31 st August, 2019 To, To, The Corporate Relations Department The Listing Department BSE Limited The Calcutta Stock Exchange Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, 7, Lyons Range, Dalhousie, Dalal street, Murgighata, B B D Bagh, Mumbai-400 001 , Maharashtra. Kolkata-700001, West Bengal BSE Code: 539143 CSE Code: 30.010 Sub: 26th Annual Report for the financial year 2018-19 Dear Sir/Madam, Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation 34 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we are pleased to enclose herewith the Annual Report for the 1 financial year 2018-19, along with the Notice of 26 h Annual General Meeting of Panth Infinity Limited. A copy of this Annual Report is also uploaded on the website of the Company and is being dispatched /sent to the members through permitted mode. Kindly take the same on your record. Thanking you, Encl.: As above PANTH INFINITY LIMITED I CIN: L45201MP1993PLC007647 (Formerly known as 'Synergy Bio:con Limited') 0261-2600331 -t-91-70439 99011
[email protected] www.panthinfinity.com Regi5tered Office ; 404, Navneet Plaza, 5/2, Old Palasia, lndore-452001, Madhya Pradesh. I Tel/Fax : 0731-4202337 corporate Office : S- 6, VIP Plaza, VIP Road, Near Shyam Temple. vesu, surat-395007, Gujarat 26 2018 - 19 th 26 Annual Report ǀ 2018-19 COMPANY INFORMATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Shwet Koradiya Chairman & Non-Executive Director Ms. Surbhi Mudgal Non-Executive Independent Director Mr. Hitesh Patel Non-Executive Independent Director Mr. Zubin Raja Non-Executive Independent Director (Ceased w.e.f. 07.12.2018) Mr. Jinay Koradiya Additional Director (Appointed w.e.f.