Legion honors youth at banquet, NCAA Sweet 16 preview, p3 p6 The ELPHOS ERALD D Telling The Tri-County’s Story Since 1869H 75¢ daily www.delphosherald.com Thursday, March 26, 2015 Vol. 145 No. 200 Delphos, Ohio Upfront Note in bathroom send Elida in lockdown VFW to host ‘She DHI Media Staff Reports immediately placed on lockdown and enter, a person needed an escort. couldn’t secure a ride were kept in
[email protected] school resource officers reviewed “At that time, I made the decision classrooms with their teachers. Once Serves’ dinner surveillance camera footage to see to err on the side of caution and dis- the driving students were dismissed, ELIDA — A note found in a who had used the restroom. miss the students,” Cox said. “I want- the remaining students were taken to Veterans Foreign Wars restroom at Elida High School “Those students were all ques- ed to know our students would safe at the cafeteria until they were picked Post 3035 will holds a prompted a lockdown and a lost tioned and their lockers and persons 2 p.m. The administration and I went up by a parent or guardian. “She Serves” spaghetti school day. searched,” Cox said. “Nothing was class by class talking to students and “We take student safety very seri- dinner beginning at 5:30 Superintendent Anthony Cox found.” dismissing them.” ously and we did not see this a joke,” p.m. Friday at the post. wrote in a press release a student At noon, the administration allowed A voice alert and text alert notify- Cox said.