demons.

B. Consider the Lord’s supper: we fellowship with Christ in partaking! 1. We are ONE BREAD and ONE BODY. a. Christ is the one Lord (Ephesians 4:5). b. The church is the one body (Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:4; Colossians 1:18). c. We are part of that one body (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) and we fellowship Christ (1 Corinthians 11:17-34). d. On fellowship, see John 6 and Romans 6.

2. “Communion” = Greek, KOINONIA = “fellowship; joint participation; sharing together”

3. Paul’s point in this illustration: Whatever you partake of is what you have communion with, and Christians are in fellowship with God, Christ, and each other (see Acts 2:42; 1 Corinthians 1:9; Galatians 2:9; Philippians 1:5; 1 John 1:3).

4. But idolatry is fellowship with devils!


A. Each is to seek the other’s best! Vv. 23-24 1. “All things are lawful” – this verse does not refer to sinful things. 2. Not all things are expedient (not all thing edify).

B. Circumstances in which sacrificial meat might be eaten, vv. 25-30 1. When purchased at the meat market with the realization that there is no power in idols (chapter 8), vv. 25-26. 2. When eating with unbelievers in a social-meal setting, v. 27. 3. But NOT when this action would cause a brother to stumble, vv. 28-30


A. The Corinthians must take care with their “liberties.”

B. All must be done to the glory of God and all must seek the other’s best welfare! 1. God’s glory must determine actions! 2. We must not do that which causes a brother to stumble. 3. We seek to please men that they might be saved. (compare 1 Corinthians 9:19-23).