The Ritz 1991 International Quartet Champion
The • ~..., OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE BARBERSHOP HARMONY SOCIETY. Seplember/Oclober1991 The Ritz Defiance and Maumee Valley, Ohio 1991 International Quartet Champion September/October 1991 The Volume LI, No.5 The HnrmQuiler (USPS No. 577700) (ISSN 0017-7849) is the ~armonizer official publication oflhc Sodrly for tlil' PrrserHl.lioll and Encouragement of Barher Shop Qunr!ct Singing ill AllIcr· ica, Inc. (SPEnSQSA). It is published ill the months of January. March, i\lay, July, September lind No\'cmbl'r at A BI-MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF 7930 Sheridan Road, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143. Second· SPEBSQSA, INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP HARMONY. dtlss (lostage paid at K{,llosha, \\'Iaud at additionallllailing offici'S. Editorilliaud ath'crlising oUices llrc at the inlerna· liollfll office. Adn'rtising ratE'S flmilahle upon re(luesl. Pub lisher assumes 110 rcsponsibilit), for relurn of ullsoliriled mmlllscrillts or artwork. Postmaster: SClld nddrcss changes to editorial offices ofThe Harmoniler, 7930 Sheridan Road, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53143 Ilt lellst Ihirty dll)'s before the nextllllbliclliioll dllte. A portion of each member's dues Is Features allocnled 10 coyer the magnzine's subscription price. Sub· scription pricc 10 lion· members Is $18 yenrly or$J per issue. Foreign subscriptions are $27 )·enrl)· or $4.50 pet issue. 4 Louisville-a record-setting convention ©1991 by the Society for Ihe Presen·atiOllllnd Encourage. cover story ment of Unrber Shop Qunrtel Singing in '\lIlerica, Inc. 10 Photos of 1991 chorus contestants om~ >""".",,,,,, / \\ 14 Summary of quartet and chorus scoring if~~.. SPEBSQSA 9. 6315 Third Avenue ~ Kenosha. WI 53143-5199 15 Photos of 1991 quartet contestants Telephone (414) 653-8440 TolI·free 1·800·876·SING FAX (414) 654-4048 34 One child's story Office Hours: 8 am .
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