
LAMERTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of the above held at Lamerton Parish Hall on Monday 14 November 2016 at 7.30pm.

Present J Edgar (Chairman) G Cundy (arrived 8.15) J Evans R Geake D Green M Jefferies G Manning M Young D Sellis ( County Council) B Baldwin ( Borough Council) Four members of the public

2016.67 Public Question Time No issues were raised.

2016.68 The Chairman, John Edgar, rearranged the agenda so item 3 became item 7, item 4 became item 15, item 5 became item 14, item 6 became item 8, item 7 became item 12, item 8 became item 11, items 9 and 10 remained at items 9 and 10, item 11 became item 4, item 12 became item 15, item 13 became item 5 and item 14 became item 6.

2016.69 Minutes of meeting held on 12 September 2016 and notes of site meeting held 22 September 2016 These were agreed and signed, all in favour.

2016.70 AONB Variation Order This was item 7 on the agenda a. Council resolved not to support this proposal.

2016.71 Planning This was item 11 on the agenda i. Applications received since 12 September 2016 1. 1115/16/FUL Barns at Longcross Council opposed the application as it was not a sustainable location in this locality 2. 321/16/HHO single storey rear extension and associated landscaping at Scribbles, Chaddlehanger Council supported the application and queried the excessive conditions that are being placed. Council saw no logic why restrictions to remove the log store, chicken house etc. have been placed. 3. 3185/16/TPO Felling of 12 trees and crown lift to two trees at Willestrew Park Council objected to the proposals as the saw no need for felling. b. D Sellis informed councillors of the planning officer training for councillors that would be available in the future.

2016.72 Neighbourhood Plan This was item 13 on the agenda. a. Update J Edgar updated the council and said that the Visions and objectives were in place and would need a public meeting before being submitted for final approval. Strategic planning help would be needed from West Devon Borough Council before the public consultation. B Baldwin pointed out that the changes with West Devon Borough Council had made some difficulties with this. J Edgar, D Green, M Jefferies and G Manning were interested in attending a training event. B Baldwin to arrange a separate meeting. b. Neighbourhood Plan Financial procedures It was agreed that a budget should be prepared by the Neighbourhood Planning committee and submitted to the Council for consideration. Council could then give authority to the clerk to pay invoices up to a certain amount. A formal resolution to be prepared for the next Parish Council meeting.

2016.73 Matters arising This was item 3 on the agenda a. to be contacted regarding the naming of the roads.

2016.74 Finance This was item 14 on the agenda. a. External Audit report This had been circulated to all councillors. b. Precept Item for January meeting. c. Accounts for payment i. General Council fund 1. S A Cole Salary £450.33 2. West Devon Borough Council £1324.14 ii. Neighbourhood Plan fund 1. Groundwork UK £2834.24 (repayment of grant) 2. Devon Communities Together £2755.00 3. Matthew Bevan £35.86 4. Matthew Bevan £8.39 (Total £44.25)

2016.75 Cemetery This was item 6 on the agenda a. General maintenance b. Tree maintenance A quote for £400 for some of the tree maintenance was received from C Clark. Another quote was to be obtained by M Young.

2016.76 Outdoor learning This was item 9 on the agenda. J Evans informed council of a proposed school project on an area of land below the football field. A pathway was to be prepared. R Geake proposed that permission be given, seconded M Young, all in favour.

2016.77 Link meeting This was item 10 on the agenda. The next meeting was to be held on 1 December , M Jefferies agreed to attend. J Evans gave details of the last meeting and informed council that the TAP fund applications would be considered at the September and July meetings in future.

2016.78 Speed control measures This was item 8 on the agenda. a. John Doswell had been contacted and temporary speed control signs would be put up in the village. J Edgar had tried to contact PC Dave Chappell, but had been unable to do so.

2016.79 Correspondence This was item 4 on the agenda. a. Wickstead Leisure b. Clerks and Councils Direct c. Society of Local Council Clerks Annual General Meeting d. Hiscox insurance e. J Parker bulbs catalogue f. Citizens Advice Bureau request for a donation It was agreed to donate £25, all in favour. g. Glasdon information h. Removal of BT Telephone box at Venn Corner It was agreed to ask if the Parish Council could have the box. i. Devon County Council request for details of snow warden and offer of a top up of the salt stock. j. and District Local Transport Partnership request for a donation It was agreed to donate £25, all in favour. k. Devon Senior Voice l. & West Devon village sustainability assessment framework – summary of consultation responses

2016.80 BT Community Fibre Partnerships This was item 5 on the agenda. It was agreed to invite BT to the Annual Parish Meeting.

2016.81 This was item 12 of the agenda a. J Edgar wanted this item held in public session and a member of the public felt that it should be held in closed session, the public left the room and the other members of the council resolved ‘That under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.’ b. Job Description and Specific Responsibilities of the Clerk i. No discussion was entered into on this item. c. Role of the Chairman i. No discussion was entered into on this item. d. Although not on the agenda the subject of communication was discussed and it was agreed that a list of items of concern should be prepared by the Chairman and Clerk.