Paul Weller Makes Thing Is Rubbish
12 EVENT MUSIC On his latest album I think the whole stylish rock legend celebrity culture Paul Weller makes thing is rubbish. It a stand against sends out a really mediocrity, writes negative message Sally Browne tor’s items, they have since disap- peared into rock history. HE HAS written tracks that have ‘‘It’s gone to the ether along the inspired generations, been credited way. Probably a lot of it was lost or with kicking off the mod revival stolen, or was just thrown away movement, and scored countless hits because it was so shrunken you in his native UK with his bands The couldn’t wear it anyway.’’ Jam, The Style Council and as a Weller is friends with both of solo artist. Oasis’s Gallagher brothers, whose So how does one address someone split last year was allegedly exacer- of the stature of Paul Weller (pic- bated when older brother Noel poked tured), the ‘‘Modfather’’? Does he fun at Liam’s clothing label. need a special honorific? His ‘‘They are very different, what can Modness, perhaps? I say? Well, they’re both lovely, ‘‘No, sir is fine,’’ the 52-year-old they’re both my friends, so I have to says, good-naturedly from his be careful what I say, really. London flat ‘‘on a beautiful, beautiful ‘‘Liam has got his own very definite summer’s day’’. vision of the world, of how the world The artist who wrote tracks includ- works and his place in it. And I can’t ing Going Underground and Town say what that is because I couldn’t Called Malice was recently honoured even hazard a guess, but he has got it with a string of dates at the pres- anyway.
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