Continued Front Page I, Col. 3 iota The Meg York Mee CourrFeh7. Ni a statement, the President said: ."Joseph P. leaves a long and distinguished record of . service to his country, a Joseph P. Kennedy Dead; genuinely ' unique record that involved his entire family in the making of American history. He Forged a Political Dynasty enjoyed with grace the triumphs of his Iife and he en- dared its tragedies with great dignity." Family Tragedies Marred -Richard Cardinal Cushing, a long-time friend and spiritual Success in Business adviser to ,- said: - "His exceptional abilities and Government were generously placed for -Nany years in the service of Special to Ins country. He instilled a sense HYANNIS PORT, Mass., Nov. a ?purpose in his family so that 18 — Joseph P. Kennedy, the -alr its members extended their inoreasing maturity into careers patriarch of a political dynasty -of ^Imparaileled public service beset by tragedy, died peace- and achievement. We can:truly fully today at his summer home say of Joseph P. Kennedy that at the age of 81. he was a father of the family A family spokesman said that iri'onr time." :Messages of condolence also death came at 11:05 AM. in a were sent by Secretary General second-floor bedroom overlook- Thant of the United Nations ing Nantucket Sound. Mr. Ken- and President Eamon. DeValera nedy had been unconscious aficil"rime Minister Jack Lynch since last Saturday when he of Ireland, homeland of Mr. suffered another in a series of Kennedy's grandfather. Funeral services will be sim- heart attacks. ple 'for the, man who served At his bedside were his wife as United States Ambassador of 55 years, Mrs. Rose Kennedy, -fa 'London just before, World and the Iast of his four sons, Assoc, a 'IA Press War IL Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Joseph P. Kennedy A -white funeral mass will be . celebrated at 9 A.M. Thursday itt `St. Francis Xavier's Roman Also in the room were the Mrs. Joan Kennedy, wife of Edward Kennedy; Mrs. Jean Catholic Church in Hyannisi widows of two other sons, Mrs. sWhhipeeredi the hass ,wor Aristotle Onassis, who was Kennedy Smith, and her hus- especiallyydurin sum- married to President John F. band, Stephen Smith, and Mrs. mers, for many years. The mass Kennedy, and Mrs. Ethel Ken- Patrcia Lawford Kennedy. is.,called white because the cler- nedy, who was married to Mr. Kennedy had been in ill gy will wear white instead. of health since 1961 when he suf- purple vestments, in accordanc Senator Robert F. Kennedy of with. post-Vatican II: precepts New York. fered a stroke in Palm Beach, : of accenting the message of re President Kennedy was as- Pia. His constant companion urrection after death rather sassinated in 1963 and Robert since then, Ann Gargan, a niece than mourning. Kennedy in 1968. was also at the bedside, Cardinal Cushing is expected Others present were Mrs. President Nixon• Ied the na-', to ,preside at the mass. Only and tion in expressing sorrow. In the family and a few close her husband, R. Sargent friends will attend the service in the church, a white chap- Shriver, Ambassador to France; Continued on Page 51, Column 1 board structure that bears a memorial to Joseph P. Kennedy -a Navy flier who died in action over the English chan- nel in World War IL Burial Will' be in the family plot, in in Brookline. Before the service, Mr: Kennedy's body will re- Main in his hoine in the family compound here. There will be AO "wake. '' The official announcement Slid: "Ambassador ' Joseph P. Kennedy died peacefully today at his home in Hyannis Port. He was 81 years old. Mr. Ken- nedy was pronounced daed at 11:05 A.M. by his physician, Di'. Robert D. Watt. With him at the time of his death were hiS Wife and ,members of his family." Following his stroke eight years ago, Mr. Kennedy had Suffered a brain spasm, several heart attackS and en 1968- a heart "block," for which he was given Oxygen. Tonight. at 6 'o'clock, members of the fam- 113,7attended a speCial mass at St FranciS Xavier's Church. It was celebrated by the Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, former president of the University of Notre Dame and now chaplain at St. Mary's College in In- diana. Six of the eldest male grand- chikiren will serve as honorary pallbearers' at the funeral. They are Joseph P, Kennedy 2d; Christopher . Lawford, Robert Shriver, Stephen Smith Jr., John F: Kennedy Jr. and. Ed- ward M. Kennedy Jr. There are 27 grandchildren in the family.- THE NEW YORK TIMES, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1969

Mrs. Joseph P. Kennedy leay. - ; c.' -, g'''''''tr,, -'• ing St. Francis Xaviees $..,

Roman Catholic Church, Mrs. Kennedy walking along the beach at Hyannis Port with her daughters, Mrs. Steven Hyannis, yesterday. Smith, center, and Mrs. Patricia Lawford, f011owing the death of her husband yesterday.' •

United Press International Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, also walked the beach. With him are his son Edward Jr., 8, and Ann Gargan, who is a niece of the late Joseph P. Kennedy.