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Chapter 6 Disparity and Macroevolutionary Transformation of the Maniraptoran


ABSTRACT Multiple factors involved in the evolutionary transformation of the manus across the manirap- toran radiation, including its current in modern , remain unexplored. Specifically, the morphological disparity of the manus has never been studied quantitatively, and there are no hypotheses about the possible mechanisms and constraints underlying its . Morphological disparity is best studied with shape-analysis tools based on Procrustes methods, because they guar- antee the independence of shape from size while depicting the results in expressive graphics. How- ever, this methodology compares fixed configurations of coordinates, preventing their use in highly articulated and movable structures such as the maniraptoran manus. Here, we propose a new pro- tocol, the one-dimensional Procrustes analysis (OPA), for transforming the chord lengths of these into unidimensional Cartesian coordinates, enabling treatment of the data under the opera- tional advantages of the Procrustes methods. Our results applying this new method on a sample encompassing 174 maniraptoran manus, including 79 (both avialan and nonavialan taxa) and 95 extant paleognathans and neognathans, document the morphological transition between early-diverging maniraptorans, nonavialan paravians, and birds over morphospace, high- lighting an unexpectedly low disparity in the when compared to early-diverging taxa. Within this transition, we show a common trend of proportional reduction and loss of distal ele- ments, mostly in the minor and alular digits. Furthermore, our study reveals an allometric pattern characterizing manus morphological variation between early-diverging maniraptorans and enantior- nithine avialans that disappears in crown birds and their closest early-diverging counterparts. This previously unnoticed allometric trend suggests a complex interplay of developmental, functional,

1 Unidad de Paleontología, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. 2 Unidad de Paleontología, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; and Depart- ment of , University of , Oxford. 3 Departamento de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y Paleontología, Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; and Departamento de Geología Sedimentaria y Cambio Medioambiental, Instituto de Geociencias (UCM, CSIC), Madrid. 4 University of Southern , Los Angeles. 5 Institute, of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles. 6 Unidad de Paleontología, Departamento de Biología, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; and Dinosaur Institute, of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles. 184 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440

and historical constraints in the evolution within the avialan radiation, after the origin of of the maniraptoran manus. active , which in turn triggered the evolution of different flight strategies (Serrano and Chiappe, 2017; Serrano et al., 2018, chapter 13). Because the INTRODUCTION ’s remiges and patagia are anchored in the skeletal elements of the and forearm, their Modern birds are the only living representa- shapes, proportions, and sizes may have contrib- tives of the maniraptoran theropod radiation uted to such an increase in wing disparity (Nudds (Gauthier, 1986; Padian and Chiappe, 1998; et al., 2007), although this assumption has never Sereno, 1999; Zhou, 2004; Norell and Xu, 2005). been tested quantitatively. Addressing the evolution One of the most intriguing events of the macro- of the morphospace-occupancy of the manirap- evolutionary transition leading to anatomically toran hand (manus) is important, as it modern birds is the transformation of the arche- establishes a critical bridge between typal grasping of nonavialan manirap- and the biological disciplines that seek to identify toran theropods into the forelimb of modern mechanisms underpinning macroevolutionary birds (fig. 1), which is largely enclosed in a soft- trends (e.g., molecular genetics and Evo-Devo; tissue airfoil and has limited grasping functions Raff, 1996, 2000). (Barta et al., 2018). This large morphological The study of morphospace construction and transition in proportion and size is often believed the analysis of disparity are eminently mathe- to have been fundamentally shaped by selective matically quantifiable (McGhee, 1999), and most pressures related to the demanding biomechani- studies in paleobiology have used cal requirements of flight (Marden, 1994; Nor- ratios as a proxy for and ternary berg, 1995). However, the great diversity of diagrams to build morphospaces and visualize maniraptoran fossils found in recent decades is disparity. Although this procedure is practical helping to mitigate such an exclusively adaptive and easy to apply (e.g., Marugán-Lobón and Bus- view, given that aerial competence was probably calioni, 2003), it is also analytically restrictive acquired by taxa exhibiting non-modern fore- because ratios are highly limiting for statistical morphologies (Xu et al., 2003, 2015; Barta analyses (e.g., to study allometry; Rohlf and Mar- et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2017, 2019; Pei et al., in cus, 1993). In fact, geometric morphometrics press; Pittman et al., chapter 10; Dececchi et al., (GM; Bookstein, 1991) is currently the optimal chapter 11; Larsson et al., chapter 12). Therefore, approach for understanding the evolution of the history of the factors involved in shaping morphological disparity, as it enables the separa- maniraptoran hand evolution is more complex tion of shape from size variation (Mitteroecker than currently appreciated. and Gunz, 2009; Marugán-Lobón et al., 2013a), A miniaturization trend took place early in the which was impossible with “traditional morpho- lineage toward crown birds (Sereno, 1997; Carrano, metrics”, namely, when working with absolute 2006; Turner et al., 2007; Novas et al., 2012; Puttick and/or relative lengths (Rohlf and Marcus, 1993). et al., 2014; Lee et al., 2014). This trend was coupled GM captures the geometry of forms as constella- with important quantitative changes in forelimb/ tions of repeatable and corresponding points hindlimb proportions (Dececchi and Larsson, (often corresponding to primary posi- 2013), yet the relative proportions of the skeletal tions), called landmarks. The Cartesian coordi- elements of the forelimb (i.e., , , nates of these configurations are then compared ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges) changed in a multistep process, the generalized Procrustes very little (Middleton and Gatesy, 2000). However, analysis (GPA), which eliminates superfluous it has been suggested that an increase in the mor- differences between the configurations due to phological disparity of wing shapes occurred later position and orientation, together with the dif- 2020 NEBREDA ET AL.: MANIRAPTORAN MANUS DISPARITY AND TRANSFORMATION 185

FIG. 1. Representative example of several maniraptorans , both (A–H) and extant (I–J) specimens, illustrate the variability of shapes and sizes: A. ; B. huxleyi; C. Zhongornis; D. Sapeor- nis chaoyangensis; E. ; F. Zhouornis; G. ; H. ; I. Struthio camelus; J. Falco tinnunculus. Scale bars = 10 mm. 186 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440 ferences due to isometric scaling between the are likely to be disarticulated or to be preserved in forms (Gower, 1975). GPA calculates the cen- unnatural poses. troid size for each configuration, a geometrically Here, we propose a simple morphometric defined proxy for size that is calculated from the protocol that allows exploiting the accessibility of real distances between landmarks and rescales longitudinal measurements from and them to a standard called unit of centroid size. fossils to obtain Procrustes data. Our method, This key algebraic procedure of standardization from now on called one-dimensional Procrustes was a breakthrough in morphometrics, as it analysis (OPA), involves the transformation of makes size and shape orthogonal, securing the longitudinal measurements of the elements of statistical independence between shape and size, the manus into one-dimensional Cartesian coor- and guaranteeing that any difference in shape dinates, which can be aligned using the Pro- between configurations associated with size (i.e., crustes criterion and analyzed using GM’s allometry) will never be spurious (Rohlf and standard multivariate tools (Dryden and Mardia, Marcus, 1993; Mitteroecker and Gunz, 2009; 1998), such as multivariate regression to assess Klingenberg, 2016). allometry (Monteiro, 1999; Marugán-Lobón et Although the advantages of GM are widely rec- al., 2013b). We applied this protocol to a large ognized (e.g., Adams et al., 2013), there are certain sample of maniraptoran dinosaur manus ranging limitations when applied to articulated skeletal from the to the present. The objective of structures. Specifically, the use of GM entails com- the present study was to analyze the morphologi- paring configurations by superimposition to detect cal disparity of the maniraptoran manus in a minimal differences between corresponding land- macroevolutionary context, from the earliest- marks and, as a result, it requires working on inte- diverging taxa to the crown group (Aves), the gral structures that have no moveable or articulable present-day representatives of the . Within parts. The reason is that with the Procrustes align- this context, the objective was to study the pat- ment of landmark configurations in articulated of transformation of its shape understood as structures such as the manus, mobility and the abil- a set of proportional lengths of the conforming ity to flex the digits implies that there are multiple elements of the manus and its relationship with possible spatial configurations between the ele- size (evolutionary allometry). ments (as many as the joints allow). Therefore, there will be as many configurations of landmarks of the same manus as there are possible positions MATERIALS AND METHODS between the digits, and this will drastically confuse Materials interpretations derived from the method. Although criteria have been established to standardize the In to accurately capture the morphological placement of moveable structures in one single transformation of the maniraptoran manus (fig. 1), position (e.g., Adams, 1999; Vidal-García et al., we gathered data from a large sample of fossil and 2018), most choices are either arbitrary or may extant specimens (from early-diverging manirap- imply biologically inconsistent assumptions toran taxa to crown birds; fig. 2) with a complete (Marugán-Lobón et al., 2013b). Moreover, the case autopod. The sampling of crown birds (Aves, equiv- of the maniraptoran manus is even more intricate alent to Neornithes here) was designed to cover the given that early-diverging maniraptorans are maximum morphological disparity in the distal known only from fossils and the manus elements region of the forelimb. We measured 174 speci- FIG. 2. Random of the maniraptoran lineage out of the 100 trees used in this work, showing the topology of each member of the sample (N = 174), branch length, and time scale. Colour coding and schematic representations consistent in all figures. See supplemental figure for a large version of this figure that includes names and a more detailed geological time scale (https://doi.org/10.5531/sd.sp.44). 2020 NEBREDA ET AL.: MANIRAPTORAN MANUS DISPARITY AND TRANSFORMATION 187

Neognathae Volant neognathans Non-volant neognathans


Aves (Neornithes)

Ornithuromorpha ‘Nonavian ornithuromorphs’



‘Nonornithothoracine avialans’

‘Nonavian maniraptorans’

Maniraptora Early Late Late Early Middle aleocene P Pleistocene




Jurassic u

Q 0 90 50 20 80 60 40 30 10 70 120 170 100 150 130 110 160 140 188 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440 mens from the Natural History Museum of Los (i.e., the “lateral change” hypothesis; Xu et al., Angeles County (LACM) and Natural History 2011). Although the debate continues, both Museum (NHMUK, Tring), as well as from high- hypotheses coincide in the homology of definition photographs provided by one of the identities between the early-diverging manirap- authors (L.M.C.) and the (pictures and toran and avian manus, thus allowing compari- published measurements). The total sample son. Furthermore, these hypotheses are includes 16 specimens of nonavialan manirap- congruent in that the morphogenesis (or con- torans (, , Deinon- densation) of the digits and their identity is ychosauria, and ), 44 decoupled, thus allowing independent evolution- early-diverging birds (nonornithothoracine taxa, ary changes (Wagner and Gauthier, 1999). Here, , and nonavian ornithuromorphs), we followed the identity of avian digits as I-II-III, and 114 crown birds (Palaeognathae and Neog- the ancestral condition in in which nathae, which includes Galloanserae and , digits IV and V are highly reduced (Gauthier, with fossil and extant taxa). All measured speci- 1986; Xu et al., 2009). At the base of the mani- mens are adults, except a juvenile enantiornithine raptoran clade (Gauthier, 1986) the autopod is (NIGP 130723; Chiappe et al., 2007) and the non- elongated with a characteristic phalangeal for- ornithothoracine of uncertain affinities Zhongornis mula of 2-3-4 (digits I-II-III, respectively). Digit (DNHM D2456; Gao et al., 2008; Rashid et al., II is normally the longest and digit I the shortest, 2018; but see O’Connor & Sullivan 2014 about pos- and the is characterized by the presence of sible non-avialan theropod identity). a semilunate carpal that contacts the proximal portions of metacarpals (mc) I and II. In con- trast, the autopod of crown birds (Aves), while Manus Anatomy and Data Acquisition still tridactyl, bears elements that have become The structure of the manus has changed dra- fused and have changed their relative lengths as matically during the transition from early- a result of reductions and/or losses of some of diverging maniraptorans to modern birds, with their phalanges. In modern groups, the general the reduction and loss of elements, fusions, and phalangeal formula is typically 1-2-1, with some alterations in proportions (fig. 1). Therefore, the exceptions with the formula 2-2-1 or 2-3-1 in establishment of a homology framework for the forms that retain , such as some (Gal- identity of the digits of present-day birds with loanserae) or the (), respec- respect to their dinosaurian ancestors has been tively (Mayr, 2017). Here, the length of semilunate challenging (Wagner and Gauthier, 1999; Vargas carpal in nonavialan maniraptorans was included and Wagner, 2009; Xu et al., 2009, 2011; Bever et in the measurement of mc-II to aid direct com- al., 2011; Young et al., 2011; Xu and Mackem, parisons with avian forms in which these ele- 2013). Traditionally in and ments are fused (Middleton and Gatesy, 2000). the sequence of digits I-II-III has been consid- We measured chord lengths of the hand bones of ered to correspond to the alular, major and modern birds using calipers (by the authors minor digits, in modern birds. This hypothesis S.M.N. and T.S.) and using the tpsDig2 software has been supported mainly by fossil and mor- (Rohlf, 2017, v. 2.30) on digital images of the fos- phological evidence and is supported by the sils forms (by first author, S.M.N.). The measure- embryological “frame shift” hypothesis (Wagner ments represent the maximum length between and Gauthier, 1999; Bever et al., 2011; Young et the central points of the proximal and distal al., 2011). However, other embryological studies articulations between bones (chord lengths). For have proposed that the identity of the manual the ungual phalanges, we took the straight length digits of modern birds is equivalent to the II-III- from the central point of the articulation region IV positions of the ancestral pentadactyl hand to the bone tip (fig. 3). 2020 NEBREDA ET AL.: MANIRAPTORAN MANUS DISPARITY AND TRANSFORMATION 189

FIG. 3. Schematic representation of the one-dimensional Procrustes analysis (OPA) method carried out in the data processing, from lengthwise. Exampling manus belongs to the juvenile early-diverging avialan Zhongornis (DNHM D2456; Gao et al., 2008; Rashid et al., 2018).

Transformation to Procrustes coordinates, hence we added a negligible 0.01). This Coordinate Data is equivalent to having two identical coordinates on top of each other at the tip of the affected digit. This OPA, the protocol to transform the linear mea- adding of repeated landmarks allows performing surements into Cartesian coordinates (fig. 3), starts the Procrustes superimposition with missing land- from a baseline on a zeroed x-. Then, the length marks, without adding any extra information or of metacarpal I yields the first y-coordinate value variance to the data (Klingenberg, 2008). (fig. 3, red elements). Subsequently, the length of the The entire protocol (OPA) is unidimensional first phalanx of digit I is added to the latter y-value, because there is only one coordinate axis with always with x set to 0. This yields a secondy -coor- data. To separate size from shape and compare dinate that, in turn, corresponds to the sum of the configurations we used a generalized Procrustes lengths of metacarpal I plus the length of its first analysis (GPA; Gower, 1975), which uses the least- phalanx. The coordinate of the second phalanx is squares criterion to minimize, in a rigid way, the similarly attained by adding its chord length to the distance between corresponding landmarks latter sum of lengths, yielding a third y-coordinate, among different configurations. This alignment thus giving the coordinates of the entire digit I. This uses the mean configuration as a reference for procedure is repeated for digit II and III (fig. 3, yel- correcting the position and orientation of the con- low and blue elements respectively). Importantly, figurations through superimposition and, in addi- the phalangeal formula might be different given that tion, rescales them to units of centroid size (CS). there are evolutionary phalange losses (e.g., most CS is an independent variable representing the modern forms lack unguals). This mismatch is scale or size of the configuration (it represents the solved by adding a repeated last coordinate (sum- real distances between the coordinates) and is cal- ming a length of zero could not be carried out culated as the square root of the sum of the because the software does not run with two equal squared distances of all the coordinates (Book- 190 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440 stein, 1991). It is important to emphasize that logenetic relationships between all specimens in working with coordinates that present values only our sample. on one axis implies that neither the translation We applied two of the main types of analysis nor the rotation steps are relevant for this study. from the custom statistical toolkit in GM (Book- The standardization of size of the coordinate data stein, 1991), namely, principal components anal- is particularly relevant, since it guarantees that the ysis (PCA), which allows us to reduce the isometry (differences only in scale) are eliminated dimensionality of the data and summarizes the from the data (Gower, 1975), and the residuals of differences (shape variance), and multivariate this analysis, the Procrustes coordinates, represent regression, a multivariate tool to test the relation- the different proportions of manus elements per ship between shape variation (dependent vari- specimen without size information. This “shape able) with the variation of any of data” is used in downstream analyses, and we refer independent variable (Monteiro, 1999). This to it hereafter as manus shape. method is the most reliable for studying allom- etry in the context of shape analysis using size as the predictor or independent variable (e.g., Phylogenetic Hypothesis and Marugán-Lobón et al., 2013b; Mitteroecker et al., Multivariate Statistics 2013). PCA generates an ordination that is gen- We built an informal supertree (fig. 2) using erally interpreted as an empirical morphospace Mesquite v. 3.40 (Maddison and Maddison, 2011) (Marugán-Lobón and Buscalioni, 2004) on and based on the comprehensive phylogeny of which phylogeny can be mapped, including the Prum et al. (2015) for the relationships of birds reconstruction of the ancestral shapes repre- within the crown group, Turner et al. (2012) for sented by the nodes. This graph, called phylo- the relationships between early-diverging mani- morphospace, represents a reconstruction of the raptorans and , and O’Connor and Zhou phylogenetic history of changes in shape, reflect- (2012) as well as Wang and Lloyd (2016) for ing how different have evolved. We birds. The topology of the terminal mapped a randomly selected tree from the popu- branches not included in the previous studies was lation of the 100 trees we generated by means of resolved with information on the specific groups. weighted (i.e., including branch length informa- We calibrated the resulting tree using the R pack- tion) squared-change parsimony (Maddison, age Paleotree (Bapst, 2012), scaling the branches 1991) into the PC1-3 morphospace using Mor- of taxa based on their stratigraphic range obtained phoJ v. 1.06d (Klingenberg, 2011). from the Paleobiology Database (www.paleodb. We also quantified mean manus shape dispar- org) and from the literature. To avoid zero-length ity (Procrustes variance) and tested for statisti- branches we set a minimum branch length of 1 cally significant differences between groups using million . We generated 100 trees using this the function morphol.disparity in the R package method, which randomly assesses the first appear- geomorph v.3.0.7 (Adams and Otárola-Castillo, ance dates (FADs) and last appearance dates 2013). Specifically, we tested for differences (LADs) of each inside the stratigraphic between: (1) the stem and crown lineages, (2) all interval where they are assigned, generating 100 the main maniraptoran grades, and (3a) palaeog- different tree distributions and solving randomly nathans, all neognathans, (3b) only volant neog- the polytomies that could not be resolved with the nathans and non-volant neognathans to each literature. See supplemental figure for a larger ver- other and to all the other main maniraptoran sion of figure 2 that includes taxon names and a grades. The latter comparisons was triggered by more detailed geological timescale (https://doi. the visual observation that flightless palaeogna- org/10.5531/sd.sp.44). All of the following analy- thans and neognathans seem to exhibit the most ses were carried out in consideration of the phy- disparate manus morphologies among crown 2020 NEBREDA ET AL.: MANIRAPTORAN MANUS DISPARITY AND TRANSFORMATION 191 group birds. Because Procrustes variance pro- Collyer, 2018). Because our variables are vides information only about mean shape dispar- unevenly dispersed across our phylogeny (e.g., ity within each group, we also calculated the different lineages exhibit different disparities of convex hull volumes encapsulated by the manus shape and size), which can severely reduce statis- morphologies of each of the groups in the tan- tical power of linear models (Adams and Collyer, gent shape space defined by the first three prin- 2018), we used randomizing residuals in a per- cipal components of manus shape. Convex hulls procedure (10,000 iterations imple- were computed as the smallest three-dimensional mented in geomorph v.3.0.6, Adams et al., 2018) volume encompassing all the specimens within to assess statistical significance for all PGLS each group. Convex hull volumes were calculated regressions, as this has been shown to be more using the convhull.volume function in the R robust to group-clade aggregations (Adams and package disparity (Guillerme, 2018). Collyer, 2018). Multivariate linear regression was performed between the manus shape variables (Procrustes RESULTS data, as a dependent variable) and the log-trans- formed CS (log-CS) of the specimens (indepen- The first three main components of the PCA dent variable or predictor). In principle, the data capture 92.62% of the total shape variance (i.e., cannot be considered independent because lin- proportional differences between the elements of eages are phylogenetically related (i.e., phyloge- the studied manus), which is graphically sum- netic inertia). We therefore used phylogenetically marized in a 3D phylomorphospace (fig. 4). PC1 informed regressions (phylogenetic generalized is clearly the dominant dimension, capturing as least squares, PGLS) to test the relationship much as 63.38% of the total variance, while PC2 between manus shape and manus size in all and PC3 capture 23.95% and 5.29%, respectively. maniraptorans using the procD.pgls function in PC1 describes the most notable morphological the R package geomorph v.3.0.7. All PGLS linear differences in the nonavialan-to-avialan transi- models included group category as an additional tion, accounting for the differences in propor- independent variable both to test for shape and tional lengths of the proximal elements of the size differences between clades and to test for manus with respect to the distal ones, namely, group-specific allometries. We specifically tested encompassing the proportional reduction and for allometric differences between: (1) the stem loss of phalanges in the lineage, toward crown and crown lineages, and (2) all the “grades” out- birds. Along the PC1 axis, maniraptorans with lined in figure 2 (i.e., crown birds, early-diverg- proportionally shorter phalanges are grouped in ing ornithuromorphs, enantiornithines, the negative region, while those with autopods nonornithothoracine avialans, nonavialan mani- with proportionally more elongated phalanges raptorans). To test for group-specific allometries are in the positive region (fig. 4). This distribu- we conducted pairwise comparisons of slope tion thus clearly separates some early-diverging vector angles and slope vector lengths between avialans, nonavialan paravians and early-diverg- all the groups. PGLS regressions were repeated ing maniraptorans, distributed exclusively in using all the corresponding 100 trees, and the positive region, from later-diverging nona- median and range values for all the main statis- vian avialans (Enantiornithes, early-diverging tics (R2, F, Z, P) were recorded, to address how ornithuromorphs), ultimately polarizing the situ- differences in branch lengths affect our results. ation of Aves (Neornithes) in the negative region Furthermore, because log-CS and clade catego- of PC1 due to their usual lack of distal phalanges. ries covary (table 1) we used type II (conditional) PC2 accounts for large changes in digit III, with sums of squares to assess the statistical signifi- only minor changes in digits I and II. Specifically, cance of all PGLS linear models (Adams and this axis describes the variation of the length of 192 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440

TABLE 1 Differences in manus shape disparity between maniraptoran theropod groups Pairwise comparisons of shape disparity (Procrustes variance) between A. crown and stem maniraptoran lineages; B. major maniraptoran grades. The comparison between major maniraptoran grades was also performed by dividing C. Aves between neognathans and palaeognathans and with D. neognathan birds further split in volant and non-volant taxa. Statistically significant values (P <0.05) are highlighted in bold. Numbered table columns correspond to the numbered clades in the table rows.

A Crown Stem <0.0001

B 1 2 3 4 1. Nonornithothoracine avialans 2. Enantiornithes 0.016 3. Nonavialan maniraptorans 0.096 0.198 4. Aves (Neornithes) 0.009 0.681 0.047 5. Nonavian ornithuromorphs 0.012 0.721 0.137 0.975

C 1 2 3 4 5 1. Nonornithothoracine avialans 2. Enantiornithes 0.016 3. Nonavialan maniraptorans 0.096 0.197 4. 0.006 0.329 0.024 5. Nonavian ornithuromorphs 0.013 0.718 0.135 0.69 6. Palaeognathae 0.035 6E-04 0.004 2E-04 3E-04

D 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Nonornithothoracine avialans 2. Enantiornithes 0.015 3. Nonavialan maniraptorans 0.094 0.192 4. Volant neognathans 0.004 0.226 0.017 5. Nonvolant neognathans 0.438 0.104 0.358 0.04 6. Nonavian ornithuromorphs 0.013 0.713 0.134 0.568 0.089 7. Palaeognathae 0.036 4E-04 0.004 2E-04 0.034 3E-04 digit III with respect to the other two digits; such changes in the proportional length of metacarpal variation is more pronounced in the more distal I as compared with the length of the phalanx 1 elements of digit III and separates taxa with dig- of digit III, that is, when one increases in length its I and II longer with respect to III in the posi- the other decreases and vice versa. Manus with tive region of this axis, from those with a digit an elongated metacarpal I and a shorter phalanx III proportionally similar (or even longer) to the 1 of digit III are located in the positive region, other two digits (I and II). Finally, PC3 describes while those with a reduced metacarpal I and an 2020 NEBREDA ET AL.: MANIRAPTORAN MANUS DISPARITY AND TRANSFORMATION 193

PC1 (63.38%) -0.2 0 0.2 0.4

Confuciusornis (+0.1) 0.1 Diomedea

Phoenicopterus Apteryx PC3 0 Alca (5.29%)

Falcarius Turdus (+0.1) -0.1 (-0.1) 0.4

0.2 Casuarius Metallura PC2 Epidendrosaurus (23.95%) *

0 Jeholornis (-0.1)


(-0.1) (+0.1)

FIG. 4. Phylomorphospace of hand evolution in . Phylogeny mapped over the scores of the first three principal components of shape. coding is consistent with figure 2. Asterisk indicates juvenile enantiornithine NIGP 130723 (Chiappe et al. 2007). elongated phalanx 1 of digit III are grouped in groups with very divergent manus from their par- the negative region. Those that have similar rela- ent clades, like the early-diverging birds Jinguofor- tive lengths (such as the bulk of taxa within the tis perplexus and Sapeornis chaoyangensis, whose crown group of birds) are distributed in the cen- manus display a reduced digit III more similar tral region (fig. 4). to that of ornithuromorphs, the paravian Balaur In the PC1-3 phylomorphospace, crown birds bondoc with a highly reduced digit III, or the non- together with enantiornithes and early-diverging ornithothoracine Epidendrosaurus (Scansoriopter- ornithuromorphs occupy a more central area of ygidae) and Jeholornis curvipes in which digit III is morphospace, clearly separated from the rest of relatively long. the phylogenetically earlier-diverging taxa (non- The rest of the dinosaurs studied cluster ornithothoracine birds, scansoriopterygids, dei- around a group consisting of Aves and its closest nonychosaurs, and early-diverging maniraptorans), Mesozoic relatives (early-diverging ornithuro- which occupy more peripheral positions (fig. 4). morphs and Enantiornithes) situated in the left The latter are generally characterized by present- region of morphospace. That these taxa are clus- ing more disparate manus morphologies, with dis- tered separately from the rest of maniraptorans tal elements proportionally more elongated with underscores their greater degree of morphologi- respect to the proximal (i.e., longer ). The cal similarity (fig. 4). Enantiornithes and early- greatest disparity lies mainly in the different rela- diverging ornithuromorphs have, however, more tive lengths of digit III with respect to the other two elongated digits than crown birds and differ digits. Likewise, there are certain taxa within these between them in the relative length of digit III, 194 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440

-3 Procrustes variance Nonavian avialans (mean shape disparity)

0.100 0.075 tion) -4 0.050

cup a 0.025 Aves nonavialan maniraptorans e o c

-5 nonornithothoracine

phospa c avialans Neognathae

-6 Enantiornithes olume (mo r Palaeognathae volant neognathans x hull v

e -7 v nonavian o n

c ornithuromorphs

log - nonvolant neognathans -8

-4 -3 -2 log-Procrustes variance (mean shape disparity)

FIG. 5. Hand shape disparity (i.e., Procrustes variance) and morphospace occupation (i.e., convex hull volume) of the grades of Maniraptora. which is generally longer in Enantiornithes (fig. diverging substantially from one another and from 4). It is worth mentioning that the juvenile enan- the rest of the sample. These birds are nearly - tiornithine NIGP 130723 displays an incom- less (e.g., Casuarius bennetti, situated in the lower pletely ossified manus, thus leading to unusual left region of morphospace), with extremely small proportions in which the distal elements are manus lacking digit III (e.g., Apteryx australis, situ- extremely reduced with respect to the proximal ated in the upper right region of morphospace), or ones (even more than in crown birds); these pro- displaying large manus with slightly elongated, portions lead to significant differences between clawed digits, similar to those of Enantiornithes this taxon and the rest of the sample. (e.g., Struthio camelus or Rhea americana in a more Interestingly, crown birds display very low central region). Among the neognathans, Aequor- manus disparity (fig. 5), all clustering in a very litornithes (, shorebirds, , cormo- localized and reduced region of the morphospace, rants and relatives) have some flightless forms corresponding with manus morphologies with diverging from their relatives, as in the case of the phalanges significantly shorter than those of their two (Spheniscus humboldti and Apteno- Mesozoic relatives. Palaeognathan taxa are an dytes forsteri), the Galapagos’ (Phalacro- exception among the crown group in which the corax harrisi), and the great (Alca impennis) manus contains the greatest disparity (fig. 5), included in the sample. 2020 NEBREDA ET AL.: MANIRAPTORAN MANUS DISPARITY AND TRANSFORMATION 195


0.6 (+4.5)

Apteryx Longicrusavis 0.2 Microraptor Paraprotopteryx Struthio


REG. SCORES (SHAPE) REG. SCORES -0.2 NIGP 130723 (chick) Diomedea

2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 B C 0.6 0.4

0.2 0 -0.2 REG. SCORES (SHAPE) REG. SCORES 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 log-CS (TOTAL LENGTH OF MANUS)

FIG. 6. Correlation between size and shape based on a multivariate regression. A significant correlation results in the existence of an allometric factor in the change of hand shape, significant in nonavialan maniraptorans. Among neognathans (in green tones) there is no allometry (i.e., shape changes occur regardless of size varia- tion. Notice as well that variation is strikingly low). Below the main graph (A) dispersions B and C show the allometric and non-allometric trends, respectively. Although differences in disparity are visible disparate than all the other lineages of avialan and over morphospace, the pairwise statistical com- nonavialan maniraptorans. Nonavialan manirap- parisons between the Procrustes disparities fur- torans, although more disparate than all the orni- ther corroborates significant differences in mean thothoracine lineages including crown birds, shape disparity between the crown and stem lin- exhibit significant differences only in mean shape eages, while revealing a drastic decrease in manus- disparity with crown birds (but not with flightless shape morphological diversity in maniraptorans taxa alone). Early-diverging ornithothoracine lin- after the K-Pg (fig. 5, table 1). Non-ornithothora- eages, namely, enantiornithines and early-diverg- cine avialans (i.e., long tailed birds and early- ing ornithuromorphs, exhibit intermediate values diverging pygostylians) are significantly more of mean shape disparity, but these differences are disparate than all the other lineages of birds, not statistically significant. Furthermore, crown excluding flightless crown birds, and exhibit birds explore a larger range of morphologies than higher manus mean disparity (although lower enantiornithines and early-diverging ornithuro- range of morphologies) than nonavialan manirap- morphs (lower values of convex hull volumes), torans. Furthermore, palaeognathans are more although this observation is influenced by large 196 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440

TABLE 2 Allometric differences between stem and crown lineages and between the four main grades of maniraptorans Summary of statistics from the PGLS regression of hand shape as a function of log-CS and group A. stem/crown and B. maniraptoran grades. Median and range values (maximum and minimum) are summarized. Statistically significant values (P < 0.05) are highlighted in bold. R2 is the observed proportion of shape (dependent variable) explained by differences in size and group (independent variables) in each of the PGLS regressions; F-values are a measure of the variance explained by each of the variables as compared with the error term (unexplained vari- ance); Z are the standard deviates from the F-values obtained in the 1,000 sampling permutations and give a measure of the intensity of the effects of size, group, and interactions between both, on shape.

A. Between stem and crown R2 F Z P Log-CS 0.003 (0.002, 0.006) 0.463 (0.297, 1.020) -0.406 (-0.852, 0.461) 0.653 (0.334, 0.799) -1.129 (-1.455, Group (stem/crown) 0.001 (0.001, 0.002) 0.218 (0.160, 0.322) 0.86745 (0.764, 0.927) -0.733) Log-CS:group 0.04 (0.02, 0.06) 6.561 (3.939, 10.760) 2.484 (1.932, 2.986) 0.004 (<0.001, 0.023)

B. Between the main four grades of maniraptoran R2 F Z P Log-CS 0.004 (0.002, 0.006) 0.763 (0.362, 1.256) 0.273 (-0.554, 0.824) 0.401 (0.212, 0.71) Group (grades) 0.119 (0.101, 0.150) 6.381 (5.172, 8.542) 3.673 (3.211, 4.078) >0.001 (>0.001, 0.001) Log-CS:group 0.108 (0.084, 0.150) 5.783 (4.305, 8.416) 3.287 (2.750, 3.747) >0.001 (>0.001, 0.008) differences in sample size. Similarly, flightless The general allometric trend within the stem lin- neognathans (penguins, , and eage equates small sized manus with relatively auk) exhibit high mean shape disparity. shorter digits (short phalanges with respect to A PGLS regression between manus shape metacarpals), very small claws, and a digit III (Procrustes coordinates) and size (log-CS) for that has lost the most distal elements (i.e., third the total sample is statistically significant but phalanx and ), in contrast with larger manus only captures 2.67% of variance (fig. 6, table 2), with relatively elongated digits (longer phalanges which represents a very low percentage of shape with respect to metacarpals), large ungual pha- change explained by size (evolutionary allome- langes and a complete digit III (fig. 6). Few cases try). However, from a visual inspection of the fall outside the general allometric trend with plot (fig. 6) it is evident that the allometric scal- manus shapes that do not correspond to those ing between nonavians and avians is completely expected by their size condition. In general, different, and such difference is confirmed by the these outliers coincide with those observed in statically significant differences between allome- the PCA, such as the paleognathan Apteryx aus- tric vectors (table 2). In fact, when analyzed tralis and Casuarius bennetti, and the early- separately by groups, PGLS regression in early- diverging Zhongornis. diverging bird taxa explains up to 42.3% of the The range of values of the statistics from the total variance (p <0.0001), whereas in Aves, the PGLS regressions did not vary much due to dif- explained variance drops down to a negligible ferences in estimated branch lengths in our 100 0.5041% (p <0.0001). These striking results imply trees (table 2). We thus picked only one tree for that maniraptoran manus shape differences are pairwise allometric comparisons between the essentially non-allometric only in crown birds. five maniraptoran grades. The results largely 2020 NEBREDA ET AL.: MANIRAPTORAN MANUS DISPARITY AND TRANSFORMATION 197

TABLE 3 Pairwise differences in pattern and strength of allometry between all the grades of maniraptorans studied Significant p-values (<0.05) indicate differences in the A. strength (slope lengths) or pattern (slope angles) of allometry.

A. Strength of allometry Enantiornithes Maniraptora Aves (Neornithes) Ornithuromorpha Avialae 1 0.056 0.4376 0.4209 0.9351 Enantiornithes 0.056 1 0.0556 0.0026 0.021 Maniraptora 0.4376 0.0556 1 0.0083 0.2431 Aves (Neornithes) 0.4209 0.0026 0.0083 1 0.2649 Ornithuromorpha 0.9351 0.021 0.2431 0.2649 1 P values of slope lengths = differences in the amount of shape change per unit of size change

B. Pattern of allometry Avialae Enantiornithes Maniraptora Aves (Neornithes) Ornithuromorpha Avialae 1 0.0327 0.056 0.9936 0.9781 Enantiornithes 0.0327 1 0.9739 0.0045 0.0178 Maniraptora 0.056 0.9739 1 0.008 0.013 Aves (Neornithes) 0.9936 0.0045 0.008 1 0.9679 Ornithuromorpha 0.9781 0.0178 0.013 0.9679 1 P values of slope angles = differences in the pattern of the relationship between shape and size confirm our observations by revealing only sig- metrics is one of those analytical methodologies, nificant differences in the pattern and the yet given the osteological complexity of certain strength of manus allometry between ornithuro- anatomical structures, such as the maniraptoran morphs (both crown and stem) and the rest of manus, it is impossible to apply the method in its the nonornithuromorph lineages, but nonsignifi- standard manner. In order to bridge this method- cant differences between the crown (Aves) and ological gap, we have devised a simple protocol early-diverging ornithuromophs, therefore sub- that translates traditional longitudinal measure- stantiating that both groups share a common ments of hand bones into linear Cartesian coordi- manus allometric pattern (table 3). nates, making them directly treatable under the scope of shape analysis based on Procrustes meth- ods. Using OPA we have visually expressed the DISCUSSION transition between early-diverging forms (e.g., Morphological evolution needs to be studied therizinosaurians, oviraptorosaurians, and early- quantitatively and at high taxonomical levels if we diverging paravians, including earliest-diverging aim to map the variational limits of disparity and birds), toward crown group birds, and how these to determine which main factors underlie this dis- compare with their closest relatives (early-diverg- parity at macroevolutionary scales (Raff, 1996). ing ornithuromorphs and enantiornithines). However, this requires using approaches that Given that this new way of treating data allows allow preserving both the physical integrity of the mapping evolutionary bone loss, we have not only structure and the information that pertains to the shown that bone reduction and loss of phalanges organization of the whole. Geometric morpho- are key morphological transformations, but also 198 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440 that the alular (I) and minor (III) digits are the grated way within a macroevolutionary trend of most modified elements involved in the evolu- distal element reduction and loss, which is con- tionary transition of the manus from early-diverg- gruent with the fact that during the early stages ing maniraptorans to modern birds. Uniquely, of digit formation most proportional changes in using this method we have also unveiled two pre- phalanges are regulated as a system rather than viously unreported aspects of the evolution of the individually (Kavanagh et al., 2013). manus in these dinosaurs. First, we have shown Previous studies proposed that the reduction that there is a marked decrease of manus disparity and loss of the most distal elements of a winged stemming from changes in skeletal proportions manus may have been functionally adaptive, given along the maniraptoran lineage, which, unexpect- that the mass and moment of inertia of the hand edly, becomes minimal in neognathan birds. Sec- is reduced, making it more effective during active ondly, we have revealed that in most early-diverging flight (Berg and Rayner, 1995; Bakker et al., 2013). maniraptorans, morphological variation largely Moreover, it has been proposed that the wide vari- scales according to an equivalent allometric pat- ety of manus morphologies of different early- tern. In fact, in crown birds and their early-diverg- diverging paravian taxa, such as the divergent ing ornithuromorph relatives, the low structural scansoriopterygids, the first avialans (e.g.,Archae - variation of the manus is almost completely non- opteryx), and Anchiornis or Microraptor, could allometric, entailing an important evolutionary have triggered substantial flight experimentation shift in the construction of manus variation. prior to the acquisition of the modern avian The distribution of the main clades over mor- manus (Xu et al., 2015; Brusatte, 2017; Wang et al., phospace shows a minimal overlap and effec- 2017, 2019). However, important morphological tively documents the stepwise acquisition of the differences exist between crown and stem birds modern avian manus across maniraptoran evolu- for which similar flight types have been inferred tion. This ordination altogether epitomizes the (e.g., Sapeornis chaoyangensis as a soaring bird view about the evolution of the avian manus aerodynamically similar to a : Serrano along the dinosaur-bird transition, from a more and Chiappe (2017) and Serrano et al. (chapter typically “dinosaurian” grasping organization of 13); the enantiornithines lacustris and early-diverging nonavialan maniraptorans (ther- hoyasi, functionally similar to small izinosaurians and oviraptorosaurians), nonavia- or : Serrano et al., 2018; lan paravians (deinonychosaurs and see Pittman et al., on early flight study, chapter scansoriopterygids), and the earliest-diverging 10). Our results show that the morphology of , to that of a more “avian” one visible in manus in crown birds, compared with the wide enantiornithines, early-diverging ornithuro- range of morphologies in nonavialan forms, morphs and crown birds. Effectively, the first exhibits very low disparity in spite of its unifor- dimension of variation accounts for the largest mity in species displaying different flight styles. In morphological change, namely, the proportional light of these results, it is likely that drivers other distal elongation to distal reduction of the digits’ than flight were also at during the morpho- elements, showing even the loss of phalanges and logical transformation of the manus from nona- the different phalangeal formulas in the lineage. vialan maniraptorans to modern birds, despite This trend is one of the most relevant in the dif- highly diverse morphologies existing in the early ferential distribution of taxa across the phylo- stages of paravian evolution possibly related to morphospace. The second and third dimensions experimentation of aerodynamic capabilities (as show the two digits triggering this pattern (I and well as with a complex trade-off between aspects III). Interestingly, our results suggest that much such as grasping, folding, and tegument support). of the evolution of the manus across the dino- Rather, it seems as if many different skeletal mor- saur-bird transition has occurred in an inte- phologies might have been functionally equiva- 2020 NEBREDA ET AL.: MANIRAPTORAN MANUS DISPARITY AND TRANSFORMATION 199 lent, entailing that other morphological traits, flight-related selective pressures eliminated a vital such as aspects of the manus shape not taken into constraint, therefore favoring greater variability in account in this study, the proportions of the fore- forelimb elements. For instance, the (Drom- limb elements (Serrano et al., 2017), and/or the aius novaehollandie) has greater variability in wing evolution of integumentary structures such as bones than any flying bird (Maxwell and Larsson, or patagia (Navalón et al., 2015; Wang et 2007). Among neognathans, specialized underwa- al., 2017, 2019), are probably more relevant to ter divers such as the Galapagos cormorant (Phal- understand the evolution of avian flight. acrocorax harrisi), the (Alca impennis), It is surprising that in spite of being the most and the penguins (Spheniscus humboldti and speciose group of terrestrial (more Aptenodytes forsteri) are also examples of higher than 10,000 species) and displaying an enormous disparity in different functional selective regimes. size range (from 5 cm and 1.8 g of the humming- Our results also showed that an important and bird bee, helenae, up to 3 meters and common allometric trend explains a large portion 180 kg in the ostrich, Struthio camelus) as well as of manus disparity in Mesozoic taxa, including a huge ecological and functional diversity, modern Enantiornithes and the earlier-diverging mani- birds show such a strikingly low disparity in the raptoran lineages spectrum. This allometric trend proportions of their hand skeleton. From a para- is unambiguously truncated in early-diverging digmatic standpoint, this low disparity could be ornithuromorphs and crown birds, in which interpreted as a result of the filtering effect of the manus size and shape variation are completely K-Pg mass that constrained the mor- decoupled (i.e., evolutionary allometry disap- phological variation available for the subsequent pears). A similar pattern of allometric decoupling radiation during the . From a paleobio- had been reported for the forelimb in the dino- logical point of view, this scenario is also congru- saur-bird transition (Dececchi and Larsson, ent with the type of “bottom-up” trends whereby 2013), probably implying that the morphology of clades accumulate high morphological disparity the manus first evolved as strongly integrated during their early radiation and slow down as they with the changes in body size that took place in diversify later (Foote, 1997). Interestingly, bottom- the avialan stem lineage (Turner et al., 2007; Put- up trends are also explained as an outcome of et al., 2014; Lee et al., 2014). More strikingly, early experimentation of development programs in light of the observed allometric pattern (fig. 6), through geological time (Raff, 2000). However, at modern avians have almost completely decoupled lower macroevolutionary scales, a remarkable their manus proportions and size variation, a con- exception in such trends is the high disparity of dition that appears to have started in early-diverg- hand skeletal proportions and phalangeal formu- ing ornithuromorphs. Interestingly, the adult las of paleognathan birds. are paraphyletic manus of the neognathans retains a skeletal mor- due to the position of the (e.g., Prum et phology that is more similar to that of enantior- al., 2015), the only modern palaeognathan with nithines at early ontogenetic stages (see the manus flying capabilities. The manus of these avians of juvenile enantiornithine NIGP 130723 as sometimes bears claws (Struthio camelus and Rhea example; Chiappe et al., 2007), hinting that their americana), lacks phalanges in digit III (Apteryx low disparity and variation, apart from the filter- australis), entirely lacks fingers (Casuarius ben- ing effect of the K-Pg, may have also resulted netti), and can even have a morphology similar to from an heterochronic truncation of the primitive that of flying neognathan (as the case of the tina- allometric pattern, similar to what happened with mou, solitarius). Members of these lin- their (Bhullar et al., 2012). Thus, heteroch- eages have different ontogenetic trajectories (Faux rony may be a systemic process underlying many and Field, 2017), possibly translating into their main features of the modern avian bauplan, different manual morphologies and the absence of including the manus. 200 BULLETIN AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NO. 440

CONCLUSIONS from the Autonomous University of Madrid. G.N. was supported by a PG Scholarship/Studentship We have proposed a new method (and named from the Alumni Foundation, University of Bris- it one-dimensional Procrustes analysis, OPA), tol, U.K.. I.M. was funded by a predoctoral grant that allows transforming traditional morphomet- from the Complutense University of Madrid rics into unidimensional configurations of Car- (CT27/16-CT28/16). I.M. acknowledges proj- tesian coordinates that can be submitted to a ect PGC2018-094955-A-I00 granted by the Span- Procrustes transformation and thereafter ana- ish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y lyzed using the multivariate kit of geometric Universidades. J.M.L. was funded by project morphometrics. We applied the method to a CGL2013-42643P from MINECO (). large sample of maniraptoran dinosaurs, fossil and modern, and the obtained results are highly consistent with qualitative descriptions of the REFERENCES maniraptoran manus, thus further substantiating Adams, D.C. 1999. Methods for shape analysis of land- the applicability of the proposed morphometric mark data from articulated structures. Evolutionary protocol. Moreover, using this new protocol we Research 1: 959–970. have discovered that the elements evolving in the Adams, D.C., and M.L. Collyer. 2018. Phylogenetic maniraptoran manus are mostly digits I and III, ANOVA: Group-clade aggregation, biological chal- digit II (the central digit) being the least modi- lenges, and a refined permutation procedure. Evolu- fied, and that much of the early stages of this tion 72: 1204–1215. evolutionary pattern are highly allometric. In Adams, D.C., and E. Otárola-Castillo. 2013. Geomorph: an R package for the collection and analysis of geo- contrast, we show that the transformation of the metric morphometric shape data. Methods in Ecol- ancestral manus into that of crown group birds ogy and Evolution: 4: 393–399. is not allometric (it is size independent) and that Adams, D.C., F.J. Rohlf, and D.E. Slice. 2013. A field it encompasses a significant decrease of disparity, comes of age: geometric morphometrics in the 21st which is likely linked to . Our mor- century. Hystrix 24: 7–14. phometric proxy could be extrapolated to other Bakker, M.A.G. de, et al. 2013. Digit loss in articulated anatomical structures such as, but not evolution and the interplay between selection and restricted to, the manus of other dinosaurs, and constraints. 500: 445–448. Bapst, D.A. 2012. paleotree: an R package for paleonto- other and in general, as logical and phylogenetic analyses of evolu- well as for studies aiming at understanding other tion. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 803–807. aspects of morphological evolution, such as the Barta, D.E., S.J. Nesbitt, and M.A. Norell. 2018. The integration and in articulated struc- evolution of the manus of early theropod dinosaurs tures, which require reliable morphometric data is characterized by high inter- and intraspecific for their statistics. variation. Journal of Anatomy 232: 80–104. Berg, C., and J.M.V. Rayner. 1995. The moment of iner- tia of bird and the inertial power requirement ACKNOWLEDGMENTS for flapping flight. Journal of Experimental Biology 198: 1655–1664. The authors are grateful to the Editors for invit- Bever, G.S., J.A. Gauthier, and G.P. Wagner. 2011. Find- ing us to participate in this landmark volume. ing the frame shift: digit loss, developmental vari- Thanks to the collection curators, Kimball L. Gar- ability, and the origin of the avian hand. Evolution ret (LACM) and Joanne Cooper and Judith White and Development 13: 269–279. Bhullar, B.A.S., et al. 2012. Birds have paedomorphic (NHMUK, Tring), and thanks to C. Klingenberg dinosaur . Nature 487: 223–226. for inspiration on the transformation of linear Bookstein, F.L. 1991. Morphometric tools for landmark measurements to Procrustes data. S.M.N. is sup- data: geometry and biology. : Cambridge ported by a FPI-UAM 2019 predoctoral grant University Press. 2020 NEBREDA ET AL.: MANIRAPTORAN MANUS DISPARITY AND TRANSFORMATION 201

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