School Officials Study PCB Problem
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Grosse Pointe ews VOL 47-No 28 Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, July 10, 1986 35 Cents 40 Pages for your information School officials study PCB problem By Mike Andrzejczyk IS pOSSible, King said One com- fyi Danyoffers the service Umson is Discovery last month of con- tammatlOn from PCB-contammg a SubSidlal')' of Umon Carbide, transformers at a DetrOit scrap- which used the process to remove yard has focused attention on contaminants m that company's Did you see federal gUidelmes callmg for their transformers and deCided to mar- that, Maude? removal ket the servICe The federal government has Compames other than Umon DrIvers passmg 2040 Hunt given users of the electncal equip- Carbide tha t have had their Club m the Woods did a double- ment that contam the carcmogen transformers retro-fllled - a four- take Mondav when they spotted untIl October 1900to replace It The step process :lrc still 1Il thc a coffm propped up against a matenal was used as a fire retar- 15-month leechmg perIOd, King tree Was It the aftermath of dent and msulator in electrical said In the next three or four some macabre gOIngs-on over equipment months, It' should be proved the Fourth'l The Grosse Pomte Publlc School whether or not such transformers Well, no Actually, It was Pat. System has six PCB-contammg can meet the EPA standard ty Paquin domg some spnng transformers - four at North and The cost of retro-flillng IS about cleamng Those coffins take up two at South, accordmg to Dave half the cost of removal, disposal a lot of room, you know Kmg, director of support serVIces and replacement of the present It was one of the props they The dlstnct comphed With federal transformers, and ehmmates any used one veal' for a Halloween guidelines calhng for idenllfication long-term lIabihty problem, King party They loaned It out a cou- and taggmg of the transformers said. ple of times to neighbors for and has told local fire departments The school system is also lookmg their parties and fmally deCid- of theIr existence. mto energy effiCiency programs ed It had served its purpose, The SIXtransformers are locat- for its bUIldings, King Said It IS We did not ask if there was ed on roofs and in basements at the possible the dlstnct should save PhOlo by Peter A Sa1mas anythmg Illslde schools and have been there for at some energy by usmg smaller, A young lady and friends least 15years, King said The four more modern transformers at the Dressed in their finest patriotic attire, three Grosse Pointe Park youths lead the way for the at North have been there since the buildings. school was built and one of the two Should savings be large enough, children's entries in the annual Fourth of July parade held in the Park. Hundreds lined the streets Bittersweet ending has been there for at least 15years replacement cost of the trans- of the city as Jonathan Terrell, left, Vanessa Terrell and Matthew Hy made their way down Essex No good deed goes unpun- No elementary or middle school formers could be part of the ener- Drive. More photos are on Page 3A. ished We've all heard that and has transformers contammg (Continued on Page l1A) the Shores was a Victim of It PCBs, he added When Vice President George The dlstnct had Originally con- Bush carne to the Village a whue SIdered allocatmg about $250,000111 back, the Shores was requested thiS school year's budget to cover TV crew barred from entering Windmill Pointe by the U S Secret Sen ice to replacement and disposal of the help With secunty for the Visit SiX,King said Once it began mves- By Peter A. Salinas What happened at the park to the try, there Will always be the prob. racial Issue 1 think It's ludICrous" Shores offIcers were part of a hgatmg the matter, It deCided to A Detroit teleVISIOn news crew news crew was "perfectly legiti- lem of having some reSidents Crawford noted that Channel 7 contingent of DetrOit, county hold off. was demed access to Wmdmill mate," Crawford said "We are allowed mto the park Without hav- has been demed entry to hiS City'S and state pollce that provided The district has until 1990 to Pointe Park whlle domg a story on gettmg complamts because we are m~ the passes checked at the gate parks tWIce now m SIX months light secunty for the viSit to a either replace the transformers or charges of alleged mequltable enforcmg the reSidents-only rule, Grosse POInte Woods City He said that the Grosse Pomte prIvate horne, which was a to modify them III such a way that treatment of reSidents at Grosse not because of lack of enforce- Manager Chester Petersen said News was allowed mto the park on fundraismg venture they will con tam less than 50 parts Pomte's parks ment " the same day shortly after the that everyone, mcludmg himself Channel 7 crew was demed entry, Soon afterward, the Village per million of PCB in the oii mside City officials said no member of them, Kmg Said Cra~ lord mamtained If a mem- and the city's mayor, have their because a photographer was tak- public safety department got a the news crew held a park pass or Thel'e is a company that offers bel of the news crew were a City passes checked - everyhme mg photos of a presentation from letter of commendation from a guest pass, and therefore the reSIdent or the ere'W were guests of a leechmg servICe that m 15 Petersen SaId that smce the the Grosse Pomte SaIl Club to the the Secret SerVIce for their crew was asked to leave the a resident, they would have been months could brmg a transformer Woods' Lakefront Park was bUIlt CIty work The Village council was grounds allowed access very proud into comphance with EPA regula- m the late 1950s, It has been "The News was covermg a plea- Bob Chnkingbeard, a producer But at the June meetmg, tion at half the cost of replacing "I told Channel 7 that they reSidents-only and any com- sant event that had to do With the of WXYZ-TV, Channel 7 news, Said trustees got the downside it, he added should get ahold of Jerry Hodak panson to the Dearborn Issue IS Tuesday Night Sundown Senes there was a confrontation Bush's 21 ~-hour ViSIt cost the There are liability problems (ChanneI7's weatherman) who IS unfair which has been gomg on for 25 Shores 24 hours of overtime for with removal and disposal of PCB "Iteporter Ven Marshal arrived a resident of the Farms and getm- Crawford agrees years," he said "That had nothmg six officers who handled the tran~formers, King ~saict '}!lven an~l'atk witha crew," Clinking- to the Farms park," Crawford "We.have.~~.rgsj.dentJ.aLonl.¥ to_do Wltb tlle.-Gf~~ ...l:'91ntE: Park special aSSignment. And Public though equipment IS removed and beard said "We showed our press said for 50years," Crawforosaia N'"6w-Y~parks:'ana wBSfi 't'rrYtng to Tf~1ft disposed of in an EPA-approved someone IS trymg to make It a an Issue to Dearborn, ' Safety Director Joseph Vitale credentIals - did everythmg we Cra\\lford said that If the news told an mdlgnant Village coun- site, the school system retains part had to do, and were not allowed to crew were there to do a story on Cil there was no chance of get- ownership and part liability should go on the grounds, not even to use hIgh water levels or a boatmg ac- tmg reimbursed someone sue because of contami- the restroom " natIOn Cident, they would llkely have been Farms public safety Well, you have to take the bIt- admitted. ter With the better. The locatIOn of the transformers Park City Manager John Craw- m the schools also means expen- ford said because no one from the "They are only trymg to make Sive removal and replacement, teleVISIOn crew held a park pass, thiS an Issue because of the Dear- negotiations move slowly Kmg saId entry was demed on that baSIS born controversy," Crawford agreed the talks are" at a stand- By Nancy Pamlenter Lucky ducks There IS no real schedule for de- Entry to Grosse Pomte's parks noted "The more the medIa stlll," but was cautious about the preciation onra transformer, Kmg has become a hot tOPiC of conver- covers thiS, the more someone "Going nowhere" could be the arbitratIOn process "Public safe- avoid trucks said. Salesmen he has talked to say satIOn of late, given the Dearborn tnes to become a hero, and get hiS new name for the publlc safety ty has never been arbitrated," he Last week, you may remem- that anythmg after 20 years ISbor- parks reSIdents-only ordinance, name m the papers or on teleVI- negotiatIOns m Grosse Pomte said "It would be somethmg new ber, ducks mvaded the Shores rowed time, he added now in the courts sIon Farms Teams for the CIty, the and different" well, at about the same time: There ISno leakage or mdlcatlOn Recently, the Grosse Pomte "I don't thmk the Inter-Faith police and the fireflgh~ers have The baSIS of arbitration ISa com- they 'Were causmg trouble III the of leakage In the transformers, Inter-Faith CounCil for RaCial Council or the NAACP's letters are been meeting SInce their contracts panson between commumtles III Woods which are used to transform Justice and the NAACP have sent worthy of makmg thiS an Issue" expired to try to fmd a way to com.