For Sale Residential Development Opportunity

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For Sale Residential Development Opportunity FOR SALE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY WWW.CKDGALBRAITH.CO.UK AIRNTULLY, STANLEY, PERTHSHIRE, PH1 4PH Attractive plots in quiet location with excellent views over the surrounding countryside • 2 plots each with outline planning permission for a detached house. • Mains services located on/adjacent to site. • High amenity site in a very attractive location. • Rural location within easy driving distance of Perth. CALL 01738 451 111 LOCATION The site is located in the attractive hamlet of Airntully, located a short distance to the north of the popular village of Stanley. Stanley provides a range of facilities including primary schooling, local retailers, a hotel and restaurant. It is a popular village with those looking to commute to the county town of Perth and further afield. Perth some 9 miles to the south provides a wide rage of services including, secondary schooling, local and national retailers, supermarkets, medical and dental services, professional services, a concert hall and a mainline rail station. This part of Perthshire provides for a wide range of outdoor pursuits, including golf, fishing and shooting. Fishing is available on the nearby River Tay and there are a number of challenging Munroes a short distance to the north for those interested in hill walking. DESCRIPTION The plots occupy an attractive position on the eastern edge of Airntully and benefit from spectacular views east over the surrounding countryside towards the Sidlaw Hills. Each plot has planning permission in principle for the erection of a one and a half storey dwellinghouse, 12/01398/IPL (Plot 1) & 12/01401/IPL (Plot 2). Plot 1 extends to approximately 0.40 acres (0.16 ha) Plot 2 extends to approximately 0.58 acres (0.24 ha) TECHNICAL INFORMATION PACK PLANNING A Technical Information Pack has been prepared, containing a copy of the outline planning The sellers have planted a beech hedge on the eastern boundary of the site and have also permission, associated plans, correspondence and documents in relation to the location and constructed passing places as per the conditions contained within the planning consent to the capacity of utility services and copy correspondence with Perth and Kinross Council and the satisfaction of the local authority. For the avoidance of doubt any future planning applications Scottish Government. for the sites will be based on the plot areas outlined in the site plan within these particulars. PRICE ACCESS Our clients seek offers for their freehold interest in the subjects in excess of: Access to plot 2 will be directly from the public road. Plot 1: SOLD Plot 2: £115,000 SERVICES Mains supplies of water and electricity are available adjacent to the site. Drainage will be by A closing date may be set for the plots and our clients are not bound to accept the highest offer means of a private system and soakaway. or indeed any offer. VAT There is no VAT applicable to this property. VIEWING AND FURTHER INFORMATION All prospective parties must advise the selling agents of their intention to view the subjects. The site is open and may be viewed directly from the public road. The sellers or their agents take no responsibility with regard to the safety of parties viewing the property. Any enquiries or requests for further information should be directed to the selling agents, CKD Galbraith, Lynedoch House, Barossa Place, Perth, PH1 5EP. Telephone enquiries should be made to Harry Stott on 01738 451 111 or e mail [email protected] DIRECTIONS Take the A9 north from Perth and continue for approximately 8 miles and turn left sign posted Bankfoot. Continue into the village and after a short distance turn right signposted Murthly. Pass SOLD under the A9 and turn right, continue along this road for approximately 2 miles and turn right signposted Airntully. Proceed into Airntully and the plots are located after the first house on the left. Ref: N9/01/60 May 2013 WWW.CKDGALBRAITH.CO.UK RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY AIRNTULLY, STANLEY, PERTHSHIRE, PH1 4PE WWW.CKDGALBRAITH.CO.UK Reproduced from the This plan is published for the Ordnance Survey map convenience of Purchasers Licence No. ES764345 with only. Its accuracy is not permission of the Controller guaranteed and it is expressly of Her Majesty’s Stationery excluded from any contract. Not To Scale Office. © Crown Copyright. CKD Galbraith for themselves and for the vendors or lessors of this property whose agents they are give notice that: purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness i) the particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers or lessees, and do not of each of them and are advised to do so; constitute, nor constitute part of, an offer or contract: iii) no person in the employment of CKD Galbraith has any authority to give representation or warranty whatever in ii) all descriptions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given relation to this property; without responsibility and any intending iv) all prices, rents and premiums are exclusive of VAT at current rate.
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