
The premier magazine for students (as far as we know)

No. 1 March 2009 issue

College survival 101 Know how to survive something worse than highschool

page 14 the First game master : the legend who transformed to reality page 8

TV / Movie Review:

is it a n eclipse or a breaking dawn for the film?

the beginning... the premiere of a radical magazine for students is it a dawn of the end of the world? page 16 & 20 Jo h n Ki n g s l e y Pa n g a n Editor in Chief and President

Ludivino Cl i m a c o Jr. Managing Editor

Contributors Br u c e Gi bb s Si m o n Ro s s e r Ju n e Wi l l i a m s An d r e w La w r e n c e


Wa y n e Ha m m o n d | http://waynehammond.net/

Special Thanks to:

Th e Te c h n o l o g i a n St u d e n t Pr e s s www .a r t i c l e c i t y .c o m

Undergrad Magazine is a Drop Out e-publication. We welcome original and unpublished contribution of different topics. Submissions shall become property of Undergrad Magazine and shall be subject to editorial review. Undergrad Magazine reserves the decision to publish any submitted materials.

The contributed articles and images presented in the publication are due credited and are not property of Undergrad magazine or otherwise emphasized. This magazine cost nothing so please don’t sue us. :-)

Visit us at undergrad.blog.com and undergradmag.multiply.com. Vol. 1 No. 1 March 2009 issue

Features: Cover Story: The First Game Master 8 The A-Z of Global Warming: Deforestation 20 From Tabletop to online RPG games, he molded the very It’s never inconvenient to know the truth. And if you’re foundation of gaming and Ludivino Climaco Jr. pays tribute skeptical of the Four Horsemen descending gloriously from to the memory of a gamer that started it all—Ernest Gary the heavens paving our ultimate demise, try deforestation. Gygax, the co-creator of Dungeons & Dragon. Simon Rosser will tell us why.

Sci-fi & Fantasy, Horror, Gaming, & Comic sCOOL supply: Conventions—They are not all the same 12 PS3 Game Previews and Reviews 22 fans are not to be confused with Lord of the Rings Is it worth buying the PS3 console? Andrew Lawrence will try junkies and so as their conventions. June Williams will tell us to sway you to buy one with its anticipated game releases. their difference before we embarrass ourselves by bringing a lightsaber to a horror convention. Print Screen: Let There Be Twilight 23 Alma Matter: Does this teen fantasy-romance movie get nods from Seven Steps to College Success 6 professional critics? Well, it’s difficult to answer that, but we If you’re having a post-highschool nostalgia. Get over it. It’s can consult a cracked-up one. And we’ll know from John the next level for the fittest in the classroom—the nerd shall live Kingsley Pangan if it’s lights out for the film. and the jerk will die. Bruce Gibbs lectures college survival 101. “battle of good and evil” art by John Kingsley Pangan “battle of good and evil” art by Cover Story: “Habemus Pappam” No More? 16 Could it be the end of the world or the fall of the most influential 2000-year-old Church? A saint prophesied the current pope to be the last one to lead us to an unknown end. School Memos

What should one say in moments like this? We have come bearing gifts? Welcome to the maiden voyage of Undergrad magazine. This ‘Beginning’ issue beckons a momentous genesis in the monthly publication for students and former ones.

The magazine partakes with the everyday hard roads and fun times of the youth and the youth at heart. We encourage you to ventilate your grievances, speak your mind out, and be advocates of responsibility while enjoying the times of our youth.

Ironically, besides this exuberant first step is the scrutiny of a possible revelation of our world. Are we near to the last days of our world? If we are, then is this because of our doing?

Global Warming or Biblical plagues?

Deforestation or Divine intervention?

Scientific or Prophetic?

So many questions answered only in riddled silence.

Have fun also the thrill-ride of this issue’s sections like Print Screen, a crazy movie and TV review portion where we dissect and bash even the best movies and T.V. series. Alma Matter covers about your school, the campus stereotypes, and tips for those who are studying. There is also sCOOL Supply that talks about gadgets, trends, fashion, and lifestyle of the average and the popular students. Watch out also for our next month’s issue ‘The Righteous and the Wicked Alike: or Zeroes?’ John Kingsley Pangan

Contributors Bruce Gibbs

Bruce Gibbs has been a college instructor and is the author of the college success book, Giving Away the Keys: A Professor Unlocks the Secrets to College Success. You can visit the book’s web site at www.GivingAwaytheKeys.com or pick up a copy at Amazon.com PAGE 6

June Williams

V.P. Buzzy Multimedia Publishing http://www.buzzymultimedia.com

Reference: http://www.articlecity.com/articles/hobbies/article_1189.shtml PAGE 12

Simon Rosser

A lawyer by profession, I felt inspired to write The A-Z of Global Warming book, published in June 2008, after viewing Al Gore’s docu- mentary, An Inconvenient Truth in Nov 2006. Based on the most upto date scientific information, this Deforestation extract gives a flavour of the books content. To pre-order the book from Amazon goto http://www.amazon.co.uk/Z-Global-Warming-Simon-Rosser/dp/0955809207/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&s=books &qid=1206442671&sr=1-9 PAGE 20

Andrew Lawrence

Andrew Lawrence is the developer of http://www.e-bookz-online.co.uk a site that promotes mostly info products on all subjects.

To find out more info on the PS3 you can find a full in depth report at http://www.theps3report.e-bookz-online.co.uk. PAGE 22

4 contributed articles are courtesy of www.articlecity.com Stuffs

iPod - It’s still the most popular portable media player and competitors are trying hard to climb after it. Maybe Apple Inc. can finally afford the capital ‘I’.

New Moon - have been talksT heof sequel to the Twilight another musical? Please.Dakota Fanning and Vanessa movie is scheduled to be shot this month. Mama Mia! and HighschoolHudgens Musical playing parts. There College Grads - Congratulations! Does that mean cheating screw-ups, and countless overnights at your classmate’s were house unbearable for projects enough. and theses—you have reached the end ofA yourfter yearsschool of journey kissing and you teachers’the start in asses, the real several world. another way of saying ‘out of the frying pan and into the fire. ’

Job Hunt – The world economic crisis worries students and professionals alike. crisis, the sea would turn into blood and the sky would start hailing brimstone. It’s

Summer Haven? We can suggest a really- People hot areone. planning You know, and the saving place for where perfect eternal summer suffering vacation and hotspots. allA fterthose the stuffs going on. It’s free.

Rowling’s Roles - are wondering whatT herhe authornew novel J.K. would be all about. the Battle Against Alzheimer’s. Rowling has already been knighted in original article invitationLet’s hope it’s not France. Now fans Future Freshmen Harry Potter and graduation things are- Partygoing like to getin prom weirder while in college.you still can because after your

Grandslum in the Oscars The Best Movie goes to Highschool - We still haven’t gone over the result of the awards but at least thereDark was Knightthe late. No? should have also champed Best Make-up. ONkay,o offense, Slumdog Brad. Millionaire mightA havecademy bagged the Heath Ledger for Best Awards. Supporting Actor. Dark Knight 5 Alma Matter

Seven Secrets to College Success by Bruce Gibbs Congratulations. You have made the decision to pursue higher education and to meet your goal of obtaining a college degree. You are embarking on a journey that can take you places you may have only dreamed of. c o m . istockphoto . w w w

i m a g e

c a p

g r a d u a t i o n

w i t h

g i r l Seven steps to college success

Being in college can be fun but it can also be Be confident: As an instructor, I like challenging. In this article I have put together ten 4. students who are confident in their abilities steps that can help you to be successful at your and act on them. Many times students are afraid to collegiate goals. speak up in class or write a paper about an interesting subject because they are afraid what the instructor or Be punctual: Being late for class is a their fellow students may think. As a result research 1. sign of disrespect. It tells the instructor papers or projects are sometimes dull and boring you don’t want to be in his class or that you don’t because they cover “safe” topics. It’s okay to be afraid. take the class seriously. You also miss important It’s not okay to let fear keep you from doing something information when you are late. Do you like it when you really want do. So go ahead and write that paper people are late for something you’ve planned? Of you’ve been longing to write or start on that project course not. The instructor has spent time preparing that you truly believe in. Be confident and be able to for the class and you should give the instructor the back up your findings or conclusions with evidence. time you have scheduled for his class. Besides, you have spent money for the class so you Volunteer: College instructors like students should show up on time to get what you paid for. 5. who volunteer. Volunteerism shows you Being punctual also helps when it comes time for want to really want to get involved in your major or grading. Grading is subjective and you want to do your school. You don’t have to volunteer for something everything you can to leave a positive impression big. It could be something as simple as agreeing to in your be a group discussion i n s t r u c t o r ’ s ... do everything you can to leader or leading a mind so he can class project. It could remember you leave a positive impression be volunteering to be this way doing on a student committee grading. Being in your instructor’s mind so or to be on the board of late for class he can remember you this a student chapter of an doesn’t make organization. Find ways a positive way doing grading. to volunteer. This will not impression. So only help your grades if you are habitually late, why should he sweat but it can also enhance your studies. over your grade? Take my word for it, show up on time. Be prepared for tests: Depending on your instructor, you may not know when she may Do the homework: It is a waste of 6.call a pop quiz. Successful students are prepared 2. your time and the instructor’s time if and always ready. You can be prepared by reading you just sit in class but never do the assignments. the class material before the class, participating in Not doing class assignments is a guaranteed way class discussions, and by doing the assignments and to fail. Instructors use assignments to determine exercises in your textbook. your knowledge and your grade. Assignments also help you to learn more about your field of Get to know people: Successful people study. Instructors can also tell if you half-heartedly 7. network. You have to do the same too, completed an assignment. And don’t wait until the even on a college campus. When you get to know last minute to do your assignment. If you start early people on campus they share with you information you will have a better product than if you waited that they have. This information can help you in a until the due date to start on it. class, help you to save money or a purchase, assist you in choosing a class, or even choosing a major. Ask questions: Some people think asking Networking is a very important tool in the world of 3. questions is dumb. In reality it’s just the business so you might as well practice the skill while opposite. Instructors like students who ask questions. you are in college. It shows you are interested in the class and that you really want to learn more about the subject the Remember that you can be a success in college. Yes instructor is an expert in. The question you ask is it’s hard but you can do it! probably the same question several other students in the class want answered so you’ll be doing them a favor. t o k n o w m o r e a b o u t t h e a u t h o r t u r n t o p a g e 4


by Ludivino Q. Climaco Jr.

he title of this article is inspired by the opening lines T of the obituary to the late American writer and game designer Ernest Gary Gygax at the Gen Con 2008 , which read “The first DM....” Gygax, in co- creating the pioneering and popular Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy game with fellow designer David “Dave” L. Arneson in 1974, is generally acknowledged as one of the fathers of the tabletop role-playing game, the original form of role-playing game (which will simply be referred to as “RPG” from this point on).

An RPG is a game in which its players play the roles of fictional characters. The players decide the actions of their characters that a formal system of rules and guidelines consider valid, and the success or failure of such actions are determined by such system. The players may improvised as much as the rules allow them, thereby affecting the direction and result of the game with their choices. One player called the Game Master (GM) describes the imaginary place and the actions of its inhabiting characters to the other players for their characters to interact with. The players, in response, describe the actions of their own characters to the GM. Finally, the GM describes the outcomes of all these actions according to the system of rules mentioned earlier. Obviously, the GM play the roles of everything else except the players’ characters. Most RPGs are played like a radio drama where only voice acting is required, which is why the players usually just sit around a table and conduct the game as a small social gathering. The details of the characters are usually image from the W ires undergrad | March 2009

created Chainmail, a miniatures wargame that was based on medieval-era tactical combat. For the second edition of Chainmail published in 1972, he added a supplement with fantasy elements to the rules. Among the elements were non-human warriors drawn from the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien and other sources. Rules for individual heroic characters, including wizards, were also included. The wizards had access to ten spells that could be used to affect a battle, like fireballs and lightning. It was the combination of fantasy elements with real-world rules in the second edition of Chainmail that attracted Arneson, then a history student working part time as a security guard. Arneson himself derived his ideas of the modern tabletop RPG from the miniature wargames he played with the Midwest Military Simulation Association, a gamer group in the Minneapolis- tracked on sheets of paper. Most systems of rules St. Paul in the late 1960s. His games with the typically require players to roll dice or employ some group involved non-combat objectives for each player, sort of randomizer to determine the outcome of most a significant departure from wargaming towards more of their characters’ actions, most typically in combat individualized play and varied challenges of later RPGs. or other stressful situations. DM stands for Dungeon When he began meeting with Gygax and the latter’s Castle Master, the term for GM in D&D. & Crusade Society chapter of the IFW since the second Anyway, Gygax was born in on July 27, 1938, Gen Con, their wargaming eventually led to a form of the son of Swiss immigrant and Chicago Symphony acting gaming called “role-playing”, which involved more Orchestra violinist Ernst Gygax. His family moved to individual combats than wargaming would allow. Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, in 1946, where he stayed Arneson incorporated the supplement to the second until his death in 2008. His interest in edition of Chainmail to the rules he made for his and fantasy was born out of pulp novels his father let RPG that involved medieval miniatures exploring the him read. He was also very interested in gaming since dungeons of a castle inhabited by fantastic monsters. the age of five, starting with chess and card games. When he ran this game, Gygax immediately saw the When he was ten years old, he began with some friends potential of role-playing games. Gygax then work what is now known as the “live action RPG” (LARP), with Arneson to develop the latter’s RPG, developing where one of them acted as a referee while the others, supplemental rules and adding other fantasy instead of describing their characters’ actions, act these elements. The game that evolved was Blackmoor, out, often in costume. which modern D&D players would consider as just a Coupled with a fascination with history, Gygax became campaign setting--a fictional world that serves as a involved in miniature wargames in 1953, and was setting for an RPG campaign, which is a continuing soon beginning to design his own games. A miniature storyline or set of adventures, typically involving the wargame was simply a representation of a military same characters--and not a complete game. The operation that incorporated miniature figures and gameplay would now be recognizable to the same modeled terrain as the main components of play. By players, featuring the use of fixed hit points (the 1965, he was contributing many articles for magazines amount of damage a character can endure before dedicated to wargame hobby. Then he devised passing out or dying) and armor class (how protected innovative ways of generating random numbers and a character is from physical damage), character used not only the common six-sided die but also dice development (levels and experience points), and with four sides, eight sides, ten sides, twelve sides and dungeon crawls (perhaps the simplest type of RPG even twenty sides. adventure in which the players’ characters navigate a In the 1960s, Gygax, then an insurance underwriter, labyrinthine environment, battling various monsters co-founded the International Federation of Wargamers and looting any treasure they may find). (IFW), an organization of several wargaming clubs that After phone and mail design collaboration, Gygax and worked to promote interest in gaming, particularly those Arneson wanted to publish Blackmoor, later called The set in the the medieval era. He then held the first Lake Fantasy Game, but Arneson could not afford to invest Geneva gaming convention, then primarily a wargaming in the venture. So Gygax quit his day job in 1973 and only convention, or Gen Con for short (now one of North attempted to publish the game through Avalon Hill, America’s largest annual hobby-game gatherings). but he got turned down. After a couple more failed In 1971, Gygax, now a shoe repairman to make more attempts to get The Fantasy Game published, Gygax time for pursuing his interest in game development, co- partnered with childhood friend Don Kaye and founded the Tactical Studies Rules publishing game company

10 underThe firstgrad g |a Marme mcasterh 2009

(later known as TSR, Inc.), with $1,000 for startup hired Lorraine Williams to take over the management costs. later joined TSR as an equal one- of the company from his fellow board members, Brian & third partner, bringing the financing to publish The Kevin Blume. Williams soon bought the Blumes’ shares, Fantasy Game as D&D. D&D was first released by TSR gaining majority control of TSR. Gygax tried to stop the in January 1974 as a boxed set with a print run of acquisition of the shares in court but failed. In 1985, 1,000 copies, put together by hand in Gygax’s home, Gygax sold his remaining stock and left. Meanwhile, that was sold out in less than a year. In the same year, sales of D&D reached $29 million. Gygax created the The Strategic Review magazine After TSR, Gygax continued to author RPG titles with himself as editor that then transitioned into the independently, beginning with Dangerous Journeys in The Dragon fantasy periodical, with himx as writer, 1992. He also designed another gaming system called columnist, and publisher (from 1978 to 1981). Gygax Lejendary Adventure, published in 1999. In 2005, Gygax wrote the Greyhawk, Eldritch Wizardry, and Swords was involved in the Castles & Crusades role-playing & Spells supplements for the original D&D game. game, which was conceived as a hybrid between the The D&D Basic Set, geared towards younger players game’s third edition rules and the classic version of the in 1977, was based largely on Gygax’s work on the game created by Gygax. original D&D boxed set. “Blackmoor” became one of Gygax was married twice, first in 1958 and then in 1987, the first two major D&D settings, and the Blackmoor and had six children, five in the first marriage and one supplement became the second D&D supplement in the second. His first two children would later assist in 1975. In the early 1970s, Arneson’s gaming group in play-testing D&D. Minnesota began the “Blackmoor” campaign and has In 2004, Gygax suffered two strokes, narrowly avoided continued to play to the present. a subsequent heart attack, and was then diagnosed Beginning in 1977, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons with an inoperable abdominal aortic aneurysm, from (AD&D), a new version of D&D, was created. The which he died in March 4, 2008. The plaque dedicated Monster Manual would be the first AD&D supplemental to Gygax at Gen Con 2008 reads in full,: rule book, with many books to follow. AD&D was not compatible with D&D, and as a result, they would have The first DM, distinct product lines. Gygax authored the following He taught us to roll the dice. rule books for the new system’s, namely the Players He opened the door to new worlds. Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide, Monster Manual, His work shaped our industry. Monster Manual II, Unearthed Arcana, and Oriental He brought us Gen Con, Adventures. He also authored or co-authored numerous For this we thank him. AD&D & basic D&D adventure modules (pre-packaged books or box sets that help the DM manage the plot In fond memory of Gary Gygax or story of a game). Sales of the Dungeons & Dragons and in celebration of his spirit and accomplishments. game reached $8.5 million in 1980. In 1979, a Michigan State University student, while Gary Gygax received several awards related to gaming, playing a D&D LARP, supposedly disappeared into the including the Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & school’s steam tunnels. Negative mainstream media Design Origins Award Hall of Fame 1980. Sync Magazine attention fell on the game as a result. In 1982, Patricia named him #1 on the list of “The 50 Biggest Nerds of Pulling, blaming his son’s suicide on D&D, formed All Time”. In 1999, Pyramid magazine named him as an organization named Bothered About Dungeons & one of The Millennium’s Most Influential Persons “in the Dragons (B.A.D.D.) to attack the game and TSR. Gygax realm of adventure gaming.” Gygax was tied with J. R. defended the game on a segment of 60 Minutes that R. Tolkien for #18 on GameSpy’s 30 Most Influential was aired in 1985. When death threats reached TSR, People in Gaming. All three 4th D&D core rulebooks are Gygax hired a bodyguard. However, in 1982, annual also “dedicated to the memory of E. Gary Gygax”. D&D sales increased to $16 million, and in January 1983, The New York Times speculated that Dungeons & Here in the Philippines, only a handful of people play Dragons might become “the great game of the 1980s” RPGs and know about Gygax and his contributions to in the same way that Monopoly was emblematic of the the RPG industry. A great number play computer RPGs, Great Depression. however, but have sadly never heard of the man. After TSR was split into separate companies in 1983, Perhaps only players of collectible card games like Magic Gygax held the positions of President and the Chairman The Gathering (produced by , the of the Board of Directors of TSR and the President of company that bought a near-bankrupt TSR in 1997) and TSR Entertainment, Inc. As part of TSR Entertainment miniature games hobbyists, who at least outnumber (later Dungeons & Dragons Entertainment Corp.), RPG players know or are in a better position of knowing Gygax co-produced the licensed Dungeons & Dragons Gygax. I hope this article will begin to change all that. I animated television series for CBS. The show topped hope it will be instrumental in rendering to this man the its time slot for two years. full gratitude and honor he deserves from all of us who Unfortunately, when Gygax came back to TSR in love RPGs in its various forms. 1984, the company was already $1.5M in debt. He

11 Feature

Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Horror, Gaming, Anime & Comic Conventions - They Are Not All The Same

by June Williams a n g a n P i n g s l e y K o h n J b y

llustration I

very large number of people who have A never attended a Sci-Fi convention have the idea that they are all about people standing in line to get autographs of actors while wearing Klingon makeup and costumes or pointed ears. I’m not saying that those stereotypes don’t exist but the Convention experience is much richer and diverse than you may have been led to believe. To get the best experience it is important first consider your interests and then match them to what conventions are available.

t o k n o w m o r e a b o u t t h e a u t h o r t u r n t o p a g e 4 12 Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Horror, Gaming, Anime & Comic Conventions

and publishing? Would you like to mingle with Conventions come in two primary flavors. like-minded fans and meet professionals in Professional and fan run. Professional the field such as authors, editors, illustrators conventions should have actors who have and publishers? Then a literary convention appeared in genre television and films ready to would be the place you might enjoy most. sign autographs and have their photos taken Conventions such as World Science Fiction with fans. Some of these conventions include Convention (which is where the Hugo awards the costs of autographs and photo sessions in are announced), the World Fantasy Convention, the cost of admission others operate in more of World Horror Convention, Balticon, Philcon, an a la carte fashion. Lunacon, Boskone, Readercon, Wiscon and Capclave are all reader friendly and while you Often genre conventions have previews of new may find the occasional filking group, men in shows and films, and usually an extensive kilts, swords and women in medieval garb I dealer’s room where you can buy anything doubt that you’ll see many people dressed like from jewelry, ornaments, t-shirts and action the attendees of the convention seen in the figures to full scale replicas and costumes...and movie Galaxy Quest. OK maybe one or two but more. While there are a number of professional they are a tiny minority. promoters the best known and run are Chiller Theatre Expo, Creation Entertainment, Fed Con ( Germany ), Starland and Vulcon. Do expect things to be as advertised and run on time. Do not expect warm and fuzzy. Media Conventions

Warm and fuzzy is more the field of fan run Media conventions are very much about conventions. Fans who get together to run television and film. Science Fiction & Fantasy or conventions have a great deal of enthusiasm, Horror & Paranormal guests abound. You may but usually are run with a volunteer staff and meet and hear behind the scenes stories of can be a bit “bumpy” with organization of actors and illustrators, SFX experts and make- the activities. What you can expect? A movie up artists and a host of media professionals. room, anime room, gaming room, art show, Many of the attendees may be wearing dealer’s room, and various special interest costumes. Depending on whether you are going group rooms and tables. It is a rare con that to a “pro” con or a fan run con the rest will vary doesn’t have a dance and a masquerade. Many greatly. Parties are expected and encouraged. fan run conventions also have guests ranging At a pro convention this will take the form of from actors, authors, cartoonists, illustrators, a banquet with the guests at a fee and/or a scientists etc. You may also find workshops for dance or cocktail party all for various prices. writing, acting, art, costuming, make-up and Fan run convention also may have a price special effects. It all varies from convention attached to a banquet or “private” gathering to convention and year to year. Older fan run with a particular celebrity or celebrities but they conventions such as Aggie Con, Balticon, Bay will also have fee free dances, masquerades, Con, CONvergence, Dragon Con, ICON, Shore art shows, filking, sword demonstrations etc. Leave, United Fan Con, Toronto Trek to name Toronto Trek, Celebration, BotCon, Dragon Con a few. , Comic-Con ( both Dragon Con and Comicon will appear under many categories) The following sections may help you in selecting the kind of convention you would enjoy the most. Don’t be afraid to try other sorts once you’ve sampled those that are in your comfort • GAMING CONVENTIONS zone. Exploration can be fun: G a m e r s come in all shapes, sizes, ages, colors and Literary Conventions ethnic backgrounds but they all have something in common. A love of games. Role playing, live, pen and paper, MMOG as well as video gamers Love to read speculative fiction? Do you have and board gamers all have a lot of interactive an interest in attending workshops on writing fun at gaming conventions. You can meet game

13 undergrad | March 2009 Fans who get together to run conventions have a great deal of enthusiasm...

designers, try out new games that have yet to are often panels discussing aspects of , hit the general market, and play in tournaments fan fiction, video games, favorite voice actors, for glory and prizes. Once an almost male-only anime series or movies. As in literary conventions pursuit, gaming now has a growing number there are often workshops. These workshops of female enthusiasts Gaming has become so are mostly how to draw manga, make computer pervasive that it is now nearly socially acceptable animation, or how to become a voice actor. The to the mainstream public. Nearly. dealers room will be filled with DVDs , software, graphic novel manga, art books, apparel, toys There are giant conventions like GENCON and exotic ( for us ) foods. and ORIGINS, where it is so crowded you While the U.S. and Canada have the largest may have trouble negotiating the exhibition SF conventions in the world the largest Anime halls due to the crowds. The upside is the conventions are Lucca Comics & Games in great diversity and FREEBIES as there are so Lucca Italy ( 85,000 ) , Japan Expo in Paris many gaming companies competing for your France ( 83,000 ) Salon del Manga in Barcelona attention. Then there are the more intimate Spain ( 63,000 ) and Romics in Rome Italy ( play intensive ones like , CastleCon, 50,000 ). The big guys in are Dragonflight Dreikonigsnacht (Twelfth Night), Anime Expo (41,000), Festival of Dreams, HexaCon, KublaCon, Otakon Baltimore Maryland (23,000) and MACE, MarsCon, Marmalade Dog, ShaunCon, A-Kon Dallas Texas (14,500). Hey, size isn’t Strategicon, The Once and Future Con, and everything and some of the smallest might many many more. be the way to start if you have never been to a con before!! Keep in mind that many conventions other than pure gaming conventions have gaming tracks. If you like to game but want to do more Horror Conventions than only game during the weekend you might look into some of the other cons with a strong gaming element. What a perfect place to let it all hang out (dating myself but who cares). Horror conventions revel in going over the top. Long live Elvira, Freddy Anime Conventions Krueger, Jason, Dracula, Zacherley, Even the names of these conventions and expos are meant to be graphic illustrations of what you will For the older generation anime seems so foreign, find there. Chiller Theatre, Fangoria, Fright Night even unreachable. It shouldn’t be. Yes, anime Film and Fantasy Fest, HorrorFind, HorrorHound and its siblings manga and ahem *cough* hentai Weekend, Spooky Empire. Nothing to subtle are of Japanese origin but the striking visual here. No sparing of the gore. It’s like the styles and beauty, the characters and stories rollercoaster of genre conventions. If you have connect with westerners as well as audiences in a strong stomach and a dark sense of humor the east. Because they are animations they can you will have tons of fun. The dealer’s room, art either be sub-titled or dubbed in the language show, video rooms all are in sync with the horror of the country where it is being broadcast. In theme. Guests that reach back decades up to the anime the stars are the illustrators, authors, and present. Once again there is a chance to meet voice actors. At conventions you will find many actors, artists and authors for autographs, photo of these sorts of guests as well as companies promoting their projects. You will also find some shoots, and anecdotes. Attendees go wild with of the most imaginative of costumes created costumes and you can do so too even without a and worn by fans. At larger conventions you ton of money or a pile of cash. Try out your best may find multiple rooms running films day and monsterish clothes and make-up or come asa night. At smaller ones perhaps just one room victim…or not. Costumes aren’t required, they will be devoted to showing their favorites. There are just fun. There is usually a monster mash

14 Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Horror, Gaming, Anime & Comic Conventions

... but usually are run with a volunteer staff and can be a bit “bumpy” with organization of the activities. even if that isn’t the name given. Some horror Lee himself, you might get your chance. How conventions invite guests that more about about James & Oliver Phelps who played the nostalgia than horror. Chiller Con is a good Weasley Twins in the Harry Potter movies ? example of this. Some of their guests are Micky Or perhaps or Billy Boyd and even Dolenz from the Monkees, Ernest Borgnine , Elijah Wood . From Heroes Hayden Paniterre Lindsay Wagner, Brigitte Nielson, Katey Sagal and Masi Oka, or Ice-T…yes I said Ice-T AND (Married with Children), Stephen Baldwin, his swimsuit-model wife Coco. Daniel Baldwin, Barry Bostwick, Erin Murphy (Tabitha of Bewitched), , Armin For a walk down memory lane there is Erik Shimmerman, Robert Picardo, Geri Reischel (Jan Estrada, Betsy Palmer, Soupy Sales, Richard from The Brady Bunch), Susan Olsen (Cindy Hatch, John Saxon, Adam West and Burt from The Brady Bunch),Joe Pantoliano,Richard Ward ( Batman and Robin) , Julie Newmar, Kiel (“Jaws” Moonraker), Lou Ferrigno, William Peter Mayhew, Eddie Byrnes (77 Sunset B Davies (X-Files-Cancer Man), Stella Stevens, Strip), Erin Gray (Buck Rodgers), Gary Frank Stallone, Ron Bumblefoot ( Guns N Roses Coleman, Lou Ferrigno and on and on. Some ) and a host of others. are from your childhood others are from your parents childhoods. I can tell you that when I unexpectedly got to meet the very ladylike and Comic Convention gracious Betsy Palmer it was a thrill. The bottom line is conventions are places When you think of a convention where adults can go and play and slough off you will probably think of a sea of old comic the average workday week . Have fun !! books, toys, Star Wars stuff, stuff, action figures, collectible card games and magazines for sale and you would be right but that is only a part and an increasingly small part of the experience. You will find illustrators, authors, publishers and very often interesting workshops and panels that deal with every aspect of the industry past, present and future. There are the costume contingents that always show up at the larger conventions and some are so good that you could almost believe you Do you love or hate us? were seeing superheroes and villains walk out of the pages and off the screen to meet you and To get it out of your chest send your be photographed. Some cons such as Dragon comments, suggestions, and opinions Con and Comic-Con began solely as comic to [email protected] or visit conventions but grew to tremendous size, scope undergrad.blog.com and undergradmag. and diversity that they have transcended the multiply.com. genre that gave rise to them. Even those such as HEROES which remains focused on comics manages to have a number of other aspects and should be able to keep the whole family amused for the weekend. Comic conventions often have a lot of pop culture and nostalgia guests. So if you would like to see people like Creature, Parthenon and Fat Mama from Who wants to be a Superhero or maybe even Stan

15 Cover Story “HABEMUS PAPPAM NO MORE? “In the designs of Divine Providence, there are no mere coincidences.” John Paul II, Pope, 1978-2000

*This article was first published on Techno (the official magazine of the The Technologian Student Press) Volume no. 18 Issue no. 2, page 9-11 PAPPAM” ayne H ammond | http://waynehammond.net/ NO MORE? Photograph by W “In the designs of Divine Providence, there are no mere coincidences.” John Paul II, Pope, 1978-2000

wenty-six years of serving the Servants Tof God came to an end, in accordance with the Mysterious Salvific Plan of Divine Providence, on the eve of the Feast of the Divine Mercy: Pope John Paul II, The Polish Pope, The Traveling Pope, The Evangelizing Pope, The Pope of World Youth Day, The Defender of the Faith took the hand of his Master, our Lord Jesus Christ and made his final journey to the heavenly mansion prepared for him by the Son in the Eternal House of our Loving Father. To most of us the world over, this pope was

*This article was first published on Techno (the official magazine of the The Technologian Student Press) Volume no. 18 Issue no. 2, page 9-11 undergrad | March 2009

... the saint saw a long list of popes who were to follow Innocent II...

the only pope we knew all our lives— it really following: St. Malachy O’Morgair was born in seemed that he was the only pope there ever Armagh (now Northern Ireland) in 1094, died was or, dare I confess it, the only one there ever in the arms of St. Bernard of Clairvaux in 1148, will be. An Italian archbishop, in the early years and was canonized by Pope Clement III in 1199. of this late pope’s reign, once even thought the Numerous miracles were recorded of him, and same thing, “Its curious. You’d think that he had was also endowed with the gift of prophecy. It always been Pope.” I mean, let’s be honest was said that he precisely predicted the day here, I actually wished he’d just be Pope forever, and hour of his death. However, some claimed or that someone like him would fill his shoes, his prophecies regarding his native Ireland at least. I’m even audacious enough to believe never happened. now that most of you feel the same thing too. Now what’s with his prophecies about the Yet, someone did succeed him 17 days after — popes? Joseph Aloysius Cardinal Ratzinger. On April “The Prophecies of St. Malachy: Introduction 19, in one of the fastest conclave in history, and Commentary by Peter Bander” republished this former Prefect of the Congregation of the in 1973 the alleged prophecies of St. Malachy Doctrine of the Faith was chosen by the fourth about the 112 remaining popes to follow Pope ballot, and chose to be Pope Benedict XVI in Innocent II are said to have first appeared response to the call of the Holy Spirit. The white in the book “Lignum Vitae,” written by the smoke emerged, the bells rang, and the new Benedictine historian Arnold Wion in 1559. Vicar of Christ came out from the logia of St. Since then, the book noted that controversy Peter, greeting the visible crowd gathered before over the authenticity and authorship of the him and the invisible audience of the rest of the prophecies has produced many new editions world. Caught between mourning the death of and publications, each one trying to prove its the late pope and rejoicing in the election of author’s personal belief. another, the Catholic Church welcomed the The book continued with this hypothesis of announcement “Habemus Pappam!” with a sigh Abbot Cucherat in his own book “Proph. de la of bittersweet relief— we now have a pope at succession des papes” in 1871: St. Malachy last. had a strange vision of the future during his But how would you feel if you discovered there visit to Rome between 1139 and 1140 (the visit are no more popes left? How would you feel if was to provide an accounting of the affairs of this pope we have now is the last one? How his diocese to Pope Innocent II, who reigned would you feel once you realize the last time at the time). While in Rome, the saint saw a you’ve heard “Habemus pappam!” was really the long list of popes who were to follow Innocent last time? Well, someone from the 12th century II and lead the Church until the end of time. supposedly prophesied all the popes who will He wrote his vision on paper and handed it to lead the Church from that time until the end of the pope. Instead of names, the manuscript world— and he is not Nostradamus. had a list of 112 words and phrases in Latin— So who is this St. Malachy? each one associated to a certain pope either The Catholic Encyclopedia (accessible online at by name, country, coat-of-arms, birthplace, http://www.newadvent.org) provides us with the talent or learning, title of cardinalate, office and

18 “Habemus pappam” no more?

... and lead the Church until the end of time. He wrote his vision on paper and handed it to the pope.

ranks held or significant historic events during his reign (1700–1721). “However”, the book his reign. The pope read the manuscript and insisted, “…it is fair to say that the vast majority of placed it in the archives, where it remained Malachy’s predictions about successive Popes hidden for nearly 400 years. However, the is amazingly accurate— always remembering book admits that Cucherat had no evidence to that he gives only a minimum of information.” support his hypothesis. A third most common objection the book They’ve got to be fakes, right? discussed is the inclusion of antipopes. Although Because of limited space, we will mention only two of them were clearly marked as schismatic, three of the most common objections to the namely “Corvus Schismaticus” and “Schisma prophecies in the book and its responses to Barchinonicum”, it pointed out that the others these. were included among the legitimate ones, A most common objection the book discussed without any remark on their schismatic position. is that of the silence of St. Bernard of Clairvaux However, the book actually acknowledged the and of those authors who had written about the inclusion of antipopes as a point in favor of popes linked to the prophecies. Admitting it to the saint. Its reason: the antipopes are, after be a good argument against authenticity, the all, historical figures, who held high Episcopal book offered this speculation: Claude Francois offices before claiming the papacy and were Menestrier, a famous 17th century Jesuit recognized as legitimate by their followers priest, conjectured the origin of the prophecies, (within limits at the time). It concluded, “the perhaps influenced by this argument, to be the fact that events proved them wrong or even conclave of 1590. He even identified the forger schismatic does not belittle the important of the prophecies to be a follower of Cardinal function and position they commanded at the Simoncelli (who was part of that conclave) time.” whose agenda was the cardinal’s election Paul VI (baptized Giovanni Battista Montini), as pope. This follower, Menestrier claimed, 1963–1978 invented the words “Ex Antiquitate Urbis” to According to the book, he was “Flos Florum” allude to Orvieto (“Urbs Vetus” in Latin), which (Latin for “Flower of Flowers”) in the prophecies, was Simoncelli’s birthplace, as well as the rest and his coat-of-arms did have three fleur-de-lis of the prophecies. However, the book notes (a device that looked like a stylized iris flower that, like Cucherat, Menestrier had no evidence with three petals) symbols. to support his conjecture. John Paul I (baptized Albino Luciani), August Another most common objection the book 26–September 28, 1978 discussed is that of the unscrupulousness According to the October, 1995 article “List of the methods of some interpreters in of Popes with References to St. Malachy’s associating the prophecies to certain popes. Prophecy” of Mike Hebert and a certain Zoltan, As an example, the book cited the case of he was “De Medietate Lunae” (Latin for either Pope Clement XI’s followers: convinced he “Of the Half of the Moon” or “Of the Middle of the was “Flores Circumdati” (Latin for “Surrounded Month”) in the prophecies, and his short reign of with Flowers”) in the prophecies, they struck a 34 days did begin with the moon in a last quarter medal that bore exactly the same words during phase — appearing like a perfect half-disk in the 44 continue page 25 19 Cover Story


A-Z of Global Warming: Deforestation

Deforestation is basically the loss or destruction of forest habitat, primarily as a result of the action of human beings.

by Simon Rosser

t o k n o w m o r e a b o u t t h e a u t h o r t u r n t o p a g e 4 The a-z of global warming

It is the single largest source of land- use greenhouse mining and road construction and of course gas emissions, and accounts for around 18 -20% of logging and commercial agriculture. global greenhouse gas emissions. It’s not entirely fair to blame the developing We know from a previous article, trees and vegetation nations for all the deforestation however. Whilst act as sinks or stores for carbon dioxide, one of the countries like Brazil and Indonesia may be the most important greenhouse gases. Stored carbon main culprits now, up until the early 20th Century taken out of the atmosphere by photosynthesis emissions of CO2 through land use changes through decades of growth is released back into the came from developed nations. It’s a natural atmosphere as vegetation and trees are cut down and step for developing nations to clear forest-land burnt, or, as unburned organic matter slowly dies. for agriculture and habitation. The fact is that This process contributes to atmospheric CO2 levels. as developed nations have already deforested many areas long ago, there is more pressure The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United on developing nations to preserve what is left. Nations (FAO) who are the leading source for Of course population growth is another major information on the status of the worlds forests define factor which will be discussed in a later chapter. forests as, “land with a tree canopy of greater than Another significant point is that trees in topical 10%, and an area of more than half a hectare”. The forests typically hold on average about 50% organisation defines deforestation as, “ the conversion more carbon per hectare than trees outside the of forest to another land use or long term reduction tropics. Therefore deforestation in these areas of the tree canopy cover below the minimum 10% causes greater amounts of CO2 to be released threshold.” into the atmosphere than deforestation outside of the tropics. Land change and co2. Future of the forests. Land use changes are driven almost entirely by emissions caused through deforestation, which is Remarkably when talking about land use change highly concentrated in a few countries. Indonesia emissions, countries such as the USA, Europe contributes approximately 30% of land use CO2 and China were in the year 2000 net absorbers emissions with Brazil around 20%. It is estimated of CO2 as a result of their aforestation (planting that about 80,000 acres or 32,000 hectares are being new forests) and reforestation (re establishing old lost every day. This is the equivalent of about 117,000 forest areas) programs. However, the planting of km2, (45,173 sq miles) each year. one tree does not offset the damage caused by the removal of another, as trees absorb CO2 very Total world rainforest cover is now about 6 million slowly. It could take 100 years for a growing tree km2, (2,316,602 sq miles), which equates to about to recover all the CO2 released when a mature 5% of Earth’s land surface. Only a few thousand years tree is cut down!. For this reason, carbon offset ago, rainforests covered about 12% of the worlds programs which suggest planting a tress to offset land surface, around 15.5 million km2, (6 million sq co2 produced are pretty worthless, due to the miles). A quick calculation reveals that if forest cover time it would take for that tree to remove co2 is being lost at the rate of 117,000 km2 a year, then it from the atmosphere. will only take in the region of 51 years for the world’s rainforests to be destroyed! (6,000,000 divided by There is some good news however, as in 2006 117,000). the Brazilian government announced a sharp drop in deforestation. Loss for the year 2005/6 Destruction at this level would lead to the release of was 13,100 km2, (5,057 sq miles) down more vast amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, further than 40% from the year before. Its too early thickening the CO2 “blanket” that surrounds our to say whether this is a declining trend, or just planet and no doubt lead to an increased warming of one good year out of the pervious eight where the atmosphere. deforestation levels were all in excess of 16,000 km2, (6,177 sq miles). Between 2000 and 2006 Brazil lost nearly 150,000km2, (57,915 sq miles) of forest, an area the As the worlds forests are being destroyed, huge size of Greece, and since 1970 over 600,000 km2, amounts of CO2 are being released back into the (231,660 sq miles) has been destroyed. atmosphere. The forests that were once able to absorb and store this potent greenhouse gas, will It is now estimated that almost 20% of the Amazon has no longer be standing which will push CO2 levels been destroyed, which is considerably alarming when up higher, thereby contributing to the warming of one considers that the Amazon rainforest represents Earth’s climate. about 50% of the worlds tropical rainforests.

There are various causes for deforestation, and they Copyright (c) 2008 Simon Rosser include, Cattle ranching, Activities of farmers, fires,

Illustration b y Jo h n Ki n g s l e y Pa n g a n 21 sCOOL supply PS3 Game Previews and Reviews

by Andrew M. Lawrence

The Sony PS3 will be the most powerful on having a PS3, you might prefer PS3 game console ever released. The impressive reviews from sites that deal with nothing parallel processing architecture and powerful else. Dedicated community fansites tend to GPU allows for arguably the most ambitious have active discussion forms full of analysis releases on a console ever. Certainly, the of every last detail. More to the point, the graphics and performance the system will staff who run such sites are generally fans deliver will outstrip that of its more prudent themselves, and are just as interested in the competitors, Xbox 360, and Nintendo’s Wii. system and games they post about, which It should come as no surprise then, that is usually reflected in their reporting. Sites many of the most anticipated titles of 2007 like PSXextreme, PSrules, PS3 Power, and will launch on the PS3, some on multiple PS3 Land are all good sources of PS3 game platforms, others exclusively. As impressive previews. Naturally, there aren’t any PS3 as the hardware is, it’s really not important reviews out yet, but these sites are already in the scheme of things; what really matters geared up and equipped to start posting is what games you can actually play! them as soon as they hit the shelves in November. The PS3 is costly enough as it is, and as with anything else you invest in, you Anticipated titles at release time will include wouldn’t want to do it before reading up the fourth game in the ever popular Gran on it first. What better way to do that, than Turismo series, Madden 07, Vampire’s to check out some PS3 game previews? Rain, Crysis, Fatal Inertia, MotorStorm, Generally speaking, the best sources of PS3 Assassin’s Creed, Call of Duty 3, NBA Live previews will come from those websites 07, Need for Speed: Carbon, Mobile Suit and magazines that have generally covered Gundam: Crossfire, Resistance: Fall of PS2 and the original PS from the outset. Man, and F.E.A.R. Also keep in mind that General gaming sites like Gamespy/IGN, the PS3 is going to be widely backwards Gamespot, 1up, and GamesIndustry.biz compatible with older PS and PS2 games, are generally good sources of quick, easy which you’ll be able to buy from Son’y PNP to read news, game previews, and reviews. service, if you don’t already have them The quality varies, but what is common – one of the major selling points! For

to each of these is that they will compare your PS3, game reviews already written P S 3 imagel from the wiires their subject matter to the competition. will be just as useful. Finally, going back In this case, exclusive PS3 titles would be even further, Sony has announced that a compared against games on Xbox 360 and wide variety of Genesis (MegaDrive) Wii in any PS3 game review. games will be also be compatible with the PS3, opening up yet more games to its If you’re already a fan, and you’re set repertoire.

t o k n o w m o r e a b o u t t h e a u t h o r t u r n t o p a g e 4 22 Print Screen

Let there be Twilight by John Kingsley Pangan

It took more than a vampire slayer to vanquish town of Forks near Washington to stay for a while the blood-draining hype around the novel with her father. In her new school, she met the Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and the movie enigmatic Edward Cullen. After being saved from adaptation. Even poor old Harry Potter’s a fatal accident by Edward, Bella began probing powerful spells can’t stop the postponement around the dark secrets shrouding around her of the then original release of the trailer of mysterious rescuer. The more Edward pushed the sixth installment the Half-Blood Prince in her away for her safety, the more growing the big screen to avoid fangs of another best- attraction persisted within the odd couple. Bella selling phenomenon. In the dawn of Twilight’s was already involved with the wonders and DVD release, now would be a good time for its dangers of Edward’s world, and met his strange review. The movie stars Kristen Stewart (The but good vampire family. As the story progresses, Messengers) as the accident-prone teenager they encountered other ravenous vampires who Isabella Swan and Robert Pattinson (Harry threatened Bella’s life and obviously Edward Potter and the Goblet of Fire, ironically) as saved her just an inch from death. Edward Cullen, the mysterious good-looking student who turned out to be a vampire; this Let’s critique first the premise of the story. I’m 2008 film is directed by Catherine Hardwicke. really tired of the vampire sub-genre and when I heard the novel Twilight was translated into Twilight starts when Isabella or “Bella”, as she screen I had my doubtful stance. As Anne Rice persistently wanted to be called, traveled to the novels were painful enough, the movie Blade was

Twilight pictorial from the wiires 23 undergrad | March 2009

adding salt to the injuries. Most people would roll self-respecting feminist would go as far as saying their eyes over the vampire-falls-in-love-with-a- “Hi, wanna go to the dance with me?” That part mortal plot. However, objective as I want to be in the script is pointless. The novel didn’t even I need to see the chick flick first before giving mention it. my sentence. And I actually started watching the film and surprisingly found it entertaining. The And Bella Swan —let’s talk about that model-teen genre was presented in a way different than I of a main character in the story for a moment. expected. Most of vampire films are portrayed While Edward made countless struggles and always in a dark classical adult tone and it’s sacrifices for Bella’s happiness, all she cared either typically in horror or action. However, about is herself. Many times she used her friends Twilight’s rendition of the sub-genre was more as solutions to her angst but doesn’t care what of a teen fantasy and its mood was a bit lighter. would happen to them at the same time. I never The romance of Edward and Bella sprouts a lot seen such a selfish person in my life (well, besides of complication. Edward craved for her blood. He my ex-boss), and most of my fellow critics of the even wanted badly to murder Bella for it. And novel thought so too. If you don’t believe me, yet, part of him wanted to protect her; things read the New Moon and Eclipse. worsen when Edward doesn’t want to change her into an immortal like him and Bella, on the other Loyalists to the novel complained the hand, wanted badly to become an immortal to 360-degree turn of the story when made into be with him forever. a movie. It’s comprehendible the story has to change profoundly to fit to a more or less I also liked the version of vampires. Contrary 90 minute film. The movie presented another to the typical bloodsuckers, the vampires in the version close to the story. Some parts of the story don’t sleep, don’t grow fangs, can walk on story would seem realistic than the novel. One daylight and can’t be burned by sunlight. The example is Bella’s reaction to the discovery of thing that held my interest is Edward’s weird Edward being a vampire. In the novel, after foster family of vampires and their possession realizing the vampire traits that mirrored to of variety of uncanny abilities. Besides that, Edward’s, Bella was like “It doesn’t matter. they deny their nature on feasting on human, In fact, I even could care less even you smell rather they nurture on animal blood. They call like a dead body. No pun intended.” Well, she themselves ‘vegetarians’. didn’t actually say it that way. In the movie after adding things up Bella was shocked and There are also downsides to the film. One is the almost speechless even in the forest, which atrociously cheesy romantic scene of Bella and was a natural and better reaction. I have a Edward in the forest. Suddenly, everyone is talking dozen of comparisons about the movie and like in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. I understand this the novel, but let’s just leave it that. is some kind of hormone-fueled teen romance inside a tinted flask of medieval myth but its kind Then we have the actors. Bella Swan is described of Romeo and Juliet hokey. Like Edward saying, to be an attractive yet private person. She is shy, “Your breath is like a drug to me….” Oh please, doesn’t want attention from a crowd, very clumsy, could somebody get this guy to a rehab. And easily embarrassed and a trouble magnet, and another thing (and I need this out of my chest) Kristen Stewart successfully captured the private is the scene at La Push beach when Bella’s friend attitude and clumsiness of Bella. However, Angela wailed over the impossibility of Eric asking the Panic Room actress seemed to be less her to the prom. All of a sudden, Bella advises enthusiastic and almost cynical in her portrayal. her like it wouldn’t hurt to stand up and ask him She no doubt suits the role—her physical features herself like a “strong, independent woman”. Sure fit Stephenie Meyer’s description of the main that wouldn’t strip away anything, except your character. Stewart has this classical beauty that dignity. What’s worse is that later on Angela fits the name Isabella, but her acting needs more proudly told her girlfriends that she “asked Eric exertion. out and I took control.” When I was watching this in the theater, I was shouting, “What the f-- The actor who would play Edward Cullen, -!?” Pardon my French, but since when girls ask Stephenie Meyer and Catherine Hardwicke guys out to prom? As a gentleman, I don’t have said to have admitted, was the most difficult anything against women but I don’t think even a to find. He is described with this godlike

24 the beginning... beauty mixed with a dark and dangerous image and a dash of heart-rob looks to set the girls hyperventilating. And Robert Pattinson came. Cedric Digory wasn’t the first choice of Hardwicke, but when he auditioned and played a love scene (by that, I mean not a bed scene) with Kristen Stewart, their chemistry heated up and exploded, so to speak. The result after his pictorial was shocking for Hardwicke and the crew, Pattinson perfectly fit the description of the vampire-love of Bella. He has this otherworldly look, but the sophistication does not undermine the boyish appearance to 44 from page 19 portray a seventeen-year old. He played his sky — and ended with the moon cycled back part okay and suppressed his British accent. into the same phase. At first, Pattinson was not well received by The article also noted that the Latin word for the fans and got hate mails like he should “moon” is “luna” and half of it, that is “lu”, did better off dead as Cedric in the Harry Potter appear in his family name “Luciani”. It also cited and the Goblet of Fire. Ouch. As soon Twilight that he coincidentally came from the diocese was released in the cinemas he was suddenly of Belluno, whose name is Italian for “beautiful every schoolgirl’s fantasy. Girls, have at it. moon”. I wouldn’t say much about Cam Gigantic, the Thirdly, the article also noted that Islam was one who played the main villain James, except known also as “the religion of the crescent” for all that head tilting to the side he’s doing— and that Egypt, which signed the historic Camp it’s friggin’ irritating. For a moment I thought David Accords with Israel in September 17 of he was a retarded vampire. that year, did was a Muslim country. It also cited that a lunar eclipse — the only one during this I commend the soundtracks played each part pope’s entire reign —coincidentally occurred of the film. The tracks are good for certain also on that same day (which I’ve observed is scenes like the Full Moon by the Black Ghost at also a coincidence in itself since it marked a the appearance of the title gave it a fantasy-ish number of days equal to half of or 17 days of feel to film.Supermassive Black Hole by Muse this pope’s 34-day reign). in the baseball scene was great, although there John Paul II (baptized Karol Josef Wotyla), are tracks that are quiet awkward for certain 1978–2005 scenes. There is also Decode by Paramore and According to the same article, he was “De Labore a number of cool tracks at the credits. Playing Solis” (Latin for either “Of the Eclipse of the Sun” in low volume would not give justice to these or “Of the Labor of the Sun”), and a solar eclipse songs. did occur when he was born on May 18, 1920. More surprisingly, this was repeated when he So all in all, the story of Twilight wasn’t really was laid in his tomb on April 8 of this year. that complex for me but there was something Secondly, allow me to point out that a sun, to about the movie that you would want to keep watching. It was how it was packaged. Great cast its light and heat across the entire face of soundtracks, cheesy romance, okay effects, a our planet, has to seemingly go around it and bit typical story, stoned vampire-lover, mentally that, in preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus challenged villain, hopelessly misguided wherever he went (and he was the most traveled best girlfriend, and vituperation-encouraging pope in history as we all know), he did bring the dialogues—an interesting package indeed. light of His Truth and the fire of His Love to (as Like I said earlier, I’m bored with the genre but one archbishop put it) “the four corners of the at least this movie had a refreshing twist to it. globe.” Even US president George W. Bush Out of 5.0, I’m grading this movie 3.0. echoes this metaphor when he recalled this sight

25 undergrad | March 2009

during this pope’s burial mass, which I quote, as in Bander’s book. (Bander’s book, however, “…just as the casket crests, the sun shone for stated that medieval interpreters stressed that all to see.” the saint never specified that a pope will reign in Fourthly, we also know that he did attribute his between the popes of the 111th and the “Petrus miraculous survival from an assassin’s bullet Romanus” prophecies). There are even some on in 1981 to Mary under the title of “Our Lady of still the same position who claim that this pope Fatima,” which originated from her apparitions will not be chosen by the usual process of the at Fatima, Portugal in 1917, and also did conclave but by unusual means because it is, consecrate Russia and the rest of the world as mentioned already, unnumbered. However, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, according those who hold the other positions suspect all to a request she made during one of those those on the second one are usually scared to apparitions. These apparitions, approved by death at the thought of the Second Coming of the Church, were the most popular worldwide the Lord Jesus right after the death of the pope because of the testimony of the thousands of of the 111th prophecy. people, including journalists, who witnessed the But what if the Second Coming does happen “dancing sun” miracle. right after? Lastly, he did add five more mysteries to the The fear of the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Holy Rosary, a form of devotion to Mary, naming taking place right after the fulfillment of all the it the “Mysteries of Light.” prophecies of St. Malachy is, I agree, truly the Good grief! What about the last one? very “heart-of-hearts” of the matter. Well, who Before we discuss the alleged last prophecy, we wouldn’t be afraid of Death, Judgment, Heaven ought to point out one curious claim in Hebert- and Hell — the Four Last Things? But if it’s any Zoltan’s article: all 111 of the 112 prophecies of comfort to you, I personally don’t believe the the saint were numbered — only the last one Second Coming would happen right after all the was unnumbered, and we will see below what prophecies are fulfilled — because I believe no this omission means. one will know when the Second Coming is. In Bander’s book does not give the Latin words of Mark 13:31-32, we read: “Heaven and earth shall the last prophecy, only this translation: “In the pass away, but my word shall not pass away. But final persecution of the Roman Church there of that day or hour no man knoweth, neither the will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father.” flock among many tribulations; after which Our Lord said it, I believe, that settles it. Now the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the looking back at the prophecies, if you exclude the dreadful Judge will judge the people,” Hebert- “Petrus Romanus” prophecy (which I do since I Zoltan’s article said. And here arise the following doubt its authenticity), the 111th is the only one controversies: (1) Some say the Latin words, that has the words “De Gloria Olivae” (Latin for collectively known as the “Petrus Romanus” “Glory of the Olive.”) Nothing follows it, no hint of (Latin for “Peter the Roman”) prophecy, did not a Second Coming, nothing. appear in publications of the prophecies before There’s more? 1820, and are therefore a later insertion. On the So what are the chances of St. Malachy’s other hand, those who accepted the prophecy prophecies to be proved wrong now that we’ve consider it (2) as one more prophecy or (3) part reached the 111th and last one (at least to me)? of the 111th prophecy. Among those who hold Now, wait a sec…I did tell you “De Labore Solis” the second position, some argue that there was the 110th and “De Gloria Olivae,” therefore, could still be at least one more pope between is the last one, right? I’m sure I told you that Pope the pope of the 111th prophecy and the pope of John Paul II was “De Labore Solis”… the “Petrus Romanus” prophecy because it is unnumbered. There are also some on the same [Editor’s Note: For the sake of clarity, the Latin words or phrases position who argue that this pope is not the last beginning with “Flos Florum” and ending with “De Labore Solis” that are associated with the popes mentioned below appeared one because the word “extrema” in the text in similar order in Bander’s book as the 108th to the 110th should be translated as “extreme” and not “final” entries in St. Malachy’s list.]

26 Stuffs The Cover

The two nature of dawn: an ending of a beginning and a beginning of an end.

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