BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from British Thoracic Society guideline on pulmonary rehabilitation in adults Charlotte E Bolton,1 Elaine F Bevan-Smith,2 John D Blakey,3 Patrick Crowe,4 Sarah L Elkin,5 Rachel Garrod,6 Neil J Greening,7 Karen Heslop,8 James H Hull,9 William D-C Man,10 Michael D Morgan,7 David Proud,11 C Michael Roberts,12 Louise Sewell,7 Sally J Singh,13 Paul P Walker,3 Sandy Walmsley,14 British Thoracic Society Pulmonary Rehabilitation Guideline Development Group, on behalf of the British Thoracic Society Standards of Care Committee

▸ Additional material is SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS Specific situations at assessment published online only. To view The role of pulmonary rehabilitation Smoking please visit the journal online ▸ ▸ ( Pulmonary rehabilitation should be offered to Patients with COPD should be referred for thoraxjnl-2013-203808). patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary pulmonary rehabilitation regardless of their fi disease (COPD) with a view to improving exer- smoking status. (Grade D) For numbered af liations see ▸ end of article. cise capacity by a clinically important amount. Patients referred to pulmonary rehabilitation (Grade A) should have their smoking status assessed and Correspondence to ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation should be offered to referral to smoking cessation services offered to British Thoracic Society, patients with COPD with a view to improving smokers simultaneously. (√) 17, Doughty Street, ▸ London WC1N 2PL, UK; dyspnoea and health status by a clinically Pulmonary rehabilitation provides opportunities [email protected] and important amount. (Grade A) to offer smoking cessation advice. (√) Dr Charlotte E Bolton, ▸ Different components within a pulmonary rehabili- Nottingham Respiratory tation programme, such as resistance training, can Chronic respiratory failure Research Unit, University of influence quadriceps strength and this is addressed ▸ Patients with COPD can be referred for pulmon- Nottingham, Clinical Sciences ‘ Building, City Hospital campus, in the section Nature of training of these guide- ary rehabilitation regardless of whether or not Hucknall road, Nottingham, lines’.(√) they have chronic respiratory failure. (Grade D) NG5 1PB, UK; ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation should be offered to ▸ When considering the referral of patients with charlotte.bolton@nottingham. patients with COPD with a view to improving chronic respiratory failure, practitioners should psychological wellbeing. (Grade A) reflect on the receiving setting and skill mix of the ▸ As a minimum, efficacy of pulmonary rehabilita- attending staff to provide safe pulmonary rehabili- tion programmes needs to be regularly assessed by tation to these patients who have significant demonstrating clinically important improvements physiological impairment and potential for greater in exercise capacity, dyspnoea and health status. instability by the intended programme. (√) (Grade B) ▸ As part of regular assessment, patient satisfac- Cardiovascular disease comorbidity √ tion and feedback should be sought. ( ) ▸ People with chronic should

be referred to pulmonary rehabilitation irre- on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Referral and assessment of patients for spective of coexistent stable cardiovascular pulmonary rehabilitation disease. (Grade D) ▸ The point of referral to pulmonary rehabilitation ▸ A coexistent abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) should be used as an opportunity to explore the <5.5 cm should not preclude referral to pulmon- patient’s understanding of pulmonary rehabilita- ary rehabilitation and being included in moderate tion, address concerns and to educate patients intensity aerobic exercise training, provided blood about the benefits of a pulmonary rehabilitation pressure is controlled. (Grade D) programme. (√) ▸ The referral process and/or the initial assessment ▸ Healthcare professionals making referrals to pul- for pulmonary rehabilitation offer an important monary rehabilitation should have basic knowl- opportunity to assess and optimise cardiovascu- edge about what a programme entails and lar health and address risk factors for cardiovas- effectiveness. A pulmonary rehabilitation pro- cular disease. (√) gramme should be presented by the referrer as a ▸ In patients with COPD who have an AAA fundamental treatment for COPD rather than >5.5 cm, deemed not fit for , pulmonary an optional extra. (√) rehabilitation incorporating mild–moderate ▸ Initial assessment for pulmonary rehabilitation pro- intensity aerobic exercise may be considered, vides an opportunity to assess and refer for treat- but should not include resistance training. (√) ment of comorbidities prior to commencing. (√) ▸ The setting of pulmonary rehabilitation, skill mix Anxiety and depression To cite: Bolton CE, Bevan- of the team and other comorbidities should ▸ Coexistent symptoms of anxiety and/or depres- Smith EF, Blakey JD, et al. always be considered in the risk assessment of sion in patients with COPD should not preclude Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. patients entering a rehabilitation programme. (√) referral to pulmonary rehabilitation. (Grade D)

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii1 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from ▸ The referral process and the assessments for pulmonary ▸ If training for less than 6 weeks is considered, this should be rehabilitation offer important opportunities to detect and individualised and objective/subjective measures of benefitin consider referral for ongoing support and management for place before patients graduate. For some individuals, reassess- depression. (√) ment at 4 weeks and graduation to independent gym training is a feasible possibility. (√) MRC dyspnoea scale ▸ Patients with a Medical Research Council (MRC) Dyspnoea Rolling or cohort programmes score of 3–5 who are functionally limited by breathlessness ▸ Cohort or rolling programmes of pulmonary rehabilitation should be referred for outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation. are both acceptable forms of delivery depending on local (Grade A) considerations. (Grade D) ▸ Patients with a MRC dyspnoea score of 2 who are function- ally limited by breathlessness should be referred for pulmon- Nature of training ary reabilitation. (Grade D) ▸ To ensure strength and endurance benefits in patients with ▸ Patients with a MRC dyspnoea score of 5 who are house- COPD, a combination of progressive muscle resistance and bound should not routinely be offered supervised pulmonary aerobic training should be delivered during a pulmonary rehabilitation within their home. (Grade B) rehabilitation programme. (Grade B) ▸ Flexible and pragmatic approaches should be considered to ▸ Relevant expertise is required to deliver resistance training. (√) facilitate exercise training in patients who have less severe ▸ Patients should be capable of continuing effective resistance √ COPD and who are less breathless. ( ) training once supervised sessions have ended. The supervis- ing rehabilitation therapist should ensure that patients are able and willing to continue with unsupervised resistance ▸ Patients with COPD should be taking bronchodilator therapy training. (√) in line with National Institute for Health and Clinical ▸ Prescribing of progressive strength exercise should be individua- Excellence (NICE) COPD guidelines prior to referral to pul- lised for each patient, taking into consideration the initial health monary rehabilitation. (Grade D) screening and any increase in risk from comorbidities. (√) ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation offers an opportunity to check and √ optimise inhaler technique. ( ) Interval and continuous aerobic training ▸ Interval and continuous training can be applied safely and Other considerations regarding referral to pulmonary rehabilitation effectively within the context of pulmonary rehabilitation to ▸ Patients with unstable cardiac disease or locomotor difficul- patients with COPD. (Grade A) ties that preclude exercise (eg, severe arthritis or severe per- ▸ The choice of interval or continuous training will be down ipheral vascular disease) should not be referred for to the patient and/or therapist preference. (√) pulmonary rehabilitation. (√) ▸ In clinical practice, interval training may require a higher ther- ▸ Careful consideration should be given to patients who have apist to patient ratio to ensure adequate work rate and rest significant cognitive or psychiatric impairment that would intervals are achieved compared with continuous training. (√) lead to an inability to follow simple commands in a group √ setting. ( ) Goal setting in pulmonary rehabilitation ▸ In certain individual cases, facilitation of pulmonary rehabili- ▸ Generic exercise training as opposed to individually targeted tation may be aided by the support and attendance of a rela- exercise training is recommended for pulmonary rehabilita- √ tive or carer. ( ) tion. (Grade D) ▸ In case of doubt over the appropriateness of a patient for ▸ While generic exercise training is recommended as opposed to on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. pulmonary rehabilitation, clinicians are advised to contact an individually targeted exercise programme, the prescription √ their local provider. ( ) of exercise is individualised to provide correct intensity. (√) ▸ Besides the exercise elements of pulmonary rehabilitation, Structure of pulmonary rehabilitation healthcare professionals commonly use goal setting to Frequency of supervised pulmonary rehabilitation sessions address specific hurdles. Given the personalised nature of ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes should be a minimum this intervention to a patient’s needs, evidence is difficult to of twice-weekly supervised sessions. (Grade D) quantify. (√) ▸ In line with published pulmonary rehabilitation studies and ▸ The term ‘goal setting’ may require discussion with the the outcomes they demonstrate, a third session of prescribed patient. (√) exercise is recommended. This can be performed unsuper- √ vised. ( ) Supervision in pulmonary rehabilitation ▸ fi Encouragement of regular physical activity ve times a week ▸ A supervised pulmonary rehabilitation programme is recom- for 30 min each time is encouraged in line with standard mended for patients with COPD. (Grade A) √ healthy living advice. ( ) ▸ If considering a structured home-based rehabilitation pro- gramme for patients with COPD, the following important Duration of pulmonary rehabilitation programmes factors need careful consideration: mechanisms to offer ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes of 6–12 weeks are remote support and/or supervision, provision of home exer- recommended. (Grade A) cise equipment and patient selection. (Grade B) ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes including the attend- ▸ There would be some benefit to increasing the options for ance at a minimum of 12 supervised sessions are recom- pulmonary rehabilitation available to individuals with mended, although individual patients can gain some benefit COPD, and increase the scope of the service. Geography from fewer sessions. (Grade A) may limit or stimulate options. (√) ii2 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from Post-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation Supplemental in patients undergoing rehabilitation Outcomes in post-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation ▸ Heliox should not be used as an adjunct to pulmonary ▸ Patients hospitalised for acute exacerbation of COPD should rehabilitation unless there are comorbidities which require its be offered pulmonary rehabilitation at hospital discharge to administration. (Grade D) commence within 1 month of discharge. (Grade A) ▸ Providing post-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation along- Neuromuscular electrical stimulation and pulmonary rehabilitation side elective pulmonary rehabilitation courses can cause prac- ▸ If expertise in neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) tical issues. Evaluation of innovative ways of delivering a is available, selected patients (low BMI with evidence of combination of both modes of pulmonary rehabilitation in quadriceps weakness) who are unable or unwilling to partici- tandem would be useful. (√) pate in pulmonary rehabilitation could be considered for NMES. (Grade D) Completion of post-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation ▸ Clinical services providing post-exacerbation pulmonary Pulmonary rehabilitation in people with other chronic rehabilitation commencing within 1 month of hospital dis- respiratory diseases charge should carefully record uptake, adherence and com- Non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis pletion rates. (Grade D) ▸ Patients with non-cystic fibrosis (CF) bronchiectasis who ▸ Patients who initially decline pulmonary rehabilitation com- have breathlessness affecting their activities of daily living mencing within 1 month of hospital discharge should be (ADL) should have access to and be considered for pulmon- offered elective pulmonary rehabilitation. (Grade D) ary rehabilitation. (Grade D) ▸ Unlike in patients with CF, in patients with COPD and Adjuncts to pulmonary rehabilitation non-CF bronchiectasis with multidrug-resistant organisms, Inspiratory muscle training and pulmonary rehabilitation for example Pseudomonas aeruginosa, there is no current evi- ▸ Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) is not recommended as a dence of cross infection. (√) routine adjunct to pulmonary rehabilitation. (Grade B) Interstitial diseases Hormones and nutritional supplements and pulmonary ▸ The benefits of exercise and the recommendation of incorp- rehabilitation orating exercise activities into a healthy lifestyle should be ▸ No specific hormonal or nutritional supplement can cur- discussed with all patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD). rently be recommended as a routine adjunct to pulmonary Such discussion needs to be tailored to realistic achievability rehabilitation. (Grade B) for that person’s condition. (√) ▸ The optimal approaches for addressing malnutrition, sarco- ▸ If healthcare professionals consider referring certain patients penia or obesity in COPD are uncertain and this is a wider with stable ILD who are limited by breathlessness in ADL to issue than this guideline covers. However, attendance at a pulmonary rehabilitation, they should discuss with the pulmonary rehabilitation course presents an ideal opportun- patient the likely benefits. (√) ity to screen and educate patients on nutrition. (√) ▸ Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) have a ▸ Patients with a body mass index (BMI) in the underweight potential for significant desaturation during exercise related or obese range should be considered for specificdietetic activities. (√) support. (√) Asthma Non-invasive ventilation during pulmonary rehabilitation ▸ The routine referral of patients with asthma to pulmonary ▸ Long-term domiciliary non-invasive ventilation (NIV) should rehabilitation is not recommended. (Grade D) on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. not be provided for the sole purpose of improving outcomes ▸ The benefits of exercise and the recommendation of incorp- during pulmonary rehabilitation. (Grade D) orating exercise activities into a healthy lifestyle should be ▸ Patients who already receive long-term domiciliary NIV for discussed with all patients with asthma. (√) chronic respiratory failure should be offered the opportunity ▸ If healthcare professionals consider referring certain patients to exercise with NIV during pulmonary rehabilitation if with stable asthma who are limited by breathlessness in ADL acceptable and tolerable to the patient. (Grade D) to pulmonary rehabilitation when on optimal therapy, they should discuss with the patient the likely benefits. (√) Supplemental oxygen in patients undergoing rehabilitation ▸ The British Thoracic Society (BTS)/Scottish Intercollegiate ▸ Supplemental oxygen should not be routinely used for all Guidelines Network (SIGN) asthma guideline draws atten- patients undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation. (Grade B) tion to exercise-induced asthma and precautions to prevent ▸ Supplemental oxygen during pulmonary rehabilitation this should be followed if appropriate. (√) should be offered to those who fulfil the assessment criteria for long-term or ambulatory oxygen unless there are compel- ling clinical reasons to use alternative criteria. (Grade D) Other chronic respiratory diseases—in general ▸ Individuals who are prescribed oxygen but decline to use it ▸ Minimal clinically important different (MCID) changes and during exercise should have this clearly documented in their tools used to assess exercise capacity and quality of life for notes. (√) pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD are not necessarily trans- ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation provides an opportunity to assess ferable to other chronic respiratory diseases. While future the adequacy of the prescribed flow rate for patients already research should address this, failure of rehabilitation should in receipt of long-term (LTOT) or ambula- not be implied if failure to reach the COPD MCID for out- tory oxygen. (√) comes. (√)

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii3 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from ▸ The educational element of pulmonary rehabilitation should be Target audience adapted for other chronic respiratory diseases if appropriate. The BTS pulmonary rehabilitation guideline is aimed primarily (√) at practitioners within the UK. This includes doctors, nurses, ▸ Practically, inclusion of patients with other chronic respira- physiotherapists, dieticians, occupational therapists and other tory diseases into pulmonary rehabilitation will be alongside healthcare professionals. It may be of relevance to other health- subjects with COPD. (√) care systems. It is intended to inform those conducting pulmon- ▸ General exercise should be encouraged for all patients with ary rehabilitation and also those who manage patients with chronic respiratory disease. (√) chronic respiratory disease who may be referred into a rehabili- tation scheme. Post pulmonary rehabilitation Repeat pulmonary rehabilitation programmes SCOPE ▸ Repeat pulmonary rehabilitation should be considered in Population: people with chronic respiratory disease, focusing on patients who have completed a course of pulmonary rehabili- COPD. tation more than 1 year previously. The likely benefits should Populations not covered: children. be discussed and willing patients referred. (Grade B) Healthcare setting: primary and secondary care. ▸ Earlier repeat pulmonary rehabilitation should be considered Topics: in individuals with accelerated physiological decline or if • The role of pulmonary rehabilitation. additional benefits on a shorter timescale would be clinically • Referral and assessment. valuable. (Grade D) • Structure of pulmonary rehabilitation including organisation ▸ It is unlikely that if the patient completed the pulmonary and content. rehabilitation course originally and failed to gain a benefit, they • Post-exacerbation rehabilitation. would benefit a second time round, unless circumstances such • Adjuncts to pulmonary rehabilitation. as an exacerbation interrupted the initial programme. (√) • Other chronic respiratory diseases. • Post pulmonary rehabilitation. Maintenance Topics not covered: ▸ All patients completing pulmonary rehabilitation should be • Diagnosis and optimising COPD therapy otherwise. encouraged to continue to exercise beyond the programme. • Peri-exacerbation inpatient exercise regimes. (Grade A) • Elective inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation.* ▸ Patients graduating from a pulmonary rehabilitation pro- • Multidisciplinary care of cystic fibrosis. gramme should be provided with opportunities for physical • Pre-surgery and post-surgery pulmonary rehabilitation exercise beyond their rehabilitation programme. (√) (including lung cancer). • It was not possible to comprehensively cover all chronic respiratory diseases.

INTRODUCTION • Patient support groups. Aim • Healthcare costs/cost effectiveness. Pulmonary rehabilitation has established itself as a key manage- *While not covered specifically, occasionally inpatient pul- ment strategy in people with chronic respiratory disease. The monary rehabilitation literature has been referred to in the role of pulmonary rehabilitation has recently been highlighted absence of outpatient literature on a subject. This has been in the Department of Health’s ‘An outcomes strategy for COPD stated at the appropriate place. and asthma in England’.1 Since the BTS statement on pulmon- The guideline refers to the NICE COPD guideline 2010, ary rehabilitation 2001, there has been a significant expansion 2 NICE commissioning guidelines, the BTS bronchiectasis guide- in the literature for pulmonary rehabilitation. This literature – on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. line 2010 and the BTS/SIGN asthma guideline.368 It does not has contributed to our understanding of outcomes and markers overlap with details of other guidelines, such as smoking cessa- of pulmonary rehabilitation, referral characteristics and patient tion, but clearly should dovetail. selection, optimal programme structure, potential adjuncts to the main rehabilitation content, pulmonary rehabilitation in dif- ferent settings such as following an exacerbation and maintain- METHODOLOGY ing the benefits of the programme after completion of the This guideline is based on the best available evidence. The meth- course. The UK model of pulmonary rehabilitation is not fully odology used to write the guideline adheres strictly to the criteria reflected in the American Thoracic Society/European as set by the AGREE collaboration, which is available online Respiratory Society statement while other guidelines referring to The BTS pulmonary rehabilitation have either been disease or modality Standards of Care Committee (SOCC) guideline production – specific.3 5 There is a need to provide a UK evidence-based manual is available at guideline for pulmonary rehabilitation in adult patients with chronic respiratory disease in an outpatient setting. Clinical questions and literature search For the purposes of the development of the guidelines, the Clinical questions were structured in the PICO (Patient, Guideline Development Group (GDG) adopted the following Intervention, Control, Outcome) format (web appendix 1) to working definition of pulmonary rehabilitation, broadly based define the scope of the guideline and inform the literature on the NICE COPD guidelines: ‘Pulmonary rehabilitation can search. be defined as an interdisciplinary programme of care for Systematic electronic database searches were conducted to patients with chronic respiratory impairment that is individually identify potentially relevant studies for inclusion in the guide- tailored and designed to optimise each patient’s physical and line. For each topic area, the following databases were searched: social performance and autonomy. Programmes comprise indivi- Ovid MEDLINE (including MEDLINE In Process), Ovid dualised exercise programmes and education’.3 EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library (including the Cochrane ii4 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from Database of Systematic Reviews, the Database of Abstracts of pertinent ones from this search had been identified by the GDG in Reviews of Effects) from 1980. the meantime and already incorporated. The searches were first run in August 2011 and updated in September 2012 (web appendix 2). Searches included a combin- Considered judgement and grading of evidence ation of indexed terms and free text terms and were limited to The GDG used the evidence tables to judge the body of evi- fi English language publications only. The initial search identi ed dence and grade recommendations for this guideline. Evidence 2087 potential abstracts and the second search 173. tables, web appendices 3 and 4, are available online. When evi- dence was lacking to answer the formulated clinical questions, expert opinions were obtained through consensus. The follow- Appraisal of literature ing were considered in grading the recommendations: Appraisal was performed to be compliant with the AGREE col- • The available volume of the body of evidence. laboration. Four individuals ( JDB, CEB, NJG and JHH) read • How applicable the obtained evidence was in making recom- the title and abstract of each article retrieved by the literature mendations for the defined target audience of this guideline. searches and decided whether the paper was definitely relevant, • Whether the evidence was generalisable to the target popula- possibly relevant or not relevant to the project. Criteria formu- tion for the guideline. lated for categorising the abstracts into these three groups were: • Whether there was a clear consistency in the evidence • Whether the study addressed the clinical question. obtained to support recommendations. • Whether the appropriate study type was used to produce the • What the implications of recommendations would be on clin- best evidence to answer the clinical question. ical practice in terms of resources and skilled expertise. • Review articles were excluded. • Cost effectiveness was not reviewed in detail as in-depth eco- • Abstract was in English. nomic analysis of recommendations falls beyond the scope of • Abstracts were not rejected on the basis of the journal of pub- this guideline. lication, country in which the research was performed or Recommendations were graded from A to D as indicated by published, or the date of publication. the strength of the evidence, as shown in table 2. In line with The full paper was obtained for all relevant or possibly rele- SIGN guidance, ‘minus’ evidence was considered in context, but vant abstracts and allocated to the relevant section(s) of the in the absence of other ‘plus’ supporting evidence, it was dis- guideline. cussed among the GDG regarding that point and any recom- The first screening process identified 472 of the initial 2087 ref- mendation made was grade D. Important practical points erence abstracts to be definitely or possibly relevant to the guide- lacking any research evidence, and not likely to be research evi- line. Two guideline reviewers per section independently reviewed dence, were highlighted as ‘good practice points’.(√) the abstracts to identify papers to be appraised for the guideline (appendix A). The two reviewers for each section then independ- ently appraised each paper assigned to them using the SIGN crit- Drafting the guideline The GDG corresponded regularly by email and meetings of the

ical appraisal checklists. The reliability of the evidence in each individual study was graded using the SIGN critical appraisal full group were held in March and June 2011, January, March, checklists and is shown in the evidence tables (++, + or −). The May and September 2012. A lay summary was written (appen- body of evidence for each recommendation was summarised into dix D). The BTS SOCC reviewed the draft guideline in evidence statements and graded using the SIGN grading system November 2012. The draft guideline was presented and dis- (see table 1). Disagreements were resolved by discussion with the cussed at the Winter BTS meeting in December 2012 and a section partner. The second literature search in September 2012 draft was subsequently available online in December 2012/ yielded 173 reference abstracts. Of these, 50 were identified as def- January 2013 for public consultation. A draft guideline

initely or possibly relevant to the guideline. However, all of the on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

Table 2 Grades of recommendations Table 1 Key to evidence statements Grade Type of evidence Grade Evidence A At least one meta-analysis, systematic review, or randomised controlled 1++ High-quality meta-analyses, systematic reviews of randomised controlled trial (RCT) rated as 1++ and directly applicable to the target population trials (RCTs), or RCTs with a very low risk of bias or A systematic review of RCTs or a body of evidence consisting principally 1+ Well conducted meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs of studies rated as 1+ directly applicable to the target population and with a low risk of bias demonstrating overall consistency of results 1− Meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a high risk of B A body of evidence including studies rated as 2++ directly applicable to bias the target population and demonstrating overall consistency of results 2++ High-quality systematic reviews of case–control or cohort studies or or high- quality case–control or cohort studies with a very low risk of Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 1++ or 1+ confounding, bias or chance and a high probability that the relationship C A body of evidence including studies rated as 2+ directly applicable to is causal the target population and demonstrating overall consistency of results 2+ Well conducted case–control or cohort studies with a low risk of or confounding, bias or chance and a moderate probability that the Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 2++ relationship is causal D Evidence level 3 or 4 or 2− Case–control or cohort studies with a high risk of confounding, bias or Extrapolated evidence from studies rated as 2+ chance and a significant risk that the relationship is not causal √ Important practical points for which there is no research evidence, nor 3 Non- analytic studies, for example, case reports, case series is there likely to be any research evidence. The guideline committee 4 Expert opinion wishes to emphasize these as Good Practice Points.

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii5 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from document was circulated to all the relevant stakeholders for con- Griffiths et al12 showed a between-group difference in incre- sultation in December 2012/January 2013 (appendix B). The mental shuttle walk test (ISWT) scores of 75.9 m favouring the BTS SOCC re-reviewed the revised draft guideline in March pulmonary rehabilitation group upon completion of the pro- 2013 and final SOCC approval was granted in April 2013. gramme. Singh et al13 reported the minimally clinical important The GDG members adhered to the BTS policy for the improvement for ISWT of 47.5 m. The Cochrane review also Declaration of Interests (available on BTS website or by contact- described a treatment effect of 48 m favouring pulmonary ing BTS Head Office). The BTS pulmonary rehabilitation guide- rehabilitation in a meta-analysis of 16 trials (346 patients line will be reviewed within the next 5 years. received pulmonary rehabilitation, 323 received usual care) that used the 6 min walk test (6MWT) to measure functional exer- 14 EVIDENCE cise capacity. The minimally clinically important difference for the 6MWT in subjects with COPD is 54 m.15 Different values Chronic respiratory diseases are common worldwide, including fi have been published using alternative approaches. in the UK, and are associated with signi cant morbidity and pre- Evidence statement mature mortality. Such chronic respiratory diseases affect more ▸ Exercise capacity improves with pulmonary rehabilitation than 10% of the population and include COPD, bronchiectasis, fi compared with usual care. (Evidence level 1++) ILDs and asthma. They have signi cant impact on quality of life Recommendation and physical functioning. Although primarily respiratory condi- ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation should be offered to patients with tions with symptoms including dyspnoea, there are important COPD with a view to improving exercise capacity by a clinic- contributing systemic consequences, including loss of skeletal ally important amount. (Grade A) muscle mass and function. The bulk of the pulmonary rehabili- tation literature is based on COPD, where impairments includ- Dyspnoea and health status ing airflow obstruction, increased work of breathing, skeletal In the same Cochrane review the effect of pulmonary rehabilita- muscle dysfunction and deconditioning. Psychological wellbeing tion on dyspnoea and health status were also reviewed.11 This is also markedly affected by this chronic physical and social meta-analysis included Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire (CRQ) impairment, accompanied by the possibility of abrupt decline. data showing an unequivocal reduction in dyspnoea following pul- Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes have been developed monary rehabilitation. The other CRQ domains of fatigue, emo- to provide a framework for the delivery of individualised exer- tional function and patients’ sense of control (mastery) were also cise programmes and disease-related educational sessions. This shown to improve. In fact, the lower limits of all domains of guideline describes the current state of the evidence on the the CRQ were found to exceed the MCID of 0.5 points, indicating effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in study settings. The docu- that a significant clinical improvement in health status follow ment also provides recommendations on the practical aspects of pulmonary rehabilitation.16 The St Georges Respiratory delivering pulmonary rehabilitation. Such guidance would Questionnaire (SGRQ) scores were also subject to a meta-analysis appear to be timely given national audit data suggesting marked in the Cochrane review. This demonstrated that the weighted variation in the services provided under the banner of ‘pulmon- mean difference of the six trials reported exceeded the MCID of 4 ary rehabilitation’. Referral criteria, course length, programme for the total and domain scores.16 Subsequently, other tools for contributors, staff training and service evaluation differ mark- 910 health status such as the COPD assessment test (CAT) have been edly across the UK. – found to be responsive to pulmonary rehabilitation.17 19 Evidence statements The role of pulmonary rehabilitation ▸ Dyspnoea improves with pulmonary rehabilitation compared One of the principle functions of pulmonary rehabilitation is to with usual care. (Evidence level 1++) improve the symptoms of patients with chronic respiratory dis- ▸ Health status improves with pulmonary rehabilitation com- eases. In the following section, the role of pulmonary rehabilita- pared with usual care. (Evidence level 1++) on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tion in different outcome measures and markers is reviewed. Recommendation The literature in this section is based on patients with COPD ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation should be offered to patients with given that the core evidence for pulmonary rehabilitation is in COPD with a view to improving dyspnoea and health status patients with COPD. The section sets the scene as to why pul- by a clinically important amount. (Grade A) monary rehabilitation should be considered as routine care. Given the complex nature of the intervention, numerous Physical activity fi outcome measures are used to capture the bene ts. The conven- There has been increasing interest in physical activity, as inactiv- fl tional outcome measures include those re ecting a change in ity has been linked with reduced survival, poorer quality of life – exercise capacity, quality of life, symptoms and levels of anxiety and increased healthcare utilisation.20 22 A recent systematic fi and depression. The eld is continually widening, with other review and meta-analysis of physical activity was unable to find — important patient-related outcome measures for example, any published RCT examining the effect of pulmonary rehabili- — physical activity being studied. tation compared with usual care.23 They reviewed two rando- mised trials and five single-group interventional studies.24 25 Exercise capacity They concluded that current data suggest supervised exercise Change in exercise capacity following pulmonary rehabilitation training may lead to a small but statistically significant effect on has been subject to a Cochrane Review (updated 2009).11 In activity but the lack of a control limited interpretation. One of this review a meta-analysis of the 13 trials in relation to the randomised trials reported significant improvements in phys- maximal exercise capacity measured by a cycle ergometer test ical activity compared with a ‘pre-control group’ but patients in (268 patients received pulmonary rehabilitation, 243 received this group went on to receive a pulmonary rehabilitation inter- usual care) showed the weighted mean difference was 8.43 W. vention.25 One of the single group studies reported no change Other studies used other measures of maximal exercise capacity. at 3 months but improvement with 6 months of rehabilitation.26 In an adequately powered randomised controlled trial (RCT), In summary, a consistent finding is a small increase in physical ii6 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from activity following pulmonary rehabilitation, though its clinical Psychological status significance is unknown. A meta-analysis of six RCTs concluded that pulmonary rehabili- Evidence statement tation was more effective than standard care for the reduction of ▸ Physical activity improves modestly with pulmonary rehabili- anxiety and depression.43 Of the six trials in the review, one was tation. (Evidence level 2++) methodologically weak and two were underpowered as outlined in the evidence table. However, the strongest data were from a Activities of daily living large RCT comparing pulmonary rehabilitation (n=99) with Increased independence in ADL remains an important aim of usual care (n=101) completed by Griffiths et al,12 who demon- pulmonary rehabilitation. However, the impact of pulmonary strated a significant improvement in anxiety and depression as rehabilitation upon ADL has not yet been reported in a RCT. measured by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Measurement of physical activity with activity monitors provides Evidence statement a snapshot of the quantity of activity but does not provide infor- ▸ Psychological status improves with pulmonary rehabilitation mation with regard to individual task completion. Self-reported compared with usual care. (Evidence level 1+) measures of ADL have been shown to be reliable and sensitive to Recommendation change following pulmonary rehabilitation programmes in the ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation should be offered to patients with UK. These include the Canadian Occupational Performance COPD with a view to improving psychological wellbeing. Measure (COPM), London Chest ADL (LCADL) Scale, (Grade A) Manchester Respiratory ADL Scale and the Pulmonary – Functional Status and Dyspnoea Questionnaire.27 30 Prospective Nutritional status uncontrolled studies suggest that pulmonary rehabilitation does Studies have shown variable results for weight change with pul- impact on ADL.25 31 32 Sewell et al25 compared an individualised monary rehabilitation programmes. People presenting to pul- exercise programme with a generic exercise programme and monary rehabilitation have differing body habitus and hence demonstrated statistically significant within-group improvements differing objectives of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation. This in COPM performance and satisfaction scores for both treatment complicates looking for an overall change in weight in a group groups. A further uncontrolled study has shown improvements in with pulmonary rehabilitation. Lan et al44 showed an 0.8 kg LCADL Scale scores.31 A small study of 22 patients compared weight increase following pulmonary rehabilitation in an under- three measures of self-reported ADL and concluded that the weight population. In normal weight patients, a similar gain of LCADL and modified version of the pulmonary functional status 0.6 kg following exercise training has been described.45 and dyspnoea questionnaire (PFSDQ-M) were more responsive However, in a trial examining the effect of nutritional supple- than the MRC scale.32 However, the impact of pulmonary mentation, Steiner et al46 showed weight loss of 0.6 kg in their rehabilitation upon ADL has not been reported in a RCTcompar- placebo group following pulmonary rehabilitation. The magni- ing pulmonary rehabilitation with usual care. tude of weight change in all these studies is of doubtful clinical Evidence statement significance. The effect of pulmonary rehabilitation on weight in

▸ Self-reported measures of ADL improve following pulmonary the obese population is unknown. Recent retrospective data of a rehabilitation. (Evidence level 2+) large pulmonary rehabilitation cohort has shown that baseline nutritional status (measured by BMI) has no effect on the efficacy Muscle strength of pulmonary rehabilitation in terms of exercise capacity or Muscle strength, in particular the quadriceps, is an important health status.47 systemic marker in COPD and weakness is associated with Evidence statement increased mortality and healthcare utilisation.33 34 Interventions ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation has only a minor effect on body that can demonstrate improvements in strength are therefore weight. Nutritional status at the start of rehabilitation does desirable. It was decided to narrow the influence on pulmonary not affect outcomes such as exercise capacity or health status. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. rehabilitation to quadriceps strength for this guideline, as this (Evidence level 2−) has been highlighted as an important muscle group in COPD.33 No RCTs of pulmonary rehabilitation that measured quadri- Self-efficacy ceps strength were identified. As such, the GDG reviewed eight Self-efficacy describes the level of belief someone has in their – RCTs of exercise training versus control.35 42 There were six ability to complete a chosen task or goal.48 Self-efficacy for – studies composed solely of resistance training35 36 38 40 42; one walking has been shown to be associated with adherence in pul- study including a combination of aerobic and resistance train- monary rehabilitation and is therefore an important outcome ing39; and one study including mobility training.37 All studies measure in pulmonary rehabilitation. To date there have not incorporating resistance training demonstrated an increase in been any RCTs that measure the impact of pulmonary rehabili- muscle strength. The seven positive studies demonstrated an tation on self-efficacy compared with usual care. However, an increase of at least 16% (16.2%–37%) in quadriceps strength. early RCT compared pulmonary rehabilitation with education Evidence statement alone and demonstrated that self-efficacy improved in the inter- ▸ Quadriceps muscle strength is increased by exercise pro- vention group.49 Other prospective observational studies have grammes incorporating resistance training compared with also demonstrated that self-efficacy scores improve following usual care. (Evidence level 1+) pulmonary rehabilitation.31 50 More recently, the PRAISE self- Good practice point efficacy tool has been developed to measure levels of self- ▸ Different components within a pulmonary rehabilitation pro- efficacy in relation to behaviours specific to pulmonary rehabili- gramme, such as resistance training, can influence quadriceps tation and has been shown to be reliable and sensitive to change strength and this is addressed in the section ‘Nature of train- following pulmonary rehabilitation in a prospective cohort ing of these guidelines’.(√) study.51

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii7 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from Evidence statement how these impact on behaviour and dealing with problems and ▸ Levels of self-efficacy improve following completion of pul- whether there are alternative ways. It was therefore considered monary rehabilitation. (Evidence level 2++) whether CBT might improve the adherence to pulmonary rehabilitation if delivered immediately before the programme. In Survival an uncontrolled study, the introduction of a group opt-in 1.5 h One RCT has explored the effect of pulmonary rehabilitation on session which incorporated CBT techniques post referral was survival in 119 people with COPD when stable.49 The study was evaluated.57 Compared with historical practice, fewer patients almost certainly underpowered to detect a mortality difference proceeded to the initial assessment but a similar proportion between the groups. In addition, the intervention and ‘usual care’ commenced pulmonary rehabilitation. There appeared to be less groups received education and the intervention group received dropout for ‘non-illness’ reasons, such as transport difficulties monthly ‘reinforcement’ sessions for a year after completion of or dislike of group activities. rehabilitation. Both groups had at least 6-monthly assessments by Evidence statement the research team for the following 6 years. Overall 6-year survival ▸ Pre-pulmonary rehabilitation interventions using cognitive was 61% and there was no statistically significant difference behavioural techniques may improve completion of pulmon- between the intervention and control groups. ary rehabilitation. (Evidence level 2−)

Measuring pulmonary rehabilitation outcomes Assessment Although the benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation are shown in Initial assessment for pulmonary rehabilitation should include a a variety of ways in this chapter, there are several key outcomes detailed description of the programme—for example, the that should be the core part of any assessment of the individual requirement for exercise within a group setting. It should also and of the efficacy of the programme. confirm that there is no contraindication to rehabilitation. The Recommendation initial assessment presents an opportunity to assess comorbid- ▸ As a minimum, efficacy of pulmonary rehabilitation pro- ities and risk factors, for example, hypertension (see section grammes needs to be regularly assessed by demonstrating ‘Cardiovascular disease comorbidity’) and consider referral for clinically important improvements in exercise capacity, dys- management to optimise benefit from the programme. pnoea and health status. (Grade B) Information on service specification of pulmonary rehabilitation Good practice point is addressed in appendix F. ▸ As part of regular assessment, patient satisfaction and feed- Good practice points back should be sought. (√) ▸ Initial assessment for pulmonary rehabilitation provides an opportunity to assess and refer for treatment of comorbidities Referral and assessment of patients for pulmonary prior to commencing. (√) rehabilitation ▸ The setting of pulmonary rehabilitation, skill mix of the team Referral process and other comorbidities should always be considered in the

There are certain aspects of the referral process to pulmonary risk assessment of patients entering a rehabilitation pro- rehabilitation that are recommended. Patients who are likely to gramme. (√) benefit from pulmonary rehabilitation have their exercise cap- acity limited by breathlessness or muscle fatigue and may have Specific situations at assessment difficulty understanding the rationale behind referral for exercise In identifying suitable patients for pulmonary rehabilitation, training. From qualitative studies, success and outcome of there has been debate about the suitability and/or safety of pul- rehabilitation are positively influenced by the initial clinician monary rehabilitation for patients with specific conditions, interaction and detail provided about pulmonary rehabilita- including: tion.52 53 Studies report that lack of understanding of the bene- • people who continue to smoke, on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. fits of pulmonary rehabilitation may influence uptake.54 55 In • people with chronic respiratory failure, addition, addressing patients’ concerns may improve uptake and • people with coexistent cardiovascular disease, completion.54 A discussion should take place with the patient • people with coexistent anxiety and/or depression, about their aims from pulmonary rehabilitation. This can be • people with mild or most severe breathlessness. documented and may aid motivation.56 Patient information and Further, there has been discussion on the optimal pharmaco- referral are covered in appendices C and E. logical therapy for people with COPD commencing pulmonary Good practice points rehabilitation. ▸ The point of referral to pulmonary rehabilitation should be used as an opportunity to explore the patient’sunderstanding Smoking status of pulmonary rehabilitation, address concerns and to educate There has been some debate as to whether current smoking patients about the benefits of a pulmonary rehabilitation pro- should be an exclusion criterion for pulmonary rehabilitation. gramme. (√) A retrospective non-analytic study of 239 predominantly male ▸ Healthcare professionals making referrals to pulmonary rehabili- patients with COPD showed that current smokers were less tation should have basic knowledge about what a programme likely to attend at least two-thirds of training sessions while entails and effectiveness. A pulmonary rehabilitation programme another uncontrolled study of 91 patients with COPD identified should be presented by the referrer as a fundamental treatment lower completion rates in current smokers.58 59 However, in for COPD rather than an optional extra. (√) these studies a considerable proportion of current smokers attended and completed rehabilitation. There was no evidence The period from referral to assessment that smokers failed to benefit to a similar degree as non- Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based psy- smokers. Pulmonary rehabilitation can provide an excellent chological treatment focusing on thoughts, beliefs and attitudes, opportunity to facilitate smoking cessation.60

ii8 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from Evidence statement quality of life, equally likely to gain significant improvement in ▸ Patients who currently smoke benefit from pulmonary breathlessness and more likely to demonstrate an improvement rehabilitation. (Evidence level 3) in walking distance.62 Further, the GDG considered that the Recommendation standard MCID used for pulmonary rehabilitation may not be ▸ Patients with COPD should be referred for pulmonary applicable in those with comorbidities—that is, patients may rehabilitation regardless of their smoking status. (Grade D) clinically improve by a noticeable amount at values less than Good practice points the MCID traditionally used for a general rehabilitation ▸ Patients referred to pulmonary rehabilitation should have population. their smoking status assessed and referral to smoking cessa- A prospective study from the same authors of 316 patients tion services offered to smokers simultaneously. (√) with moderate to severe COPD completing outpatient pulmon- ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation provides opportunities to offer ary rehabilitation showed no evidence that patients with cardio- fi smoking cessation advice. (√) vascular comorbidity gained less bene t from pulmonary rehabilitation.63 Furthermore there is emerging evidence that fi Chronic respiratory failure pulmonary rehabilitation may favourably bene t cardiovascular risk factors (eg, blood pressure).64 65 The issue of safety of pulmonary rehabilitation was considered A further consideration is abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) in patients with chronic respiratory failure. Patients with chronic and exercise. Indeed, AAAs are reported as more prevalent in respiratory failure (defined as PaO <8kPa, PaCO >6kPa or 2 2 patients with COPD than in the general population and are both) appear to gain similar benefit from pulmonary rehabilita- – related to tobacco smoking and impaired lung function.66 69 tion compared with patients without respiratory failure.61 There was no literature exploring AAA’s in patients with chronic A prospective observational study of 1130 patients with severe respiratory disease and pulmonary rehabilitation. The guideline COPD who underwent inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation from the Society for Vascular Surgery (USA) documents that showed that patients with and without chronic respiratory AAA rupture is not precipitated by moderate physical activity.70 failure showed a similar response.61 The GDG discussed this in A small pilot reported relative safety of exercise in people who light of the available studies and concluded that patients should have AAAs but only studied people with ‘small’ AAA’s (defined not be excluded from pulmonary rehabilitation on this basis. as 30–50 mm in diameter).71 The GDG additionally sought vas- Later sections of this guideline discuss the use of oxygen and cular opinions, including that of the Vascular Society, UK, and non-invasive ventilation as an adjunct to pulmonary rehabilita- concluded that in people with an AAA <5.5 cm with controlled tion; see section on Adjuncts to pulmonary rehabilitation. Evidence statement blood pressure, a standard multidisciplinary pulmonary rehabili- tation incorporating moderate intensity aerobic training should ▸ fi Patients with chronic respiratory failure gain as much bene t be considered safe. as those without chronic respiratory failure from pulmonary An AAA>5.5 cm should usually lead to consideration for rehabilitation. (Evidence level 3) surgical intervention, although severity of COPD or other Recommendation comorbidities may preclude surgery. The opinion of the ▸ Patients with COPD can be referred for pulmonary rehabilita- Vascular Society UK was sought: there is no evidence that mild tion regardless of whether or not they have chronic respira- to moderate exercise is associated with an increased risk of tory failure. (Grade D) rupture. This would include aerobic exercise, for example, Good practice point walking or riding a bicycle at a steady pace without the need to ▸ When considering the referral of patients with chronic become too uncomfortable. However, this would exclude exer- respiratory failure, practitioners should reflect on the receiv- cise which is associated with a risk of transient blood pressure ing setting and skill mix of the attending staff to provide safe rise, such as lifting weights, press ups or sit ups. The GDG con-

pulmonary rehabilitation to these patients who have signifi- cluded that in subjects with COPD where surgery has been on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. cant physiological impairment and potential for greater deemed inappropriate by a cardiac or vascular surgeon, pulmon- instability by the intended programme. (√) ary rehabilitation incorporating mild–moderate aerobic exercise can be considered. Cardiovascular disease comorbidity Evidence statements From a safety perspective it is logical that patients with unstable ▸ Patients with chronic respiratory disease with coexistent cardiovascular disease (eg, unstable angina, unstable arrhythmias) stable cardiovascular disease benefit from pulmonary rehabili- should not enter a rehabilitation programme until stabilised. tation (Evidence level 3). Accordingly, all such patients are excluded from studies of pul- ▸ Patients with aortic aneurysms <5.5 cm in diameter can monary rehabilitation. However, patients should not be excluded perform moderate intensity aerobic exercise as part of pul- from pulmonary rehabilitation on the basis of having stable car- monary rehabilitation, provided blood pressure is controlled. diovascular disease and the initial assessment offers a potential (Evidence level 4) opportunity to assess this aspect of their general health. Recommendations A retrospective observational study of 2962 patients with ▸ People with chronic respiratory disease should be referred to moderate to severe COPD completing pulmonary rehabilitation pulmonary rehabilitation irrespective of coexistent stable car- evaluated the impact of comorbidities, including cardiovascular diovascular disease. (Grade D) comorbidity, on outcomes. Patients with a higher number of ▸ A coexistent AAA <5.5 cm should not preclude referral to comorbidities, assessed using the Charlson index, were less pulmonary rehabilitation and being included in moderate likely to gain clinically significant improvement in walking dis- intensity aerobic exercise training, provided blood pressure is tance and health-related quality of life but the level of controlled. (Grade D) comorbidity had no effect on improvement in breathlessness. Good practice points Relating to cardiovascular comorbidities, their presence led to ▸ The referral process and/or the initial assessment for pulmon- patients being less likely to show a significant improvement in ary rehabilitation offer an important opportunity to assess

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii9 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from and optimise cardiovascular health and address risk factors study more than 100 patients with MRC dyspnoea scores of 2 for cardiovascular disease. (√) were included. ▸ In patients with COPD who have an AAA >5.5 cm, deemed There is one single-centre, unblinded RCT of 61 patients with not fit for surgery, pulmonary rehabilitation incorporating COPD who had moderate Global Initiative for Chronic mild–moderate intensity aerobic exercise may be considered, Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) II airflow obstruction. Some but should not include resistance training. (√) of these patients had a MRC dyspnoea score of 2 but were not stratified by their MRC breathlessness. They were randomised Anxiety and depression to either pulmonary rehabilitation or usual care and the group It has been considered whether anxiety and depression should completing pulmonary rehabilitation showed improvement in be addressed prior to pulmonary rehabilitation in case they walking distance and quality of life.78 In even milder airflow affect adherence or willingness to adopt change. Harris et al54 obstruction (symptomatic GOLD I), ventilatory responses with reported that patients who scored more highly for anxiety and incremental cycling exercise show reduced exercise capacity depression were more likely to report breathlessness and fear compared with matched controls.64 A flexible approach may be exercise, irrespective of the MRC breathlessness score. required to facilitate these patients completing exercise training. However, we know that pulmonary rehabilitation conveys sig- There are conflicting results of pulmonary rehabilitation for nificant improvement in such parameters for those with mild to those with MRC grade 5 breathlessness, depending on whether moderate depression who undergo rehabilitation. or not they are housebound. A well conducted, randomised, A prospective non-analytic study of 81 patients with predom- placebo-controlled trial of 60 patients with MRC breathless inantly severe COPD showed no evidence that patients with grade 5 who were housebound due to their breathlessness higher levels of anxiety or depression (assessed using the gained little benefit from supervised exercise training in their HADS) obtain reduced benefit from pulmonary rehabilitation.72 home.79 In contrast, another large retrospective observational Indeed another observational study of 95 patients with COPD study which included 146 patients graded as MRC breathless suggested that patients with a higher baseline level of anxiety grade 5, but who were able to attend and complete outpatient gained greater benefit from exercise training.73 A retrospective pulmonary rehabilitation, gained similar benefit to patients who analysis of 518 patients entering pulmonary rehabilitation had MRC scores of 3–4.76 The location and nature of the pro- demonstrated a significant improvement in anxiety and depres- grammes used in these studies and the level of functional limita- sion according to the HADS score in those who had ‘presence’ tion of recruited patients with MRC grade 5 may confound the or ‘probable’ anxiety or depression at baseline.74 Baseline outcomes. HADS score did not relate to completion or non-completion. Evidence statements A systematic review of factors associated with completion of ▸ Patients with chronic respiratory disease who are functionally pulmonary rehabilitation indicated that patients with depression limited because of dyspnoea benefit from pulmonary rehabili- have a lower completion rate.75 However, many do complete tation compared with usual care. (Evidence level 1++) the programme and gain significant benefit. ▸ People with COPD with a MRC dyspnoea score of 2 benefit

Evidence statement from pulmonary rehabilitation. (Evidence level 3) ▸ People with symptoms of anxiety and/or depression benefit Patients with COPD who have a MRC dyspnoea score of 5 from pulmonary rehabilitation and should not be excluded who are able to attend an outpatient programme gain similar from pulmonary rehabilitation. (Evidence level 3) benefit from pulmonary rehabilitation as those with MRC dys- Recommendation pnoea 3–4. (Evidence level 3) ▸ Coexistent symptoms of anxiety and/or depression in patients Patients with COPD who have a MRC dyspnoea score of 5 and with COPD should not preclude referral to pulmonary are housebound are unlikely to gain significant improvement in rehabilitation. (Grade D) walking distance, breathlessness and quality of life from supervised

Good practice point pulmonary rehabilitation delivered in their home. (Evidence on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. ▸ The referral process and the assessments for pulmonary level 1+) rehabilitation offer important opportunities to detect and con- Recommendations sider referral for ongoing support and management for ▸ Patients with a MRC dyspnoea score of 3–5 who are func- depression. (√) tionally limited by breathlessness should be referred for out- patient pulmonary rehabilitation. (Grade A) MRC dyspnoea grade ▸ Patients with a MRC dyspnoea score of 2 who are function- The traditional view of pulmonary rehabilitation has been to ally limited by breathlessness should be referred for pulmon- refer patients with an MRC breathless score of 3 or worse. The ary rehabilitation. (Grade D) majority of outcome studies have included patients with COPD ▸ Patients with a MRC dyspnoea score of 5 who are house- who had MRC scores of 3–5 and who attended outpatient pro- bound should not routinely be offered supervised pulmonary grammes. There is overwhelming evidence of benefit from these rehabilitation within their home. (Grade B) studies incorporating hundreds of patients, albeit few of these Good practice point studies stratified according to MRC grade.11 12 However, in ▸ Flexible and pragmatic approaches should be considered to general, there has been a shift towards addressing COPD earlier facilitate exercise training in patients who have less severe in the natural history of the disease and debate has ensued as to COPD and who are less breathless. (√) whether pulmonary rehabilitation may be of benefit to those with MRC dyspnoea grade 2. Bronchodilator therapy Two retrospective observational studies have shown that The exercise component of pulmonary rehabilitation is benefi- patients who have a MRC dyspnoea score of 2 obtain similar cial, but the magnitude of benefit may be limited by modifiable improvement in exercise capacity to patients with MRC scores factors. Bronchodilator drugs that reduce dyspnoea and of 3–5.76 77 Both studies examined approximately 450 patients dynamic hyperinflation may permit a greater amount of exercise who completed outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation and in each and thus a greater gain from the rehabilitation programme. Two ii10 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from RCTs have assessed the effect of tiotropium bromide (Spiriva, Structure of pulmonary rehabilitation Boehringher) as an adjunct to pulmonary rehabilitation.80 81 Frequency of supervised pulmonary rehabilitation sessions The generalisability of the findings of these trials is limited as The frequency of supervised sessions during a course of pul- they did not permit the use of long-acting β agonists or short- monary rehabilitation has not been clearly established. acting anti-cholinergics in any subject (thus any additional Traditionally in the UK, pulmonary rehabilitation takes place as benefit in the treatment arm could be at least partially explained an outpatient (either in a hospital or community setting) com- by treatment reduction in the placebo arm) and a large propor- prising a minimum of two supervised sessions per week. There tion of subjects took inhaled corticosteroids. In this context, is a large body of literature supporting the benefits of pulmon- both trials found the addition of tiotropium bromide to further ary rehabilitation and these have encompassed two supervised improve dyspnoea, but only one found benefits in walk distance sessions and either a third supervised or formalised unsuper- and quality of life. It should be noted that the larger showed vised pulmonary rehabilitation session.11 12 In parallel with this, pulmonary rehabilitation to be only modestly effective (6MWT the general advice from the Department of Health recommends improvement of around 10%) and there were no common tests five sessions of 30 min of physical activity per week.84 of exercise capacity across the two trials. These studies did not A pilot feasibility study evaluating the effectiveness of a once set out to investigate whether there was a synergistic effect of weekly versus a twice weekly supervised programme and a ran- commencing a COPD medication before pulmonary rehabilita- domised, parallel-group single-blind study experienced signifi- tion or whether the effects of the two interventions were simply cant dropout rates, resulting in neither study being statistically additive. No trial has investigated any other standard COPD powered.85 86 The GDG noted that the improvement in walking medication introduced specifically to attempt to increase the distance with pulmonary rehabilitation in the once and twice benefit gained from pulmonary rehabilitation. weekly groups was minimal, raising concern about the pro- Evidence statement gramme in the parallel-group study.86 ▸ The commencement of a regular inhaled long-acting muscar- The optimum frequency of pulmonary rehabilitation is not inic antagonist drug prior to pulmonary rehabilitation leads known. There is insufficient evidence to demonstrate that once- to greater improvement in breathlessness and greater weekly pulmonary rehabilitation is as effective as twice weekly improvement in walking distance and quality of life. It is in terms of improvement in exercise performance and health uncertain whether these potential benefits are simply addi- status. Most pulmonary rehabilitation studies showing benefitin tive, how applicable they are to current standard practice, or the key outcome measures are based on at least two supervised 11 12 what effect other COPD medications have as adjuncts. pulmonary rehabilitation sessions a week. (Evidence level 1−) Recommendation Recommendation ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes should be a minimum ▸ Patients with COPD should be taking bronchodilator therapy of twice-weekly supervised sessions. (Grade D) in line with NICE COPD guidelines prior to referral to pul- Good practice points monary rehabilitation. (Grade D) ▸ In line with published pulmonary rehabilitation studies and the Good practice point outcomes they demonstrate, a third session of prescribed exer- ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation offers an opportunity to check and cise is recommended. This can be performed unsupervised. (√) optimise inhaler technique. (√) ▸ Encouragement of regular physical activity five times a week for 30 min each time is encouraged in line with standard √ Other considerations regarding referral to pulmonary rehabilitation healthy living advice. ( ) The decision to refer may be influenced by other factors—for example, when it may be unsafe, inappropriate or impossible for Duration of pulmonary rehabilitation programmes

patients to engage in pulmonary rehabilitation. Studies of pul- The optimal pulmonary rehabilitation programme duration is on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. monary rehabilitation routinely include a number of standard unclear, with huge variation in the length of programme seen clinical exclusion criteria resulting in such patients not being across Europe and the rest of the world. In the UK, for practical included in clinical trials. The main criteria include the presence and economic reasons, programmes lasting longer than of unstable cardiac disease, locomotor or neurological difficulties 6–8 weeks are not standard; however, there is some ongoing precluding exercise (eg, severe arthritis or peripheral vascular debate as to the efficacy of programmes lasting less than disease), patients in a terminal phase of their illness or the pres- 6 weeks. Consequently we have examined the effect on exercise ence of significant cognitive or psychiatric impairment.12 82 83 performance and health status of pulmonary rehabilitation Good practice points lasting less than 6 weeks to programmes lasting 6–12 weeks. ▸ Patients with unstable cardiac disease or locomotor difficul- However, we have also commented on studies examining pro- ties that preclude exercise (eg, severe arthritis or severe per- longed rehabilitation (greater than 12 weeks). ipheral vascular disease) should not be referred for pulmonary rehabilitation. (√) Programmes shorter than 6 weeks compared with 6–12 weeks ▸ Careful consideration should be given to patients who have Two RCTs have been published comparing supervised training significant cognitive or psychiatric impairment that would lead for 4 and 7 weeks from the same centre but with different sub- to an inability to follow simple commands in a group setting. jects. Green et al87 randomised 44 subjects to 4 weeks (8 super- (√) vised exercise sessions) or 7 weeks (14 sessions) of training and ▸ In certain individual cases, facilitation of pulmonary rehabili- compared end of programme difference in health status and tation may be aided by the support and attendance of a rela- exercise capacity. The study power was based on health status tive or carer. (√) (the primary outcome) and when compared with 4 weeks of ▸ In case of doubt over the appropriateness of a patient for pul- training the group receiving 7 weeks of training showed signifi- monary rehabilitation, clinicians are advised to contact their cantly greater improvement in total CRQ score and the domains local provider. (√) of dyspnoea, emotion and mastery. Exercise performance was a

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii11 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from secondary outcome and the study was not powered to find a dif- Recommendations ference in this measure. No significant difference in exercise ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes of 6–12 weeks are performance was seen between the two groups. recommended. (Grade A) Sewell et al88 randomised patients to either 4 weeks or ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes including the attend- 7 weeks of supervised exercise. However, in contrast to Green ance at a minimum of 12 supervised sessions are recom- et al, the 4-week group was directed to exercise unsupervised mended, although individual patients can gain some benefit for weeks 5–7 and were then reassessed at the end of 7 weeks. from fewer sessions. (Grade A) The study was powered for equivalence and comparing the Good practice point groups at 7 weeks and 6 months, there was no significant differ- ▸ If training for less than 6 weeks is considered, this should be ence in incremental shuttle walk or health status. individualised and objective/subjective measures of benefitin The differences in study design and conflicting outcomes place before patients graduate. For some individuals reassess- mean it is not possible to make a specific recommendation ment at 4 weeks and graduation to independent gym training about programmes with a duration of less than 6 weeks. The is a feasible possibility. (√) study by Sewell et al shows that many individuals gained signifi- cant improvement in exercise performance and health status Rolling or cohort programmes after 4 weeks but in this group the further assessment at 7 weeks There is much debate regarding the comparative effectiveness of may have influenced compliance with unsupervised exercise either a rolling or cohort-based rehabilitation programme. training during weeks 5–7. There is no high-quality evidence comparing the two formats. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of pulmonary rehabili- The GDG felt it was important to list the aspects of both types, tation outcome studies are outpatient programmes of 6– which might be informative for those considering setting up a 12 weeks’ duration. While the trials described in this section service; see appendix G. show that some subjects can gain benefit from programmes of Recommendation <6 weeks’ duration, this evidence base is not robust enough to ▸ Cohort or rolling programmes of pulmonary rehabilitation recommend programmes of <6 weeks’ duration are comparable are both acceptable forms of delivery depending on local to those lasting 6–12 weeks. considerations. (Grade D)

Studies of longer duration pulmonary rehabilitation Education Three other RCTs examined pulmonary rehabilitation pro- The educational components of pulmonary rehabilitation are gramme lengths in which at least one group completed rehabili- fundamentally integral to the format and success of the pro- tation lasting longer than 3 months, included in a systematic gramme. Education comes into every aspect of pulmonary – review.89 92 Two of these studies assessed exercise performance rehabilitation and in discrete educational sessions. Educational as an outcome and demonstrated that the prolonged pulmonary talks are discussed in more detail in appendix H. rehabilitation (20 weeks vs 8 weeks and 18 months vs 3 months) The intention of the educational element is to support the life-

significantly improved exercise performance with regard to style and behavioural change and assist self-management to 12 min walk test, 6MWT and stair climb, respectively.89 90 All promote decision making and self-efficacy. The educational and three studies measured health status or functional disability. cultural backgrounds of the subjects and any physical (eg, impaired Improvement in health status and function appeared to be sight or hearing) and cognitive barriers need to be considered. – greater in the groups undergoing prolonged rehabilitation.89 92 One study highlighted a gender difference in response to health Nature of training status improvements, with only men appearing to benefit greater Lower limb weakness is common in patients with COPD and a in the long-term group compared with the short-term group.91 poor prognostic indicator.33 The standard training delivered for

We did not assess and analyse cost effectiveness in the guideline pulmonary rehabilitation is based around aerobic training, usually on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. but consideration of a longer programme of >12 weeks would lower limb endurance training (commonly walking or cycling). The necessitate a full cost evaluation. precise intensity for the endurance component has not yet been In summary, the optimum duration of a pulmonary rehabilita- confirmed for individuals with chronic respiratory disease, tion programmes is not known. The majority of the pro- although a target intensity of 60% of peak work rate is regarded as grammes from which the evidence for pulmonary rehabilitation a minimum. The aim is to accumulate 30–60 min per session. For is based are at least 6 weeks long.11 The RCTs studying shorter- some individuals a single bout of 30 min is not achievable and duration programmes have conflicting results for health status shorter bouts should therefore be advised in order to accumulate and such programmes may be appropriate for specific 30 min. Progression should be observed in the longest achieved subjects.87 88 bout, aiming for 30 min of continuous activity. Evidence statements We explored the evidence for additional resistance (strength) ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation of 6–12 weeks’ duration has training, involving focused training of specific muscle groups demonstrated significant benefits in exercise, dyspnoea and with repetitive manoeuvres against heavy loads. Resistance train- health status for patients with chronic respiratory disease ing involves the major muscle groups, in particular the quadri- compared with usual care. (Evidence level 1++) ceps muscles, and two to four sets should be completed, with ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes with less than 6 weeks each set comprising 10–15 repetitions. The weights chosen of supervised exercise can provide exercise and health status should be individualised and progressed once all sets can be benefits for individuals with COPD. (Evidence level 1+) completed with the selected weight. A minimum of 48 h ▸ Benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation are even greater from between each session is advised. programmes with a duration of more than 3 months, The volume of evidence addressing this was low, with some although the cost benefit would require further evaluation. methodological limitations in a number of trials. A systematic (Evidence level 1+) review encompassed several comparisons—combination approach,

ii12 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from resistance training alone and resistance training compared with • Maximal incremental cardiopulmonary exercise test: peak another intervention.93 Individual trials addressing the potential exercise intensity, peak oxygen consumption, peak minute role of combined resistance compared with endurance training ventilation and lactate threshold at isotime or isowork. – were reviewed. Of seven trials, four carried a high risk of bias.94 97 • Endurance cardiopulmonary exercise test (cycle or tread- There were three good-quality, albeit relatively small, randomised mill): exercise time. – trials.98 100 These trials did not demonstrate any significant add- • Functional exercise capacity: 6-min walk distance, incremental itional benefits with the combined approach compared with endur- shuttle walk distance or endurance shuttle walk time (ESWT). ance training alone regarding exercise tolerance as measured with • Symptom scores, health-related quality of life and muscle field walking tests. There was an improvement in peripheral muscle strength. strength; however this does not appear to translate into a demon- Eleven studies were included in the meta-analysis (five being strable significant improvement in health-related quality of life. translations from foreign language). Of these, eight studies were Functional outcome measures such as stair climbing were only specifically related to this subject, with three judged to be of assessed in the trials with a high risk of bias.95 96 low risk of randomisation bias. Studies had examined a diversity One narrative review considering the longer term effects of of training protocols, moderate to low sample sizes and poten- resistance training has reported on three trials with inconsistent tial selective reporting of outcomes. Furthermore, studies inves- results.101 Our patient representative acknowledged that patients tigating interval versus continuous training in patients with often report it is harder to maintain progressive resistance exer- COPD tended to compare training of equal work duration. cise at an adequate intensity once supervision is no longer pro- The results of the review conclude that interval training was vided. It is of note that trials reviewed focused mainly on not superior to continuous training for improving physiological progressive resistance exercise delivered at an outpatient pro- outcomes, walking time or symptoms in people with moderate gramme using weight-lifting exercise machinery. Lastly, the to severe COPD. GDG considered that resistance training has other benefits, such It must be noted that the training studies reported in the lit- as proven to reduce falls in older people in general. An in-depth erature have all been completed on a cycle ergometer using a review of these other benefits is outside the scope of the pul- complex training programme and this may present challenges monary rehabilitation guideline.102 within the programme and pursuing this type of training regime Evidence statements at home and after graduation from rehabilitation. ▸ Resistance training in combination with aerobic training leads Evidence statement to greater improvements in peripheral muscle strength than ▸ Interval training and continuous training are equally effective aerobic training alone. (Evidence level 1+) modes of training in patients with COPD. (Evidence level 1++) ▸ In patients with COPD, resistance training in combination Recommendation with aerobic training does not lead to additional benefitto ▸ Interval and continuous training can be applied safely and health-related quality of life, dyspnoea or exercise tolerance effectively within the context of pulmonary rehabilitation to compared with aerobic training alone. (Evidence level 1+) patients with COPD. (Grade A)

Recommendation Good practice points ▸ To ensure strength and endurance benefits in patients with ▸ The choice of interval or continuous training will be down to COPD, a combination of progressive muscle resistance and the patient and/or therapist preference. (√) aerobic training should be delivered during a pulmonary ▸ In clinical practice, interval training may require a higher therap- rehabilitation programme. (Grade B) ist to patient ratio to ensure adequate work rate and rest intervals Good practice points are achieved compared with continuous training. (√) ▸ Relevant expertise is required to deliver resistance training. (√) Goal setting in pulmonary rehabilitation

▸ Patients should be capable of continuing effective resistance There has been discussion whether individualising the pulmon- on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. training once supervised sessions have ended. The supervising ary rehabilitation programme to personal goals may improve rehabilitation therapist should ensure that patients are able outcomes of the programme. Individualised activity programmes and willing to continue with unsupervised resistance training. have been investigated by a described RCT but trials of goal (√) setting focusing on other aspects of pulmonary rehabilitation ▸ Prescribing of progressive strength exercise should be indivi- have not been reported.25 Sewell et al25 randomised 180 dualised for each patient, taking into consideration the initial patients to either an individually targeted exercise programme health screening and any increase in risk from comorbidities. or the control arm: a conventional general exercise programme. (√) The ‘individually targeted exercise’ group chose ADL derived from completed COPM questionnaires—a questionnaire Interval and continuous aerobic training designed to detect changes in domestic function over time; Interval training delivers short periods of high-intensity aerobic whilst the general exercise programme group was made up of training interspersed with rest or low-intensity periods. The 10 standard exercises focusing on upper and lower limbs, and rationale is that it allows periods of work to be conducted at a the trunk. The RCT demonstrated no significant difference higher intensity compared with aerobic training. between the goal-based and standard treatment, A Cochrane review directly considered this subject.103 although both groups improved similarly. The authors comment Zainuldin et al included RCTs comparing higher training inten- their intervention groups may have been too similar to the sity with lower training intensity or comparing continuous train- control with regard to exercises performed.25 ing with interval training in people with COPD. Studies that Two other studies were considered in relation to this work compared exercise training with no exercise training were but did not address the specific question of goal setting.104 105 excluded. Only RCTs were included and the review considered One aimed to gradually reduce dependency on centre-based the following outcome measures: group exercising in favour of increasing free living activity

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii13 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from levels104; while a small RCT explored different combinations of home pulmonary rehabilitation setting.111 The UK-based study pulmonary rehabilitation—exercise training alone, exercise compared brief advice with hospital-based pulmonary rehabilita- training plus activity training or exercise training plus lectures in tion with a greater improvement observed in the hospital-based 43 people.105 group in terms of exercise performance, although benefitin Evidence statement health-related quality of life was similar (though both small ▸ Individually targeted exercise programme in pulmonary rehabili- improvements) between groups.106 tation does not offer any advantage over simple conventional The approaches across studies are not consistent and meth- general exercise training in patients with COPD. (Evidence level odological quality is variable. Furthermore, overall the popula- 1−) tion recruited seems similar at baseline to those routinely Recommendation recruited to a studied pulmonary rehabilitation programme. ▸ Generic exercise training as opposed to individually targeted All studies recruited patients with moderate to severe COPD exercise training is recommended for pulmonary rehabilita- with a moderate degree of disability. However, the exercise cap- tion. (Grade D) acity at baseline seems to be higher than that reported in UK Good practice points studies, reflecting the selection bias of this trial; that is, recruit- ▸ While generic exercise training is recommended as opposed to ing patients who are more able to accommodate a home-based an individually targeted exercise programme, the prescription of training programme. The largest study provided personal exer- exercise is individualised to provide correct intensity. (√) cise bicycle equipment for the participants to use at home. The ▸ Besides the exercise elements of pulmonary rehabilitation, education component of rehabilitation was delivered prior to healthcare professionals commonly use goal setting to address engaging in the unsupervised exercise; this ranged from a 1:1 specific hurdles. Given the personalised nature of this interven- contact to a 4-week group programme of education.106 112 tion to a patient’s needs, evidence is difficult to quantify. (√) These trials may allow the scope of pulmonary rehabilitation ▸ The term ‘goal setting’ may require discussion with the to be increased in the UK. However, the educational needs of patient. (√) the individual need attention; mechanisms to offer remote supervision, provision of home exercise equipment and patient Supervision in pulmonary rehabilitation selection are important factors that need careful consideration. The majority of the evidence for the role of pulmonary rehabili- Telehealth is an innovative consideration of delivering health tation is based on supervised programmes. There is a limited evi- services to patients with COPD. In the context of pulmonary dence base describing unsupervised pulmonary rehabilitation. rehabilitation, technology has the potential to be used as an Most reported evidence is centred on home-based rehabilitation adjunct to rehabilitation or even provide a ‘rehabilitative’ service compared with a hospital-based supervised programme. to individuals in isolated areas or with transport difficulties. To However, caution is advised, given some of the home rehabilita- date there have been few reports integrating technology into the tion schemes included varying degrees of supervision or support. rehabilitation service. Studies were reviewed if they randomised rehabilitation parti- There are reports of using simple pedometers as adjuncts to cipants to a home rehabilitation programme or a supervised pro- rehabilitation or telephone counselling as an alternative gramme. Studies comparing home-based rehabilitation with a approach to improve exercise performance, but there are control group were excluded. All studies reported exercise per- limited data on using technology in the form of e-health, formance and quality of life as important outcomes. Only one mobile ‘smart’ phones or telemedicine.113 114 One notable ‘home’ study was conducted in the UK.106 The largest study exception showed benefits of mobile phone technology incorp- (n=252) comparing home rehabilitation with conventional orating downloaded music with a tempo to match walking rehabilitation was conducted in Canada, where the structure of speed and global positioning system to monitor. However, the the hospital-based rehabilitation is similar to that offered in the benefits seen were compared with a no-intervention group.115 107 UK. It was powered for non-inferiority. In this study the Evidence statements on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. home exercise training was preceded with 4 weeks of educa- ▸ The reported exercise and health status benefits of pulmonary tional sessions at hospital outpatients and then an exercise bike rehabilitation have been based predominantly on supervised was provided in the home. Exercise was not supervised but was pulmonary rehabilitation programmes. (Evidence level 1++) initiated by an exercise specialist in the patient’s own home and ▸ Home-based pulmonary rehabilitation can lead to similar weekly phone calls were made. Changes in cycle endurance improvements in walking distance compared with supervised time were similar between and within group, while changes in hospital pulmonary programmes; however, the educational the 6MWT were minimal (gain of 8–11 m) in both groups, but needs, supervision, patient selection and provision of exercise not different between the groups. A similar approach was equipment need to be considered. (Evidence level 1+) adopted by Guell et al,108 with group education before allocat- ▸ Brief advice is inferior to low-intensity group pulmonary ing exercise training to either home or hospital; again there rehabilitation. (Evidence level 1−) were no important differences between the groups after 9 weeks Recommendations in this small RCT but this was unlikely to be powered for ▸ A supervised pulmonary rehabilitation programme is recom- equivalence. Two studies adopted a broadly similar approach to mended for patients with COPD. (Grade A) that delivered in the UK; one over 8 weeks and one over ▸ If considering a structured home-based rehabilitation pro- 12 weeks.109 110 Puente-Maestu et al109 showed differences in gramme for selected patients with COPD, the following the physiological response to the two environments but per- important factors need careful consideration: mechanisms to formance was similar. Both groups had structured exercise offer remote support and/or supervision, provision of home regimes to follow. While not supervised exercise, there was a exercise equipment and patient selection. (Grade B) weekly hospital visit to record and encourage compliance with Good practice point the home programme. A further 12-week home-based rehabili- ▸ There would be some benefit to increasing the options for tation incorporated supervised exercise in the hospital and the pulmonary rehabilitation available to individuals with COPD,

ii14 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from and increase the scope of the service. Geography may limit associated with adverse effects or excess mortality compared or stimulate options. (√) with usual care. (Evidence level 1+) ▸ Participation in pulmonary rehabilitation delivered within Post-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation 1 month of hospital discharge for acute exacerbation of The evidence presented thus far has focused on pulmonary COPD reduces short-term risk of future hospital admission rehabilitation delivered to patients who are clinically stable— compared with usual care. (Evidence level 1+) elective pulmonary rehabilitation. Exacerbations of COPD are ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation delivered within 1 month of hos- associated with worsening symptoms and health-related quality pital discharge for acute exacerbation of COPD improves of life that may persist for several months, and increased mortal- short-term health-related quality of life compared with usual ity and healthcare use. Exercise capacity and physical activity care. (Evidence level 1+) levels are impaired during and after an exacerbation, contribut- ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation delivered within 1 month of hospital ing to skeletal muscle dysfunction, particularly of the discharge for acute exacerbation of COPD improves short- lower limbs. Clinical studies have therefore explored whether term exercise capacity compared with usual care. (Evidence pulmonary rehabilitation delivered in the few weeks following level 1+) an acute exacerbation of COPD has a role compared with usual Recommendation post-exacerbation care. This post-exacerbation pulmonary ▸ Patients hospitalised for acute exacerbation of COPD should rehabilitation is often termed ‘early’ pulmonary rehabilitation if be offered pulmonary rehabilitation at hospital discharge to commencing within 1 month of hospital discharge for an commence within 1 month of discharge. (Grade A) exacerbation. Good practice point ▸ Providing post-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation along- Outcomes in post-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation side elective pulmonary rehabilitation courses can cause prac- A recent Cochrane review aimed to assess the effects of ‘early’ tical issues. Evaluation of innovative ways of delivering a pulmonary rehabilitation within 3 weeks after COPD exacerba- combination of both modes of pulmonary rehabilitation in tions (the majority requiring hospitalisation or hospital at home tandem would be useful. (√) services) on future hospital admissions (primary outcome) and other patient-important outcomes (mortality, health-related Completion of post-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation quality of life and exercise capacity).116 Nine trials involving It is well recognised that a proportion of patients fail to adhere 432 patients were identified which compared ‘early’ pulmonary to or complete elective pulmonary rehabilitation. Given that rehabilitation with conventional community care. Pulmonary patients are physically and psychologically vulnerable in the rehabilitation significantly reduced hospital admissions with a early post-hospital discharge period, and that infective exacerba- number needed to treat of 4. However, as healthcare utilisation tions often cluster, the GDG considered whether completion was only assessed over the short to medium duration of the rates of ‘early’ post-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation (com- study, it is unclear whether the reduction in hospital admissions menced within 1 month of hospital discharge) might be lower was a result of the programme or increased contact with the than with providing elective pulmonary rehabilitation to the study team. Pulmonary rehabilitation also reduced mortality, same patients post hospital admission for an exacerbation but although the effect of the intervention may have been overesti- when the patient becomes more stable.119 mated due to the small number of events. Nevertheless, no There were no studies that directly addressed this issue. From study reported any excess adverse events with the intervention. 12 potential abstracts; nine compared early post-exacerbation There were also statistically and clinically significant improve- pulmonary rehabilitation with usual care; one was a review ments in health-related quality of life. Significant improvements paper and the ‘early’ intervention in one study was more than (in excess of the recognised minimally important differences) 4 weeks after exacerbation. Only one study was reviewed in 118 were also seen in exercise capacity (6MWT and ISWT). The full. This compared ‘early’ (within 2 weeks of exacerbation) on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. longer term benefits in exercise capacity and quality of life are with ‘late’ pulmonary rehabilitation delivered 6 months after not known. exacerbation. However, a proportion of exacerbations in this A further RCT by Ko et al117, published after the Cochrane study did not necessitate hospitalisation. The study was also sig- review, was also considered. This trial recruited 60 subjects and nificantly underpowered due to recruitment problems and there compared early post-exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation were high numbers of dropouts and deviations from planned within 2–3 weeks of hospital discharge with usual care. Although intervention. Furthermore, the intervention delivered was a health-related quality of life was improved at 3 months and mixture of inpatient and outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation 6 months, no differences were seen by 12 months. Furthermore, which was inconsistent in both groups. although there was a trend towards fewer admissions in the first We further examined the individual RCTs considered in the 3 months in the early pulmonary rehabilitation group, this Cochrane review that compared early post-exacerbation pul- waned with time. However, the study cohort was probably not monary rehabilitation shortly after hospital discharge with usual medically optimised. care.116 ‘Completion rate’ data were often completion of the To date, only one study has compared ‘early’ post-exacerbation research study rather than completion for pulmonary rehabilita- pulmonary rehabilitation with ‘late’ post-exacerbation pulmon- tion. Only four studies reported any data on the attendance at ary rehabilitation (delivered 6 months after exacerbation) with an pulmonary rehabilitation. Man et al120 reported 67% of the 18-month follow-up.118 No significant differences were seen in intervention group attending more than 50% of pulmonary health-related quality of life or exacerbation rates between the rehabilitation sessions, while in the cohort of Seymour et al121, groups. However, due to recruitment issues this study was 77% attended more than 50% of pulmonary rehabilitation ses- underpowered. sions. Ko et al117 reported that 73% of the intervention group Evidence statements attended at least 70% of sessions while only 40% attended ▸ Pulmonary rehabilitation delivered within 1 month of hos- more than 75% of sessions in the study of Eaton et al,122 pital discharge for acute exacerbation of COPD is not despite the investigators providing free door-to-door transport.

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii15 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from The GDG considered these data to be in line with published normocapnoea. It is therefore more akin to endurance training, figures of elective pulmonary rehabilitation. There was insuffi- but appears to have relevant potential beneficial effects.131 Its cient evidence to suggest that attendance was lower with pul- use as an adjunct to pulmonary rehabilitation has been exam- monary rehabilitation started within 1 month of hospital ined in one small quasi-randomised study where it resulted in discharge compared with elective pulmonary rehabilitation. greater respiratory muscle endurance and PImax, but had no However, it should be noted that these patients are highly effect on exercise outcome or quality of life.132 selected (consenting to participate in a RCT). Studies have sug- Threshold load training is delivered using small handheld gested poor recruitment for the early post-exacerbation trials, devices that allow flow only when inspiratory pressure reaches a and by extension, poor uptake (acceptance of the referral and preset but adjustable level. It can therefore deliver strength and commencing the course) for early post-exacerbation pulmonary endurance type training. It appears safe and well tolerated in rehabilitation. Seymour et al121 only managed to recruit 60 individuals with a variety of diagnoses, including COPD.133 A patients from three hospitals over a 3-year period. In other pilot study in 36 patients with COPD found that use of IMT in studies, less than 50% of patients eligible for the study con- addition to an exercise programme led to greater improvement sented.117 122 This raises questions as to whether the benefits of in walk test distance than those who undertook exercise pulmonary rehabilitation shortly after hospital discharge can be alone,134 although a subsequent RCT in 25 patients with COPD generalised to unselected patients. found no such benefit.135 Similarly, another pilot study in 42 Recommendations patients found IMT led to greater improvement in cardiopul- ▸ Clinical services providing post-exacerbation pulmonary monary exercise test parameters after an exercise programme.136 rehabilitation commencing within 1 month of hospital dis- These study findings appear at considerable risk of bias given charge should carefully record uptake, adherence and com- their limitations in key areas (see evidence tables). These find- pletion rates. (Grade D) ings were not subsequently replicated in two RCTs assessing ▸ Patients who initially decline pulmonary rehabilitation com- IMT as an adjunct to exercise programmes, with low risk of mencing within 1 month of hospital discharge should be bias.135 137 offered elective pulmonary rehabilitation. (Grade D) Given the lack of consistency and the considerable limitations of the studies considered, IMT is not recommended as a routine Adjuncts to pulmonary rehabilitation adjunct to pulmonary rehabilitation. After assessment a respira- This section reviews the available evidence for or against add- tory physiotherapist may feel this is an appropriate adjunct for itional interventions (adjuncts) to standard multidisciplinary pul- individual patients. However, post hoc subgroup analysis of the monary rehabilitation. To qualify, the study had to consider the available studies did not identify a specific type of patient most additional intervention delivered in parallel as part of pulmonary likely to respond to IMT, so it cannot presently be recom- rehabilitation. Some of the proposed interventions may or may mended more broadly. not have an evidence base for use in chronic respiratory disease Evidence statement in their own right and this was beyond the scope of the pulmon- ▸ IMT using threshold loading devices or normocapnoeic ary rehabilitation guideline. The adjuncts were assessed accord- hyperpnoea does not appear to augment the beneficial effects ing to patient-centred outcome measures, including walking of general exercise training in patients with COPD. (Evidence distance, health status and dyspnoea. In many areas, the studies level 1+) were of modest size which limits the strength of the evidence. Recommendation Further, often the adjunct was explored in an unselected group ▸ IMT is not recommended as a routine adjunct to pulmonary of pulmonary rehabilitation candidates. We therefore do not rule rehabilitation. (Grade B) out future research showing potential merit of certain adjuncts in select subgroups. Further, combinations of adjuncts remain rela- Hormones and nutritional supplements and pulmonary 123 tively unexplored field. The following adjuncts are explored rehabilitation on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. in turn: inspiratory muscle training (IMT); hormones and nutri- Although the exercise component of pulmonary rehabilitation is tional supplements; non-invasive ventilation (NIV); oxygen; beneficial, the degree of benefit may be limited by modifiable heliox and neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). factors in many patients with COPD. Therefore, there has been research interest in maximising the effects of pulmonary IMT and pulmonary rehabilitation rehabilitation by attempting to address nutritional constraints The exercise capacity of patients with COPD is usually limited and the general catabolic state in COPD. by dyspnoea.124 An intervention that reduced dyspnoea could COPD is a catabolic state and individuals are at risk of becoming therefore potentially permit greater exercise and increase the underweight, which is a poor prognostic feature.138 Subclinical benefits seen with pulmonary rehabilitation programmes. IMT nutritional deficiencies may also exist that could constrain the ben- attempts to improve respiratory muscle strength and endurance efits of pulmonary rehabilitation.139 Supplementation of calories through two types of training. Inspiratory resistive training uses may therefore allow anabolism during pulmonary rehabilitation devices that permit inhalation against resistance at a certain programmes and specific supplements may promote improvements threshold. With normocapnic hyperpnoea the individual is in muscle efficiency and strength. The use of a standard supple- required to achieve supranormal target ventilation while PaCO2 ment drink containing protein, fat and carbohydrate has been eval- is kept constant. IMT may improve dyspnoea by favourably uated in a well described RCTand an inpatient trial with historical altering the ratio between the current inspiratory pressure gener- controls.46 140 Both studies report additional weight gain of – ated and the maximal inspiratory pressure (PI/PImax)125 127 and around 1 kg in those receiving supplements but no robust differ- by reducing compromising dynamic hyperinflation128 129 ences in strength or endurance measures. through a reduction in inspiratory time.130 Several small trials have evaluated specific nutritional supple- Normocapnoeic hyperpnoea involves exercising the inspira- ments, but limitations in study design and lack of replication tory muscles using periods of rapid breathing and deep limit the inference that can be made regarding the efficacy of inhalation of a controlled gas mix to ensure circulating supplementation with L-carnitine,141 amino acids142 143 or ii16 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from – polyunsaturated fatty acids.144 Creatine supplementation has concurrent domiciliary NIV with pulmonary rehabilitation,151 been studied more widely, though not using the same dose: one 153 and others, including a systematic review,154 that examined trial found significant improvements in limb strength and endur- the acute effects of NIV on exercise capacity rather than as part ance,145 but this finding was not replicated in a subsequent of a pulmonary rehabilitation/exercise training programme. study or a larger well conducted RCT.146 147 All three studies There were seven small RCTs which compared assisted venti- concurred on the lack of benefit in walk test performance. lation during pulmonary rehabilitation with exercise training Despite a lack of evidence supporting any specific nutritional alone in patients with COPD. The presence of type II respira- intervention in pulmonary rehabilitation to date, it should be tory failure was not necessary for inclusion and the available acknowledged that a referral to pulmonary rehabilitation pro- data suggested that for the most part there was no resting hyper- vides an ideal opportunity for anthropometrical and nutritional capnia. One study was not reviewed as mild patients were assessment to take place, thus providing an opportunity to iden- recruited and type II respiratory failure was specifically – tify individuals at greatest risk of malnutrition, enabling a refer- excluded.155 Of the remaining studies,156 161 all suggested some ral to specialised dietetic primary or secondary care services. improvement in exercise performance with NIV either directly Anabolic steroids have been used to augment the effects of or indirectly (eg, lactate levels), but none showed clinically sig- training in healthy individuals and for cachexia in chronic dis- nificant improvements in walk distance compared with pulmon- eases.148 Their use has been considered as to whether it may ary rehabilitation alone. In general, the studies had small therefore augment the gains seen with pulmonary rehabilitation, numbers, were often unblinded and the randomisation process potentially to a greater extent than in the healthy population was unclear. Furthermore, these studies were performed in the due to the general catabolic state in COPD. The effects of tes- laboratory setting with supervised training rather than in the tosterone and nandrolone have been explored in randomised real life outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation setting. Little infor- placebo controlled clinical trials (in men only).35 149 Both of mation was given about patient tolerability/preference and these studies found that anabolic steroids increased fat-free health economic data were lacking. mass. There was no clinically significant improvement in mea- There was consensus from the GDG that patients with stable sures of exercise capacity, though maximal leg strength type II respiratory failure should not be excluded from pulmon- improved with testosterone. ary rehabilitation referral (see section Referral and assessment The aforementioned studies have focused on single interven- of patients for pulmonary rehabilitation – Assessment). tions, but it may be argued that applying concurrent comple- Furthermore, it is acceptable for patients established on domicil- mentary interventions is a more logical approach. Nutritional lary NIV to exercise with NIV during pulmonary rehabilitation supplementation, anabolic steroids and pulmonary rehabilitation if acceptable and tolerable to the patient. appear to confer some benefit over controls when used Evidence statement together.150 However, this multifaceted approach has not been ▸ There is not a role for the routine use of assisted ventilation tested against a course of standard pulmonary rehabilitation and during pulmonary rehabilitation in patients who have type II as such it is difficult to draw firm conclusions for usual practice. respiratory failure who are not already on domicillary NIV.

Evidence statements (Evidence level 1−) ▸ Additional general nutritional supplementation does not sig- Recommendations nificantly improve measures of exercise performance beyond ▸ Long-term domiciliary NIV should not be provided for the the gains seen with pulmonary rehabilitation. (Evidence level sole purpose of improving outcomes during pulmonary 1+) rehabilitation. (Grade D) ▸ Creatine supplementation does not augment the gains in ▸ Patients who already receive long-term domiciliary NIV for exercise capacity resulting from pulmonary rehabilitation. chronic respiratory failure should be offered the opportunity (Evidence level 1+) to exercise with NIV during pulmonary rehabilitation if

▸ Anabolic steroids do not substantially augment the exercise acceptable and tolerable to the patient. (Grade D) on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. capacity gains achieved with pulmonary rehabilitation but produce small improvements in fat free mass and some mea- Supplemental oxygen in patients undergoing rehabilitation sures of muscle strength. (Evidence level 1+) Individuals with COPD are limited by their breathlessness,128 Recommendation and in contrast to healthy individuals, their exertions are pre- ▸ No specific hormonal or nutritional supplement can currently dominantly curtailed by limitation of ventilation and oxygen- be recommended as a routine adjunct to pulmonary rehabili- ation rather than reaching their maximum heart rate.162 As tation. (Grade B) supplemental oxygen can increase exercise capacity acutely in Good practice points those with severe COPD,163 it is possible that such supplemen- ▸ The optimal approaches for addressing malnutrition, sarcope- tation could increase the amount of training that patients with nia or obesity in COPD are uncertain and this is a wider COPD could undertake. Simply being able to undertake a issue than this guideline covers. However, attendance at a greater amount of training was postulated to augment the bene- pulmonary rehabilitation course presents an ideal opportun- fits from pulmonary rehabilitation. In addition, alleviation of a ity to screen and educate patients on nutrition. (√) degree of pulmonary limitation was proposed to allow greater ▸ Patients with a BMI in the underweight or obese range cardiac and muscular stress and thus have further beneficial should be considered for specific dietetic support. (√) effects on stroke volume and oxygen extraction. In light of the above, trials investigating the use of supplemen- NIV during pulmonary rehabilitation tal oxygen with pulmonary rehabilitation have tended to recruit Given the integration of NIV to the care of some patients with patients with more severe COPD indicated by a variety of cri- ventilatory failure in COPD, there has been discussion as to teria: ,164 desaturation on exercise,165 both166 or by whether the use of the NIV during the exercise of pulmonary fulfilling criteria for ambulatory oxygen.167 The one trial that rehabilitation might improve walking distance and dyspnoea. was more inclusive still reported a mean forced expiratory The GDG were aware of studies that addressed the effects of volume in 1 s in the total study populations of less than 50%

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii17 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from predicted.168 The heterogeneity of baseline performance in Evidence statements these papers highlights the difficulty in using a single parameter ▸ Individuals with COPD who desaturate on exercise may to assess the severity of COPD. All of these trials were small benefit from the use of oxygen during pulmonary rehabilita- and only one was double blinded and placebo controlled.164 tion and show improved exercise capacity. It is unclear This study by Emtner et al reported an improvement in whether patients with other chronic respiratory diseases who health-related quality of life (Short Form 36) and in respiratory desaturate gain the same benefit. (Evidence level 2+) rate at isotime (the only trial to study effort independent ▸ Supplemental oxygen during pulmonary rehabilitation is safe in isotime measurements) but not in other parameters such as dys- individuals with moderate to severe COPD. (Evidence level 1+) pnoea, peak work or Chronic Respiratory Disease Recommendations fi Questionnaire. These ndings are consistent with the lack of ▸ Supplemental oxygen should not be routinely used for all additional benefit in walk test distance and short questionnaires 165 166 168 patients undergoing pulmonary rehabilitation. (Grade B) seen in other studies. A randomised trial considered ▸ Supplemental oxygen during pulmonary rehabilitation should only individuals who were hypoxaemic on exertion and had be offered to those who fulfil the assessment criteria for long- improved saturations with supplemental oxygen. This trial term or ambulatory oxygen unless there are compelling clin- fi 167 reports a very large additional bene t in ESWT, though no ical reasons to use alternative criteria. (Grade D) commensurate additional gains in quality of life or breathless- Good practice points ness. The GDG felt the study carried a significant risk of bias ▸ that influenced its findings. Therefore its results require replica- Individuals who are prescribed oxygen but decline to use it tion before they can be widely applied. during exercise should have this clearly documented in their √ It would seem to be of limited benefit to combine these study notes. ( ) ▸ results in a formal meta-analysis given the variation in inclusion Pulmonary rehabilitation provides an opportunity to assess c fl criteria, interventions, rehabilitation/training programmes and the adequa y of the prescribed ow rate for patients already √ assessment methods. in receipt of LTOT or ambulatory oxygen. ( ) Overall, there is no clear evidence supporting the routine use of supplementary oxygen for all patients to augment the benefits Supplemental heliox in patients undergoing rehabilitation of pulmonary rehabilitation. Supplemental oxygen may be of Heliox is a mixture of helium and oxygen. Most often a benefit in selected individuals, but there is currently little mixture of 21% oxygen and 79% helium is used, but up to information to inform this choice, especially given the 40% oxygen has been studied. It has a similar viscosity to air intra-individual variability of oxygen saturations on exercise on but a significantly lower density. This means it is more likely to a day-to-day basis. No clinical measures have been demonstrated be laminar rather than turbulent flow in a given airway, which to robustly predict those individuals with COPD who may gain generates less resistance and can reduce the work of breathing. additional benefit (in terms of exercise or quality of life para- The administration of heliox has therefore been used for the meters) from supplemental oxygen during pulmonary rehabilita- treatment of large airway obstruction and vocal cord dysfunc- tion. Likewise, no parameters have been shown to assess the risk tion, but it is of uncertain benefit in acute obstructive airways of hypoxia-related harm during rehabilitation or predict who disease (potentially because the lower gas density exacerbates may avoid this with the administration of supplemental oxygen. small airway collapse).169 170 As heliox reduces the work of The BTS guidance on ambulatory oxygen prescription there- breathing, it may permit greater exercise capacity in more stable fore appears to be a reasonable criterion to apply for patients patients with COPD, and as described above potentially attending pulmonary rehabilitation in this regard, although pre- increases the benefit from pulmonary rehabilitation. vious guidance has always recommended assessing for ambula- Two studies have evaluated this intervention. The studies did tory oxygen on completion of pulmonary rehabilitation and not find additional benefits in their heliox arm when heliox 171 hence does not directly address the rehabilitation period itself. (60% helium) was compared with supplemental oxygen, or on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. At the time of the BTS pulmonary rehabilitation guideline publi- heliox (79% helium) was compared with bi-level pressure cation, the BTS domiciliary oxygen guideline is being prepared. support NIV156 or pulmonary rehabilitation alone.156 These Pulmonary rehabilitation also provides an opportunity to assess trials were small and the study groups were heterogeneous in the adequacy of the prescribed flow rate for patients already in baseline function and response to rehabilitation. Hence, a small receipt of LTOT or ambulatory oxygen. but meaningful additional beneficial effect of heliox cannot be Profound desaturation on exercise has the potential to lead to discounted, but this is unlikely to be cost effective. end-organ impairment and compromise the benefits of exercise. Evidence statement The trials discussed above largely did not permit saturations to ▸ Heliox does not appear to augment the benefits of pulmon- fall below 90% but it is unclear if this threshold is of special sig- ary rehabilitation. (Evidence level 1−) nificance. No trial reported adverse events during exercise that Recommendation could have been attributed to hypoxia, and the experience of ▸ the guideline group was that this was representative of the Heliox should not be used as an adjunct to pulmonary apparent safety of pulmonary rehabilitation programmes. Until rehabilitation unless there are comorbidities which require its further evidence is available, the level of exercise-induced administration. (Grade D) hypoxia that is acceptable will depend on clinical judgement in individual cases, and practitioners will have their own thresholds NMES and pulmonary rehabilitation that will prompt further investigation for occult comorbidity or Despite the unequivocal benefits of whole body exercise training perhaps influence decisions on the nature of the programme in stable disease, such intervention may be difficult to deliver in instituted. These decisions may be more difficult in patients patients with severe ventilatory limitation during acute exacerba- with lung fibrosis who tend to desaturate more readily on exer- tions or those with severe muscle wasting. Non-volitional tech- cise but often with lesser symptomatic awareness. No trials niques, such as NMES, which are independent of these factors, reported adverse events related to oxygen toxicity. have been proposed as alternative therapeutic modalities. ii18 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from The GDG were aware of several randomised studies and sys- Non-CF bronchiectasis tematic reviews that addressed the effects of NMES in A small RCTof subjects with non-CF bronchiectasis compared pul- COPD.172 173 However, only two studies examined the adjuvant monary rehabilitation, pulmonary rehabilitation with IMT and a use of NMES with exercise training.174 175 One of these studies control group; n=32 in total.181 Both pulmonary rehabilitation recruited inpatients receiving which was groups showed significant improvements in walking distance using beyond the scope of these guidelines175; hence only one study ISWT and endurance exercise compared with the control group. was reviewed in detail. There was a significant improvement in quality of life in the pul- In a RCT, 17 highly selected patients with COPD (low BMI, monary rehabilitation plus IMT group but not in the pulmonary quadriceps weakness, severe limitation in cycle ergometry, rehabilitation group alone compared with the controls, although recent exacerbation requiring hospitalisation or intensive care) the study was not powered for this outcome. The GDG addition- received either 4 weeks of quadriceps NMES (four 30-min ses- ally considered the evidence in the BTS bronchiectasis guideline sions per week) with usual rehabilitation or usual rehabilitation (2010) and the bronchiectasis quality standards state that all alone.174 The usual rehabilitation included active limb mobilisa- patients with bronchiectasis should have access to and be consid- tions with or without aerobic exercise and an educational com- ered for referral for pulmonary rehabilitation.6 182 183 ponent. Large improvements were seen in quadriceps maximum Evidence statements voluntary contraction after NMES plus usual rehabilitation com- ▸ Patients with non-CF bronchiectasis benefit from pulmonary pared with usual rehabilitation alone. Furthermore, there was a rehabilitation in terms of exercise capacity compared with more significant reduction in breathlessness. Both groups signifi- usual care. (Evidence level 1−) cantly improved 6 min walk distance, but there was no ▸ Patients with non-CF bronchiectasis benefit from pulmonary between-group difference. Caution needs to be applied when rehabilitation in terms of quality of life compared with usual interpreting the results. The patient group was highly selected care. (Evidence level 1−) and may not be typical of the general outpatient pulmonary Recommendation rehabilitation population in the UK. The randomisation proced- ▸ Patients with non-CF bronchiectasis who have breathlessness ure was not described, there was no sham NMES and the tester affecting their ADL should have access to and be considered was not blinded. Although patients seemed to tolerate NMES, it for pulmonary rehabilitation. (Grade D) was not clear whether the NMES was set up by the therapist or Good practice point the patient themselves. This is potentially important given that ▸ Unlike in patients with CF, in patients with COPD and staff time is the major contributor to pulmonary rehabilitation non-CF bronchiectasis with multidrug-resistant organisms, costs. for example P aeruginosa, there is no current evidence of There have been several small, single-centre studies support- cross infection. (√) ing the benefits of NMES in improving quadriceps strength and exercise capacity, particularly in patients with more severe Interstitial lung diseases – COPD or in the post-exacerbation setting.174 176 180 ILDs represent a broad diagnosis and the presentation and prog-

Evidence statement nosis vary according to the specific diagnosis, which makes con- ▸ There is no role for the routine use of NMES as an adjunct sidering the impact of pulmonary rehabilitation complicated if to pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD, based on they are considered as a whole. More specifically idiopathic pul- current literature. (Evidence level 1−) monary fibrosis (IPF) is often associated with progressive clinical Recommendation and physiological deterioration over 6–12 months and patients ▸ If expertise in NMES is available, selected patients (low BMI with IPF often show marked desaturation during exercise. with evidence of quadriceps weakness) who are unable or Importantly, we have focused on ILD as opposed to the breadth unwilling to participate in pulmonary rehabilitation could be of all restrictive lung diseases, such as chest wall disease and

considered for NMES. (Grade D) other extra-thoracic causes. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. A RCT from Japan included 30 patients with IPF randomised Pulmonary rehabilitation in people with other chronic to pulmonary rehabilitation or a control arm. The study showed respiratory diseases improvements in walking distance on a 6MWT and in quality of The vast majority of evidence for pulmonary rehabilitation life using the SGRQ, but not in dyspnoea rating.184 stems from patients with COPD. Yet there are many patients Forty-four patients with ILD, including 25 with IPF, were with other chronic respiratory disease who experience similar studied before and after an 8-week pulmonary rehabilitation symptoms and are functionally limited. It is reasonable to imply programme and 6 months later in an uncontrolled study.185 that the same mechanisms of deconditioning and lack of confi- There was improvement in 6 min walking distance with pulmon- dence are likely to apply to all chronic diseases which have dys- ary rehabilitation in the IPF (mean 21 m improvement) and pnoea as the core symptom. Few trials have considered the other ILD group (mean 43 m), with 40% of the IPF group and effect of pulmonary rehabilitation, compared with usual care, in 52% of the other ILD group reaching a minimally important populations other than COPD, making it difficult to compre- difference of 34 m at rehabilitation completion. Similarly, dys- hensively address. We have addressed through a series of struc- pnoea improved in both groups. There was marked variability tured PICO questions non-CF bronchiectasis, ILD and stable in response between individuals.185 asthma, but recognise that the discussion could encompass a Holland et al185 suggested that patients with IPF have greater much wider field of conditions and is not meant to bias opinion improvements in functional exercise capacity when pulmonary against those not covered. Further, in general, we recognise that rehabilitation is delivered early in the course of disease. Patients establishing robust evidence in certain conditions for or against with other ILDs achieve significant gains in exercise capacity the role of a pulmonary rehabilitation programme specifically regardless of disease severity and are more likely than those may not be feasible given the short life expectancy. with IPF to achieve sustained improvements in dyspnoea.185

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii19 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from The GDG were aware of a further well conducted exercise- raises standard precautions regarding observation for based RCT in 57 patients with ILD (60% with IPF). This was not exercise-induced asthma if appropriate. pulmonary rehabilitation and discussion ensued as to whether it The GDG accepted that there is often overlap in asthma and should be included, given the paucity of literature otherwise. COPD diagnoses and that many patients diagnosed with asthma This study demonstrated modest improvements in functional have fixed airflow limitation and present with symptoms of per- exercise tolerance, dyspnoea and quality of life compared with sisting breathlessness and exercise intolerance in a similar telephone support.186 Importantly it was safe and feasible. There manner to COPD. These patients are likely to benefit from pul- were four deaths (two per arm) during the study period, high- monary rehabilitation. lighting that patients with ILD can be critically ill. The effects of Recommendation the exercise training were lost at the 6-month follow-up but this ▸ The routine referral of patients with asthma to pulmonary cannot be assumed post pulmonary rehabilitation. The GDG also rehabilitation is not recommended. (Grade D) considered that lack of any sustained benefit at 6 months may be Good practice points due to underlying disease progression. ▸ The benefits of exercise and the recommendation of incorp- The GDG recognised the wide individual variation in the orating exercise activities into a healthy lifestyle should be course of the conditions comprising ILD. This may make pul- discussed with all patients with asthma. (√) monary rehabilitation a consideration for some. However, for ▸ If healthcare professionals consider referring certain patients others, a formalised pulmonary rehabilitation programme would with stable asthma who are limited by breathlessness in ADL be futile and management should focus on other palliative to pulmonary rehabilitation when on optimal therapy, they measures. should discuss with the patient the likely benefits. (√) Evidence statements ▸ The BTS/SIGN asthma guideline draws attention to ▸ Patients with ILD benefit from pulmonary rehabilitation with exercise-induced asthma and precautions to prevent this improvements in exercise and quality of life. (Evidence level should be followed if appropriate. (√) 1−) ▸ Patients with ILD benefit from exercise training with Other chronic respiratory diseases—in general improvements in exercise and quality of life compared with Good practice points telephone support. (Evidence level 1+) ▸ MCID changes and tools used to assess exercise capacity and ▸ The benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with ILD quality of life for pulmonary rehabilitation in COPD are not are not sustained at 6 months. (Evidence level 3) necessarily transferable to other chronic respiratory diseases. ▸ The benefits of an exercise training programme in patients While future research should address this, failure of rehabili- with ILD are not sustained at 6 months. (Evidence level 1+) tation should not be implied if failure to reach the COPD Good practice points MCID for outcomes. (√) ▸ The benefits of exercise and the recommendation of incorporat- ▸ The educational element of pulmonary rehabilitation should ing exercise activities into a healthy lifestyle should be discussed be adapted for other chronic respiratory diseases if appropriate.

with all patients with ILD. Such discussion needs to be tailored (√) to realistic achievability for that person’scondition.(√) ▸ Practically, inclusion of patients with other chronic respira- ▸ If healthcare professionals consider referring certain patients tory diseases into pulmonary rehabilitation will be alongside with stable ILD who are limited by breathlessness in ADL to subjects with COPD. (√) pulmonary rehabilitation, they should discuss with the ▸ General exercise should be encouraged for all patients with patient regarding the likely benefits. (√) chronic respiratory disease. (√) ▸ Patients with IPF have a potential for significant desaturation during exercise-related activities. (√) Post pulmonary rehabilitation

Repeat pulmonary rehabilitation programmes on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Asthma The clinical conditions for which pulmonary rehabilitation is rou- One RCT studying patients with asthma and COPD (divided tinely offered result in progressive loss of function over time. It is into diagnostic groups a posteriori) showed improvements in therefore likely that any benefits arising from an initial programme exercise tolerance and quality of life in those who completed a of pulmonary rehabilitation will decay toward baseline function. 12-week programme of pulmonary rehabilitation. However, the There is the potential that a further course of pulmonary rehabili- study findings are limited by a lack of power calculation in tation at a distant time point may provide further benefit. methodology and likely underpowered for the subgroup ana- Several RCTs and observational studies in which pulmonary lysis. Compared with usual care, patients with asthma showed rehabilitation is compared with standard care or education improvements in exercise tolerance, quality of life and a dys- alone have followed participants for a protracted period. All pnoea score.187 studies have found that the initial beneficial effects diminish While not pulmonary rehabilitation, there is a Cochrane over time. However, those completing pulmonary rehabilitation review supporting physical training in subjects with asthma, courses have significantly greater quality of life, exercise capacity although the majority of the small population studies were con- and fewer days in hospital than those in the control groups in ducted in children and did not focus on symptomatic subjects. the year after the intervention.12 190 191 The benefits appear to It is therefore of little relevance here. The conclusions of the persist to some degree at 18 months,39 but there are conflicting review acknowledged the diversity of the intervention type, dur- data on whether a meaningful difference in exercise capacity ation, subjects and outcome measures of the studies.188 persists at 2 years.192 193 Standard asthma management should be managed according Repeating pulmonary rehabilitation in those whose condition to the BTS/SIGN asthma guideline and the reader is drawn to has deteriorated over time after their initial programme leads to the recommendation that physical training should be seen as improvements in quality of life and exercise capacity that have part of a general approach to improving a healthy lifestyle fol- been reported to be similar in magnitude to those seen with the lowing a Cochrane review.8 189 The BTS/SIGN asthma guideline first intervention in retrospective reviews and two likely

ii20 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from – underpowered RCTs.192 194 196 A third session is again of short- between a ‘maintenance’ programme and extension of the initial term benefit.194 In those completing pulmonary rehabilitation in pulmonary rehabilitation programme. the NETT study, patients who had completed pulmonary A small number of RCTs investigated the benefit of mainten- rehabilitation previously (n=777) did not gain as much ance compared with no clear strategy post rehabilitation. Three improvement in terms of exercise and quality of life on repeat studies describe the value of a structured maintenance approach – as those for which it was their first programme (n=441), after a standard out-patient course of rehabilitation.201 203 One although they did improve.197 UK-based study examined the value of telephone follow-up.204 The timing of a repeat course of pulmonary rehabilitation One small RCT (n=20) described the value of an unsupervised would appear to be influenced by the aim of the intervention. home programme compared with no advice at all, which would As noted above, the great majority of the initial benefitislostby essentially reflect best usual care; it would be unusual to gradu- 24 months, and two RCTs of routinely repeated pulmonary ate from a rehabilitation programme with no advice at all.205 rehabilitation at a lesser interval have shown no major add- The studies that described maintenance strategies chose different itional benefit from an intervening extra session in terms of approaches over differing lengths of time. Brooks et al201 exercise capacity at the end of the study.194 195 However, earlier described a monthly supervised exercise session with telephone repeat courses do lead to short-term benefits in exercise capacity support in the interim. Measurements were taken at 3-monthly and quality of life, which may be important in specific circum- intervals up to 12 months and no benefit was observed in either stances (eg, preoperatively). Additionally, in these studies the fre- exercise tolerance or quality of life compared with the control quency of exacerbations appears lower in those who received group for this approach. Ries et al202 described a large study additional courses,194 with fewer days spent in hospital.195 (n=172), again offering 12 months of maintenance, comprising Although these findings are based on a small number of events, weekly telephone contact and monthly exercise sessions. it raises the possibility that there is a subgroup of patients who Patients were followed up for 24 months. During the interven- are prone to frequent exacerbation who may benefit from early tion period, there were benefits observed in exercise capacity repeat pulmonary rehabilitation. A single small study followed but not in quality of life. Between 12 and 24 months there was patients after an initial course of pulmonary rehabilitation and no support provided and the difference between the groups nar- randomised those who had an exacerbation during follow-up to rowed and was not significant. A more intense maintenance pro- either a further rehabilitation course or standard care.198 This gramme was provided by Ringbaek et al203 with weekly sessions study found no benefit in its major endpoints, although the for 6 months after a 7-week outpatient programme, fortnightly occurrence of further exacerbations during follow-up makes it sessions for a second 6 months and no supervision for a final difficult to interpret the results. 6 months. At 18 months there was no difference between the Two small studies have sought baseline factors associated with two groups. Again, however, examining the ‘maintenance’ group a sustained response to pulmonary rehabilitation: a higher initial over the first 12 months, some advantages were observed, largely PaCO2 was independently (positively) associated with a main- associated with a decline in performance in the control group, tained initial improvement in quality of life, and a low baseline and maintenance of benefit acquired as a consequence of 199 200 quality of life with a poor response. Neither of these the initial rehabilitation phase with the intervention group. The studies provides sufficient evidence for the creation of a predict- study by Waterhouse et al,204 a UK-based study, looked at a ive tool. telephone support system only. After completing a RCT of com- Evidence statements munity versus hospital-based rehabilitation, participants were ▸ The benefits from pulmonary rehabilitation persist to some randomised to either telephone maintenance or usual care. There degree for at least 1 year. (Evidence level 2+) was no discernible benefit associated with this strategy at any ▸ Repeating pulmonary rehabilitation after a period of 1 year time point up to 18 months post graduation from rehabilitation. provides benefits in exercise capacity and quality of life. There have been a couple of studies exploring maintenance

(Evidence level 4) after alternative forms of delivering the initial rehabilitation. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Recommendations Wijkstra et al206 207 explored two maintenance strategies after a ▸ Repeat pulmonary rehabilitation should be considered in 3-month course of home-based rehabilitation; the study also patients who have completed a course of pulmonary rehabili- recruited a control group. The intervention group was divided tation more than 1 year previously. The likely benefits should to receive either weekly exercise supervised by a physical therap- be discussed and willing patients referred. (Grade B) ist or monthly sessions for a further 15 months. The study was ▸ Earlier repeat pulmonary rehabilitation should be considered underpowered (n=11 and n=12 respectively) but demonstrated in individuals with accelerated physiological decline or if add- an advantage of both maintenance strategies in quality of life itional benefits on a shorter timescale would be clinically and physical performance. The quality of life was significantly valuable. (Grade D) improved in the group receiving the monthly support compared Good practice point with the control group. The 6MWT distance was maintained ▸ It is unlikely that if the patient completed the pulmonary during the 18-month period in the maintenance groups, while rehabilitation course originally and failed to gain a benefit, they the control group declined. This was not different between would benefit a second time round; unless circumstances such as groups but there was a significant within-group decline observed an exacerbation interrupted the initial programme. (√) in the control group. More recently, there has been an examin- ation of a maintenance programme after an initial inpatient pro- Maintenance gramme.208 The maintenance approach was coordinated with a Studies evaluating post-pulmonary rehabilitation maintenance health community network that included self-help organisations. exercise demonstrated a range of strategies in terms of exercise In total, the maintenance group received 96 sessions supervised type, level of supervision, duration and frequency of mainten- by a healthcare professional over a 12-month period (exercise ance programme. No consensus emerged from the literature and psychosocial support). This study ‘consecutively allocated’ about the definition of post-pulmonary rehabilitation exercise individuals (assume not randomised) to this package of care maintenance, making it difficult in some cases to distinguish (n=14) or standard care (n=26). Although a small study, the

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii21 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from data suggested important benefits in exercise capacity and • while some nutritional supplements have been rigorously quality of life. Interestingly there was also a reduction in hos- researched, several studies have been small or used mul- pital days for respiratory illness. This form of maintenance was tiple endpoints; similarly, there are opportunities to con- probably not dissimilar to many rehabilitation programmes sider alternative nutritional supplements in combination offered in the UK. with pulmonary rehabilitation; Evidence statement • several muscle anabolic and anti-cachexia drugs are in ▸ Continuation of supervised exercise training beyond pulmonary development and well designed studies are required to test rehabilitation protects the patient from a decline in exercise cap- whether these have value as an adjunct to pulmonary acity compared with a control group. (Evidence level 1−) rehabilitation and which clinical phenotypes are most likely Recommendation to benefit. ▸ All patients completing pulmonary rehabilitation should be ▸ The wider value of ambulatory oxygen, outside of pulmon- encouraged to continue to exercise beyond the programme. ary rehabilitation, remains contentious. Further study on the (Grade A) optimal threshold for the use of ambulatory oxygen would Good practice point be welcome as would clarification regarding whether there is ▸ Patients graduating from a pulmonary rehabilitation pro- potential harm from hypoxia-related or exercise-related sys- gramme should be provided with opportunities for physical temic inflammation and oxidative stress. exercise beyond their rehabilitation programme. (√) ▸ Other adjuncts such as NIV in routinely supporting exercise training in the context of a pulmonary rehabilitation pro- SUMMARY OF RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS gramme are required. This is particularly pertinent in patients ▸ To develop validated easy-to-use, sensitive outcome tools that with chronic respiratory failure. Further, high-quality studies extend the range to incorporate assessment of pulmonary of NMES as an adjunct are required, including the clinical rehabilitation on extra-pulmonary manifestations, such as phenotype most likely to benefit. daily physical activity, skeletal muscle dysfunction, osteopor- ▸ Robust research to optimise pulmonary rehabilitation to osis and cardiovascular risk, which are of prognostic signifi- produce meaningful and sustainable behaviour change is of cance in COPD. particular importance, such as leading to improvement in ▸ To understand whether pulmonary rehabilitation may pre- physical activity. serve health with the aim of reducing long-term disability ▸ Patients with chronic respiratory diseases other than COPD and dependence in those with milder chronic respiratory are increasingly referred to pulmonary rehabilitation. disease and how best this rehabilitation is delivered. Knowledge gained from patients with COPD has been extra- ▸ Poor uptake and adherence remain significant barriers to polated to patients with other chronic respiratory disease and effective pulmonary rehabilitation. There is a need for there is a dearth of studies examining specific non-COPD robust, well designed trials to explore techniques in the pre populations. Unanswered questions in people with chronic and peri pulmonary rehabilitation period that might improve respiratory disease that require further research include:

uptake and adherence. This is also pertinent to post- • the appropriateness of outcome measures originally exacerbation pulmonary rehabilitation. designed in COPD populations for use in other chronic ▸ Personalisation of pulmonary rehabilitation: respiratory diseases; • To identify clinical phenotypes that may respond differ- • the responsiveness of disease-specific outcome measures, ently to pulmonary rehabilitation. particularly health status questionnaires; • Objective tests of patient competency during pulmonary • the effect on healthcare resource usage and health eco- rehabilitation can help personalise and optimise the pro- nomic benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation; gramme structure at an individual level. • the optimal length and duration of pulmonary

• Individualising the relative proportions of resistance and rehabilitation; on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. aerobic training during pulmonary rehabilitation according • the duration of benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation, to clinical phenotype or skeletal muscle structure/function including rapidly progressive conditions such as IPF. has yet to be studied. • the relative merits of different components of training (eg. ▸ The relative sustainability and duration of benefits of resist- resistance vs aerobic; upper limb vs lower limb); ance and aerobic training is required. • the effects, if any, of individualised goal setting; ▸ The optimal structure of pulmonary rehabilitation remains • the value of individualising the education component of unknown. More robust studies are required to determine PR according to disease; quality, cost effectiveness and greater choice of delivery. To • the optimal timing of pulmonary rehabilitation and improve accessibility to pulmonary rehabilitation, such whether there is value in providing post-hospitalisation research may include technologies. pulmonary rehabilitation in exacerbations of other chronic ▸ In comparison to exercise training, there has been consider- respiratory disease; ably less work on the educational element of pulmonary • the impact of exacerbation frequency on pulmonary rehabilitation. rehabilitation compliance and response in conditions asso- ▸ An unanswered question is whether there is value in delaying ciated with frequent exacerbations such as bronchiectasis. post-hospitalisation pulmonary rehabilitation (ie, comparing ▸ Repeating pulmonary rehabilitation programmes seems elective vs early pulmonary rehabilitation following hospital- logical given the natural decline in function and health status isation for exacerbation of COPD). following the course, but requires further study to elucidate ▸ Robust research to explore further the role of nutritional the optimal frequency and the manner of delivery. supplementation and hormones as adjuncts to pulmonary ▸ More studies are needed to determine effective delivery rehabilitation. This should include: models for maintenance exercise following a pulmonary • specific clinical phenotypes and/or using alternative regi- rehabilitation programme. This might include the use of tele- mens for anabolic steroids; health technologies. ii22 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from AUDIT 4 Bott J, Blumenthal S, Buxton M, et al. Guidelines for the physiotherapy An audit of pulmonary rehabilitation will be offered as part of management of the adult, medical, spontaneously breathing patient. Thorax 2009;64(Suppl 1):i1–51. the 2013-2016 National COPD Audit Programme (England and 5 Nici L, Donner C, Wouters E, et al. American Thoracic Society/European Wales) which has been commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Respiratory Society statement on pulmonary rehabilitation. Am J Respir Crit Care Improvement Partnership (HQIP) on behalf of the Department Med 2006;173:1390–413. of Health. It is part of the National Clinical Audit and Patient 6 Pasteur MC, Bilton D, Hill AT. British Thoracic Society guideline for non-CF – Outcomes Programme. bronchiectasis. Thorax 2010;65(Suppl 1):i1 58. 7 National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Research services for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. NICE commissioning guide 43. London: NICE, 2011. CONCLUSIONS 8 British Thoracic Society, SIGN. British guideline on the management of asthma. This is an evidenced-based guideline for pulmonary rehabilita- A national clinical guideline. 2012. 9 Yohannes AM, Connolly MJ. Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes in the UK: tion. Its focus is on delivering a quality pulmonary rehabilitation a national representative survey. Clin Rehabil 2004;18:444–9. programme for appropriate patients with chronic respiratory 10 Yohannes A, Stone R, Lowe D, et al. Pulmonary rehabilitation in the United disease and to this end it includes sections on many aspects: out- Kingdom. Chron Respir Dis 2011;8:193–9. comes, referral, content and design, timing, adjuncts, other 11 Lacasse Y, Goldstein R, Lasserson Toby J, et al. Pulmonary rehabilitation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006;(4): chronic respiratory disease and the post-pulmonary rehabilita- CD0037993. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003793.pub2 tion period. However, in compiling the guideline, we recognise 12 Griffiths TL, Burr ML, Campbell IA, et al. Results at 1 year of outpatient that it could not encompass all the important questions pertain- multidisciplinary pulmonary rehabilitation: a randomised controlled trial. Lancet ing to pulmonary rehabilitation. We a priori opted not to evalu- 2000;355:362–8. 13 Singh SJ, Jones PW, Evans R, et al. Minimum clinically important improvement for ate healthcare utilisation costs. – fi the incremental shuttle walking test. Thorax 2008;63:775 7. This is a rapidly progressive research eld and the guideline 14 Lacasse Y, Wong E, Guyatt GH, et al. Meta-analysis of respiratory rehabilitation in will be reviewed in the next 5 years. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Lancet 1996;348:1115–19. 15 Redelmeier DA, Bayoumi AM, Goldstein RS, et al. Interpreting small differences in functional status: the six minute walk test in chronic lung disease patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997;155:1278–82. Author affiliations 16 Jones PW. Interpreting thresholds for a clinically significant change in health status 1Nottingham Respiratory Research Unit, University of Nottingham, City Hospital in asthma and COPD. Eur Respir J 2002;19:398–404. campus, Nottingham, UK 17 Dodd JW, Hogg L, Nolan J, et al. The COPD assessment test (CAT): response to 2Department of Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Worcester, pulmonary rehabilitation. A multicentre, prospective study. Thorax 2011;66:425–9. UK 18 Dodd JW, Marns PL, Clark AL, et al. The COPD Assessment Test (CAT): short- and 3Respiratory Medicine, University Hospital Aintree, Liverpool, UK medium-term response to pulmonary rehabilitation. COPD 2012;9:390–4. 4Patient representative, Mansfield, UK 19 Ringbaek T, Martinez G, Lange P. A comparison of the assessment of quality of 5Department of Respiratory Infection and Medicine, Imperial College Healthcare NHS life with CAT, CCQ, and SGRQ in COPD patients participating in pulmonary Trust, London, UK rehabilitation. COPD 2012;9:12–15. 6Pulmonary Rehabilitation Department, Kings College NHS Foundation Trust, 20 Pitta F, Troosters T, Probst VS, et al. Quantifying physical activity in daily life with London, UK 7 questionnaires and motion sensors in COPD. 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APPENDIX A: COMMITTEE MEMBERS ▸ Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow A full list of the GDG members and the contributors to each ▸ The Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand section of the guideline is given below, along with individual members representing other organisations. APPENDIX C: PATIENT INFORMATION More information on pulmonary rehabilitation patient leaflets is available from PR_BK22_2012_v1.pdf or from the British Lung Foundation. Sections Some centres opt to formulate their own personalised leaflets discussing venues, timings and how patients can be referred. In Dr Elaine Bevan-Smith Referral, elements, post addition, contact information for the rehabilitation team can be exacerbation, post rehabilitation incorporated. Dr John Blakey Adjuncts, post rehabilitation, lay summary Dr Charlotte Bolton Chair APPENDIX D: LAY SUMMARY Mr Patrick Crowe Patient representative, lay summary INTRODUCTION Dr Sarah Elkin Post rehabilitation Pulmonary rehabilitation Dr Rachel Garrod Elements, non-COPD rehabilitation Long-term chest problems that interfere with daily life, such as Dr Neil Greening Outcomes, adjuncts chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are common.

Ms Karen Heslop Referral, elements, post They are a major cause of suffering, and also a considerable rehabilitation, non-COPD expense to the NHS as they lead to a large number of hospital rehabilitation admissions. Dr James Hull Referral Pulmonary rehabilitation is a programme of exercise and edu- Dr Will Man Post exacerbation, adjuncts, research cation for people with long-term chest problems. Many studies recommendations have shown that pulmonary rehabilitation improves measure- Professor Mike Morgan, representing the Programme characteristics, adjuncts ments of health and wellbeing, such as the distance an individ- Royal College of Physicians, London ual can walk or their likelihood of needing to go to hospital. Mr David Proud Programme characteristics, elements, adjuncts on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Why a guideline is needed Professor Mike Roberts Outcomes, adjuncts It is not clear how to get the most from a pulmonary rehabilita- Dr Louise Sewell, representing the Outcomes, programme characteristics College of Occupational Therapists tion programme. Basic questions such as who should start on Professor Sally Singh Programme characteristics, elements, the programme and how long a programme should last are still post rehabilitation sources of discussion. Because of this uncertainty, there is a Dr Paul Walker Referral, programme characteristics need to come to conclusions on best practice and set standards. Ms Sandy Walmsley, representing the Programme characteristics, outcomes The British Thoracic Society produced its first statement on Primary Care Respiratory Society, UK pulmonary rehabilitation in 2001. Since then, a large number of relevant studies have been published. A more detailed guideline has therefore been produced. A full list of the GDG declarations of interest can be found on the British Thoracic Society website or by contacting the Who is the guideline for? British Thoracic Society Head Office. This guideline will mainly be of use for healthcare professionals who are involved in the care of people with long-term chest APPENDIX B: LIST OF STAKEHOLDERS problems. It will also be useful for those who are involved in ▸ Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care planning and funding services. ▸ Association of Respiratory Nurse Specialists ▸ British Geriatrics Society How the guideline was developed ▸ British Lung Foundation This guideline was produced following a standard method. The ▸ College of Occupational Therapists first step was to gather a group who are involved in pulmonary ▸ Primary Care Respiratory Society, UK rehabilitation programmes, including doctors, nurses, phy- ▸ Royal College of Physicians London siotherapists, an occupational therapist, a dietician and a patient

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii27 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from representative. The details of this Guideline Development Programmes should include a variety of training types to Group are given in appendix A. provide benefits in strength and exercise capacity. There is no This group produced a long list of important questions in a clear support for any particular format of this varied training. standard format. An independent centre then undertook a Providing rehabilitation at home seems to be feasible, either detailed search and found a very large number of publications in person or supported with internet video calls. Presently it is that might help answer the questions. These publications were not possible to say who could take part in such programmes reviewed in a standard manner in detail by at least two people. and still gain the same benefits as they would have had from The whole group discussed the evidence around each question. standard pulmonary rehabilitation. Further comments were sought from other healthcare profes- sionals, experts in developing guidelines, and patient groups. Rehabilitation after exacerbations A rapid worsening in breathlessness and cough, along with a Evidence decline in measurements of lung capacity or oxygen levels, is Throughout the main guideline document, the type of study referred to as an exacerbation of COPD. These distressing providing information is indicated by a number. The strength of events may lead to admission to hospital. the evidence supporting each recommendation is shown by a Taking part in pulmonary rehabilitation soon after discharge letter (A=highest). Detailed information on each publication is gets people back to their usual level more quickly than they included in the web appendix. otherwise would. It also reduces the risk of coming back into hospital in the short term, and makes people feel better. We RECOMMENDATIONS therefore recommend pulmonary rehabilitation for everyone Outcomes admitted with an exacerbation of COPD. We also recommend Currently pulmonary rehabilitation services do not collect the that the providers of rehabilitation record the proportion of same information on people attending courses. people who attend and complete these courses. We recommend that services make assessments before and after rehabilitation. These assessments should measure the dis- tance an individual can walk, their degree of breathlessness, Aids to pulmonary rehabilitation their overall health status, their ability to do everyday tasks, and Several studies have investigated whether the benefits of pul- psychological aspects, such as anxiety. monary rehabilitation can be increased by adding something to the programme. Referral The guideline group examined trials of devices that train the There has been discussion around who should be considered for breathing muscles, hormone and nutritional supplements, pulmonary rehabilitation. For example, some people have been helium-containing gas mixtures and electrical muscle stimula- thought to be too well or too ill to gain benefit. However, we tors. These measures appear safe, but adding them to rehabilita- found that people with severe chest problems and those with tion does not lead to greater benefit in walking distance or more mild breathlessness may benefit from pulmonary rehabili- breathlessness so they are not routinely recommended. tation. Similarly, there is no evidence that current smokers or People with long-term chest conditions may have oxygen or a people with depression will not benefit. ventilator at home. These treatments should not be started just People with unstable heart problems or with very severe for pulmonary rehabilitation. muscle or joint problems have other priorities and pulmonary rehabilitation should be deferred. Pulmonary rehabilitation for other conditions People who are referred should receive accurate information Almost all studies investigating pulmonary rehabilitation have about the planned pulmonary rehabilitation programme and the

included people with COPD. However, many people are limited on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. likely benefits. There should be an opportunity for discussion of by other long-term chest problems. The guideline group sug- the referral. gests that anyone in this situation has the opportunity to discuss People who are referred for pulmonary rehabilitation should referral for pulmonary rehabilitation. have their treatment for their chest condition reviewed at the time of referral. They will often have other conditions so the referral process provides an opportunity to identify problems After rehabilitation such as malnourishment, depression, smoking and high blood The improvements following pulmonary rehabilitation fade over pressure. time. We reviewed studies investigating whether maintenance sessions or repeat programmes were of benefit. Programme characteristics Generally, a repeat programme of pulmonary rehabilitation is A variety of pulmonary rehabilitation programmes are provided of benefit if the last completed programme was more than in the UK. Most involve a programme lasting at least 6 weeks. 1 year ago. A shorter interval should be considered if there is This approach is supported by the available research. a reason for rapid decline (such as an admission) or a need to Pulmonary rehabilitation programmes should include at least be in the best possible condition (such as before a major two supervised sessions per week. Less frequent contact may be operation). less beneficial. Participants should be assisted and encouraged to All individuals who complete a course of pulmonary rehabili- do further exercise at home. tation should be encouraged to continue to exercise.

ii28 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from APPENDIX E: ESSENTIAL INFORMATION REQUIRED ON A – that may need to be considered in risk assessment, in line REFERRAL FORM TO PULMONARY REHABILITATION with section ‘Referral and assessment of patients for pul- ▸ Name, date of birth, contact details. monary rehabilitation’. ▸ Known communication/language barriers. ▸ Transport needs—if applicable to that rehabilitation pro- ▸ Respiratory diagnosis: vider: the referrer should have discussed with the patient – spirometry for those with COPD; about the referral and discussed the likely benefitof – height, weight, BP,oxygen saturations at rest are desirable. partaking. ▸ Medical Research Council breathlessness score. ▸ Smoking status. APPENDIX F: SERVICE SPECIFICATION ▸ Therapies: Staffing is addressed in the Department of Health Service – current list of medication; Specification for pulmonary rehabilitation: – use of oxygen: uk/health/2012/08/copd-toolkit/209 ▹ long-term oxygen therapy, short-burst oxygen therapy, It highlights a multidisciplinary staff with sufficient competen- ambulatory; cies and experience; administration support; sufficient cover for ▹ oxygen saturations; annual leave, sickness leave and maternity leave. Staff should – use of domiciliary NIV. have regular updates and training. ▸ Significant and relevant comorbidities: The Service Specification also provides useful and practical – that may need consideration by provider before acceptance, advice on equipment and risk assessment. in line with section ‘Referral and assessment of patients for pulmonary rehabilitation’;


Rolling Cohort

Nature of programme Continuing cycle of sessions, with patients joining when there is a space All patients start and finish the programme at the same and leaving after completing a programme of sessions time Waiting list ▸ May enter the programme when a space occurs (eg, from a dropout) As an accumulative number of patients wait to start a so may curtail waiting list and could be more efficient cohort programme, the waiting list is distorted ▸ Permits a fast-track facility for entry of post-rehabilitation subjects ▸ Potentially allows better capacity Rehabilitation delivered at different Not suitable Suitable locations by same team This is only suitable if the programme always runs at the same venue Education programme The order of educational talks for the individual is governed by the point Can ‘flow’ in a logical order

of entry on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Group dynamics A new patient may be the sole new participant which may potentially be Patients all start together; permits group learning of beneficial or a challenge lifestyle challenges Assessments Requires the ability to perform pre and post assessments in parallel to Dedicated assessment slots can be programmed for all the course subjects pre and post rehabilitation Duration of programme Permits opportunity for early graduation to the gym and/or lengthening Fixed length for each programme programme if required

Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 ii29 BTS guidelines Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808 on 23 July 2013. Downloaded from APPENDIX H: SUGGESTED EDUCATIONAL TALKS TO ▸ Loving relationships/sexuality. ENCOMPASS IN THE PULMONARY REHABILITATION ▸ Exacerbation management (including coping with setbacks PROGRAMME and relapses). ▸ Anatomy, physiology, pathology—in health and in chronic ▸ The benefits of physical exercise. respiratory disease. ▸ Opportunities to exercise after pulmonary rehabilitation. ▸ Medication (including oxygen therapy). The talks should be delivered by members of the pulmonary ▸ Smoking cessation. rehabilitation staff with the opportunity to address questions. ▸ Dyspnoea/symptom management. Inviting a former pulmonary rehabilitation graduate or member ▸ Chest clearance techniques. of a local Breathe Easy group should be considered. ▸ Energy conservation/pacing. Supplementing the talks with written educational information is ▸ Patient support groups. advised. ▸ Nutritional advice. Patient satisfaction surveys and questionnaires containing ▸ Managing travel. disease-specific information (eg, for the Lung Information ▸ Benefits system and welfare rights. Needs Questionnaire or the Bristol Chronic Obstructive ▸ Advance directives. Pulmonary Disease Knowledge questionnaire) ensure quality of ▸ Anxiety management and relaxation. the educational aspects.210 211 ▸ Goal setting and rewards. Supplemental practical information is provided by the service ▸ Relaxation. specification for pulmonary rehabilitation at ▸ Confidence, self-efficacy and self-management. uk/health/2012/08/copd-toolkit/209 ▸ Identifying and changing beliefs about exercise and health- related behaviours. on September 25, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

ii30 Bolton CE, et al. Thorax 2013;68:ii1–ii30. doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-203808