CEU eTD Collection

Europe andthe theFarEurope of Trivialisation Discursive Framing Threat Framing ofthe Discursive Islamist in In requirementsArts for fulfilment ofthe partial thedegreeofMasters of Department ofInternational Relations and European Studies Reconciling PerceptionReconciling and Facts Central Yasmin Schinasi Romeu Supervisor: Paul Roe Word count: 16,883 , European University Submitted to 2015 By



CEU eTD Collection white westerners communitie Muslim on has this that implications important the highlight to seeks initial statement Spai Norway, label. threat has been not disregarded and down t to threat biggest the as terrorism Islamic strands i.e. Orientalism, 9/11, Civilisational threat and Quality and Quantity, have helped These depict strands. discursive four to according constructed been has terrorism 9/11, since that asmorality tacticanyfree being andof issuesdefined. when The basis of this thesis resides on Timothy Shanahan’s argument that should terrorism be seen

To demonstrate this demonstrate To n and the UK the and n

as all countries show evidence of all four assumptions. Furthermore this thesis .

, the media narrative for narrative media the , , has been has ,

analysed and evaluated. The findings clea findings The evaluated. and analysed - played, played, so that it is no longer worthy of the “terrorist” Abstract he

west vis west i

four European countries namely France, namely countries European four - à - vis the far the vis

Inwith this line - right.

Instead, the far the Instead,

the thesis argues rly prove the prove rly s as well as well as s - right CEU eTD Collection evensmile difficult inthe most stages ofit. ups the with dealt have who Miller Kelsey and Zarb Frank Anshba, Rustam Ratliff, Josh to goes mention special A experiences. shared many have I whom with and understanding and supportive been have who CEU at friends m I Finally valuable. most been has help whose Iris, and support whose Marta friend encouragement close have made it possible my for me to cope and with this intense year,mother alongside my sister my to grateful am I presented. were many the in help immense of been also have Toth Zsuzsanna particular in and department Writing Academic The research. my to greatvalue of were coursematerial have made this thesis possible. I would also like to thank Nick Sitter whose general advice and all I must extend my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Paul Roe whose patience and guidance ThereI are many who tothank need for their help andsupport throughout project. this First of Acknowledgements

and downs of the process, and who have made me made have who and process, the of downs and ii

ust thank all my fellow class fellow my all thank ust

drafts and ideas that that ideas and drafts - mates and mates CEU eTD Collection Bibliography A Conclusion Chapter 3 Chapter 2 Chapter 1 Introduction Acknowledgements Abstract Table ofContents ppendices 3.7 Implications3.7 3.6 Furtherfindings 3.5 Relatingthefar depictions to 3.4 QuantityQuality and 3.3 Threat civilisation to 3.2 The 9/11 3.1 Orientalism 2.6 Discourse Analysis 2.5 Relatingto the far perceptions 2.4 Quality thespectacleIslamic and of quantity: terrorism 2.3 Threat against civilisation: thewestern to and values State 2.2 The 9/11effect:forms new“them” of“us” vs. “them”2.1 Orientalism: “us” vs. 1.4 The far Lone1.3 resistance,wolf, leaderless Jihad leaderless 1.2 1.1 Terrorisma tactic as The four terrorism waves ofmodern

...... – – –

...... Depictions of Islamic Depictions terrorismvis of IslamPerceptions of vis Understanding theterrorist threat


- ...... right and the lone wolfright tactic andthe










...... - right? - - right? à ...... - ...... vis thefar ......




...... iii ...... - ......

à ...... - - vis thefar right ......


...... - ...... right ......



21 19 17 16 11 55 53 49 45 42 41 39 37 35 33 32 28 26 24

ii 8 7 6 6 1


CEU eTD Collection 23 2013): 2 (2010):173 no2 3 Terrorism, on Studies Security 1 cann it reason, this for Perhaps years. many for terrorists by i.e. onesorthey ev work small invery now groups large in working of instead that and tactics shifted merely have terrorists the that be Al that and worked, have tactics the prevent similar attacks and to destroy organisations like Al extremists Islamic by perpetrated that particular in terrorism, accompany definition,for doingbiasesallows for the and misinterpretations. so that which it, of view Shanahan’s takes thesis this Instead, equally. everyone by interpreted futile is terrorism defining Moreover, meansauthor advance in noted be must It contributions. relevant and to attempt to put this paper into perspective, the author will disc written about terrorism, particularly in beenthe last years.fifteen So, to narrow the background and has Much not. Probably one? controversial more a there Is Relations? International Introduction

Jeffrey Simon, JeffreySimon, Timothy

lone wolf tactic. terrorism should be seen for what it is, a tactic, and that no moral discussions should should discussions moral no that and tactic, a is, it what for seen be should terrorism After 9/11 After realm the within term debated and contested more a present, at there Is Terrorism. - 24 Shanahan, “Betraying a certain corruption of mind: how (and how not) to define ‘terrorism’”, Critical Critical ‘terrorism’”, define to not) how how (and mind: of corruption certain a “Betraying Shanahan,

this paper does paperdoes this

Lone Wolf Terrorism: Understanding the Growing Threat Growing the Understanding Wolf Terrorism: Lone Western


the main priority for most western governments and governments western most for priority main the 2

A tactic that has become more popular recently but, which has been used

Europe , attempt not

as there is no definition that will satisfy everyone or that will be be will that or everyone satisfy will that definition no is there as


as the US and Canada were not within the scope of this thesis. this of scope the within not were Canada and US the as - Qaeda is no longer a longer no is Qaeda to defineterrorismto en alone, and largeralone, independentlyany en organisation of - 174


. that when referring to the to referring when that s

- M

Qaeda. It may well be that some of strong as strong any have already established that that establishedalready any have uss some of the more interesting

( ot be identified as the fifth in in fifth the as identified be ot . Much has been attempted to attempted been has Much . Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, PrometheusBooks, Amherst,N.Y.:

it used to be. It may also also may It be. to used it state

leaders 1

west has been been has states , the , of

CEU eTD Collection Press,1999): University PA: Open 8 7 6 will be ofthe chapter page first hence the alone, chapter the on isnumbering based theBA)her page wheredid author the professor wasa Bentley(as published was thebook before byauthor the Counter Right Preventing response: Masking “Recognition Bentley, Michele 5 4 2004) 3 the why and terrorism in engage they violent inherently and backward barbaric, inferior, as Arabs the of always had a negative view of the Middle East and the Arab people is what Edward Said and later Ziauddin Sardar suffer the that is answer simple The strong. so is terrorism Islamic on focus the why wonders especially acts negl has it that terrorists Islamic on focused so become has deserves. Pete Simi and Michele Bentley have sug far the Norway, after even Yet this. prove where 2011, of summer the in Norway in terrorists and white supremacists continue to pose far the of has now become more relevant because self are they that fact theanarchicis; anti wave, the Rapoport’s

Edward Said, Edward Muslims). (or “fearofIslam” mean the to thought isgenerally Islamophobia Bentley,4 Simi,252 Note”. A Research Terror? Supremacist Simi, White “Why Study Pete 36,184 Simon, David


Rapoport, Rapoport, - from Islamophobia. from T the to duewesterncountries to threat main the arenow wolvesargue lone that Experts Radicalisation Critical Perspectives Radicalisation h - e concept of islamophobia islamophobia of concept e right have right Four W Four


committed bycommitted the The Four Waves Of Modern Terrorism Modern Of FourWaves The

aves of aves

- done so done radicalised, home radicalised,

(New York: Vintage Books,1979):5 Vintage York: (New 7 Modern T Modern



colonial wave, new the o ay years. many for

far - right errorism can be broken down down broken be can , ed , west recently - . (: Routledge, 2014) Note: Bentley’s chapter was read was read Bentley’schapter Note: 2014) Routledge, (London: . grown and act alone act and grown . 6 a right a

is justified in its fear of it. The second explanation explanation secondThe it. of fear its in justified is If takes one be to those assumptions true, thenone - ih hs eevd uh es teto ta it than attention less much received has right , 2 3 call call


because it has existed throughout all four t four all throughout existed has it because Islamic terrorists have been using it, terrorists (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, Press, University Georgetown DC: (Washington, - wing extremist killed seventy killed extremist wing gested that the reason for this a threat to the Orientalism, which argues that the . Ziauddin . - left wave and thereligiousleft wave wave. - wing Extremism And Radicalisation”. In Radicalisation”. And wingExtremism , experts also claim that right that claim also experts , into four different strands. differentfour into ected all other for other all ected Deviant Behaviour Deviant 4 Sardar, Sardar, . Although . west

, thus . 8

, Orientalism 5 This would explain why explain would This numbered 1 numbered

and the terrorist attacks

const the

31 no3 (2010): 252 (2010): no3 31

ructing ms of terrorism, terrorism, of ms lone wolf tactic wolf lone

is that the (Philadelphia, (Philadelphia,

- seven

an image The first The west

people, people,

- wing west west

has has hat


CEU eTD Collection 10 Pride”. National 9 instead. h vis west the according to the time. any at anywhere far the of think constantly not do people and have, Islamists that fear of levels the instil to able been not have they because Finally, civilisation. same the to threat a not are they hence and “Islamic” not are they because case second the in of Orientalism because by MadridLondon. of York, thetraumas and New virulence with which they are perpetrated. createsThis a permanent of sense fear, exacerbated The last assumption is based on the amount an existential threat to its territorial integrity and more importantly radic reasons. religious and cultural for but ideological, for not world Muslim the fight will Huntington’s on based is explanation evil to Islam equated presentsrhetoric it has explains, a Islamic which languageterrorism toevil.AsSalaita links it of choice careful a Through 2001. after Administration Bush the by initiated Orientalism Essentially effect. 9/11 the as here presented is

Steven Salaita, “ Salaita, Steven as led to an exclusion of the far the of exclusion an to led as

Samuel al Islamists seeking to create a Caliphate under Islam under Caliphate a create to seeking Islamists al Ironically these explanations do not seem to apply to right to apply to seem not do explanations these Ironically

Huntington, “The Clash Of Civilizations?” Civilizations?” Of Clash “The Huntington, - à - CR: The New Centennial Review New Centennial The CR: vis the far the vis Beyond Orientalism And Islamophobia: 9/11, Anti 9/11, Islamophobia: And Orientalism Beyond se se discursive strands


western culture and norms, becaus norms, and culture western s and they are not from the Middle East and therefore, not violent by violent therefore,nature, Eastnot and theMiddle theyare notfrom hs th This - right, which has indeed been disregarded. It further argues that this this that argues further It disregarded. been indeed has which right, ince everyone fears evil, everyone should fear Islam. The third third The Islam. fear should everyone evil, fears everyone ince

ss rus ht ic 91, errs hs en constructed been has terrorism 9/11, since that argues esis - right as right , hence depicting Islamic terrorism as the biggest threat to The

6 no2 (2006):249 no2 6 a Clash of Civilisations of Clash of form of terrorism and terrorism of form Foreign Affairs Foreign attacks committ 3

it is an aggravated and modern form of of form modern and aggravated an is it


Arab Racism, And The Mythos Of Of TheMythos And Racism, Arab e they are they e 72 no3 (1993):32 no3 72 ic Sharia law, the the law, Sharia ic , ed in the name of Islam, and the

not evil. As for the third cas third the for As evil. not - right as being able to strike strike to able being as right , which claims that the that claims which , to to - has wing terrorists. In terrorists. wing its its core values and beliefs. westerner relabelled relabelled - 33

west s and so part of of part so and s it

see extremism s this this s the case the 10

With west as e,

CEU eTD Collection a countries rea the containing discourse the of analysis and research far the to apply not do they why and entail chapter next right of threat potential the and tactic wolf lone the of dangers the both The author t west the for possible been has it how out find to is author the of intention the that remember keyto equally, then it needs to reconsider so to create a secure environment for its citizens and wants to build a system that treats all people exaggerated. If the Isl the of dangers the whyto as reasons the and discourse the understand far the trivialising no longeras seen terrorism. exaggeratingIslamicthreat, isdownplaying but the thatof thefar if most, that show British analysedwhen newspapers bothright will be reporting context. US a in issue this at looked already have media. he are implication be.can and section for each assumption, where how the findings relate to them

to over to , as well as

Since not all western media could be covered, this thesis will on focus Europe as many In an attempt to do all the above, this thesis will be set out in the fo the in out set be will thesis this above, the all do to attempt an In the of “obsession” This to Inorder follow begin - exaggerate the Islamic terrorist threat vis threat Islamic terrorist the exaggerate gives s thereafter s how how they may apply to s

by discussing the literature that has been covered, with a particular focus on - prove

west right, has important implications. It is for this reason that is crucial to to crucial is that reason this for is It implications. important has right, not ealdepaaino ht h ordfeet assumptions different four the what of explanation detailed a

all all wants to avoid events like those seen in Oslo and the above, the the theories the . Chapter three three . Chapter


the author will look at the discourses prevalent in western in prevalent discourses the at look will author the

me of its actions and assumptions towards terrorism. It is terrorism Islamic with - right. A brief explanation of the methods used in the in used methods the of explanation brief A right. Islamic terrorists. This is are deal

present. We will find that find will We present. 4 s

with the findings of the analysis and analysis the thefindings of with The main French, Norwegian, Spanish and Spanish Norwegian, French, main The - à - vis the far the vis sons for the choices of sources sources of choices the for sons ,

at the expense of neglecting and neglecting of expense the at - wing and Islami wing and

followed followed by - right thepointwhere to is it - is what given this, and right,

discussed. not only is the media media the is only not Utøya being arethreat amic - wing terrorists. The The terrorists. wing llowing manner: manner: llowing a

section section on how sts incidentssts to in 2011, wants

A subsequent

mean and mean contains and and CEU eTD Collection of thisthesis, the Finally,evaluated. and which section section

highlight and also will make states s

the effe the

the implications of the findings, and specific examples will be dis be will examples specific and findings, the of implications the cts on the findings on right on findings the on cts


suggestions for


attempt to summarise the main points and findings findings and points main the summarise to attempt 5

f uture research - wi ng terrorism, if any. There is There any. if terrorism, ng .

cussed cussed then a

CEU eTD Collection 14 13 Approach'. ( 12 11 moral as it deem already we terrorism to it associating by because, necessary not is it of morality actual the Analysing wrong. morally is committed act the that implying already are we label, constructed un Shanahan This thesis connotation moral terrorism of definition a why is This implications. and consequences of fighter belief or the needs and desires of the person, definitions the byand be can others misleading and Schmid and Merari Silke, referencing targets goals, ideology, as such criteria 1.1 Terrorism as Chapter 1 Dordrecht: Springer, 2012):15. Shanahan 174. 2012):15. Springer, Dordrecht: Simi, Shanahan, 187 Shanahan, 173 Shanahan Spaaij, Ramon cetbe rte ta fr the for than rather acceptable,

ly incorrect and no further evaluation is needed 252 . ” This has been the case in the past and past the in case the been has This ” Ramon Spaaij, by terrorism describe to sought have Many s . Terrorism And Political Violence Political And Terrorism

12 , n Bdy argue Badey and .

hence 13 To use the most common analogy, “ analogy, common mostthe use To – -

174, Badey, 95 174, Understanding Lone Wolf Terrorism: Global Patterns, Motivations and Prevention and Motivations Patterns, Global Wolf Terrorism: Lone Understanding

According of terrorism within the field the within terrorism of Understanding the terrorist threat

adopt a

must be employed, one employed, be must tactic

T s imothy


o him to hanahan’s definition because it s - 96


ut rgty ta b dfnn troim s moa and immoral as terrorism defining by that rightly, quite Shanahan and Thomas Badey ,

three main issues arise: firstly, by attributing the terrorist terrorist the attributing by firstly, arise: issues main three

state c isl, e nvtby allow inevitably we itself, act


10 n 10 , these are just assumptions constructed and interpreted interpreted and constructed assumptions just are these ,


and motivations, however, as Simi as however, motivations, and or definingorganisation it, so as to suit their interests o1 (1998): 90 (1998): o1 that looks at the act merely for what it is, a tactic. a is, it what for merely act the at looks that of International Relations (IR) Relations International of 6 Badey, 'Defining International Terrorism: APragmatic Terrorism: International 'Defining Badey,


indeed continues to be so be to continues indeed 11 one man’s terrorist is another man’s another is terrorist man’s one

taking i taking . - 14 107

In this way,

eeks nto consideration different sets of of sets different consideration nto ,


to analyse terrorism states

o cran da t be to ideas certain for others, others, have argued that

which , and and leaders can label leading to a to leading

vary according to according vary points out points

rids us of us rids as as a

freedom variety

tactic when when

any . CEU eTD Collection 18 17 16 15 be to believed who groups mainly were These Ireland. in IRA the and Algeria in FLN the many other countries. The second wave, is the anti expa which which terrorism, Anarchic of that is wave first The manner: following nevertheless waves different the between overlap some is there that and broad too perhaps are they that of general criteria that several organisations meet have affected more than one nation and so had implications international no means thefirs evidence first is typeit or ofterrorism, but history throughout seen have we Rapoport’s 1.2 morality, but strands different the between differentiating to on that if we fight evil, all means deemed necessary to some allow this terrorism. as categorised be therefore cannot and permissible morally an exclusive, is grounds are interests own their what on based and perpetrators the to according differently acts similar

Ibid., 47 Ibid., 46 Rapoport, 187 Shanahan, 90 Badey, Ibid., . 15 The four four The of waves

been a number of waves of number a been This, Shanahan says, leads to the second issue, which is that defining terrorism on moral Amid - 50

nded throughout Europe, affecting Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom among Kingdom United the and Italy Spain, affecting Europe, throughout nded contribution - they provide us with a solid basis solid a with us provide they

69 on

vrtig ht a be witn n h different the on written been has that everything

their different

“pick and choose”and“pick

modern t is probably the best all probablybest the is hne cs ht r similar are that acts hence d ,

characteristics four to be to four . A . errorism lthough he begins with begins he lthough ,

but it justifies the use the justifies it but



7 -

encompassing summary of the distinct phases distinct the of summaryencompassing are permitt to work with work to , and ,

have covered each of these - imperialist within

the different the we cmitdb fr xml are example for by committed when ,

the ed. the the

of extreme measures against it measuresagainstextreme of

terrorist tactic terrorist one like that of EOKA in Greece, . He describes the waves in the in waves the describes He .

With With this in mind Anarchist t

demonstration of a trend that

ye o troim David terrorism, of types types of terrorism of types . 17

16 According to him,

Fina s started in Russia but Russia in started

in Russia, this is by is this Russia, in

not . l 18 ly, not only does only not ly,

One may argue based ,

we can move in terms in on their their on


so ,

CEU eTD Collection 21 20 19 threat larger 1.3 wav ideologies of variety a by employed years, recent in tactic common terrorism LW the that out pointed been has as established be really cannot so terrorism seemsbeen have to inplaceall thephases throughout (especially the first wave)and wolf lone of idea the forward put (ISIS) terrorism about that brings fall organisations similar and Hezbollah fina The Red the ( Germany, Brigades in RAF the include type this of organisations main the of Some it. to wave separatist Marxist/ also power, foreign or oppressor fightingan

Spaaij, Spaaij, Jeffrey 47 Rapoport, Lone w Lone es. , ,

fall under this

which is more powerful powerful more Within the fourth wave Within There have been attempts 37 Kaplan, Kaplan, wave l

. Brigate Rosse Brigate

21 “Islamic terrorism” olf,

- 63 If it is not a wave, then we certainly can argue that argue can certainly we then wave, a not is it If

Terrorist Groups And New Tribalism And Groups Terrorist

. Naturally, groups such as Al as such groups Naturally, .

leaderless resistance,Jihad leaderless determined determined to root out all signs of western influence from the Middle East and

is ht ae mil o rlgos ol / ideologies / goals religious on mainly based that

category. organisations ) in Italy and the still present still the and Italy in ) ,

would be the third, and again many European nations were victims were nations European many again and third, the be would

s into into the picture

mentioned above, we have moved from grou from moved have mentioned above, we


a (LW) predict cat

like egor .

19 terrorism

Al what the fifth wave is or y of its own. However, as I as However, own. its of y This will be the most most the be will This referred to sometimes to referred - strategy , - Qaeda Qaeda . (Abingdon, Oxon [England]: Routledge, 2010) Routledge, [England]: Oxon (Abingdon, . 8 Qae and and hence is crucial in any post 9/11

da, those linked to it and and it to linked those da, .

This opinion has been contested, as LW as contested, been has opinion This r even or

has indeed become a trend and a very very a and trend a become indeed has ETA


Euskal Ta Akatasuna Ta Euskal

SS a ISIS, niiul wt a with individuals important

as “f as might be, it

is a “trend” a is somewhat even even somewhat

reedom fighters”. The fighters”.The reedom will explain below, it below, explain will under which Hamas, Hamas, which under to the Islamic the 20 p s like Hamas to to Hamas s like

and some have us, as it is one is it as us,

in between in

) discussion variety of of variety

in Spain. in

bigger State

CEU eTD Collection 32, Spaaij 18, Simon, 28 27 26 25 24 Press, 23 199 Press,2009): University 22 Simon and Michael recommend experts many as agendas, political international individuals, these by perpetrated to berapidly increasing 10) Unabomber” in the US, it seen have we history throughout many note, lone wolf terrorism i the Charlieattack Hebdo of this are the London 2005 bombings, the murder of soldier Lee Rigby in defe and agreement ideology in but group any by ordered necessarily not terrorism, of in line Resistance calls a “leaderless resistance” trend, in his book i small also but and adapted further, much as it tends to do. Now, we do not only fear groups and organisations to create a Caliphate Islamicunder

BBC News, BBC 1 Michael, 103 Spaaij, Ibid., J. Forest Michael, George 2008. Milelli J.P. and G. Kepel 26

2012):1 are

382 with those W

. only 23 The Terrorism Lectures Terrorism Lectures The ith L ith



In the case Islamic of terrorism, this is known as “leaderless jihad” These are mainly 116 'Lone Wolf' Terror Threat Warning' February 7, 2012 7, Warning'February Threat 'LoneTerror Wolf' a few W terrorism becoming a common tendency common a becoming terrorism W

ndependent cells and so called lone w lone called so and cells ndependent Lone Wolf Terror And The Rise of Leaderless Resistance Leaderless of Rise The WolfAnd Terror Lone

of some extremist movements or terrorist organisation,

have have written extensively on how the threat posed by lone wolves is growing

examples. And examples.

. David 27 s

in Paris seen earlier this year seenin Paris In(2015) among earlier this many fact,others. as Al Qaeda In Words In Own Its Qaeda Al individual (

Santa Ana, CA: Nortia/Current, 2012) 111 2012) CA:Ana, Nortia/Current, Santa Copeland Copeland in 1999 in the UK and Peter Mangs in Sweden (2009 s not a new tactic, far from it, i the

Sharia ,

. as old a tactic as it may be, it is now 25 west

s In

or small group

iiul such dividuals law may ne may . 22 9

Lone Wolf Terror And

Yet, since after 9/11, terrorism has developed ed to re to ed

(Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard ofHarvard Press Belknap Mass: (Cambridge, olves (LWs), in what George Michael Michael George what in (LWs), olves s , whose beliefs and ideology might be

, - as http://www.bbc.com/news/uk , with more and more attacks being attacks more and more with , think its status in both in status its think

e Ka Ted . t is as old as terrorism itself and 28


Nashville: Vanderbilt University University Nashville: Vanderbilt vr h ls ye last the Over

czynski, czynski,

The Rise Of Leaderless and and who commit a 2013 in London and

trend nw a “The as known 24

, and examples

which national and national r, Spaaij, ars, - 16920643 nc o its of e seems

act .

s -

CEU eTD Collection office,2011):5 38 islamists Guardian 37 36 35 34 1997. and years1993 the between 33 32 31 30 29 which gained when leaving for Syria and Iraq to join ISIS home are aware more becoming are countries So, challenges, and complexities l different challenges, and complexities poses hence and characteristics distinct definition, by has, terrorism wolf Lone severe depression, was suicidal and was actually admitted into a psychiatric hospit low is ill mentally those of number mentally ill LWsfor a time, long were seen merelyas crazy lonely fanatics, were lunaticsor be to thought it has been used by Muslims tactic has been predominantly used by white suprema properly issue the addressing not are nations how and n wl troim a, y eiiin distinct definition, by has, terrorism wolf one

BBC News, BBC al. et Sherwood Harriet Ibid,. 41 Simon 50 Spaaij, (1949 Fuchs Franz 49 Spaaij, Simi,255 37 Spaaij, earlier) (booksas noted Spaaij and Simon Michael,


are in turn w turn in are - knowledge weapons and explosives. of There is a set of criteria of set a is There leaving . September 29, 2014 September29, . -

- grown 54 .

31 'Lone Wolf' Terror Threat Warning'. Threat 'LoneTerror Wolf'

- A home

lt from fighting abroad, where they will have been radicalised and will have have will and radicalised been have will they where abroad, fighting from

pose, e pose, - houghSpaaij argues, as this 2000) wasright of Austriananterrorist 2000) - join hat make this tactic tempting for tempting tactic this make hat

“Schoolgirl Jihadis: The Female Islamists Leaving Home To Join Isis Join Fighters”. To LeavingHome Islamists Female The Jihadis: “Schoolgirl - isis specia - http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/29/schoolgirl iraq 30

36 35

and perhaps

- lly are. organisations way same the in with dealt be cannot which syria which cannot be dealt with in with dealt be cannot which which makes lone wolf terrorism terrorism wolf lone makes which ,

since the since .

32 .

37 Cases such as that of Franz Fuchs, Franz of that as such Cases

Individuals of the threat that lone wolves, lone that threat the of for has this, Counter

west 10 may true true be ofsome, isnot ofall it 38

- is seeing how many of its citizens are citizens its of many how seeing is Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST) Strategy Terrorism - characteristics and hence poses different different poses hence and characteristics wing, xenophobic ideology who assassinated who ideology xenophobic wing, that could pose a threat to western nations cists and

radical individuals radical been slightly overlooked . 29

The problem seems to be to seems problem The

right the same way organisations are organisations way same the different to group terrorism group to different - wing extremists particularly th particularly 33

to employ to who suffered fromsuffered who - jihadis . (London: Home (London: . .

al Initially, and - female ,

more than are rare

. , and that this that

ose that that ose Jeffrey Jeffrey -

The The 4 now the . 34 ,

CEU eTD Collection made. has them 42 Dialogue Strategic for 41 40 39 wolves) group a as than basis individual an on more acted have and waves different Rapoport of one constituted in the United Socialist Underground right several been have there world, fascist still they risk a of much how on insist to years the throughout trying Mudde, O 1.4 a favourite the far of group a of part as operate who is that and/or allocated according to t and targets internet. It puts them in touch with like catch. to harder be can individuals impossible not if complex small groups, which that means thoroug a gives Simon

gnstos uh s h K Ku Klan Klux Ku the as such rganisations These sources by these authors are fully referenced throughout and when addressing specific claims each of each specificclaims when addressing and throughout fully are referenced authors these bysources These Ibid, 29 Ibid, 36 Simon, The far The

184. Vidhya Ramalingam, “ Vidhya Ramalingam, 184. they tend to be self Right


ere Eatwell George Nevertheless, theyNevertheless,

- right

- actics States ig n wie supremaci white and wing

and and , (2014):7 40

and the P -

right. hra gnrly n raiain, niiul ae erie, trained recruited, are individuals organisations, in generally whereas

h explanation explanation h or or the lone wolf tacticthe wolf lone Pete , - NSU radicalised and can therefore be more unpredicta

, have managed to plan and commit violent attacks in almost everyalmost in attacks violent commit and plan to managed have waves ’s 39 their knowledge in these fields olish olish group named Old Threat, New Approach: Tackling the Far the Tackling Approach: New Threat, Old


( the as suitable more becoming is tactic this why is which 41 Simi Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund tasks

These are the main features of a tactic a of features main the are These ,

are: these what of They are empowered by the media and especially the the especially and media the by empowered are They such as either, Vidhya - minded people and it provides information on weapons, t errs or terrorism st

- (KKK) w

because they because

m ing groups as for example for as groups ing 11 Ramalingam onitoring,

Blood and

r cer examples clear are


identifyingand infiltrating are extre too

. Honour

n Mcel Bentley Michelle and Finally, ano

tend to tend have im ae long have mism . These perhaps have never - ) right Across Europe” AcrossEurope” right existed existed , or the Militia Movement operat represent ,

, ther ther key characteristic

and and

the German the which has which ble ble than individuals throughout e alone or in very in or alone e experts

(a bit like Lone like bit (a . 42


In the post the In ae been have long long

National National ie Cas like Institute Institute

all the all more more

been been too . CEU eTD Collection right 2013, January22, 50 swastika undera beheaded being ofsomeone room, McGee’s in videos found thepolice 49 (1997):717 no4 48 47 46 Russia, 45 44 43 rightconsider to experts terrorism, for support right This inclination especially in Europe ofin possession swastikas or expl refe and elite, pure racially a by ruled bombings City anything than Fundamentalist 2010 to the use of far in or 2007 and 2000 throughout others single western country including the UK, the US, Canada, Norway, Germany,

Spaaij, 37 Spaaij, Matthew and 29) (Simon Muslims immigrants,particularly for hatred mentiontheir explicitly McGee Breivikand Both Neo Diaries: Turner The “Inside Dagger R.and Ball T. 380 Forest, 103 Spaaij, Australia Austria, list includes: This Breivikkilled - right - icitly in their manifestos about manifestos their in icitly wing

party secured almost 6.5 million of the votes the of million 6.5 almost secured party t es 24 least at

. These have Spain, Sweden Spain, ehp a Goodwin as Perhaps

- is known for its lone wolves. Indeed extremism Goodwin, “Europe and the Ongoing Challenge of Right of Challenge the and Ongoing “Europe Goodwin,


- 116 right this this tactic - 718 . seventy 47 , were found with copies of of copies with found were ,

http://www.worldpoliticsreview.com/articles/12654/europe s

has been very present in ) be

Many, as Many, - . 46 wing out

, USA and UK. and USA ,

on many o

recipe for disaster for recipe - , In fact, In


we we are seeing f 88 of than than most

eif ad ate, obnd ih n nraig rn i ln wolf lone in trend increasing an with combined parties, and beliefs - wing terrorism as a real danger for western nations. Firs nations. western for danger real a as terrorism wing

people and the and people

for instance Timothy McVeigh McVeigh Timothy instance for

most of the people named above had more far more had above named people the of most l

posters of Hitler wolves one ccasions taken the lives of

ugss te ot rgtnn fact frightening most the suggests,

, .

Norway in 2011 in Norway Canada 44

According to the list dra an their hatred for immigrants for hatred their .

ever growing support for right NSU 10 and were responsible for the 2004 Cologne bombings thefor 2004 wereresponsible and 10 NSU There are several reasons which demonstrate and push push and demonstrate which reasons several are There , s o ilr s h “ra One.” “Great the as Hitler to rs Denmark Denmark, Denmark, Holland and France where 2012 in the

ee right were The Turner Diaries, Turner The ,

. as mentioned earlier, 12 49 -

, Nazi Scripture”. Scripture”. Nazi

. France 43

. Although 50 - ig xrmss ol 1 wr Islamic were 15 (only extremists wing

, The author The

Germany innocent innocent civ - Wing Extremism” Extremism” Wing perpetrator of perpetrator fted fted by Spaaij these organisations are organisations these PS: PS:

, and Muslims and

Holland - which advocates for a world world a for advocates which and

Political Science And Politics And Science Political believes that an that believes they

- ilians ilians as seen in s ht n the in that is - the wing wing groups and parties. , - have have been more prone ongoing Italy World Politics Review. Review. Politics World 48 ,

45 the 1995 Oklahoma 1995 the

- between 1968 and , oe also Some

right inclinations right Poland , Poland and were found found were and - challenge t of all, their all, of t



west Portugal, and many Germany rare, the rare, - spoke of and - far

30 - ,

CEU eTD Collection 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 terrorism see to continue to people for allow we so, doing in that suggests also He terrorism. right of expense the at been has this that and fundamentalism Islamic on solely been happening in the US, right terrorism, state ideologies, diverse with individuals terrori imprisoned “for stockpiling chemical explosives the of and extreme right known to have used or attempted seventy people 168 killed which 1995, of Bombing City individual of far most Spaaij, by provided Christians) far to adhere who individuals or groups along, All waves. the all throughout and time long a for present been has ideology

Michael, Simi,252 Bentley,3 Bentley by as stated was2013 in data true This Bentley,3 103 Ibid., 37 Spaaij,

- extremists, extremists, leaders, m s eoig oe n more and more becoming is sm right ideology Yet, even with all the information provided above, provided information the all with evenYet, - seven

2 -

s in the - are 116


have committed acts of terror of acts committed have eete far seventeen


53 being n being s societies, indeed and media

deaths. deaths. Even more worrying is

Both McVeigh and Breivik built their own using fertiliser /chemicals,Breivik ownfertiliser using bombs and their Both built McVeigh with West . 52

57 eglected and down and eglected important and severe consequences severe and important

What is more, and what Simi elaborates on. Simi argues were commit

of the lone wolves seen through history, through seen wolves lone the of - ih eteit imp extremists right

- ih beliefs right to

use biological or chemical weapons have been those of the ted by right especially by right by especially some played as is the case with white supremacistswhite and casewith the is as played

danger ism all around all ism

of the most eems to lie on Islamic terrorism Islamic on lie to eems that 13

( -

ous nldn anti including . wing extremists. These include the Oklahoma ioe i Britain in risoned , ” as Bentley points out 55 and the Norway attacks Norway the and and ,

- deva wing extremists, wing . despite the world the

56 which clearly shows that l that shows clearly which stating attacks perpetrated by

This is what is This - abortion

that, that, since the 9/11 focus has

h fc ta i i ue by used is it that fact the upheld in upheld , . 54 51


As shown by t by shown As up until now, terrorists s rcs ad radical and racism , everal

the focus focus the Michael ,

which ended with ended which

fact .

O ee actually were ther types ther some strand some

suggests is suggests of western of one wolf one he data he - wing

lone lone far

of -

CEU eTD Collection 2015, 61 60 9 2014): Routledge, 59 58 The explanations an section next the in with nations. western in found thesisthe of aim the and is, it way H lone wolf terrorism? wolf terrorists and consequently it is terrorism and vis argues further west It disregarded. the to threat biggest the as terrorism Islamic to according constructed been has terrorism the for causes attentiongiven is that limited tothefar that attention the and given is terrorism Islamic this, own. our excuse so andby others, perpetrated something as

ow Counter Ibid Heath Charlotte Simi

otherwise it hasit

as Heathas https://www.sis.gov.uk/about is , 252 Many have suggested a variety of reasons as to why to as reasons of variety a suggested have Many It here thatthe is it possible it - Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST) Strategy Terrorism tactic, -

25 been R 4 egardless of the fact that fact the of egardless -

has , that despite the fact that experts insist on the risks and threats that both lone lone both that threats and risks the on insist experts that fact the despite that , Kelly explains, Kelly

- ? Kelly, Baker Kelly, exaggeration exaggeration

it it is

relabelled that d justifications for the focus or still still seen as the main threat by the vast majority of western governments.

despite all the above, the all despite

in focus and contribution of the thesis focus contribution ofthe thesis and

These theories and assumptions and theories These -

Beall, Christopher and Lee Jarvis. LeeJarvis. and Christopher Beall, detail. However, detail. it


of is to is extremism instead and says that there is clear imbalance between the attention thatattention the between clearimbalance thereis saysthat and us/what that this has led to an exclusion of the far the of exclusion an to led has this that

right h Islamic the demonstrate , 4, “ 4, , - - we wing Islamic terrorism Islamic - right because allIslamists. efforts areright because ontackling set - Counter Terrorism Terrorism Counter do/counter

terrorists terrorists pose, the

it the definition of terrorism has been distorted the distorted been has terrorism of definition the het are. threat 14 nme o dsusv strands discursive of number a

is essential to essential is that these reasonsare thatthese

and that this has important implications. the - terrorism.html almost right Counter

– has been somewha been has

This thesis argues that since 9/11, 9/11, since that argues thesis This - SIS (MI6)” SIS “obsession”

wing receives. wing suggested by sc by suggested 58 - à lie, intryin Islam

- west briefly Michelle B Michelle . i te far the vis

- Radicalisation

is focused solely on Islamic is

Sis.gov.uk. Accessed 16 April, 16 Accessed Sis.gov.uk.

outline being evident of the g what the todecipher entley also insists on insists also entley 59 - - holars

right, which been been which right,

right as right . (London: . She argues in fact in argues She portrayed the way way the portrayed t late to adopt the the adopt to late t

west what

in the narrativesthe in , hc depict which

will be dealt dealt be will with Islamic

the a y form of form

entail. How 61 60

CEU eTD Collection 62 Islamicactually by committed terrorists. western civil by then attacks, the after straight Bush under Orientalism addre be will bro believe now we terroris

Said, Said, k en Orientalism m down into different categories, which are here briefly introduced in the or the in introduced here briefly are whichcategories, different into down ,

and and why western leaders and , 62 i sation

ssed: followed by

it to be, to it , h frt explanation first The and finally

fall under the broad category broad the under fall


what the 9/11 effect, which involves the rhetoric set by the USA


the Quality and quantity section media media have managed to construct into it the thre


15 (c)

will be based on Edward Said’s theory of of theory Said’s Edward on based be will

the view of view

of “Isla of

Islamic terrorism terrorism Islamic mophobia”. , which looks at the attacks

The term will be be will term The as a as der that they they that der threat to threat at that CEU eTD Collection 63 vis 9/11) after (particularly Islam portrayed have governments and media western the how at looking namely that by the far the that danger biggest the as terrorism fundamentalists west understand better us help will This categories. magnified Islam) of fear (the hyper a ignored t importance utmost of been has terrorism Islamic down be to continues terrorism wing wolf strategy and continues to do so, is more important and worrying than many think. The far this for precisely is It trend.steady certainlya is it not, if and could it that tactic,a as prevalent becomeso has terrorism wolf lone that Itobvious is it. abouttalking morality Chapter 2

Bentley, 4. Simi, Simi, Bentley,4. danger, how has it been possible to construct the meaning of terrorism in such a way that way a such in terrorism of meaning the construct to possible been it has how danger, , - but also and in turn, what has led led has what turn, in and also but exaggerates Islamic terrorismexaggerates vis The explana The T because

now be see be now - e motne f raig terrorism treating of importance he was highlighted was à . H . - vis owever, for analytical purposes analytical for owever, –

right Perceptions of Islam vis .

252 of of Moreover,this. s h dfeet cdmc epan tee ae ie t construct to aided have these explain, academics different the As ,

n as the fifth wave in wave fifth the as n - be can below tions wh wing

- right ich is the general answer to why the Islamic terrorist threat is being being is threat terrorist Islamic the why to answer general the is ich

above terrori . 63

T hese four categories , only thus can we attempt to be unbiased and balanced when when balanced and unbiased be to attempt we can thus only , sm. We We sm. bearing it it is their area of expertise - played and gets very little attention? Clearly since 9/11 9/11 since Clearly attention? little very gets and played

- west to an extreme f extreme an to linked together linked à will see will -

Rapoport’s Rapoport’s vis


- faces

this concept has been has concept this the 16 à mind that mind right as tactic and trying to view it independent of of independent it view to trying and tactic as what has what -

vis the vis far far that , whilst whilst ,

o the o will will later - right? all four categories are categories four all The Four W Four The ear of ear

under the concept of “Islamophobia” of concept the under - led to the repudiation of Islam by Islam of repudiation the to led right has long been adopting west neglecting other kinds of terrorism, terrorism, of kinds other neglecting

- -

wing is wing terrorism a reality and is terrorism right be analysed and evaluated when reason that reason . , but other risks should not be not should risks other but ,

So So why is it aves of aves

divided into four into divided

committed by Muslim Muslim by committed

right Modern T Modern

that overall, right indeed - wing terrorism terrorism wing

prevalent erro different

the lone Islamic ri

s the m - . ,

CEU eTD Collection 66 65 64 This separation not does and therefore which although attractive and interesting, is different to the thought isdifficult inpeople’s be it to mindthat soengrained is beliefs and ideologies and lens illustrate, the Middle East in general see would what extremely as the Middle East is generally seen and portrayed by the and ideas certain on work Said’s Edward societies. and outlets media leaders, western by behaviour discriminatory a to led exaggeration of the Islamic terrorist threat. This has created a 2.1 whichimplications, will be discussed at stage. alater of the far far Islamicterr depicting hence below, strands thesis This

Said, 7 Said, 1 Said, Said, -

right Orientalism: “them” “us”vs. 5. 5. Even today many of these ideas persist, the Middle East c what to as reasons different indeed are there above mentioned As

- , which has indeed been disregarded. been indeed which has , 2, Sardar, 28 Sardar, 2, Sardar, 2 Sardar, - right as ae en eitd as depicted been have argues

inferior religious (almost fanatical), and as and fanatical), (almost religious m like m

Orientalism is Orientalism a mis that since 9/11, terrorism has been constructed according to the discursive the to according constructed been has terrorism 9/11, since that

form form of terrorism and

. conceptions about th about conceptions 66

white western white that is, the opposite to opposite the is, that

A se

merely from that represent theycome paration is created between “us”

at the at

detrimental for for detrimental ,

and Islam in particular, have been domination core has has

e Middle East Middle e orism as the biggest the as orism of this, for it it for this, of re

It argues further that 17 what the what labelled

64 a . As both Edward Said and ZiauddinSardar and EdwardSaid both As . the region that needs to be educated, through educated, be to needs that region


extremism w dacmn o lbrl n forw and liberal of advancement est . est show

Orientalism essentially claims that claims essentially Orientalism west

as unci

/ “we” and the others (i.e. “them”). thinks of itself. of thinks bias against Muslims, which has

s a different country or territory a country different or

threat to the west vis west the to threat in culture, tradition and beliefs ontinues to be an exotic place, to detach oneself from them that the that


vilised, vilised, barbaric, backward, this hasthis

seen seen w .

This has had serious est led to an exclusionled toan through through a negative 65

has always had had always has These ideas are ideas These

has led to an an to led has - à - vis the the vis ard ard . ,

CEU eTD Collection 70 69 68 67 Republic, to this innate vi alsoearlier showedthan howmuch 9/11 aremeans suchas touse prone violent terrorism. Orientalist ideas, are by nature more savage and violent and it is therefore no surprise that the a make to easy is others exotic of population way, Islamic perception exaggerated the to by Europeans as a “Present Terror of the World word the words barbarians” inSaid’s hordeshated terror, demonic, of the devastation, conquering parts of its territory, and they began to fear it. As a result, Islam came “to symbolise violence isone of them the whilst criteria certain d there place take that things the hence the immoral, and but they are inherently different to “us”.

Simi,252 27 Sardar, 59 Ibid., Ibid.,

we can

Simi Historically, t errorism and encourage a bias against it to purposefull to it against bias a encourage and errorism




ho stating the following “that there is a convulsion in Islam, whose particular particular whose Islam, in convulsion a is there “that following the stating o wever, and he is not the only one to do so, Sardar so, do to one only the not is he and lent tra

that terrorism is “foreign West farther

uoes eaie view negative Europe’s

is not the o the not is

. it

is not. It is superior in that it is more forward and more enlight more and forward more is it that in superior is It not. is

that is found in connection with terrorism. with connection west .” 70

of the of Since for long the Middle East has been depicted as violent, it it violent, as depicted been has East Middle the long for Since

os not, does nly one to make this connection. this make to one nly

Islamic terrorist threat. terrorist Islamic Whereas the Middle East is everything that seems bad o not take place in the in place take not o ,

Muslims some of the newspapers in the USA alrea the newspapers intheUSA some of ” and the use of barbaric tactics and indiscrimi and tactics barbaric of use the and

and 18

. ” f sa wree we te rb started Arabs the when worsened Islam of that that


. He quotes In fact, it is here that Orientalism contributes the cause of it “resides in a Middle Eastern

Islamic fundamentalists, as portrayed by by portrayed as fundamentalists, Islamic describes the Arab expansion expansion Arab the describes

According to Sim to According Martin Martin Peretz, editor of the y w

neglect the the neglect est

Steven Salaita’s research Salaita’s Steven . 67

It seems that it that seems It . 68 far

i, we focus on on focus we i, Said hereuses - right d y referred .

In t In meets ened, ened, seen seen New nate nate his y CEU eTD Collection 73 72 Literature 71 “them” vs. “us” another establishes Bush explicitly or implicitly Whether found. been have President George W. the impacthad that the event ontheAmerican later European and society. por which discourse, media the and rhetoric ways of evaluating the 9/11 effects, one Anti 9/11, Islamophobia: further step a it a certain degree, it can be viewed as new and updated version of Orientalism but perhaps taking set first media American the lost lives of number the and devastation the of terms in just not is 2.2 areMuslims terrorist, seems it for thattheyareaggressive and the the create formed the way many still see the Muslims of behaviour the in words, terror is expression

Ibid., “ Salaita “ Salaita, Steven The 9/11effect The west at (d) last

245 the idea that the Many studies and studies Many second The

Beyond Orientalism And Islamophobia,” Islamophobia,” And Orientalism Beyond (2005): no2 32 is good, then the Middle East must be bad. In addition, it should be no surprise that surprise no be should it addition, In bad. be must East Middle the then good, is

Arab world Arab

explanation Ethnic Identity And Imperative Patriotism: Arab Americans Before And After 9/11”. After9/11”. And AmericansBefore Arab Patriotism: Imperative And Identity Ethnic ti i wa Slia ugss n i a his in suggests Salaita what is this ,

. : new forms vs.“them” “us” of argument ” 71

Bush Bush following the 158 and the re the and

In a pap Ina West b , -

- up, hereby influencing European discourse too, discourse European influencing hereby up, analyse Arab Racism, And The Mythos Of National Pride National Of Mythos The And Racism, Arab t n em o te htrc ht h Bs administration Bush the that rhetoric the of terms in ut , particularly the US, , .

72 to an extent an to er published a yearSalait later a published er

ligion of Islam as the opposite the as Islam of ligion It seems quite obvious that the notions of Orientalism have Orientalism of notions the that obvious quite seems It s Middle Middle East. Novels, plays, poems and accounts have helped

have been have

(perhaps the most important) September September 11

intertwined with the above, is the 9/11 effect. This effect. 9/11 the is above, the with intertwined 260 trayed Muslims as bad. The other is by looking at looking by is other The bad. as Muslims trayed 19 conducted



th violence as being an inherent pathology

attacks and key patterns


the speeches made by made speeches the rticle rticle a reiterates, this time in his own own his in time this reiterates, a murderous

of what the the what of , which , eod retls And Orientalism Beyond

is by looking at the Bush

after the attacks. To attacks. the after will be will by nature. West . 73

in the wording There are two are There

is, and since since and is, discussed in in discussed former

n the and College College US

CEU eTD Collection Obama”. And 77 76 2001 29 75 8.html September USA. D.C., 74 posed a real threat the to were Muslims that many, as persuaded, were they Perhaps place. taken yet not had London and Madrid in attacks the all, After terror”? on “war its in US the unstoppable. Islam of face the case this in and face, a has evil Once is, that connection such as depic is and real is it but abstract something longer no is well as uniformly through constructed East. Middle backward and uncivilised the of image w East sentence prevail for years. establishes the beginning of the with are you or us, with one defined clearly a scenario, W. George Washington Speech, AmericanPeople” The And Congress Of A Session Joint To “Address Bush W. George est Ekkehard Ekkehard Ivie Robert .



http://georgewbush Furthermore, Bush is successful at making ev making at successful is Bush Furthermore, in people’s minds. Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Laden on a regularly a on

Eggs, “The Production Of Emotions In Political Discourse: The Rhetorical Techniques Of Bush Bush Of Techniques Rhetorical The Discourse: InPolitical Of Emotions Production “The Eggs,

and Bush “ Bush , Version: La Experiencia Emocional Y Sus Razones Sus Y Emocional Experiencia La Version: “The Rhetoric Of Bush’s War On Evil”. On Evil”. Bush’s Of War Rhetoric “The

If not, then why did countries like the Uni likewhy the Ifdid countries not,then

in everyspeech in ,

The Preside The

Bush depicts the terrorists as standing in the way of all those i those all of way the in standing as terrorists the depicts Bush In speeches to follow, the words Islam, e

evil can be a person a be can evil as 20

h ue f specific of use the democracy and freedomand democracy 2001 2001 - , whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2002/01/20020129

west thereby

nt's State Of The Union Address” Union The Of nt'sState

http://georgewbush what .

terrorists , , illustrated by his speech i speech his by illustrated , 76 would so that so implicitly .

, a person from t from person a , ”

later it w it 74

agae and language

- ee uh ocs i adec t tk sds and sides take to audience his forces Bush Here whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2001/09/20010920 associating terrorism and violence to the to violence and terrorism associating ould become engrained in the media discourse media the in becomeengrained ould

become become a . 20 77 KBJournal , 75

This leads others to foll

which enablesus which il a reality by personifying it t it personifying by reality a il . Speech, Washington D.C., USA. September USA. September D.C., Washington Speech, .

26 no6 (2011): (2011): no6 26 w ted Kingdom and Spain, decide andKingdom Spain, ted ,

1 no1 (2004) no1 1

the process the he Middle East, Middle he est vil, This negative image was cleverly cleverly was image negative This ted as a pers a as ted y etoig n referring and mentioning by n

versus Islam discourse that would

September September and terror are present in the same once again again once

23 23 indeed indeed is contagious and almost and contagious is on or group of person of group or on

ow and make the same 2001 -

11.html therefore evil and that they that and evil

“ to Either you are are you Either

deas that the the that deas construct theconstruct hat is, evil is, hat a Muslim a


to join to join to

as it it s - .

CEU eTD Collection 82 81 80 http://edition.cnn.com/2010/US/01/06/muslim.radicalization.study/ 79 78 that g us. surprise not non and Muslims between societies. between war of cause the be would religion and culture in difference worl the Huntington’s with understood best becan This ci a as seen is Islam that fact the is threat dangerous most biggestand the is 2.3 feeling unfounded is fear this that suggests even and threat”, “Muslim the of exaggeration an been has there 11, m also 2010 January in CNN the by published This suggests that after 9/11 the prejudice toward the Muslim community increased. stated that

Huntington, 32 Huntington, 22 Huntington, Quintan OfMuslim Threat “Study: CNN,. 256 Salaita, Threat the to against western civilisation: o against whato against the crimes, discrimination…” Arab or Muslim worlds experienced non and immigrants to openness traditional “ terms In The The third factor which we see as having contributed to the idea that Islamic terrorism terrorism Islamic that idea the to contributed having as see we which factor third The discriminated d into a set of societies (or ci (or societies of set a into d Wiktorowicz, Wiktorowicz, : .


horrific attacks of September 11 have had a severe impact on our nation’s nation’s our on impact severe a had have 11 September of attacks horrific

But this was not just the case in the US, many Muslims in the UK admitted to admitted UK the in Muslims many US, the in case the just not was this But - - 33 49 of the effects the of 82

S ince r ince Radical Islam Rising Islam Radical

not merely by not west adical Islamists are seen as embodying a range of range a embodying as seen are Islamists adical - Muslims

it had it defends, followsthatviolence it arises. then -

American Terrorism In U.S. Exaggerat U.S. In Terrorism American 78

o large parts of the Britishlarge parts of due to cul to due n society, n . (Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005) Littlefield, & Rowman (Lanham, . Md.: vilisations) and vilisations) an an unprecedented backlash in the form of hate 21 tural and religious differences should therefore should differences religious and tural akes reference to the fact that fact the to reference akes The

Carol Khawly Carol State - Clash of C of Clash immigrants…immigrants from the the from immigrants…immigrants

and values values and argues that in a post a in that argues

society , as quoted by quoted as , ivilisations ed” January 6, 2010, 2010, January6, ed”

but by thelaw itself but by

in mind. He dividesHe mind. in - vil

cold war era, war cold ideas and beliefs and ideas


ch2 Salaita post September post i sational threat. sational


An article

in 2006 in Conflict . 80 the


CEU eTD Collection (2012). Science Political and Economics of School And Securitization, Terrorism: Identity, 21St Century International To Troubles Century “FromFisher20Th M. Kathryn no15(2009):1. Paper 88 87 86 by understood 85 84 69 2004): 83 threat. r the if securitised and that institutions constitute those regimes.” integrity and sovereignty, and this can be caused nation’s the to danger a represent must it threat existential an considered be to something above worldIslam these isathreat wouldbeempty rights, of hence the to because precisely in and equality gender speech, of freedom religion, system,change a but of and ways political its institutions. of foundations the attacking directly as fundamentalists Islamic callingo publicly andactivelyBy autoc Allah of the

Jocelyne 25 Ibid., Ole rights” “universal representing it assaw theyas UDHR the heavily have criticised Iran and Arabia Saudi Assemblyin 1948 NationsGeneral by United the wasadopted UDHR The Stefan

h Mdl Es hv rejected have East Middle the west Wæver systems secular and democracies liberal rejecting hence regimes,authoritarian and ratic

87 has led to a magnification of the Islamic terrorist threat. According to Wæver, for for Wæver, to According threat. terrorist Islamic the of magnification a to led has By First of all they are a to threat the political institutions Aubrey,


According toC

” upholds, Cesari, 2009. “The Securitisation Of Islam In Europe”. InEurope”. Islam Of Securitisation “The 2009. Cesari, 83

look , Barry Buzan, and Jaap H. de Wilde. de Wilde. H. Jaap and BarryBuzan, ,

westerner Those who Those Secondly, these claims these Secondly, The New Dimension Of International Terrorism International Of New Dimension The ing

for n nldn te above the including in

ciig audience eceiving t l Wæver Ole at s and incompatible with Sharia Law withSharia incompatible s and

, as Aubrey as , esari andinfacesari thisis Fisher central profess

western western the Caliphate are against capitalism and in favour of religious of favour in and capitalism against are Caliphate the

states British Counterterrorism From 1968 To 2011”. PHD, The London The PHD, 2011”. To 1968 From Counterterrorism British ut for this and makingt and this for ut s eiiin f securitisation of definition ’s h Uiesl elrto o Hu of Declaration Universal the ,

f real if (i.e. ,

values they see this principle this see they

Security t otait Sai law Sharia contradicts it etr society western ,

would not only entail a change in the p the in change a entail only not would 22 86 . Under aUnder C .

by by “situations that undermine the rules, norms The issue, Wæver canproceeds, only become

. (Boulder [u.a.]: Rienner,1998):22 [u.a.]: (Boulder . democracy

t what hashappened inthe . (Zürich: Vdf Hochschulverlag an der ETH, ETH, der an (Zürich:Vdf Hochschulverlag . Challenge: Liberty & Liberty Challenge: Security hese claims, the claims, hese aliphate )

decides to accept it as a major major a as it accept to decides would crumble. M crumble. would and the nation

as contrary to the “sovereignty the to contrary as

we ,

notions suchasnotions freedom west’s


can understand why the the why understand can a Rgt (UDHR) Rights man A

aiht dominated Caliphate west

traditions. - state


West any countries countries any

, Research , concept 85 . 88


sees sees that

, of of 84 .

CEU eTD Collection 92 91 outrage Terrorism 90 https://www.opendemocracy.net/cas 89 needs be to well as civilisation to threat a be an under live to prefer would who anti and Christians violent radical Should threat? a of much as just considered be same the for call who groups or individuals means. violent through achieve to prepared are they LawSharia arehusbands, remainwhere theirandand women this, uneducated theproperty of west t Islamic that surprise o freedom religion, of freedom democracy, institutions and t this terrorism. of talking when community a as as such others and Mudde security. life and constru

Ramalingam Simi, Travis Cas

and theneglect far ofthe .

Mudde, “9/11: More Security, Less Secure”. LessSecure”. Security, More “9/11: Mudde, dul sadr” en ue (n aue) y etr laes oad h Mus the toward leaders western by abused) (and used being standard” “double T - 252 demonstrates cted in such extraordinary ways So, So, been has it of threat potential the and terrorism Islamic which by process, whole This hey continuously call for the establishment of a Calipha a of establishment the for call continuously hey Gettys, “Noam Chomsky: Charlie Hebdo Outrage Demonstrates Outrage Demonstrates Hebdo Charlie Chomsky: “Noam Gettys, the Islamisation of security ”. ”.

Raw Story Raw sai errs s het o the to threat a is terrorism Islamic securitised

he concept of capitalism. It - wests . January 20,2015, 20,2015, January .

errorists are seen as dangerous, they seem to have com have to seem they dangerous, as seen are errorists

too - double . 92

- - right.

standard - mudde/911 ? -

abortionists who believe women should have no rights and and rights no have should women believe who abortionists http://www.rawstory.com/2015/01/noam authoritarian regime where only white Christians exist, not exist, Christians white only where regime authoritarian .” Perhaps, as Ram as Perhaps, 91

Noam Chomsky have been very critical of what they see see they what of critical very been have Chomsky Noam 89

- on 90

He suggests is what Cas Mudde calls “the securitisation of everyday -

- terrorism/ Simi, as no as Simi, more Opendemocracy f speech and basic human rights. human basic and speech f is a civilisational threat because it rejects ideas like - 23 security

state .

an alingam reminds us, reminds alingam ted earlier, suggests a direct link between link direct a suggests earlier, ted -

The less eas tses o eto is political its destroy to seeks it because “ obsession - . September 10, 2011 2011 September10, .

secure question then is then question West’s

te ” , for a world under Islamic under world a for ,

with Islam when talking of

Double Standard On Standard Double - chomsky ri

should not all other all not should ght

- It is therefore is It charlie e to destroy the the destroy to e - wing terrorism terrorism wing - hebdo - lim

no CEU eTD Collection sapiens http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/jan/31/terrorism 93 exception of Breivik,Anders most right Islamic their terrorism, techniq see people byhow judging repulsion, and creates that spectacle sadistic a is it that ensure They watch. others They have passer run was He fe instils what are attacks, the of yearthis (2015) there was a shooting in Denmark, all committed by earlier Londonand in murdered brutally was soldier a 2013 in Stockholm, in up himself blew home Isla exploded. be could scene similar a later year A people. 200 over killed which Madrid, in bombs of number a for responsibility soil. US on ever attack worst the in 9/11 in believe that this is the form of terrorism most threa terrorists, the level of anddestruction the show Islamiststhat t lives of number Islam,the of name the in perpetrated attacks of number The interpretations. than rather evidence hard on based mainly one practical and pragmatic more 2.4

Yuval N. Harari, “Yuval Noah Harari: The Theatre Of Terror”. Of Terror”. Theatre The Harari: “Yuval Noah Harari, N. Yuval mic terrorism as the main enemy mic asthe terrorism Quality and and quantity:Quality the - . - grown byes to record them them record to byes

Moreover, in recent years we have seen a number of smaller attacks committed by committed attacks smaller of number a seen have we years recent in Moreover, a perhaps is founded is terrorism Islamic of fear the which under explanation last The

The devastation and per and devastation The learnt learnt from organisations as - over by a car a by over LWs


cells cells taking place in several European c seen , after which after , whilst covered in blood in covered whilst

n odn wee vr fifty over where London, in spectacle of ar. Lee Rigby, for instance, was murdered in broad daylight. broad in murdered was instance, for Rigby, Lee ar. iodicity of these incidents these of iodicity

and the main threat.and themain

ISIS or Al - the killers attempted to behead him. They then asked asked then They him. behead to attempted killers the wing terrorists wing haveterrorists been unable to instil the le

Islamic 24


spectacle - ny he yas later years three Only tening to Qaeda , calling , terrorism The Guardian The - how which

the ountries. In 2010 a suicide bomber people died after several bombs bombs several after died people

- “ has clearly has for Jihad and an and Jihad for states put on


do do not just kill and ensure that - . January 31, 2015, 2015, . January31, respond . Islamists. disproportionate disproportionate ” Almost Almost 3000 people died , are what lead people to caused many to view to many caused Al , ue worksue - yuval - The viciousness aken by Islamic by aken Qaeda - eye for an eye an for eye noah . 93 - harari

With theWith levels of levels claimed claimed vels of vels of - . CEU eTD Collection 98 https://www.europol.europa.eu/latest_publicati 97 2 and Appendices 1 in included T included. not be are committed or wereprevented type any attacksno whereof States werecommitted. 96 www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnacademic planning” expert suggests nature but sophisticated 95 http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2012/04/17/actualidad/1334651550_554528.html 94 reports threat. largest the as perceived 82. to amounted terrorism 2006 from terrorism Islamic for arrests right than Islamic more or same ev 2009, for Except threat. biggest the poses terrorism Islamic unavailable provided is information activity terrorist with connection in arrested people (i.e. terrorists of types different by committed of period staged how of because Islamists by perpetrated been had attacks Norway the that thought organisation, Al that fear “Br Muller, Enrique See Appendix 2. Appendix See (Te Report & Trend Situation “EUTerrorism where theattacks to varyaccording statesnumber ofthe Inaddition has published. notyet been 2014 for Data al of hallmarks the attacks bear Coghlan,"Simultaneous Tom Member Right dat the at look can we above, the to addition In . 95 state

2006 - )

ig xrms voec i a eiu, nraig rbe i a ubr of number a in problem increasing serious, a is violence extremist wing te aa olce fo 20 utl 03 em t spot h agmn that argument the support to seems 2013 until 2006 from collected data the , - the following: ad does. Qaeda from from which he - States

2013). eivik: ‘Sí, Volvería A Hacerlo'”. Volvería ‘Sí, eivik:

However, . 96

Europol keeps a record of of record a keeps Europol outrl b ec country, each by voluntarily

98 Breivik himself talked of his admiration for for admiration his of talked himself Breivik

drew drew inspiration to pl


- However, one crucial point must be noted be must point crucial one However, wing terrorist attacks in Europe. Additionally, the number of of number the Additionally, Europe. in attacks terrorist wing eotn o right on reporting .

this in mind, it is no surprise that that surprise no is it mind, in this ons/37 - Sat)” Europol'Europol.europa.eu,. Accessed April 15, 2015, 2015, April 15, Accessed Europol'Europol.europa.eu,. Sat)” - 2010 was 934, whilst those arrested for right for arrested those whilst 934, was 2010 The Times. Times. The . El País El



an an his attacks. -

. April 17, 2012, 2012, April 17, . wing, right wing, July 23, 2011 July23, (see Appendices 1 and 2) and 1 Appendices (see - all a published annually by Europol by annually published a Qaeda; Norway; No one admits responsibility responsibility admits one No Norway; Qaeda; - ig errs i rno as random is terrorism wing

(i.e. ald fie ad opee attacks completed and foiled failed,

data for certain certain for data - , 94 ery single year saw either the the either saw year single ery wing etc.) and the number of of number the and etc.) wing

In fact, initially Islamic this , several Europol Europol several , . 97 .


revolutionary Although the Although police terrorism is terrorism they were were they

may be be may

for the the for

ables ables forces - wing wing

CEU eTD Collection https://www.europol.europa.eu/latest_publications/37 99 white a to label same the giving then middle white, inherent are terrorists them. to environments white Since such environment, so they cannot be all those “repugnant” things that the Arab world embodies. W educated. w into culture the is that they seem not to apply. 2.5 threat the to “putting on a show”, then it would seem rational and obvious to conclude that this is the biggest ( activity far to opposed forcesaccuracy, question the usto inevitably This, extremists. as but terrorists, as categorised being not are they because data right by perpetrated attacks terrorist that means This

Europol,. “ Europol,. Relating tothe perceptions investigated asright right The issue with all the above mentioned strands in relation in strands mentioned above the all with issue The as Islamists by committed are attacks most that shows data the all roughly if So,

financing, p financing, In the case of the 9/11 effect, the situation is not dissimilar. not is situation the effect, 9/11 the of case the In EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report 2007 Trend and Situation Terrorism EU - wing violence and other politically motivated crimes are mainly mainly are crimes motivated politically other and violence wing west hite - westerner – class individuals. If the “others” (i.e. Muslims) are evil and therefore terrorists, thereforeterrorists, and evil are Muslims) (i.e. “others” Ifthe individuals. class -

right terrorists, and that most arrests are in connection with with connection in are arrests most that and terrorists, right these are only found apparently . But thedata is . accurate? westerner hich these people were born were people these hich

ropaganda, etc.), and Islamic extremists are better and instilling fear and and fear instilling and better are extremists Islamic and etc.), ropaganda, ly evil then it might be difficult to apply the apply to difficult be might it then evil ly d nt rw p n bar in up grow not do s s who become extremists were extremists become who s - In the case of Orientalism this seems obvious because, the problem wing extremismwing

far reliability importantly,most and ofthe data. thebias - right westerner ?

. (bold for emphasis, not in the original) not in emphasis, for (bold and not as terrorist as not offences and 26 in the Middle E

would come to mean that they are inherentl are they that mean to come would , or the count the or , ” (The Hague, Netherlands: Europol,2007): 35 35 Europol,2007): Netherlands: ”Hague, (The ai, akad n ihrnl violent inherently and backward baric, - wing individuals, may not show on the the on show not may individuals, wing supposedly ry where the where ry ast –


this this theory does not apply terrorism label to some; to label terrorism


If terrorism is evil and evil is terrorism If not brought up in any in up brought not - . y were raised and and raised were y wing terrorism, is terrorism, wing 99 Islamic terrorist terrorist Islamic


CEU eTD Collection Non 100 pa on seeking that true is it Perhaps wi sa more been have extremists Islamic isnormallyit groups than rather perhaps will rule Armageddon of that to parallel actually is groups Christian radical many of narrative the that, is raise to point against what t and multiculturalism t values T threat. a pose a for call not do They speech. and democratic open, into born civil to easier tho for and so “we” are good. Those that are like “us” are evil too. Yet, this cannot be

t George George Islamic nessed - State r

is with any Islamic attack, shooting at teenagers at shooting attack, Islamic any with Finally, and with regards to the theatrics, one can argue that attacks perpetrated by perpetrated attacks that argue can one theatrics, the to regards with and Finally, t Apparently, . But even here, one

o n o uh s hy poe them. oppose they as much so in oo argue that .

ation Actors,” 100 Hough, “American Terrorism And The Christian Identity Movement: A Proliferation Threat From Threat AProliferation Movement: Christian Identity The And Terrorism “American Hough,

men being burnt alive, or men or alive, burnt being men fundamentalists

This is essentially what the Caliphate is

se tobelabelled that are alien so. and a rebirth a and

he does not apply to the far the applyto not does wo critiques wo Int. J. Appl. Psychoanal. Studies Psychoanal. Appl. J. Int. west the amount of right he

Mangs and McGee hated immigrants. This immigrants. hated McGee and Mangs says todefend,says and thatit right

third assumption third , w , . Th . -

could wing because if “we” are with Bush then “we” are not with the terrorists must be made be must here the governing system will change and where the white race race white the where and change will system governing the here

e Christian Identity Movement (CIM) Movement Identity Christian e world


radicals have been more discreet or have been less att less been have or discreet more been have radicals multicultural argue

- under which believeinacompleteof the change sy wing terrorists - right either right itc n arcos hn right than atrocious and distic that the situation is ,

which sees which being beheaded being :

3 no1 (2006): (2006): no1 3 first Islamic Sharia law, and hence can b can hence and law, Sharia Islamic 27

or religion of freedom value which societies

does not ly, that ly, rii ws anti was Breivik more . Far . , only those Islamic who in cold blood and detonating a in in bomb a detonating and blood cold in

- difficult to tag as evil whilst it is much 83 these right individuals, individuals, right solely

in broad day light, day broad in profe changing. T

terrorism as an existential threat threat existential an as terrorism individual

ruling apply to ss

such ideas are few, and demonstrates - Muslim

for instance for are he he Breivik attacks were - s ig ones wing Muslims

different. are a threat to those to threat a are as noted before, noted as


all by Islamists by all nd was against against was nd

that they are they that . The second e said e ,

calls for a for calls . We have have We . s One could tem.

ention to not to

that are n .

CEU eTD Collection 101 Orientalism (a) discourse. method appropriate pub broader the of opinion the influences and main source see To the theories 2.6 the greatest threat a has what indeed are combined, when especially pose of of evil. From there we move o could be interpreted as a more intense version of Orientalism, where long Islam becomes the blame would Orientalism misconceptions of of the account Said’s not. is terrorism wing right while is, it way the depicted being is terrorism Islamic why explain to order in reasons assumptions look him. Oslo central

Muller, “Breivik: ‘Sí, Volvería A Hacerlo' Volvería ‘Sí, “Breivik: Muller, culture Discourse Analysis ing 101 d

by Islamic fundamentalists

As has been mentioned previously, one o one previously, mentioned been has As ab described interpretations The

how certain images are cr are images certain how So yes So at , religion and values. Finally the data Having previously analysed in detail what the four different explanations, namely: namely: explanations, different four the what detail in analysed previously Having it closely it described above are what has led to s of information fors ofinformation thepublic . , can apply right to As noted earlier, noted As ,

, generally and broadly all strands seem to excuse white excuse to seem strands all broadly and generally b T (b) .

o aheig hs ae’ goal paper’s this achieving for

one can one wes he he

/1 effect 9/11 t


n to the civilisational threat that Islam poses to the -

see that there are grey are there that see à he himself suggested that Al that suggested himself he - wing terrorists - vis the Middle East and the Arab world. The post 9/11 rhetoric

is not just a perception, but eated and constructed, the constructed, and eated , ” (c) (c)

ove, show how different experts have found different found have experts different how show ove,

C must bemust vlstoa threat ivilisational

28 and theatrics

too the exaggeration of the

f the main goals of this thesis this of goals main the f i. t s rcsl fr hs esn ht the that reason this for precisely is It lic. ided in constructing the Islamic terrorism as terrorism Islamic the constructing in ided .


s ht f analysing of that is areas , which

- too and that in some cases the cases some in that and too . They are what ultimatelyare. Theywhat shapes a Qaeda had been an inspiration to inspiration an been had Qaeda

narratives real ,

(d) ity


Quality and quantity: the the quantity: and Quality .

The Islamic terrorism

to show that the threat and depictions and westerner se

and evaluating the the evaluating and

four explanation

is to to is west s, but when but s, a synon show that show -

standing standing in terms

threat. in the the in ym se se s - ,

CEU eTD Collection http://www.sintef.no/globalassets/project/nexus/01 102 case Breivik the on report Norwegian the Press France Agence Figaro, sections ofthe population t or newspapers read widely be these that was sources, of selection the for criterion important Another ideology. political of regardless terrorism Islamic of depiction the in pattern a existed there if see to include excluded were their views (be from it the right ortheleft) adhere orwhich t balanced as well as less predictable, those media whichoutlets are known beto very radical in make to order In them. to shown and reported is what by they have a strong influence on how people see certain situations and figures, as they are gu because also but access, Selecting à terrorism. demonstrate down show just of evaluating terrorism of spectacle - vis thefar

Rapport Fra 22.Juli Fra 22.Juli Rapport - playing

In addition to sources such as such sources to addition In The analysis liberal and conservative and liberal Sources that Investigating how the media and politicians report and depict Islamic terrorism vis terrorismIslamic depict andreport politicians and media the Investigatinghow -

right is thereforerightappropriate is method. the that how

. However, However, . other threats other these messages and portrayals and messages these the existence of these discourses are what mak arewhat discourses theseexistence of the

prevalent prevalent - focus Kommisjonen abloids, because these are the ones that, to some extent, influence extent, some to that, ones the are these because abloids,

entail and what the characteristics are, we can move on to the process the to on move can we are, characteristics the what and entail many read many . es the

and the implications thereafter implications the and these are in western discourse especially on newspapers and written press, not foronly its broad

newspapers or . Oslo: NOU August 13 2012 2012 August NOU Oslo: 13 .

so as to ensur to as so the Norway Post Norway the

the press, whether it be printed or online. This online. or printed be it whether press, the The Times, The Independent The Times, The

were evaluated too evaluated were -- selected report

are very present very are 29 e

a wide variety of ideas and most importantly, most and ideas of variety wide a - 22 ,

- some range from range july

- gjorv

relevant gover relevant . This method for analysing will

the . - o some sortof extremist ideology In particular In . commision 102 , but also but ,

analysis of the discourse more discourse the of analysis centre es the es

Some of the counter the of Some , El País, El Periódico, Le Le Periódico, El País, El , - west - left, to centre to left, how they how nment reports such as such reports nment , this thesis this

neglectright may means - right and and right

- seeks to seeks terrorist help in help - larger larger wing wing

ided ided that that not -

CEU eTD Collection 2008 Macmillan, Palgrave Hampshire: (Basingstoke, 104 103 2011. July 22, on attacksBreivik by terrorist the after Government summary_english_version.pdf UK. necessary but useful, only not is analysis of type this undertaking when culture, the with familiarity tha language understand a in were or Norway), with (as press and outlets media main their of versions English had either which countries be to had they reasons, practical a believed author the si (i.e. years 15 last the in far and Islamic both experienced per and third they look to is goal beingFirstly,all these discussed. countries are conside selected at random but rather because they met a set of conditions that were linked to the issue Kingdom. United the and Spain Norway, France, namely western be to deemed countries Selecting viewed and portrayed. the how understand us help can too they been as consulted, also have public general the to accessible and governments by published strategies

Iver Iver Spainpost

were democratic Neumann, 'Discourse Analysis'.In 'Discourse Neumann, Unfortunately, it has not been possible due to time constraints to evaluate all those all evaluate to constraints time to due possible been not has it Unfortunately,

104 countries

- Franco era Franco to

and the author has resided or spent long periods of time in France, Spain an Spain France, in time of periods long spent or resided has author the and

as ot motn requir important most haps

a high level (as with English, Spanish and French). Neumann argues that that argues Neumann French). and Spanish English, with (as level high a at the discourse in the in discourse the at

to ensure that press and speech were

more balanced and informed reporting would exist. Finally, and for for and Finally, exist. would reporting informed and balanced more . nce 9/11). The reason for this this for reason The 9/11). nce An investigation on law enforcement reaction was conducted by the Norwegian by Norwegian the was conducted reaction enforcement law on Aninvestigation

. This thesis will thesis This . - right terrorism (whether the attacks were successful or not) not) or successful were attacks the (whether terrorism right Qualitative Methods In International Relations: A A Guide Pluralist Relations: International In Methods Qualitative west , this choice seems obvious. obvious. seems choice this , ement ):64 30

focus on four western European countries European western four on focus was that they be countries which have have which countries be they that was red

different types of terrorism are being being are terrorism of types different was that in having experienced both, both, experienced having in that was

to be mostly mostly free and uncensored These western nations, and since nations, western the

have It was important that important was It ,

naturally te uhr could author the t ,

not been been not 103 . The d thed , ,

CEU eTD Collection 105 further which after to, led conclusions countries different and sources different the of analysis the used by right tha earlier, forward put argument the follow to as so cells, byIslamicfundamentalists. McG Ri attacks in Norway by right Sweden, in Mangs Peter the lone wolf context. in specifically terrorism, of types both at specifically looks which thesis this of objectives the right and Islamic both by perpetrated recent. is event the when it, reaction, and has it a greater impact onthe audience whoare more and sensitive susceptible to post in Reporting others. in also but countriesown their in just not attacks keyreported sources these be to information the keep still but texts of number the delimit to order in so limit, word and constraints time the given

g Listed in chronological order. chronological Listed in b y in London in May 2013 by two Islamic ex Islamic two by 2013 May in London in y ee ee for - It must be noted be must It challenging very be to going was countries these all for sources these all Consulting atta building a bomb in November 2013 and the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January 2015 ck environments is in fact very fact in is environments ck

will bewill reached - wing terrorists. Furthermore, the coming section will reveal the findings to which


that all the events looked at were those perpetrated by LW’s or small or LW’s by perpetrated those were at looked events the all that - an

incident wing fanatic Anders Breivik in July 201

analysed relevant and useful, and relevant analysed 105 .


The incidents selected are either successful or failed attacks attacks failed or successful either are selected incidents The

s siie obr in bomber suicide c looked at include - wing lone wolf terrorists. T terrorists. wolf lone wing

relevant, as it highlight it as relevant, 31

tremists, the arrest of far of arrest the tremists, : the assassination of

a deci a Stockholm in in Stockholm t it is a trend, and that it that and trend, a is it t sion was made was sion his of course is in line with with line in is course of his 1, the murder of soldier Lee s

the December 2010, the the 2010, December media’s immediate media’s - two immigrants by two immigrants by right

to look at how how at look to

soldier is wid

Ryan Ryan ely

CEU eTD Collection indicated. 106 the General politicians reader the and section, this in affiliation implications the what and mean results are. consequences the what of overview an giving before genera some far of depiction prevalent. particularly is it whether evaluated, and separately and for each reader. the of task the facilitate to as so sections bechapterwill ofcoursedivided into onthewill focus results and findingsthemselves, which those interpretations. ambiguous or confusing clarify to lead can which to expressions included is meaning its and terminology specific of explanation brief A these reasons developed have experts that theories of number a to as so governments, demonstrate that western and media western by terrorism Islamic of portrayal the Chapter 3

Several translations will follow in the next section, note that all were done by the author unless otherwise otherwise unless author were the by all done that note section, next the in willfollow translations Several state This chapter will go over the results and findings that t that findings and results the over go will chapter This As men

remarks will apply to all four countries, when referrin when countries, four all to apply will remarks or source in question or source inquestion

belong to belong l comments on the findings the on comments l – help

tioned in the previous chapter the author Depictions Islamof -

right extremism right the exaggeration of the radical Muslim threat can indeed be justified through threat beMuslim indeed through justified can theradical of exaggeration the

explain explain why right It is worth noting worth is It , or or ,

an an which the different media outlets sup outlets media different the which attempt

will bewill alluded to.

will also be indicated be also will wil -

should understand it to mean to it understand should wi l be made the following the ic terrorismic ng terrorism is being neglected and even down

after which, which, after 32 to show, based on the data and sources retrieved


E through time. This analysis analysis This time. through

, when referring to political inclination o inclination political to referring when , ach of the four theories will be dealt with with dealt be will theories four the of ach the findings the T


. he effects (if any) that it has on the the on has it that any) (if effects he engaged in the endeavour of analysing There will be a few paragraphs with with paragraphs few a be will There - à - vis thevis far port or more closely adhere to. to. adhere closely more or port he research process has led has process research he g to a specific specific a to g will be summarised briefly summarised be will

the differe the

The larger part of the the of part larger The - right nt parties nt also state


or source, source, or - played. which which

that to. r ,

CEU eTD Collection h January2015, Happen” Never Will It Showed LondonAnd InParis Protests 109 2010, 108 http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2015/01/07/actualidad/1420636136_108346.html 2015, January8, Con La Libertad’” Podrá Terrorista Barbarie http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2013/05/22/internacional/1369249294.html 107 are “throw Charlie Hebdo old with place backward a theory. O their in make Said and Sardar that claims the to connected directly are course, they were saidbe to barbaric and onlyBreivik one, where was called a fanatic. of speaking suicide Swedish the religious fanatics, both act”. “barbaric a as event the describing the For themselves.used journalists instance, after and by politicians the This term isconsistently barbaric as themselves, perpetrators the and Muslims, radical by perpetrated attacks terrorist aspects, obvious more the of terms In too. of the Orientalist view o 3.1 ttp://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/sun_says/6248518/The

T HisSon Osama”. Called Bomber “UK Hughes. Simon and France, Anthony 2013, Espantoso'' May25, Barbarie ActoDe Un 'Es “Cameron: Mundo,. El Charlie Charlie Hebdo O heSun,. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3275023/UK rientalism

There is also reference, whether explicit or implicit, to the fact that the Middle East is East Middle the that fact the to implicit, or explicit whether reference, also is There ex good and evidenceclear find we Europeanmedia, in rhetoric the Lookingat - “The Islamist Barbarians Sought To Crush Freedom Of Speech Yesterday. Last Night’s Moving Night’sMoving Last Yesterday. Speech Of Crush Freedom To Sought Islamist Barbarians “The backs backs from the Middle Ages” who “live by an outdated code”.


events, events,

- wing terrorism, in fact the author the fact in terrorism, wing

and the Lee Ri


The Sun the n the surface of the language and the deeper meaning of certain phrases

- Daily Mail fashioned and outdated traditions and beliefs. When reporting the the reporting When beliefs. and traditions outdated and fashioned 108

makes makes clear remarks to t Both these terms (barbaric and fanatic) are rarely used when used rarely are fanatic) and (barbaric terms these Both g by

attacks, attacks, David Cameron was and 107 The Sun

Islamic extremists are extremists Islamic we see we 33

used this term when referring to

that in general most newspaper describe newspaper most general in that was unable to find any examples where examples any find to unable was - bomber hat effect, stating that the perpetrators - Sun - - called Says.html . El Pais,. “Hollande: ‘Ninguna ‘Ninguna “Hollande: Pais,. El

also - quoted quoted on the Spanish press The Sun The his - . son regularly

- . December 14, December14, . 109 Osama.html


. These terms of

referred to as to referred Daily Mail Al .

- rientalist rientalist Abdaly amples

is , .

CEU eTD Collection Islamist http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/11330479/We 114 www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnacademic 113 http://hemeroteca.lavanguardia.com/preview/2013/05/23/pagina 112 http://hemeroteca.lavanguardia.com/preview/2011/07/24/pagina 111 freedoms.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article 110 killone just is(a jihadist child, a journalist), because“jihadists kill what thatis theymatter do”,not goes who hesay does onto then thatit 2015 January in Paris in attacks the discussing of their character.exampleofthiswas foundin An the that suggest to orientalist The Said. Edward to back straight us leads course of which place, Iraq or Somalia. insists and conflicts, worse Africa’s of some in sees one that terrorism Middle East is in shooting Breivik right by describing their andsurprise East. Middle the is, that etc.) backward (uncivilised, is Europe what of opposite the are that places in a civilised, modern Europe place take would incident an such that is it shocking how notes it when explicit, less perhaps Padraig Reidy, “We Must Stop Blaming Ourselves For Islamist Terror”. Terror”. Islamist For BlamingOurselves Stop Must Reidy,“We Padraig AFP,. Seguros"'. Estareis '"Nunca Ramos, Rafael Gemma Saura, “Terror EnNoruega”. “Terror Saura, Gemma “ DailyMail,.


terror.html "World leaders, media groups condemn 'barbaric' media groupscondemn leaders, "World This last idea is one that is widespread among all the countries analysed. In fact,whe In analysed.countries the allwidespread among that is oneis idea last This - wing extremists, we read lines such as “this looks like Baghdad” in the aftermath of aftermath the in Baghdad” like looks “this as such lines read we extremists, wing

that incidents of this nature are something one witnesses in places like Pakistan, Pakistan, like places in witnesses one something are nature this of incidents that .

Daily M Daily a recurring pattern 113 .

west This obviously leads us back to the Middle East being depicted as a violent

ail comment ail Utø

believes that Muslims are violent by nature, that it is an inherent trait inherent an is it that nature, by violent are Muslims that believes ya. 111 incredulity an society,

: A Murderous Attack On Western Freedoms” January 8. 2015, 2015, 8. January Freedoms” Western AttackOn A Murderous : R , ltn dah voec ad osqety errs t the to terrorism consequently and violence death, elating La Vanguardia La La La Vanguardia - 2901368/DAILY .

La Vanguardi La

110 at certain terrorist attacks, including those perpetrated

thereby suggesting that such situations only arise in . 114 34 . July 23, 2011, 2011, .July 23,

Paris attack." January 7, 2015, January7, attack." Paris and describing the describing and

a - compares the MAIL . May 23, 2013, .2013, May23, The Telegraph - - 3/91958834/pdf.html 6/87243885/pdf.html?search=oslo - COMMENT 112 -

must The Telegraph The and AFP is even more specific more even is AFP and Lee Ri , where thejournalist, when - - stop murderous perpetrators, argues that that argues perpetrators, g - blaming . by attack

. January 7, 2015, 2015, . January7, - attack approach seems seems approach - ourselves

to the sort of - . Western

- for - - n CEU eTD Collection actu/2015/01/09/97001 117 http://hemeroteca.lavanguardia.com/preview/2015/01/08/pagina 116 www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnacademic 115 pr of out blown extent, an to was aspect This shopping. shopping centre This was very obvious the in us attack to want they but different, people these are only not where appears, terrorism,” Ame “ the west newspaper society. western “us”, against acts committing th even and nation entire of the on but victims the on just not attack an suggesting attackers the accusing by done be can this and them) wit As 3.2 The that are not“different”, ent that Muslims of vision negative a Middle East and the Arab society a the portray all they way, some in but others, than explicit more be may sources Some media. o ae ihr ih s r ih h terrorists the with or us with either are you

AFP,. Le Figaro,. “La France ‘En Guerre Contre Le Terrorism'” January 9, 2015 2015 9, January LeTerrorism'” Contre ‘EnGuerre “La France LeFigaro,. 2015, January8, Terror” O “Libertad LaVanguardia,. Charlie HebdoCharlie ” rica’s ) 115 h Orientalism there is a clear intention to separate the separate to intention clear a is there Orientalism h "Swedi In terms of the post 9/11 rhetoric, 9/11 post the of terms In undoubtedly Thereis 9/11 effect . La Vanguardia La

117 Dagens Nyheter Dagens narrative, French newspaper newspaper French narrative, sh bomber planned C planned bomber sh

this this resonates with Bush’s war on terror in 2001.

on on the 10 When When

incidents read “freedom or terror” “freedomor read incidents -


namely rightnamely Al

th does it in what may seem like a more subtle way, the headline afterheadline the way, subtle more a like may seem what in it does


of December, a wheretime people would be doing their Christmas Abdaly described the event as “an attack on attack “an as event the described

Al a strong reflection of what Said and S and Said what of reflection strong a

hristmas carnage: investigators hristmas carnage: - Abdaly s

. Said already suggested in 1979

blew himself up in Stockholm, Stockholm, in up himself blew - wing extremists ire

case the because sui societies are presented with presented are societies there is solid is there - e Figaro Le la - france 35 ” ,

again - en - 116

- are notportrayed similarly guerre 18/94846263/pdf.html

claims that “France is at war with with war at is “France that claims u” vs “us” , here we findsimilar , here we evidence of this too in several forms. forms. several in too this of evidence oportion by both by oportion " December 13 December " - contre cide cide bomber blew himself up west Lastly, .

http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash us “the - le . This also helps in creating

ardar argue ardar -

all” ( all” terrorisme.php from the terrorists (us vs (us terrorists the from . It also means that means also It . ” artv. Following narrative. m” ,

F reported AFP 2010 another form of “them” . “us i.e.

the ,


because of this. of because Daily Mail Daily ,

e whole of the of whole e ” as in as ” in the western the in . .

with Swedish Swedish

“us the the “us Bush’s -


in a and

CEU eTD Collection look Independent 124 http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/opinion/leaders/article3773587.ece OfSh Us, 123 122 him.html http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/4940294/Cleric 121 120 2010, December 13, past." 119 www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnacademic 118 evil” is terrorism that Independent comments, we need only look at other sources to see the same pattern. Both towards evil. If one last the particular it Paris in of Lee Rigby described The given other negative adjectives and were right that revealed Islamic here and terrorists, Islamic to referring celebration most by cherished festivity a on attack an but so attacks” Islamist previous of pattern a follows massacres Christmas planning are bombers Sun The

Paul Paul All By Response, The Despicable. Rigby Lee Was Of Drummer Murder The Woolwich “After Times,. The Barbarians” Sun,. Islamist “The The Evil”. “EpicentreOf StephenMoyes, Sun,. “Swede The fanatic dad's probe to chiefs Security targeted. shoppers fromXmas bomberUK; suicide Sun,. "Sweden The Daily that “ - of British press in particular seemed to be very fond of the term, term, the of fond very be to seemed particular in press British - Peachey, “Lee Rigby Murder Trial: Killer 'HadLook Killer Trial: Murder “LeeRigby Peachey, pure Anothe . Mail,."Stockholm bomb 'first of Christmas terror wave'" December 16, 2010, 2010, 16, December wave'" terror 'first Christmas of bomb Mail,."Stockholm Xmas shoppers” ould Ensure That It Was Also Futile” May 24, 2013, 2013, May24, Futile” Also Was It That Ensure ould

liigta tws th was it that claiming Al .December 2, 2013, 2013, .December2, states -

evil which

- use use the word evil too when referring to Lee Rigby referred to it as Abdaly - r key aspect of the 9/11 effect as The Sun

that - he n suicide bomber from UK”. from bomber suicide n westerner - wing individuals were hardly ever described as evil. They were naturally naturally were They evil. as described ever hardly were individuals wing - hacked

Muslims “must steer their kids away from evil from away kids their steer “must Muslims 123 as a “hate a as

seem to insinuate that if not stopped, Muslim children have a tendenc a have children Muslim stopped, not if that insinuate to seem www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnacademic

is perhaps a tabloid known for its controversial and politically incorrect

or the killer “had a look of pure evil”. pure of look a “had killer the or would be - body http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/kille s adhere to. the “epicentre of evil”.

- - 8978725.html filled”

e “first of Xmas terror wave” and a and wave” terror Xmas of “first e The Scottish Sun Scottish The

targeted. .


certainly not

individual and when talking about the assassination the about talking when and individual . 119

is the ease with which the word ev

36 This of course is . May, 2013, 2013, May, .

should be emphasised, because the because emphasised, be should westerner

121 Of Pure Evil As He Hacked Body'” Hacked As He Evil OfPure

depicted as If this were not enough, after the attacks .

- Killer . . h tre, h target, The s.

- ’s murderers, “easy to remember my

not merely 124 - pupil good, but they were not evil.

Moreover and interestingly and Moreover ” 122 - r

but - “ of . These quotes, These . h Sun The … - - cops gunner an warning that other other that warning r i a ‘peaceful’ a is ere The Times

attack on people, - wont il il is used when - lee

The The for instance instance for - - nick rigby

research and -

and in and - had The 118 - y

CEU eTD Collection 127 freedom http://www.telegrap TV”. Your 126 http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2013/12/19/actualidad/1387464323_278918.html 19,2013, December 125 what too is This prevailing. as Islam see fundamentalists Islamic violence, physicalthrough is it that indicate “ was it saying in joined as well as TV” your on Turn like? looks freedom' the t to threat a as it a threat to the western we find a match too. Most of the sources 3.3 far the strand is present and mainly when referring to Islamic extremists choice of their in cautious more bit a seemed press Norwegian The Britain. of that in especially media, yetIslamsuggestagain, is that it evil. that is Muslim. being to Christian a being from went murderer Rigby’s Lee that Spanish the AFP quotes even US President Obama r enough, donot have we to associate terminology this withBush, oreven Tony Blair, since the

Daily Mail,. “DAILY MAIL COMMENT: A Murderous Attack” AMurderous COMMENT: “DAILYMAIL DailyMail,. Dan Rigby”. Soldado Del Asesinato Del Culpables Británicos, “Dos Islamistas Tubella, Patricia - right. apparently, are They, many Threat to ci Charlie Hebdo Charlie Hodges, “Charlie Hebdo Attack: Want To See What A What See ‘Th To Attack: Want “CharlieHebdo Hodges, - With With regards to Islamic terrorism as being portrayed as a threat to (western) civilis western of discourse in present is strand effects 9/11 the that saying without goes It looks The Telegraph The words - El País El like - , vilisation he

Turn h.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/11330649/Want but the Spanish media was more in line with the UK one. All in all however, all however, All in one. theUK with inline Spanish more mediawas but the

state , incident used the following headline “ headline following the used incident -

indicate on . January 7, 2015, 2015, . January7, concept of the nation -

your in a more physical way physical more a in a murderous attacks on western freedoms”. western on attacks murderous a

- TV.html

that the cause of this evilness and radicalisation, lies on the fact the on lies radicalisation, and evilness this of cause the that


things eferring eferring to the observed an inclination to depict Islamic terrorism as -

state but not evil. but not

and the physical extermination of extermination physical the and 37

. For example For .

and w “war on freedom” on “war

Hebdo estern values. Some reports referred to reat To Our Freedom' Looks Like? On Turn Like? Looks OurFreedom' To reat

Want to see what a 'threat to our to 'threat a what see to Want

attacks as evil. Finally, AFP and The Telegraph, The - to - see The Independen The as opposed to - 127 what 126

All of these seem to seem these of All

- a the and - threat 125


westerner narrating when País El This seems to seems This - to

those of the t suggested suggested t Daily Mail Daily - our . - ation, s that s

CEU eTD Collection strict Rails”. OffThe 131 www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnacademic 130 129 unforgivable Independent The 128 that stating countries four all in sources within discourse the in upon reflected are disparities cultural the aside, religion putting Even killer. a become not have would he converted, not he outcomes disgusting to waygave and disappearedkiller the in Other information sources follow the to reference clear makes article that of headline the mother his when did he way Christia was it murdered, was Rigby Lee After not. is Islam the link a west seems alarming, and signals that we should be weary of this force which wants to take over the as it portrays cities”. our and homes our infiltrating (the we that stated Damascus, in imprisoned journalist Syrian a Darwish, Mazen life. of way western Islamicagainst terro Rigby Lee of murder the after

threat to western Stop” Must “We Reidy, Cahal AFP Kim - . and

, Sengupta, ''Sickening, Deluded And Unforgivable: Horrific Attack Brings T AttackBrings Horrific Unforgivable: And Deluded ''Sickening, Sengupta, "London attacker: Muslim convert from Nigerian Christian family" May 23, 2013, 2013, May23, family" Christian Nigerian from convert Muslim attacker: "London However, the infiltrating and over taking belief and culture Islamic of fear a be to seems There - Milmo, “Family: A Strict And Loving Upbringing Loving And AStrict “Family: Milmo, n and that he had converted, had he that and n loving west west - horrific

The Independent The are ) - . May 23, 2013, .2013, May 23, with Christian values too, even implying that Christianity is peaceful whereas whereas peaceful is Christianity that implying even too, values Christian with defenceless upbringing

- the message message the attack

values values and norms be they democracy, freedom of speech etc. Some seem to “finding ourselves the main victims of the obscurantist ideology now now ideology obscurantist the of victims main the ourselves “finding r, and this seems have this r, and to a been physical one

- --- brings , he talks about Islam spreading and taking over entire cities. This This cities. entire over taking and spreading Islam about talks he , but . May 23, 2013, 2013, May . 23, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/sickening - t - “raised him as a Christian with good manners and respect” and and respect” and manners good with Christian a as him “raised hen terror

, that the UK security services had long been fighting a battle battle a fighting been long had services security UK the that , that the media the that - the this this example - to . - teenage

- AFP 129 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/the

Apart from from Apart

seems surprised as surprised seems - michael - streets

most adamantly adamantly most 38

and declare that those Christian values instilled

- - - But Then The Teenage Michael Adebolajo Went Went Adebolajo Michael Teenage The Then But 8627647.html adebolajo the fact that he victimises the victimises he that fact the

revealed fact that he was a Muslim convert. Muslim a was he that fact - went to . . send 131


off why the killer turned out turned killer the why . ht h kil the that

128 This seems to infer that had that infer to seems This - the is that Islamic t Islamic that is

- error To London’s Streets”. Streets”. London’s error To rails - - 8630177.html deluded ler’s family was was family ler’s - - and family errorism is errorism

west - .

- a

- and the 130

CEU eTD Collection http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/terror 134 133 newspapers Guardian 132 for thepublication of some cartoons of Isl sixty islan the to example: was o obvious as not is evidence the Maybe too. it of evidence is there terrorism speak for themselves, for they seem to succeed at instilling fear within the population, 3.4 terroristsIslamas westernculture. andbeing even norms with and incompatible of idea Huntington’s reflects symbols. and beliefs their mock and ridicule who Is terrorism surprisecounter isno is hereit that people culture, western fear to itsomuch. hence that that the openness. atta an were Paris in attacks the lamic fundamentalist perspective, incompatible, which is why they target secular societies secular target they why is which incompatible, perspective, fundamentalist lamic Tony amic fundamentalist (possiblyAl fundamentalist amic Daily Mail,. “DAILY MAIL COMMENT: A Murderous Attack” AMurderous COMMENT: “DAILYMAIL DailyMail,. Roy Quantity and and Quantity Quality observed for the for observed hs ae th makes this - nine

Greenslade, Paterson, s o te at supin which assumption, last the for As the from and, different are civilisations two the that ideas the conveyed AFP Indeed attack “was targeted at one of the very foundations of the Western way of life”, . January 8 2015 . 2015 January8

Anders Breivik detonated a car bomb in Oslo - 132

said epe n od blood. cold in people d of d

The Daily Mail Daily The - about

“Terror Returns To Hit Norway” Returns To “Terror Utøya “What The UK National Newspapers Said About The Charlie Hebdo Attack”. Attack”. CharlieHebdo About The Said Newspapers National UK The “What atc ee worse even attack e - the

other strands, but it is present nonetheless. The Breivik case is a perfect perfect a is case Breivik The nonetheless. present is it but strands, other - http://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2015/jan/08/what , charlie where dressed where


hebdo a summarises the meaning of the above perfectly when it claims it when perfectly above the of meaning the summarises

Clash of C of Clash 134 ck on values such as freedom of speech, democracy and and democracy speech, of freedom as such values on ck - a

- ttack Qaeda) Qaeda) s on as soon As

as Muhamma 133 .

a Wa te bv qoe hglgt s ht Islamic that is highlight quotes above the What . ivilisations The Independent The police man, to inspire to man, police states for the attack the for 39 - returns


d It is not difficult to see, how this how see, to difficult not is It ht h nmes n tetis f Islamic of theatrics and numbers the that

ok lc te worldwide the place took the prophet. online newspaper Norwegian . The media con media The . - to killing eight - hit

. July 23 2011 2011 . July23 s , which they thought was a revenge revenge a they was thought , which - norway - 2319030.html

r concluding as that which which that as concluding r a false sense of tru of sense false a people people and then proceeded sistently depicts Islamic depicts sistently - the .

media -

uk The The - national

discourse discourse accused

st, shot st, adding -

CEU eTD Collection feared Island”. 140 139 actu/2014/09/04/97001 138 137 136 http://the 135 because 9/11 too. them to come could it point some at that knew andLondon), and Madrid York, had what seen had They surprised. that not was Islamists repeatwill have themselves.managedcreate sense this o to trauma of level the woman. the about said was more nothing and terrorism Islamic trie had killers seem may they conclusi that to led that hints The attack. terrorist Islamic and be potentially claime and terrorism with connection London in radical Musl by committed been have to thought automatically was proportions those of attack an that attackthe of nature sophisticated andcareful the planning to due Stockholm in bombing the The Foreigner, Paul Harris, “Norway's 9/11: At Least 80 Feared Dead In Double Attack On Norwegian Capital And Holiday Holiday And Capital Norwegian InDouble AttackOn Dead Feared 80 Least At 9/11: “Norway's Harris, Paul Attack” Oslo To “Britain Reacts Price, John Ibid., 2014, 4, Londres”September Ans à 82 Décapitée De “UneFemme LeFigaro,. attacks” Coghlan,"Simultaneous Ibid modus o - dead

Daily Mail Daily Moreover, most sources also reported that in Norway the population although shocked, was when A further example ofthis foreigner.no/pages/news/britain - double

perandi h hd en on bhae i hr home her in beheaded found been had who ims because that is howtheythat is because ims normally as well as d to behead him. Eventually the entire article turned into a into turned article entire the Eventually him. behead to d , were that that were , for example, .July 24, 2011, 2011, .July24, - attack

- that some sadistic events have events sadistic some that

20140904FILWWW00422 resembled that of other attacks

- Oslo

. the Madrid and London bombings are still fresh in people’s minds, the 136

- a year a Utoya.html The asked the http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article


earlier Lee Rigby had been assassinated in London in assassinated been had Rigby Lee earlier - reacts .

quest even suggested that it bore it that suggested even The Foreigner The - d that UK authorities and citizens thought it could could it thought citizens and authorities UK that d to - oslo - une ion Le Figaro 40 - - attack/

femme “Is this Norway’s 9/11?”

been happening around the world (i.e. New New (i.e. world the around happening been

and the constant fear of societies that these these that societies of fear constant the and by Muslim radicals, such as the . July 22, 2011, 2011, July22, . thought to . -


reported thedeat reported - 82 - 138 ans Ti atce a a automatic an had article This . - act. decapitee - 2017902/Norway 139 . 137

the hallmarks of Al of hallmarks the

What this demonstrates is demonstrates this What

What all of this means, is this all of What http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash f fear. - a h of an elderlywoman an h of - 135 londres.php

Experts Experts agreed that

discussion discussion on, ridiculous as ridiculous on, - attacks .


140 - At - and Abdaly

- This isThis - Qaeda 80 about - the -

CEU eTD Collection uphold, which make one wonder whether he was not posing killing spree was motivated by his opposition to multiculturalism, a value that the westerner this argument, Huntington’s Following seen and evil. as bad, as dangerous forare not being they wort are Since Bush used this term regularly to describe Al not are far to not but terrorists Islamic to them of terrorism. ot blame initially we act, barbaric commit they doing this, we neglect far do so and backward and violent are which countries those in approach, it is not possible to create a wh simple, there is not much room here for the 3.5 terrorists present degree nature vicious and violent the Hence, time. any at and anywhere happencan that attack an of permanentfear right that achieve to managed have terrorists Islamic degre the and deaths of number Relating tothe depictions far

of of fear which makes societies over As for right for As this does how So described in ways that have negative connotations, but they are not described as evil. as described not are they but connotations, negative have that ways in described hy of it. The problem with this with problem The it. of hy s and so belong to the same civilisation, they cannot pose a threat. However, Breivik’s of . certain

With With regards the to 9/11 effect we see how the adjective evil is easily given - wing terrorism posing a civilisational threat, there is no reference to that. to reference no is there threat, civilisational a posing terrorism wing - attacks right individuals and give them less attention, or what is worse, when relate to relate ,

and the fact that they seem to repeat themselves has led to a a to led has themselves repeat to seem they that fact the and o dvsain ruaie etr sceis Ti i what is This societies. entire traumatised devastation of e -

right extremists. This is not to say that white supremacists white that say to not is This extremists. right - the far the right?

is that it means that right that means it that is seems reasonable seems ite - -

exaggerate and misrepresent the dan far quite is answer The it? leave it does Where right? - westerner - 41 right her

- s (i.e. Islamists) for it, or they fail to accuse accuse to fail they or it, Islamists)for (i.e. s Qaeda terrorist, it seems that only Islamists . As noted earlier, in terms of the Orientalist

as as the “other”, he/she -

ig ns ae o. o ntl the instil To not. have ones wing

a right because threat to western values too. Yet es

not meet the criteria. Yet in Yet criteria. the meet not - wing

extremists will not be not will extremists - wing extremis wing

has not been born ger that Islamic west

says to ts are ts , CEU eTD Collection ultraderecha 2014, 28, 142 http://www.morningstaronline.co.uk/a 141 the attac In lo onseveral it newspapers sports Spanishunimportant. press reported factonly the think was Mangs reported onthe theincident occurred rep not did newspapers British largest the Moreover, McGee when later, year a this reported only Spain This incident was not reported by any of the newspapers for France, Norway and Spain. room alongside posters of Hitler, videos of s British wing terrorists ( e how and when of terms in Firstly, 3.6 more than theyright fear the Islamists fear still people Breivik, after even yet and outlier, an of somewhat is Breivik why have not been able to i right the for implications the terrorism, of spectacle the with dealing explanation last the For threat. a such posing as individuals these to refer sources the of none

El Confidencial,. '”Cárcel Para Un Soldado Británico De Ultraderecha Por Fabricar Una Fabricar Por Ultraderecha De Británico UnSoldado '”Cárcel Para Confidencial,. El “Two LindseyGerman, Further findings him This pattern ofignoring right reve analysis the Overall ks had taken place. The reason http://www.elconfidencial.com/ultima oldier Ryan McGee was arrested after police found a home made nail made home a found police after arrested was McGee Ryan oldier , even though the police had released details, for the local newspaper for Manchester Manchester for newspaper local the for details, released had police the though even ,

- responsible for for responsible por accused a accused - fabricar except -

una nd convicted for the murder of two of murder the for convicted nd - nstil nstil within societies, a constant fear of large and sadistic attacks, this is Breivik) were rarely reported outside the country where they took place. Tier Terrorism”. Tier - bomba_431690/ more same day. - wi

ng. - it thought media international the acts these of Regardless ). 4d40 ld oe eea ted wih wud ie o on out. point to like would I which trends general some aled

vents were reported. Arrests reported. were vents - - Morning Star Morning Two wing incidents is obvious againMangs thePetercase. in wing incidentsobvious is

f - or hora - tier

the beheadings - - en terrorism#.VUPmCZP_qYf 42 media - vivo/2014

. December 7, 2014, 2014, 7, December .

was sentenced to two years in prison. in years two to sentenced was attention, was that Mangs revealed in his ort the event until event the ort

under a swastika and other weapons. - 11

- people in Malmo, Sweden (police Sweden Malmo, in people 28/carcel and acts committed by right by committed acts and - para . -

wing are clear too. They too. clear are wing -

un five - soldado Bomba” November Bomba”November days after it had had it after days - bomb in his in bomb - britanico ng after ng In fact, - de 142 141 - -

CEU eTD Collection www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnacademic 148 147 Breivik 2012, 24, January Blasts” Bomb Car Oslo 146 145 trial http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/norway/9208311/Norway 144 http://futbol.as.com/futbol/2015/05/10/internacional/1431272437_471248.html 143 Asperger’sdisease “madman” a him called País El suggest that he might be mentally u white or European a is individual the whenever Firstly, of anterrorism asmuch issue. isnot sends already y the of because is Islamicfundamentalists by generallycaused deaths of number becausethe is this both pagein a of section small a only casehad bombings p first the on found not were and page a half Furthermore, when the cases of right re be to seemed extremists soldier. fellow a as him described and attacks Breivik the after him of spoke mostly Ibrahimović.Zlatanplayerfootball murder to wanted had he that memoirs et et Mangs had the blood of many o

Agence F Agence autism formis a of Asperger To Linked And Massacre' Island 'Holiday Over Arrested 32, Norwegian, Blond The “Pictured: DailyMail,. ( A Hacerlo’.” Volvería ‘Sí, “Breivik: Muller, Live” DayTwo BreivikTrial: Anders Behring “NorwayKiller DanielFisher, 2015, 15, May AAsesinarIbrahimovic.” QueQuiso Revela “UnPsicocopata AS,. - day - arrested -

Another problem Another two for instance spoke instance for instead had six instead had rance Presse (AFP), Presse rance - live.html -


h msae ht n i mr iprat hn h ohr ad ht rig that and other, the than important more is one that message the show 147 .


island they and that the police were taking his handicap into account into handicap his taking werepolice the that and 146

to be noted be to pages dedicated -

“ massacre.html#ixzz3acHO3OxN

of put on put "Suspected racist sniper remanded in custody in Sweden." November 9 2010, 2010, 9 November Sweden." in in custody remanded sniper racist "Suspected and otd meitl b both by immediately ported

Breivik’s “schizophrenic personality,” “schizophrenic Breivik’s

Agence France Presse France Agence ” n his hands. By not reporting thes nstable, or might have some kind of psychological disorder. , which gets people’s attention ( attention people’s gets which , http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article .


wing terrorists or suspects were reported they were given

is the language that was that language the is 144 Translated) Translated)

to it in Spanish newspaper in to it Instead , 43

because AS

gs f h nwppr T newspaper. the of ages al niet loe at looked incidents all ,


Sport.es. (AFP) (AFP) he -

men westerner national and international press. press. international and national states tioned Mangs in his manifesto his in Mangs tioned

generally used by the media. media. the by used generally Perhaps, as mentioned earlier earlier mentioned as Perhaps, - . killer

e events equally, the media The Telegraph The

i.e. that Mangs suffered from suffered Mangs that

145 - El Periódico far 2017709/Anders -


killing many at once), once), at many killing whilst the whilst - right extremist, they they extremist, right


he novn Islamic involving -

Behring The UK insteadUKThe hri Hebdo Charlie 148 . April 17, 2012, 2012, April 17, . . This weThis do. , the Mangs , theMangs Daily Mail Daily - higher,or Behring - Breivik ht - wing wing - -

CEU eTD Collection 154 153 htt www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnacademic 152 151 2013, www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnacademic 150 149 radicals thatMuslim implies hadbeenthetoppriority too. enforce law perhaps that published a report in August 2012 stating that Breivik could have been stopped and suggesting government Norwegian The clear. is message The priority. top the and threat biggest the is does the same. a priority. The counter creation that thepeace opposite is, of the as defined constantly when the Islamic terror at nations as peaceful, open and happy places of the language the emph when was that was instance killer”. “Muslim or attackers” “Islamist says AFP made, always was religion ha other the on extremists Muslim but sniper”, “racist Mangs with or as even, murderers or attacks as the to of perpetrators referred normally are They Breivik. for except terrorist, a extremist questioned never was involve which researched cases the of any in see not

p://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2011/07/22/actualidad/1311285611_850215.html Rapport Fra 22.Juli 22.Juli Fra Rapport Counter AFP,. A Hacerlo’( Volvería ‘Sí, “Breivik: Muller, AFP,. Ibid. www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/lnacademic

Last “Norway mourns 92 victims of ‘hell on paradise island.’” July 23, 2011, 2011, 23, July island.’” paradise victims of‘hell on mourns92 “Norway Londin soldier ofBritish killer "Muslim - Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST Strategy Terrorism is the tendency of governments to focus on Islamic terrorism and to insist that it is

the religious affiliation of any of the white supremacist attackers mentioned and mentioned attackers supremacist white the of any of affiliation religious the 153 El País El

The first thing anyone will read – Kommisjonen,

- peace .

terrorism terrorism strategy for the UK called ned ot ore seeme sources most Indeed asis that the western media put ment were looking elsewhere and missed some crucial hints. crucial some missed and elsewhere looking were ment tacks took place in nations as - loving and loving

Breivik a “Christian fundamentalist fanatic.” fundamentalist “Christian a Breivik

11,16 . . nd were always called terrorists and a reference to their their to reference a and terrorists called always were nd ):4 El Pais,. “Noruega En Datos” July 22, 2011, 2011, 22, July EnDatos” “Noruega Pais,. El AFP.,

Translated) Translated) and “Counter Terrorism “Counter and

open societies open - .

hating and hating and

on gets life sentence." February 26, 2014, 2014, 26, February getssentence." life on "Islamist attackers 'were known to British agents'." May 23, Britishagents'." to 'wereknown attackers "Islamist

is worth mention 44

upon opening states backward terrorists. qie eutn t cl ay right any call to reluctant quite d

d Islamic fundamentalists. Their fundamentalists. Islamic d Sweden, Sweden, France or Norway, which were 152

on describing (or constructing) western . This of course leaves room for the for room leaves course of This .

exactly this, and the MI6 homepage – ing

SIS (MI6)” SIS either . This was particul , is how Islamic terrorism

rarely 151

Finally in terms in Finally 150 .

terrorist. a

arly obvious Only in one in Only 154

sanity -

wing wing This 149

CEU eTD Collection that threatIslamicthe downplayevendisregardand weterrorist potential andfundamentalists 3.7 immedia reported wereBritain outside even Islamists, involving those all whereasarrest, his after days was also blatantly obviou some sort they that suggesting by excused are sometimes and doubt the of benefit the given norms and culture western to threat a as are notportrayed inthe same way, thatthey seen as are not eviland thatthey are also seen not right on has this that Islamicterro depict helps which all them of Whether one is more prevalent than the other is difficult to say, it is others, (perhaps because and violent more is it that belief to come have people how and terrorism Islamic to the idea of civilisations clashing Finally, witheach other. we thespectacle thelinkto see of in culture and how religion and difference in norms are a differences the on s judgement and comments are present Also evil. as to referred constantly acts Islamic are and their where terrorists veryexplicitly, sometimes effect, 9/11 with the post Muslims where terrorist are depicted as inherently violent, Orientalism as backward and barbaric. We also see a with conne connection a show phrased are comments certain way discourse of Implications The above findings The tely.

of mental disorder. The coverage that the media gives to one as opposed to the other

findings discussed above have severe implications

western media, and that terrorism has been constructed in accordance to them.

Which leads us leads Which

- wing terrorists is also clear. The research and analysis showed that they they that showed analysis and research The clear. also is terrorists wing

they s. The McGee case clearly demonstrate, demonstrate, clearly

to question whatto question the consequence succeed


“ even when even putting putting on show ri was was s 45 ts

that these that as a much bigger threat. Moreover, threat. bigger much a as only

their actions suggest otherwise suggest actions their covered by cause of concern. This of course leads ”

) and hence the fear of it is extreme. four assumptions are present in present are assumptions four . B s of this are.s ofthis y focusing mostly onIslamic UK obviously ’s ’s main newspapers five

the the combination suffer from from suffer brutal . They are are They . the effect effect the

ction ction

than than The The the

CEU eTD Collection 158 bomb 2014, 157 156 155 teenagers, McGee, than younger though even Hamza, and Mohommod obvious. seems treatment in difference the different, were brothers the by committed acts the although home his raided therefore and McGee was and prison in years East Middle the in camp training a attended having and jihad, of name the in beheadings of videos of possession Muslim two charged with terrorism and was said to be merely “an immature teenager”. hell to down drag to imm hatredtowards his on commentsand weapons of drawingsof full EDL flags. flag, swastika a under beheaded being people of videos included earlier mentioned in bomb nail a found “terrorism” exclusively“Islamic almost tomean terrorism”. potential threatsth because miss may agencies intelligence and enforcement law that Secondly not. or Islam of name give different treatment to people who commit similar acts, based on whether they do so in the right Charge”. Terror Avoids Making Nailbomb For Jailed “Soldier Dodd, Vikram Defen English German, “Two German, Simi, - . 156 wing terrorism actually presents. actually terrorism wing http://www.theguardian.com/uk

252 police after 2013 November late in Manchester in arrested was McGee Ryan Soldier

He He had

they were terrorists. only caught becauseonlycaught police the teenage ce - Tier Terrorism” Tier

also League:Far

( were charged with terrorism. Two failures must be no be must failures Two terrorism. with charged were 157 even when even attended EDL events

h brother is house, alongs house, is . McGee was sentenced to two to sentenced was McGee . - right islamophobic protest movement. protest right islamophobic eir attentionset is elsewhere.


Hd hs o be te ae h mgt tl b free. be still might he case, the been not this Had .

oomd n Hma Nawaz Hamza and Mohommod - established they never fought). They were sent were They fought). never they established news/2014/nov/28/soldier 155 ide other weapons and far and weapons other ide

, had dressed up as KKK member This means firstly that firstly means This suspected 4 6

his brother ofhaving child pornography - years in prison a year later but was not was but later year a prison in years jailed Thirdly, that we have turned the term we term turned have Thirdly, that the

- nailbomb -

, right we allow for o for allow we

ee retd o big in being for arrested were The Guardian The - ryan

igrants, who he wanted wanted he who igrants, paraphe - 158 mcgee ee o immature not were

ted here: F here: ted and and owned a diary

At the same time, rnalia which as as which rnalia . November 28, 28, November . - manchester enced to four to enced ur systems to systems ur Second, irst irst - that

CEU eTD Collection 161 160 159 groups have conflict the of sides different The measures same those using be making abroad. fight to far the to applied longer no it that so way, exclusive and specific a such in transformed been has symbolism terrorists. So, taken from Shanahan’s viewpoint, where a supposedly neutral term lacking m right that Europol, by earlier were underestimated avoid been teenagers. The report insinuates that had law enforcement been mor an up follow no was There persuaded, farm the in used be to was fertiliser the said Breivik it. about him questioned briefly and purchase the of aware made were police the internet, the wou that bomb make to as so Poland from online fertiliser bought also He radical. quite seemed ideas his commit, to sought he acts the about explicit never was he although and blogs and rooms chat suggested the at earlier arriving police by only not and stopped, been have could Breivik that was conclusion main The case. the in enforcement law by taken actions the to regards

Ibid., 11,16 Ibid., 11,13,16 Ibid., Fra Rapport

Thirdly the next The it

illegal to join ISIS or by threatening by or ISIS join to illegal then

ed. 159

22.Juli 22.Juli

160 when in fact he had recently rented the farm in order to plan the attacks there. attacks the plan to order in farm the rented recently had he fact in when

) ld later kill eight kill later ld

but even before even but They keep keep They - example takes us back to the Breivik the to back us takes example It also suggests that perhaps, the focus was elsewhere and elsewhere was focus the perhaps, that suggests also It right. west – Kommisjonen, Kommisjonen,


This can be seen by looking at Government reactions to those leavingthose to reactions Government at by looking seen be can This - is changing the term terrorism to mean Islamic terrorism. It was stated à - vis others. d in July 2012 Breivik killed seventy killed Breivik 2012 July in d trying to prevent Mus prevent to trying -

wing attackers are being categorised as extremists instead of of instead extremists as categorised being are attackers wing for

people in Oslo. Through the monitoring and surveillance of surveillance and monitoring the Through Oslo. in people 16 the

individuals who have joined the Russia the joined have who individuals 161 attacks

occurred 47 to withdraw to

with nationalistic and right and nationalistic with lims from going to going from lims . Breivik was present in many far many in present was Breivik . he owned and law enforcement law and owned he case . A report came out in 2012 in out came report A . their passport their - seven e attentive, this

fight abroad by either either by abroad fight

people, most of them of most people, s. N s. - Ukraine conflict. conflict. Ukraine that some threats some that - wing ideologies ideologies wing obody seems to seems obody could sad (as island


were right right have with oral oral the the

CEU eTD Collection europeans Ft.Com/Beyondbrics 162 terrorism. far the by perpetrated acts certain considering stopped even have we worse, is What societi far the neglect we threat terrorist ISIS. In fact, Kuzio reported that there are more Europeans joining this conflict, than there are joining wh returnees,radicalise potentially canwhich

Taras Taras 162 es at risk a risk at es h ipiain ad osqecs r cer nuh b eagrtn te Islamic the exaggerating by enough, clear are consequences and implications The

Kuzio, “Far More Europeans Join Separatists In Donbas Than Isis In Syria”. Blog. Blog. Isis InSyria”. Than Donbas In Separatists Join Europeans “Far Kuzio, More Are - join

- they separatists . March 27, 2015, 2015, 27, March . nd seeing how one man murders seventy murders man one how seeing nd not potential terrorists too? Perhaps terrorists too? theynot potential are potentialextremists. just

- in - donbas

- than http://blogs.ft.com/beyond - right and find ourselves giving unequal treatments, outing treatments, unequal giving ourselves find and right - isis - in - syria/ o will have also been trained in trainedbeen also have will o 48 .

- brics/2015/03/27/guest - seven

people in only a few hours. few a only in people - post

use - far - of more weapons. - right as right -

CEU eTD Collection 163 seem all Michael, extent lesser a to and Bentley,Mudde Simi, terrorism. Islamic on focus the the to poses terrorism right that danger the of reality the was many, by made contributions the from clear particularitieso from the author’s conviction in terms of the great threat that lone wolf terrorist pose, due to the Terrorism Modern of Waves Four terr wolf lone perhaps that suggested was it time, of periods different covered have that terrorism of types the over going When term. should be seen as tactic, and moral considerations should not be allowed for when defining the literature that has contributed to the field of IR, by agreeing with Shan the findings that have been revealed. The author first began by reviewing the broader terrorism instead. extremism the of exclusion an to biggest threat to the west vis constructed Conclusion

Rapoport I to was thesis this of goal main The t would be wise to recapitulate quickly the assumptions that have been established and

in accordance in

f the strategy, which make it challenging to tackle and prevent. What was alsowas What prevent. and tackle to challenging it make which strategy,the f

Obviously has this seriousfor consequences many.

west far

- to right as right , and the fact that it has been down been has it that fact the and , - à a set of discursive strands

- vis the far , 163 a form

a strong trend in between waves. This suggestion stems suggestion This waves. between in trend strong a - right orism could be if not the fifth wave in Rapoport’s Rapoport’s in wave fifth the not if be could orism of terrorism, which seems to have been been have to seems which terrorism, of demonstrate 49 , whose threat is being

, which which portray

that since 9/11, terrorism has been been has terrorism 9/11, since that - played and disregarded d disregarded and played

ahan’s ahan’s idea that terrorism disregarded.

Islamic terrorism as the T his has led relabelled - ue to to ue wing wing CEU eTD Collection the was Norway barbaric. and evil as Muslims radical describing and depicting of terms in The UnitedKingdom perhaps was the country showed greater that ofthis,especially evidence The findings clearly s had occurred, to see if the ways in which the two distinct types were portrayed actually differed. right and attacks terrorist Islamic both after UK the and Norway Spain, newspapemain The nations. European western four in fear Al that to threat a not were they because thesis acknowledged that these assumptions, could not possibly apply to right createcommitted are with whichthey ferocitythe and by committed Muslims attacks of numberpeacefully. the Finally, that coexist Muslim world are incompatible. Their cultures and religions being so different that they cannot a face we that idea the Thirdly, threat. biggest the for bad and evil is Islam ea it find that claims which Orientalism, westerner at looked we First it. to danger biggest the as terrorism expla to as so justifications the construct Islamic the terrorism way it has been, so that we believe it to be the greatest threat to neglecting the far of expense the at Islamists on focus their shifted have governments western that agree to west To prove that this was the case, the author engaged in the task of analysing the discourse has this why comprehend to attempt an In sy to link it to terrorism. The 9/11 effect, which goes a bit further and insinuates that insinuates and further bit a goes which effect, 9/11 Theterrorism. to it link syto svrl supin wr cniee. oe xet hd led pt forward put already had experts Some considered. were assumptions several , s have long seen theArabs have seen world long and backward asbarbaric, inherently violent andso - Qaeda and ISISQaeda have. and its culture and beliefs. Also because they have not managed to instil the level the instil to managed not have they because Also beliefs. and culture its - right. westerner upported upported the argument that all four strands are present in western media.

n h the why in s born in civilised, democratic and peaceful nations, hence were hence nations, peaceful and democratic civilised, in born s west , hence Islamic terrorists are the worse form of evil and the and evil of form worse the are terrorists Islamic hence ,


an west

extremely high sense of fear in the population. This thepopulation. This fear in of extremely sense high

50 id i ese ad aua t cnie Islamic consider to natural and easier it finds Clash of Civilisation of Clash

happened, and how it has been possible to possible been has it how and happened, rs and press were evaluated for France, France, for evaluated were press and rs s , where the the where , - wing terrorist attacks attacks terrorist wing - wing extremists west

and the the and CEU eTD Collection European other make to and question the Will weapons. of use the in skills acquired newly with and radicalised potentially return, conflict citizens those when crucial be will counter importantlytoward more and terrorism, toward position its reconsider far the that threat of level the account, as well as the variety of points made by Bentley, Hough enforcement and intelligence services were focusing their attention elsewhere. Taking this into westerner benefi trial, awaiting those or arrest surveillance, under those and of treatment punishments unequal to led has It too. individuals some of radicalisation the to led has with “ob In had. has and has this that implications and consequences the at looking was Islamic ones were constan depending on who had committed them. Right Moreover, there were inconsistencies in the amount of attention and follow an ill, mentally were they that with suggestions excused somewhat were doubt, the of benefit the given often were extremists wing right to given treatment the centre or liberal extremists. Nevertheless, all the different sources from all four countries, whether conservative, Islamic describing when language of use its with caution greatest the showed which country Islamicextremists t s biu tha obvious is It next, the task, first the was outlets media most in present narratives the Establishing west . n, n N in And, s.

take actionISIS? thewaythose leaving hasfight it done with towith - states left, showed clear signs of adhering to these as these to adhering of signs clear showed left,

any should be studied and analysed too, in order to see if the pattern as as pattern the if see to order in too, analysed and studied be should , the , ra, t e t te et o seventy of death the to led it orway, mr rsac ad netgto ae edd o nwr h above the answer to needed are investigation and research more t tly being reported even if simply to add a small details to the update. further predictions or generalisations. Potentially the discourse in discourse the Potentially generalisations. or predictions further - wing terrorist was very different to that given to Islamists. Right Islamists. to given that to different very was terrorist wing west - right still presents, the author wonders whether the whether wonders author the presents, still right

has alienate has

who have joined the different sides of the Russia the of sides different the joined have who d d were referred to in less disagreeable ways. ways. disagreeable less in to referred were d 51 -

wing incidents were often overlooked, whereas and marginalise and

d sumptions. On the other hand, hand, other the On sumptions.

, Mudde, and Simi, that show - Muslim communities, which communities, Muslim seven

people, because law law because people, - ups of the incidents - terrorism. This terrorism. west ig white ting

- sessing” Ukraine

should should - -

CEU eTD Collection their counter societies. As discussed earlier, perhaps western leaders need to alter their priorities and modify far the trivialising of expense the at been unfortunately has This danger. other no is there think us makes that way a in pose comes to terrorism we have allowed the in bias clear a is there That themselves. for speak revealed findings the that say to fair is it Nevertheless, everything. cover to able stay. right the how at look to interesting be might It past? the in strategy this used who those copying extremists Islamic not Are around? way far the given yet, Islamists, of those resembled Breivik by used tactics the because perhaps or terrorist Islamic an be would found, was the Breivik case. Maybe this was because initially most people thought the attacker similar tendencies in their very portrayal of Islamic show terrorism vis evaluated countries western four the that though, undertaken research the from obvious seems does It continent. the throughout consistent is thesis this by revealed

The pos The - terrorism strategies. terrorism sibilities for research are endless and it is evident that this thesis has not been not has thesis this that evident is it and endless are research for sibilities

- right’s e right’s - ih ad down and right

state xpertise in the LW strategy, should it not be not it should strategy, LW the in xpertise

leaders leaders and media outlets to construct the threat they west - wing has or can evolve and whether it is here to to here is it whether and evolve can or has wing 52


playing the threat that it poses to western western to poses it that threat the playing against the Muslim society Muslim the against - à - vis the extreme right. The only exception , and that when it it when that and , the the other other CEU eTD Collection YEAR YEAR Islamicmay be arrests*Forascategorised religiously 2011 were and all 2013the motivatednot terrorism, 2. Appendix https://www.europol.europa.eu/latest_publications/37 Europol.europa.eu, extremist. **Note thatsome ofthe right Islamic.may be attacks*For 2011wereas andcategorised religiously 2012the all motivatednot terrorism, 1.F Appendix

2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2013

Arrests relationtheEU2006 in toterrorist activity TERRORISTS ISLAMIC ATTACKS BY TERRORISM ISLAMIC FORARRESTS a

iled, foilediled, terrorist successful and

2014. 'EU Terrorism Situation 'EU Situation 2014. & Terrorism Report Trend (Te - wing

incidents do not include those labelled thatcountries incidents as not do *216 *112 201 257 159 179 110 187 *6 *0 A 1 3 1 0 4 1


- WING attacks theEU(2006 in

(Accessed 2015/05/18)

**3 - - - 10 22 44 15 2013 Sat) |Sat) Europol'. 5 1 0 1 2 1 0 4 0 1 1


- 2013)

14 17 18 15 13 13 16 14 11 5 7 7 9 6 7 9

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