Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457

Jurnal Pertahanan

Media Informasi tentang Kajian dan Strategi Pertahanan yang Mengedepankan Identity, Nationalism dan Integrity e-ISSN: 2549-9459 http://jurnal.idu.ac.id/index.php/DefenseJournal LEARNING FROM : REBUILDING A BETTER CITY IN THE AFTERMATH OF NATURAL DISASTER

Prawita Meidi Handayani Defense University and the Indonesian House of Representatives Jenderal Gatot Subroto Street, Senayan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 10270 [email protected]

Poetika Puspasari Indonesia Defense University IPSC Area, Sentul, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia 16810 [email protected]

Article Info Abstract

Article history: Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country located in the ring of Received fire, which puts it at a high risk of natural disasters. Earthquakes, 24 August 2020 tsunami, and liquefaction that occurred in Palu in 2018 that resulted Revised in significant material and immaterial losses were some of the 26 December 2020 examples. The earthquake and tsunami resulted in a total casualty Accepted of 1.347 people and caused the loss of access to clean water and 26 December 2020 electricity, as well as a change in the geographical structure and landscape of the city of Palu. Thus, the purpose of this study is to Keywords: analyze the implementation of post-disaster rehabilitation and Disaster, reconstruction in the city of Palu using a qualitative research Human security, methodology. In addition to that, this study also discusses the Defense, relationship between Palu disaster, human security, and national Disaster risk reduction, defense. Qualitative research in a descriptive manner that offers a Rehabilitation, complete description and analysis regarding Palu disaster was held Reconstruction. to answer the research question presented in this paper. The results show that the natural disasters that occurred in Palu in 2018 brought about an impact on people's lives and all aspects of human security. This is because, in each phase of the disaster that occurred, the Government of Indonesia failed to protect the community from the risk of such a disaster. Furthermore, based on the Disaster Risk Reduction criteria, the rehabilitation and reconstruction that have been carried out are relatively adequate. However, non-structural aspects of mitigation, which is one of the important aspects of disaster risk reduction, have not been carried out. Disaster training and simulations so far have only been done once and not regularly, therefore jeopardizing the community's preparedness for future occurrences of natural disasters. Therefore, improvements in DOI: disaster management need to be done in Indonesia. http://dx.doi.org/10.33172/ jp.v6i3.907 © 2020 Published by Indonesia Defense University


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457

INTRODUCTION Indonesia is an archipelagic country that lies on the ring of fire, an arc of volcanoes, and fault lines in the basin of the Pacific Ocean (Chavez, 2018). Indonesia is prone to disaster. Hence, the question is not about whether the disaster will occur, but rather when it occurs. One of the biggest disasters that happened in Indonesia recently was a powerful earthquake, followed by a tsunami and liquefaction, in Palu. The disaster took place after another massive earthquake in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara happened. Both disasters took place consecutively in 2018. Palu is the capital as well as the largest city in Central . It is located at the Figure 1. Palu's Landscape Before and After mouth of a small estuary on the Makassar the Earthquake and Tsunami Strait and is surrounded by hills. The Source: Indonesia Tsunami: Death Toll Rises estimated official census in 2019 recorded to Nearly 1,350, 2018 a population of 3.042.100 people in , while approximately 370,000 safety in danger. In the case of Palu, people live in the city of Palu (Palu Central disaster as one of the non-military threats Bureau of Statistics). Central Sulawesi brought about impacts to the economic, covers 61.841 km2 of area, the largest socio-cultural, and public safety among all provinces in Sulawesi (Palu dimensions. Hence, to restore the economy Central Bureau of Statistics). This province and community activities in Central also has the second-largest population on Sulawesi, the Government was carrying out the island after South Sulawesi. rehabilitation and reconstruction to the On 28 September 2018, homes infrastructure facilities, such as houses, throughout Palu were flattened. The airports, ports, and irrigation systems. powerful earthquake, a series of tsunami Rehabilitation and reconstruction are waves, destructive flows of mud and soil important efforts in the post-disaster phase, destroyed several inland areas in Palu. The and it had to be conducted in line with the earthquake was 7,5 magnitude and was "Build Back Better" approach to enhance followed by a tsunami. The number of the community's resilience to future casualties in Palu's earthquake and tsunami disasters. in Indonesia was said to be as high as 1.347. Efforts to build back better Palu through The disaster completely tore the area apart, rehabilitation and reconstruction were access to water and electricity was meant to build Palu in a better way, not completely cut off, as well as economic and merely to rebuild the city based on its community activities. The disaster even existing condition. Post-disaster changed the landscape of Palu. rehabilitation and reconstruction is a Palu disaster was a non-military threat significant period in disaster management that disrupted not only people's lives but where it becomes a window of opportunity also resources (in terms of economy) and for communities and nations (Thurairajah infrastructure facilities that served to et al., 2008). increase the strength and capability of It is commonly known that disaster Indonesia's defense. Disasters, as non- always brings massive impact to the military threats, always put the nation's community. Often the impact is especially


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457 much more significant on those who are security and defense, which has never been more vulnerable and the ability to achieve conducted previously. human security was severely reduced and constrained (Mangada & Su, 2019). To METHODS ensure the existence of human security To satisfy the objectives of the research, means to ensure that the mitigation plan to qualitative research in a descriptive manner limit such damage is conducted. It means was held. This method offers a complete that preventive measures such as description and analysis of the research earthquake-resistant buildings, effective subject. By definition, qualitative research and immediate evacuation plans, and is an inquiry process of understanding the careful urban planning. It is necessary social or human problem, based on building because a good disaster risk reduction a complex, holistic picture, formed with practice and disaster rehabilitation words. It is an approach for exploring and programs must include all features of understanding the meaning of individuals human security approaches. Therefore, this or groups ascribe to a social problem. This paper is aimed at analyzing the extent to method is primarily exploratory and chosen which post-disaster reconstruction projects to uncover trends in thoughts, opinions, and have been carried out, as well as events, as well as to dive deeper into the recommendations for future improvements. problem. Hence, the literature study Based on the preliminary data, post- becomes the main source of data to disaster programs in Palu have not been conclude this research. carried out optimally to build back better. The hypothesis in this paper was then These programs should have been evaluated by using the data collected from implemented with due reference to the literature study. Moreover, the problem predetermined targets, therefore protection presented in this paper was further analyzed of individual security can be guaranteed. with DRR theory and Human Security. The Moreover, as a country with high evaluation of the implementation of Post- vulnerability to natural disasters, Indonesia Disaster Rehabilitation activities in Palu, is yet to implement Disaster Risk Reduction Central Sulawesi in 2018 is the main focus (DRR) measures. The Palu disaster alone of this paper. Hence, the research question indicated the lack of mitigation and early is: how was the implementation of Post- warning system on the imminent threat of Disaster Rehabilitation activities that the disaster. The Indonesian Government happened in Palu conducted? was considered to have been slow in distributing social assistance and relocating Disaster Risk Reduction Theory homes. This, in turn, has affected some Comprehensive disaster management is aspects of the human security theory. based on 4 (four) components. Those Distribution of foreign aids from components are (Alexander, 2002), 1) neighboring countries and international Mitigation, which involves reducing or donor organizations also had its fair share eliminating the impact of a hazard, 2) of challenges when the much-needed Preparedness, this phase involves preparing donations could not reach the targeted the community who may be impacted by a communities. Thus, the research will disaster or who may be able to help the discuss in great detail the implementation affected community to minimize their of post-disaster rehabilitation and losses, 3) Response, this phase focuses on reconstruction programs in Palu. The taking action to reduce the impact of novelty aspect of this study in this regard is disasters that have occurred or are currently the discussion of the said rehabilitation and occurring to prevent further loss and reconstruction programs about human suffering, and 4) Recovery, this phase


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457

Following Japan's tsunami in 2015, the global community was looking for a way forward in managing global disaster risk and formed Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. Sendai Framework for DRR is connected to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which focuses on improving the understanding of disaster risk in all its dimensions of exposure, vulnerability, and hazard characteristics; strengthening of disaster risk governance, including national platforms; accountability for disaster risk

management; preparedness to "Build Back Better"; recognition of stakeholders and Figure 2. The Disaster Management Cycle their roles; mobilization of risk-sensitive Source: Alexander, 2002 investment to avoid the creation of new risk; resilience of health infrastructure, focuses on returning the affected cultural heritage, and work-places; community to their normal lives. strengthening of international cooperation To overcome disaster risk in Indonesia, and global partnership, and risk-informed the Government of Indonesia applies the donor policies and programs, including Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) framework financial support and loans from as an effort to minimize the impact of a international financial institutions (UN- disaster. DRR is created by the UN-ISDR ISDR, 2015). (United Nations for the International In the DRR framework, recovery and Strategy for Disaster Reduction). UN-ISDR reconstruction provide the opportunity to was created to help nations, organizations, rebuild beyond a "Build Back Better" and communities that are "disaster- framework that gives impacted resilient" by espousing the idea that disaster communities the chance to reduce risk not reduction must be interlinked with only from the immediate hazard but from development (Coppola, 2015). UN-ISDR threatening hazards and conditions as well focuses on reducing disaster's human, which applies to all sectors, including social, economic, and environmental toll. infrastructure, livelihood, and cross-cutting To achieve this goal, UN-ISDR promotes issues (UN-ISDR, 2015). According to four objects to reach disaster reduction Alam et al., 2013, rehabilitation is (Coppola, 2015). Increase public awareness ratification and recovery in all public regarding risk, vulnerability, and disaster service aspects or society to an adequate reduction, 2). Enquire commitment from level in post-disaster areas by primary for public authorities to implement disaster normalization or walks fairly all reduction policies and actions, 3). Stimulate government aspects and society in post- interdisciplinary and intersectoral disaster areas. Reconstruction is rebuilding partnership, and 4). Improve scientific in all the infrastructures and facilities, the knowledge about disaster reduction. institutions in post-disaster areas, either at In 2005, the Hyogo Framework for the government or society level by growth Action (HFA) was formed by the UN main target and economic activities, social, General Assembly to take a more cultural, law enforcement development and comprehensive and holistic approach to the primary order and also the rising of DRR. The HFA was aligned with the community participation all social life Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). aspects in post-disaster areas.


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457

Furthermore, in the recovery phase, the government is given international there are six general components needed, funding in addition to whatever funding they are (Coppola, 2015): it has in reserve or has appropriated. 1) Planning: several different activities These funds may be disbursed as direct may be initiated during the planning grants or as loans that must be repaid, or period and many of these activities will sometimes international funds are given have begun with disaster response, such to international relief agencies operating as repair and recovery of critical in the affected zone. infrastructures, the site selection for 6) Personnel: during the recovery phase, temporary housing, hospitals, and personnel need for cleanup, repair, and schools. During the planning period, development are excessive. planners should consider that planning Coordination among stakeholders is and rebuilding can occur vital to the success of the efforts in the simultaneously. It means that some rehabilitation and reconstruction phase rebuilding activities take place before (Resosudarmo, 2017). The term Build Back master plans are completed. Other than Better signifies a recovery process where that, planners should be aware of the the physical, psycho-social, and economic urban expansion areas. Planners can environment of a disaster-affected speed up the relocation of the community is improved concurrently community from heavily damaged areas during recovery and dependent on that may be a long time in rebuilding. stakeholders' operations (Mannakkara & 2) Coordination: during the recovery Wilkinson, 2012). In short, disaster risk can process, coordination is difficult to be reduced when all elements of the achieve but it is vital to accomplish the government, non-government, and society) goals. All representative community jointly make efforts to reduce vulnerability groups have to be involved, including and increase capacity for disaster business, religious, and civil society management (Shalih, 2015). organizations, emergency managers, government agencies, and media. Defense Theory 3) Information: before implementing In the Law of Indonesia Number 3/2002 on recovery planning, disaster managers National Defense, the defense is defined as must have access to accurate and timely an effort to maintain the sovereignty, damage assessment information to help territorial integrity, and safety of the nation identify the best strategy for employing from threats and interference. Cohesiveness available resources and setting action. between military and non-military defense 4) Money and supplies: responsibility for is carried out to deal with military, non- reconstruction costs is divided among military, and hybrid kind of threats various actors. The government is (Kementerian Pertahanan Republik generally responsible for rebuilding Indonesia, 2015). Thus, the issue of defense public facilities, meanwhile, the private is not only the domain of the armed forces sector is responsible for rebuilding but also involving all parties. Therefore, the houses and businesses as well as helping defense is the first thing to find out when to restore overall economic vitality. A trying to know about a country; which country has several options for disaster means that defense is a form of reality that response funding, such as insurance, determines the sovereignty and safety of a government-based emergency relief nation-state (Tippe, 2016). funds, donations, loans, private The defense can be defined as an development funding, incentives, and autonomous science, that is ontologically, tax increases. epistemologically, and axiologically 5) Allocation of relief funds: in most cases, fulfilling the requirements. The foundation


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457 of relevant theories and concepts is the full of threats on many fronts. Violent main requirement for the development of conflicts, natural disasters, persistent science, including defense science (Tippe, poverty, epidemics, and economic 2016). From the ontological aspect, a downturns impose hardships and undercut country's needs in maintaining and prospects for peace, stability, and preserving the sovereignty, territorial sustainable development are only several integrity, and safety of the nation and its examples of today's threats. Bear in mind, people from various threats are formal such crises are complex, they are entailing objects of the science of defense (Tippe, multiple forms of human insecurity (King 2016). In other words, the science of & Murray, 2002). When they overlap, they defense is the study of all aspects related to can grow exponentially, spilling into all security on a national scale that are inherent aspects of people's lives, destroying entire in the objectives of national defense (Tippe, communities, and crossing national 2016). borders. The science of defense is broader than Before going deeper into the concept of the art and science of war or the science of human security, one must first understand war and strategy, but the science of defense what security is. The broad concept of is the study of how a country manages its security is elusive and open to many national resources and strength in times of different interpretations, but one of its most peace, war, and in the aftermath of war noticeable characteristics in international (Supriyatno, 2014). This is done to deal relations theory is identification with with threats from both outside and within national security (UNOCHA, 2009). One of the country, in the form of military and non- the broadest and the most abstract military threats to territorial integrity, state definitions is summed up succinctly by sovereignty, and national safety in the Arnold Wolfers that security, in an context of realizing national security. In the objective sense, measures the absence of Indonesian Defense White Paper, national threats to acquired values, in a subjective defense is organized into a universal sense, the absence of fear that such values defense system for the achievement of will be attacked (Wolfers, 1952). national goals. The universal defense is essentially a defense system that involves all citizens according to their roles and functions (Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia, 2015). The Indonesian Defense White Paper also mentions disasters as developments in the strategic environment that must be anticipated by every citizen. Disasters are non-military threats that can interfere with non-military defense, namely citizens, resources, infrastructure that serves to enhance national strength, and capability, and resilience.

Human Security Theory Figure 3. Human Security Aspects Other than DRR and defense theory, when Source: Akhmady, 2020 analyzing the impact of a disaster, human security also becomes the perfect approach In the final report of the United Nations' available. Given the fact that for many Commission on Human Security published people, today's world is an insecure place, in 2003, human security is defined as a way


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457 to protect the vital core of all human lives Location wise, Sulawesi lies within the in ways that enhance human freedoms and complex zone of interaction among the human fulfillment. Human security means Australian, Pacific, Philippines, and Sunda protecting fundamental freedoms, Plates (USGS, 2018). Among them, many freedoms that are the essence of life. It small microplates are developed. In Palu, means protecting people from critical there are also several parallel fault strands (severe) and pervasive (widespread) threats defining the margins of a pull-apart basin. and situations. It means using processes Each of the strands takes up some of the that build on people's strengths and overall slip (USGS, 2018). A study aspirations. It means creating political, conducted by the scientist at Bandung social, environmental, economic, military, Institute of Technology showed that the and cultural systems that together give tsunami that happened in Palu and people the building blocks of survival, Donggala was caused by underwater livelihood, and dignity (UNOCHA, 2009). avalanches during the 7.7 scale Richter that Enhancing human security in the 21st rocked the gulf in Donggala and Palu century is about responding to climate (Vervaeck, 2018). Both areas are indeed change and disaster risks in ways that do prone to a tsunami. not only reduce vulnerability and conflict, The aftermath record of the disaster's but also create a more equitable, resilient, impact showed as many as 2.685 death and sustainable future (O'Brien et al., victims. It spread in Palu City 2.132 2008). During and after emergencies and victims, Donggala 249 victims, Sigi 289 disasters, 'building resilience' can be far victims, Parigi Moutong 15 victims more important as these events affect both (Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, human and material resources (Masamine 2019). The combined effects of the disaster et al., 2011). It is impossible to prevent all also led to 701 people still missing, 4612 new threats resulting from emergencies or wounded, while another 223.741 people disasters from happening, therefore the were displaced. Apart from that, the focus should be on building communities' disaster also destroyed buildings and resilience to such existing and potential infrastructures (Pemerintah Provinsi threats so that the negative impact on Sulawesi Tengah, 2019). The casualties people's lives, livelihoods, and dignity are included 68.451 house units, unveiling that reduced (Masamine et al., 2011). 40.085 buildings were mildly damage, 26.122 buildings were sustained medium RESULT AND DISCUSSION damage, 30.148 buildings were severely The 2018 Tsunami in Palu damaged, and 4.050 buildings were On 28 September 2018, a powerful declared gone. The damaged buildings earthquake struck the island of Sulawesi. were also included 327 houses of worship, The earthquake was then followed by a 265 schools, 78 office buildings, 362 store destructive and deadly tsunami that hit the units, roads with 168 cracked points, 7 Bay of Palu. The earthquake's epicenter Table 1. Disaster's Victims in Numbers was located in the mountainous Donggala City/ Victims , approximately 70 km away from District Death Missing Palu. The earthquake was felt as far away Palu 2.132 531 as Samarinda in East Kalimantan as well as Donggala 249 54 in Tawau, Malaysia (Vervaeck, 2018). Sigi 289 116 Following the mainshock, a tsunami alert Parigi 15 0 was issued for the nearby Makassar Strait. Moutong Afterward, a localized tsunami struck Palu, Total 2.685 701 sweeping shore-lying houses and buildings Source: Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, on its way. 2019


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457

Table 2. Disaster's Damage in Numbers City/ Damage District Severe Medium Mildly Gone Palu 9.181 12.717 17.293 3.673 Donggala 7.290 6.099 7.989 75 Sigi 13.144 6.480 10.612 302 Parigi Moutong 533 826 4.191 0 Total 30.148 26.122 40.085 4.050 Source: Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah, 2019

(seven) bridges, and many more (BNPB, mapping, play and learn activities, nutrition 2018). supply for children and women, and so on. Data from BNPB (Badan Nasional All activities carried out aim to restore the Penanggulangan Bencana - Indonesian's psychology of both children and parents. National Disaster Management Agency) showed that the total loss and damage The Implementation of Post-Disaster caused by the disaster worth around Rp Rehabilitation Activities in Palu 18,48 trillion. The estimated cost to rebuild Disaster management is closely related to the disaster-affected area in the the issues of citizens' safety. At a certain rehabilitation and reconstruction phase was scale, disasters can have an impact on more than Rp 20 trillion. The Government, national stability and pose a threat to alongside its partners, such as World Bank, development sustainability. If the disaster UNDP, and other NGOs were focusing the management approach is not implemented reconstruction phase into two strategies, properly, it will result in the inability to namely rehabilitation and reconstructions function in all government sectors. for public services including housing and Therefore, disaster management needs to be rehabilitation of the affected community. an inseparable part of the problem of Data showed from Central Sulawesi national defense. Therefore, in the Government that around 100.405 houses Indonesian Defense White Paper, natural were damaged and lost as the result of the disasters are categorized as developments earthquake, tsunami, and liquefaction. The in the strategic environment that must be Government alongside IOs and NGOs are anticipated by each country. building shelter for the affected Furthermore, in the Law of the Republic communities in the form of emergency of Indonesia Number 24/2007, article 1 shelter (emergency phase) and temporary paragraph 1, disaster is defined as an event shelter (transition phase). Fulfilling or series of events that threaten and disrupt housing needs had to be integrated with the people's lives and livelihoods caused by Wash (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) both natural factors and/or non-natural sector. The Wash sector included clean factors as well as human factors, which water supply, sanitation, and environmental results in human casualties, environmental hygiene. For sanitation itself, it covered damage, losses property, and psychological latrine/toilet and the communal disposal of impact. Based on this definition, the household wastewater. earthquake, tsunami, and liquefaction that This disaster did not only bring impact occurred in Palu were categorized as an on the material aspect but also the event that disrupted the lives of the people psychological aspect of the affected of Palu where this disaster resulted in many community. To overcome this matter, the casualties and material losses. Thus, the Government and NGOs were focusing on disaster in Palu brought a massive impact giving psychological services like on the matter of national defense. assessment and observation, assistance to a Palu disaster was a non-military threat vulnerable population, psychology that disrupted the Supporting Components


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457 of the Indonesian Defense System, which lot of mud", Bolapapu in Kulawi which was the lives of the people in Palu. It caused meant "village on fire". Those names material losses, as well as damage to were reflections of a series of major infrastructures that serve to increase events in the past so that it became a national strength, capability, and resilience. collective reminder of their On this matter, non-military threats were grandchildren. Unfortunately, the local essentially the threats caused by the non- knowledge was not passed on, so those military factors that jeopardized the locations that in the understanding of the sovereignty, integrity, and safety of the local community were not suitable to be whole nation-state. It carried a broad occupied were then built into new dimension from ideological, political, residential locations in the era of the 80s. economic, socio-cultural, and public safety Among these were the Balaroa dimensions. Palu disaster disturbed the Perumnas, which was affected by the safety of the people in Palu, which covered liquefaction event in the earthquake the economic, social, and public safety disaster on 28 September 2018, in which dimensions. Therefore, Palu disaster had a more than 700 homes were lost to the direct effect on the non-military defense of earth. the state because the aspects in the defense 2) Strengthening of disaster risk area were disrupted, and to a certain, they governance, including national no longer functioned. Thus, the concept of platforms, accountability for disaster defense did not only cover national risk management. Disaster mitigation sovereignty and territorial integrity, but policies should pay attention to all also the safety of the whole nation and actions taken to reduce the impact of human safety from the threat of disaster. disasters and sensitive conditions to Furthermore, analyzing Palu disaster can minimize greater disasters in the future. also be done from the specific areas in DRR Indonesian Government already issued according to Sendai Framework for DRR, the national platform for disaster risk the implementation of the post-disaster management, which is the Indonesian phase in Palu was: Law Number 24/2007 on Disaster 1) Improving the understanding of disaster Management, and the implementation risk in all its dimensions of exposure, for disaster risk management is vulnerability, and hazard characteristics. described in more detail in National This focus should be done before a Medium-Term Development Plan 2020- disaster occurs. The community in Palu 2024. did not have any knowledge regarding 3) Accountability for disaster risk disaster mitigation and preparedness. In management. Local government should addition to that, the local government pay attention to disaster risk also did not have any capacity to deal management and also implement the with the disaster, so the emergency platform to the community. response in Palu was not done Accountability can be used as a means effectively. Palu used to have local of empowerment and voice for the wisdom that provided the community community and marginalized groups information related to specific areas with whose houses are at the risk from a high level of disaster vulnerability. Old disasters. To build capacity, villages in Central Sulawesi had various partnerships, participatory spaces, and names in the local language of the Kaili legislative change to build Tribe, such as Biromaru which was accountability for disaster risk derived from the word Biro Na Maru management. which meant "reeds in ramps that had 4) Preparedness to "Build Back Better". been rotten," Jono'oge which meant "a After the 2018 disaster occurred in Palu,


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457

the local government along with the affected community in 4 (fours) National Agency for Disaster affected districts or cities, through the Management (BNPB) provided disaster distribution of basic needs assistance preparedness training for the community in the next 7 days and 20 days and the in Palu, Sigi, and Donggala as an effort needs of temporary shelters with the in implementing non-structural target of providing refugee tents of mitigation. However, this training was 44,906 units, the establishment of 42 only given once in 2019 and there is no public kitchen units, 48,267 public continuity in the future. Meanwhile, in bathing, washing, and toilet facilities, implementing structural mitigation in and 9,737 water reservoirs (BNPB, Palu, the local government along with 2018). BNPB and other stakeholders, such as c. Local governments needed to pay NGO and the Indonesian Armed Forces attention to the service of health built many schools, temporary housing, needs for the affected community. permanent housing, Wash (Water, BNPB coordinated with the Ministry Sanitation, and Hygiene), permanent of Health as the coordinator in the latrine, and distributed water tank to the field of health by sending health households. Disaster mitigation should volunteers consisting of specialist be done before a disaster occurs. These doctors, general practitioners, nurses, efforts were supposed to be done to midwives, pharmacists, prepare the community in Palu to psychologists, health workers, and become a disaster-resilient community. non-health workers. Health services 5) Recognition of stakeholders and their are also carried out by air which is roles. To optimize disaster management carried out with the Indonesian in Palu, three main actors must be Armed forces targeting the isolated involved. They were the government, areas in the Sigi and Donggala business sectors, and community known districts as well as the support from as the triple helix. Those stakeholders the Indonesian Navy (BNPB, 2018: carried out their responsibilities to 71). optimize emergency response in Palu. d. Educational services conducted with The roles of the government in disaster teaching and learning activities management were as follows: carried out on October 8, 2018, a. BNPB along with Indonesia's Search through the movement back to school and Rescue Team (Basarnas) by providing teaching and learning conducted search and rescue tents coordinated by the Local activities under the coordination of Department of Education (BNPB, Basarnas, supported by Indonesian 2018). Armed Forces and Indonesian Police, e. Energy services efforts to restore Ministry of Public Work and energy supply in disaster-affected Infrastructure, Ministry of Health, areas have been carried out since the Ministry of Social Services, first week during an emergency and Indonesia Red Cross, and other the second week of the disaster by NGOs with a concentration of search repairing and operating 15 gas and rescue activities including the stations in Palu City, 1 gas station in areas affected by liquefaction of Sigi, and 2 gas stations in Donggala Balaroa, Petobo, and Jonooge as well and bringing in 100 gas stations from as the western coastal area of Palu various regions in Sulawesi. To City and Donggala which was a restore electricity supply, PT PLN tsunami-affected area (BNPB, 2018). with PLN volunteers from all over b. Basic needs fulfillment services for Indonesia carried out a 100%


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457

recovery of the operation of 7 main international agencies that provided substations and 2,049 distribution disaster assistance are Catholic Relief stations with the priority to maintain Services (CRS), Department of Foreign electricity distribution for public Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Direct Relief services. International (DRI), The Asia Meanwhile, the role of the Foundation (TAF), Wonbuddism, community in emergency response in Hilfswerkder Evangelischen Kirchen Palu was to build temporary and Schweiz (HEKS) Solidarsuisse, dan permanent housing, for example, Global Peace Mission (GPM) Malaysia. MDMC (Muhammadiyah Disaster As for the activities in the recovery Management Centre). MDMC phase, there are six general components conducted school construction, housing needed. They are (BNPB, 2018): construction, temporary shelter 1) Planning construction in collaboration with CRS Several different activities may be (Catholic Relief Services) for 454 units initiated during the planning period and of shelter. Value for the construction of many of these activities already had 1 unit of the shelter was around Rp 11 begun with the response, such as repair million with a size of 3.6 x 4.8 meters. and recovery of critical infrastructure, MDMC also conducted permanent the site selection for temporary housing, construction of as many as 71 latrines, hospitals, and schools. Based on this 10 units of water tank distribution. theory, the local government was Business actors also took responsibility planning the construction of residential for emergency response in Palu, one of development to be carried out in three which is PT Waskita Beton Precast Tbk locations namely Duyu, Pombewe, and (WSBP). PT WSBP donated Rp 100 Talise. These areas were chosen by the million to the affected community. Ministry of Public Work and 6) Mobilization of risk-sensitive Infrastructure based on the fact that these investment to avoid the creation of new areas were not prone to disaster. risk, as well as the resilience of health Therefore, this activity was in line with infrastructure, cultural heritage, and the first component in the recovery workplaces. Lesson learned from the phase where the planning for relocation 2018 Palu disaster, the local government of community dwellings must be based had not delivered any policy to invest in on areas or regions with a low risk of risk-sensitive infrastructure. Therefore, even zero disasters so the permanent structural mitigation in risk-sensitive housing could be used permanently by infrastructure could not be conducted the community. and disaster management in Palu could 2) Coordination component not be held effectively in the future if During the recovery process, such a disaster happened again. coordination was difficult to achieve but 7) Strengthening international cooperation it was vital to accomplish the goals. The and global partnership, and risk- recovery phase in Palu was under the informed donor policies and programs, coordination of the Ministry of Public including financial support and loans Work and Infrastructure, and supported from international financial institutions. by BNPB, Indonesia's Meteorological, Palu disaster in 2018 was not defined as Climatological, and Geophysical a national disaster, therefore it brought Agency (BMKG), Indonesian Armed impacts on the ease of assisting by the Forces, Indonesian Police, and local international agencies. However, government. Other than that, the international agencies continued to recovery phase was also supported by provide disaster assistance. Some local and international agencies such as


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457

ACT (Aksi Cepat Tanggap), Walhi from various backgrounds, such as (Wahana Lingkungan Hidup), MDMC, BNPB, BMKG, Indonesian Armed Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Forces, Indonesian Police, local Department of Foreign Affairs and agencies, and international agencies. Trade (DFAT), Direct Relief DRR implementation in Palu was not International (DRI), The Asia done effectively because several aspects of Foundation (TAF), Wonbuddism, DRR were not achieved, for example, the Hilfswerkder Evangelischen Kirchen non-structural mitigation which had not Schweiz (HEKS) Solidarsuisse, dan been implemented to minimalize the impact Global Peace Mission (GPM) Malaysia. of the disaster in the future. But overall, the 3) Information post-disaster phase in Palu had been done Before implementing the recovery by six general components in the disaster planning, BNPB as the coordinator of recovery phase. disaster management had spread the In addition to that, protecting human information to the related stakeholders beings in the face of adversity is also a regarding the planning and strategy to must. Therefore, in line with the Sendai overcome the impact of disaster Framework, the perspective of human occurred. security must be considered in post-disaster 4) Money and supplies rehabilitation and recovery program. The The responsibility for reconstruction 2014 UNDP (United Nations Development costs was divided between various Programme) on Human Development actors. The government was generally Report emphasized the need to sustain responsible for rebuilding public human progress, reduce vulnerability, and facilities, meanwhile, the private sectors build resilience by further highlighted the were rebuilding houses and businesses need for human security to achieve human and helping to restore overall economic development (Cazabat, n.d.). Disasters can vitality. The amount of money given to disrupt communities' human development assist disaster management for the and these setbacks are often inevitable. affected communities was Rp 50 million Disasters can also expose communities, for severely damaged houses, Rp 25 especially those in the lower lever, to risk million for medium damaged houses, which will cause damage with a slower and Rp 10 million for mildly damaged chance of recovery (Cazabat, n.d.). houses. The government allocated Rp As mentioned earlier, human security is 4,84 trillion from the on-call budget for defined as a way to protect the vital core of BNPB. all human lives in ways that enhance human 5) Allocation of relief funds freedoms and human fulfillment. It also In most cases, the government was given means protecting fundamental freedoms, international funding in addition to freedoms that are the essence of life. It whatever funding it had in reserve or had means protecting people from critical and appropriated. The local government pervasive threats and situations. It means received the relief funds were: Palu City, using processes that build on people's which was worth Rp 820 billion, Sigi strengths and aspirations. It means creating District which was worth Rp 568 billion, political, social, environmental, economic, Donggala District which was worth Rp military, and cultural systems that together 516 billion, and Parigi Moutong District give people the building blocks of survival, which was worth of 66 billion rupiahs. livelihood, and dignity (UNOCHA, 2009). 6) Personnel Human security also means the absence of During the recovery phase, personnel fear that such values will be attacked needed for the cleanup, repair, and (Wolfers, 1952). development were excessive and came Disaster always brings massive impact


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457 to the community. Often the impact is minimarket network also contributed to the especially much more significant on those conflict during the disaster response in Palu who are more vulnerable. To ensure the (Utama, 2018). Instead of taking only the existence of human security means to staple food they needed, many then looted ensure that the mitigation plan to limit such the stores and malls which created chaos. damage is conducted. It means that Such an event would not take place had the preventive measures such as earthquake- local and central government responded resistant buildings, effective and immediate quickly to the disaster. Some survivors evacuation plans, and careful urban were displaying signs of trauma after planning. It is necessary because a good experiencing the earthquakes and tsunami. disaster risk reduction practice and disaster The affected population urgently needed rehabilitation programs must include all search and rescue, medical care, food, clean features of human security approaches. water, shelter, and means to contact their Disasters, especially natural disasters, families as well as other psychosocial can be very difficult to predict and fully support (Hongkong Red Cross, 2018). prepare for. In addition to that, natural For comparison, the disaster in Lombok disasters also have far-reaching which happened one month before Palu consequences for the safety and wellbeing disaster also brought a massive impact on of the affected individuals and the community. A 6.6 Richter scale communities. Disasters also tend to earthquake that hit Lombok had claimed exacerbate pre-existing problems and 564 lives (BNPB, 2018). Disaster response inequalities. The vulnerable parts of conducted by the government was communities are often disproportionately considered slow because the government's affected. When the tsunami and earthquake focus had shifted to Palu disaster. happened in Palu, it took everyone by Furthermore, the post-disaster response in surprise. The local government was not Lombok had failed due to the complexity of prepared to face disaster on that massive the bureaucratic process that caused slow scale. recovery of the residential sector, The disaster had claimed 4,340 lives. communities' dissatisfaction in the data Almost half of the fatalities, namely 2,141, collection categories of minor, moderate, occurred in Palu, which was most affected and severe damage, as well the lack of by the earthquakes and tsunami, while 289 community involvement in the recovery people died in , 212 in process is also a problem in the , and 15 in Parigi rehabilitation and reconstruction process Moutong regency. As many as 667 people during the disaster in Lombok. had been declared missing, while another The government's slow post-disaster 1,016 bodies were unidentifiable. There response had failed to deliver the very basic were survivors and until January 2019, human needs, not to mention maintaining some survivors still lived in the shelters the human security aspects of the people (Sangadji, 2019). Survivors had to stay affected by the disaster. Therefore, in terms even longer in shelters when they were of human security, the government needed supposed to move to temporary housing. to improve its way to handle disasters. There were many different problems in the Because, indeed, we cannot avert all- shelters, including the uneven distribution natural disasters. However, our preparation of supplies and a lack of clean water, which for, and responses to the human impacts of triggered conflict not only among survivors the disaster can and must be improved. but also with volunteers (Wolfers, 1952). Because during Palu disaster, there were The previous Minister of Home Affairs, many rooms for improvement so the human Tjahjo Kumolo, stated that the citizen of security aspects could also be fulfilled. For Palu could take staple food from the the people who suffered from the disaster, a


Handayani and Puspasari/Jurnal Pertahanan Vol 6. No. 3 (2020) pp. 442-457 fast response to reduce their suffering was components included in DRR Theory had much needed. Thereby reducing the grave been carried out by the government during consequences of natural disasters for Palu disaster in a proper manner. However, human safety and wellbeing should be done the non-structural aspects of mitigation and in line with the principles of human preparedness that were also the components security. of the implementation of DRR were not carried out properly. Training and CONCLUSIONS, simulations provided by the Government RECOMMENDATION, AND for the citizen of Palu were only given once. LIMITATION Training and simulations which were Conclusion included such as Field Training Exercise Based on the Palu disaster analysis, a (FTX) alongside BMKG, BNPB, and local disaster was an event that disrupted human government, Tabletop Exercise (TTX) in life and impacts all aspects of human 2012. The training was not given security. This was because in all phases of continuously. Thus, when the said disaster the disaster, from pre-disaster to post- happened 6 years after the training was disaster, both the local and central conducted, the citizen of Palu did not have government failed to protect the any recollection of the training and what community. Even during the post-disaster steps needed to be taken to save their lives phase, conflicts occurred among victims, during the disaster. Therefore, the and to a certain extent, the conflict was also implementation of DRR in Palu in terms of involving volunteers which is common in community preparedness and knowledge the post-disaster area. It also happened in still had to be improved. several other disaster areas, such as Karo Regency and Pidie Jaya Regency. Recommendation However, the conflict that happened after For those reasons, several the disaster in both areas did not escalate as recommendations must be considered to it did in Palu. The statement from the manage disaster better. They are: previous Minister of Home Affairs, Tjahjo 1. Provide continuous training to improve Kumolo, that the citizen of Palu could take the ability in disaster preparedness for staple food from the minimarket network the people of Palu. Disaster Risk also contributed to the conflict escalation Reduction has to involve the local during the disaster response in Palu. Instead community with their local wisdom. of taking only the staple food they needed, Palu also has its local wisdom, they are many then looted the stores and malls Balumba Bose and Balumba Latollu, which created bigger chaos. Such an event which consecutively mean high wave would not take place had the local and after an earthquake and seek for a way central government responded quickly to out to survive. the disaster. Therefore, the aspect of human 2. Build a better tsunami early warning security was not met due to the system and resilient infrastructures government's slow response which could against earthquakes and tsunami. lead to national security instability. 3. Mobilize and engage the community's Palu disaster that happened in 2018 also resilience for their protection by making disrupted the dimension of the country's sure that the community knows the non-military defense. The aspects which existing and potential threats so that the were strongly hit by the disaster were negative impact on their lives, social, economic, and community safety livelihoods, and dignity is reduced. aspects. These three aspects were the 4. Local government and disaster supporting components in the Management agency has to have its implementation of national defense. Six Contingency Plan, particularly the


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