Contents Page About Us: Pablos Art Studios Inc 2 ROAR! gallery 3 Governance Report 4 Director’s Report 5 From the Studio 8 Pablos Volunteers 9 Pablos Landscape Workshop/Artist Run Workshops 10

Outreach 2017/WCC Housing Art Classes 11

Creative Spaces Capsule 2017/Cityzen Kane 12 Gallery Report 13 Finance Report 14 Performance Report 15 Auditors Report 27 Pablos Team 2017 30 Thank you! 31

Artists’ Reflections 32

1 Pablos Art Studios Inc

Pablos Art Studios Inc. was established in 1993 as a creative response to the increase of care in the community for people with lived experience of mental illness. We provide a support- ive and professional art studio and gallery environment for people, who have experienced mental illness, to engage in the production of artwork. Pablos enables people to develop a broad skill base and to take ownership of their creative paths towards positive outcomes in the local and wider communities.

Pablos Art Studio operates from Monday to Friday 10am-5pm. Individuals access, at no cost, creative opportunities such as art workshops, individual tuition, discussion and critique groups and exhibition opportunities. They work at their own desk or at a communal table. The expectation is for artists to attend on certain days and to work constructively while they attend. Pablos is not a drop in centre.

Artists at Pablos are supported to work independently towards their own creative goal plans, and balance their independent work by participating in organised workshops. They have positive role models and gain inspiration by working alongside others.

Tuesday Workshops with Morag Stokes

2 ROAR! gallery

ROAR! Gallery is dedicated to the sale and promotion of art from Pablos Art Studios. We have created a professional gallery and exhibition space that is accessible to artists with limited access to other dealer galleries and encourages an enthusiastic and growing market for our artists work.

We have created a professional gallery and exhibition space that is accessible to artists with limited access to other dealer galleries and encourages an enthusiastic and growing market for our artists work.

Together the Studio and Gallery create an environment for recovery that provides opportu- nities and a framework for learning skills that are transferable to all aspects of peoples’ lives.

• We foster a culture of creative self-reliance, professionalism and exploration that encourages individuals to go beyond their own expectations.

• We use relationship building styles that promote participation, personal responsibility and community integration.

• We have a strong positive impact on personal development, job readiness, educational participation, reduced isolation and recovery.

ROAR! Corner revealed!

3 Governance Report For Pablos, 2017 has been a year in which it has been great to see how the Pablos Director, Dee Dahlberg, and her team have been able to really consolidate what has been achieved at Pablos so far. A focus on maintaining and expanding community networks, strengthening systems and policies, and continuing to use existing funds efficiently have all been part of this. Consequently it has also been gratifying to observe how this year’s auction was one of the most successful for Pablos and that Pablos’ achievements have once more been publicly recognized. Not only did Pablos win this year’s Art Access Creative Space Award but Menno Huibers, Lead Tutor at Pablos, received an award for the Creative Spaces Time Capsule, again another illustration of some fruitful networking.

As with previous years, sustainable funding has been an important focus for Pablos. As alluded to above, Dee and her staff have worked ceaselessly to identify possible new sources of funding and to use available resources as efficiently as possible, whilst still ensuring that Pablos continues to be an excellent creative and supportive space for artists. From a committee member perspective, we, in conjunction with Dee, have been looking at strengthening our community links and incorporating information that may assist us all in attaining more sustainable funding. To this end we met with Glen MacDonald, Coordinator at Vincents, and Marion Blake MNZM, Chief Executive, from Platform Trust. We very much appreciated the time and wisdom they shared with us and from their time with us have identified the importance of both collective lobbying and also of ‘telling the Pablos story’ – who are Pablos artists? how is Pablos of use to them? where does attending Pablos lead to? – and identifying who needs to hear this story in order for Pablos to be able to function and grow in the future.

The committee also had an opportunity to hear from Clive Pedley, from Giving Architects, who shared some very valuable information about identifying donors, seeking donations, and what is likely to make this process most successful.

The information gleaned from all three of those mentioned above will be utilized in planning strategically for the future and I would again like to thank them all for what they have shared with us so far.

In terms of committee membership it has been quite a stable year. Unfortunately for us all Tricia Sloan will now be leaving the committee so I would like to thank her on behalf of Pablos for all the skills, experience and enthusiasm she has brought to this organisation in the years that she has been a committee member.

I would like to acknowledge the Pablos staff team, artists, and all the committee members for everything they have contributed throughout the year. A special mention should go to Stephanie Hall, who, after a number of years at Pablos in the Administrator role, has now gone on to another interesting role with a community focus. Stephanie brought so much to her role, including being invaluable at committee meetings – we wish her all the best for the future.

Finally I wish to thank the various funding organisations, Arts Access Aotearoa, auction attendees, and Roar Gallery customers whose involvement continues to help Pablos be a valuable and flourishing creative space. 4 Directors Report Tēnā koutou katoa,

The past year at Pablos has passed very quickly, we put a larger focus on pursuing aspira- tional funding and supporting special studio workshops. We also spent many hours making administrative and facilitation adjustments to our studio following legislative changes like auditing and MSD outcomes reporting. In supporting our community of artists. We contin- ued our open studio model, and kept our community connections alive with many trips and gallery exhibits. We are especially proud this year to have been able to support more artists to run their own workshops to showcase and pass on their skills, they did an incredible job. We also want to commend all the studio artists for their commitment to learning and grow- ing their art practice. For taking steps to confidently take on new challenges, but most of all for nurturing themselves, their mental health and wellbeing. No creative journey here is without its challenges for both individuals and as a group. Overall however, we have seen so many people empowered by the benefits they receive from an enriched environment, qual- ity mentoring and having the time to explore and build new skills and talents.

Like so many NGO’s our biggest challenge is how to retain current funding and to grow independent funds for Pablos to remain open. With that in mind we kicked off the year

The Pablos Crew at Arts Access Aotearoa Awards 2017.

5 planning for some extra good ole’ fashioned volunteer driven fundraisers like our Garage sale and Harbourside market parking work. This meant volunteering time from staff, com- mittee members, Pablos artists and volunteers. Those who helped, gave up time on their weekends to make this magic happen. To all of you who helped us, thank you very much, you made a difference. Stephanie and I also worked on some extra funding applica- tions and held many meetings to inform and connect with potential funders. One notable outcome was receiving funding from Infinity Trust to help us provide first aid training for twenty staff, volunteers and studio artists. That meant a great deal. We also had wonder- ful support from our artists, external artists, patrons, sponsors, Pablos committee and the public for our annual fundraising auction, a great night of connection for all.

Other highlights from this year include the completion of the Creative Spaces Capsule, which involved an art collecting capsule that traveled to as many Creative Spaces around as possible, exhibiting at each place it visited. Pablos tutor Menno Huibers and Benton Glassey from Dunedin’s Studio 2 and Margaret Freeman Gallery were the “Capsule Cosmonauts” leading the project. It connected as many creative spaces as possible aiming to include, celebrate and show the diversity of artists and spaces our country contains culmi- nating in a final exhibit at Wellington Fringe Festival in February 2017. In July this project was highly commended in the Arts Access CQ Hotels Wellington Community Partnership Award 2017.

Pablos continues its other based programme at Tangaroa, Kenepuru, funded by the CCDHB. Tangaroa focuses on recovery and rehabilitation through providing people with the opportunity to learn new skills, and gain independence and empowerment for community living. Pablos model of creative learning/re-building, provides clients with individualised recovery which works well within the unit’s rehabilitation treatment plans. Pablos tutor Francis takes care of that programme and has also been working hard in the Hutt Valley pro- viding similar workshops for Pathways Community Day Service. This year he also facilitated a team building workshop there. In the studio Francis passes on his art and design knowl- edge to Pablos artists and encourages them to attempt different ways of using materials. Lead Tutor Menno Huibers has spent time keeping our inner studio running and mentoring new and existing artists, and keeping our inner-city relationships alive and well. This year he continued our connection with tenants by running workshops for the Newtown tenants. Art Tutor Chris Barrand also supports many artists in the studio, and has continued one of our popular workshops, taking artists out around the to experience being an artist in the elements. The confident skills and talent gained from this year’s work was evident in the art they donated to our auction this year. Chris has also given

6 time to our garage sale and his skill in providing affordable Auction framing is an integral part of helping Pablos keep to its budget! Morag Stokes runs our popular Tuesday workshops, providing a variety of new experiences and materials for people to explore. Her attention to detail, research and excellent teaching skills are appreciated by many artists who attend, I hear compliments often about the support they receive from her. We have had some staff changes this year, our administrator Stephanie Hall has moved on to another social service, we thank her for the incredible job she has done supporting Pablos over the years, she do- nated many volunteer hours as well in this past year towards our extra fundraisers and our Matariki market day, we know she will be a great asset to her new organisation. Daniel Rose who worked a great deal on our gallery online presence was whisked away to a job in China. He will be back to see us some time, we wish him well in his new ventures. Gallery coordi- nator Michelle Irving has taken over many of the online gallery tasks as well as supporting Pablos artists showing in our exhibitions at ROAR! Gallery and at Mulberry Cafe. She also supports artists to show in Thorndon at Hillside Kitchen & Cellar. This year Michelle pro- vided her knowledge of art, retail and her eye for detail to assist ROAR! Gallery in its devel- opment. Of note is her help to implement a mid-winter market opportunity for our artists and external artists. I want to thank the incredible volunteers who have assisted us this year with the Auction and with Pablos operations. Your help has been amazing, your dedication to what Pablos does for the community is irreplaceable.

Due to this community work and collaboration over the years, Pablos received recognition this year by winning the 2017 Arts Access Aotearoa Holdsworth Trust Creative Space Award. We were proud to bring several artists with us to Parliament to receive this honour on behalf of everyone past and present that has been a part of the Pablos whanau.

We started this year with one government and are now ending the year with another. There is no doubt that there will be some new approaches and changes to understand in the New Year, but we will figure it out together. What I do know is that Pablos Art Studios has incred- ible support from many appreciative people who know how necessary community groups like ours are to those that need time to heal. To all of you, Ngā mihi maioha!

Mere Kirihimete,


7 From the Studio

Yet again we have had an exciting year in the studio, working through new ideas and ven- tures. This year there was a real focus on developing artist run incentives one of which being the set up of artist run workshops. A real life funded program where artists came up with workshop ideas developed, planned and ran them with guidance and mentorship from the tutors. It will be interesting to see how this will develop further in the future.

In conjunction with the artist run workshops we partnered up with one of our artists Soren Lane to develop and execute all the graphics around this year’s Pablos Annual Art Auction in- cluding all digital design which in the past had been done by staff members, this was hugely successful and we will be rolling out something similar for next year’s auction (Soren’s art is featured on the cover of this report).

Along with the artist run workshops the Tutors have continued to develop the workshop program for the studio injecting new and interesting approaches to medium, processes and concepts to creativity, ranging from ventures into our city with paper and graphite and cap- turing rubbings from urban objects to playing documentaries and having discussions about art within the studio.

Tutor Francis Tunnicliff and Artist Fraser Hoffe Volunteering at this year’s carpark fundraiser down at the Harbourside Market Carpark. 8 Pablos Volunteers

This year we strengthened our volunteer base somewhat resulting on a larger than ever number of volunteers in the studio. We are forever surprised and thankful for the incredible generosity of these people as they give up their own time and energy week after week to help us out.

Yay for volunteers!

The ever helpful Bhavik Thakorlal taking on the unenviable task of sorting out the art materials area earlier this year.

9 Pablos Landscape Workshops These workshops are a counter balance to artist’s studio practice extending their experi- ence of observation and art making to landscape environments. Making art in the landscape invigorates the connection you have with how you relate to your art. Literally it’s a breath of fresh air.

An Artist getting some fresh air in the Landscape Workshop

Artist Run Workshops This Year’s Artist run workshopProgramme kicked off with Soren Lane’s introduction to Digi- tal painting using open source software, namely Krita. Next was Nyx’s Stencilmania exploring the art of stencil making and spraying. Sorayas Edwards set up and ran a 3 session workshop exploring visual whakapapa using a selection of mediums and techniques. Rysiu Knap ran an introductory workshop to the Japanese art of Origami. And finally coming up to Halloween, Miranda Wolf Kitbashed toys and found objects with a group of artists to create hideously hybrid Frankendolls.

Within the Artist run work- shop program one of our artists Kay Marie Morgan also lead an introduction to cubist abstraction work- shop as well as a watercol- our technique workshop in conjunction to the Tuesday morning workshops with Nyx’s Stencilmania workshop in full swing. Morag. 10 Outreach 2017 This year has seen some interesting spontaneus experimental artworks being made. We have been experimenting with scribble tracing, stencils, interference paints, mister bottles filled with liquid acrylic paints, fibre paste, crackle paste, granular gels and clear tar gels. Tangaroa has a solid core of about 8 artists with casuals coming in and out while Pathways has had an average of 3 participants each session. I also did a Pathways team build this year where about 50 people participated. We made badges and did a group project where, on a big piece of paper, they drew/painted/collaged their vision of a Village. It was an energetic, vibrant session with dynamic results. The Pablos group at Tangaroa took part in a group ex- hibition at Pataka Art Gallery this year. They focused on making masks mounted with sello- tape hands. We received good feedback. It was a good bonding experience for the group. Tangaroa also took part in the Vincents Exhibition around Mental Health in Nature last year. They experimented with leaves, words, colors and textures. The Pathways group is an evolv- ing one due to the clients being there for a limited time. It is always satisfying to witness the growth of each person from when they start to when they finish. There is a growth in confi- dence, ability, communication and enthusiasm!

WCC Housing Art Classes For the past three years Pablos has had an ongoing relationship with Wellington City Council housing (WCC), providing art tuition and projects in return for storage space. This is a great example of resourcefulness and how networks in the community can work together without the exchange of money. This year the workshops went over to the WCC housing at the Newtown Park Flats for fresh faces and a new environment. Experimental Sculpture with E-Waste 11 Creative Spaces Capsule 2017

Launched in July 2016, The Creative Spaces Capsule Project connected Creative Spaces across New Zealand with an exhibition that grew as it travelled around the country. The Capsule Project was conceived at Arts Access Aotearoa’s National Creative Spaces 2020 conference, held in April 2016, which brought together creative spaces from all around New Zealand.

In 2017 Assisted by Arts Access Aotearoa, the Capsule Cosmonauts (Menno from Pablos and Benton from Studio 2) managed to secure a venue in the foyer at Gryphon Theatre for the Wellington Fringe Festival. The exhibition opened the same night as Gryphon at the Fringe launch,and brought a totally new audience to experience the unique works coming out of creative Spaces in Aotearoa. After the Wellington Fringe festival the Capsule travelled back down to Dunedin for the Fringe Festival there.

Late June Arts Access Aotearoa held their annual awards night at the where not only the capsule was displayed in its entirety but also received a highly commended award at the ceremony.

This Capsule has now been archived to be discovered at a later date. Look out for The Capsule upon arrival future Create Spaces Capsules coming your way.

Cityzen Kane During April, 5 artists from Pablos joined artists from Vincents and Alpha workshop to work with the visiting english artist Cityzen Kane in creating a mural. This was done at Wellington Museum. We worked on the theme of taniwha, using clay as our medium. This was a one day workshop. The pieces were fired at a later date. As an opportunity to meet artists from other creative spaces and to forge a closer bond to the Wellington Museum it was a great success! The workshop was filmed and shared on the Wellington Museum website. 12 Gallery Report ROAR! Gallery has continued to be an innovative force in the promotion of art from Pablos Art Studios. We have run a vibrant and exciting exhibition program throughout 2017. Our first show of the year was our annual FRESH n FRUITY which showcases new work by Pablos artists. This featured fifteen Pablos artists and sold seven works. From March to May, we continued to showcase work by Pablos artists, often featuring work created in Pablos Art Studios’ workshops, in particular the Landscape ones. We also began showing work in Hillside Kitchen & Cellar. This included doing a feature of mystery enve- lopes, which customers could buy for a gold coin. So far we have made $106.50 from this. In June we celebrated Matariki 2017 – A Constellation of Artists. This featured a mix of work from external artists including Ron Te Kawa and Pania Molloy, and nine Pablos artists. We had a great opening, with Pablos artist Soraya Xe giving a passionate talk about her artwork, and Ron Te Kawa performed an excerpt from his Matariki puppet show. Many people ex- pressed their enjoyment of this opening – “Wonderful opening, loved Ron’s puppet show!” In July we continued with Matariki and featured a one day Matariki Arts & Craft market. Six Pablos artists and twelve external artists had stalls. Most artists expressed pleasure with the day, quite a few had good sales and a commission. We had over a hundred visitors coming to the market and gallery that day. We continued the year with Pablos artists group exhibitions featuring work from the Funky Faces workshops, Landscape monoprints and the Tile workshop. All these shows featured some work from new Pablos artists who had not shown In ROAR! Gallery before. Pablos art- ist Grant Gurney expressed his delight in exhibiting at ROAR! – “Yay!!! – that’s awesome. I’m so excited!!!. I’m just happy I’ll have something in the gallery.” October featured “This is Halloween”, an external artist show – The Crosseyed Collective which included one Pablos Artist, Eddie Haydon (first time exhibitor at ROAR!). Eddie had a great experience with this show by selling three works and having his image used in the Dominion Post advertising the show. Then in November we had Staff Only II - Gordon Harris group show. This was another thank you for all the help Gordon Harris has given Pablos over the years. It is a very popular show and has introduced a lot of new visitors and artists to the gallery. It has so far, been the best selling show of the year! We are ending the year with our regular December cash & carry ROAR! Mince Pies. This is a good show for artists to make some money over the Christmas period and for patrons to

13 support Pablos by buying a unique handmade gift. We continue to sell work through Mulberry Café as well as Hillside Kitchen & Cellar. We continue to sell greeting cards and prints from Pablos artists. We find that this, not only brings new visitors in, but is an easy way for people to make a purchase to show their sup- port for what we do.

Finance Report

Pablos accounts show a deficit of income over expenditure of $17K for the twelve months ended 30 June 2017 This compares with $32K deficit for the twelve months ended 30 June 2016.

Comparing the two years’ income; total income has increased $2K. This is partly due to an increase of $10K through donations and our annual Art Auction. This is offset by falling sales through ROAR! Gallery of $5K

Expenses have decreased by $13K compared to last year due to an decrease of $8K for studio materials and programs and decrease in commission payments to artist due to falling sales. All other expenses were in line with last year’s expenditure

At 30 June 2016 Pablos had a strong cash position with $106K in working capital. However, this is down $17K from the previous year.

Income in addition to MSD funding needs to be increased to enable Pablos to operate back in the black on a consistent basis. This is important as the organization cannot afford to run continuous budgeted deficits because our strong cash position will be whittled away.

Pablos achieved another very successful Art Auction in October 2016, raising $56K. The auc- tion remains a very important part of our independent fundraising activities.

The committee is considering other income ideas to be proactive in maintaining our strong position.

I’d like to acknowledge the ongoing support of Pablos funders, other sponsors and staff; without your continued involvement Pablos would not exist. A special thanks to Stephanie for the work she does on the accounts that make it easy for me to do the job as Treasurer. Stephanie has now left Pablos and I wish her well in her career and welcome Simon into the Pablos whanau and am sure he will continue on the good work started by Stephanie.

Kevin O’Neill, Pablos Treasurer

14 Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Performance Report 30 June 2017

Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Performance Report Contents For the year ended 30 June 2017

Contents Page

Non Financial Information Entity Information 2

Statement of Service Performance 4

Financial Information Statement of Financial Performance 5

Statement of Financial Position 6

Statement of Cash Flows 7

Statement of Accounting Policies 8

Notes to the Performance Report 9

Auditor's Report Independent Auditor's Report 14


1 Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Entity Information For the year ended 30 June 2017

Legal name of entity Pablos Art Studios Incorporated

Type of entity and legal basis Incorporated as a Charitable Trust under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 Registered as a Charity (registration number CC29066) under the Charities Act 2005

Entity's purpose or mission statement Pablos Art Studio supports people who have experienced mental ill health, who may otherwise have been marginalised and socially isolated, to reconnect with and input into their communities, in a positive way. Our aim is to promote artistic and creative pursuits that enrich people's lives by providing an art studio for those who have had a lived experience of mental ill health. We provide workspace, tuition and impetus for Pablos artists to develop their strengths and potential in the arts, in a non-institutional, safe environment. Pablos works in cooperation with other agencies and the arts community to promote access to the arts for people who have experienced mental ill health and other marginalised and disadvantaged groups.

Entity structure & governance The trust is governed by a trust board of 7 trustees. Governance members may lead sub-committees as determined by our annual work plan and priorities. On the trust board: Chairperson Ray McEnhill Treasurer Kevin O'Neill Trustee Patricia Sloan Trustee Noel Lee Trustee Tracey Peters Trustee Michelle Reet Trustee Ana Shanks

Main sources of cash & resources The society receives cash or resources from: * Ministry of Social Development contract * Grants from various organisations * Sales of Artwork through ROAR! Gallery * Annual Art Auction * Donations

Main methods used by the entity to raise funds The society is funded by the Ministry of Social Development and applies for grants from various organisations, holds an annual art auction and sells artwork through ROAR! Gallery.

The entity's reliance on volunteers and donated goods or services The trustees on the governing body are all volunteers. Volunteers assist at the annual art auction, assist with running art workshops and running ROAR! Gallery Pablos and external artists donate artwork to our annual art auction


16 Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Entity Information For the year ended 30 June 2017

Additional information

Independent Auditor Moore Stephens Wellington Audit Wellington

Banker ANZ Wellington

Contact information

Registered Office 189 Vivian Street, Te Aro, Wellington

Postal Address PO Box 9720, Marion Square, Wellington

Website Facebook Phone 04 3828885


17 Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Statement of Service Performance For the year ended 30 June 2017

Description of the entity's outcomes Pablos aim is to facilitate and support people who have experienced mental ill health to participate in their community in ways that are meaningful to them and to enhance their quality of life. Pablos creates an environment for recovery that provides opportunities and a framework for learning skills that are transferrable to all aspects of peoples lives. We foster a culture of self-reliance, professionalism and exploration that encourges individuals to go beyond their own expectations. We use relationship building styles that promote participation, personal responsibility and community participation. We have a strong positive impact on personal development, job readiness, educational participation and reduced isolation and recovery

Description and quantification of the entity's outputs 2017 2016 Individuals attending Pablos Art Studio 108 109 Individuals with individual creative plan 108 109 Individuals attending Outreach Services 74 56 Individuals in paid or voluntary employment 23 18 Number of hours individuals participated at Pablos 14,282 18,054 Pablos Artists having a Solo Exhibition at ROAR! Gallery 8 9 Individuals undertaking further external study 8 7

Additional output measures/additional information Pablos Art Studios runs Outreach programs for people who cannot access our Welington Studio. We run facilitated art and creative sessions for Pathways Hutt Valley Community Day Service, and art sessions at Te Korowai Whariki Mental Health, Addiction and Intellectual Disability Forensic Unit in Porirua Pablos won the Arts Access Holdsworth Creative Spaces Award 2017. These awards acknowledge the contribution of individuals, groups and organisations in providing access to the arts. Pablos was especially recognised for its focus on artists and the pathway it provides from isolation to social inclusion and also for its community outreach, innovative programmes, and opportunities for artists to showcase and sell their work. Pablos held another very successful art auction in November 2016 raising $56194.

Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Statement of Financial Performance For the year ended 30 June 2017

Note 2017 2016 Revenue Donations, fundraising and other similar revenue 1 138,602 128,102 Fees, subscriptions and other revenue from members - - Revenue from providing goods or services 1 234,601 239,328 Interest, dividends and other investment revenue 1,988 4,008 Other revenue 947 3,080

Total Revenue 376,138 374,518

Expenses Expenses related to public fundraising 2 8,206 8,122 Volunteer and employee related costs 2 238,882 238,106 Costs related to providing goods or services 2 130,329 143,568 Grants and donations made - - Other expenses 16,199 16,764

Total Expenses 393,616 406,560

Surplus/(Deficit) for the year (17,477) (32,042)

18 4

The accompanying notes form part of this performance report 19 Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 30 June 2017

Note 2017 2016 Cash flows from operating activities Cash was received from: Donations, fundraising and other similar receipts 138602 128,101 Fees, subscriptions and other receipts from members 947 - Receipts from providing goods or services 245487 233,290 Interest, dividends and other investment receipts 1961 4,145 Net GST 5034 (541) Cash was applied to: Payments to suppliers and employees (379,691) (396,480) Donations or grants paid - -

Net cash flows from operating activities 12,340 (31,485)

Cash flows from investing & financing activities Cash was received from: Receipts from the sale of property, plant and equipment - - Cash was applied to: - Payments to acquire property, plant and equipment -

Net cash flows from investing & financing activities - -

Net increase/(decrease) in cash 12,340 (31,485)

Opening bank accounts and cash 114,212 145,697 Closing bank accounts and cash 126,552 114,212

This is represented by: Bank accounts & Cash 3 126,552 114,212

The accompanying notes form part of this performance report 7

20 Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Statement of Accounting Policies For the year ended 30 June 2017

Basis of preparation Pablos Art Studios Incorporated has elected to apply PBE SFR-A (NFP) Public Benefit Entity Simple Format Reporting - Accrual (Not for profit) on the basis that it does not have public accountability and has total annual expenses of equal to or less than $2,000,000. All transactions in the Performance Report are reported using the accrual basis of accounting. The Performance Report is prepared under the assumption that the entity will continue to operate in the foreseeable future.

GST All amounts are recorded exclusive of GST.

Specific Accounting Policies Income Tax Pablos Art Studios Incorporated is a registered charitable entity under the Charities Act 2005, and accordingly is exempt from income tax under sections CW41 and CW42 of the Income Tax Act 2007.

Bank accounts & Cash Bank accounts & cash in the Statement of Cash Flows comprise cash balances and bank balances (including short term deposits).

Revenue from sale of goods Revenue is recorded when the goods are sold. If the purchaser pays before they receive their goods, the society records a liability. If the purchaser does not pay on receipt of the goods, the trust records a debtor

Revenue from sale of services

Revenue is recorded based on the stage of completion of the service at balance date. Grants are recorded as revenue as received unless there is an explicit "use or return" condition attaching to the grant, in which case the amounts relating to unspent grants is recognised as a liability and released to income as the grant is spent.

Changes in Accounting Policies There have been no changes in accounting policies. All policies have been applied on bases consistent with those used throughout the period (Last year - Nil)


21 Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Notes to the Performance Report For the year ended 30 June 2017

Note 1: Analysis of Revenue 2017 2016 Revenue Item Analysis Donations, fundraising and other similar revenue Art Angels Donations - 100 General Donations 439 692 Art Auction 56,194 53,484 WCC Betty Campbell Rent 7,000 7,000 TG Macarthy Operating Costs 10,000 12,000 Lotteries salaries and training 13,500 14,000 COGS Tutor salaries 3,000 3,500 Rehabilitation Welfare Trust 1,500 1,000 Todd Foundation Outreach Program - 16,977 Pathways Outreach Program 13,294 10,360 WCC Creative Communities 2,395 2,000 WCC Cultural Pool 6,000 5,000 WCC Social Pool 3,000 - WCC Housing 2,700 - Frimley Foundation 10,000 - Frozen Funds 6,500 - Lion Foundation - (124) Infinity 1,702 - Fundraising 1,379 2,112 Total 138,602 128,101

Revenue from providing goods and services MSD Funding 153,477 153,476 CCDHB Operating and Outreach costs 60,000 58,700 Artist Commission 12,983 16,750 Other 8,141 10,402 Total 234,601 239,328

Note 2: Analysis of Expenses 2017 2016 Expense Item Analysis Expenses related to public fundraising Art Auction Expenses 8,206 8,122 Total 8,206 8,122

Volunteer and employee related costs Salary & Wages 231,312 229,932 Kiwisaver employer contributions 6,673 7,102 ACC Levies 897 1,072 Total 238,882 238,106

Cost of Goods and Services Administration and General expenses 8,885 7,506 Artist Commission 12,476 16,779 Equipment Purchases, maintenance 1,222 1,170 Electricity 3,961 3,900 Gallery Expenses 3,921 4,195 Organisational Development 1,895 5,091 Rent 58,438 57,180 Service Contracts 2,576 2,954 Studio Materials and Programmes 31,767 39,104 Telephone and Internet 3,589 2,151 Vehicle 1,599 3,537 Total 130,329 143,567


22 Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Notes to the Performance Report For the year ended 30 June 2017

Note 3: Analysis of Assets 2017 2016 Asset Item Analysis Bank accounts and cash Petty Cash 200 200 Bank account 00 29,274 53,075 Bank account 05 8,095 4,413 Bank account 25 31,585 1,487 Term Deposit 1032 - - Term Deposit 1033 57,398 55,596 Total 126,552 114,771

Debtors and prepayments Accounts receivable 6,716 18,538 Prepaid expenses 12,001 10,990 Total 18,717 29,528

Note 4: Analysis of Liabilities Liabilities Item Analysis Creditors and accrued expenses Accounts payable 9,666 8,381 Subscriptions received in advance - - Accrued audit fee 3,780 3,700 Credit Card 510 359 GST Payable 10,883 7,480 Total 24,839 19,920

Employee costs payable Annual leave accrual 18,413 13,244 Salary & Wage accrual 4,690 6,099 PAYE andother taxes owing at balance date 4,710 4,561 Total 27,812 23,904


23 Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Notes to the Performance Report For the year ended 30 June 2017

Note 5: Property Plant & Equipment This Year Opening Closing carrying Sales/ Current year carrying Asset Class amount Purchases (Disposals) depreciation amount Land - - - - - Leasehold Improvements 4097 - - 2,911 1,186 Motor Vehicles 14307 - - 4,747 9560 Furniture and fixtures 1775 - - 261 1514 Office equipment 5 - - 5 - Computers 932 - - 453 479 Machinery 605 - - 207 398 Total 21,721 - - 8,584 13,137

Last Year Opening Closing carrying Sales/ Current year carrying Asset Class amount Purchases (Disposals) depreciation amount Land Leasehold Improvements 7,008 - - 2,911 4,097 Motor Vehicles 19,054 - - 4,747 14,307 Furniture and fixtures 2,078 - - 303 1,775 Office equipment 205 - - 200 5 Computers 2,228 - - 1,296 932 Machinery 812 - - 207 605 Total 31,385 - - 9,664 21,721

Significant donated assets recorded - source and date of valuation None

Significant donated assets - not recorded None


24 Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Notes to the Performance Report For the year ended 30 June 2017

Note 6: Changes in Accumulated Funds This Year Capital Contributed Accumulated by Owners or Surpluses or Description Members (Deficits) Reserves Total Opening Balance - 123,081 - 123,081 Capital contributed by owners or members - - - - Capital returned to owners or members - - - - Surplus/(Deficit) - (17,478) - (17,477) Distributions paid to owners or members - - - - Transfer to Reserves - - - - Transfer from Reserves - - - - Closing Balance - 105,660 - 105,661

Last Year Accumulat Capital ed Contributed Surpluses by Owners or Description or Members (Deficits) Reserves Total Opening Balance - 155,123 - 155,123 Capital contributed by owners or members - - - - Capital returned to owners or members - - - - Surplus/(Deficit) - (32,042) - (32,042) Distributions paid to owners or members - - - - Transfer to Reserves - - - - Transfer from Reserves - - - - Closing Balance - 123,081 - 123,081


25 Pablos Art Studios Incorporated Notes to the Performance Report For the year ended 30 June 2017

Note 7: Commitments 2017 2016 Commitment Explanation and Timing Office rent The society has entered into a 6 year lease dated 1 June 2010 on 189 Vivian Street, Wellington expiring 1 July 2019 with 2 rights of renewal of 3 years. The monthly payment under the lease agreement is $58437.96 + GST Photocopier The society has entered into a 5 year lease dated 2 November 2016 for a photocopier expiring 2 November 2021.The monthly payment under the lease agreement is $187.60 + GST In the next year 60,689 60,828 1 to 5 years in the future 65,942 117,676 Over 5 years in the future

Total 126,631 178,504

Commitment to provide loans or grants None - -

Note 8: Contingent Liabilities At balance date there were no known contingent liabilities (Last year: nil)

Note 9: Related Party transactions 2017 2016 Description of relationship Description of transaction Transactions with trustees Trustees offered their services voluntarily - -

Total - -

There are no amounts due from or to related parties at balance date (Last year: nil)

Note 10: Events after balance date There were no events that have occurred after the balance date that would have a material impact on the Performance Report. (Last year: nil)

Note 11: Other disclosures Goods and services provided to the trust in kind The society relies heavily of the generosity of the community both financially and with the amount of donated time from volunteers and from artwork donated to our art auction. The amount of volunteer time donated to the trust cannot be valued as there are no equivalent paid positions with the organisation.

Assets used as security for liabilities No assets have been used as security for liabilities at reporting date (2016: Nil)



Independent auditor’s report

To the Members of Pablos Art Studios Incorporated

Opinion We have audited the accompanying performance report of Pablos Art Studios Incorporated on pages 5 to 13 which comprises the statement of financial performance and statement of cash flows for the year ended 30 June 2017, the statement of financial position as at 30 June 2017, and the statement of accounting policies and notes to the performance report.

In our opinion: a) the accompanying performance report presents fairly, in all material respects: • the financial position of Pablos Art Studios Incorporated as at 30 June 2017, and its financial performance, and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Public Benefit Entity Simple Format Reporting – Accrual (Not-For-Profit) issued by the New Zealand Accounting Standards Board.

Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit of the statement of financial performance, statement of financial position, statement of cash flows, statement of accounting policies and notes to the performance report in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (New Zealand) (ISAs (NZ)). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the ‘Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the performance report’ section of our report.

We are independent of Pablos Art Studios Incorporated in accordance with Professional and Ethical Standard 1 (Revised) ‘Code of ethics for assurance practitioners’ issued by the New Zealand Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Other than our capacity as auditor we have no relationship with, or interests in, Pablos Art Studios Incorporated.

Other information The management committee are responsible for the other information. The other information obtained at the date of this auditor’s report is the entity information and statement of service performance, but does not include the statement of financial performance, statement of cash flows, statement of financial position, the statement of accounting policies and notes to the performance report, and our auditor’s report thereon.

Our opinion on the performance report does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of other opinion or assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit of the performance report, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the

Moore Stephens is a network of independent firms that are each members of Moore Stephens International Limited - member firms in principal cities throughout the world. Moore Stephens Wellington Audit is a partnership of MP Czudaj and MK Rania.


statements audited or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

If, based on the work we have performed on the other information obtained prior to the date of this auditor’s report, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

Management committee’s responsibilities for the performance report The management committee are responsible for: a) Identifying outcomes and outputs, and quantifying the outputs to the extent practicable, that are relevant, reliable, comparable and understandable, to report in the statement of service performance b) the preparation and fair presentation of the performance report on behalf of Pablos Art Studios Incorporated which comprises: • the entity information • the statement of service performance; and • the statement of financial performance, statement of financial position, statement of cash flows, statement of accounting policies and notes to the performance report in accordance with Public Benefit Entity Simple Format Reporting – Accrual (Not-For-Profit) issued by the New Zealand Accounting Standards Board, and c) for such internal control as the management committee determine is necessary to enable the preparation of the performance report that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

In preparing the performance report, the management committee are responsible on behalf of Pablos Art Studios Incorporated’s for assessing Pablos Art Studios Incorporated’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the management committee either intend to liquidate Pablos Art Studios Incorporated or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the performance report Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the performance report is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (NZ) will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the decisions of users taken on the basis of the performance report.

As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs (NZ), we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional scepticism throughout the audit. We also: • Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the performance report, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. • Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of Pablos Art Studios Incorporated’s internal control.

Independent auditor’s report | 2


• Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management. • Conclude on the appropriateness of the use of the going concern basis of accounting by the management committee and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on Pablos Art Studios Incorporated’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the related disclosures in the performance report or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause Pablos Art Studios Incorporated to cease to continue as a going concern. • Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the performance report, including the disclosures, and whether the performance report represents the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

We communicate with the management committee regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.

This report is made solely to the members of Pablos Art Studios Incorporated. Our audit has been undertaken so that we might state to the members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditors’ report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the members, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Moore Stephens Wellington Audit | Qualified Auditors, Wellington, New Zealand 26 September 2017

Independent auditor’s report | 3

29 Pablos Team


Deidre Dahlberg Director From May 2016 Stephanie Hall Administrator From August 2011 Francis Tunnicliff Art Tutor From July 2015 Chris Barrand Art Tutor From June 2003 Menno Huibers Art Tutor From Jan 2011 Morag Stokes Art Tutor From Jan 2012 Simon Basil-Jones Administrator From Sept 2017 Michele Irving Gallery Coordinator FromApril 2014 Daniel Rose Online/ Social Media From Aug 2013

COMMITTEE Ray McEnhill Chairperson From Jan 2005 Kevin O’Neill Treasurer From June 2005 Patricia Sloan From Aug 2011 Ana Shanks From Aug 2016 Karen Moses From June 2015 Noel Lee From July 2012 Michelle Reet From Feb 2014 Tracey Peters From Oct 2015

VOLUNTEERS Natashka Wisziewska Melanie Upjohn Joanne Williams Brooke Sanders Tiszai Boglarka Bhavik Thakorlal Kithu Kumar Lily Tunnicliff Hannah Varnell

Pablos Annual Art Auction Action 2017. 30 Thank You!

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! And finally a big thank you to all the wonderful people and organisations who have helped us over the past 12 months . . .

Eric and Miriam Heycoop at the fabulous Emporio Coffee for keeping the Pablos engine and soul nicely fuelled!

Gordon Harris for fantastic discounts and assistance.

Arts Access Aotearoa for the ongoing support and giving the creative spaces network a voice, Holdsworth Trust for helping with their awards.

Stuart Gray the ever helpful electrician, no job too big or small.

Ed Goode for IT support

Network & Advocacy from Platform Trust, Community Networks Wellington and Giving Architects

All the wonderful volunteers during the year. *** And the many, many organisations that supported our auction this year … Ian Paterson and Charles Morley-Hall of Just Paterson Real Estate… for just being the best darned auctioneering tag team on the night.

Our Volunteers … including staff from BNZ, Speedy Signs, Capital Productions, Heavens Pizza, EFTPOS, The New Zealand Portrait Gallery for providing us with such a first class auction venue. RICOH, Grouse Lighting, Phantom Bill stickers, The Front-Liners, CQ Hotels Wellington, and our framers: Paul Craig picture framers, , Framer vs Framer, Exhibit A, John Swan and Art Frames for their professional framing for our auction art. Also a big thanks to Moore Wilsons, Nautilus Estate Wines, Tupari Wines, Tuatara Beer, Harbourside Markets, Page Blackie Gallery, Gow Langford Gallery, Blackmore and Best Gallery, Artisan Screen Prints and of course all the fabulous artists who donated work! *** And finally to our funders, without them our work would not be possible … Ministry of Social Development, T G Macarthy Trust, New Zealand Lottery Grants Board, COGS, CCDHB, Rehabilitation Welfare Trust, Pub Charities, Wellington Community Trust, VASS, Creative Communities, NZ Post, Wellington City Council, Frimley Foundation.


‘Good artworks; a good creative environment; showing work in the gallery’

‘To get back in touch with myself and my work to do with art and expressing myself’

Community social interaction Tuesday 11a.m. each week; Time management’

‘Encouragement with my art’ easier to mix with people; helps with depression’

‘A better quality of life by providing meaningful activity and structure. A place to go with a pur- pose of things to achieve and work for. Confidence in myself and my work, the ability to develop new skills and improve. The amazing opportunity to exhibit my work by providing group and solo exhibition opportunities through Roar’

‘Giving me more confidence for outside work. I have become more alert, conscious. More creative.’

‘A place to belong to in a period of trauma in my life. Allowed me an area of wellbeing and warmth to return and connect with my artist talents’

‘It has helped me integrate with fellow artists better and gain ideas from them.

Outreach workshop in action.