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south african n Volume 24 – Number 2 n 24 January 2020 n 27 Tevet 5780

The source of quality content, news and insights t www.sajr.co.za Hitler’s typewriter released from SA bank vault JORDAN MOSHE he became chancellor of Germany. in question, stressing that Snyman would as part of the machinery that lead to the “After buying the typewriter, Matzner have made the necessary enquiries before systematic murder of millions of people heavy wooden crate was delivered then came to , married a South purchasing the typewriter. across . It symbolised oppression, and pried open in Forest Town last African woman, and their daughter ended “There was no reason not to accept its persecution, torture, and genocide – the Friday morning. As the lid came up working for Volkskas attempt to away,A all eyes in the room fixed on the Bank, one of the annihilate people, object which sat nestled inside: a jet-black forerunners of Absa,” because of their typewriter, its complex machinery gleaming Bayliss says. He added differences. as it was lifted out and placed atop a that Snyman bought “Each time wooden bench. the typewriter from her I saw it in the It wasn’t simply its novelty which was husband, a Mr R Mauff, museum, knowing gripping, but the thought of its history. For after she passed away, its origin, I almost 100 years previously, this typewriter and added it to Absa’s felt disquiet. I had stood on a desk in Braunau, Austria, collection. didn’t feel it was ready to type at the behest of its first Bayliss says Absa has appropriate to owner: Adolf Hitler. a few “interesting items” display it in a This historic item is the property of Absa. in its vaults. money museum It was handed over to the Johannesburg “When you’re dealing as a curiosity Holocaust & Genocide Centre (JHGC) in a brand like Absa, among old office Forest Town on indefinite loan. The idea you’re dealing with equipment, but is to offer visitors a unique opportunity to its forerunners like didn’t know what come face to face with the past to better Volkskas, Trust Bank, should be done, understand it. and United. United or even how to The SA Jewish Report was at this historic was around when approach the occasion with Absa Art and Museum Johannesburg was situation.” Curator Dr Paul Bayliss and Tali Nates, the founded, and with a In April last founder and director of the JHGC. company as old as that, year, Brower Bayliss says that the bank acquired there will be things in Tali Nates examines visited the the typewriter under the watch of his our vaults that have Ilan Ossendryver Photo: Hitler’s typewriter JHGC to view predecessor, Dr Piet Snyman, who passed little to do with the the permanent away six months before Bayliss took over. bank itself, but are part of a history worth authenticity as fact,” he says. “Being the collection, and a temporary exhibition on Snyman recorded the transaction, including preserving.” historian that he was, Snyman wouldn’t Jewish history in Lithuania as a way of the name of the person from whom he had Bayliss (who has worked at Absa for 18 have put it on exhibit without investigating. connecting to her Litvak ancestry. purchased it. years), says the bank maintains a museum He was a respected historian, and would While there, she decided the typewriter According to this record, Joseph Matzner, that specialises in exhibiting finance- have made sure to do his research.” should be rehomed in the centre, and a colleague of Hitler’s, purchased it from related artefacts. Although this typewriter However, while on display at Absa, now contacted Bayliss to find out if it was him prior to the outbreak of World War didn’t fit into the finance exhibitions, it former Absa employee Nicole Brower was possible. II. A confectioner by trade, Matzner was found a home among other technological drawn to this typewriter, and strongly “I proposed that the typewriter be reportedly a friend of Hitler’s while both items, and was showcased as an illustration believed it needed to be exhibited donated to the centre to be displayed lived in Braunau. The typewriter had been of innovation rather than an item elsewhere. appropriately within the context it was supplied to Hitler in the early 1930s, and previously owned by Hitler. “I was disturbed by it,” she told the SA used,” says Brower. “He was open to the was used for private correspondence before Bayliss says its authenticity was never Jewish Report. “This typewriter was used Continued on page 16 >>



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DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS: 31ST JANUARY 2020 • Brief • Wo in rld s N ew e N w s ld 24 – 31 January 2020 2 SA JEWISH REPORT r i n o B W r i • e

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be silent, and to remember.” comes from Lebanon and worked in •




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Francis said the world W the chancellery’s motor pool, reported








was witnessing a troubling s that several colleagues had insulted and

prevalence of anti-Semitism N w








In a survey about anti-Semitism in , resurgence of factionalism i bullied him since early 2019, calling him





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BRAMLEY Est. nearly a quarter of 1 027 Jewish respondents and populism, which provides a • “Jewish pig” and “Kanake”, a word referring PLUMBERS 1966 said they had experienced a physical anti- breeding ground for hatred. to migrants from primarily Muslim countries or Semitic assault. “We must commit ourselves to tilling the soil southern Europe. Te results of the survey, carried out this in which hatred grows, sowing peace in it,” he Te employee has reported the incidents 011 444 4732 year by the IFOP (Institut français d’opinion said. to Felix Klein, the federal government’s anti- publique) for the American Jewish Committee, Te pope also encouraged deeper Christian- Semitism commissioner in the ministry of the 082 441 8287 were published on Tuesday in Le Parisien. Jewish co-operation. interior, according to the newspaper. [email protected] In addition to the 23% of respondents who While confirming basic details, a government said they had experienced an assault, 64% Student claims Anne Frank spokesperson told Bild that no further said they had experienced a non-physical anti- didn’t die in camp comment could be provided in the confidential Appliance Repairs on Site Semitic incident. matter. Te employee reportedly now works , In France, home to about 500 000 Jews, Te progressive NowTis news website removed in a new location, away from his former hers authorities documented 541 anti-Semitic a segment of a video in which a George colleagues. was ish ves incidents in 2018, suggesting a prevalence of Washington University student asserted that s, D es, Sto ge achin one anti-Semitic incident per about 1 000 Jews. teenage Holocaust diarist Anne Frank didn’t die PA newspaper calls for violent id g M Fr hin Forty-three percent of respondents younger in a concentration camp. disruption of Holocaust event as ers & more than 35 said they felt threatened in their daily Te six-minute video about President Donald W Dry ble lives. A third of respondents said they avoided Trump’s executive order signed last month – Te Palestinian Authority’s official newspaper Tum Call Jason wearing items in public that identified them that directs “robust” enforcement of existing called for violence against Israelis in an effort to 082 401 8239 / 076 210 6532 FREE QUOTATIONS as Jews, including a kippah. An even larger civil-rights protections for Jews on campus – disrupt the World Holocaust Forum being held proportion – 37% – said they avoided installing criticised Trump for “defining what is and what this week in . a mezuzah on their door. isn’t being Jewish”, and said it was a “veiled A columnist for Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, in an Precious Sibanda way to silence Palestinian voices” against . article over the weekend, said that Israel was is looking for employment Pope condemns ‘barbaric Te order says attackers target Jews since they planning a ceremony to memorialise Jews killed resurgence’ of anti-Semitism perceive them to be a race or having a shared in Europe even as “the Palestinian holocaust by as a Caregiver/Domestic national identity. Israel” is ignored. A week before International Holocaust Becca Lewis, who says she is Jewish, “One shot will disrupt the ceremony, and Qualifications Remembrance Day, Pope Francis renewed his made the false claim while speaking to one dead body will cancel the ceremony,” Yahya Advanced Caregiver Course condemnation of anti-Semitism, decrying its two Palestinian students at the school in Rabah wrote in an article published on Saturday, Homebased Care “barbaric resurgence”. Washington DC. according to Palestinian Media Watch. Elderly and the Disabled Care Francis was addressing a delegation from “What’s going to happen if there’s another In a statement, the Conference of Presidents Palliative Care the Simon Wiesenthal Center at the Vatican on Holocaust? Well, we’re seeing what’s of Major American Jewish Organisations Wound Management Monday. happening. We’re seeing people die at the condemned the article, saying, “Such a call for Contact 083 546 1961 International Holocaust Remembrance Day border for lack of medical care. Tat’s how Anne violence can never be justified, but it’s especially is observed in Italy Frank died. She didn’t die in a concentration repugnant for the PA to incite and throughout the camp, she died from typhus,” Lewis says in the deliberately aimed at disrupting an occasion as world on 27 January now-deleted video segment. solemn and significant as this.” – the anniversary of Frank died in the Bergen-Belsen Israel’s Channel 13 television reported the liberation of the concentration camp in February or March that the Israeli military said it would launch Auschwitz Nazi death 1945, probably of typhus. airstrikes in response to any attacks, even if camp in 1945. Critics called Lewis a Holocaust denier. international dignitaries were in the country. “If we lose • All briefs supplied by JTA our memory, we Jewish driver in Berlin points Shabbat times this week annihilate the future,” to bullying the pope said. “May Starts Ends 18:15 19:37 Johannesburg • Videomed Instore • First Aid & Wound Care the anniversary of the A Jewish man working as a driver for the unspeakable cruelty German Chancellery in Berlin has reported 19:15 20:34 Cape Town • Cholesterol Screening • Breast Feeding Advice 18:15 19:33 Durban that humanity learned being subjected to anti-Semitic harassment. • Vaccinations • Baby Milestones 18:15 19:51 Bloemfontein • Family Planning • Immunisations 75 years ago serve as a An unnamed source told the daily Bild 18:15 20:05 Port Elizabeth • Discovery Vitality • Rapid HIV Testing & Counselling summons to pause, to am Sonntag newspaper that the man, who 18:15 19:53 East London Assessments • Ear Piercing Torah Thought Rabbi Pini Pink, 580 Louis Botha Ave, Savoy Estate (Opp Nando’s) Chabad Greenstone Tel: (011) 885-1200/1 • Email: [email protected] Te potential for greatness in everyone “Some are born great, some achieve the birth of Reuben, Jacob’s oldest son, them, a bunch of greatness, and some have greatness then Simon, then Levi, Moses’ great- noughts add up to thrust upon them.” Apart from reminding grandfather? What’s the Torah trying one big nought. In me of my high-school education, to teach us by tracing the “yichus” – other words, yichus Michael David Malvolio’s lines in Shakespeare’s Twelfth pedigree – of Moses? doesn’t compensate QUALITY WORKMANSHIP Night are also appropriate for our weekly “Yichus” is an intangible word for one’s deficiencies. Great yichus Torah portion. often used to evaluate the merit of without one’s own virtues and efforts Towards the beginning of this week’s a potential matrimonial candidate. It can be quite empty. Tired of your old worn-out furniture? Rejuvenate your home... portion, we are formally introduced to can demonstrate “good blood” It also After the mysticism surrounding Moses for the first time. Moses was born means ancestors with spiritual merit Moses’ birth and upbringing, it’s not CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY & FURNITURE REPAIRS in the beginning of the book of Exodus who are looking out “on-high” for their difficult to imagine that rumours about Michael 082 820 7091 and according to the Midrash, he was descendants in this physical world. a supernatural birth – as is common in 430 Louis Botha Avenue, cnr Main Street, Rouxville “born great” with his parent’s house There has always been controversy other religions – would have abounded. being filled with a G-dly light at his birth. about how much significance yichus The Torah lists Moses’ genealogy Last week’s portion followed Moses as should bear when we live in a world to teach us that he was a normal he grew up, fled Egypt, married, and met where some of the most unrefined person, born to a father and mother, G-d at the burning bush, when Moses people have great yichus, and some and he “achieved greatness” by VEHICLES WANTED had greatness thrust upon him. In spite the most refined people may not have using his virtues and abilities to make of his protests, G-d insisted he was the the greatest yichus. After all, even himself spiritually worthy of his rank. best person for the job of Jewish leader. Abraham wasn’t blessed with great No matter what a persons’ birth or Having already learnt so much about yichus. It’s been said that yichus is like upbringing may be, every Jewish child Moses, is it necessary for the Torah to a bunch of noughts. If they follow a has the potential to become a Moshe formally introduce him again, detailing number, then each nought multiplies the Rabbeinu, a leader of the Jewish his lineage and genealogy, starting with number by ten. If no number precedes people in their generation.

Editor Peta Krost Maunder – [email protected] • Sub-editor Julie Leibowitz • Journalists Nicola Miltz • Tali Feinberg Jordan Moshe • Editorial co-ordinator Martine Bass – The source of quality content, news and insights – [email protected] • Proofreader Kim Hatchuel • CEO Dani Kedar – Any make, any model, any condition [email protected] • Advertising Britt Landsman: 082 292 9520 – [email protected] • Design and layout Bryan Maron/Design Bandits – [email protected] • Distribution Sandy Furman • Subscriptions Avusa Publishing (Pty) Ltd. Tel: 0860 525 200 Accident damaged vehicles and non-runners also wanted Board of Directors Howard Sackstein (Chairperson), Dina Diamond, Herschel Jawitz, Shaun Matisonn, Benjy Porter. Advertisements and editorial copy do not neccessarily reflect the views of the editor, staff and board of directors. Tel: 011 430 1980. % Arnold Orkin 082 823 7826 The SA Jewish Report subscribes to the Code of Ethics and Conduct for South African Print and Online Media that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the Code, within 20 days of the date of publication of the material, please contact the Public Advocate at 011 484 3612, AUTO AFRICA fax: 011 484 3619. You can also contact our Case Officer on [email protected] or lodge a complaint on their website: www.presscouncil.org.za 24 – 31 January 2020 SA JEWISH REPORT 3 Teenager’s tragic death hits home NICOLA MILTZ questions about who will be held liable I believe the school/camp in this case for the tragedy, and to what extent the acted in a grossly negligent manner. he U14A King David Linksfield school can be held accountable for his You can never indemnify yourself cricket team elected to wear death. against gross negligence. black arm bands at its first According to legal experts, most “To the extent that the school or Thigh school cricket match this year – of these indemnities incorporate camp was reckless, the indemnity against Boys’ High School. legal terminology that many people won’t help,” said another attorney who Te boys chose to do so in memory might not fully understand. Tey wishes to remain anonymous. “An of a boy the same age as them who usually contain terms that the person indemnity isn’t bullet proof, the school drowned at a school orientation camp in charge of your child acts in loco or camp still has to act reasonably. last week. parentis (“in the place of a parent”) Sending a child into a river without Te tragic drowning of while in their care; that all tours and a life jacket and a helmet is reckless. Johannesburg teenager Enoch outings shall be taken at your child’s You could reasonably anticipate travel related, natural disasters. Te equipment and an assessment of Mpianzi, 13, has rattled the Jewish own risk; and that you indemnify that this could lead to catastrophic better the preparation, the more the nearest hospital or clinic is community to its core, with questions the school, including all staff from circumstances, so it’s unlikely that a chance that things can be contained taken.” being asked about the and the damage limited. To ensure She said that in the case of safety of our children. that there is clear communication overnight camps, parents complete Mpianzi, a Grade is probably the most important of an indemnity form, and provide 8 pupil at Parktown the lot.” all relevant personal medical Boys’ High School, Falconer said it was important information for their child. “Te died on 15 January to ensure that everyone from the students are expected to bring in the Crocodile River pupils, parents, to all the teachers/ their own prescribed medication. during a water activity supervisors were properly briefed. All reasonable precautions are at the Nyati Bush and “Tey should know the goals and taken. Te staff and students are River Break Lodge outcomes, have all the correct and made aware of the programme in Brits in the North required equipment, and be aware and activities, and any sensitive West. of the dangers. Supervisors are areas are cordoned off. Students He was attending properly briefed about what they are informed of specific clothing, an orientation camp are watching for, specifically where footwear, or any other equipment organised by the the danger ‘hot spots’ are,” he said. required. Senior students and school. Similar trips He said parents were “vital members of staff oversee the are offered at Jewish partners” with the school to ensure activities in small groups. schools each year to that safety is taken seriously. Supervision is provided at all times, new intakes in a bid “It’s not just the school’s job to and a headcount is done on a for pupils to bond and King David Linksfield U14A cricket team have a quiet moment ensure that appropriate clothing regular basis.” form friendships. before their game against Parktown Boys’ High School and equipment has been packed for Srage said that when undertaking According to reports, excursions and trips, and that no practical activities, “evaluation Mpianzi was not wearing a life jacket any and all claims that might arise court will uphold an indemnity,” he alcohol and other contraband is in of the ground conditions is done when the makeshift raft he was on in connection with damage or loss said. the luggage. Tis can’t just be the and if any dangers are suspected, overturned. His disappearance went or injury. Parents are also asked to Marc Falconer, the principal of school’s responsibility.” the programme is modified. For unnoticed for 17 hours, and he was indemnify and absolve the school Herzlia High School in Cape Town, “Planning is important too. For example, river analysis after heavy announced missing only after officials against any loss, damage, injury told the SA Jewish Report that this example, good ratios of supervisors rainfall.” did a headcount the following day. expenses, and costs suffered or was a “terrible tragedy for everyone to those being looked after. [Tere Students are never forced to “Tere are so many unanswered incurred by your child in the course of concerned”. needs to be] a clear programme of do an activity that they don’t feel questions, but gross negligence stares the outing. “No school intends for harm to action and a procedure to deal with comfortable doing, she said. you in the face, and all the money “It’s always unsettling to sign these come to any pupil. Some schools are emergencies.” “On the school campus, we have in the world will never reunite this forms, and there are many times we much better prepared for trips and Lorraine Srage, the principal of regular evacuation drills, and more little boy with his grieving mother,” are required to do so,” said one parent excursions. I think it’s appropriate to King David High School, Linksfield, than 40 staff and students who are said a Johannesburg-based attorney who preferred to remain anonymous. recognise the exceptional work that said the school takes all necessary trained in first aid,” said Srage. specialising in personal injury work “Te school is effectively excluded the Community Security Organisation precautions both on and off Rob Long, the principal of and insurance litigation. from any and all liability to do with (CSO) does at Herzlia and at most campus to cover all events and Yeshiva College, said, “In light of Te tragedy is a frightening your child when you sign,” she said. Jewish institutions. Tis preparation, outings. “Te safety and security this incident, I’m sure every school wake-up call for parents and school “Parents are caught between a rock infrastructure, and support should policy includes a venue and route is re-evaluating their safety policies officials at Jewish schools, who are and a hard place,” said the attorney, make parents feel as secure as one can assessment by the CSO, with buses and procedures, and making sure having another look at school safety “if you don’t sign the indemnity, the be in an uncertain world. Te CSO’s checked before departure. that these are being carried out protocols and security measures. school won’t take your child on the structures are so superior to every “A full reconnaissance of the on the ground. We certainly are. Parents, already hyper vigilant when outing or excursion, yet the indemnity other school I have worked at, here camp venue is undertaken before Everyone is being hyper-vigilant, it comes to their children’s safety, are protects the school should anything and abroad,” he said. the students arrive to evaluate re-thinking what they are doing, now questioning the complexities happen during the outing.” “Accidents and tragedies can always any potential dangers. All events and making sure that policies are of consent and indemnity forms. However she said, “One can never happen, and sometimes they are off campus are accompanied by a being correctly carried out. Safety Mpianzi’s death has raised many contract out of gross negligence, and entirely unavoidable – crime, road and trained medic with basic first-aid comes first. No matter what.”

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Johannesburg-born businessman living in Israel is part of a duo that has producedA an augmented reality device which allows surgeons to see a patient’s anatomy through skin and tissue as if they have x-ray vision. While it may sound like science fiction, it’s definitely science fact. Te duo is made up of South African Stuart Wolf and Israeli Nissan Elimelech of Augmedics. The xvision device “Te xvision is the first augmented reality device approved for surgery. Te in two different cadaver trials, open system provides the surgeon with all surgery and percutaneous [minimally the information required, including an add further capabilities to the system. invasive] spine surgery.” x-ray-like view of the patient. Using the Tis is typical of a start-up, where the Te next step is to begin sales in the xvision, the surgeon is able to navigate goalposts are not as fixed. You need US. “We have a sales and marketing instrumentation used in surgery to be agile and be prepared to make branch headquartered in Chicago precisely,” says Wolf, who attended quick changes. You also need to be with area sales managers spread over King David Victory Park, and went on prepared to take risks. Often before the US. As the sales progress, we are to study a BSc Electrical Engineering at development is mature, it needs to be also ramping up production, which the University of the . demonstrated and used.” is another challenge. Following the He made aliyah in 1989, and started His ultimate vision – no pun successful launch of the xvision- graduate studies at the Israel Institute intended – is to continue to grow spine, we will branch into other of Technology (Technion) where he Augmedics into a world leader medical applications where there is a graduated with an MSc in Electrical for surgical augmented reality great need for minimally invasive and Engineering specialising in signal and applications, and to turn the start-up guided procedures.” image processing. into a successful large company which Wolf says they will focus on “With the xvision, we are able to “improves the health of as many people launching in Europe next, and able to navigate the screws into exactly as possible and provides employment thereafter to other markets. South the correct anatomical position with for as many people as possible”. Africa might be one of them. a high level of accuracy without the Te xvision system recently received His advice to young entrepreneurs need for opening the patient,” he says. US Food and Drug Administration and start-ups is to “work hard and “Te surgeon is able to see a three- (FDA) approval. Tis is a big don’t be afraid to fail. Also know dimensional view of the spine through achievement, as all medical products that if you have a good idea that you the skin, and plan and then guide the for sale in the US must have FDA can show there is a market need for, screws to their correct position. All of approval. then you will be able to raise money this is performed while the surgeon “Te process of FDA approval and you will be able to succeed. is looking directly at the patient, not requires proving to the FDA that Developing technology and then at x-ray views on a remote monitor. the device is able to perform what it looking for the market for it is usually Tis paves the way for an increased claims, and that it can do so without the wrong path for a start-up.” adoption of minimally invasive spine harming the patient, Wolf says. “Tis He says that although Israel has surgery.” Te surgeon wears the device requires the company to perform been branded as the “start-up nation”, as a headset, which is custom fit to extensive device testing including the number of people in Israel each user. laboratory testing and cadaver testing. working in start-ups is relatively Augmedics was founded by Te process usually takes between small. “It may be large in relation Elimelech, the current chief executive. six to 12 months. Tere are different to other countries, but still most “I joined him mid-2015. It was his idea, routes to FDA approval. Te route most of Israeli industry is traditional. but he originates from the business and companies prefer to go is through the Having said that, I would still say marketing side and he needed someone 510(k) process, where you can prove that we have a thriving community to work with on the technological that your device is equivalent to of scientists, programmers, aspects. We joined forces and began another device on the market. and engineers in the building the company, raising funds Tis reduces the amount of start-up industry, and and developing the technology. I had testing required. we are successful at worked in different start-ups in the “As we are the first developing start- past, but at Augmedics, we pushed the augmented-reality up companies. I envelope and drove forward quickly,” device to be approved would prefer to says Wolf. for surgery, the FDA see many more of “In one and a half years, we had was unsure that we our great start-ups grown from two to five people, running met the criteria for developing into on seed funding and then we raised a 510(k) approval, and we large companies and further $8.5 million (R123.2 million) first needed to overcome not being taken over in a round of funding led by the AO this hurdle. Tis included by multinationals.” Foundation [a non-profit organisation meeting with the FDA and dedicated to improving the care of demonstrating the device to people with musculoskeletal injuries]. it, which is an unusual step. We then grew quickly to about 25 After successfully employees and then to our current size moving through of about 40 people both in Israel and in this stage, the the .” FDA still had Wolf says that, “Initiating and many new running a start-up is obviously very questions intense and most of your time and that we thoughts are devoted to advancing needed to the company. Te initial goal of the answer and company was to develop smart- prove. Te glasses that provided x-ray-like vision process in to the surgeon. Tis would enable our case took performing minimally invasive nine months,

PEERMONT PROUDLY SUPPORTS THE NATIONAL RESPONSIBLE GAMBLING PROGRAMME. surgery in unforeseen ways. As and we were PROBLEM GAMBLING COUNSELLING TOLL-FREE HELPLINE 0800 006 008. development progressed, we realised required to Stuart Wolf PLAYERS MUST BE 18 YEARS OR OLDER. WINNERS KNOW WHEN TO STOP. that we needed to shift slightly and prove safety 24 – 31 January 2020 SA JEWISH REPORT 5 From Gulag to : celebrating the life of a Stalin survivor JORDAN MOSHE Italy, Cyprus, Israel (where he fought in the and I ‘adopted’ him,” says Blumenau. War of Independence), and eventually to “Every Monday night, he’d go out to “Stalin tried to kill me, he didn’t succeed; South Africa, where he became a successful dinner with my parents. He used to Hitler tried to kill me, he didn’t succeed; the businessman, married, and had three come to our Pesach Seder every year. Arabs tried to kill me, they didn’t succeed. But children. Te one year, my dad began the seder it looks like the cheese blintzes may succeed.” Along the way, Perlov touched countless by saying that the story of the seder Tese words, uttered by the late Mordechai lives, and although he opened up about his is one of slavery and freedom, and “Mord” Perlov from his bed in intensive ordeal only a few years ago, people knew he tonight we have amongst us someone care at the end of last year, shows much was remarkable after first meeting him. who was a slave. Mord looked blank, more than inimitable perspective about “Tis was a man who suffered terrible and didn’t register that my dad was what would ultimately lead to his passing. It persecution but refused to be a victim,” says talking about him. He never saw captures the tenacity of a 93-year-old marvel financial specialist Michael Kransdorff. “He himself as a victim.” who not only endured the unspeakable, escaped from a Soviet gulag, got a university It’s perhaps for this reason that he but whose wit and warmth transcended degree in spite of not having a formal began sharing his story publicly only Mordechai Perlov circumstances until the last. education, built a successful business, and in the past decade. When Blumenau A survivor of Stalin’s brutal oppression, raised a family. He was my hero, and my suggested that he speak at a Limmud Perlov passed away on Monday after spending friend.” conference, she had no idea that he three weeks in hospital in December. His To those who didn’t know him, Perlov had never spoken publicly before. admission was the result of eating a spoiled seemed a taciturn man of few words. “He gave a presentation to a cheese blintze, causing subsequent food “When you got to him, he opened up,” says packed room the following year with poisoning, kidney failure, and death. He died businessman Rob Katz, whose connection Kransdorff,” she recounts. “He got a at home in Melrose Arch this week. with Perlov went back more than 30 years standing ovation, and it unleashed His passing brings to a close a saga of when he befriended Perlov’s son, Roni, at something in him. He didn’t stop note. Born in 1926 in the shtetl of Rasein in university. “I knew so little of his background telling his story from then on. He confidante, developed a bond with Perlov Lithuania, Perlov and his family were part of a that I thought he was Russian. wanted to expose the evils of Stalin and after inviting him to participate in the community of about 5 000 Jewish residents. “When I realised he was Lithuanian and communism. Holocaust Survivor Group (HSG) at the His family owned a timber and flour mill, and had survived the Gulag, it didn’t really change As soon as he opened up to people, Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre lacked nothing. All this would change when anything. He was still Mord, but there was Perlov became a relatable personality who at which she volunteered. Stalin occupied Lithuania in 1939. In June more to him.” could get along with virtually anyone. “Mord had an amazing intellect, clarity 1941, one week before Hitler attacked Russia, Marketing communications specialist “Mord had an amazing ability to transcend of mind, and an ability to socialise and about 20 000 so-called “enemies of the state”, Michelle Blumenau recounts a similar intergenerational and cultural barriers,” says make friends with a diverse group,” she were deported and sent to remote locations, experience. “Tere was this old guy who Kransdorff. says. “Once at an HSG meeting with Achim facing harsh labour and unspeakably dire living always sat in the front row at Chabad of “Everyone loved him, from the waiters in L’Chaim, a group of injured Israeli soldiers, conditions. Perlov, his brother Yaakov, sister Melrose who never spoke,” she says. “I’d every restaurant in the Melrose area where he Mord shouted, ‘Anyone from my unit?’ Tree Tova, and his parents were among them. heard he’d had an interesting life, but I never ate almost every meal; to the school children soldiers pounced on Mord, hugging him and In spite of losing his parents (burying engaged with him until his wife, Milly, died he spoke to about his experience in the war crying. He always joked about being given five them with his own bare hands), Perlov would and I went to her funeral. We then struck up and the horrors of soviet communism; to the bullets to fight in the War of Independence.” survive the ordeal against all odds, and a friendship. numerous gym goers he befriended.” Perlov’s sharpness of mind was paired with escape Soviet territory. His journey took him “Because his three children and Although they had met previously, astonishing physical resilience until late in through northern Russia, , , grandchildren lived overseas, my parents Margaret Hoffmann, a close friend and Continued on page 8>>


19 - 20 FEB EXPO Cape Town 2020 23 - 25 FEB Johannesburg To Register:

http://bit.ly/359phOe Johannesburg 011 645 2560 | [email protected] Cape Town 021 286 2130 | [email protected] 6 SA JEWISH REPORT 24 – 31 January 2020 south african Holocaust remembrance becoming JTheewish source of quality content, news andR insightseport a political football Keep our children safe, but srael hosted on Tursday its third-largest DATELINE: don’t curtail their freedom ever gathering of international leaders after MIDDLE EAST the funerals of former leaders Yitzhak Rabin ometimes an event that touches the very core of Iand Shimon Peres. More than 45 world leaders Paula Slier the Jewish community has no real connection to and senior diplomats, including 26 presidents, us. Tis week, most parents in this country – our four kings (from Spain, Holland, Belgium and Tey have a point. Perhaps less important Scommunity included – were horrified that a 13-year- Luxembourg) and four prime ministers were for the leaders who visited Israel this week was old Grade 8 boy went off on the first day of high-school in town to commemorate the 75th anniversary diplomacy and relations with the Jewish state; orientation camp, and didn’t come back. Te camp of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau more important was commemoration of the councillors challenged the children to make their own concentration camp. Holocaust and their relations with Kantor. rafts and climb mountains. It all sounded so much like But the day wasn’t only about remembering the Some have even gone so far as to suggest that school-orientation camps as we know them, but this murder of six million Jews by the Nazis. Politics such a forum allowed Putin to present Russia as boy drowned, and nobody in authority sounded the and power played their part. some kind of haven for Jews while portraying her alarm until a day later. Until this week, not many people – Israelis rivals – the Ukraine and Poland in particular – as Now, I don’t know the devastated family of Enoch included – had heard of the World Holocaust anti-Semitic hotspots. Mpianzi, but my heart goes out to them. As a parent, Forum Foundation. It is headed by Russian But in truth for many decades, the Soviet this tragedy strikes fear in our hearts. Our children are billionaire, Dr Moshe Kantor, also president of the Union didn’t mention that Jews were killed in the everything to us. And they must go out and challenge , who bankrolled . Instead, its narrative was that everyone themselves. Tey most certainly must participate in event. who died was a victim of fascism and the West school camps, as well as Jewish youth camps. It’s important for them, and develops their Israeli Prime Minister was fascist, not just the Germans. It was a very independence. praised the gathering as a diplomatic triumph for selective, politically convenient narrative. However, I know every time I’m faced with one of those “indemnity forms”, I can’t Israel. President , as the official host In the past few years, remembrance of the help but wonder why I’m signing something that feels to me like a reduction in the alongside the holocaust memorial, Holocaust has left the realm of history and become responsibility of those standing in for me as parent. I sign them only because I don’t held a reception and dinner for delegation heads. politicised. Te act of remembering is in itself want my children to miss out. We all do. Te timing couldn’t have been more opportune. political – what does one emphasise? What does We certainly don’t want our children to be the ones who get sidelined because of our Hateful and violent expressions of anti-Semitism, one forget? How do we remember what happened? fears. And so, we hand our children over, and pray that the people we send them with will especially in Europe, continue to climb, and the It was former British Prime Minister Winston take care of them like we would. event’s message that anti-Semitism has no place in Churchill who said, “History is written by victors.” And, our children generally come home after having had an amazing time, and we our global society is more relevant than ever. An increasing number of particularly former move on. Israel hopes world leaders will adopt the official Soviet states are attempting to do precisely that – But it takes what happened to Enoch Mpianzi to shake every one of us to the core, and definition of anti-Semitism as formulated by rewrite history. make us rethink how we do things. the American-based International Holocaust In reality, every victorious nation has a narrative In our story on page 3, we ask the schools what they have learnt from this horrific Remembrance Alliance. It states that criticism of that it wishes to push. Tis week, Israel basically incident, and what our rights as parents are. Zionism or the existence of the state of Israel is adopted Putin’s by hosting him and allowing him Te question is whether this is going to change how we deal with sending our children anti-Semitic. In recent years, Israeli leaders have to be one of the main stars of this event. off to camp. Are we going to curtail their movements even more? I say “even more” worked to promote this definition as well as laws For very necessary reasons, Israel needs to because our children have far less freedom than we had when we were young. against the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) be on Putin’s side right now because the United Physical freedom for our children and teenagers has been curtailed more and more movement. States is slowly but surely withdrawing from the over the years. Today, our children are almost prisoners behind the high walls of our On Monday, a ceremony will take place in region, and Moscow controls the skies over Syria. homes. Tey have so much freedom online, and have contact with the cyber world, but Poland, as it does every year, to commemorate Israel frequently attacks Hezbollah and Iranian not genuine physical freedom. the liberation of Auschwitz. I reported from the Shia targets in her northern neighbour, and needs And now, after this tragedy, I bet so many of us are wondering if we should allow our ceremony five years ago, when Russian President Russia to continue to turn a blind eye. children to go to these camps where we have no control. I have had those thoughts too. Only, we can’t stop our children from being children. Tey need to grow, develop, wasn’t invited to challenge themselves, and others. Tey sometimes need to take risks – or so my husband attend. Moscow tells me. We certainly did. saw it as a slap We need to be strong, and make sure that we know that the schools concerned have in the face as it thoroughly checked out the camps and have taken every single precaution to protect our was, after all, the children. We need to know they don’t take this lightly. Mostly, I think, our community Red Army that errs on the side of over-protection rather than under-protection, but I’m relieved about liberated the camp. that. Tis week, I do hope that we all learn from our shock so that Enoch Mpianzi has not died in vain. it was Polish But, let’s not make this a lesson that cuts the wings off our children. Let it make us better President Andrzej parents and educators. Duda’s turn to

Considering the issue of curtailing freedom, this Sunday marks the 75th anniversary be outraged. He AP US Consulate General in Krakow via Photo: of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. refused to attend For this reason, we led this edition of the SA Jewish Report with a story that brings the gathering held the Holocaust home to us. Te story of Hitler’s typewriter finding a home in the at Yad Vashem Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre does just that. Te fact that this typewriter after his request was brought to South Africa, has been here for all these years, and is eventually going to to speak was US House Speaker places a memorial light on the monument to victims be put to good use, says it all. It will help to teach people about horrors of the Holocaust. turned down. In of the World War II Nazi death camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau It will help to keep the flame alive of the six million Jewish people who perished. its defence, Yad In this same week, we lost Mordechai Perlov, who was a valiant survivor, and spent Vashem said that time was short, and few world Tere’s also other politics at bay. Naama the latter part of his life pursuing the mission of telling the world of his and other Jews’ leaders addressed the gathering. Issachar is an Israeli-American woman who has horrific experiences. Netanyahu very much wanted Duda to attend. been held by Russia since April last year on drug I’m so grateful that in the past year, we were able to write about Perlov’s story, and Israeli-Polish ties are currently fraught after the charges. About 10g of cannabis was found in her about the book which documents his life. Just last week, we ran a story about the fact Polish parliament two years ago passed a law luggage during a stopover in Moscow as she flew that a documentary film about his life had just been released. making it a crime to criticise Polish collaboration from India to Israel. She was sentenced to seven He succeeded in his mission, and now the book and documentary will continue his with the Nazis during the Holocaust. Poland is and a half years for drug smuggling, a charge she work. trying to downplay – and even negate – its role in denies. A few people have asked why we keep telling Holocaust survivors’ stories and other the Holocaust and the collaboration between some According to Israeli media, Moscow has stories that date back more than 75 years. Our answer is quite simple: lest we forget! Poles and Nazis. Te country has since revised the put forward several concessions for Issachar’s In the case of the survivors, they aren’t young anymore, and we need to make sure that law, but Holocaust experts say it’s still problematic. freedom, including a resolution to a building we hear and document their stories. It’s important for us to know what happened and, Duda said he was astonished that Putin was dispute in Jerusalem that houses Russian even more important for our children to know. invited to talk while he was not. You might call pilgrims. Additionally, Israel’s Channel 12 We need to do what we can to make sure young Jews understand what the Holocaust it sweet justice, although surely a Holocaust- reported that Russia is seeking some sort of really meant, and what really happened to our people. remembrance event isn’t the place for this. Critics backing for its own narrative regarding World Tis week, I heard about a group in Israel who are encouraging youngsters to have their say the truth is much more sinister. War II. Should Israel announce such gestures (at family members’ numbers tattooed on their own arms to keep their memory alive. Kantor, who paid for the event, is known to the time of writing it hadn’t), it won’t be long I find this distasteful at best. Tere have to be better ways to do this, but I understand represent the interests of Putin in large Jewish before we find out whether this was indeed the the sentiment. We need to ensure that we never forget! global forums. He has brought leaders of Jewish deal. communities throughout Europe to meet the Te Lithuanian president has also announced Shabbat Shalom! Russian president at the Kremlin. For someone that he won’t be attending. Although he didn’t Peta Krost Maunder so close to Putin to be bankrolling such a forum, give a reason for the last-minute cancellation, it’s Editor argues its detractors, raises suspicions as to its believed to be a gesture in support of Poland and agenda. against Russia. 24 – 31 January 2020 SA JEWISH REPORT 7 Lithuania’s Holocaust memory – “reliable” or “unreliable”? OPINION GRANT GOCHIN any South African Jews collaborator and Noreika “completely Esther Barsel, are descended from innocent”. What are the differences? “unreliable” because an immigration wave Cvirka assisted Soviets in deporting her testimony contradicted its Mfrom Lithuania in the 1920s. Our Lithuanians to Siberia, where about ideology. Jewish testimony being grandparents seldom explained the 28 000 out of 250 000 deportees denied as “unreliable” has a long context; here it is. died of poor living conditions history in Europe, Jews were never During World War I, when the (11.2%). Lithuania defines this as considered “reliable”. Lithuania has current territory of Lithuania was part a genocide. Noreika assisted Nazis identified Noreika’s granddaughter, of Russia, the Tsarist army conducted a in deporting Jews, where 96.4% Silvia Foti*, as “unreliable” for mass ethnic cleansing of Jews. During were tortured, raped, and murdered. disclaiming its Holocaust distortion that period, especially in the Spring of When Cvirka signed instructions to of her grandfather’s murders. Also 1915, a number of Lithuanians took deport Lithuanians, the government deemed “unreliable” are academics that an active part in murdering old Jewish described those as “orders”, but have studied Noreika’s crimes, and a men, women, and even children, and Noreika’s instructions to ghetto and witness that reported Noreika’s own plundering Jewish assets. Lithuania plunder Jews are described as “letters” words to murder Jews. claims that the Russians were entirely (a language difference designed to Te United States congress wrote responsible for the actions of ethnic minimise the actions). to the Lithuanian prime minister Lithuanians. Lithuanians retained the Cvirka distributed Soviet to instruct that it stop misusing stolen Jewish property. propaganda glorifying the USSR congressional documents for Holocaust Betrayal after betrayal followed, (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), distortion. Is congress “unreliable”? and Jews began to leave for greener while Noreika wrote and published A government public-relations pastures. It was the lesser educated articles glorifying Nazi ideology. consultant wrote a dishonest report and the unemployed Jews that left Cvirka travelled to the USSR, claiming that Noreika saved Jews. Lithuania, the intelligentsia stayed whereas Noreika travelled to According to the government, he is “reliable”. Much has also been written about Lithuania’s intention to build a new convention centre on top of a Jewish cemetery in Vilnius. Since identifying Cvirka as a “collaborator”, Lithuania has reported that his monument is built atop Jewish gravestones. It wants to save these Jewish gravestones as Photo: AP Photo/Olivier Matthys Photo: an “act of good faith”, but criticising digging up a Jewish cemetery makes one “unreliable”. Lithuania’s ruling party is discussing legislation to absolve the nation of Holocaust crimes. After all, it says, it wasn’t the state that did it, but thousands of individuals, and those individuals should be identified and put on trial. Except, Lithuania refuses to identify the individuals, and dead people can’t be placed on trial. Discussing these “minor details” would likely also make one “unreliable”. Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda at a recent press conference Lithuania’s president, Gitanas on hoping that life would improve, congratulate his staff on their Nausėda, was scheduled to attend instead, they were slaughtered. outstanding work in the slaughter of the World Holocaust Forum at Yad Te world knows of the genocide the Jews. Vashem on 23 January to mark the perpetrated in Lithuania in 1941 in And so, the comparisons continue, 75th anniversary of the liberation of which Jonas Noreika was responsible but, according to the government, Auschwitz-Birkenau. On for the murder of about 14 500 out of the persecutor of Lithuanians is a 24 January 2020, a demonstration the 200 000 murder victims (including criminal, and the murderer of Jews is a is scheduled to take place in Israel by my own family). Te sharing of Jewish Lithuanian national hero. What might the “Association of Lithuanian Jews in property was widespread, and once the difference be? Israel” to protest Lithuanian Holocaust again, Lithuanians were enriched with Many South African Jews have lies. On 27 January, Lithuania will Jewish property. applied for restoration of citizenship produce its annual “Holocaust regret Upon independence in 1990, we rights, but few know the history. show” in which it will talk about the hoped Lithuania would reform and Lithuania offered Jews restitution of devastation caused by Soviets and enter the pantheon of civilised nations, stolen property on condition someone Nazis. Highly trained, professional tell the truth, and move forward as was a Lithuanian citizen. But they writers will construct a message of compatriots. Alas, our generation is as made it almost impossible for Jews sorrow and regret, but minimise disillusioned as previous generations. to reclaim citizenship. I led a legal Lithuanian involvement. Afterwards, A bureaucracy named the Genocide and media campaign to expose the Lithuanians will go home and honour Centre has been established in dual system (similar to Cvirka versus heroes such as Jonas Noreika. Lithuania to rewrite the history of the Noreika), and met the identical wall of Which is “unreliable”, Lithuanian Holocaust and absolve Lithuania of fraud, deception, and anti-Semitism. actions, or Lithuanian words? Te only responsibility. After the restitution period appropriate response to Lithuania is Te Holocaust distortion in the ended, Lithuania “discovered” how disgust, anger, and outrage. case of Jonas Noreika has been obstructionist its citizenship process *Silvia Foti’s Storm in the Fatherland: noticed by the world, and exposed was for Jews, and rectified it. It was A Memoir Unmasking a War Criminal the governments’ very deliberate able to claim that restitution had been will be published by Harper Collins deceptions. Lithuanian diplomats offered, albeit almost nobody was in Spanish in 2020, and by Regnery who are tasked with attracting Jewish successful. Now, Lithuania holds out History in English in 2021. investment into Lithuania participate citizenship as an incentive, waiting for in this. Lithuania appears to have Jews to accept it, and then hopefully • South African-born Grant Gochin is a strange fascination with Jewish invest in Lithuania, travel there, and actively involved in Jewish affairs, assets. Te case of a Lithuanian promote the country. (Again with a focusing on historical justice. He has named Cvirka amply displays the “rich Jews” fascination.) spent the past 20 years documenting strategy. Cvirka was a bad man, his In the process of denying Jewish and restoring signs of Jewish life in victims were Lithuanians whereas citizenship applications during the Lithuania. In March 2019, he took the Noreika’s victims were our own Jewish restitution process, the Lithuanian Lithuanian government to court to families. Te Lithuanian government government called one of South get it to recognise its active role in the examined both, and declared Cvirka a Africa’s primary national heroes, Holocaust. 8 SA JEWISH REPORT 24 – 31 January 2020 The demolished villa that lives on MIRAH LANGER Bergmann himself. The Villa Heimann before its demolition community including fragments In the documentary, Bergmann of the Torah that was desecrated osef Bergmann was just six recalled the after-effects of his during the attack on the synagogue. years old on the night, in experience that night. Madeleine Fane and Claude 1938, that the Nazis raided He said he went to ask his father Heimann, the grandchildren of the theJ home of the Heimann family. about what he had seen. His father original Heimann patriarch, spoke Te family of six lived in the same condemned the action, telling at the documentary screening. German town as Bergmann, their him that the Nazis would come to Tey discussed the warm welcome differing fate marked only by the regret it. He noted that his father, they received during a trip back to fact that they were Jewish, and he a “common master craftsman”, the town in 2017, as well as how wasn’t. had offered political comment that deeply touched they have been “I can remember that one showed a humanity few others were by the work of the Stolpersteine evening. I heard noises and willing to assert at that time. initiative. everything appeared so peculiar. “If you wanted to, you knew what Yet, they also noted that a Te noises reminded me of drunk was going on,” said Bergmann. photograph of their grandparents people, and I listened more and He recalled his father’s final that forms part of a memorial board more because certain noises were instruction about the incident, erected at the town’s railway station mixed with voices.” So recounts “You have seen it; you have heard it; has been vandalised three times. a now elderly Bergmann in a never forget!” sold the house for well below its that otherwise would have been “A Hitler moustache has been documentary about the history and It’s a command that Bergmann value. largely obliterated. painted on the portraits of both my fate of the Heimann Villa in the has, in the decades that have While the children were later able In 2006, the initiative placed grandparents, and my grandfather town of Steinfurt. ensued, never faltered in following, to leave Germany – with Wilhelm brass plaques at the front of the had a swastika on his forehead,” “Suddenly there was a rattling as he has fought to continue the coming to settle in South Africa property to mark the home’s said Claude. noise that came from the windows memory of the Heimann family. – Frieda and Albert’s attempts to previous Jewish inhabitants. Tese “After repairing the boards three being destroyed. I could clearly hear Te story of this villa and immigrate were thwarted. Instead, plaques are part of a project that times only to have them vandalised the glass breaking. I saw that items its Jewish ties begins with the they were soon deported, and later spans 23 countries and has resulted again, the Stolpersteine folk decided were thrown out of the windows; purchase of the property by Jewish murdered in Auschwitz. in about 75 000 of these 10cm by to leave them defaced to show that the Nazis were getting preserved cattle trader Albert and his wife, Over the years, the villa 10cm concrete cubes erected at key anti-Semitism is still a serious food from the pantry, and continued to play a key sites. Each plaque records the name problem in the region. Te swastika throwing it out. role in the life of the town, and life dates of a victim of the Nazi has been removed, however,” he “Ten I heard a woman’s serving as an extension of the regime, and is placed at their last said. voice, Mrs Heimann. She municipality in various forms. “freely chosen” place of residence Claude said he hoped the story asked if it was really necessary Chillingly, when the or work. of the villa would ultimately to throw these groceries into Heimann family sought Te initiative’s members in highlight the profound work of the street. She said they were compensation for the Steinfurt also placed enlarged the Stolpersteine initiative. “They too good to be wasted, and property after the war, the photographs of the family in are a remarkable group of people. asked if instead they could be German local government the windows of the villa, and “I would like people to contact donated.” chose to recognise the after its demolition, salvaged people in the Stolpersteine Bergmann remembers the legitimacy of the previous window frames from it to build a initiative from the towns they Nazi’s reply, declaring that Nazi contract in determining mobile museum. Tey have also came from, because they really they would never accept Claude Heimann and Madelaine Fane wih a city the compensation claim. designed a self-guided walking need our support, they really need anything that came from a official during a visit to their ancestral home Although the villa had tour of the town’s Jewish history, to know that we recognise what Jew. fallen into disrepair by the as well as seeking to preserve they do. They are non-Jewish “Te woman cried. I heard that.” Frieda. Along with their four 21st century, proposals were made various artefacts from the Jewish Germans fighting anti-Semitism.” “Te next evening, the synagogue children, Wilhelm, Ottilie, Antonia, to use its exterior wall as part of was almost entirely burnt down.” and Elsbeth, the family was happily a new fire station on the site. Yet, Te documentary, Villa Heimann: living in the 12 room, two-storey in spite of protests and petitions, The larger-than-life hero who survived from A Lost Monument, was recently villa, at the time Nazi rule began. including from the Heimann Gulag to Gauteng to gym at Melrose Arch, to shul, screened at the Johannesburg After the pogrom night in 1938, descendants, the city elected to tear and had fasted all day. It’s hard to Holocaust & Genocide Centre in in which Nazis smashed apart the down the building in 2014. >>Continued from page 5 understand that level of resilience.” Forest Town as part of an event home rendering it inhabitable, the Nevertheless, Bergmann, as life. Blumenau recounts how Perlov was particularly proud which included an address by Heimanns were forced to leave. a member of the Stolpersteine Perlov joined her family annually of the publication of Once Were the descendants of the original Albert, under duress and without (stumbling stones) initiative, has to break the fast after Yom Kippur. Slaves, an account of his harrowing Heimann family, as well as a Skype legal rights, had to adhere to a been part of a collective effort by “At the age of 91, I asked him journey written by his cousin, Rose link-up to city officials and residents contract for the sale of the house, non-Jewish Germans to find ways how his day had been,” she says. Zwi, which he promoted often. He of Steinfurt today, including issued under the Tird Reich, which to commemorate Jewish history “He told me that he had gone was even involved in producing a documentary about his life, Because of Stalin, which was recently released, and is due to be screened in cinemas later this year. “He gave 250 signed book copies away at Tisha B’Av last year,” says Katz. “He never wanted payment for them, but asked instead that a donation be given to Hatzolah, an organisation close to his heart. “Tat was the man. He always recognised what others had done for him. It was never about him, but about his message and helping others.” Katz concludes that beyond suffering, Perlov’s life teaches us a lesson in endurance and living for what matters most. “Mord survived hell,” he says. “What he endured is not, however, the lesson here, but that he did endure and built a better reality. In him, we had a living testament of European Jewry of the 20th century, an embodiment of its highs and lows. Mord represented the triumph of spirit. He endured and built.” Perlov is survived by his sister, Tova; his children, Ari, Roni, and Carmella; and his five grandchildren.

Killarney Mall-Summer Sale-SA Jewish Report Advert-198x130mm.indd 1 2020/01/16 11:43 AM 24 – 31 January 2020 SA JEWISH REPORT 9 Futuristic Israeli companies ‘an ideal investment opportunity’

STEVEN GRUZD iAngels is a venture-capital firm that looks Shelly Hod Moyal countries to invest with iAngels in the for a competitive edge in the companies in companies of the future in diverse sectors srael presents unprecedented which it invests. Tey must have the potential from healthcare, the environment, and opportunities for South Africans for to be sold profitably. “We look for companies sustainable agriculture. investment in innovative high-tech with big vision,” Hod Moyal said. iAngels likes “I want Israel to be perceived as a good Icompanies destined to change the world. So to invest early in a company’s life cycle, and place to do business, a place seen as ethical, says Shelly Hod Moyal, the founding partner often supports seasoned entrepreneurs with transparent, and doing good in the world,” and co-chief executive of iAngels, a female- a track record. Identifying strong teams and Hod Moyal said. led venture-capital firm based in ethical leaders is vital. It seeks companies that When asked about South Africa’s political focusing on futuristic Israeli technologies. will make a positive global impact. hostility to Israel, Hod Moyal said, “I can’t Hod Moyal pitched to potential investors As these companies grow, iAngels helps control what other people think. Nothing is in Illovo, Johannesburg, on Monday, in a to keep them grounded, offering “tailwinds, black and white. It reminds me of the story of talk titled “From Tel Aviv to Johannesburg: support, and wisdom” in a collaborative spirit, a man with a hole in his roof, who yells at the investing in the companies of the future.” said Hod Moyal. clouds to rain somewhere else, when he just Te event was held in partnership with the Tere are opportunities for South African needs to fix his roof. Focus on cleaning your Trade Mission of the Israeli Embassy. investors to join counterparts from 45 own room, fixing your own roof.” Hod Moyal, who used to work at Goldman Sachs investment bank, said she started iAngels in 2014 because she “wanted to create a bridge between Israel and the rest of the world, based on technology”. Te idea was to showcase what Israel could do, and to make business connections by fostering investment in Israeli hi-tech start-up PRESENTS businesses. Companies that iAngels has previously funded include WSC Sports, which THE BLUE automatically compiles highlights of sports AGENCY HADAR broadcasts for digital use; Arbe Robotics, PROPERTY SALES which creates software for driverless cars; AND MANAGEMENT HERZLIYA IDC and Outdoorsy, which developed a market for the short-term use of recreational LOCATION • LOCATION • LOCATION vehicles. Hod Moyal dissected the source of Israel’s characterisation as the “Start-up Nation”, a term popularised by Dan Senor and Saul Singer in their 2009 book. She argued that there is a culture of survival in the tiny 71-year-old Middle Eastern state, built on thousands of years of Jews having to face hardship and persecution, surrounded by enemies and lacking natural resources. For example, Israel went from one of the most water-stressed countries in the world to becoming the leader in desalination, filtration, and water-management technology in a generation.

“I want Israel to be perceived as a good place to do business, a place seen as ethical, Unique investment transparent, and doing opportunity close to the good in the world.” IDC University Special Presale discount and terms* With over 7000 students, from all over the She spoke of how the Israeli army is world, including South Africa and close to a pipeline for talent, with top achievers > Kitchen appliance package included trains, schools and shops. identified in their teens and recruited into > elite military units. Te Israel Defense Attractive finance options Brand new off plan development with 5 Forces teaches skills like flexibility and the > room apartments starting from nis ability to make the best decisions under Completion 07/22 3,050,000. pressure. > Guaranteed return* Israel has also benefited from a far- sighted government that has put in place We offer a turnkey solution including * Subject to terms and conditions policies that have allowed entrepreneurship negotiating best deal, managing the to blossom and thrive. completion of the apartment, assisting with And thrive it has. Hod Moyal said Israel For a private meeting Barry Cohen mortgage, finding a tenant and offering has the world’s third largest technology please contact +972-52-8311174 // 076-5772000 property management services. ecosystem after the United States and [email protected] China. Today, there are 30 companies worth more than $100 million (R1.4 billion) in Israel, and another 30 worth more than $1 billion (R14.5 billion). More A R C than 300 multinational companies have a research and development centre in Israel. Te country has generations of serial entrepreneurs who have started and sold many successful companies to the tech giants. “We are now in the next phase of that innovation. Te question now is how do we win, how do we prosper? We commercialise technology. It’s about getting from start-up to scale-up,” she said. 10 SA JEWISH REPORT 24 – 31 January 2020 Celebrating a seven-year learning triumph JORDAN MOSHE he died in 1951. The Siyum banquet at The Deck at Wanderers “In the years of Kossowsky’s tenure, the ore than 1 200 people gathered in a state of Torah learning in Johannesburg was cavernous marquee at the Wanderers deteriorating fast. An article was published in Illovo last Wednesday evening, but in 1937 in which Rav Kossowsky was asked

Mthis time to celebrate a victory in Torah learning, whether there was any chance for the survival Jason Crouse Photo: not sport. of Torah in South Africa. At the time, there Te lavish banquet dinner and celebration was was very little precedent. Yet amidst pervasive held at the deck on this hallowed sportsground weakening of mitzvot (good deeds) and drifting in honour of South Africans reaching an away from Torah, he passionately asserted international landmark. with no tangible evidence that Torah would Known as the Dirshu World Siyum, the dinner ultimately return to South African Jews,” celebrated the success of a seven and a half- Goldstein told the crowd. year long daily commitment to completing the “Tink what Rav Kossowsky would say if he Talmud, an undertaking by 60 South African were to walk into this hall tonight, with more Jews. than 1 200 people present and many more Teir commitment was to study one page of wanting to come. What would he say to the fact the Gemara every single day. Tis is known as that learning of Gemara has been revived? What Daf Yomi. Teir achievement was celebrated would he say about his precious community that alongside the broader Torah accomplishments of has been completely transformed and returned Johannesburg Jewry. Dirshu, an international to Torah in such unprecedented numbers? organisation whose goal is to strengthen and “It doesn’t matter what kind of a Jew you encourage Torah study throughout the diaspora, are, we celebrate and learn the same Torah. We organised the event. grow in this community, and that’s a gift. We “Look around the world today. Te Torah changed considerably.” “Tonight is a small glimpse of the truth,” must take strength from vibrancy and growth, is being celebrated with honour that is As a result, 2 711 stones were placed, the said Rabbi Ari Taback, the director of Dirshu from passion for Torah. Tonight symbolises all unprecedented in the history of our exile. Tis exact number of pages in the Talmud. Said South Africa. “Take a mental snapshot of of that. It’s a vision of a vibrant future for our is an unprecedented celebration of learning Krohn, “Every page of Shas is therefore what’s around you tonight. We are celebrating community, one deeply rooted in Torah and just 75 years after the Holocaust. Torah is the represented in Berlin, and this relates to a sublime achievement. Te next time you see a mitzvot,” the chief rabbi said. air we breathe, and Jews can’t exist without it. our lives as well. Te Talmud represents our five-year-old mouthing the words of the alef bet Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter, Dirshu’s founder and We yearn for the transformative experience it experiences. It is made up of chapters; some (Hebrew alphabet), remember this celebration. director, lauded the community for maintaining offers, and we become different people because longer, some shorter, some more difficult Tis is what matters.” its Torah inheritance. of it,” Hofstedter said. than others. Tis is mirrored in our daily Extolling the achievements of the community, “Tis community has defied all the odds and “Tis Siyum shows that Torah is what we lives exactly.” South African Chief Rabbi Dr Warren come together as one,” he said. “It celebrates are yearning for, that it’s our life. We want Krohn emphasised the need to make Goldstein recalled the faith the late Rabbi Torah. Te Torah is our inheritance and legacy, transformation. We want to elevate ourselves learning a priority. Yitzchak Kossowsky had in South African so one would think that it should be received and our nation.” “When the founder of Daf Yomi, Rabbi Jewry. Kossowsky came from Lithuania to automatically. Pirkei Avot, however, says that it Te evening’s keynote speaker, Rabbi Meir Shapiro, was nine, his mother made Johannesburg in 1933 to take up the position of isn’t so, that you have to work to earn it,” said Paysach Krohn, stressed that Torah was sure that he had daily lessons with a tutor. head of the Beth Din, in which he served until Hofstedter. relevant to every Jew’s life, and used a One day they moved, and little Meir’s remarkable story to illustrate the point. mother communicated their new address “In 1994, the German government allowed to the tutor. Somehow, he didn’t get the the Jews to build a memorial in downtown message, and by 21:00 that night, she Berlin,” recounted this international Torah- realised the tutor wasn’t coming,” Krohn related speaker and author. “It gave them said. four acres of land on which to build a “She sat down and started crying. When memorial to Europe’s Jews. A total of 200 Rav Meir asked her why, she told him words different artists competed, and the judges he never forgot: ‘A day of learning lost is selected Peter Eisenman’s design.” Krohn said gone forever. You cannot make it up.’ Tat’s Eisenman’s design featured 400 slabs of blank why he proposed the idea of a Daf Yomi at stone without any inscriptions whatsoever, the age of 36. Te project became a reality collectively representing all kinds of Jews who only because of a mother’s belief that a day had perished anonymously. of learning can’t be regained. However, an unexpected issue arose. “Just “Tonight, every one of us needs to before construction began, Germany passed remember three things: consistency, a new law, ruling that memorials had to be tenacity, and daily dedication. Tat’s how built with wheelchair access,” said Krohn. you accomplish things. We need to recognise “Tat changed things, because Eisenman that Torah learning brings serenity, that had designed the stones to be near one Torah study is essential, and that such another. Many stones had to be removed to accomplishments are deserving of special create space for wheelchairs, and the design celebration.” Three men and a page of Talmud a day JORDAN MOSHE existence of mermaids. These men were among more than 60 What do businessman Shaun Matisonn, individuals who were recognised for this at the lawyer Hugh Raichlin, and Shaun Zagnoev, the Dirshu World Siyum held last week. chairperson of the South African Jewish Board of In spite of initial apprehension, Raichlin took up Deputies, have in common? the challenge after repeatedly being encouraged They all made a serious commitment to Jewish by a friend who had completed the cycle before. learning by studying a page of Talmud every “I was reluctant, as it’s an enormous commitment single day for seven and a half years. In this over such a long period,” says Raichlin. “I joined time, they covered 37 volumes of the Babylonian the shiur initially at Ohr Sameach Glenhazel in Talmud (or Gemara), the equivalent of 2 711 the early mornings, at 05:15, and thereafter at double-sided pages. Yeshiva College, altogether for about five years. They were among thousands of Jewish Thereafter, I learnt on my own with the Art Scroll “I had a big company looking afer my investment apartments in Israel and could never get straight answers from them. I have now been with Barry and his team at the Blue Agency scholars around the world who recently Talmud which has an English translation and for over 8 years and am delighted that I made the change. Yaron answers all my queries celebrated the conclusion of the thirteenth cycle excellent explanatory notes.” tmeously, my costs have been reduced and I am now getng market related rentals” of Daf Yomi. This is an international programme in Zagnoev got involved after reading a JM, SOUTH AFRICA which all participants study a page of the Gemara newspaper advert. Although he had spent time at “The Blue Agency has managed my propertes in Israel for almost ten years. There has been a day. The participants studied consistently in a yeshiva overseas, it took him 10 years to find minimal tenant turnover and I have had almost no empty periods. I have no hesitaton in spite of work and family commitments. the right forum to resume his religious studies. recommending them to friends of mine” IL, NEW YORK Each page features extensive commentary “My wife, Joanne, saw an announcement and conversation among the rabbis of the placed by Ohr Somayach in the Star Classifieds first few centuries of the Common Era. Their advising that they were intending to start a Daf discussions are frequently complicated and Yomi shiur,” he says. “With her encouragement, digressive, shifting between topics as varied as and with a certain intrigue and reticence, I paying damages, betrothing a woman, even the Continued on page 11>> 24 – 31 January 2020 SA JEWISH REPORT 11 The world’s largest, longest book club JORDAN MOSHE Photo: Jason Crouse Thousands of participants filled venues worldwide (ranging from football stadia to indoor f you’re looking to join the world’s largest arenas), coming together to mark the cycle’s book club, you’re in luck. Membership is free, conclusion. The main event in the US took place at requires no paperwork, and anyone can sign New Jersey’s MetLife Stadium, which has Iup. Take note: you’ll be reading not one book but 92 000 seats, with a second location at the an entire series, and you must read at least a Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Ten thousand British page a day. What’s more, you will be committing Jews flocked to London’s Wembley Arena for to seven and a half years of this. To become a similar a celebration, and earlier celebrations also member, simply get your hands on a copy of one took place in December 2019 in Melbourne and of the greatest page-turners in history: the Talmud. Vienna. Even South Africa participated, hosting We’re talking about the Daf Yomi programme, an a show-stopping banquet dinner at The Deck at international phenomenon in which Jews around Wanderers in Illovo, Johannesburg, attended by the world participate in daily study of the Gemara. Daf Yomi participants making the Siyum more than 1 200 people. From Johannesburg to Jakarta, Daf Yomi (Hebrew As with completion of the Torah on Simchat for the Daily Page) participants read the 2 711 for those who are living the questions rather than that he studied on that day. Another Jew leaves Torah, the conclusion of the Talmud is never final. pages of the Babylonian Talmud – the central text those who have found the answers.” the US, and travels to Brazil or Japan, where he Rather, participants return to the beginning again, of rabbinic Judaism – in seven and a half years at Complicated though it may be, thousands of finds everyone learning the same daf he himself starting the cycle afresh together with countless the rate of one page a day. Jews participate in the study, all of them literally learned. Could there be any greater unity of hearts first-time participants. While some attend a shiur Written in a combination of Aramaic and on the same page in accordance with a schedule than this?” and learn in a group, others prefer to study alone, Hebrew, the Talmud is divided into 37 volumes established in 1923 in Poland by Rabbi Meir Shapiro, His aspiration has persisted across the decades reviewing the daily page in their own time. Those (known as tractates), each of which deals with the founder of the mass-reading project. Then 36 – the seven-and-a-half-year cycle has been who miss a day often do whatever they can to different aspects of Jewish law. These range years old, Shapiro proposed the programme in completed 13 times to date. The first cycle began catch up, determined to keep up with the cycle. from festivals to marriage, to sacrifices and vows, August that year at the first International Congress on the first day of Rosh Hashanah 5684 Whether one learns alone or with others, the accompanied by extensive rabbinic commentary of the Agudath Israel World Movement in Vienna, (11 September 1923), and the latest was undertaking is vast. The key, writes Kurshan, is to from across the ages which is often discursive, seeking to unite Jewish people worldwide through concluded on 4 January this year. Known in find a way to incorporate a bit of learning into your complicated, and difficult to follow. daily study of a page of Talmud. Hebrew as a Siyum (completion), the event schedule every day, whatever form that may take. Consequently, the text often reads as more of Shapiro’s vision was extraordinary. He wrote marks both the end of the previous cycle and “Some days you may be able to sit down and read a discussion than anything else. As author Ilana of the project, “A Jew travels by boat and takes the beginning of the next, and is characterised the page itself, along with related commentaries Kurshan writes in her memoire, If All the Seas Gemara Brachot [the Talmud’s first volume] by inspiring speeches and rousing singing and and study aides; other days you may have time to were Ink, “The Talmud is not a law code intended under his arm. He travels for 15 days from eretz dancing. Indeed, the occasion was hailed with listen to a podcast while driving to work or folding to tell Jews how to behave, but a record of Yisrael [the land of Israel] to America, and each enthusiasm by Jews the world over, and involved the laundry. The point is learning every day, not rabbinic legal conversations in which many of the day, he learns the daf [page]. When he arrives in mass celebration across the US, Europe, Israel, how you do it.” questions are left open and unresolved. It’s a text America, he finds Jews learning the very same daf and other countries. The project is more accessible than ever, with texts featuring English translation and commentary available in print, digital, and audio format. So, if Three men and a page of Talmud a day you’re looking to join history’s most unconventional >>Continued from page 10 book club with a following unlike any other, the attended the first shiur, and that put me on a path that I have now difficulties. Daf Yomi programme can accommodate you at a stayed on for many years. Later, I started learning by myself at times “There was a surprise nearly every day with some of the most moment’s notice. that suited me.” incredible, mind-bending cases and scenarios a human being can Given the scope and depth of the Talmudic discussions, regular study contemplate,” says Raichlin “The rabbis gave us the tools to work out came with certain challenges, says deputy chief executive of Vitality any number of other possible scenarios that we might come up against Jeppe High Group, Matisonn. in every generation.” “There are definitely parts that are more interesting than others, and Says Zagnoev, “The Gemara contains historical information, ethical School for Girls there are days when your time is really limited,” he says, “but knowing teachings, biblical analysis, and Jewish law which is presented in an that you are part of a global programme creates a real commitment. engaging and challenging format. “In the beginning, I would miss days, and I quickly realised that you “Learning one page of Gemara a day over an extended period has can’t afford to fall behind, so I would use whatever free time I had to given me the unique opportunity to gain exposure to this magnificent learn, even if it meant doing the daf (page) in fits and starts over the day. and fascinating work. It’s also an intellectually challenging document In the worst case, I would complete it at the end of the day before I went which cannot simply be read. It needs to be studied with a high level of to bed.” intensity.” Zagnoev and Raichlin had similar experiences. “A difficult daf can take The men paid tribute to their families for being extremely supportive between one and two hours to learn,” says Zagnoev. “The programme and understanding of their commitment. Matisonn says that he pulled offers no respite – a new page needs to be learnt every day. There were out his Talmud at different times, whether on a plane or while travelling, often times when I had work deadlines or family commitments which and his family always gave him the necessary space to learn. conflicted with the time available to complete the daf. Also, there were Says Raichlin, “My wife was the most understanding when my alarm certain sections that were extremely difficult to understand.” went off before 05:00 in the morning! She also sat next to me for many Says Raichlin, “The main challenge was never to miss a day, and to hours on aeroplanes, airport terminals, trains, and buses all over the jessica slater ensure that if I did fall behind – such as when I was unable to learn world as I learnt my daily daf.” Jessica obtained distinctions during shiva for both my parents – I caught up as soon as possible. I Raichlin and Zagnoev have renewed their commitment and undertaken learnt early in the morning and gave up sleep rather than miss time in the fourteenth cycle, whereas Matisonn will be devoting himself to in History and Life Orientation and the office. Sometimes I would learn at night to catch up.” studying other areas of Torah. However, they unanimously champion the met the requirements for admission However, they agree that the benefits certainly outweighed any programme, encouraging those who can take it up to do so. to a bachelor’s degree. 12 SA JEWISH REPORT 24 – 31 January 2020 Why you don’t have to go to university to be successful GILLIAN KLAWANSKY “I didn’t feel I needed to go to university. I Gavronsky advises students to do Schaffer worked on movies including Invictus definitely wasn’t the type of person to sit and something that makes them happy. “Wake and Blended. tarting a roaming chef business. listen to long lectures. I wanted something up in the morning wanting to succeed, don’t Ultimately, she grew tired of travelling and Becoming a teenage entrepreneur. more practical.” wake up already failing.” being away from her husband and family. Doing makeup on film sets. Tese Needing to work to support himself, Entrepreneur Carla Danker, 26, agrees. So she found another calling, baking cakes. Syoung adults might not have university Gavronsky applied to the Protea Hotel Group, “I was 18 with braces when I started Pimp With only Cake Boss episodes and YouTube degrees, but they’re and was accepted into the orientation trainee My Pup, the first mobile dog spa in the tutorials to guide her, she started a home- successfully charting programme at the country,” she recalls. A 2019 Absa Jewish based bakery. “I made my own website, their own course. Carla Danker Fire & Ice Hotel Achiever Award nominee, Danker was always taught myself about Google adverts and my Doron Gavronsky, in Melrose Arch. passionate about animals. Although she’d successful business, Te Sweet Escape was the founder of Chef “After 11 months, earned an academic scholarship to Varsity born.” En Route, always I knew I wanted College after matriculating from Crawford Practice and consistency is key to success, knew his destiny to further my chef College , Danker soon realised that she says. “You’ll always fail the first few lay in the culinary career so I went her destiny lay elsewhere. times, but keep at it and eventually you’ll get world. “I couldn’t to the Chef School “I went from a BCom to BA within a there.” get enough of for Food & Wine month, and I just didn’t fit the Caryn the kitchen,” he in Krugersdorp.” mould. I knew it Bachrach, an says. “My mom’s During his studies, wasn’t for me. I told Doron Gavronsky educational an amazing cook he managed the my parents I had to psychologist as was her late kitchen at a kosher work with animals at King David mother. It was grill house. and start something High School passed down Briefly leaving South Africa hadn’t Linksfield’s through the the kitchen, seen before. Teir counselling generations.” Gavronsky went support allowed me to department, Now 27, the King to Israel, became a follow another path.” says that David Linksfield alumnus took a step towards qualified fitness She was also inspired while most his dreams when he chose consumer studies instructor, and then worked as a bodyguard by her entrepreneurial students as a matric subject. While he had the full back in South Africa, protecting Jewish father. tend to study backing of his family, not everyone supported community leaders. Danker has after school, his ambitions. “Te more people told me to In 2015, he embraced his first love, and qualifications in it doesn’t stay away from becoming a chef, the more I opened Chef En Route, the first in-house dog grooming and always take challenged myself and everyone around me. I private chef hiring service in the Jewish behaviour, welfare the form of wanted to prove to them that I wasn’t going community. “A private chef comes to cook, farming, and plant- a university to waste my talent.” serve, and entertain your guests,” he says. based nutrition, but she’s degree. Diagnosed with dyslexia in high school, Chef En Route also accompanies clients on never pursued a university degree. “While Bachrach says there’s no stigma attached Gavronsky needed a scribe to help him their travels, offering a full chef service to my family were extremely supportive, my to students who take a different road. complete his exams. In spite of this, he clients in South Africa and beyond. Putting school pushed all of us to go to university. “Tey’re usually supported by their parents attained university exemption and applied to clients first and building a bond with them is Alternatives weren’t discussed. I feel like I and by the time they’re finishing matric, Vega, but ultimately decided against this path. key to the business’ success. was a laughing stock to some people, but they’ve adjusted to the path they’ve chosen. it never affected me. I’ve never regretted We encourage kids to find their own way, my decision, and I wouldn’t go back and supporting and guiding them in achieving study. I’ve learnt so much, and I’ve become a their potential and making their own much tougher person from running my own choices.” business. Having control over everything Gita Lipschitz, a school counsellor and the is a great feeling, I could never work for head of educational support at King David someone.” High School Victory Park (KDVP), says that After nine years, Danker recently sold the school’s 100% university entrance rate Pimp My Pup. “I’d love to start a family and suggests that most matriculants will go onto the business needs to grow, so I wanted a higher learning institution, whether it be fresh energy to take over. I’ve now started university or college. “Tere’s a desire as well Plant Powered Patisserie, a vegan bakery. as an expectation of most students to study My deep connection with animals led to me something after school,” she says. going vegan three years ago. I had to start a However, Lipschitz emphasises the business that would spread the vegan word entrepreneurial spirit at KDVP. “Some and supply a cruelty-free, healthier, and students run businesses while they’re still at delicious alternative.” school. Tose who don’t study immediately Coming from a creative family, Samantha may start or continue to run their own Schaffer knew she wouldn’t follow a businesses as a route to their professional conventional path. Unsure of what career career.” to pursue, she stumbled into makeup on a Te desire to go to university is ingrained visit to cosmetics company, Kryolan. “Tere in kids from an early age, says Ariella I picked up a pamphlet about a makeup and Cohen, a registered counsellor offering prosthetics course. Tat really excited me so career assessment. It’s generally seen as I went for it.” preferable by parents and kids. Yet there’s Upon completing the year-long course, always another option. “Tese days, there Schaffer entered the entertainment industry, are many successful people that haven’t honing her makeup skills on soapie 7de Laan. gone to university. You can do a short “I met the right people, and ended up doing course and start your own business before makeup on the sets of international films for you’re 20, potentially becoming successful more than seven years.” Mingling with the much earlier than those who pursue likes of Matt Damon and Drew Barrymore, degrees.”

44 Central Street, Corner Sunday (26 January) AT • Beit Luria Shul and the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide 10th Avenue, Houghton. H ’S Centre are hosting a lecture ahead of International Holocaust No charge. Bookings: W

Day. Time: Meet at second floor reception at 09:45. [email protected] or O Venue: 1 Duncombe Road, Forest Town. Booking essential. call 011 728 7154 N Contact: Rabbi Julia Margolis 076 673 0750. • Jewish Learning Institute Monday (27 January) with Rabbi Ari Kievman • Chabad Seniors Club hosts enhanced brain functioning and a Sandton Central Shul. Time: 19:15. fun morning with Occupational Therapist, Cynthia Liptz. Venue: 8 Stella Street Sandton (opposite the Gautrain) Time: 09:45. Venue: Chabad Seniors Club. Info: 011 440 6600 www.jli.org.za or [email protected] Contact: 011 440 6600 or [email protected] Friday (31 January) Wednesday (29 January) • Friday Night Live at Sandton Central Shul. Time: 18:00. • ORT Jet is hosting a Business Induction for small businesses Venue: 8 Stella Street, Sandton (opposite the Gautrain) seeking help. Time: 17:30 to 19:30. Venue: ORT SA Academy, Info: 079 434 1293 or [email protected] 24 – 31 January 2020 SA JEWISH REPORT 13 Beyond the bubble: how students fare at university GILLIAN KLAWANSKY she started university. “I don’t think we work. Integrating with people from anti-Semitism, they all acknowledge the focus was always on getting the work realise we’re doing it because we grow different walks of life also broadens anti-Israel rhetoric they face, especially done, religious issues were a side ulture shock. That’s what many up in such a bubble.” your horizons. I feel like I’ve broken during Israel Week. note. There was no tension.” matriculants from Jewish schools Ginsberg says that while those who out of the Jewish bubble, and would “BDS [the Boycott, Divestment, Yanir Grindler, a former Wits Cexperience when they enter come from single-sex religious schools encourage other Jewish students Sanctions moment] was born in South student doing his Masters in clinical the demographically-diverse world like she did experience an even greater to do the same. Ironically, mixing Africa and the apartheid argument is psychology at the University of of university. Do they embrace the culture shock than King David students, with other people strengthens your an emotional one, so it’s successful Johannesburg, has struggled to find opportunities this offers or simply stick everyone is affected in some way. sense of community. Conversations on South African campuses,” says his place within and without the with their “Jew crew”? Having attended King David inevitably arise about your background, Ginsberg. “Israel Apartheid Week is Jewish community. “After school, I “There’s very little integration Linksfield from hell for Jewish Students felt suffocated by the community, it with students from other cultures,” Grades 1 to 12, Kayla Borowitz – often descending into was a bit too insular for my liking,” says Kayla Ginsberg, a student at the Kayla Borowitz anti-Semitism. But it’s better he recalls. Upon matriculating from University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), is in her third than it was, largely because King David Victory Park in 2010, and the national director of the South year of BA Law of SAUJS’ hard work. That Grindler made aliyah, but returned African Union of Jewish Students at Wits. She says being said, BDS is a massive five years later, enrolling in Wits. (SAUJS). “It’s dangerous as it has an mixing with other issue, anti-Semitism isn’t. Here, he embraced the opportunities impact on how we’re perceived.” communities has I wear my magen david for integration. “I’ve been working on building been an enriching proudly, and I’ve never been “I chose to spend more time coalitions between SAUJS and other experience. scared to do it on campus.” on campus, getting involved in student groups, and nobody wants to Although Grant Norrie, an extramural activities like student join up with us,” she says. “They say, university was engineering student at politics and connecting with students ‘You’re so exclusive. You don’t get a culture shock the University of Cape outside of the Jewish community. I’ve Kayla Ginsberg involved in student affairs.’ It’s a stigma because she Town (UCT) says he’s always tried to push myself outside we’re working hard to erase.” Their was accustomed stuck with his Jewish my comfort zone. I don’t think enough efforts have finally been successful, to being around Jewish people, the so I’m constantly reminded of my friends from Herzlia mainly because young Jews do that, they’re generally with SAUJS recently teaming up with change was positive. “I experienced the Jewishness.” they’re all doing the same degree. quite mollycoddled. the Wits Student Representative Council buzzing multiracial and multicultural Borowitz also stresses the value of The chairperson of SAUJS Western “I keep Shabbat, and think of (SRC) for the first time in 40 years. student life I’d always heard about,” starting afresh at university. “People Cape, Norrie argues that this is the myself as a pretty observant Jew, but “It’s going to change the dynamics she says. Borowitz loves the feeling aren’t concerned about what might exception rather than the rule at UCT. I try to balance that with being South for Jews on campus in coming years,” of really being a part of South African have mattered at school. Becoming “Jewish people here actually try to African.” says Ginsberg. “It came about as a society. She’s also improved her friendly with people from different move out of the community, and their Befriending people beyond the result of the repeated personal efforts connection to the country by studying backgrounds has also given me the best friends at UCT generally aren’t Jewish community has given Grindler of Jewish students befriending and law. perspective that diversity is a beautiful, Jewish.” a more holistic perspective. “As Jews, talking to different groups. Not many She understands why Jewish powerful thing. Though religion and In some of his classes, Norrie we live sheltered lives, we don’t people are willing to do that, but when students tend to remain in their race are often hotspots for conflict, our has worked with people of different properly engage with the complexities they do, it has great impact.” homogenous comfort zones, but differences make the world much more cultures, and recently partnered with and challenges of the majority of In her fifth year at Wits studying disagrees with this strategy. “It’s interesting.” a Muslim group of students. “They South Africans. Integrating gave me towards an LLB degree, Ginsberg, a limiting to associate only with people Suddenly becoming a minority can be knew about Shabbat – one of the the opportunity to see the challenges, Hirsch Lyons alumnus, admits that she, similar to you as it won’t be possible difficult for Jewish students. While most few things that came up when we understand the real hardships, and too, stuck with her Jewish friends when to do this in the ‘real world’ or at say they haven’t experienced blatant discussed religion,” he says. “But our appreciate what I have.” 14 SA JEWISH REPORT 24 – 31 January 2020 Music therapist on shortlist for a Grammy GILLIAN KLAWANSKY musician”, Samson says his journey has been magical.” which include anxiety, ADD (Attention more about healing and personal growth. Samson says the nominated album is a Deficit Disorder), and seeing beyond your rom being bullied as a child to healing “I realised I was going to be more fulfilled subtle reflection on the human condition. own perspective, he says. Rather, they offer children through music, Jon Samson’s facilitating the creative expression of others. “I’m tackling some sensitive issues in a way validation for those who face such issues. Fcreative journey is deeply personal. Tere’s one song on my current album that’s primarily artistic and exploratory, as “Tey serve as a companion and a mirror Now nominated for Best Children’s Music which is largely a post-production of a live opposed to preachy. On top of being a music as opposed to saying, ‘We’re going to fix Album at the 2020 Grammy Awards for his improvisation done by a child named Claire therapist and teacher, I consider myself an everything.’ album, Ageless: Songs for the Child Archetype, Linares. I wrote a chorus for her song, and I’m artist. My standards of artistry are quite high, “Te crux of the album’s message is the South African-born musician and music really excited that the finished product, polarity, which is why I have therapist has come full circle. Video Game, is on my album.” penguins and polar bears as Before moving to the United States at the Samson is working on post-producing the main characters. Tey’re age of 14, Samson grew up in Johannesburg the music of the kids he teaches, and indigenous to the opposite poles of in the 1980s and early 90s. “My childhood many often sing on his tracks, with a planet earth, and I’m exploring the had an impact on my career in ways that I group even directing the music video contrast between our perspective never would have imagined,” he says. “One for his song, Focus on ADD. He also uses and the importance of finding the of the things I struggled with as a kid was session musicians on some tracks, and is Jon Samson middle path.” being overweight and socially awkward. Even proud that fellow South African Wouter For Samson, it all comes though it wasn’t the most comfortable thing Kellerman – a Grammy Award winner down to expressing oneself. at the time, it really taught me the anatomy himself – played the flute on his album’s “Everyone has their own unique of self-esteem. When I work with children opening song, Predicament. configuration of creativity, of today, I understand when they come in with Samson said he cried when he heard of how they think and feel, and how issues of empowerment, self-esteem, and his Grammy nomination. “Tere’s really they express that. Based on my worthiness – those sorts of inner struggles only one word to describe it and that’s 15 years of experience of working many kids face. My experience gave me the honoured,” he says. “Growing up, there in mental health, I can say that insight I needed to help kids later on.” was more than one kid who said to me, when people aren’t actively While there were challenges, Samson is ‘You’re going to win a Grammy one day.’ I expressing themselves, either grateful for the grounding he received at King don’t know about winning, but just being through art or communication, David Sandton. Always musical, Samson was nominated is more than sufficient. Tere’s a and because of that, it takes me years to write they become depressed. You need to really given a chance to develop his talents from small percentage of human beings that get a song.” take charge of your individual expression the beginning of his primary school career at that honour, and coming from South Africa None of the songs on the album are and authenticity, while making room for King David. “Tere were some really special it puts me in an even smaller pool, which is supposed to solve the problems they tackle, others to do the same.” teachers, especially Efrat Wagner. She spotted me when I was in Grade 1, got me into the choir, and we worked together for a long Bobbas for Babies knits countries together time, even travelling to the Hallelujah! Music Festival in Israel in the early 90s.” Samson GILLIAN KLAWANSKY grandchildren of her friends from Habo. My mother [now in her 80s] came to also credits private piano teacher Janet visit me two years ago for Chanukah and being an OT, I tried to think of ways Reeder Bottomley with facilitating his early hen Sarit Keinan came back to South Africa, the country of her birth, to keep her busy and content while I was at work.” Knitting was the obvious musical development. as the wife of Israeli Ambassador Lior Keinan, she wanted to do answer. Keinan suggested that her mother knit a baby blanket, saying she’d While studying for his undergraduate Wsomething to bring the two countries closer. find a needy recipient. degree in music composition from SUNY So, she founded Bobbas for Babies, an organisation that donates baby “When I went to buy the wool and I saw her knitting, it hit me that this Purchase College in New York, Samson was blankets, clothes, and dolls knitted with love by South African and Israeli is what I could do. I could provide the wool, and distribute it to Jewish inspired by the story of one of his professors, grandmothers to underprivileged South African newborns. grandmothers around South Africa. Then I’d donate the finished products to Grammy-award-winning composer and For Keinan, the project, officially launched in February 2019, is a way to the underprivileged.” conductor Joel Tome, who largely used the give back to South Africa while promoting the Jewish homeland. At the end Keinan told her South African family and their friends of her plans, and healing power of music to regain full mobility of last year, she went to the Youth Program in , to distribute word soon spread among the residents of Golden Acres and Sandringham after a debilitating stroke. the latest round of knitting done by a bevy of bobbas. Once she had handed Gardens. As Keinan got to know the members of Pretoria’s Jewish “I was put on a healing path early, and out the wares to the moms and babies, she told them how Jewish grannies community, Jaffa came on board too. everything became oriented around the from South Africa and Israel knitted them and described her own connection “I started handing wool to whoever was willing to knit for me,” says interplay between healing, psychology, to the Holy Land. “Shalom”, was the response from the moms. Keinan. Word also soon spread to Kibbutz Israel, where Keinan’s mother kept and using music,” he says. And so, after Keinan also brought freshly baked cupcakes for the older kids, and knitting, and told her friends about the project. Naturally, they wanted to knit graduating from SUNY Purchase, he studied expectant mothers received hair-care packages. She distributed more goods too. “I started sending wool to Israel, and when we visit, I bring more wool, music therapy at New York University. outside the Nomzamo Kids Centre in Soweto. and we bring back the knitted products.” Now a renowned music therapist in private Keinan told the SA Jewish Report how the project began. Born in South The initial idea was to stick to baby or breastfeeding blankets that would practice in Brooklyn, Samson has extensive Africa, Keinan made aliyah with her family to Kibbutz Israel when she was function as attachment objects, easing the transition from baby to toddler. experience in working with special-needs just two years old, which makes her current South African posting a bit like “We wanted to add an emotional element, the idea was always to keep it kids, including those on the autism spectrum. coming full circle. Her mother, an active member of Habonim, was a nurse. personal,” says Keinan. Further personalising the process, Keinan ensures “While I use music to address therapeutic that each recipient knows who knitted their gifts, and that the bobbas goals and objectives, I also work with quirky know who received them. The project has now expanded beyond middle schoolers and high schoolers,” he says. blankets. “Some devoted knitters are almost blind, so they knit what “Tey don’t necessarily have a diagnosis, but they know,” says Keinan. “I started getting hats, jerseys, scarves, and they just aren’t quite fitting in and are looking dolls too. There’s always a need for whatever they can make.” for an alternative approach to exploring Keinan has worked to keep distribution structured, going to music. I offer a hybrid between music therapy, Ilan Ossendryver Photo: orphanages supported by the embassy, and selecting organisations music education, and audio recording. A lot within a growing base of townships. Because of the embassy’s of it has to do with improvisation. Kids just limited budget, “Bobbas for Babies” is funded by the Keinans need to be in a safe space where authority themselves. “We wanted to create a project that combines the South doesn’t get in the way so that they can feel African Jewish community, Israel’s people, and underprivileged South emotionally free and uninhibited to express Africans,” she says. themselves authentically.” To date, there are 44 devoted knitters who have knitted over 250 Samson decided to make his first kids’ items. Ultimately Keinan plans to expand her network of knitters album in 2008. What began as a fun side and distribute their creations throughout the country. In broadening project soon became much more than that. the net, she’s travelled to Modimolle in Limpopo, where she met the “Once I got into production, I realised the mayor and gave blankets to premature babies at the local hospital. fullness of my artistry was coming through “I call on every member of the Jewish community to join hands the songs and recordings. It opened Pandora’s with me,” she says. “There’s often a question of who’s benefiting box, and led me down this rabbit hole of more, those who give or those who receive, but this is a win-win Senathi gets a gift from Sarit Keinan at the Nomzamo Kids Centre creativity, simultaneously expressing what I situation. was learning from the children. I didn’t realise “Mothers and babies were my mother’s expertise on the kibbutz. She “There’s nothing like a sense of doing good. The Israeli embassy is here that children’s music was going to become my worked to guide them through the first few months.” While she now to do good. I’m proud to be a part of it. Projects that help others are a long- main source of artistic expression, personally works as a cultural assistant at the embassy, Keinan herself is qualified running passion of mine.” and as a vehicle for teaching beyond the scope as an occupational therapist (OT) and has also worked as a breastfeeding Keinan is working to make the project sustainable. “It’s a very small drop of my practice.” assistant. She’s proud to have inherited her mother’s passion for working in the ocean, but if my vision is realised, Bobbas for Babies will continue long A skilled producer, singer, and musician, with children and babies. after I leave South Africa,” she says. Samson also writes music and lyrics, and Since her nursing days, Keinan’s mother has knitted a pair of booties for plays multiple instruments including piano, every new baby born on the kibbutz. “It’s become a tradition of almost 60 • If you’d like to get involved with knitting or donating wool, please email guitar, and ukulele. Asked if he’s ever been years,” says Keinan. “Now she knits for the grandchildren and the great [email protected] tempted to pursue a career as a “regular

16 SA JEWISH REPORT 24 – 31 January 2020 Performing doctor specialises in art of the voice PETER FELDMAN treatment. is a specific physiological process that takes interact with the flow of air from the lungs. However, diagnosis and treatment are only place when the intricate system of muscles, Tis powers up the vocal cords, producing here are few doctors who understand part of the journey to returning a performer tendons and soft tissue of the larynx begin to the source of sound that then filters through the rigors of singing and how to back to full vocal health. Te the mouth and sinuses adding resonance, save and protect the voice quite like medication or surgical procedures Dr Lance Maron timbre, and individuality or uniqueness to TJohannesburg ear, nose, and throat specialist he sometimes has to perform only the voice.” Dr Lance Maron. gets them back on stage, but it’s the At 50, Maron is making an invaluable Maron is a unique medical practitioner in ability to recognise the vocal strain contribution to art and science, but feels that he is an expert in voice disorders and care and problematic techniques that he still has a way to go. His wife, Lauren, of the professional voice, and a professional caused the problem in the first place also has a degree in medicine as well as performer with a beautiful voice in his own that really makes the difference. By law, and they have three sons, 17-year-old right. identifying and fixing these issues, twins, Elijah and Samuel, and 13-year- In fact, he can be seen in the musical, Loving the doctor can help to keep the artist old Levi. Te youngest is following in You, which opens at the Auto & General on stage. dad’s musical footsteps, having already Teatre on the Square on 28 January. He describes today’s professional performed in a number of professional Maron’s patients comprise some of South singers as “athletes” who have to productions including Priscilla, Queen Africa’s best known celebrities, actors, and prepare adequately to engage in of the Desert and Evita at the Teatro singers. the “vocal Olympics”. Tey have Montecasino. Levi has just returned from Apart from treating all medical conditions to train to the limit, and then rest China, having spent more than a year relating to the ear, nose, and throat in children to recover so that they can push in the role of Eric in the international and adults, Maron has become a sub-specialist themselves to even greater heights. touring production of Matilda. in the field of laryngology, which means that Tey have to search constantly for “As an artist, I wish I had known then he has become an expert in voice disorders and better techniques or methods, and what I know now, because this whole care of the professional voice. surround themselves with a team of medical field and the understanding of the When a singer cannot sing because their professionals to help them achieve science of voice has progressed beyond voice is ailing, they call on Maron to do his their goals – or gold. recognition, and there is nothing that special magic. He has saved the careers of “Te act of singing is an exact combines science and art to the extent many illustrious names. In his office, he has science,” Maron wrote in the that caring for the professional singer a big collection of photographs, souvenir foreword to Weir’s book. “Tere does.” programmes, and CDs, all signed by the artists and given to the good doctor as a token of appreciation. He grew up loving the arts, and performed in Biblical celebration in old Berea Shul numerous productions on stage, television, and he Ethiopian church on Tudhope Avenue in Berea, located on Photographer Ilan Ossendryver captured the ceremony in which in film. He made his debut in Mini Scandals at the premises of the former Berea Shul in Johannesburg, last a model of the Ark of the Covenant is wrapped in rich cloth, and the age of five. weekend celebrated the Ethiopian Timket (baptism) festival traditionally carried in a procession on the head of the priest. He then performed in the musical Oliver, the Twhich honours the baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan. Timket traces its roots back to biblical times. In the early days of BBC-produced movie A Private Life with the Te shul, which opened its doors in 1968, has long since stopped Judaism, a sacred box overlaid with gold was kept in the most holy late Bill Flynn and Jana Cilliers, and the South operating as a synagogue. However, the structure of the shul is still place in the Jewish temple. Known as the Ark of the Covenant, it African TV series Oh George, A Slice of Saturday visible in the church. represented the coming messiah. Night for Pieter Toerien. At the age of 12, he was in famous theatrical couple Joan Brickhill and Louis Burke’s production of Mame. Eventually, Maron had to decide whether to go the arts route or to help others medically. He chose the latter, happily mixing art and science – and enjoying both.

Maron is an integral member of the Ilan Ossendryver Photo: Naledi Teatre Awards judging panel, and concentrates his energy on musical theatre. An important aspect of his work is keeping abreast with developments in his field. He has spent time with voice surgeons working overseas including the Harvard surgeon of pop sensation, Adele. Celebrating Timket outside the old Berea Shul (now an Ethiopian Church) He recalls an “incredible” learning curve while being on standby during the 2007 run of the South African production of Te Lion King. “It was very demanding on the singers’ voices as well as physically because of the heavy costumes they wore and the puppetry they had to execute. Tis posed so many challenges.” Maron contributed to the book by actress and singer Christine Weir – of Not the Midnight Mass A cappella group fame – Shut Your Trap and Sing. He wrote the foreword, Praying with the Ahron Hakodesh in the background explaining the coping mechanisms used by singers and actors, and the skills required to avoid getting into vocal trouble. Hitler’s typewriter released from SA bank vault His services have been called upon countless >> continued from page 1 typewriter,” says Nates. “When we share museums, us included,” she says. “It’s times during the run of a show when a singer idea, and I facilitated an introductory history, we don’t want to put the perpetrators essential to authenticate it, but we’re is having vocal difficulties. Over the years, he meeting between him and Nates, and they ran on a pedestal. We don’t want to talk only about not always the right place for it, and has worked on productions such as King Kong, with the project.” Hitler. Yes, this was Hitler’s typewriter, and he it’s important to find where it belongs. Te Color Purple, Te Sound of Music and Dream After months of discussion and reams of was central to the Holocaust.” Because of the South African connection to Girls. He gets immense pleasure from applying paperwork, the transfer was made, and the Nates wants the typewriter to be connected the typewriter, we are the right place this his great medical knowledge in these instances. typewriter joined other Holocaust-related to ideology, to writing, to fake news. “It can be time.” In his surgery, he has an impressive array artefacts at the centre last week. Nates says put into a propaganda discussion and used for Bayliss says the typewriter’s journey of equipment used to detect vocal pathology, she will endeavour to research the history of so much more. We are an educational institute, illustrates the need for museums to find ranging from trauma to infections and other the typewriter further in months to come, and it’s important for us to use this as an the right place for an artefact, even if it benign or malignant conditions that can investigating the relationship between Hitler educational tool rather than to shock people,” means giving up certain items. occur in the larynx. One expensive “toy” is the and Matzner with the help of colleagues here she says. “The challenge for us as historians is High-Definition Digital Stroboscopy System, and overseas. She believes dozens of similar artefacts are to preserve things,” he says. “If we don’t a machine that makes a slow-motion video However, Nates, Bayliss, and Brower agree still waiting to come to light, all of which need take it upon ourselves, it will all be lost. recording of the vocal folds to observe how that the significance of the typewriter lies in to be housed in the appropriate setting and Eventually, the opportunity occurs for you they vibrate. Tis enables the physician to its historic relevance and positive educational context. to pass on something of which you have detect any pathological problems that may potential rather than any shock value. “Stories are coming out all the time been a custodian, and you can ensure that have arisen, allowing him to be in a better “Tere is a context which surrounds the and being brought to the attention of it goes to where it really needs to be.” position to decide the most effective course of 24 – 31 January 2020 SA JEWISH REPORT 17 Letters

HYPOCRISY OF SA TOURISM SICKENING SAJR’S RETRACTION OF FRONT-PAGE REPORT DISINGENUOUS The sheer hypocrisy, brazenness, and chutzpah of the South nonentity. South African Jews for a Free the reporting on the blatant anti- African tourism ministry boggles the mind – “SA tourism Did Ramaphosa even give the former ambassador the Palestine (SAJFP) was pleased Semitism that Boris Johnson has ministry slams Israeli travel advisory” (17 January 2020). opportunity to express publicly his honest impression of his to see the SA Jewish Report’s espoused? Where is the reporting on Are tourists (Israeli or otherwise) supposed to entirely ignore tenure in Israel? No chance of that, in case he had truly positive retraction of its front-page report Donald Trump’s recent suggestion the local crimes statistics – about 20 murders a day and about opinions, which he was probably forbidden to express. So much which falsely claimed that the UN that Jews will vote for him to protect 50 rapes a day (apart from the fact that hundreds of rapes for multiculturalism! () found BDS (the their wealth? are never reported), street robberies, car hijackings, home Please note that the ministry still went ahead with an entire Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions SAJFP has absolutely no tolerance invasions, and so on. list of “do’s” and “don’ts” to potential tourists. So, to the movement) to be “fundamentally for anti-Semitism. In fact, when This, after the virtual complete withdrawal of the South spokesperson of our tourism ministry and its protest about the anti-Semitic”. But after running this the SA Jewish Report ran Rabbi African ambassador to Israel – by President Cyril Ramaphosa travel advisory from Israel, it sickens me to the core. report so prominently, the retraction Yossy Goldman’s article on 12 nogal – leaving the embassy there a seemingly miserable – Jack Miller, Johannesburg seemed disingenuous, and failed to September titled “Anti-Semitism address some of the bigger issues has its benefits”, we wrote a letter ACADEMICALLY GIFTED STUDENTS HAVE JUST AS MUCH RIGHT TO INDIVIDUAL RECOGNITION at play. registering our serious concern Those schools which didn’t publish the number of Further, it was stated that some schools wanted to For example, the SA Jewish about the piece. As active members distinctions lost an opportunity to recognise and recognise the team rather than the individuals. This is a Report did not reckon with the of the South African Jewish congratulate students who achieved exceptional matric false dichotomy as it doesn’t have to be one or the other. We damage its report did to BDS community, we expect the SA results. Students who are gifted academically have just as can recognise the success of the team giving credit to every supporters within our Jewish Jewish Report to alert us to real much right to be recognised as those who are gifted on individual’s contribution towards the team, and at the same community. Nor did the publication anti-Semitism in the spaces we the sporting field or in any other way. So what next? Are time, we can acknowledge the standout performers within mention the support that BDS occupy. we going to stop recognising students who achieve on the the team. receives from tens of thousands As 2020 opens, we hope that sporting field? Are we going to stop recognising other forms Sure, if any student doesn’t want their picture or results of committed Jews across the the SA Jewish Report will commit of achievement? in the newspaper, then they should be allowed to request world. The SA Jewish Report also to accurate, fair, and unbiased Sure, being strong academically doesn’t make someone that they be excluded, and we should honour that request. failed to outline the moral and legal reporting, representing the views a better person – we are all unique and special in our And yes, every student who completes matric is an complexities of this issue as noted and concerns of our diverse Jewish own way. However this doesn’t mean that those who have achiever, and most would have excelled in some form in the UN report, and the special community. – Allan Kolski achieved academically shouldn’t be recognised for their or another during their schooling career. That should rapporteur’s acknowledgement that Horwitz on behalf of SAJFP achievements. And it doesn’t mean that these students are most certainly be recognised. However, the publishing of well-grounded concerns have been boasting. And, if such recognition makes a student who academic results isn’t the time and place for that. – Tony raised with the IHRA (International In our correction, to which we gave hasn’t performed as well feel bad, then the solution isn’t to Kamionsky, Johannesburg Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) prominence on page one, we clearly stop the recognition, and the solution isn’t to tell the student definition of anti-Semitism. stated what wasn’t 100% correct. who has underperformed academically that they deserve ARTICLES ON 21ST CENTURY EDUCATION EXCITING In general, SAJFP is concerned However, we stand by the essence and equal recognition as they have put in just as much effort. about the reporting bias of the AND RELEVANT SA substance of the story. Rather, teach such students that they should be happy for I wish to commend you, the various schools, and teachers Jewish Report, and the publication’s Any organisation that focuses on those who have achieved good results, and that it doesn’t highlighted in the 17 January edition of the SA Jewish Report attempts to stoke misplaced fear. In the downfall of Israel is essentially mean that they are inferior. Further, explain to such students for your guidance in bringing the education of pupils into the doing so, the SA Jewish Report runs anti-Semitic, and anyone that believes that they shouldn’t compare themselves to anyone else, that 21st century. It’s relevant and exciting to be given an in-depth the danger of distracting our Jewish in such an organisation supports they are special in their own way, and that they should focus review of the latest teaching methods. community from real instances of anti-Semitism. We also acknowledge on their own strengths and go out and be the best person I’m aware that recognition of the pupil as an individual is anti-Semitism, of which, as the that SAJFP is a tiny group of people theyBespoke can be Ad regardless NP 12/23/19 of whether 3:04 someone PM elsePage has 1 done most important and relevant in 2020 and beyond. – Sheila UN’s special rapporteur notes, there with virtually no support from the better academically, or better on the sporting field. Meyerowitz, Johannesburg are many. Where, for example, is community. – Editor

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*Enquire for information regarding kosher requirements. Free flights for child on international sectors only. Rate is subject to availability & currency fluctuations. Ts & Cs apply. 18 SA JEWISH REPORT 24 – 31 January 2020 Deutschland über Chai A column of the SA Jewish Board of Deputies was driving home from a wedding on Destruction and defiance Sunday night when the strangest song “Mir zaynen do!”(We are here!) Te defiant Istarted playing in the car. It was in German, INNER VOICE concluding words of the Partisan Song and it turned out that my son had connected constitute a ringing declaration by the Jewish his music to the sound system. As I am people that in spite of the unspeakable Howard Feldman ABOVE BOARD constantly in search of material for my show, I crimes of those seeking their destruction, am Shaun Zagnoev listened closely, and deemed that it would be a played publicly. Yisrael chai (the nation of Israel still lives). great choice for the 07:00 slot. I wondered if it was comparable to the Tey remind us that when remembering [email protected]. I encourage everyone I hadn’t anticipated the outraged response sound of to black South Africans, those whose lives were so cruelly and unjustly to join in this meaningful demonstration of that I would receive from listeners. Some hated but considering that the language is spoken by extinguished, we are also testifying that for Jewish solidarity and commemoration. the song (pretty much a normal day in my life), people of all races in South Africa, I couldn’t all the harm they were able to inflict on us, It’s not only in terms of our physical but others were “disgusted” that I would play make the comparison. our enemies failed to eradicate the Jewish survival that the words am Yisrael chai a German-language song on ChaiFM, a Jewish I also realised that to me, German is the people altogether. Tis is why the Partisan resonate so powerfully. In a very different community radio station. Others said that it language of my mothers. My grandparents fled Song has become one of the chief anthems context, they were uppermost in my mind was particularly offensive because this week Germany just prior to the war, and although of Holocaust survivors and is today sung at when last week, I joined about 1 200 fellow marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of my grandfather forbade German to be spoken Yom Hashoah ceremonies the world over. For community members in celebrating the Daf Auschwitz – as though this somehow made my in his home, this mattered not one bit to my the same reason, the title March of the Living Yomi Siyum Hashas. Tis was the 13th such behaviour worse. grandmother, who used it as her primary was chosen for the programme which brings celebration to be held since the institution “German songs on ChaiFM aren’t an option. language of communication with her children. people to Poland on commemorative and of the Daf Yomi programme in 1923. From With Holocaust commemoration this week, I therefore grew up listening to the sound educational visits to Holocaust-related sites. modest beginnings, the programme, in your choice is even more offensive.” of German spoken between my mother and When the United Nations General which Jews around the world together learn “It sounds like a youth event in the 1940s in grandmother as the background sound of my Assembly voted to introduce International the entire Talmud at the rate of one page the Sudetenland. Please, Howard!” childhood. It consequently makes it difficult Holocaust Remembrance Day, the date per day, has grown to become a worldwide For clarity, the song I played is modern. It for me to have a negative association with the 27 January was chosen since it was on that phenomenon, both a potent vehicle for and wasn’t around (nor was the artist) in the 1930s language. I don’t find it jarring. And I definitely day that the Red Army liberated Auschwitz- a striking reflection of the extraordinary or 1940s. It has nothing to do with anything don’t find it offensive. Many, however, very Birkenau, the most infamous of the Nazi revival of Torah learning that we are seeing that could have been deemed offensive. It was clearly did. death camps. Tis year’s event is especially everywhere, not least in our own country. only the language itself that seemed to trigger I played the song because I liked it. I significant because it marks the 75th All this is being accomplished in spite of listeners. understand why, in retrospect, it might not anniversary of the camp’s liberation. Our the wholesale destruction of the yeshivot In order to explore this further, I opened have been a perfect match for the radio station. national president, Mary Kluk, and Gauteng and other great centres of Jewish learning the conversation up to listeners. Many But I do wonder if we should still be offended Chairman Mark Pozniak will attend the for which Eastern Europe was particularly compared it to, for example, driving German by the language that was spoken by those who commemoration in Poland as part of the renowned, initially at the hands of the Nazis cars, and others asked if I would play Wagner perpetrated the Holocaust. delegation. and afterwards under Communism. It shows (nothing wrong with a bit of melodrama before I wonder further if there is still value in not As in previous years, for International that those who wish us harm have not only breakfast). buying German cars, and if we shouldn’t rather Holocaust Remembrance Day, the World failed to prevent the physical survival of the Te answer is that I would not play Wagner, focus more on education and in protecting a Jewish Congress is running a global Jewish people, they have been unable to given that he is so closely associated not just history that is under attack. Perhaps it’s time #WeRemember campaign, in which people break the Jewish spirit. Tere is perhaps no with the Holocaust, but with Hitler as well. to link the horrific rise in anti-Semitism to are asked to take a photograph of themselves more dramatic a demonstration of how the Te song I played could hardly be compared to the events of the past. And I do wonder if holding a “We Remember” sign and either Nazis and everyone else who has sought our that. Further, although Wagner is not banned being offended by a German-language song post it with #WeRemember or send it to destruction have failed than this. in Israel, it’s accepted practice that it’s not to be contributes in any way. Tis column is paid for by the SA Jewish Board of Deputies SA, where we are free to do the time warp again In spite of many areas that have declined in TAKING ISSUE South Africa since the end of apartheid, a shining achievement is the fact that we have Geoff Sifrin freedom of speech comparable with the best Cartoonist Zapiro is another example. His in the Western world. It’s enforced by our cartoons regularly lampoon all political and Constitution. other public figures from the left to the right, We can say almost anything, ridicule any political but they are accepted as untouchable. or cultural figure we like, and promote any cause, Even a notorious cartoon in 2008 depicting as long as it isn’t defamatory or hate speech. then future President Jacob Zuma unbuttoning At the moment, a season of Richard his trousers, about to rape Lady Justice, O’Brien’s Rocky Horror Show is on stage in assisted by his political allies, didn’t lead to Johannesburg, a fairytale extravaganza of prosecution. A formal complaint against the wildness and naughtiness, which raises no cartoon was lodged with the Human Rights eyebrows at all. In the 1970s it was banned, but Commission, and Zuma sued Zapiro for today, for most people, it’s simply another show. R4 million for alleged damage to his reputation, This production is an indication of how things and R1 million for injury to his dignity. In 2012, have changed in this country in the decades Zuma withdrew the lawsuit. Thus, the cartoon since the show’s international debut in 1973, caused a public furore, but one that went away. right in the middle of the apartheid era. The In the 1970s when the Rocky Horror Show film version made in 1975 was released in was banned, its main message was the phrase, South Africa a year later. At the time, under “Don’t dream it, be it” which referred to the government’s censorship board, it was sexuality in all its various forms and tolerance CLARITY. restricted to audiences over the age of 21, and towards people’s sexual identity. The show ORDER. achieved viewership of about 250 000. But soon rapidly took on cult status throughout the after its local release, it was banned entirely, Western world. DIRECTION. along with other shows the censorship board The production’s interest for South African considered too decadent or dangerous. audiences was apparent by the packed-to- Our team of over 1 400 professionals, operating The tragic irony of the censorship of the the-rafters auditorium at Montecasino. Also from 7 offices in South Africa, offers a unique combination of local market knowledge coupled show in the 1970s is that at the same time, apparent was the exuberance of audience with an international network, personal service and the government was sending young white members, screaming with delight almost a professional approach. We shine a unique lens on boys in the South African Army into the most throughout, which is uncharacteristic of the clients’ businesses to see the people beyond the numbers and establish where they are going. horrendous violence in the Angolan Bush War normally sedate South African audiences. Go from 1966. Yet, they then had to come back to almost any show in this country, and the www.bdo.co.za home to South Africa and be regarded as too audience might laugh or be thoughtful, but young to watch the Rocky Horror Show. usually little more that. In other words, violence and killing was South Africans tend to see their country in fine, but sex wasn’t, according to the vice-like an extremely negative light. Often with good restrictions of conservative society. reason, given the mess that’s been made of it. Politically during apartheid, people like But some things we can be proud of. One of satirist Peter Dirk Uys pushed the boundaries them is that we’re free to “Do the time warp

TLG8062 © 2019 BDO South Africa Services (Pty) Ltd. of censorship by ridiculing political figures, again”, the dance of the Rocky Horror Show, but today, they can easily say what they like. which brings many freedoms. 24 – 31 January 2020 SA JEWISH REPORT 19 Back to school 2020 King David Rosabelle Klein pupils Emily Lyons (Grade 2) and Layla Dodo, Olivia Uria and Mila Price Sienna Benatar (Grade 5) at King David Ariel

Zoe Katz, Ella Wagenheim and Emily Jocum at Herzlia School

Matrics last ever first day at Crawford College Sandton

King David High School Victory Park’s SRC students. Alexa Bortz, Erin Midzuk, Lauren Gruzd, Jonah Kollenberg and Dan Rom

Morah Joan Lurie with Cole Tanner, Dean Reubenson and Judd Angel at Minnie Bersohn Nursery School

Nina Meyerowitz and Georgia Rittoff at Sydenham Pre-Primary School

Matrics celebrate their last ever Gita Liberow and Elisheva Zwick and their first day of school with a cake at teacher Gila Ash at Torah Academy Primary King David High School Linksfield School.

King David Primary School Victory Park pupil Lila Hoff with her parents Jason and Thalia Twins Leora and Sara Joffe (Grade 7) with their sister Shayna (Grade 5) at Grade 1 students at King David Junior Primary Linksfield: Danni Cohen, Ariella Alhadeff, Jayde Goldberg, King David Primary School Sandton Alyssa Rachbuch and Gabriella Marcus

Orli and Lev Bushkin and Jesse Sloot started Grade R at King David Pre-Primary School Linksfield

King David Pre-Primary School Victory Park pupils Aviyah Theunissen and Noa Milner 20 SA JEWISH REPORT 24 – 31 January 2020 Introducing Israel’s frst Formula One driver LUKE ALFRED driving for ROKiT Williams Racing Fifteen years ago, Roy’s dad, qualifying round. indicated neither breath-taking speed in the role as our official test driver Chanoch, drove a Cosworth-Minardi He was unable to disengage the nor phenomenal talent. oy Nissany has recently been post-season in Abu Dhabi,” said car at the 2005 Hungarian Grand car’s steering wheel from the stem, Tey also point to the role of unveiled as Israel’s first-ever Claire Williams, the team’s deputy Prix, his one and only Formula and was hoisted off the track in a Adams, a philanthropist whose self- Formula One driver, an team principal. “We were extremely One start. Like his son at Williams, crane, never to be seen behind the confessed mandate is to burnish Rannouncement that sent ripples of impressed with what he did in a short Chanoch was originally Minardi’s test wheel of a Formula One car again. Israel’s international image through expectation through the country’s space of time.” driver, but it was announced before While reaction to Nissany’s slice cultural and sporting events. Te community of racing fans and When Nissany’s new role was the Grand Prix that Chanoch would of good luck at Williams has been relationship between Adams and elsewhere. formally announced, he was joined be given an opportunity to drive one greeted with an open the Williams team Te Williams Group announced at the top-table by Sylvan Adams, of Minardi’s two cars on might indeed be in Tel Aviv last week that Nissany, the president of the “Roy Nissany a familiar that of benefactor the son of Chanoch Nissany, will Formula One” management group. track in (or sponsor) to be joining it as a test driver with A billionaire who earned his money his home Williams. Ten immediate effect. Tis means he in Canadian real estate but now country. again, might will be third in the Williams pecking lives in Tel Aviv, Adams is the main Chanoch Williams have order, driving with the team on driver – so to speak – behind the was been helpfully Fridays ahead of Formula One race recent showcasing of Israel as an painfully encouraged by weekends. international cultural and sporting slow in his Adams to give Nissany’s role as a test driver destination of choice. qualifying Nissany his means that he is ideally-placed to He was instrumental in bringing round, Formula One become one of Williams’ two premier the Argentina versus Uruguay finishing opportunity? drivers in due course, a role for which football friendly (featuring Lionel nearly 13 Either way, he has been campaigning for years. Messi) to Israel last year, and was seconds off the intimation “Tis is a very exciting moment, also behind Madonna’s performance qualifying that Nissany is not only for me, but also for everyone in the country. A highly-competitive leader a journeyman who has been with me along the way Masters cyclist in his own right, he Alexander driver will be over the years. Formula One has a is also co-owner of the Israel Start- Wurz, and tested during huge audience. I’m so pleased they’ll Up Nation cycling team, which will nearly seven the coming now get to know Israel through the compete in its first Tour de France behind Formula One motor racing track,” he said after the event in six months’ time. his fellow Roy Nissany season as announcement. “Tis is another landmark moment Minardi driver, he awaits Born in Israel but educated in for Israeli sport,” he said. “Hundreds Christijan his opportunity. Te calendar is 22 France and Hungary, Nissany’s big of millions of motor racing Albers. mind by many within Israel and races long this year, the longest ever break came last December when he enthusiasts across the world will get He complained that the car internationally, the Formula One in Formula One history. It starts was invited by Williams to participate to see a different side of our country, “had too much grip” as it went cognoscenti and media are sceptical. with the Australian Grand Prix in two days of testing on a track in what I call ‘normal’ Israel. Roy will do round the Hungaroring track Tey suggest that the apple never in Melbourne in mid-March, and Abu Dhabi. Here he made a sufficient a fine job of representing Israel with outside of Budapest. A comically falls far from the tree, pointing out progresses to Bahrain, Vietnam, impression for Williams to offer him dignity and pride. I can’t wait for the undistinguished few days were that his career, progressing as it and China, before ending up via the a test-driver contract. moment when we see the blue and rounded off when Chanoch’s car spun has through go karts and the lower European summer season in Abu “Roy demonstrated his capabilities white flag on a Formula One car.” off the track towards the end of a echelons of European racing, has Dhabi in late November.


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