St. Bridget Nurseries

Garden Centres

Price List Shrubs, Herbaceous Perennials, Trees, Climbers, Conifers, Fruit & Roses. St Bridget Nurseries & Garden Centres Head Office, Main Nursery & Garden Centre: Garden & Aquatic Centre: Old Rydon Lane, Exeter, EX2 7JY Sidmouth Road, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1AE Tel: 01392 873672Fax: 01392 876710 Tel: 01392 876281 Fax: 01392 876539 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] MAIN INDEX Bamboo 20 Hedging Plants 14 Climbing & Wall Plants 10 Herbaceous Perennials 17 Conifers 12 Roses 7 Ferns & Grasses 20 Shrubs 2 Fruit 15 Trees 12 Heathers 11 General Terms 23 Code of Potentially Harmful Plants Plants listed are coded in accordance with the Horticultural Trades Association’s Code of Recommended Retail Practice.

① CAUTION Poisonous if eaten. Skin contact commonly ⑨ Harmful if eaten / skin irritant causes severe blistering dermatitis. ⑩ Harmful if eaten / may cause skin allergy ② CAUTION toxic if eaten/harmful via skin ⑪ Harmful if eaten ③ CAUTION toxic if eaten/skin and eye irritant ⑫ Skin and eye irritant ④ CAUTION toxic if eaten/skin irritant ⑬ Skin irritant with sunlight ⑤ CAUTION toxic if eaten ⑭ Skin irritant ⑥ CAUTION may cause skin allergy ⑮ Seed kernels harmful if eaten ⑦ CAUTION severely toxic to skin with sunlight ⑯ May cause skin allergy / fruits harmful if eaten ⑧ Harmful if eaten/skin and eye irritant ⑰ May cause skin allergy

Price each from £ SHRUBS AMELANCHIER All shrubs are container grown. Price each from £ canadensis (Snowy Mespilus) Bush 8.79 ABELIA E x grandiflora AGM 8.50 E ARBUTUS *E Confetti 8.99 unedo AGM 10.99 E Francis Mason 8.50 rubra AGM 10.99

*E Hopleys 8.99 E AUCUBA schumannii AGM 8.50 japonica Crotonifolia AGM (m/f) 9.50 TSE ABUTILON Picturata (m) 9.50 x suntense 10.99 Rozannie AGM (m/f) 9.50 Variegata (f) 9.50 T E ACACIA baileyana AGM 10.99 AZALEAS purpurea AGM 10.99 DECIDUOUS AZALEAS dealbata AGM 10.99 Open Ground from 22.99 Gaulois Astier 13.99 Container-Grown from 14.99

Exeter Hybrid 16.99 PONTICA (Rhododendron luteum) Pataczekii 10.99 GHENT (May flowering) ACER (Maple) from 15.99 Coccineum Speciosum AGM Palmatum O-kagami Daviesii AGM Atropurpureum Osakazuki AGM Bloodgood AGM Pixie MOLLIS (May flowering) var. dissectum Sango-kaku AGM Hortulanus H. White Atropurpureum Shaina Koster’s Brilliant Red Crimson Queen AGM Shindeshôjô Garnet AGM Skeeter’s Broom KNAP HILL & EXBURY VARIETIES (May/June flowering) Orangeola Trompenburg AGM Berryrose AGM Golden Flare Eddisbury Wilson’s Pink Dwarf Bright Forecast Klondyke AGM Fireglow shirasawanum Aureum AGM Gibralter AGM Persil AGM (japonicum Aureum) Ginger Strawberry Ice AGM Gog Toucan

2 OCCIDENTALE Price each from £ Irene Koster AGM E BUXUS (Box) sempervirens AGM 8.99 RUSTICA FLORE PLENO Suffruticosa AGM (smaller pot size) 3.99 Vinecourt Duke CALLICARPA VISCOSA bodinieri giraldii Profusion AGM 9.99 Soir de Paris E CALLISTEMON E EVERGREEN AZALEAS from 8.99 citrinus Splendens AGM 8.99 JAPANESE & KARUME VARIETIES Ambrosia Hino-Crimson AGM E CAMELLIA all varieties 11.99 Amoenum Hinode-giri Congratulations jap. R.L. Wheeler AGM Blaauw’s Pink Kermesinum Rose Cornish Snow AGM jap. Silver Anniversary Blue Danube Mother’s Day AGM Cornish Spring AGM jap. Tricolor AGM Christmas Cheer Palestrina AGM Happy Anniversary jap. White Swan Diamond Rose Panda Spring Festival AGM sasanqua Fukuzutsumi Elsie Lee AGM Rosebud japonica Adolphe Audusson AGM Geisha Orange Sheila Blood of China x williamsii Anticipation AGM Geisha Purple (Geisha Blue) Vuyk’s Scarlet AGM Bob’s Tinsie AGM x will. Ballet Queen Brushfields Yellow AGM x will. Celebration BAMBOO see page 20 Desire AGM x will. Debbie AGM Golden Anniversary x will. Donation AGM BERBERIS Hagoromo AGM x will. E.G. Waterhouse E buxifolia Pygmaea (Nana) 7.99 Madame de Strekaloff x will. Jury’s Yellow AGM x carminea Pirate King 7.99 Margaret Davis x will. Les Jury AGM E darwinii AGM 7.99 Masayoshi AGM x will. Ruby Wedding E Compacta 7.99 Nuccio’s Jewel AGM x. will Saint Ewe AGM x ottawensis purpurea Superba AGM 7.99 E x stenophylla AGM 7.99 E CARPENTERIA all varieties 14.99 thunbergii californica AGM Elizabeth atropurpurea 7.99 * Admiration 8.50 CARYOPTERIS x clandonensis 7.99 or 8.50* Atropurpurea Nana AGM 7.99 * Hint of Gold Kew Blue Dart’s Red Lady 7.99 * Grand Bleu Worcester Gold AGM Helmond Pillar 7.99 E CEANOTHUS 8.49 or 8.99* Rose Glow AGM 7.99 arboreus Trewithen Blue AGM Dark Star Golden Torch 7.99 Autumnal Blue AGM dentatus Yankee Point * Starburst 8.50 Blue Mound AGM Italian Skies AGM E BESCHORNERIA Burkwoodii AGM * Pershore Zanzibar yuccoides Quicksilver 8.99 Concha AGM thyrsiflorus repens AGM x veitchianus E BRACHYGLOTTIS monroi AGM (Senecio monroi) 7.99 CERATOSTIGMA Sunshine AGM (Senecio Sunshine/greyi) 7.99 * Forest Blue 8.49 * Walberton’s Silver Dormouse AGM 8.50 CERCIS (Judas Tree) BROOM see CYTISUS canadensis Forest Pansy AGM 44.99 siliquastrum AGM 11.50 BUDDLEJA davidii CHAENOMELES (Japanese Quince) * Adonis Blue 8.50 specisosa Black Knight AGM 7.99 Geisha Girl AGM 8.49 Empire Blue AGM 7.99 Moerloosei AGM 8.49 Harlequin 7.99 x superb Crimson and Gold AGM 8.49 Nanho Blue AGM (Mongo) 7.99 Jet Trail 8.49 * Peacock 8.50 Pink Lady AGM 8.49 Royal Red AGM 7.99 E CHAMAEROPS see TRACHYCARPUS White Bouquet 7.99

Globosa AGM 7.99 E CHOISYA Pink Delight AGM 7.99 * dewitteana White Dazzler 8.99 * Silver Anniversary (Morning Mist) 8.50 ternata AGM 8.50 * Sugar Plum (Lonplum) 8.50 * Sundance AGM 8.99

T = Tender E = Evergreen SE = semi-evergreen * = protected by Plant Breeders Rights AGM = RHS Award of Garden Merit 3 Price each from £ Price each from £ E CISTUS CURRANT, FLOWERING see RIBES x aguilarii 7.99 x hybridus (x corbariensis) 7.99 CYTISUS (Broom) x bornetianus Jester 7.99 T battandieri AGM 14.99 ladanifer AGM 7.99 Boskoop Ruby AGM 7.99 x lusticanicus (x dansereaui) 7.99 Golden Sunlight 7.99 x pulverulentus Sunset AGM 7.99 Goldfinch 7.99 x purpureus AGM 7.99 Hollandia AGM 7.99 Lena AGM 7.99 E CONVOLVULUS Porlock AGM (Genista Porlock) 7.99 cneorum AGM 8.49 x praecox Allgold AGM 7.99 scoparius Cornish Cream 7.99 T E COPROSMA * Evening Glow 9.99 ④ DAPHNE * Rainbow Surprise 9.99 E odora 13.99 repens E Aureomarginata AGM 13.99 * Pacific Night 9.99 * Pina Colada 9.99 E DESFONTAINEA spinosa AGM 11.99

E CORDYLINE DEUTZIA all varieties 7.99 australis AGM 9.49 gracilis x hybrid Magicien T Red Star 12.99 x kalmiiflora Rosea Plena (Pink Pom Pom) T Torbay Dazzler AGM 12.99 longifolia Veitchii AGM

CORNUS (Dogwood) SE DORYCNIUM see LOTUS alba aurea AGM 8.49 Elegantissima AGM 8.49 E DRIMYS Kesselringii 8.49 lanceolata (aromatica) 9.99 Sibirica AGM (Westonbirt) 8.49 winteri AGM 9.99 Spaethii AGM 8.49 controversa Variegata AGM 27.99 ELAEAGNUS sanguinea Winter Beauty (Winter Flame) 8.49 E x ebbingei 9.99 sericea Flaviramea AGM (stolonifera Flaviramea) 8.49 E Gilt Edge AGM 9.99 E Limelight 9.99 E CORONILLA E pungens Maculata 9.99 valentina glauca AGM 9.49 valentina glauca Citrina AGM 9.49 ENKIANTHUS campanulatus AGM 9.99 E CORTADERIA (Pampas Grass) selloana (argentea) Pumila AGM 8.99 E ESCALLONIA all varieties 7.99 Apple Blossom AGM Red Dream CORYLUS (Hazels) Donard Radiance AGM Red Hedger avellana Aurea 13.49 Iveyi AGM rubra Crimson Spire Contorta 13.49 laevis Gold Ellen macrantha maxima Purpurea AGM 13.49 Pride of Donard AGM

COTINUS E EUCALYPTUS (Blue Gum) all varieties 8.49 coggygria coccifera pauciflora * Young Lady 10.99 gunnii AGM pauciflora niphophila AGM * Dusky Maiden 10.99 E EUCRYPHIA Grace 10.50 x nymansensis Nymansay AGM 11.99 COTONEASTER ⑪ EUONYMUS prices from 7.50 E congestus 7.99 alatus AGM E japonicus Aureus E conspicuous Decorus AGM 7.99 E* fortunei Blondy E jap. Maidens Gold E dammeri AGM 7.99 E fort. Emerald Gaiety AGM SE franchetii 8.50 E fort. Emerald n Gold AGM E frigidus Cornubia AGM 8.50 E* fort. Golden Harlequin E jap. Mic. Aureo-variegata horizontalis AGM 7.99 E fort. Harlequin E jap. Mic. Pulchellus E microphyllus (purpurescens) 7.99 E fort. Prince John E Ovatus Aureus AGM E Rothschildianus 8.50

E CRINODENDRON TE EURYOPS hookerianum AGM (Tricuspidaria lanceolata) 10.75 acraeus AGM 6.99

T = Tender E = Evergreen SE = semi-evergreen * = protected by Plant Breeders Rights AGM = RHS Award of Garden Merit 4

Price each from £ Price each from £ EXOCHORDA E HEBE prices 7.99 or 8.50* x macrantha The Bride AGM 9.49 Autumn Glory pimeleoides Quicksilver AGM *Baby Blush pinguifolia Pagei AGM E FABIANA Baby Marie Prostrata imbricata violacea AGM 8.79 *Beverley Hills * Rosie

Caledonia AGM Silver Dollar E FATSIA *Clear Skies Subalpina japonica AGM 10.49 x franciscana Variegata AGM Super Red FORSYTHIA Gauntlettii Topiaria AGM x intermedia Lynwood AGM 7.99 *Lady Ann * Valentino Minigold 7.99 Margret AGM Wiri Charm Nicolas Blush AGM Wiri Image FUCHSIA all varieties 7.49 ochracea James Stirling AGM Wiri Vision Alice Hoffman AGM Madame Cornelissen AGM Pewter Dome AGM Youngii AGM Blue Waves magellanica Versicolour Candy Bells Mr West (Tom West) HIBISCUS 10.99 or 11.75* Genii AGM Mrs Popple AGM syriacus Lady Boothby Riccartonii AGM Blue Bird AGM (Oiseau Bleu) * Lavender Chiffon Lady Thumb AGM Tom Thumb AGM * Blue Chiffon Red Heart AGM Duc de Brabant * White Chiffon GARDENIA Elegantissimus (Lady Stanley) Woodbridge AGM E jasinoides Kleim’s Hardy 14.99 Hamabo AGM

E GARRYA HOHERIA elliptica James Roof AGM (m) 10.99 sexstylosa Stardust AGM 11.99

E GAULTHERIA HYDRANGEA ⑪ mucronata arborescens Annabelle AGM 9.99 ⑪ Lilian (f) (Pernettya) 8.49 macrophylla ⑪ Male (m)(Pernettya) 8.49 Alpenglühen (H) 7.99 ⑪ Mother of Pearl (f)(Pernettya) 8.49 Ami Pasquier AGM (H) 7.99 ⑪ Mulberry Wine AGM (f)(Pernettya) 8.49 Enziandom (H) 7.99 shallon 8.49 King George (H) 7.99 Lanarth White AGM (L) 7.99 GENISTA Madame Emile Mouillière AGM (H) 7.99 T canariensis (fragrans) 7.99 Mariesii Perfecta AGM (L) (Blue Wave) 7.99 hispanica 7.99 Miss Hepburn (H) 7.99 lydia AGM 7.99 Renata (H) 7.99 Porlock see CYTISUS Porlock Souer Therese (H) (forced plants only) 9.99 E GREVILLEA Teller Blue (L) (forced plants only) 9.99 alpina Olympic Flame 9.49 Veitchii AGM (L) 7.99 rosmarinifolia AGM 9.49 paniculata Grandiflora AGM 9.99 Jenkinsii 9.49 Kyushu AGM 9.99 Pink Diamond 9.99 E GRISELINIA quercifolia AGM 9.99 littoralis AGM 8.49 serrata Dixon’s Cream 9.49 Grayswood AGM 7.99 Variegata AGM 8.49 Preziosa AGM 7.99

E x HALIMIOCISTUS HYPERICUM sahucci AGM 7.99 SE Hidcote AGM 7.99 Merrist Wood AGM 7.99 x moserianum Tricolor 7.99

E HALIMIUM E ILEX (Holly) lasianthum AGM 7.99 x altaclerensis Golden King AGM (f) 9.50 HAMAMELIS (Witch Hazel) Lawsoniana AGM (f) 9.50 x intermedia Arnold Promise AGM 18.99 aquifolium AGM (m/f) 7.99 Diane AGM 18.99 Ferox Argentea AGM (m) 9.50 Fire Cracker 18.99 Golden van Tol (f) 9.50 Jelena AGM 18.99 Handsworth New Silver AGM (f) 9.50 Pallida AGM 18.99 J.C. Van Tol AGM (f) 9.50 mollis AGM 18.99 crenata Golden Gem AGM (f) 9.50

HAZEL see CORYLUS T = Tender E = Evergreen SE = semi-evergreen H = Hortensia Hydrangea L = Lace Cap Hydrangea 5 Price each from £ Price each from £ ITEA x soulangeana Lennei AGM 15.99 E virginica Henry’s garnet 9.99 stellata AGM 15.99 E Little Henry 9.99 E MAHONIA all varieties 9.99 KERRIA aquifolium japonica Pleniflora AGM 7.99 Apollo AGM x media Charity Atropurpurea x media Lionel Fortesque AGM KOLKWITZIA japonica Bealei x media Winter Sun AGM amabilis 7.99 T E MYRTUS (Myrtle) E LAURUS communis AGM 8.99 nobilis AGM 8.49 tarentina AGM 8.99

Variegata 8.99 LAVANDULA (LAVENDER) 7.49 or 7.99* Glanleam Gold AGM (See LUMA) angustifolia Hidcote AGM x int. Grosso Luma AGM (See LUMA) * ang. Mellisa Lilac x int. Vera (Dutch Group) ugni AGM (See UGNI molinae) ang. Munstead x int. Walberton’s Silver Edge

ang. Rosea stoechas AGM E NANDINA (SACRED BAMBOO) all varieties 10.99 Devonshire Compact stoechas Devonshire domestica AGM domestica Fire Power AGM * Helmsdale * stoechas Regal Splendour x intermedia Eldelweiss stoechas Snowman NEILLIA x int. Grappenhall * stoechas Tiara thibetica 8.99

LAVATERA T E OLEA (Olive) x clementii europea 11.99 Barnsley 7.99 Bredon Springs AGM 7.99 E OLEARIA Frederique 7.99 x haastii 8.99 olbia Eye Catcher 7.99 macrodonta AGM 8.99 * thuringiaca Red Rum 8.49 stellulata (x scilloniensis) 7.99 traversii 7.99 TE LEPTOSPERMUM all varieties 8.99 Burgundy Queen Kiwi AGM E OSMANTHUS Crimson Glory Martini delavayi AGM 8.99 Gaiety Girl Tui Goshiki (Tricolor) 8.99 Variegatus AGM 8.99 E LEUCOTHOE Scarletta 8.99 T E OZOTHAMNUS rosmarinifolius Silver Jubilee AGM 8.99 LEYCESTERIA formosa AGM 8.49 E PACHYSANDRA * Golden Lanterns 8.99 terminalis Green Carpet AGM 7.99


E lucidum AGM 8.50 PEROVSKIA SE ovalifolium 7.49 atriplicifolia SE Aureum AGM 7.99 Little Spire 7.99

LONICERA Blue Spire AGM 7.99

fragrantissima 8.49 PHILADELPHUS E nitida 7.99 Belle Etoile AGM 8.25 E Twiggy 7.99 Coronaries Aureus AGM 8.25 periclymenum Honeybush 8.49 Erectus 8.25 SE pileata 7.99 Manteau d’Hermaine AGM 8.25

SE LOTUS Virginal 8.25

* hirsutus Little Boy Blue 8.49 E PHLOMIS

T E LUMA fruticosa AGM 7.99 apiculata AGM (Myrtus luma) 8.49 Glanleam Gold AGM (Myrtus Glanleam Gold) 8.49 ALPINE PLANTS MAGNOLIA Our garden centres are always stocked with a good selection of E grandiflora Exmouth AGM 16.99 7cm Alpine plants in variety from £1.79 each or £16.00 per 10 liliiflora Nigra AGM 15.99 and during the season we stock a wide variety of 1 litre Alpines x loebneri Leonard Messei AGM 15.99 from £3.59.

6 Price each from £ Price each from £ PHOTINIA E RHODODENDRON HYBRIDS E x fraseri Little Red Robin 9.99 Potted/Container grown from 17.99 E x fraseri Red Robin AGM 9.99 Arthur Bedford E Super Red 9.99 Blue Peter AGM Lady Clementine Mitford AGM Britannia Lord Roberts AGM PHYSOCARPUS Christmas Cheer Mrs Charles E. Pearson AGM opulifolius Dart’s Gold AGM 8.49 Cynthia Mrs G.W. Leak * Diablo AGM 8.99 Fastuosum Flore Pleno AGM Nancy Evans AGM * Lady in Red 8.99 Fragrantissimum AGM Pink Pearl

Furnival’s Daughter AGM President Roosevelt E PIERIS from 9.99 Golden Gate Purple Splendour AGM Flaming Silver AGM Goldsworth Yellow Sappho Forest Flame AGM Gomer Waterer AGM Tortoiseshell Champagne japonica Carnaval Grace Seabrook Tortoiseshell Orange AGM Little Heath AGM (v) Hotel AGM Viscy AGM Prelude AGM Kluis Sensation Wilgens Ruby Scarlett O’Hara Temple Bells SPECIES AND DWARF HYBRIDS Valley Rose Container grown from 12.99 Valley Valentine AGM Arctic Tern Impeditum

Bluebird Patty Bee AGM E PITTOSPORUM all varieties 8.99 Blue Diamond Pink Drift Garnettil AGM Cilipinense AGM Praecox AGM Limelight Elizabeth Scarlet Wonder AGM tenuifolium Ginny Gee AGM Golden King

Irene Patterson AGM YAKUSHIMANUM HYBRIDS Purpureum Potted/Container grown from 17.99 Silver Queen AGM Bashful AGM Renoir AGN Tandara Gold Dopey AGM Sleepy Tom Thumb AGM Dreamland AGM Sneezy Variegatum Golden Wedding Titian Beauty Wendle Channon Grumpy Venetian Chimes

Hydon Hunter AGM POTENTILLA 7.50 or 7.99* fruticosa RIBES Goldfinger * Pink Beauty x gordonianum 7.99 Hopleys Orange Red Ace odoratum 7.99 Klondike Red Robin AGM sanguineum King Edward VII 7.99 Limelight AGM Tilford Cream Tydeman’s White 7.99 * Mango Tango Veitchii Moonlight (Maanleys) ROMNEYA Coulteri AGM 12.99 PRUNUS glandulosa Alba Plena 9.99 ROSA (Roses) Sinensis (Rosea Plena) 9.99 ⑮ E laurocerasus Rotundifolia 7.99 ROSES ⑮ E lusitanica AGM 7.99 For descriptions of all our rose varieties and rose planting tenella Fire Hill 9.99 guidelines please contact us for a separate rose list.

E PYRACANTHA HYBRID TEA ROSES * Cadange AGM (Saphyr Orange) 8.99 These have shapely blooms and are ideal for cutting. * Cadaune (Saphyr Jaune) 8.99 * Barkarole (Tanelorak) 9.49 * Cadrou AGM (Saphyr Rouge) 8.99 Blesma Soul 8.99 Dart’s Red 8.49 Blessings 8.99 Orange Glow AGM 8.49 * Bloom of Ruth (Harmedley) 9.49 rogersiana Flava AGM 8.49 Cherry Brandy (Tanryrandy). 8.99 Congratulations (Korlift). 8.99 * Dawn Chorus (Dicquasar). 9.49 Deep Secret 8.99 Diamond Jubilee 8.99 * Duchess of Cornwall (Tan 97159) 9.49

T = Tender E = Evergreen SE = semi-evergreen * = protected by Plant Breeders Rights m = male f = female 7 Price each from £ Price each from £ Ernest H. Morse 8.99 * Sexy Rexy (Macrexy) 9.49 * Especially For You (Fryworthy) 9.49 St. Boniface 8.99 * Indian Summer (Peaperfume) 9.49 * Super Trouper (Fryleyeca) 9.49 Just Joey 8.99 * Sweet Haze (Tan 97274) 9.49 King’s Ransom 8.99 The Queen Elizabeth 8.99 * Lovely Lady (Dicjubell) 9.49 * Tickled Pink (Fryhunky) 9.49 Loving Memory (Korgund) 8.99 * Valentine Heart (Dicogle) 9.49 * My Valentine (Korcoluma) 9.49 * White Gold (Cocquiriam) 9.49 * Nostalgia (Taneiglat) 9.49 * You're Beautiful (Fryracy) 9.49 Papa Meilland 8.99 Peace 8.99 PATIO ROSES Piccadilly 8.99 * City Lights (Poulgan) 9.49 * Polar Star (Tanlarpost) 9.49 * Flower Power (Frycassia) 9.49 * Rachel (Tangust) 8.99 Gentle Touch (Diclulu) 9.00 * Remember Me (Cocdestin) 9.49 * Queen Mother (Korquemu) 9.49 * Renaissance (Hazart) 9.49 Red Rascal (Jacbed) 9.00 * Rotary Sunrise (Fryglitzy) 9.49 * Ruby Anniversary (Harbonny) 9.49 * Royal William (Korzaun) 9.49 * Shine On (Dictalent) 9.49 Ruby Wedding 8.99 * Sun Hit (Poulsun) 9.49 * Samaritan (Haverag) 9.49 * Sweet Dream (Fryminicot) 9.49 * Silver Anniversary (Poulari) 9.49 * Simply The Best (Macamster) 9.49 MINIATURE ROSES * Special Anniversary (Whastiluc) 9.49 Angela Rippon (Ocaru) 7.49 Troika 8.99 * Apricot Sunblaze (Savamark) 7.99 * Twice In A Blue Moon (Tan 96138) 9.49 Cinderella 7.49 * Velvet Fragrance (Fryperdee) 9.49 * Orange Sunblaze (Meijikatar) 7.99 * Warm Wishes (Fryxotic) 9.49 Snow Sunblaze (Meigovin) 7.49 * White Parfum De Provence (Meidiaphaz) 9.49 Sweet Fairy 7.49 Whisky Mac 8.99 Yellow Sunblaze (Meitrisical) 7.49

* With All My Love (Coczodiac) 9.49 SHRUB, SPECIES & OLD FASHIONED ROSES

FLORIBUNDA ROSES These roses flower over a long period and need little or no These are profuse in blooming with large clusters of flowers. pruning. * Absolutely Fabulous (Wekvossuntonoei) 9.49 Ballerina 11.49 * Amber Queen (Harroony) 9.49 Blanc Double de Coubert, rugosa 11.49 Arthur Bell 8.99 * Bonica (Meidomanac) 11.99 * Birthday Girl (Meilasso) 9.49 * Bright as a Button (Chewsumsigns) 11.99 * Burgundy Ice (Prose) 9.49 Buff Beauty (Musk) 11.49 * Champagne Moment (Korvanaber) 9.49 Canary Bird 11.49 * City of London (Harukfore) 9.49 Felicia (Musk) 11.49 Courvoisier 8.99 Ferdinand Pichard (Hybrid Perpetual) 11.49 Evelyn Fison 8.99 * Fragrant Memories (Korpastato) 11.99 * Eyes For You (Pejbigeye) 9.49 Frau Dagmar Hastrup, rugosa 11.49 Fragrant Delight 8.99 * Honey Dijon (Weksproulses) 11.99 Glenfiddich 8.99 Madame Hardy 11.49 * Golden Memories (Korholesea) 9.49 Madame Isaac Periere (Bourbon) 11.49 * Golden Wedding (Arokris) 9.49 Nevada 11.49 * Hot Chocolate (Wekpaltlez) 9.49 Penelope (Musk) 11.49 Iceberg 8.99 * Pure Gold (Harhappen) 11.99 * Joie de Vivre (Korfloci 01) 9.49 Roseraie de L’Hay, rugosa 11.49 Korresia 8.99 rubrifolia 11.49 * Lady Marmalade (Hartinger) 9.49 Souvenir du Dr. Jamain 11.49 * L'aimant (Harzola) 9.49 Tuscany Superb (Gallica) 11.49 Leonardo de Vinci (Meideauri) 8.99 Versicolor, gallica (Rosa Mundi) 11.49 Lilli Marlene 8.99 * Lucky (Frylucy) 9.49 * Many Happy Returns (Harwanted) 9.49 Margaret Merril 8.99 Moment in Time (Korcastrau) 9.49 * Oranges and Lemons (Macoranlem) 9.49 * Peacekeeper (Harbella) 9.49 * Rhapsody in Blue (Frantasia) 9.49

* = protected by Plant Breeders Rights

8 Price each from £ Price each from £ ENGLISH ROSES Golden Showers 11.49 * Alan Titchmarsh (Ausjive) 13.99 * Good as Gold (Chewsunbeam) 11.99 * Benjamin Britten (Ausencart) 13.99 Guinee 11.49 * Charles Rennie Mackintosh (Ausren) 13.99 Handel 11.49 * Darcey Bussel (Ausdecorum) 13.99 Iceberg Climbing 11.49 * Eglantyne (Ausmak) 13.99 Kiftsgate, filipes 11.49 * Evelyn (Aussaucer) 13.99 * Lady Penelope (Chewdor) 11.99 * Falstaff (Ausverse) 13.99 Lady Sylvia,Climbing 11.49 * Gertrude Jekyll (Ausbord) 13.99 * Lavinia (Tanklewi) 11.99 * Golden Celebration (Ausgold) 13.99 Leaping Salmon (Peamight) 11.49 * Grace (Auskeppy) 13.99 * Little Rambler (Chewramb) 11.99 * Graham Thomas (Ausmas) 13.99 * Love Knot (Chewglorious) 11.99 * James Galway (Auscrystal) 13.99 Mme Alfred Carriere 11.49 * Jayne Austin (Ausbreak) 13.99 Mermaid (Hybrid Bracteata) 12.99 * Jubilee Celebration (Aushunter) 13.99 Mrs Sam McGredy, Climbing 11.49 * Jude The Obscure (Ausjo) 13.99 New Dawn 11.49 * Malvern Hills (Auscanary) 13.99 Paul's Himalayan Musk 11.49 * Mary Rose (Ausmary) 13.99 * Penny Lane (Hardwell) 11.99 * Pat Austin (Ausmum) 13.99 Pink Perpetue 11.49 * Queen Anne (Ausruck) 13.99 Rambling Rector 11.49 * Rosemoor (Austough) 13.99 * Rambling Rosie (Horjasper) 11.99 * Royal Jubilee 13.99 Rosy Mantle 11.49 * Scepter'd Isle (Ausland) 13.99 * Star Performer (Chewpearl) 11.99 * Sharifa Asma (Ausreef) 13.99 * Summertime (Chewlarmoll) 11.99 * Snow Goose (Auspom) 13.99 Summer Wine (Korizont) 11.49 * Strawberry Hill (Ausrimini) 13.99 Veilchenblau 11.49 * Sweet Juliet (Ausleap) 13.99 Wedding Day 11.49 * Tea Clipper (Ausrover) 13.99 Zephirine Drouhin (Bourbon climber) 11.49 * Tranquility (Ausnoble) 13.99 GROUND COVER ROSES * The Mayflower (Austilly) 13.99 * The Pilgrim (Auswalker) 13.99 * Flower Carpet (Noatraum) 11.99 * William and Catherine (Ausrapper) 13.99 * Flower Carpet Amber (Noa) 11.99 * William Morris (Auswill) 13.99 * Flower Carpet Coral (Noala) 11.99 * William Shakespeare 2000 (Ausromeo) 13.99 * Gwent (Poulurt) 9.49 * Winchester Cathedral (Auscat) 13.99 * Kent (Poulcov) 9.49 * Wisley 2008 (Ausbreeze) 13.99 * Suffolk (Kormixal) 9.49 * Wollerton Old Hall (Ausblanket) 13.99 * Surrey (Korlanum) 9.49 * Young Lycidas (Ausvibrant) 13.99 * Sussex (Poulave) 9.49 The Fairy (Polyantha type) 8.99 CLIMBING AND RAMBLING ROSES * Wiltshire (Kormuse) 9.49 Alberic Barbier 11.49 E ROSMARINUS (ROSEMARY) Albertine 11.49 officinalis 7.99 American Pillar 11.49 Benenden Blue AGM (Collingwood Ingram) 7.99 Arthur Bell Climbing 11.49 Lady in White 7.99 Ballerina Climbing 11.49 Miss Jessopp’s Upright AGM (Fastigiatus) 7.99 Banksiae Banksiae ('Alboplena') 12.99 Majorca Pink 7.99 Banksiae Lutea (Yellow Banksian) 12.99 prostratus 7.99 Banksiae Normalis 12.99 * Roman Beauty 8.50 Bantry Bay 11.49 Severn Sea AGM 7.99 11.49 * Sunkissed 8.50 Blush Rambler 11.49 Cecil Brunner, Climbing 11.49 E RUBUS Compassion 11.49 tricolor 7.49 * Crème de la Crème (Gancre) 11.99 Danse de Feu 11.49 SAMBUCUS Dublin Bay 11.49 Nigra Aurea AGM 9.50 Etoile de Hollande Climbing 11.49 * Black Beauty AGM 9.99 Excelsa 11.49 * Black Lace 9.99 Gloire de Dijon 11.49 * Black Tower 9.99 ⑪ racemosa Plumosa Aurea 9.50 ⑪ racemosa Sutherland Gold AGM 9.50

* = protected by Plant Breeders Rights 9 Price each from £ Price each from £ E SARCOCOCCA all varieties 9.49 opulus (Guelder Rose) 7.99 confusa AGM humilis Sterile AGM (Roseum) 8.99 hookeriana digyna AGM ruscifolia plicatum tomentosum Lanarth 9.99 E SENECIO (See BRACHYGLOTTIS) Mariesii AGM 9.99

E Tinus 7.99 E SKIMMIA E Eve Price AGM 7.99 x confusa Kew Green AGM (m) 9.49 E Purpureum 7.99 japonica Fragrans AGM (m) 9.49 *E Spirit 8.99 Redruth (f) 9.49

reevesiana (s/f) 9.49 E VINCA Rubella AGM (m) 9.49 difformis Snowmound 7.49 Ruby King (m) 9.49 major 7.49 Veitchii (f) (Foremannii) 9.49 Maculata (Surrey Marble) 7.49 Wakehurst White (f) (Fructo-albo) 9.49 Variegata AGM (Elegantissima) 7.49

minor SORBARIA alba Gertrude Jekyll AGM 7.49 * sorbifolia Sem 8.99 Argenteovariegata 7.49 SPIRAEA 7.79 or 8.29* Atropurpurea 7.49 x cinerea Grefsheim AGM Bowles Variety AGM (La Grave) 7.49 japonica Candlelight AGM * jap. White Gold Illumination 7.49 jap. Firelight nipponica Snowmound AGM WEIGELA 8.49 or 8.99* jap. Nana AGM (Alpina) * Sparkling Champagne Bristol Ruby jap. Shirobana * florida Alexandra Kosteriana Variegata STEWARTIA florida Foliis Purpureis AGM * Pink Poppet pseudocamellias AGM 12.99 E YUCCA

SYRINGA Gloriosa Variegata AGM 10.99 josikaea 10.99 meyeri spontanea Palibin AGM 10.99 pubescens microphylla Superba AGM 11.99 CLIMBING & WALL PLANTS patula Miss Kim AGM 10.99 SE ABUTILON vulgaris Charles Joly AGM 12.99 Kentish Belle 8.99 Katherine Havemeyer AGM 12.99 x suntense 10.75 Madame Lemoine AGM 12.99 Sensation 12.99 ACTINIDIA Souvenir de Louis Spaeth AGM 12.99 kolomikta AGM 10.50

E TEUCRIUM SE AKEBIA fruticans Drysdale 8.49 quinata 9.99

T E TIBOUCHINA E BILLARDIERA semidecandra AGM 7.99 longiflora AGM 9.99

E TRACHYCARPUS (Chamaerops) E CALLISTEMON fortunei AGM 10.99 citrinus Splendens AGM 8.99


E ULEX grandiflora 14.49 europaeus Flore Pleno AGM 7.49 radicans Indian Summer 14.49 x tagliabuana Madame Galen AGM 14.49 E VACCINIUM vitis-idaea Red Pearl 8.99 E CEONOTHUS all varieties 8.25 arboreus Trewithen Blue AGM VIBURNUM Burkwoodii AGM Italian Skies AGM x bodnantense Dawn AGM 9.99 Concha AGM x veitchianus E x burkwoodii 12.99 carlesii Charis 12.99 CHAENOMELES E davidii speciosa Geisha Girl AGM 8.25 E Female AGM 9.99 Moerloosei AGM 8.25 E Male AGM 9.99 x superba Eskimo 12.99 Crimson and Gold AGM 8.25 Fragrans AGM (farreri) 9.99 Jet Trail 8.25 Pink Lady AGM 8.25

m= male f = female s/f = self fertile 10 Price each from £ Price each from £ CLEMATIS ⑪TSE PASSIFLORA (PASSION FLOWER) all varieties 8.49 E armandii Apple Blossom AGM 19.99 caerulea AGM E Snowdrift 19.99 caer. Constance Elliot Lavender Lady (Amethyst) Fragrant Spring 8.49 caer. rubra mollissima montana alba 8.49 x exoniensis x violacea Victoria rubens 8.49 Broughton Star AGM 8.49 T E PLUMBAGO Elizabeth AGM 8.49 auriculata AGM (capensis) 7.99

Mayleen AGM 8.49 POLYGONUM (See FALLOPIA) Tetrarose AGM 8.49 tangutica 8.49 E PYRACANTHA A good selection of large flowered hybrids are available in our * Cadange AGM (Saphyr Orange) 8.99 Garden Centres from £8.49 * Cadaune (Saphyr Jaune) 8.99 * Cadrou AGM (Saphyr Rouge) 8.99 T CYTISUS Dart’s Red 8.49 battandieri AGM 14.99 Orange Glow AGM 8.49

FALLOPIA rogersiana Flava AGM 8.49

baldschuanica (Russian Vine) 7.99 ⑪ SOLANUM E GARRYA SE crispum Glasnevin AGM 8.49 James Roof AGM (m) 10.99 SE laxum (Solanum jasminoides) Album 8.49 ⑩E HEDERA from 7.99 colchica Sulphur Heart AGM (Paddy’s Pride) T E SOLLYA hibernica AGM heterophylla AGM 8.99 Also available in 1.5 litre pot 3.99 E TRACHELOSPERMUM HUMULUS asiaticum AGM 11.99 lupulus Aureus AGM 8.49 asiaticum (improved) 11.99 jasminiodes 11.99 HYDRANGEA Variegatum AGM 11.99 anomala petiolaris AGM 8.99 E seemannii 11.99 VITIS (VINE) Brant AGM 10.99 JASMINUM coignetiae AGM 10.99 E humile Revolutum AGM 8.49 vinifera Purpurea AGM 10.99 nudiflorum AGM 8.49 officinale AGM 8.49 ⑪ WISTERIA * Devon Cream (Clotted Cream) 8.99 A selection of colours are available in our Garden Centres * Fiona Sunrise 8.99 from £20.99 E polyanthum AGM 8.49 x stephanense 8.49 HEATHERS KERRIA japonica Pleniflora AGM 7.99 Our Garden Centres are always stocked with a good selection of summer and winter flowering Heathers in 9cm pots from LONICERA (HONEYSUCKLE) £1.79 each or £16.00 per 10. x heckrottii 7.99 In addition, we also stock a wide variety of 2 litre Heathers japonica Hall’s Prolofic 7.99 throughout the season from £4.50 or 3 for £10. * Mint Crisp 8.50 Tree Heaths are available in 2 litre pots at £6.99 each. SE repens AGM (flexuosa) 7.99 periclymenum Belgica 7.99 E CALLUNA vulgaris varieties Graham Thomas AGM 7.99 Anne Marie Orange Queen Honey Bush 7.99 Beoley Gold AGM Peter Sparkes AGM Scentsation 7.99 Bonfire Brilliance Radnor AGM Serotina AGM 7.99 Con Brio Robert Chapman AGM sempervirens AGM 7.99 C.W. Nix Serlei Aurea AGM tragophylla 7.99 Dark Beauty AGM Silver Knight Dark Star AGM Sir John Charrington AGM PARTHENOCISSUS Firefly AGM Sister Anne AGM henryana AGM 7.99 Glenfiddich Spring Torch quinquefolia AGM 7.99 Kerstin AGM Tib AGM tricuspidata Veitchii 7.99 Kiniochruel AGM Wickwar Flame AGM Melanie Winter Chocolate My Dream AGM T = Tender E = Evergreen SE = semi-evergreen * = protected by Plant Breeders Rights m = male f = female


E DABOECIA baccata Fastigiata AGM f) 9.99 cantabrica alba cantabrica Atropurpurea Fastigiata Aureomarginata AGM (m) 9.99 E ERICA Fastigiata Robusta 9.99 arborea Alberts Gold AGM (Tree Heath) 6.99 Standishii AGM (f) 9.99 Estrella Gold AGM (Tree Heath) 6.99 ERICA carnea varieties DWARF & SLOW GROWING CONIFERS Ann Sparkes AGM Pink Spangles AGM Golden Starlet Springwood Pink CHAMAECYPARIS lawsoniana varieties from 7.99 Isabell Springwood White AGM Aurea Densa AGM Golden Pot (Pot of Gold) Myretoun Ruby AGM Westwood Yellow AGM Chilworth Silver AGM Green Globe Nathalie AGM Winter Snow Cream Glow Minima Aurea ERICA cinerea varieties Ellwoodii AGM Pygmaea Argentea AGM Apricot Charm Golden Drop Ellwood’s Gold AGM Springtime C.D. Eason AGM Velvet Night AGM Ellwood’s White Treasure ERICA x darleyensis varieties obtusa varieties Arthur Johnson AGM Kamarachiba Nana Gracilis AGM Darley Dale Jenny Porter AGM Nana Aurea AGM Pygmaea Furzey AGM Kramer’s Red AGM pisifera varieties George Rendall Mary Helen Boulevard AGM Squarrosa Lombarts Ghost Hills AGM Siberschmelze Curly Tops Squarrosa Sulphurea Jack H. Brummage White Perfection AGM Filifera Sungold ERICA erigena varieties Nana Aureovariegata Brightness Irish Dusk AGM thyoides varieties Golden Lady AGM W.T. Rackliff AGM Andleyensis Rubicon ERICA x stuartii varieties Irish Lemon AGM Irish Orange CRYPTOMERIA japonica Elegans Compacta AGM ERICA tetralix varieties JUNIPERUS (JUNIPER) varieties Alba Mollis AGM Silver Bells chinensis Stricta Con Underwood AGM communis Compressa AGM ERICA vagans varieties Depressa Aurea Mrs D.F. Maxwell AGM Valerie Proudley AGM Hibernica AGM scopulorum Saint Keverne Repanda AGM sco. Blue Arrow x veitchii Exeter AGM (Tree Heath) 6.99 horizontalis Turquoise Spreader sco. Skyrocket x veitchii Gold Tips AGM (Tree Heath) 6.99 x pfitzeriana Carbery Gold sco. Skyrocket Gold Coast squamata Blue Carpet AGM CONIFERS Mint Julep squa. Blue Star AGM For hedging conifers, see Hedging Section page 14. procumbens Nana AGM taxifolia Lutchuensis

MICROBIOTA decussata AGM LARGE GROWING CONIFERS PICEA (Spruce) varieties ARAUCARIA (Monkey Puzzle) abies Nidiformis AGM glauca albertiana Conica araucana 22.99 PLATYCLADUS (Thuja orientalis) varieties CHAMAECYPARIS A range of sizes from 8.49 orientalis Aurea Nana AGM Rosedalis (See also Hedging Section) Green Hedger AGM Conspicua lawsoniana Pelts Blue AGM Broomhill Gold Stardust AGM THUJA varieties

occidentalis Amber Glow Smaragd AGM CRYPTOMERIA Rheingold AGM Yellow Ribbon japonica Elegans 7.99 Prices for young forestry transplants such as larch (Larix), Pine ⑰ X CUPRESSOCYPARIS (See also Hedging Section) (Pinus), Spruce (Picea) & Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) leylandii AGM 7.99 are available on request. Castlewellan 7.99

CUPRESSUS (Cypress) TREES Sempervirens Totem Pole 10.99 The code OG refers to open ground grown trees which are

PICEA (Spruce) available bare-root from November to March, if ordered in pungens globosa AGM 21.99 advance. Feathered and half standard tress are available in our garden centres as potted plants at £6.00 above the bare root ⑤ TAXUS (Yew) price. This is the best way to offer trees in our garden centres baccata AGM (m/f) 9.99 and although trees sold in Autumn and early Spring will not be established in the pots, the compost they are in will make an ideal planting medium. 12

Price each from £ Price each from £ Prices of trees without the code OG refer to container grown FAGUS (Beech) trees. Sylvatica AGM OG Feathered 23.99 Atropurpurea OG Feathered 27.99 ACER (Maple) Dawyck AGM OG Feathered 31.99 campestre AGM OG Feathered 21.99 heterophylla OG Feathered 31.99 capillipes Feathered 35.99 Pendula AGM OG Feathered 31.99 griseum AGM Feathered 31.99 Purpurea Pendula AGM OG Feathered 31.99 negundo Flamingo Feathered 19.99 Riversii AGM OG Feathered 31.99 platanoides AGM (Norway Maple) OG Feathered 21.99 Rohanii OG Feathered 31.99 Crimson King AGM OG Feathered 33.99 Tricolor OG Feathered 31.99 Drummondii OG Half standard 32.99 Ziatia OG Feathered 31.99 OG Standard 39.99 pseudoplatanus (Sycamore) OG Feathered 21.99 GLEDITSIA (Honey Locust) Brilliantissimum AGM Half standard 37.99 triacanthos Sunburst AGM Feathered 16.99 Rubylace Feathered 16.99 rubrum OG Feathered 35.99 HALESIA (Snowdrop Tree) ⑪ AESCULUS (Horse Chestnut) carolina 12.99 x carnea Briottii AGM OG Feathered 35.99 hippocastanum AGM (Common Horse Chestnut) JUGLANS (Walnut) OG Feathered 32.99 nigra OG Feathered 25.99

ALNUS (Alder) ⑤ LABURNUM (Golden Rain Tree) cordata AGM OG Feathered 21.99 x waterii Vossii AGM Feathered 30.99 glutinosa OG Feathered 21.99 LIQUIDAMBAR (Sweet Gum) AMELANCHIER (Snowy Mespilus) styraciflua Feathered 12.99 canadensis Feathered 33.99 Lane Roberts Feathered 18.99 Worplesdon AGM Feathered 18.99 BETULA (Birch) Grayswood Hill AGM Feathered 37.99 LIRIODENDRON (Tulip Tree) papyrifera (Paperbark Birch) Feathered 37.99 tulipifera AGM Feathered 12.99 pendula AGM (Silver Birch) Feathered 32.99 Fastigiata Feathered 37.99 MALUS (Crab Apple) Purpurea Feathered 37.99 floribunda AGM Tristis AGM Feathered 37.99 hupehensis AGM Youngii Feathered 37.99 x magdeburgensis Feathered 35.99 utilis x moerlandsii Liset OG Half standard 30.99 jacquemontii Feathered 37.99 Profusion Improved OG Standard 35.99 Moonbeam Feathered 37.99 Royalty OG Wakehurst Place Chocolate Feathered 37.99 tschonoskii AGM Van Eseltine CARPINUS (Hornbeam) betulus AGM OG Feathered 24.99 Fruiting varieties (Zero rated VAT) Fastigiata AGM OG Feathered 35.99 pumila Dartmouth Evereste AGM OG CASTANEA (Sweet Chestnut) x zumi Golden Hornet AGM OG sativa AGM OG Feathered 19.50 John Downie AGM OG Feathered 23.99 Pink Glow Half Standard 25.99 CERCIDIPHYLLUM (Katsura Tree) x robusta Red Sentinel AGM Standard 29.99 japonicum AGM Feathered 14.99 Sun Rival OG

COTONEASTER Veitch’s Scarlet OG SE frigidus Cornubia AGM Feathered 36.99 White Star OG

E Hybridus Pendulus Half standard 37.99 PAULOWNIA (Foxglove Tree) SE salcifolius Rothschildianus AGM Feathered 36.99 tomentosa AGM 12.99

CRATAEGUS (Hawthorn) POPULUS (Poplar) laevigata Paul’s Scarlet AGM balsamifera (Balsam Poplar) OG Feathered 17.99 Plena OG Half standard 32.99 x jackii Aurora (candicans) OG Standard 22.99 Rosea Flore Pleno AGM OG Standard 37.99 nigra Italica AGM OG Feathered 17.99 monogyna Stricta tremula AG OG Feathered 23.99 persimilis Prunifolia AGM


gunnii AGM Feathered 31.99

pauciflora niphophila AGM Feathered 31.99


Price each from £ Price each from £ PRUNUS ⑪ ROBINIA (False Acacia) FLOWERING PLUMS pseudoacacia Frisia AGM 20.99 cerasifera Nigra AGM OG Half standard 30.99 * pseudoacacia Lace Lady 20.99 Trailblazer OG Standard 35.99 Wood’s Variety OG SALIX (Willow) FLOWERING CHERRIES babylonica pekinensis Tortuosa AGM Accolade AGM OG Half standard 30.99 OG Feathered 24.99 OG Standard 35.99 caprea Kilmarnock (pendula) Half standard 17.25 Amanogawa AGM OG Feathered 28.99 Integra Hakuro-nishiki OG Mini Standard 15.99 avium AGM OG Standard 26.99 x sepulcralis Chrysocoma (babylonica Ramulis Aureus) Plena AGM OG Standard 35.99 OG Feathered 31.99

Fugenzô OG Half standard 30.99 SORBUS OG Standard 35.99 aria (Whitebeam) OG Feathered 24.99 Hillieri Spire AGM (Spire) OG Feathered 28.99 Chrysophylla OG Feathered 29.99 OG Half standard 30.99 Lutescens AGM OG Half standard 34.99 OG Standard 35.99 aucuparia (Mountain Ash) OG Feathered18.99 incisa Kojo-no-mai Mini Standard 22.99 OG Standard 25.99 incisa Mikinori Mini Standard 22.99 Asplenifolia incisa Oshidori Mini Standard 22.99 Sheerwater Seedling AGM incisa Praecox Mini Standard 22.99 cashmiriana AGM Kanzan AGM OG Half standard 30.99 commixta Embley AGM OG Feathered 29.99 OG Standard 35.99 hupehensis OG Half standard 30.99 Kiku-Shidare-zakura AGM (Cheal’s Weeping) Joseph Rock OG Standard 37.99 OG Feathered 30.99 x thuringiaca Fastigiata Kursar AGM OG Half standard 30.99 vilmorinii AGM OG Standard 35.99 Intermedia OG Feathered 19.99 nipponica Brilliant Mini Standard 22.99 Okumiyako AGM (Shôgetsu) TILIA (Lime) OG Half standard 30.99 cordata AGM OG Feathered 27.99 OG Standard 35.99 platyphyllos OG Feathered 27.99 padus (Bird Cherry) OG Feathered 28.99 Pink Perfection AGM OG Half standard 30.99 OG Standard 35.99 HEDGING PLANTS sargentii AGM OG Half standard 30.99 Special quotations are given for quantities larger than those OG Standard 35.99 listed. All hedging plants are container-grown except those serrula AGM OG Half standard 30.99 marked OG, which are open ground plants available November OG Standard 35.99 to March only. Shirofugen AGM (Serrulata Alborosea) OG Half standard 30.99 BEECH 40-60cms pre-packed OG Standard 35.99 Fagus sylvatica AGM 14.99 per 10 Shirotae AGM (Mount Fuji) OG Half standard 30.99 Atropurpurea 15.99 per 5 OG Standard 35.99 x sub. Autumnalis AGM OG Half standard 30.99 BERBERIS OG Standard 35.99 E darwinii AGM 7.99 Mini Standard 22.99 E x stenophylla AGM 7.99 Rosea AGM OG Half standard 30.99 thunbergii atropurpurea 7.99

OG Standard 35.99 ELDER 60-90cms pre-packed Mini Standard 22.99 Sambucus nigra OG 9.99 per 5 Pendula rubra Half standard 36.99 Taihaku AGM OG Half standard 30.99 ⑤E ENGLISH YEW OG Standard 35.99 Taxus baccata AGM 9.99 x yedoensis AGM OG Half standard 30.99 OG Standard 35.99 ESCALLONIA Ivensii Half standard 36.99 Red Hedger 7.99 Shidare-yoshino Feathered 30.99 rubra Crimson Spire 7.99 macrantha 7.99 PYRUS (Flowering Pear) salicifolia Pendula AGM OG Feathered 26.99 FIELD MAPLE 40-60cms pre-packed Acer campestre OG 11.99 per 10 QUERCUS (Oak) SE x hispanica Lucombeana AGM Feathered 23.99 FUCHSIA robur AGM (pendunculata)OG Feathered 27.99 riccartonii AGM 7.99 rubra AGM OG Feathered 27.99

14 Price each from £ HAZEL 40-60cms pre-packed TOP FRUIT Corylus avellana OG 11.99 per 10 (D) = Dessert (C) = Cooker APPLES (on MM106 rootstock) £ E HOLLY Maiden (also available on M27 rootstock for £15.99) 13.99 Ilex aquifolium AGM 7.99 Bush (also available on M27 rootstock for £17.99) 16.99 Cordons 18.99 HORNBEAM (Horse Chestnut) 40-60cms pre packed Fan-trained, 8-12 shoots 34.99 Carpinus betulus AGM OG 12.49 per 10 Horizontally-trained (espalier), 2 tier 36.99

E LAUREL Half-standard 20.99 ⑮ Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia 7.50 Standard 30.99 ⑮ lustanica AGM (Portugese Laurel) 7.99 Allington Pippin (D) *Greensleeves AGM (D) Ashmeads Kernel AGM (D) Grenadier AGM (C) E LAVENDER Blenheim Orange AGM (D/C) Howgate Wonder Lavandula angustifolia Hidcote AGM 7.25 Bountiful (C) James Grieve AGM (D) x intermedia Grappenhall 7.25 Bramley’s Seedling AGM (C) * Jupiter AGM (D) Charles Ross AGM (D/C) Lane’s Prince Albert AGM (C) ⑰E LEYLAND CYPRESS Chiver’s Delight (D) Laxton’s Fortune AGM (D) x Cupressocyparis leylandii AGM 2 litre pot 7.75 Cox’s Orange Pippin (D) Laxton’s Superb (D) 5 litre pot 16.25 Discovery AGM (D) Lord Lambourne AGM (D) Castlewellan Gold 2 litre pot 7.75 Duke of Devonshire (D) Newton Wonder AGM (D/C) 5 litre pot 16.25 Egremont Russet AGM (D) Reverend W. Wilks E LONICERA Ellison’s Orange AGM (D) Rosette (D) nitida 7.50 Exeter Cross (D) Spartan (D)

*Fiesta AGM (D) Sunset AGM (D) ⑪E PRIVET 40-60cms pre packed Gala (D) Winston AGM (D) Ligustrum ovalifolium OG 14.99 per 10 Golden Delicious AGM (D) Worcester Pearmain AGM (D) Aureum AGM 7.99

CRAB APPLES (See MALUS in Tree Section) PRUNUS spinosa (Blackthorn) 40-60cms pre packed 11.99 per 10 APRICOTS (Prunus armeniaca)

Maiden 23.99 ROSE 40-60cms pre-packed Bush 25.99 Rosa canina (Dog Rose) OG 7.99 per 5 Fan trained, 5 shoots 39.99 rugosa OG 10.49 per 5 Moorpark AGM alba OG 10.49 per 5

CHERRIES (Prunus avium) E ROSEMARY Maiden (also available on Pixy rootstock for £19.99) 17.50 Rosmarinus officinalis 7.99 Bush (also available on Pixy rootstock for £22.99) 20.25 Miss Jessopp’s Upright AGM (Fastigiatus) 7.99 Fan trained, 5-7 shoots 34.25 THORN 40-60cms pre-packed Half-standard 22.75 Crataegus monogyna OG 9.99 per 10 Standard 20.75 Early Rivers (D) Stella AGM (D) Merton Glory (D) Sunburst (D) Morello (C) Van (D) HERBS A wide range of container grown herbs are always available in PEACHES & NECTARINES our garden centres from £1.29 each or £11.50 per 10. Plants Maiden 23.99 are also available in 1 litre pots at £2.99 each. Bush 25.99 Fan trained, 5 shoots 39.99 PEACHES (prunus persica) FRUIT Peregrine AGM Rochester AGM NECTARINES (Prunus persica nectarine) All prices in the top fruit section are for bare-root trees AGM available November to March if ordered in advance. Prices of apples, cherries and plums may differ from those printed PEARS (Pyrus communis) depending on the rootstock. Maiden 15.99 Bush 18.99 A good selection of pot-grown bush, trained and half-standard Cordons 20.99 trees are available in our Garden Centres at £6.00 above the Fan-trained, 5 shoots 34.99 bare-root price. This is the best way to offer trees in our Horizontally-trained (espalier), 2 tier 36.99 Garden Centres and although plants sold in Autumn and Early Half-standard 23.99 Spring will not be established in the pots, the compost they are Standard 30.99 in will make an ideal planting medium. Beth AGM (D) Conference AGM (D) Beurré Hardy AGM (D) Doyenne du Comice AGM (D) * Concorde AGM (D) Williams Bon Chrétien AGM (D)


Price each from £ PLUMS & DAMSONS (on St Julien rootstock) HYBRID BERRIES Maiden (also available on Pixy rootstock for £19.99) 17.99 Loganberry Pre-packed 6.99 Bush (also available on Pixy rootstock for £22.99) 20.99 Tayberry AGM Pre-packed 6.99 Fan-trained, 5 shoots 34.99 Thornless Loganberry LY654 AGM Half-standard 23.99 Container grown 8.99 Standard 30.99 BLUEBERRIES (Vaccinium corymbosum) PLUMS (Prunus domestica) Container grown 10.99 Czar (C) Marjorie’s Seedling AGM (C) Bluecrop Goldtraube Denniston’s Superb AGM (D/C) (Imperial Gage) Dixi Northland Early Rivers (C) Ouillin’s Gage AGM (D/C) (Golden Gage) Earliblue Patriot Early Transparent Gage (D/C) Greengage Old (D/C) Pond’s Seedling (C) CRANBERRY Jubilee (D) Victoria AGM (D/C) Pilgrim Container grown 8.99

DAMSONS (Prunus insititia) GRAPES (Vitis vinifera) Container grown 11.99 Merryweather (C) Black Hamburg Madeleine Silvaner Leon Millot Triomphe d’Alsace QUINCE (Cydonia oblonga) RASPBERRIES (Rubus idaeus) (Certified stock) Bush 17.99 Pre-packed £10.79 per 10 except where priced Half standard 23.99 *Autumn Bliss AGM 10.99 Malling Admiral AGM Standard 30.99 *Glen Ample AGM 11.99 Malling Delight AGM Vranja AGM Glen Clova Malling Jewel AGM *Glen Moy AGM *Malling Leo AGM (Leo) SWEET CHESTNUT (Castanea sativa) *Glen Prosen *Octavia 11.99 Feathered 19.50 Split Pack 12.99 Tulameen 11.99

WALNUTS STRAWBERRIES (Fragaria x ananassa) (Certified stock) Juglans regia from 20.99 Pot grown plants available throughout the year Broadview from 29.99 £1.69 each or £14.99 per 10 *Albion * Florence FAMILY TREES *Calypso Honeoye AGM Apples & Pears Bush 27.99 Cambridge Favourite AGM * Pegasus

Trained fruit is available on certain varieties. Please ask for an *Elsanta * Symphony AGM availability list.


CURRANTS ASPARAGUS (Asparagus officinalis) Bush Pre-packed 5.49 Backlim F1 AGM Container grown 2.99

BLACK CURRANTS (Ribes nigrum) Connovers Colossal Container grown 2.99

* Ben Connan AGM * Ben Sarek AGM COBNOTS and FILBERTS (Corylus) Ben Hope AGM * Ben Tirran Cosford Cob Container grown from 9.99 * Ben Lomond AGM Kentish Cob Container grown from 9.99 RED CURRANTS (Ribes rubrum) Pearson’s Prolific Container grown from 9.99

Jonkheer Van Tets AGM Rovada ⑬ FIG (Ficus carica) Redstart Brown Turkey AGM Container grown 14.99

WHITE CURRANTS (Ribes rubrum) GLOBE ARTICHOKES (Cynara cardunculus) White Versailles Green Globe Container grown 3.99

GOOSEBERRIES (Ribes uva-crispa reclinatum) Violet de Provence Container grown 3.99

Bush Pre-packed 6.49 KIWI FRUIT (Actinidia) Captivator (C) (Red) deliciosa Solo 9.99 Careless AGM (C) (White) Hinnonmaki Yellow Hinnonmaki Green * Invicta AGM (C) (Green) RHUBARB (Rheum x hybridum) Whinham’s Industry AGM (D/C) (Red) Champagne Container grown 5.99 Timperly Early Container grown 5.99 BLACKBERRIES (Rubus fruticosus) Timperly Early Pre-packed 3.99 Adrienne Pre-packed 6.99 Victoria Container grown 5.99 Bedford Giant Pre-packed 6.99 Victoria Pre-packed 3.99 Waldo Pre-packed 6.99

Merton Thornless Container grown 8.99 Oregon Thornless Container grown 8.99

16 Price each from £ HERBACEOUS PERENNIALS ASTILBE (False Goat’s Beard) all varieties 6.50 The prices below refer to container-grown plants mostly in 2 Amerika Fanal AGM litre pots. A good selection of these varieties can always be Bumalda Sprite AGM found in our Garden Centres. For mail order or collection, if ordered in advance, we can supply plants in 9cm pots priced ASTRANTIA from £2.49 each. Major Rubra 6.50

ACANTHUS BERGENIA (Elephant’s Ears) all varieties 6.50 mollis 6.50 cordifolia cordifolia Silberlicht AGM

spinosus AGM 6.50 BRUNNERA

macrophylla AGM 6.50 ACHILLEA (Milfoil or Yarrow)

filipendulina Cloth of Gold AGM 6.50 CAMPANULA (Bell Flower) millefolium Cerise Queen 6.50 glomerata Superba AGM 6.50 Moonshine AGM 6.50 lactiflora Loddon Anna AGM 6.50 ptarmica The Pearl AGM 6.50 persicifolia 6.50

② ACONITUM (Monkshood) Alba AGM 6.50 henryi Spark’s Variety AGM 6.50 Telham Beauty 6.50 Punctata Vienna Festival 6.50 T AGAPANTHUS Blue Brush 6.50 CATANANCHE (Cupid’s Dart) Headbourne hybrids 6.50 caerulea 6.50

Sky 6.50 CENTAUREA (Mountain Knapweed)

ALCHEMILLA (Ladys Mantle) montana 6.50

mollis AGM 6.50 CENTRANTHUS (Valerian) all varieties 6.50

⑰ ALSTROEMERIA (Peruvian Lily) ruber ruber Albus

Little Miss Natalie 6.99 CERASTIUM Little Miss Rosalind 6.99 tomontosum 6.50 Little Miss Tara 6.99 ⑰ CHRYSANTHEMUM (See LEUCANTHEMUM) ANCHUSA (Alkanet) Loddon Royalist AGM 6.50 COREOPSIS all varieties 6.50 grandiflora Early Sunrise ANEMONE Mayfield Giant Sunray x hybrid Honorine Jobert AGM (Japanese) 6.50 rosea American Dream verticillata Moonbeam Königin Charlotte AGM (Japanese) 6.50 September Charm AGM (Japanese) 6.50 CORYDALIS (Fumitory) all varieties 6.50 flexuosa Pere David flexuosa Purple Leaf ANTHEMIS tinctoria Kelwayi 6.50 COSMOS (Cosmea) Atrosanguineus (1.5 litre) 6.50 AQUILEGIA (Columbine/Granny’s Bonnet) Mrs Scott-Elliott hybrids 6.50 CROCOSMIA (Monbretia) vulgaris Nora Barlow AGM 6.50 x crocosmiiflora Emberglow (1.5 litre) 5.99 William Guiness 6.50 x crocosmiiflora Emily McKenzie (1.5 litre) 5.99 George Davison (1.5 litre) 5.99 ARTEMISIA ludoviciana Silver Queen AGM 6.50 ⑪ DELPHINIUM all varieties 6.50 Powis Castle AGM 6.50 Astolat Galahad Black Knight Guinevere ASTER Blue Bird King Arthur x frikartii Mönch AGM 6.50 Blue Fountains Summer Skies lateriflorus Prince 6.50 novae-angliae DIANTHUS (Pinks) 1.5 litre 4.50 Andenken an Alma Potschke 6.50 * Devon Dove AGM Gran’s Favourite AGM Purple Dome 6.50 * Devon Wizard * Lady in Red novi-belgii Jenny 6.50 Doris Waterloo Sunset Lady in Blue 6.50 Marie Ballard 6.50 DICENTRA (Bleeding Heart) Patricia Ballard 6.50 spectablis AGM 6.50 Rose Bonnet 6.50 Alba AGM 6.50 Snowsprite 6.50 formosa Luxuriant 6.50

pringlei Monte Cassino AGM 6.50


Price each from £ Price each from £ DIERAMA HELENIUM (Sneezeweed) pulcherima 1.5 litre 5.99 autumnale 6.50 Moerheim Beauty AGM 6.50 ⑤ DIGITALIS (Foxglove) Apricot Beauty 6.50 HELIOPSIS (False Sunflower) purpurea Excelsior hybrids 6.50 helianthoides scabra Summer Sun 6.50

DORONICUM (Leopard’s Bane) ⑨ HELLEBORUS (Hellebore) orientale Magnificum 6.50 argutifolius AGM (Corsicus) 6.99 foetidus AGM 6.99 ECHINACEA (Purple Coneflower) x hybridus (orientalis) (Lentern Rose) 6.99 purpurea 6.50 niger AGM (Christmas Rose) 6.99

ECHINOPS (Globe Thistle) HEMEROCALLIS (Day Lily) all varieties 6.50 bannaticus (ritro) 6.50 Happy Returns Strawberry Candy

Mauna Loa Summer Wine

EPIMEDIUM x versicolor Sulphureum AGM 6.50 HEUCHERA (Coral Flower)

micrantha diversifolia Palace Purple 6.50 ERIGERON (Fleabane) sanguinea 6.50 Azure Fairy 6.50

glaucus 6.50 HOSTA (Plantain Lily) all varieties 6.50 Pink Jewel 6.50 Francee AGM (fortunei)

Hadspen Blue Patriot ERYNGIUM (Sea Holly) Halcyon sieboldiana planum 6.50 June AGM Sum and Substance AGM variifolium 6.50 Lacey Belle Wide Brim AGM ERYSIMUM (Wallflower) HOUTTUYNIA Bowles Mauve AGM 6.50 cordata Chameleon 6.50 Constant Cheer 6.50

linifolium Varegatum 6.50 INCARVILLEA (Trumpet Flower)

delavayi 6.50 EUPHORBIA (Spurge)

amygdaloides robbiae AGM 6.50 ⑪ IRIS all varieties 6.50 characias wulfenii AGM 6.50 Ensata White Ladies Pallida Argentea Variegata Cyparissias Fen’s Ruby (Clarice Howard) 6.50 Germanica Berkeley Gold Siberica Perry’s Blue griffithii Fireglow 6.50 Ger. Blue Shimmer unguicularis AGM myrsinites AGM 6.50 Ger. Kent Pride polychroma AGM 6.50 KNIPHOFIA (Red Hot Poker) GAILLARDIA all varieties 6.50 Early hybrids 6.50 Burgander Little Maid 6.50 Dazzler AGM Goblin (Kobold) LAMIUM (Dead Nettle) GAURA maculatum Pink Pearls 6.50 lindhermeri AGM 6.50 White Nancy AGM 6.50 lindhermeri Siskiyou Pink 6.50 ⑰ LEUCANTHEMUM (CHRYSANTHEMUM) GERANIUM (Cranesbill) all varieties 6.50 x superbum Little Miss Muffet 6.50 Anemonifolium Dusky Crug Silver Princess 6.50 Ann Folkard AGM Johnsons Blue AGM Wirral Supreme AGM 6.50 x cantabrigiense macrorrhizum Biokovo x magnificum AGM LIATRIS clarkei Kashmir Purple sanguineum spicata 6.50 Kashmir White AGM san. striatum AGM Alba AGM 6.50 x oxonianum Wargrave Pink AGM LIGULARIA GEUM (Avens) dentata Desdemona AGM 6.50 Borisii 6.50 The Rocket 6.50 Lady Stratheden AGM 6.50 Mrs J. Bradshaw AGM 6.50 ⑪ LOBELIA AGM 6.50 GYPSOPHILA (Baby’s Breath)

Paniculata Bristol Fairy AGM 6.50

For numeric codes of potentially harmful plants see page 2 e.g. ⑤ 18

Price each from £ Price each from £ ⑪ LUPINUS (Lupin) all varieties 6.50 PHYGELIUS (Cape Fuchsia) arboreus AGM (3 litre) Noble Maiden aequalis Yellow Trumpet AGM 6.50 Chandelier Russell Hybrids (mixed) x rectus Winchester Fanfare 6.50 Gallery Series (Mixed) The Chatelaine My Castle The Governor PHYSALIS (Chinese Lantern) alkekengi franchetii 6.50 LYCHNIS (Campion) chalcedonica AGM 6.50 PHYSOSTEGIA (Obedient Plant) all varieties 6.50 Virginiana Virginiana Alba LYSIMACHIA ciliata Firecracker AGM 6.50 PLATYCODON (Balloon flower) nummularia 6.50 grandiflorus Mariesii AGM 6.50

Aurea AGM 6.50 POLEMONIUM (Jacob’s Ladder) all varieties 6.50 punctata 6.50 caeruleum caeruleum album Alexander 6.50 ⑪ POLYGONATUM (Solomans Seal) LYTHRUM (Loosestrife) x hybridum (multiflorum) 6.50 salicaria Robert 6.50 POLYGONUM (See PERSICARIA) MECONOPSIS (Blue Himalayan Poppy) betonicifolia AGM 6.50 POTENTILLA all varieties 6.50 Gibsons Scarlet AGM recta Warrenii MONARDA (Bergamot) nepalensis Miss Willmott AGM Cambridge Scarlet AGM 6.50 Croftway Pink AGM 6.50 PRIMULA (Primrose) Prairie Night 6.50 denticulate AGM (Drumstick Primrose) 6.50 veris (Cowslip) (10cm) 2.49 T MUSA (Japanese Banana) vulgaris (Wild Primrose) (10cm) 2.49 basjoo AGM 7.49 PULMONARIA (Lungwort) NEPETA (Catmint) rubra Redstart 6.50 x faassenii AGM (mussinii) 6.50 Six Hills Giant 6.50 PYRETHRUM (see TANACETUM)

OENOTHERA (Evening Primrose) RUDBECKIA fruiticosa Youngii 6.50 fulgida sullivantii Goldstrum AGM 6.50 macrocarpa AGM (missouriensis) 6.50 SALVIA (Perennial Sage) all varieties 6.50 PAEONIA (Peony) x sylvestris Blue Queen Schneehugel Festiva Maxima AGM 10.99 Karl Rosenfield 10.99 SANTOLINA Sarah Bernhardt AGM 10.99 chamaecyparissus AGM (incana) 6.50 pinnata neopolitana AGM 6.50 PAPAVER (Poppy) rosmarinifolia Primrose Gem AGM 6.50 orientale Allegro 6.50 Mrs Perry 6.50 SCABIOSA (Scabious) Patty’s Plum 6.50 caucasica Houses Hybrids 6.50 Perry’s White 6.50 SCHIZOSTYLIS (Kaffir Lily) all varieties 6.50 T PENSTEMON coccinea Major AGM coccinea Sunrise AGM Apple Blossom AGM 6.50 coccinea Pink Princess Blackbird 6.50 SEDUM (Stonecrop) (3 litre) Garnet AGM (Andenken an Friedrich Hahn) 6.50 Autumn Joy AGM (Herbstreude) 6.99 heterophyllus Heavenly Blue 6.50 erythrostichum Frosty Morn 6.99 King 6.50 Ruby Glow AGM 6.99 White Bedder AGM (Snowstorm) 6.50 spectabile Brilliant AGM 6.99 PERSICARIA (POLYGONUM) all varieties 6.50 telephium Matrona 6.99 affinis vacciniifolia AGM SIDALCEA (False Mallow) * microcephala Red Dragon Party Girl 6.50 PHLOX all varieties 6.50 SISYRINCHIUM (Rush Lily) Bright Eyes AGM striatum 6.50 Danielle Pinky Hill

Dusterlohe Starfire

T = Tender E = Evergreen SE = semi-evergreen * = protected by Plant Breeders Rights AGM = RHS Award of Garden Merit

19 Price each from £ Price each from £ SOLIDAGO (Golden Rod) all varieties 6.50 PHYLLOSTACHYS Gold Kind (Golden Baby) Goldenmosa AGM aurea 64.99 aureaosulcata Spectabilis 64.99 STACHYS (Lamb’s Tongue) nigra AGM 64.99 byzantina (lanata) 6.50 PSEUDOSASA TANACETUM (Painted Daisy) japonica AGM 14.99 coccineum Robinsons Red 6.50 roseum 6.50

THALICTRUM GRASSES delaveyi Hewitt’s Double AGM 6.99 The prices below refer to container-grown plants mostly in 3 litre pots. A good selection of these varieties can always be TRADESCANTHIA found in our Garden Centres. For mail order or collection, if x andersoniana Blue Stone ordered in advance, we can supply plants in 9cm pots priced Innocence 6.50 from £2.49 each. Valour 6.50 ACORUS TROLLIUS (Globe Flower) gramineus Ogon 6.85 x cultorum Golden Queen 6.50 CALAMAGROTIS all varieties 6.85 VERBASCUM (Mullein) Acutiflora Karl Foerster Acutiflora Overdam chaixii Gainsborough AGM 6.99 CAREX all varieties 6.85 VERBENA all varieties 6.50 buchananii AGM comans Frosted Curls bonariensis AGM rigida comans Bronze dolichostachya Kaga-nishiki

VERONICA all varieties 6.50 CORTADERIA gentianoides AGM peduncularis Georgia Blue selloana (argentea) Pumila AGM 8.99 longifolia Blue DESCHAMPSIA FERNS Cespitosa Goldtau 6.85 The prices below refer to container-grown plants mostly in 2 flexuosa Tatra Gold 6.85 litre pots. ELYMUS ASPLENIUM magellanicus 6.85 scolopendrium AGM 6.99 ERAGROSTIS ATHYRIUM spectabilis 6.85 filix-femina AGM 6.99 Frizelliae AGM 6.99 FESTUCA niponicum metallicum AGM (nipp. Pictum) 6.99 glauca Elijah Blue 6.85

BLECHNUM IMPERATA spicant AGM 6.99 Cylindrica Red Baron 6.85

T DICKSONIA MILIUM antartica AGM (Tasmanian Tree Fern) 17.99 Effusum Aureum 6.85

DRYOPTERIS all varieties 6.99 MISCANTHUS erythrosa filix-mas AGM (The Male Fern) sinensis Strictus AGM 6.85

OPHIOPOGON MATTEUCCIA struthiopteris AGM (Shuttlecock Fern) 6.99 planiscapus Nigrescens AGM 6.85

PENNISETUM OSMUNDA regalis AGM (The Royal Fern) 6.99 Alopecuroides Hamein 6.85

POLYSTICHUM PHALARIS setiferum Plumosum 6.99 arundinacea picta Feesey 6.85


gigantea AGM 6.85 BAMBOOS Tenuissima 6.85 FARGESIA 14.99 murielae Bimbo (17.99) nitida Great Wall UNCINIA murielae Simba AGM (17.99) robusta rubra 6.85

nitida rufa


ORDER FORM St Bridget Nurseries Ltd, Old Rydon Lane, Exeter, Devon, EX2 7JY Tel: 01392 873672 Fax: 01392 876710 Website: E-mail: [email protected]


Billing Address:

Postcode: Delivery Address (if different to above):

Note: If any variety is out of stock we will send the nearest alternative. If you do not want substitutes please tick here If you would like to receive our price list annually plus occasional offers by post then please tick here If you would like to receive our e-newsletters, a pdf copy of our price list plus offers by e-mail then please enter your e-mail address here:

Qty Name of Variety Form of tree £ p (if applicable)

21 Qty Name of Variety Form of tree £ p (if applicable)

Today’s date: Sub Total Contact telephone number: P&P/delivery Grand Total

I wish to pay by Mastercard/Maestro/Visa/Visa debit/Solo I authorise you to debit my account with the amount of £ My card number is: Name as it appears on your card: Cardholder’s address (if different to delivery address above):

Issue Number (if available): Expiry Date: Alternatively please enclose a cheque made payable to St Bridget Card Security Code: Nurseries Ltd or send Gift Vouchers. Please note we cannot offer The three digits on the reverse of your card Signature of card holder: change for gift vouchers. Change can only be given in the form of a credit note. Please detail the amounts you are sending here: Cheque: £ Gift Vouchers: £ GENERAL TERMS

All prices include VAT where applicable but owing to possible fluctuations of the various rates, prices quoted in this list are subject to alteration without notice.

ESTIMATES & QUOTATIONS We are pleased to provide quotations for large quantities of trees, shrubs or other plants on request. All enquiries and orders should be directed to our Head Office at: St Bridget Nurseries, Old Rydon Lane, Exeter, Devon, EX2 7JY Tel: 01392 873672 Fax: 01392 876710 E-mail: [email protected]

LIFTING & DESPATCH The lifting season for open ground plants is between November and March. During this period, as far as possible, orders are executed in rotation with the least possible delay. At the start of the lifting season, however, with many orders in hand (placed throughout the summer) some delays are inevitable. We ask for your patience during this period and to avoid communication with us unless there is a specific reason to suspect something is amiss.

DELIVERY We make regular deliveries across Devon for fixed standard charges, regardless of the size of the order. If a small order can be sent more economically by other means we will do so. The following list details our delivery zones and their charges. A more comprehensive list of delivery locations and delivery days can be found on our website.

Zone A (Exeter) £7.50 Zone B (includes Exmouth, Ottery St Mary & Crediton) £13.50 Zone C (includes Newton Abbot & Tiverton) £21 Zone D (includes Paignton & Torquay) £26.50 Zone E (includes Axminster & Okehampton) £31.50 Zone F (includes Lyme Regis & Tavistock) £36.50 Zone G (includes Taunton & Plymouth) £42

FREE delivery when you spend £300 or more.

These prices exclude the delivery of heavy or bulky items (garden furniture, water features, statues, 10 or more bags of compost) which require two people for lifting. Such orders have an additional flat charge of £20 for all zones, payable regardless of the total value of order. For addresses outside of our delivery zone we offer a mail order service. Please call 01392 873672 or e-mail [email protected] for a quotation.

PAYMENTS Payment is required at time of order unless a credit account has been approved.

CLAIMS & GUARANTEES Considerable care is taken in the lifting and packing of all trees, shrubs etc., and under normal conditions plants quickly establish themselves. Failure to do this may be due to climatic or other conditions, over which we cannot hold ourselves responsible, as they are entirely beyond our control. We guarantee all our plants to be healthy and true to name and type: If any of our hardy plants or trees should fail within 12 months of purchase, provided they have been properly planted and cared for, we will be pleased to offer a free replacement providing the dead plant is returned for inspection, together with proof of purchase.

CANCELLING ORDERS If you wish to cancel an order, please contact our head office. We reserve the right to cancel any order. If your order is for non-perishable goods, you have the right to cancel your order at any time up to 7 working days after receipt. You must take reasonable care of the goods whilst in your possession and they must be returned to us, promptly at your cost. If the item is large, then we can arrange collection for you and will charge you for this at cost. Your statutory rights are not affected by any of these business terms.

SUBSTITUTIONS When a particular variety of plant becomes sold out or unavailable, a near alternative will be selected and forwarded unless we are specifically requested not to do so.

COLLECTION OF ORDERS We strongly recommend you to collect your orders if possible, for we know you will enjoy visiting one of our garden centres. Orders can be made ready for your collection at any time during the lifting season if you would kindly give us four working days notice before collection.

23 St. Bridget Nurseries

Garden Centres

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The Natural Choice for Your Garden