The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan

fire VENUS (Jap. Jou= Mulac.) VoL S2. No, 2(1993):127-133

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A New Cuthonid Species (Nudibranehia, Aeolidacea), yamasui n. sp., from Okinawa, Southwestern Japan


(2-18-24, Bessyo-cho, Kishiwada-shi, Osaka, 596 Japan)

Abstract: Eleven living aeolidacean were collected from Okinawa (== Ryukyu) Island. Examination of these animals revealed that they are previeusly undescribed species belonging te the 77inchesia-species-group ef the genus, Cuthona Alder and Hancock, 1855. The present paper reports the first species of this genus from the seuthwestern waters of Japan. Okinawa rsland.



Family TERGIpEDIDAE Thiele, 1931 (=CuTHoNIDAE Odhner, 1934) Genus Cuthona Alder and Hancock, 1855 Type species: Eblis nana Alder and Hancock, 1842 (Syn. 7Vinchesia Iheing, 1879; Citthonenb Bergh, 1884; P7eeuthona Odhner, 1929; Xenocratena Odhner, 1940; Aijury'a Marcus, Er. and Marcus, Ev., 1960; IVbrraeotidia Burn, 1961 ; Tborna

Burn, 1964; Setva Edrnunds, 1964)

Cbethona yamasui n. sp. (New Japanese name: Futogaya-minoumiushi)

Hitbitat : Cape Zanpa-misaki, Okinawa Island, southwest of Japan, on the colony of plumulariid hydroid (Ostrich-plume hydroid) Aglaophenia cupnessina Lamouroux, 1816 (Japanese name: Futogaya), growing on rocky bed at about 2 m deep. Collector: Dr. Terufumi Yamasu of Ryukyu University. Aefaterials: Eleven specimens, collected on April 17, 1992, are as follows:

Type No. Body length Type No. Body length Holotype 15 mm Patratype No. 6 8rnm

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128 VENUS: Vol. S2, No. 2

Paratype No. 1. 13 mm13 Paratype No. 7. 8 mm7

Paratype No. 2. mm12 Paratype No. 8. mrn6

Paratype No. 3. mm9 Paratype No. 9. mm5

Paratype No. 4. mm9 Paratype No. 10. mm

Paratype No. 5. mm

These specimens were fixed with Bouin's fluid of sea water and preserved in 70CVb ethanol, and now they remain in the custody of the author. Serial sections were cut horizontally

in Paratype Nos. 1 and 7 and transversally in Paratype No. 3 for study of the internal organs.

Paratype No. 2 was dissected for the radular teeth and the jaws. Description: The living animals (Fig. IA) are slender and limaciform. The body may reach

a length of 15 mm when fu11y extended. The rhinophores and the oral tentacles are smooth.

They are generelly equal in length, although sometimes the rhinophores are slightly longer than the oral tentacles. The foot corners are rounded and the tai1 is short. As a whole, the is seemingly tintod slightly with orange-yellow. The ground colour of the body is translucent and colourless or light orange yellow. The head with the oral

tentacles and the rhinophores is mostly orange red. Over the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the body behind the rhinophores there are many opaque white patches (wp) which are irregular in distribution. A prominent opaque white band (lb) runs longitudinally on the head between the rhinophores. This band extends anteriorly to the lower halves of the oral tentacles, and laterally to the outer sides of the rhinophores. The tips of the oral tentacles

and rhinophores are white. The sole is translucent and colourless. The cerata of extended animals are elongate, fusiform and curved slightly inwards, and

the proximal halves of these cerata are slender than the distal halves. The tip of each ceras is minutely protruded to a point. When contracted, the upper one-fourth of the ceras (Fig. ID) swells out and becornes slightly flattened dorsoventrally. Always the upper ponion of the ceras is tinged with reddish orange (ro). A small white ring (wr) is foTmed bellow the protruded tip of each ceras. The lower portion of the ceras is covered with clusters of opaque white dots.

In the holotype specimen (Fig. IE) the cerata occur in 14 rows on each side; the count numbers of cerata are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 on the right side and 1, 2,

3, 4, 6, 6, 4,, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 on the left side. The foremost S rows on the right side belong to the right liver. The anus

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Hamatani : ANew Aeolidacean Species from Okinawa 129





・ Fig .1 . Cuthona yamasui n . sp 。 Holotype anirnal . フ ト ガ ヤ ミ ノ ウ ミ ウ シ (新 種 模 式個 体 > view .生 時 の 背 面 全形 。 B 。 Anterior of living A .Entirelivinganimal , dorsal portion animal , dorsal view . Showing the location of opaque white bands and patches .頭 部 locatio皿 of 付 近 の 背 面 の 白 色帯 と 班 紋 の 分 布 。 C .The sarne ,ventral side .Showing the の upper opaque white patches .頭 部 付 近 の 腹 面 の 白 色 班 紋 分 布 e D . Contracted ceras , pOrtion .、Showing the distribution of epaque white pigments on the surface .収 縮 し た 背 側 突 起 の 上 半 部 の 白 色色 素 班 の 分 布 占 E .Ceratal arrangement , right side .右 側 面 』 の の 肛 cd clusters の 背 側 突起 分 布 ean .anus 門 ; . of opaque white dots 自 色 微 細 色素 に よ る 小 班 g.genital orifices 生 殖 孔 開 冂 部 ; lb. longitudinal opague white band on the head 頭 部 を 縦 走 す る 白 色 帯 ; n . nephroproct 腎門 ; ro . reddish orange 橙 赤 .色 の 部 分 .; wp . epaque white patches 白色 班 紋 ; wr , white ring 白 色 の 小 輪

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130 VENUS:Vol. 52, No. 2





100pm lmm - - -v Fig. 2. Cletthona yamasui n. sp. 7 } h" l- 7 v ;- v y

the right side, at about its middle, and the vas deferens and oviduet emerge close together from near its fronta! end. Where'it emerges from the ampulla, the first part of the vas deferens is narrow and short. It abruptly widens, leading into the curved glandular prostatic part (pr). Then the glandular prostatic part narrows into the second part of the vas deferens (vd). This is very long, looped, non-glandular and reaches the penis. The penis tp) is conical and armed with a very small stylet (about 30 pm in length) (st) terminally. The penial gland (pg) and the spermatheca (sp) are both relatively 1arge and oval in shape, and are nearly equal in size. The penial gland leads to the penis by means ofalong and thick stalk, whereas

the stalk of the spermatheca is very short.

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Hamatani : ANew Aeolidacean Species from Okinawa 131


B D LOO m r, O 刄 m μ 一 一


C 1mm 一

Fig .3. Cuthona yamtLsui n . sp .フ トガ ヤ ミ ノ ウ ミ ウ シ (新 種 ) A .Reproductive system dorsal view .生 殖 器 系 背 面 図 。 am . ampulla fg , 貯 精 部 ; .accessory female mass gland 雌 性 付 属 腺 部 ; h . hemlaphrodite duct 両 性 生 殖 輸 管 ; p . penis 陰 茎 ; . 陰 茎 腺 立 pg penial gland ; pr.prostate前 腺 (輸精 管 腺性 部 ); sp .spermatheca 受 精 嚢 ; st.匪 nial sty且et 陰 茎小 刺 ; vd . vas deferens 輸 精 管 (非 腺性 部). B . Top of penis.陰 茎 の 先 端 。st penial stylet 陰 茎 小 刺 C . Egg −mass . 卵 塊 。 D . Egg , 卵。

The dietof this new species consists 1481aophenia of the plumulariid hydroid ctlpre∬ ina Lomouroux , 1816. Spawning by the 13 mm mother anima1 (Paratype No .2) was found on May lO,19920n the hydroid in a glass vesseL The egg ・mass (Fig.3C )takes the form of a semicircu 且ar ribbon and the outline of the mass is 2 mm wide and 5 mm in diameter. − The egg mass contains more than 300 eggs . The embryo is yenowish white and measures 140 min diameter .The μ egg capsule is oval in shape and measures 170 by 230 μm in each diameter. ’ Etymo ’og γ : The specific name is dedicated to Dr . T . Yamasu with the ptamasui , author s deep gratitude.

Remarks : This new species Cuthona amastti most , ア , dosely resembles Cutho〃 a diソersico ’07

Baba as the ceratal ( , 1975 Trinchesia)in arrangement and the complicated color patterns.

The two specics differ however in , , detailsof the color patterns and radular morphology .

In Cu thona there is , an opaque white median band on the head yamasui , although this band

‘ , 1s not transversed by a narrow band of yellow which isdistinctivefor C .己ガversico ’or .And

‘ also . ’ , C yamasui isdestituteof a subapica1 orange yellQw band so marked in each caras of C . diyersico’o 厂. As for the teeth of radula in C . yamasui , the median cusp is not so

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Vol No .2 132 VENUS : .52 ,

’o 厂 and the lateral denticles are not mixed with accessory markedly retracted as inC .d’versico ,

de 皿 ticles which occur in C . d ’vers ’co ’o ’.

have been the waters of Japan . A revised list of Hitherto, 14 species describedfrom the Japanese species of the genus Cuthona is as follows:

’ 1.Cuthona orna a Baba , 1937

2 .Cuthona o5 アoro Baba ,1940

anulata Baba 1949 as Cratena 3, Cuthona. ( , , )

1949 as Craten 4 .Cuthona p ’nnifera (Baba , , の

(ンratena 5.Cuthona りenusta (Baba , 1949, as )

εし (rraten 6.Cuthona nigr ’colora (Bab , 1955 , as の

as 厂α ’en 7.Cuthona pue 〃ula (Baba , 1955, C の

’〃ρ 1961 as α π ” on 8.Cuthona pu コワ e (Baba , , の

厂 9.Cuthona purpureoanutata (Baba , 1961, as Cat iona) 10 .Cuthona ∫’gntfera(Baba ,1961, as (]a ’r’on の

厂 o Baba 1963 ll.Cuthona /Utai ,

ratr’on 12.Cuthona beta (Baba and Abe , 1964, as ( の

’ ’co ’o 厂 as }’nchesi 13.Cu hona divers (Baba , 1975 , 1 の

14.Cutho 〃 α akibai Ba 加 , 1984

’ ・ was with Cat厂’ona co ’umbiana 0 Donoghue , 八lote: Cletthona aipha Baba and Hamatani , 1963 synonymized (

1922 ,as !lmpho 厂吻 )by WilHams and Gosliner (1979).

Acknewledgements : − The author wishes to express his hearty thanks to Dr . Terufumi Yamasu who

’ keep alive collected the livingariirnals and Mr .Dai Osumi , one of Dr .Yamasu s students , sent them to

Further the author ’ s thanks are due to Dr . Kikutaro Baba f(》r reading to the present author . , greatful this manuscript and making useful suggestions .

要 約

一. 有 鞘 ヒ ドn ゾ ア の 種 フ F ガ ヤ Aglaophenia cupressina Lamouroux ,1816 上 に 棲 息 し て 、 こ 一一 れ を食 す る オ シ ョ ロ ミ ノ ウ ミ ウ シ 属 (Cuthona Alder and Hancock ,1855 ) の 種 を新 種 と 認 め 、

こ れ を記載 す る e

・ Cuthona yamasui n , sp ,フ トガ ヤ ミ ノ ウ ミ ウ シ (新 種 新 称 )

一 動 物 体 は 見 淡 い 橙 黄 色 。背側 突起 (= 鰓 突 起 ) は 紡 錘 形 で 多数 。背側 突 起 は 脱 落 し に くい 。

休 長 は 約 15 皿 m に 達 す る 。体 の 地 色 は 半 透 明 の 無色 な い し 淡 橙 黄 色 。肝 臓 系 の 分 枝 は 外部 か ら体 や い ・ に が 橙 頭 部 に は 頭 触 手 か ら両 背側 突起 内 に 透 見 で き な 。 頭 部 は 頭 触 手 触 角 と共 大 部分 赤 色 。 一 . の 触 角 の 中間 に か け て 特 徴 的 な 白 色帯 が あ り、そ の 部 は 口 触 手 下 半 と触 角 の 外側 に 及 ぷ 。 体 背 の い で は 面 と側 面 に は 白色 班 紋 が .多数 散 在 す る 。 伸 長 時 背側 突 起 は 細 長 紡 錘 形 、基部 細 く、先 方 は や や 膨 ら み 、内 側 に 少 し湾 曲す る傾 向 が あ る 。そ の 先端 は 小 さ く尖 る 。背側 突 起 の 先 方部 分 は 橙 赤 色 で 、最 突 端 の 直 下 に 微 小 な 白 い 輪 が あ る。背 側 突起 の 下 方 の 表 面 に は 白色 の 微 細 な 色素 点 の 集合 に よ る 小 班 が 多数 散 在 す る 。歯 舌 は 長 い 。歯 は 馬 蹄 形 、中歯 尖 は 側 鋸 歯 と ほ ぼ 等長 。側 鋸 − が い 生 器 系 は 型 的 な 属 の 形 態 を示 す 歯 は 中歯 尖 の 両 側 に 5 6 個 。 側鋸 歯 に は 副 小 歯 な 。 殖 典 。 輸 精 管 は 腺 性 部 分 を有 し、 陰 茎 の 先端 に は 小 刺 を具 う。 .

卵 塊 は 半 円 形 の リボ ン 状 で 、 フ トガ ヤ 上 に 産 ドさ れ る 。 模 式 産 地 : 沖 縄 本 島 、残 波 岬 。

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Harnatani: A New Aeolidacean Species from Okinawa 133

- ee n : ut;IEimeJstZiQiLLr (!1[E}Zt\) 1992tEIi 4 fi 17H.


Baba, K. 1975. Description of T7inchesia diversicelor spec. nov. from the Japan Sea coast of Middle Japan (Nudibranchia: Eolidoidea: Cuthonidae) 7;he Vleliger, 17 (3): 251-254. Baba, K. 1984. A new species of the genus Cuthena (s.1.) (Nudibranchia: Eolidacea) from Sagarni Bay, Japan. Vlenus, 43 (2): 125-128.

collected the Baba, K. 1990. (iplsthobranchiaofSlagamiBay by His Mnjesty Emparer of .lapan. 2nd. Ed. Iwanarni-Shoten, Tokye. 211 pp. Behrens, D. W. 1984. Notes on the tergipedid nudibranchs of the Northeastern Pacific, with a descrip- tion of a ncw species. 71he Vletiger, 27 (1): 65-71. Brown, G. H. 1980. The British species of the aeolidacean family Tergipedidae (: Opisthobran- chia) with a discussion of the genera. ZooL Jburn. Linn. Soc., 69 (3), 225-25S. Gosliner, T. M. and Millen, S. V. 1984. Records of ( letthona ptastulata (Alder & Hancock, 1854) from the Canadian Pacific. 71lee Vleliger, 26 (3): 183-187. Millen, S. V. 1986. Northern, primitive tergipedid nudibranchs, with a description of a new species ' from the Canadian Pacific. Canad. JOurn. ZooL, 64, 1356-1362. Miller, M. C. 1977. Aeolid nudibranchs (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) of the family Tergipedidae from New Zealand waters. ZooL Jbunn. Linn. Soc., 60 (3), 197-222. Williarns, G. C. and Gosliner, T. M. 1979 Two new species of nudibranchiate molluscs from the west coast of North America. with a revision ef the farnily Cuthonidae. Zool. Jburn. Linn. Soc., 67, 203-223.

[Received: October 31, 1992]

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