ROMAN CATHOLIC CLERGY This is a simple explanation of Roman Catholic Clergy. It’s not the whole story , consider it an introduction .

When God calls a man to be ordained a Priest. It takes a number of years of training to make sure that this is what the man wants to do.

When satisfied that it is a true calling, the man is first ordained a Deacon by a Bishop.

The man can stay a deacon or go on to be ordained a priest

A new Priest can start his life in the clergy as an assistant ; known as a to a parish Priest, or go straight to being a parish Priest.

If a Priest is recognised as having special gifts that can help the clergy and the people, he may be put forward as a candidate for becoming a Bishop. The Priest ’s name is sent to Rome for the Pope’s approval.

If approval is given, then the Priest is anointed Bishop, usually by three other Bishops, but one is sufficient.

Only Priests and Bishops are anointed into . All other princes of the church suc h as Cardinals and Archbishops are APPOINTED by the POPE. CHURCH MINISTERS


The POPE is Head of the Roman , and Head of THE VATICAN STATE in Italy. He is also the Bishop of Rome.

THE CLERGY BISHOP Looks after and governs a DIOCESE. PRIEST Looks after and governs a PARISH within a DIOCESE. All clergy, including Deacons, Priests, and Bishops, may preach, teach, baptize, witness marriages and conduct funeral liturgies.

ONLY PRIESTS and BISHOPS are allowed to administer the sacraments of: The , Reconciliation, Anointing of the Sick. Confirmation is normally administered by a Bishop, but it can also be done by Priests in special circumstances.

Only Bishops can administer the sacrament of HOLY ORDERS with the authority to ordain men into Priests.

BISHOPS are the successors of the Apostles.

Priests are selected to be ordained Bishops by other Bishops and names are submitted to the Vatican for finally approval by the Pope.

The ordination to a Bishop is normally done by at least three other Bishops, but if necessary only one is needed. The Ordination to a Bishop is considered the completion of the sacrament of Holy Orders.

Archbishops are senior bishops normally appoi nted to the diocese of an important geographical area. In England there are four Archbishops (Westminster and Southwark in London; Birmingham; and Liverpool). In Wales there is one (Cardiff). In Scotland there are two (Edinburgh and Glasgow).

CARDINALS are honoured princes of the Church appointed by the Pope. Cardinals make up the ‘ ’ which advises the pope. Cardinals under the age of 80 at the death of a pope elect his su ccessor .


POPE (Head of the Catholic Church World Wide) (The current Pope is ) (Also known as The Bishop of Rome)

CARDINALS ( The Cardinals of the Catholic Church are the most senior clergymen (priests) in the Church below the Pope They are all elected to the position by the Pope , a nd are responsible for electing a new Pope when one dies.)

ARCHBISHOPS (Usually head of the Church in a State) (The Archbishop of Westminster is the Head of the Church in England) (Most Reverend Vincent Nichols)

BISHOPS (Usually the Head of a geographical Region Known as a Diocese within a State) (There are 22 Diocese in England) (The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Geographical Part of England) (Right Reverend Mark Davis is the Bishop of Shrewsbury)

PRIESTS Lymm is a Parish within the Diocese of Shrewsbury) (Father Tony Elder is the parish Priest for the Parish of LYMM)



Archbishops Archbishops Archbishops ENGLAND (Westminster)

Bishops Bishops Bishops Bishops Bishops (SHREWSBURY) Diocese

Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish Parish (St. Winefride’s) (LYMM, Cheshire.)