SOUTH OF PEARL B1 2A OPINION 4A OBITUARIES 2B PUZZLES 3B BOOKINGS 5B CLASSIFIEDS QUOTE ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.’ EDMUND BURKE Vol. 142, No. 29 NTWO SECTIONS e• 14 PAGwES s&PreESTAs BLISHsED 1874 75¢ JULY 27, 2016 Darlington, S.C. WWW.NEWSANDPRESS.NET Public hearing set for Darlington’s water rate increase may go up in City of Darlington” the 5% rate increase for outside of city Street inside and out – per mandate By Jana E. Pye Rates based on 6000 Editor mayor and city council members met limits. by S.C. DHEC; the other water tower
[email protected] with city manager Howard Garland, The city has four wells, and a at Pine Street will need to b done in gallons per month Residents of the city of Darlington water and sewer director Fred wastewater treatment facility that is the next year or two. are invited to attend a public hearing Kinsaul, contractor David Brown of contracted for service and operation A new truck will need to be pur - Darlington (Current rate) regarding a water/sewer rate Davis & Brown, and consultant through licensed and certified engi - chased in the near future, too. Water: $20.10 Sewer: $23.40 increase at 6 p.m. Tuesday, August 2, Jannie Latham on Tuesday, May 31st neers at Davis & Brown. The general public can assist with Darlington $2 increase Water: $21.10 Sewer: $24.40 2016, at City Hall, 400 Pearl St., for a nearly 4-hour meeting to discuss The water and sewer department, keeping rates down by doing general Darl.