2040/D/LC 14th April 2021 MORGAN CARN ARCHITECTS Blakers House 0004/A/V4 79 Stanford Avenue 20th December 2017 Brighton BN1 6FA T: 01273 55 77 77 PROJECT NO: 2040 F: 01273 55 22 27
[email protected] PROJECT: Conversion to Residential Use www.morgancarn.com LOCATION: Stanmer House, Stanmer Park Road, Brighton Cross Homes (Sussex) Ltd. 23 East StreetDESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT LEWES East Sussex BN7 2LJ 01.00 Introduction: For the attention of Robin Cross 01.01 This pre-application enquiry relates to the proposed conversion of the upper floors and parts of the ground floor of Stanmer House, a Grade 1 Listed building dating from 1722, to residential accommodation with parts of the ground floor left as a café to allow continued public access to the building. Dear Robin, 01.02 The proposals also include the demolition of the later single storey kitchen wing (which is not part of the original building) and the construction of a two-storey extension in the rear Re: With Morgan Carncourtyard | Architects to asprovide 19 pt Rajdhaniadditional Medium residential text & accommodation.1.25pt vertical red line in R=200 G=0 B=0 Address line, tel no, email etc as 8pt Rajdhani Regular. Main body of letter as 10pt Rajdhani Regular Please find enclosed for settlement our invoice no: 2860 which covers the provision of architectural services for the preparation of marketing CGI’s for the development. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours faithfully, Lap Chan Director MORGAN CARN | ARCHITECTS Aerial View of Stanmer House Morgan Carn Limited trading as Morgan Carn Architects.