Racquetball Club Proposed for Fanwood
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SCOTCH PLAINS FANW0OD VOLUME 28 NUMBER 26 SCOTCH FLAINS'FANWOOD THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1978 20 CENTS Racquetball Club proposed for Fanwood •**>*£ Ten-court racquetball club facility proposed for South Ave., Fanwood. Racquetball - the fastest growing racquet club, just a few doors up from the Fanwood ground so that, although it will'be two-story, it hospitable than tennis court clubs. sport in the United States - will be available to Post Office and Krautter's Garden Center, will appear as a low-profile, one-story building Although racquetball has been a dominant local residents, hopefully by February 1, 1979 was chosen for the central location and the from Its South Avenue frontage. Inside, the activity In the west and the midwest for some - estimated opening date for the Fanwood general convenience of the general public, and club will offer ten racquetball courts on two time, it is just beginning its growth period in Racquetball Club at 313 South Avenue, Fan- commuters as well, levels; large lounge areas, an equipment shop, the northeast. Kangaroo Club in Toms River wood. Site plan review - the final step in ap- Michael and Ellen Dobrenski of Westfield meeting rooms and a small kitchen on the was the first In New jersey, Dobrenski pointed provals - is scheduled for Fanwood Planning head the corporation which will build the $1 upper level, with lockers, a sauna, steam out, and to date, there are no more than a Board action on July 17. The location of the million facility. The club will be built into the room, whirlpool and weight rooms below. dozen such facilities within the state • the closest all-raequetball club available for local Parking for 44 cars will be provided at the residents in the Meadowlands vicinity. In con- Board of Education members question rear of the acre and a half site, with main en- trast to tennis, it is a very simple game to pick trance facing the rear parking lot, A doorway up. Primarily a singles activity, it is played details of La Grande School lease at the front of the building will serve only for with a shortened racquet similar to a tennis emergency use. racquet in appearance. Racquets will be Before voting their approval of a lease on Perry, who has met with representatives of available for rent and for purchase at a club LaQrande School last week, several Board of the school to arrange transfer, said he an- Fanwood Racquetball Club will be a plush, pro shop, "It's really a game of handball, but Education members sought details on the ticipated no difficulties. However, he asked comfortable facility, Dobrenski said this played with a racquet instead of the hand. rental clause. Board member Edward Perry, Board Attorney, Casper Boehm whether week. It will not be a YMCA-type of at- Therefore, it's a more rewarding game to play noting that several board members had there were any situations inherent in the lease mosphere, but will include all the amenities than handball," Dobrenski noted. Many questions, asked for clarification on building which might create problems with the and the ambiance characteristic of a club. people attempt to master tennis, but spend repairs and future maintenance. Borough of Fanwood, Because racquetball courts are much smaller most of their time walking around the court The renters of LaQrande, Covenant "It is not their problem. They don't OK than tennis courts (20' by 40'), the general size picking up misssed balls. In contrast, with Christian School, are responsible for all it," Boehm replied. Perry cited questions and feeling of the facility will be more Continued On Page 6 repairs and maintenance during occupancy. raised by Fanwood Mayor Ted Trumpp and The private school, now based in North citizens regarding change in status from a Plainfleld, will occupy LaGrande beginning public to a private facility, and Fanwood's in September. LaGrande was abandoned as a role In support services, "In a lease Involving Commuters complete flood effort public elementary school in June, 1978. a changing situation, does somebody coming "Two determined citizens who have a sin- "My purpose is to give the benediction to Covenant Christian has a three-year option in have to get Council approval?" Perry cere, a valid, and an honest commitment to the saga of the water of the Fanwood railroad on the building, at a rent of $10,000 per year. asked. • an objective involving the public welfare can station," Nagy announced. He noted that he The Board's approval of the lease is "I've heard those rumors, too, but the make something happen," according to Joe began a determined pursuit toward a cure in. dependent upon similar OK's from Covenant lease covers the situation, and those concer- Nagy and Robert Thiesing. The two are December of 1975, that his efforts went vir- Christian. ns," Boehm said. regular commuters on the Conrail system. tually unrewarded and unresolved for a time, Board member Larry Andrews expressed For years, they had been bothered extensively, but were revived in December of 1977, Along pleasure with the lease, which allows the by stepping off trains into ankle-deep pud- the way, Nagy and Thiesing learned what school district to hold claim to the property, dles. Together, they "took on" the they consider some important lessons, the fir- without a "boarded up building lying establishment, going right to the top of the st of which is stated in the opening sentence Index fallow," with detrimental impact on neigh- Conrail system and consistently addressing above. For five or six years, some 500 to 800 borhood. the Fanwood Borough Council with commuters resigned themselves to slosh The Board acted favorably upon a request suggestions for action. Now, with a trenching through ankle-deep water because they felt CLASSIFIED 17 from the Board Athletic Council that ninth system installed to carry off flood waters they didn't have the power to correct the EDITORIAL 4 graders be barred from participation in high which had plagued the commuters for .years,* situation. school varsity sports, except in athletic areas Messrs. Nagy and Thiesing officially an- LEGALS 17 Lesson two, in Nagy's and Thiesing's where there are not similar ninth grade of- nounced completion of their crusade, as they opinion: "Do not always accept as un- RELIGIOUS SERVICES 15 ferings, such as tennis and golf. The original addressed the Borough Council last week. callnegeable truth the conclusions of those SOCIAL TIMES 8 request for such a ruling emanated from the However, as the duo bowed out, they had a reputed to be experts. Have the courage and SPORTS 13 Blue Raider Booster Club. The Board policy message or two for Council and their fellow temerity to seek, to search, to probe, and Continued On Page 3 citizens. Continued On Page 2 2.. .THE TIMES, JULY 6, 1978 Plainfield denies license renewal citing lack of security The function of the guard was Councilman Richard L, consent resolution. Mayor resolution which would award children, and that a box-lunch Ry.\teri,iC. Siinor curtail breaches of the peace, Taylor stated, "I am going to Paul Q'Keeffe's recommen- Institutional and Industrial could be sent." do a turnabout," explaining the use of abusive language, dation to appoint Arthur Food Service the contract to "I sympathize with Ms. The Plainfield City Coun- that although he had suppor- littering, loitering, accosting Velinsky to the Planning provide a $69,079.87 Summer Perun and Mr, Meyer," cil, in action which could be ted the license renewal at the of innocent passerbys, gam- Board, to fill a vacancy left by Nutrition Program to the stated Councilman Hudson. subject to appeal, denied the last session, he had since been bling, etc. the resignation of Dr. Kaye children of Plainfield, Her ob- However, he added, "I don't Queen City Lounge ot" 400 contacted by many residents The Council had been ad- Fillmore, met with objections jection was not in the benefits know if our Summer Program Liberty Street its Plenary of the area surrounding the %-ised by Corporation Counsel from Couneilwomen Manly of the program, but in its can flourish this Summer , Retail Consumption License Lounge,, and that their con- Frank H, Blatz, Jr., that Sonnenschein, and Angela execution. She questioned without this food program." for the July 1, 197S - June JO,' Queen City could appeal the cern was not with legalities, Perun and Councilman providing aU children The Resolution, to .award . *79 term. The Council's ruling to the State Alcoholic but with peace of mind, Ex- Taylor, who voted against it. registered in the Summer the bid was passed by a four stated reasons for so doing Beverage Commission, and pressing "concern for my con- Council President Nellie Parks Program with free lun- to two vote, with Mr, Meyer were that the Lounge's owner that if it were then granted by stituents," Taylor joined with Suratt, supporting the appoin- ches. Money for the project is and Ms. Perun registering the had failed to continually the State ABC, the SI440 fee the other Council members to tment, commented that the provided by the Summer Food only negative votes. provide a uniformed presently paid to Plainfield deny the license. Councilman matter should ha%e been Service Program for Children professional security guard would then be paid to the Howard E. Hudson agree brought up svhen the Mayor under the State of New Jersey, During the public portion during the hours of 7:00 pin State. However, as each with Taylor, commenting, "I first announced his intention, Department .of Education, of the meeting, Republic until closing.