06 6/5 TV Guide

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06 6/5 TV Guide Page 6 THE NORTON TELEGRAM Tuesday, June 5, 2007 Monday Evening June 11, 2007 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 KHGI/ABC Wife Swap Ex-Wives Club Supernanny Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live KBSH/CBS Comforts Christine Two Men HowIMet CSI: Miami Local Late Show-Letterman Late Late KSNK/NBC NHL Hockey Local Tonight Show Late FOX Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Local Cable Channels A&E CSI: Miami The Sopranos The Sopranos Angel CSI: Miami AMC Girl, Interrupted Original Sin ANIM Me or Dog Me or Dog Interns Interns Animal Precinct Me or Dog Me or Dog Interns Interns CNN Paula Zahn Now Larry King Live Anderson Cooper 360 Larry King Live Norton TV DISC Oil, Sweat and Rigs Deadliest Catch Dirty Jobs MythBusters Oil, Sweat and Rigs DISN Read It and Weep Life With So Raven Life With The Suite Montana Replace Kim E! Anna Nicole E! News Daily 10 Girls The Soup ESPN MLB Baseball SportsCenter Baseball NFL Live ESPN2 College Baseball Arena Football FAM Kyle XY Meet the Parents The 700 Club Kyle XY FX Big Momma's House Big Momma's House HGTV To Sell Buy Me Color Potential House House House My First To Sell Buy Me HIST Decoding the Past Underworld Dig for Truth Hooked: Illegal Decoding the Past LIFE Reba Reba In God's Country Will Will Frasier Frasier MTV Real World Vegas Engaged Engaged Engaged Engaged Challenge Challenge Rob&Big Rob & Big Listings: NICK SpongeBob Drake Videos Full Hse. Roseanne Roseanne Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. Cosby Cosby SCI Star Trek: Ent. Star Trek: Ent. Star Trek: Ent. Ghost in the Shell SPIKE CSI: Crime Scn Die Another Day CSI: Crime Scn TBS Friends Friends Friends Friends Family Family Seinfeld Seinfeld Austin Powers-Spy TCM Hell's Highway Ladies-Talk Caged So Young TLC Little Little Big Medicine My Unique Family Little Little Big Medicine TNT Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Your best source for local TV LAND GoodTime GoodTime Sanford Sanford Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby 3's Co. 3's Co. USA WWE Monday Night Raw Law & Order: SVU Destination Truth VH1 Little Beauties Wacky Baby Names Cutest Babies Celebrity Fit Club Flavor of Love WGN Funniest Home Videos WGN News at Nine Sex and t Scrubs Scrubs Becker Funniest Home Videos Premium Channels entertainment information HBO The Sopranos Big Love John From Cincinnati Big Love Extreme Measures MAX Poseidon Take the Lead Best Sex Hotel Ero Friday Evening June 8, 2007 SHOW Shame The Weather Man The Tudors Last Holiday ©2006 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 KHGI/ABC Funniest Home Videos National Bingo Night 20/20 Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Tuesday Evening June 12, 2007 KBSH/CBS Ghost Whisperer Close to Home NUMB3RS Local Late Show-Letterman Late Late 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 KSNK/NBC 1 vs. 100 Law Order: CI Law & Order Local Tonight Show Late KHGI/ABC Fast Cars NBA Count NBA Basketball Local Nightline Kimmel FOX Bones Standoff Local KBSH/CBS NCIS The Unit 48 Hours Mystery Local Late Show-Letterman Late Late Cable Channels KSNK/NBC America's Got Talent Law & Order: SVU Local Tonight Show Late A&E CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Intervention Life or Meth CSI: Miami FOX On the Lot House Local AMC Children of the Corn Child's Play Cable Channels ANIM Me or Dog Me or Dog Daddy-Hunter Hero Phoenix Funniest Animals Me or Dog Me or Dog A&E CSI: Miami Dog Dog Angel Angel Angel Angel CSI: Miami CNN Paula Zahn Now Larry King Live Anderson Cooper 360 Larry King Live AMC Slap Shot The Verdict DISC Edge of Existence Man vs. Wild Deadliest Catch After the Catch Edge of Existence ANIM Animal Precinct Heroes-Rescue Animal Precinct Animal Precinct Heroes-Rescue DISN Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board Cory So Raven Life With The Suite Montana Replace Kim CNN Paula Zahn Now Larry King Live Anderson Cooper 360 Larry King Live E! Office Space The Soup Simple E! News Daily 10 The Soup Simple DISC Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch After the Catch MythBusters Deadliest Catch ESPN College Baseball SportsCenter Baseball NFL Live DISN Go Figure So Raven Life With The Suite Montana Replace Kim ESPN2 Boxing College Baseball E! Office Space Simple Simple E! News Daily 10 Simple Simple FAM The Karate Kid Whose? The 700 Club Videos Videos ESPN US Poker US Poker Baseball Tonight SportsCenter SportsCenter FX '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show '70s Show The Shield '70s Show ESPN2 WNBA Basketball Figure Skating HGTV To Sell Buy Me 24 Hour Curb House House Parents FreeStyle To Sell Buy Me FAM Center Stage Whose? The 700 Club Falcon Beach HIST Bible Battles Dogfights Naked Archaeologist Bible Battles FX Three Kings The Sum of All Fears HGTV To Sell Buy Me Decoratin 24 Hour House Kitchen My House Potential To Sell Buy Me HIST Decoding the Past The Universe The History of Sex History of Sex Decoding the Past LIFE Reba Reba A Family Lost Will Will Frasier Frasier MTV Bubble Scarred Scarred Scarred Challenge Rob & Big Wild Out Cannon Yo Momma Yo Momma NICK SpongeBob Drake Videos Full Hse. Roseanne Roseanne Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. Cosby Cosby LIFE Reba Reba Framed for Murder Desperate Housewives Frasier Frasier SCI Special Unit 2 Special Unit 2 ECW Painkiller Jane Dark Angel MTV Real Real My Boss's Daughter Punk'd Winehouse My Boss's Daughter SPIKE UFC Unleashed UFC Fight Night UFC 72 Countdown The Ultimate Fighter NICK Ned's School Ned's School Videos Full Hse. Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. Cosby Cosby TBS Raymond Raymond Sex and t Sex and t Friends Friends Sex and t Sex and t Enough SCI Stargate SG-1 Stargate Atlantis Painkiller Jane Stargate SG-1 Stargate Atlantis TCM The Hard Way In Our Time The Big Knife SPIKE CSI: Crime Scn The Ultimate Fighter Sports Sports Most TLC Rides Miami Ink Miami Ink Miami Ink Miami Ink TBS MLB Baseball Scary Movie 2 Scream 3 TNT Without a Trace The Closer The Closer Cold Case Law & Order TCM The Last Angry Man Butterfield 8 For Love of Ivy TV LAND GoodTime GoodTime Sanford Sanford M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Sanford Sanford TLC What Not Wear NottoWear What Not to Wear NottoWear What Not Wear USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Coyote Ugly Law & Order: SVU TNT Cellular Cellular What Lies Beneath VH1 Caught on Tape Plastic Surgery Flavor of Love Brown Sugar TV LAND Griffith Griffith Sanford Sanford Arthur M*A*S*H M*A*S*H WGN Funniest Funniest WGN News at Nine Sex and t Scrubs Scrubs Becker Funniest Home Videos USA Law & Order: SVU Monk Law & Order: SVU House Training Day Premium Channels VH1 I Love the '80s: 3D Best Week New York Lindsay-Shock Best Week Flavor of Love Fit Club HBO You, Me and Dupree The Sopranos Barbaro Wide Awake WGN Outside Providence Sex and t Scrubs Scrubs Becker Funniest Home Videos MAX Have You Seen Andy? Madagascar Waist Deep X-Men Premium Channels SHOW Jiminy Glick in Lalawood The Tudors 2001 Maniacs Halloween H2O HBO Unleashed Entourage Entourage Slither Bev. Cop ©2006 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it MAX Tremors II: Aftershocks Caddyshack X-Men: Last SHOW Last Holiday The Weather Man Wednesday Evening June 13, 2007 ©2006 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 KHGI/ABC Next Best Thing American Inventor Traveler Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Saturday Evening June 9, 2007 KBSH/CBS King King Criminal Minds CSI: NY Local Late Show-Letterman Late Late 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 KSNK/NBC Deal or No Deal Last Comic Standing Local Tonight Show Late KHGI/ABC Funniest Home Videos Ruffian Local FOX You Can Dance Local KBSH/CBS 48 Hours Mystery Die Another Day Local Cable Channels KSNK/NBC NHL Hockey Local Saturday Night Live A&E CSI: Miami The Sopranos To Be Announced CSI: Miami FOX Cops Cops Most Wanted Local Mad TV Talkshow Local AMC Braveheart Platoon Cable Channels ANIM Planet Earth Planet Earth Animal Precinct Planet Earth Planet Earth A&E Flip This House Flip This House Star Wars-Drm. Flip This House CNN Paula Zahn Now Larry King Live Anderson Cooper 360 Larry King Live AMC Last-Mohicans Hidalgo DISC MythBusters MythBusters Cash Cab Cash Cab Dirty Jobs MythBusters ANIM Homeward Bound Wild Kingdom Homeward Bound DISN Brink! So Raven Life With The Suite Montana Replace Kim CNN Investigations Larry King Live CNN Saturday Night Investigations Larry King Live E! Pink: Story Girls Girls Sunset Sunset E! News Daily 10 Girls Sunset DISC Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch After the Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch ESPN MLB Baseball SportsCenter Baseball NFL Live ESPN2 DISN Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board The Suite So Raven Life With The Suite Montana Replace Kim Boxing Boxing Karate Karate NASCAR Poker FAM E! Women Who Kill SNL Remembers The Soup Sunset Dr. 90210 The Parent Trap The 700 Club Smallville FX Assault-Precnct Rescue Me Rescue Me '70s Show ESPN College Baseball SportsCenter Baseball Tonight HGTV To Sell Buy Me Dime Get Out House My House Junk Whats To Sell Buy Me ESPN2 NASCAR Racing IndyCar Racing HIST Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels Modern Marvels FAM The Parent Trap The Parent Trap FX Hellboy I, Robot Undisputed HGTV Designer Wed.
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