Message from WASP President / Driss Moussaoui 3

Social - Past and Future / Thomas Craig 4

Letter from the Secretary General / Roy Abraham Kallivayalil 8

WASP Treasurer’s Letter / Michaela Amering 10

Message from the President, WPA / Pedro Ruiz 12

Message from the President- Elect, WPA / Dinesh Bhugra 13

Forthcoming WASP Co-sponsored Meetings 14

Message from the President, WAPR / Afzal Javed 15

News from AASP / Rama Rao Gogineni 17

Understanding the Relationship between Religiousness, Spirituality and Positive / Shridhar Sharma 23

Some Recent News in Social Psychiatry / Tsutomu Sakuta 38

Social Psychiatry in India / R. Srinivasa Murthy 41

The Future of Psychiatry / Mohan Isaac 45

India’s Contributions to Social Psychiatry / Rakesh K Chadda 53

XXII World Congress of WASP, New Delhi - 2016 59

Stills from WPA Bucharest Congress 61


WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |


he 21st World Congress of Social Psychiatry (WCSP) will take place in

T Lisbon, Portugal from 29 June to 3 July 2013. The theme of this WCSP is “The Bio-psycho-social Model: The Future of Psychiatry”. More than 1,200 participants will attend from 80 different countries, exchanging around an excellent program set up by Thomas Craig and Norman Sartorius. The city of Lisbon is a pleasant one with plenty of historical sites to visit. Professor Driss This congress will definitely be a success, Moussaoui as it was the case in Marrakech in 2010, President, World and as it will be in 2016 in New Delhi, the Association for Social next site of the 22nd WCSP. Psychiatry

This says a lot about the steady growth of the World Association for Social Psychiatry (WASP) from every single viewpoint: number of meetings (at least once a year plus the WASP co-sponsored meetings), number of member societies, active scientific sections and task forces, FAST program for access to mental health care in low and middle income countries (Mauritania, Morocco, Guatemala, Armenia, Sudan), financial situation better than ever before…

We all look forward to the next triennium with a new Executive Committee, new set of activities and programs in order to promote Social Psychiatry worldwide. The WASP will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year in the UK. The progress made in the few last years is a good predictor of the achievements expected in the years to come.

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warm welcome to all at the 21st World Congress of the

WASP. A The title of the Congress ‘The bio-psycho-social model: the future of psychiatry’ is witness to a cherished belief that we will one day be able to deliver a science of psychiatry that is capable of integrating these three explanations of the etiology of mental Prof Tom K J Craig, illness. The reality of course, is that we are Professor Social still a good way off achieving this ambition Psychiatry, and at times it has seemed that the social Box 33 HSPRD, has slipped from view in the excitement of Institute of new discoveries of the inner workings of Psychiatry, the brain and of psychological processes at De Crespigny Park, the individual level. But this is undeserved London SE5 8A, pessimism. Studies of the importance of England. the social environment continue apace Tel: +44 (0) 207 848 with the increased understanding of the 0738 relevance and impact of the social Fax: + 44 (0) 207 848 environment including early childhood 5056 maltreatment and of stressors later in life President-Elect, including the wider scale impact of World Association for globalization, mass migration and ‘always Social Psychiatry on’ nature of modern electronic communications. In some respects, the

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apparent lapse of social At its heart, social psychiatry is 5 psychiatry arises because we really about human relationships, have been waiting for biological concerned with issues of stigma, explanations of individual discrimination and how society response to adversity to catch organizes and delivers care to up. We know, for example, a those in need. In the lifetime of great deal about the nature of the WASP, perhaps the greatest social circumstances that example of this has been the precipitate and perpetuate closure of the old hospital asylums. This was in part a ●●● response to studies showing the At its heart, social damaging influence of psychiatry is really institutional care but also about human because of the success of a small relationships, number of psychiatrists leading concerned with issues ‘experimental’ service models in of stigma, which coercion was minimized or discrimination and how in which staff and patients society organizes and worked together with a blurring delivers care to those in of institutional authority. The need. social reform of these institutions was associated with ●●● improvements in behavior and

function that allowed many clinical depression yet are only patients to leave the asylums well just beginning to integrate this before the arrival of understanding with specific antipsychotics. The subsequent genetic risk and to take into evolution of community care has account the added complication relied heavily on the willingness that a genetic vulnerability may of the socially informed be activated or even modified by psychiatrist to get involved in the the social environment. development and evaluation of many aspects of social care

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including the provision of Mutidimensional treatment supported education, foster care program in the US 6 employment and housing for have proven very effective for patients. There are opportunities children with persistent conduct for further leadership, not least in disorder, and parenting skills the development of socially programs co-developed and informed preventive programs evaluated by child psychiatrists in for mental health. For example, Britain have been fairly widely in England, at any one time there disseminated. But there is much is something in the order of more that could be done. Studies 45,000 young children who are of these vulnerable groups under the care of the authorities because of serious neglect or ●●● maltreatment. These children The development of have a 5-fold increase of mental socially informed disorder in adulthood, and a 4 therapies and fold increase in the risk of suicide preventive attempts. They reach these adult interventions might outcomes through a chain of even evolve first in unhappy social circumstances – countries where the early pregnancy, single psychiatric parenthood and the absence of professional is a confiding relationships to name scarce resource. just a few. The costs to society ●●● over their lifetime are truly staggering. Yet there is relatively little done by way of preventive repeatedly show that ‘chance’ interventions, partly because of a encounter with someone who lack of interest from psychiatrists can offer good quality social who see tackling these social support can help many of these difficulties as the responsibility of young people escape the so social workers rather than of called conveyor belt of adversity, medical doctors. Fortunately not thus raising the question of why all have such a rigid framework. we are not more actively Some interventions, including the developing and evaluating social

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interventions such as volunteer pharmacological therapy befriending schemes targeted at delivered in their institution. In 7 high risk groups. fact, the prevalence of mental disorder being what it is, no The development of socially country can afford not to explore informed therapies and multidisciplinary delivery for preventive interventions might prevention and treatment. even evolve first in countries where the psychiatric I have no doubt that there is a professional is a scarce resource. lively and exciting future for our Several initiatives tacking specialty. We are beginning to common mental disorders such see the first fruits of research to as depression and anxiety have integrate social with been developed in India, Africa psychological and biological and countries of South America etiologies, new socially using combinations of lay health orientated therapies are workers and general medical emerging and it is possible to services. It sometimes seems that have some guarded optimism these creative solutions are that some headway is being disregarded by psychiatrists in made to tackle prejudice and more affluent countries on the discrimination. There is much to misguided belief that these are do and not least is the necessity ‘second-best’ alternatives to the to keep a vigorous scientific gold standard psychological and underpinning of the work we do.

WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |


he World Association for Social Psychiatry (WASP) was founded in 1964 T and is one of the most influential Psychiatric Associations in the world. WASP is now nearing its Golden Jubilee (50 years) and has spread far and wide and in many countries of the world. We are planning a grand celebration by organizing a Golden Jubilee Conference in London in 2014.

The last World Congress at Marrakech under the present President Prof Driss Moussaoui Prof Roy Abraham was a grand success. We hope to excel even Kallivayalil this benchmark in the 2013 World Congress at Secretary General, Lisbon June 28- July 3, 2013. An outstanding World Association for scientific program has been planned under the Social Psychiatry guidance of President-elect Prof Thomas Craig Vice- Principal, and Advisor Prof Norman Sartorious. We have Professor & Head, no doubt, Lisbon Congress will provide not Dept of Psychiatry, only a rich scientific feast but also a new Pushpagiri Institute impetus to Social Psychiatry in the world. Our of Medical hearty welcome! Sciences,Tiruvalla, We had a great three year tenure (2010-13) Kerala- 689 101, India under the leadership of President Driss [email protected]

Moussaoui. President-elect Thomas Craig and Treasurer Prof Michaela Amering had given me wonderful support during this term. The EC functioned as one man, and met several

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times in person and several more the new Statutes at the 2013 times over Skype meetings. The Lisbon Congress. And we expect last in-person EC meeting was more and more countries to join held at Bucharest on 11 April, 2013 WASP in the near future. in which we had very detailed The 2016 WASP Congress will be discussions on the future held in New Delhi and will be functioning of WASP. organized by the Indian Sweden, India, Morocco, Italy, Association for Social Psychiatry USA, Turkey and Egypt were the led by Prof Rakesh Chadda and first countries to formalize their Prof BS Chavan. From Lisbon, let official membership in WASP by us move to London and then to paying the requisite membership New Delhi! fees. Other countries which have Let me thank President Prof been or being admitted are Driss, President-elect Tom Craig, Japan, Switzerland, Romania, treasurer Micheala, Advisors Prof France, Srilanka, Nepal and Norman Sartorious, Prof Eliot Madagascar. Many more Sorel, Past President Prof Julio, countries are in the ‘pipe-line’. Presidents and Secretaries of Our activities will be better member countries and all of you streamlined with the adoption of for your support and guidance.


t has been a great 3 years for WASP since the last election at the occasion of the

I magnificent 2010 World Congress in Marrakesh. It has been an honor and a pleasure to serve on this WASP EC with my esteemed colleagues under the presidency of Driss Moussaoui. Being part of the EC at such a time of not only substantial financial growth of WASP, but especially also growth in scope and update of organizational structures was a very special experience. The growing number of member societies has been great to get to know and appreciate their exciting work in different parts of the world. Now, I am looking Univ.Prof. Dr. forward to meeting all of them and many other Michaela Amering friends and colleagues at the occasion of Dept. Of Psychiatry World Congress in Lisbon, which will certainly and Psychotherapy, be a great success as a wonderful learning and Social Psychiatry meeting experience. Division, Medical At this point I may convey to you information University of Vienna on WASP’s membership fee structures. michaela.amering@ WASP’s membership fee structures were meduniwien.ac.at decided by an EC decision in 2011.

Membership fees need to be paid annually. Paid membership fees guarantee voting rights in the General Assembly taking place regularly every 3 years at the occasion of WASP World Congress.

WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

Membership Fee is calculated according to number of members on the one hand and classification within the World Bank’s grouping into11 categories D,C,B or A:

Number of members D C B A 1-100 50 USD 100 150 200 101-250 125 USD 250 375 500 251-500 250 USD 500 750 1000 501-750 375 USD 750 1125 1500 751-1000 500 USD 1000 1500 2000 1001-2000 1000 USD 2000 3000 4000 And so on beyond 2000 members

Our bank details currently are: Name and address of the bank: Societe Generale, Paris Auteuil (03380); 118 rue Jean de la Fontaine, 75016 Paris, France Account name: AMPS WASP

WASP address: Ibn Rushd University Psychiatric Centre Rue Tarik Ibn Ziad 20000 Casablanca Morocco IBAN: FR76 3000 3033 8000 0772 9003 436 BIC-Adress SWIFT: SOGEFRPP

With the incoming EC these details will change and the new treasurer will let you know asap about the new bank details.

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WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |


Dinesh Bhugra CBE MA.MSc,MBBS,FRCP,FRCPE,FRCPsych,FFPH,MPhil,PhD Professor of Mental Health and Cultural Diversity, Institute of Psychiatry (King's College London), London

t gives me great pleasure to social factors (adverse childhood congratulate WASP on their experience, current social I hard work and contribution stressors, financial and other to the world of social psychiatry deprivation) play in the etiology at large. and course of psychiatric disorders from childhood There is indeed no psychiatry disorders to psychosexual without social psychiatry. A problems to psychoses. Social reductionist point of view sees psychiatry is well placed to medicine as pure biology which influence not only the onset of needs to be re-examined. All psychiatric disorders but also medicine is influenced by the their course and outcomes. Social social context, and social factors interventions have been known affect how and when patients to play a key role in engaging present with their symptoms and patients, their carers and families. more importantly what care What make Psychiatry such an pathways they choose and also interesting, intellectually who they see as first port of call. stimulating and challenging The main focus in managing any discipline is truly embedded in patient no matter what their age social psychiatry. Which other or what their diagnosis is to discipline can use sociology, understand and explore the role films, literature, poetry, painting WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

and other arts in understanding Kallivalyalil and the team for the mental state and engaging putting together an excellent14 patients? program. I would like to welcome Professor Tom Craig as the Social psychiatry needs to work incoming President and look closely with biological psychiatry forward to working closely with to integrate social and organic him over his term of office and factors in understanding a beyond. My profound regrets patient’s experiences and that I cannot join you all in perspectives so that they can be Lisbon. My best wishes for a better engaged in therapeutic successful congress are with you. endeavors.

Congratulations and good wishes to Professor Driss Moussaoui, Professor Roy Abraham

1. WASP co-sponsored meeting, Paris, June 13, 2013 (WASP Scientific Section on Medical anthropology+ Minkowska centre+ Evolution Psychiatrique) 2. 7th Congress of the Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (ASCAPAP) New Delhi, India from Sept. 25-28, 2013. 3. WAPR – 3rd Asia Pacific Conference on Psycho-social Rehabilitation, Lahore, Nov 2013 4. XX National conference of the Indian Association for Social Psychiatry (IASP) Kolkata on 8-10 November, 2013 5. 7th SAARC Psychiatric Federation Conference, Mysore Nov 29- Dec 1, 2013

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ASSOCIATION MONDIALE POUR LA RÉADAPTION PSYCHOSOCIALE-ASOCIACIÓN President MUNDIAL PARA LA REHABILITACIÓN PSICOSOCIAL Afzal Javed, UK President Elect Ricardo Guinea, Spain WAPR Head Office: Immediate Past President Lourdes The Medical Centre, Manor Court Avenue, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5HX, UK Ladrido-Ignacio, Philippines Secretary General Ph: 0044 24 76321505 Thyloth Murali, India Vice Presidents e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Tae-Yeon Hwang, Korea Gabriel Roca, Italy Deputy Secretary General Marit Borg, Norway Tuesday, June 11, 2013 Treasurer Shahid Quraishi, UK Regional Vice Presidents It is a matter of great honor for me to send a message of greetings AFRICA Solomon Rataemane, S Africa to the WASP Newsletter (June-July 2014) being published on the Paul Sidandi, Botswana occasion of WASP 2013 Lisbon Congress. Monique Mucheru, Kenya AMERICAS Alberto Fergusson, Colombia World Association for Social Psychiatry is an important Roger Montenegro, Argentina Pedro Godinho Delgado organization in the field of mental health and its contribution to EASTERN MEDITERRANEAN uplift mental health across the globe has been well acknowledged. Khalid A Mufti, Pakistan Medhat El Sabbahy, UAE WASP is also very prominent in organizing educational and EUROPE academic meetings and this particular conference is a valuable Ida Kosza, Hungary Michael Stark, Germany addition to the list of its successful efforts in this regard. The topic Marina Economou, Greece and the theme of the meeting cover an equally important aspect of Bernard Jacob, Belgium SOUTH EAST ASIA Mental Health that needs promotion and support by all Pichet Udomratn, Thailand professional associations. V.K. Radhakrishnan, India WESTERN PACIFIC Harry Minas, Australia I am pleased that the meeting also plans to cover important topics Felicitas S. Soriano, Philippines N. Shinfuku, Japan of interest in the entire field of mental health including Past Presidents Psychosocial Rehabilitation with a strong focus on the issues of Michael G. Madianos, Greece Angelo Barbato, Italy practice of psychiatry in low income and developing countries. M. P Deva, Malaysia Jacques Dubuis, France Martin Gittelman, USA The presence of a number of eminent speakers including a number Gaston P. Harnois, Canada of academic and clinical psychiatrists from all over the world Benedetto Saraceno, Italy Zeb Taintor, USA highlights the importance of this academic activity. I am glad that Oliver Wilson, Scotland this conference is also looking at strengthening collaborations WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

among professionals working in different fields of mental health. This will certainly prove beneficial in improving their links with international & regional psychiatry. 16

I would also like to thank the WASP officers for developing a close collaboration with World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation (WAPR) as we share many common goals and objectives. I do hope that this link will get further strengthen during the coming years and with our joint efforts we will be able to play an important role in promoting a better mental health for our patients across the globe.

I, once again, on my personal behalf & on behalf of World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation wish the organizers and the participants of this conference a big success and happy stay in Lisbon.

Dr Afzal Javed, President, WAPR

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Rama Rao Gogineni Past President AASP (2011-13)

Abraham Leon Halpern, M.D. (1925-2013)

Born 2/2/1925 in Warsaw, Poland. Died 4/20/2013 as a result of an earlier fall. His family immigrated to Canada in 1927. As a teenager, he joined the Royal Canadian Navy serving in both the Atlantic and Pacific theaters during WWII. After the Korean War, he was honorably discharged at the rank of Lieutenant Surgeon Commander. A medical school graduate of the University of Toronto, he practiced psychiatry for over 50 years and was a leader in the subspecialty of and a Abraham Leon Halpern, M.D. champion of Social Psychiatry and justice. Awards from the American Medical Association, American Psychiatric Association, and from many other organizations of medicine reflect a life dedicated to human rights. He marched with Martin Luther King, Jr. in Selma, fought against China's torture of the Falun Gong and illegal organ transplantation, the misuse of the insanity defense, and forced psychiatric hospitalization without judicial review. He was a national and international leader against the involvement of physicians in capital punishment and also physician participation in coerced interrogations of prisoners. All were subject of his prolific publications. He was given Humanitarian award posthumously by American Association for

WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

Social Psychiatry on May 21st, delighted to hear of the AASP 2013. He is survived by his Council's interest in renewing our beloved wife Marilyn, and his affiliation. I haven't received the loved children (and spouses) minutes of our teleconference Howard, Lon (Barbara), Marnen yet, but I believe the action we (Herdis), Chaia (Adam), Mark decided on was to join WASP (Tomoko), Emily, and John. He provided we were satisfied with was an adoring grandfather of 11 the requirements of membership, and great-grandfather of 5. etc. Dr. Moussaoui states that there is no application fee to join Abraham Halpern, M.D. the WASP. Only a formal letter from you, as AASP President, is bridges WASP & AASP needed. [Driss Moussaoui's e- It all started with this email from mail address Abraham Halpern on May 12, 2011 is [email protected]]. The “The World Association for annual membership fee is $3.00 (please note the "for," Steve) (U.S.) per member, and AASP is Social Psychiatry [WASP] is not free to determine the number of only alive and well, but very members it wants to declare. active. My longtime friend, Julio [The number of members paid Arboleda-Flórez, is the current for will have an impact on the WASP president. I am sure he voting power in the future, after would be absolutely thrilled if we the new statutes are adopted by developed a close relationship the general assembly in Lisbon.] with WASP. Our own Eliot Sorel Dr. M. indicates that "scientific knows everything about the and administrative contributions organization.” Abe. in the World Congress of Social

Psychiatry, Lisbon 2013, are most June 20th, 2011 welcome for American Dear Rao, I wasn't able to report colleagues." Also, WASP will have last evening as I had planned a European Congress of Social because I hadn't yet received a Psychiatry in Geneva, 3 to 7 June response from WASP's president. 2012. He asks: "Would it be Professor Driss Moussaoui's e- possible to send me the list of mail arrived this morning. As I names of the AASP executive anticipated, he is absolutely committee, with mail and e-mail

addresses, as well as the number June 28th, 2011 of members AASP has?" Dear President, It is indeed 19 a pleasure to receive this letter for Eliot Sorel wondered if our reaffiliation of the AASP as Council would be interested in member society of the producing a position statement WASP. Professor Halpern has on social psychiatry. He was kind done a wonderful job in bringing enough to send me the attached together again the associations in vision and mission statement he the field of Social Psychiatry. I composed when he was WASP would like to warmly thank him President, 1996-2001. It's a for this. We have an Executive comprehensive statement, true, Committee of the WASP in but really looks like an expanded Casablanca, Morocco from 17 to version of the excellent mission 19 July 2011. You will hear from statement Bonnie prepared for me immediately after. us last year. I'd like to suggest With very best regards and that we consider preparing an up- wishes, Professor Driss to-date revision of Eliot's Moussaoui; President, World statement, with Bonnie and Eliot Association for Social Psychiatry as co-authors. Rest is history. WASP and AASP June 23rd, 2011 collaboration reached a new Dear Dr. Moussau, I am writing high. Dr.Moussaoui and many this letter of request on behalf of other WASP leaders attended American Association for Social participated in AASP activities, Psychiatry. Asp’s council presentations in 2012 and 2013 unanimously made a resolution APA meetings. AASP president to renew our affiliation with our was invited to Indian Psychiatric world body. We request you Society meetings etc. Thanks to accept our affiliation with World Abe Halpern, Steven Moffic, and Association of Social Psychiatry. Roy Kallivayalil. Thank you, Sincerely; Rama Rao Gogineni, M.D.; President, AASP

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APA presentation on “Refugees and Exiles: Mental Health Implications,

Repatriation, and Integration” on 5/21/2013: Seen in the picture are Andres Pumariega, Kenneth Thompson, Rama Rao Gogineni, Driss Moussaoui, Khalid Mufti, Eugenio Roth, Aida Mihajlivick.

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APA Forum on Humanitarian Challenges in Psychiatry- May 21st,2013 Rama Rao Goneni, John Halpern, Paul Applebaum, Pedro Ruiz, Andres Pumariega, Steven Moffic

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AASP/WASP business meeting: Philadelphia, May 2012 Standing-Charles Huffine, Steven Moffic, Roy Kallivalil, JK Trivedi Sitting- Shridhar Sharma, Rama Rao Gogineni, Driss Moussoui, Beverly Fauman

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Prof. Shridhar Sharma MD, FRC Psy (Lond), DPM, FRANZCP (Australia), DFAPA (USA), FAMS Emeritus Professor, National Academy of Medical Sciences & Institute of Human Behaviour & Allied Sciences (IHBAS), Delhi

Abstract and the opportunity of Religion and spirituality have a nourishing positivity in life. How positive correlation to this has evolved in human history psychological wellbeing. is both interesting and a However, there has been a great fascinating journey. deal of confusion over their Introduction operational definitions, concepts According to western and dimensions. Religion is about philosophers mainly the Greeks, helping us to deal with sorrow mind was not material but that we see in life, helping us to spiritual and liable perhaps to see meaning in life and to live in survival after death. At the time relation to that transcendence. of Plato, Socrates and Religion helps to promote both Hippocrates, new elements were inner and outer peace harmony added to the concept of and morality in both individuals mind. The first was the idea of and human kind. Spirituality “purposiveness” or intent, i.e. operates at a higher level. It is the idea that the mind guides concerned with soul and is human behavior. The second was directed towards the pursuit of the moral principle that the mind personal meanings and reflects guides behavior for good ends positive emotions, while positive rather than evil ones and that psychology is that part of retribution according to Plato psychology that takes on the task would follow if it was not of deciphering the mechanisms successful. The third and the WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

most important contribution of electrical and chemical charges in these philosophers was that mind the neurons of our brains. Nature24 had the quality of the self- is, as Oxford zoologist Richard awareness i.e. consciousness of Dawkins(2) famously put it, a ‘Self’ which distinguishes man “blind watchmaker”, while from higher animals. It was Plato, American philosopher Daniel in Wallach(1) who said that man is Dennett(4), who is a renowned not only conscious but he is philosopher of mind, believes “conscious of his consciousness”. that computers can simulate This view was challenged for the human mental processes as he first time in 1835 by Charles tries to convince that there isn’t Darwin in Dawkins(2), while really any such thing as a mind in probing the “Mystery of the traditional sense. He is best Mysteries” on the origin and known, perhaps, for saying that nature of species. “Darwin’s dangerous idea” on Mind-Brain Relationship the origin and nature of species is the best idea anyone ever had, For Plato and Hippocrates the because it firmly grounds life in brain was the seat of interaction materialism. Dennett further between body and mind. The argues that there is no soul or western philosophers also spirit associated with the human believed in hierarchy of soul and brain, or any supernatural mind. The upper most layer being element, or life after death. The ‘purposive’ self-consciously question addressed by Dennet aware, the next layer being the and similar other scientists is not ‘level of feeling’ and energy and whether materialism is good the last being bodily senses like news or bad news. Rather, the (3) appetite. question is, does the evidence The present day scientific belief is from neuroscience support it? that all life including human life is In the first place, the materialists’ merely a product of the blind account of human beings does forces of nature. In this not bear up well under close materialist’s view, our “minds”— examination. In the second place, soul, spirit, free will—are simply there is good reason for believing an illusion created by the that human beings have a WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

spiritual nature, one that even sufficient power and survives death. But why should sophistication, it would be25 we embark on this journey unless possible to predict the course of we see the need for a non- any human being’s life and materialist account of human actions moment by moment.(4,5) nature?(5,6) A new account is This raises serious questions. needed because the materialists’ “Since consciousness and account is inadequate. It is failing thought are entirely physical in a number of areas. So let us products of your brain and begin by outlining some of the nervous system . . .” In other failures. Let’s start with this words, neuroscientists have not question: What would you be left discovered that there is “no you with if you accepted the in you”; they start their work materialists’ explanation of you? with that assumption. Anything Would you recognize yourself? If they find is interpreted on the not, why not? What is missing? basis of that view. The science These are vital questions which does not require that rather, it is need clarification and clear an obligation that materialists answers. impose on themselves. Science According to the materialist’s certainly led to enormous view point of scientists progress but fail to solve major consciousness(6-9) and thought existential problems. are entirely physical products of Those explanations were our brain and nervous system— plausible attempts to explain and since our brain is fully spirituality, though, by their very imprinted at birth—what makes nature, they were not testable. us think, that “Man have free They also tended to be will”? Where is it going to come Eurocentric, assuming that from? what “mind,” what “self,” developments in European what “soul,” what anything that Christianity or Judaism were will not be immediately grabbed representative of religion by those scornful quotation worldwide. Unfortunately, the marks, is going to bubble up your progress of science, far from brain? Neuroscientists also shedding light, has led to a host theorize that, given computers of of less plausible explanations WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

today. In this controversy, two essential if humanity is to areas need special attention. successfully solve the global26 A New Scientific Frame of crises that confront it and wisely Reference create a future that benefits all humans and all forms of life on Various spiritual traditions planet Earth. indicate that the nature of mind, consciousness, and reality as well Indian Context as the meaning of life can be The search for truth in Indian apprehended through an Culture is very ancient.(11-13) If the intuitive, unifying and Vedic seers sent up hymns and experiential form of knowing.(1, 10) laudation to their gods, they A scientific frame of reference speculated at the same time must address the evidence for upon their ultimate nature and that. Such a framework would came to the conclusion that, at greatly stimulate the scientific bottom, they were all investigation of the neural, manifestations of one Primal physiological, psychological, and Being. social conditions favoring the A vexed problem of every religion occurrence of mystic experiences is the place to be assigned to as well as the effects of such visible symbols that emerge spiritual practices on health and everywhere, man clings to form. psychological and social He therefore find it difficult to functioning. There is a newer turn to formless. All faiths trend in human evolution toward endeavor to take their adherents spiritualization of consciousness. step by step from outer worship The proposed new scientific to inner worship frame of reference may accelerate our understanding of The wise man’s God is his inner this process of spiritualization self. Krishna counsels in the Gita, and significantly contribute to “Those who know all should not the emergence of a planetary violently shake the faith of those type of consciousness. The who know little. All religions development of this type of indicate that they have two consciousness is absolutely aspects, one for the masses and another for individual. WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

Social and Individual Aspects of means by inner practice and Religion effort. 27 Like other expressions of human Collective and Individual Aspects life, religion has a collective as of Religion well as individual side. This Indian Philosophers have difference in approach is very explained that Religion has two significant to understand the vital aspects Individual and Collective. aspects of religion and Individual aspects include a) spirituality. Most Social Scientists Subjective, b) Psychological, c) view religion primarily as a Experiential and d) Spiritual. This construction of social forces and can be explained in terms of which helps in preserving the neural network and social equilibrium, while cultural neurotransmitter in Brain while anthropologists see it as a chief collective religion has a Social determinant and expression of construct which focuses more on the structure and dynamics of a construction of social forces. This (14,15) culture. Western historians in turn is chief determinant and believe that the individual or expression of the structure and subject is a modern cultural dynamics of a culture. Due to construct, Though Marxists see it this, there are varieties of religion as a part of ideology or false which are influenced by consciousness that keeps the experiences and vision of exploited classes from realizing different mystics and all their true condition. This is true theologies are secondary to a great extent in all western growths superimposed though religions like Judaism Christianity no documentary proof or and Muslim religions which have evidence to prove their claim but same source of origin. form the basis of religious Most Indian religions, Hinduism, founders. Buddhism, Jainism stress the Goals of Indian religion stresses importance of ‘Moksha’ or on Moksh or mukti – liberation of ‘Liberation’ of the individual from the individual from the cycle of the cycles of rebirth which could rebirth. This goal is more explicit. be achieved through experiential In Jainism and Buddhism Jain WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

scriptures speak not only of and through identity with all Moksha but also of Kevala pervading spirit. According 28 to (isolation or aloneness). Buddhist Yogasutra “The highest text speaks specially of Nirvana Knowledge is not attained by or extinction. The goal of thought, but comes when liberation is found in some of the thought assumes the form of Upanishads. In some other texts Spirit through Consciousness that the goal put forward is not leaves no trace. Truth is to be liberation from a painful state but found, not by means of calm and union with the Absolute rationality but in the glorious or Self or God. Some call it blissful mystery of divine unimity. J. union. These various conceptions Krishnamurti has aptly remarked of the goal of religious practice “Truth cannot be given to you by show some remarkable somebody. You have to discover similarities across tradition.(11) it and to discover there must be a Experiential Means state of mind in which there is no direct perception”. The Goal of liberation, unification of Atma with Parmathma or Spiritual Goals perfection (as in yoga) is It is generally, though not achieved by experiential means. invariably assumed that there is The awareness of the Absolute only one “Reality”. However the arises out of the pure experience nature of this reality is expressed of transcendental being. The differently by differently methodical disciplining of mind, traditions. There are broadly emotions and body in order to speaking three attitudes to this attain experiential states has diversity of expression: been a common theme in Indian a) That there is only reality and religious traditions since the time one true formulation of its (11) of Vedas and Upanishads. nature and all other India’s long tradition of spiritual formulations being false or at teaching is based on individual best incomplete. spiritual experiences and to b) That there is only one reality attain individual salvation. Truth and all formulations of its is attained by illuminated insight nature are various attempts WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

to give form to a single truth meaning of dharman is ‘religious which in essence beyond ordinances or rites’. In some29 description passages this sense of ‘religious c) That the formulations of rites’ would not suit the context. religions as well as “Reality, The meaning seems to be ‘fixed they speak are plural and principles or rules of conduct’. culturally specific. It is generally believed that Five It is stated in Gita “By self- Primary Virtues (Yams) have analogy who feels for all in moulded Indian thought and gladness or in sorrow, conduct. They are “Ahimsa (non- everywhere, Highest of yogi is he violence), truthfulness in thought to be deemed. The three fold and conduct and action (Satya). path of “bhakti, jnano and karma Non stealing not taking lawfully i.e. the affective, cognitive and not belonging to oneself conative aspects of our (Asatya). Sexual Purity psychological make-up. (Brahmacharya) and non- acceptance of unnecessary gifts Dharma (Aparigraha). These five virtues In Indian culture, ‘Dharma’ is one are the whole of “Dharma” in of those Sanskrit words that defy brief. Next importance is the five all attempts at an exact rendering observances and abstinences in English or any other tongue. called Niyams. They are a) Dharma is not equivalent to Cleanliness, b) Contentment, c) Religion, it is beyond that. That Asceticism, d) Fast, e) Vigil word has passed through several (tapas). Another important vicissitudes. The dictionaries set ethical injunction of Hindu ethics out various meaning of Dharma stress that six internal enemies such as ordinance, usage, duty, against which we should always right, justice, morality, virtue, be on guard, are Kama (lust), religion, good works, function of Krodha (Anger), Lobha (Greed), characteristic”. It is very difficult Moha (infatuation), Mada (Pride) to say what the exact meaning of and Matsarya (Envy). the word dharma was in the most It may be noted that six ethical ancient period of the Vedic guidelines must be conjoined language. In most cases the WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

with the following virtues, named partiality, and that is accepted by 1) Sama (tranquility), 2) Dama their hearts. 30 (Self-control), 3) Uparati Veda is the source of dharma and (detachment from worldly the tradition and practice of things), 4) Titiksa (fortitude), 5) those that know it (the Veda) add Shraddha (faith) and 6) further the usage of virtuous men Samadhana (collected single and self-satisfaction. The author mindedness). The Atharvaveda of the dharmasutras was quite contains many of those verses of justified in looking up to the the Rigveda in which the word Vedas as a source of dharma. dharman occurs. The Brhadarnyaka Upanishad treats Spirituality has many meanings. Dharma and Satya as equivalent. While spirituality is both the source and the outgrowth of The foregoing brief discussion faith for many people, for others establishes how the word “Spirituality” can be equated dharma passed through several with the occult and with bogus transitions of meaning and how faith healers often bringing to ultimately its most prominent mind reincarnation, telepathy, significance came to be ‘the and angels. To others, less privileges, duties and obligations burdened with a belief system, of a man, his standard of conduct spirituality can appear as nothing as a member of the Aryan more than covert narcissism and community, as a person in a a New Age mandate to follow particular stage of life. Speak the your bliss(3). truth, practice detachment. This is your own Dharma, is the gist of Essentials of Universal Religion all preaching. It may be noted include do not to others, what that the Arthasastra of Kautilya you do not wish done to yourself, also prescribes for all men and wish for others too ye desire ahimsa, satya, sauca, anasuya, and long for yourself. This is anrsamya and Ksama. Dharma is whole of Dharma, heed it well. that from which results Jesus Christ enjoins upon his happiness and final beatitude. followers the same rule in the The learned that lead a moral life, Positive form “Whatever you that are free from hatred and would that men should do unto WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

you, do ye even so to them”. Six power”. Although both hundred years later, Mohammed spirituality and religion are both31 instructed his followers that born in our brain, important differences exist. First, religion  “Noblest religion this, that draws circles that draw others than should not like out, whereas spirituality draws  For others, what than likes for circle that draw others in. thyself. Secondly, spirituality is based on  Ad what thou feelest painful our biology, whereas religion is for thyself based on our culture. Religion and spirituality are not same.  Hold that as painful for all Religion is associated with formal others too” organization Religion indicates an Besides these spiritual and ethical organized way to relate to the disciplines, all religions Divine; focusing on controls and emphasize the necessity of morals. prayer, charity, pilgrimage and service of fellow beings as part of Religion may sometimes act as a religious life. driving force. Religion is accessible at Spirituality and Religion church/mosque/gurudwara or It has been found by some temple. Spirituality does not scholars now that there is a depend on institutional difference between spirituality affiliation. Spirituality operates in and religion. The term ‘religion’ private. It is intrinsic and chosen, usually refers to the interpersonal though in private. Spirituality is a and institutional aspects of personal way of relating to the religio-spirituality that are derived Divine, self, people and the from engaging with a formal world. Religious institutions are religious groups, doctrines, usually looked at with doubt. In values and traditions(14,16). While religion, people have difficulty in spirituality is defined by some as interactions – ‘my way is right’. the “Psychological experiences Craving for ego, power, control, of religio-spirituality that relate to prestige and arrogant the individuals sense of authoritarianism may be the connection with a transcendent underlying currents of religion. WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

The words might vary in terms of powerful enough to transform individual, time, place and one over a period of time. In time3 2 socioeconomic set-up, yet the transformation is permanent acceptance is the same in terms and there remains no looking of distinctiveness of the people. back. On the other hand, spirituality Spirituality offers autonomy from Spirituality is concerned with soul institutions and provides an open and it is directed towards the ground for exploration. Spiritual pursuit of personal meaning. people have a common Leading a spiritual life, a person communication flow. Spirituality develops his power of lies in the kind of religion where concentration through selfless there are no doctrines, dogmas, action, gains, and is able to intellectual argumentation; it is discriminate between spirit and being and becoming”. Spirituality matter, the real and the unreal. is all about personal positive Soon a spiritual person comes to emotions. These emotions realize that the self in him is the include love, hope, joy, self in all, thus experiencing forgiveness, compassion, trust, “Godhood”. Such a concept has gratitude and awe. The core of been supported by many spiritual philosophies dwells on scholars, who believe in understanding the purpose and spirituality. Spirituality is that meaning of life. Understanding is aspect of life which gives people at the root of development that meaning and purpose in life. leads one to ultimate deliverance or nirvana, where the goal is Clarity of Intention Creates liberation and unification of Stability of Mind ‘Atma’ with ‘Parmathma’. Many philosophers, who believe Most of us have had some taste in spirituality, claim that of an experience where time recognition of the Truth is the stood still, one forgot oneself, discovery of true conscience. and was carried away by the Being haunted by the truth is moment. A spiritual experience is being haunted by your own true the same, more intense, and conscience. The point of these experiences is for you to realize WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

what your part is in the big drama reach higher levels of of life. Most people are so consciousness; through 33 a concerned only with themselves transformation of the psychic that they do not feel any organism, which enables it to get responsibility for those around. beyond the limits of ordinary The more deeply a person has human experience. realized self, the deeper will be Consciousness is the very the realization of the kind of window through which we conscience. The true value of perceive reality. From a scientific profound spiritual experience lies perspective, Quantum Physics in the discovery of fundamental has theories for us to accept truth. Full realization is the mind and matter as two evolutionary leap to which all irreducible but inseparable spiritual experiences ultimately aspects of universal reality, just lead. Though deep spiritual like the inseparable wave and experience a human being particle aspects of a quantum realizes a profound truth, hence particle. In 2004, the Nobel Prize liberating himself from in Physics was given, in the words tendencies towards aggression of the Nobel Committee, for and illusions. contribution towards the The crux of any spiritual “Theory of Everything”. This experience is to bring a human theory aims to show that being to the point where he is considering all the fundamental able to harmoniously live with particles and fields that makeup other human beings. Indian (at least physical) that makeup Psychology has always realized this universe, you are nothing but the value of Introspection and different aspects of one single Concentration and looked upon it source. In 2006, the Nobel Prize as the means for perception of in Physics is for “discoveries in the truth. It recognized the close cosmology” that allows us to connection of mind and the glimpse the universe close to its body(11). The Yoga system of very inception. philosophy by Patanjali deals The preponderance of evidences specially with these uncovered by cosmology point to experiences.(12) The Yoga helps a mind boggling fact - this vast WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

universe originated from a space and Happiness, is Spiritual. This much smaller than a speck of hierarchy of positive emotions34 dust. In fact, from such a small will help us to clarify the concept space that we are as large of spirituality. compared to it as the universe is Happiness has been the timeless large to us. It now seems goal of humanity.(17) Since we plausible that the oneness have a notion that anything envisioned by the “Theory of pleasant or pleasurable to the Everything” existed at the senses would lead to happiness, inception of the universe in a tiny our mind craves for such nugget of space. It suggests that experiences.(18) However, there the universe indeed came from are several shortcomings in one source. Body and mind are seeking happiness in this manner. inseparable. Both are Firstly, senses always require interlocked. A balance of the two some external object in order to is a necessary condition for a convey an experience. This spells healthy and meaningful life. “dependence”. Secondly, Science gets us physical experience of sense gratification comforts; spirituality brings us is only temporary, while what we mental peace and raises our really are looking for is a lasting consciousness. Positive values, state. Thirdly, if an experience is attitudes, beliefs and strength pleasurable, the senses demand acquired through spiritual more of the same experience, practices contribute to the sense leading to a constant state of of Bliss. But spirituality is not just wanting Yoga deals with about following your bliss alone. searching for lasting, sense-free Spirituality has a deep happiness and knowledge. Since psychobiological basis and a for lasting happiness, its source reality that needs to be has to be free from the five understood. The pleasure we senses. We should strive to find a derive is through our senses and force in this hierarchy which is is basically physical. While superior to the mind. happiness, which is a positive According to the Buddha, emotion, is psychological, ‘Bliss’, understanding or “Knowing” has which is higher than ‘Pleasure’ WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

two layers, ‘Anubodhi’ and Religion is to be realized, not only ‘Pativedha’. Anubodhi is what we heard. To be pure and unselfish35 – call ‘knowledge’. It is nothing but that is the whole of religion. It is accumulated memory, an being and becoming the ultimate understanding of a particular goal and end of all religions, is subject on the basis of data or but one – reunion with god or observation. It is therefore with the divinity. There are superficial. Real understanding different roads and paths – comes from “Pativedha” or deep Jnana, Bhakti, Yoga and Karma penetration into the core of a which lead to salvation. subject which depends on Levin(19) and others(5,11) suggested wisdom. It enables us to that spirituality reflects positive understand an object in its true emotion. Spirituality, like positive nature and color. In it, all the emotions, is generated by the exterior labels like name, fame, limbic system and is more about money and power hold no value. us than me. We do not have to be This kind of understanding can be taught positive emotions; our developed only through rigid brain is hardwired to generate training of mind through them. Humanity's task is to pay- meditation. A person, on attention to them, for they are reaching this stage of penetrative the source of our spiritual being wisdom, can see everything in and the key to our cultural the right perspective. He acquires evolutionary progress. Spirituality the capability to make a reflects humanity’s evolutionary distinction between what is process towards connection and desirable and correct and what is community building even more undesirable and incorrect. Such a than it reflects humanity’s need person also develops the ability for solace and revelation. The to acquire habits that enables his Buddhist ideal is that of the mind to see and believe nothing Bodhisattva - one who elects but the good of all. One has to voluntarily to stay in this world first strive to be free from all and to help others, rather than kinds of impurities that tend to entering directly into nirvana. Nor derail us from the right path. is spirituality trivial; if one follows the lives of history’s great WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

spiritual exemplars, they have the Way We Think. New York: always been builders of Simon & Schuster, 1991. 36 humanity. 4. Dennett DC. Kinds of Minds: is that part of Toward an Understanding of Psychology that takes on the task Consciousness. New York: of deciphering the mechanisms Basic Books, 1996. and opportunity of nourishing 5. Denton MJ. Nature’s Destiny: positivity in life, its place in the How the Laws of Biology trajectory of science and religion Reveal Purpose in the can be considered in the middle Universe. New York: Free of the two. Science deals with the Press, 1998. physical world and the religion and spirituality with the inner 6. Alper M. The “God” Part of the world.(20,21) Psychology deals with Brain: A Scientific the both the world (Argyle, Interpretation of Human 2000)(22) and thus Positive Spirituality and God. New York: Psychology may play a crucial Rogue, 2001. role in resolving the conflict 7. Eccles SJ, Daniel NR. The between science and Wonder of Being Human: Our religiousness and spirituality. Brain and Our Mind. New York: References Free Press, 1984. 1. Wallach H, Stefan S. Repairing 8. Ingram J. Theatre of the Mind: Plato Life Boat with Ockhams Raising the Curtain on Razor. The Important of Consciousness. Toronto: Research in Anomalies of HarperCollins, 2005. Consciousness studies. J of 9. Potter KS, John R. Mind: A Consciousness Studies 2005; Brief Introduction. Oxford: 12(2): 52-70. Oxford Univ. Press, 2004. 2. Dawkins R. The selfish gene, 10. Beauregard M, Paquette New York, Oxford Univ. Press, V, Pouliot M et al. “The 1989. Neurobiology of the Mystical 3. Ornstein R. The Evolution of Experience: A Quantitative EEG Consciousness: The Origins of Study.” Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

Meeting, October 23–27, 2004. in Rajasthan in Parpola. A San Diego, CA. Tenhuen 5 (Eds.) Changing37 11. Bhattacharya H. The cultural pattern of family and kinship in heritage of India Vol. IV. The South Asia. Helsinki, Finnish Religious The Ramkrishna Oriental Society 1988, pp. 130- Mission Institute of Culture, 166. Kolkata, 1956. 18. Ryan RM, Deci E. On 12. Dwivedi MN. The Yoga Sutra of Happiness and human Patanjali. Theosophical potentials: A review research Publication House, Madras, on hedonic and eudaimonic 2001. well being. Annual Review of Psychology 2001; 52: 141-166. 13. Swami Vivekananda. Powers

of the Mind. Advaita Ashrama 19. Levin J, and Harold G. 5, Delhi. Entally Road, Calcutta Koenig, eds. Faith, Medicine, 14, 1947. and Science: A Festschrift in Honor of Dr. David B. Larson. 14. Clark WH. How do social New York: Haworth, 2005. scientists define religion?

Journal of 20. Seligman MEP, Parks A, 1958; 47: 143-147. Steen T. A balanced psychology and a full life – The 15. Nelson JM. Psychology, Royal Society Philosophical Religion and Spirituality, New Transactions. Biological York, Springer, 2009. Sciences 2004; 359: 1379-1381. 16. Sharma Shridhar. Spirituality, 21. Shelden KM, King L. Why Yoga, Religion and Mental Positive Psychology is Health. Romanian Journal of necessary? American Psychiatry, 2009; 11(4): 137-141. Psychologist 2001; 56: 216-217. 17. Pakaslahti. A family centered 22. Argyle H. Psychology of treatment of mental health Religion – London Rutledge, problems at the Balaji Temple 2000.

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Tsutomu Sakuta (MD, PhD) Prof. & President, Japan Health Sciences University President, Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation Editor-in-chief, International Medical Journal(IMJ)

orld Health T1.2: 80% of countries will be Organization (WHO) allocating at least 5% of W released “Global government health Mental Health Action Plan 2013 – expenditure to mental 2020.” Global Mental Health health by year 2020. Action Plan (GMHAP) does not T2.1: The number of beds used for duplicate, but builds on the work long-term stays in mental already carried out through WHO hospitals will decrease by Mental Health Gap Action 20% by year 2020, with a Program (mhGAP). corresponding increase in This draft Action plan is based on the availability of places for the statement “no health community-based without mental health,” and the residential care and following eight items are supported housing. described as targets: T2.2: the treatment gap for T1.1: 80% of countries will have severe mental disorders updated their mental will be reduced by 50% by health policies and laws year 2020. (within the last 10 years) by T3.1: 80% of countries will have at year 2016. least two national, multisectoral mental health WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

promotion and protection Health, Labor and Welfare programs functioning by (MHLW) released a report on39 year 2016 (one universal, “Future Direction of Dementia one targeted on vulnerable Policy” on June 18, 2012. In this groups.) report, the MHLW stated that they have changed their previous T3.2: Rates of suicide in countries position that “People with will be reduced by year dementia cannot avoid using 2020. psychiatric hospitals with T4.1: A global observatory for sprinklers and institutional monitoring the mental services.” Their new goal is to health situation in the realize a society where the world will be established by “wishes of people with dementia year 2014. are respected and they can continue to live in good T4.2: 80% of countries will be community environments.” collecting and reporting at least a core set of mental In Japan, about 75,000 patients health indicators annually with dementia are reportedly by year 2020. hospitalized. Of these, 30,000 patients are hospitalized in The vision of GMHAP is stated dementia units, 20,000 in general that a world in which mental psychiatric care units, and 25,000 health is valued, mental disorders in general care units. Important are effectively prevented and in issues for patients with dementia which persons affected by these in general care units such as disorders are able to access admission criteria and protection evidence-based health and social of human rights, need to be care and exercise the full range discussed. of human rights to attain the highest possible level of health Recently, according to a and functioning free from stigma Newspaper, four elderly persons, and discrimination. including three of nine group- home residents and one person While in Japan, the dementia who lived on the third floor project team of the Ministry of above the group home, died and WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

two were seriously injured after a Affairs and Communications in fire at a group home for people 2012 revealed that more than 90%40 with dementia, located in of small group homes for persons Nagasaki, during the night on with dementia did not have February 8, 2013. The floor space sprinklers. was less than 275m2, and the According to the Ministry of installation of sprinklers, which Health, Labor and Welfare could have prevented this (MHLW), the number of patients disaster, was not required for this with dementia in Japan reached group home. 512,000 in 2011, and continues to The survey conducted by the Fire increase. and Disaster Management This is currently a major problem Agency, Ministry of Internal in Japan.

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R. Srinivasa Murthy Professor of Psychiatry (Retd.), The Association for the Mentally Challenged, Near Kidwai Hospital, Dharmaram College P.O., Bangalore, India [email protected]

ndia, like many other Sexual Violence against women developing countries, is I experiencing rapid social During December 2012, a young changes. The changes in the woman was sexually violated and economic life, political strictures, harmed leading to her death social institutions is opening of which shocked the country. The new avenues for the young as different sections of the society well as challenging the rose as one voice to both population. There is a mental condemn the incident but to find health aspect to the changes is solutions to see that a similar seen from a number of mental event will not occur in the health issues (farmers suicide, country. Broadly there are three substance abuse, sexual violence, areas for interventions, namely, street children, homeless (i) legal reform; (ii) judicial reform mentally ill etc.) that are and (iii) social reform. Prominent occupying the public space. I am personalities referred to the need referring to one of them to for social changes as follows: illustrate both the challenges and opportunities for social Honorable President of India, Sri. psychiatry in India. Pranab Mukharjee, in his New Year message, called for “Let us WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

use this moment to introspect and that has resulted in this tragedy. earnestly seek ways in which we We all have to think about this and42 can address the mindset which lies find solutions. It is a time for deep at the root of such incidents in reflection’. Mr. K.P.S. Singh, order that we may achieve dignity Minister of State for Home, “we and equality for women in our should prevent such incidents do country”. The Supreme court in not occur and called for change at its judgment of January 4, 2013, the level of people-the fault is not appealing for no-tolerance with laws but with people”. Ms. towards any sort of physical Krishna Tirath, Minister of Social violence on women, the apex Justice and Empowerment, court said that “mindset” of noted, “We have to do many people, including that of the things. We have to bring about judges, must change to make changes in our educational sure that the protection granted system”. Mr. Soli Sorabjee, legal to women by the Constitution luminary, called for and other laws are proved ‘concentration on the removing of “meaningful. Prime Minister Mr. causes’. Mr. Arun Jaitley, Manmohan Singh observed, “we opposition leader, noted “it is should channelize emotions to time for Indian Society to concrete action’ further he introspect. We need to create an assured that “we will make all environment in India so that no possible efforts to ensure security woman is treated in this manner”. and safety of women in this Ms. Brinda Karat called for country. The Home Minister has ‘support to the survivors’. Mr. already spoken about the steps Ram Jethmalini, noted that ‘the being taken. We will examine fault is not with the laws but with without delay not only the the people’. Citizen calls on the responses to this terrible crime mass media were to ‘ rebuild the but also all aspects concerning the tone of the society’; ‘need for total safety of women and children and societal change’ ; ‘attitudes are punishment to those who commit ingrained in our society’; ‘ no these monstrous crimes”. Ms. band-aid solutions’; ‘we must look Sheila Dikshit, CM of Delhi, at it from a societal point’; ‘ reflected, ‘what is in our society

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mindset problem need to be media contribute to shaping addressed’. social behaviour. 43 Social psychiatry can contribute In summary the emerging to rebuilding of the individuals/ common themes, are: need for families/ communities by the prevention, understanding the following measures: (i) building a social context in which sexual system of psychosocial supports violence is happening, sickness of to sexual violence survivors- both society, need for changes in the the individuals and the families of popular culture. The common the survivors should receive agenda is the ‘need for changes at psychosocial support, for many levels’. There is need for mastering the trauma and for both individual interventions and the personal growth of individuals; (ii) towards creating a ●●● generation of gender sensitive There is need for both population by measures like the individual interventions life skills education programs in all schools towards emotional and psychosocial development of young Indians, interventions from early childhood, specifically

●●● to handle their own body, the interpersonal relationships,

sexuality, gender sensitivity; psychosocial interventions as (i) moral values, cultural norms, most sexual assault occurs responding to violence, and between known people-which personal emotions; (iii) rebuilding calls for focus on the the family cohesion and interpersonal relationships; (ii) communication across the family and marriage is the setting different members of the family, of much of the sexual violence through marriage counseling, and there is need for support to families in crisis. This is strengthening of the family, especially important in ‘families in towards prevention of sexual transition’ like urban nuclear violence; (iii) alcohol plays an families, migrant families, single important role in the violence in parent families; families in various forms; and (iv) mass WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

distress; (iv) Crisis support violence; urbanization and family mechanisms in the community- life; study of personalities44 helplines, psychosocial care perpetrators of the violence; facilities accessible to all people patriarchy and women’s position in distress; (v) accessible and in different areas of life; acceptable mental health and evaluation of different types of substance abuse services to psychosocial interventions. those with mental health In summary, the rapid social problems; and (vi) research to changes increase the relevance understand violence in individuals of social psychiatry in India and and in the community, eg. movies responsibility of social and mental health; alcohol and psychiatrists.

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Mohan Isaac MD (Psy), DPM, FRCPsych, FRANZCP Professor of Psychiatry, Level 6, W Block, Fremantle Hospital, Fremantle, WA 6160, Australia & Visiting Professor, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS)Bangalore, India [email protected]

he future of also teaching it to generations of psychiatry” has been undergraduate and post “T a topic of perpetual graduate medical students in discussion and debate during the numerous institutions, without past three and half decades of any regret at all. As I look back my working life as a clinical and reflect, I realize that “the academic in psychiatry. I decided future of psychiatry” was to specialize in psychiatry about prophesied and speculated upon 40 years ago, much against the by all and sundry, who had wishes and advice of many of my anything to do with mental well-wishers. In fact, if I believed health, during all these years. even partly in what some of the In an address given to a World papers and books that I read Psychiatric Association during those post-internship days Symposium in London in said, I should never have chosen November 1969, the psychiatry for my post graduate distinguished British neurologist training. But, I did and have now Henry Miller, then the then Vice completed more than 35 years, Chancellor of the University of not only practicing psychiatry but

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psychiatry, and titled his 1974 book with this prediction. 46 He famously said that “psychiatry is an emperor without any clothes” and in later years, answered the question, “Does psychiatry have a future?’ as follows: “Psychiatry has the same future as a medical specialty as hand--wind gramophones have as stereo equipment. Both were good ideas at the time they began, yet both have been superseded by technological developments and more advanced design”. Scottish New Castle upon Tyne, wondered psychiatrist RD Laing and if psychiatry is “medicine or American psychiatrist Thomas magic” and saw psychiatry as Szaz who lead what was referred little more than “neurology to as the “anti-psychiatry without physical signs”. He noted movement” were both prolific that a psychiatrist is no more writers whose works (Szaz – than “a physician who takes a “The myth of mental illness”, proper history at the first 1962, “The manufacture of consultation and sees fewer madness” 1970 and RD Laing – patients”. But, Henry Miller was a “The politics of experience” neurologist. What psychiatrists 1967) were widely read and had to say then about their influential. They were ardent profession was worse. Fuller critics of the scientific Torrey, an influential American foundations as well as the social psychiatrist, schizophrenia control aim of psychiatry. They researcher and a writer on had large following in many parts matters related to mental health of the world. Szaz’s thesis was in America predicted the death of that there is no such thing as

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mental illness and people should diagnosis itself were seriously never be hospitalized questioned from various47 involuntarily. quarters, both from within the field and outside. In a famous and much publicized experiment (called the Rosenhan experiment) published in the prestigious journal Science in 1973, American psychologist David Rosenhan (1929-2012) showed that psychiatrists were unable to distinguish the sane from the insane in American

Thomas Szaz (1920-2012) psychiatric hospitals. The UK-USA Diagnosis project lead by Robert Kendall, John Cooper and others showed how poor the agreement on diagnosis of the same patients was between psychiatrists from different settings. This project revealed that the concept of schizophrenia used in New York (USA) was much broader than the one used in London (UK) and highlighted the very poor reliability of psychiatric diagnosis. Ron Hubbard, science fiction writer and the founder of Scientology was critical of psychiatry and the Church of Ronald Laing (1927-1989) Scientology from its very early days considered psychiatry as a The ability of psychiatrists to corrupt and barbaric profession. distinguish the normal (sane) The appalling conditions in from the abnormal (insane) and mental hospitals (asylums) all the validity of psychiatric WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

over the world - the settings in Health (NIMH), USA, as the which most persons with serious “decade of the brain”. Significant48 mental disorders were treated advances in the field of genetics those days – brought ill repute to and neuroimaging is aiding the the field of psychiatry. The continuing search for etiology of mental hospital environment mental disorders, structural and which contributed to functional lesions/pathology in segregation, powerlessness and the brain and effective self-labeling was considered to management strategies. be counter therapeutic. Molecular genetics has moved forward from identification of During the past three and half susceptibility genes to genome decades, psychiatry has advanced wide association studies (GWAS) in many fronts. Mental health and copy number variations care reforms have shifted care of (CNVs) studies. Advanced persons with severe mental neuroimaging technologies such disorders from large mental as functional magnetic resonance hospitals to the general hospitals imaging (fMRI, measures oxygen and the community in most consumption), positron emission developed countries. A similar tomography (PET, measures mental hospital reform has glucose utilization) and single begun in many developing positron emission computed countries too. There is a much tomography (SPECT, measures greater choice of cerebral blood flow) are helping pharmacological agents – us to peer into the living brain antipsychotic, mood stabilizers like never before. and antidepressants – available for more effective management Despite the abundance of new of various psychiatric disorders. knowledge generation and With criteria based diagnosis and almost parallel revolutions in classification, diagnostic basic neurosciences and genetics, reliability of psychiatric disorders clinical practice of psychiatry has have increased considerably. The changed very little. The 1990s was designated by the revolution in neurobiology has National Institute of Mental not resulted in greater clarity or

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understanding of the research and the number of pathophysiology of mental research intensive departments49 disorders. Diagnosis is still based of psychiatry have not grown. In on description of symptoms and many countries including the USA behavior. How most real world and the UK, failure to attract clinicians diagnose and manage adequate numbers of bright and serious mental disorders such as interested medical graduates to schizophrenia and bipolar specialize in psychiatry is causing affective disorders have not great worry, referred to recently changed very much. The in an editorial as “psychiatry’s treatment gap and the “science- identity crisis” by the Lancet . to-service” gap continue to be Concerns about the health and wide in both developed and future of psychiatry as a medical developing countries, of course discipline have continued all much wider in developing through these years. Criticisms countries. Social outcome and about many aspects of psychiatry functional recovery for many from various angles and persons suffering from serious “psychiatry baiting” have also mental disorders continue to be relentlessly continued. Besides poor. Although psychosocial lay publications, the large interventions are proved to be as number of papers, editorials, important as pharmacological, commentaries, analysis, letters large majority of patients who and opinion pieces in academic can benefit from such journals and numerous scholarly interventions do not receive books describing and speculating them in most parts of the world. on various aspects of current Compulsory (involuntary) practices in psychiatry and its admissions and number of future perhaps exemplify these persons with mental disorders in concerns. In an editorial in 1985, prisons are steadily increasing in the Lancet said that psychiatry many developed countries. was “a discipline that has lost its Funding for mental health way”. A paper in the psychiatric services is inadequate in most bulletin of the Royal College of countries. The number of Psychiatrists (UK), now, “The psychiatrists interested in

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Psychiatrist” in 1988 wondered if “neurodynamic” (as against psychiatrists were an “psychodynamic”) approach.50 “endangered species”. The same Henry Nasrallah, Editor-in-Chief of question; “are psychiatrists an Current Psychiatry asks if endangered species?” was again “psychiatry ripe for a creative raised more recently in 2010 by destruction” and observes that the well-known Austrian “psychiatry needs to reinvent psychiatrist Heinz Katschnig and itself as a premier medical debated by a galaxy of leading specialty anchored in evidence psychiatrists from all over the based ”. world in a Forum in the popular In recent years, psychiatry’s and widely cited journal “World relationship with the Psychiatry”. Many commentators pharmaceutical industry and over opine that the future of reliance on its products has been psychiatry is as “clinical attacked by many from within neuroscience” and they observe and outside psychiatry. Three that the boundaries between books published during 2010-2011 mind and brain be abandoned. have highlighted many of the Some authors believe that the issues related to psychiatry- separation of psychiatry and pharmaceutical industry neurology is no longer justified collaboration and exclusive and so the two branches of reliance on medications – medicine should emerge as a Experimental psychologist Irwing single discipline. The Nobel Kirsch’s “The Emperor’s New Laureate Eric Kandel argues that Drugs: Exploding the psychiatry should develop “a new Antidepressant Myth” (2010), intellectual framework” that Robert Whitaker’s “The Anatomy derives from current biological of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, thinking about the relationship of Psychotropic Drugs and the mind and brain. Harvard Astonishing Rise of Mental psychiatrist Allan Hobson Illness” (2011) and Daniel Carlat’s believes that the evolving “brain “Unhinged: The Trouble with science” should provide the Psychiatry – A Doctor’s foundation for a new psychiatry Revelation About a Profession in which should propagate a

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Crisis” (2010). These three books major gaps in our understanding were prominently reviewed by of the causation and effective51 Marcia Angell, a widely respected management of mental physician and former editor of disorders. Discovery research the New England Journal of into etiology and Medicine in the New York Review pathophysiology of mental of Books in 2011. Angell shared disorders, translational research, most of the observations of more focused psychotherapy these books in her two part research, research on the use of review which were titled “The information technology and illusions of psychiatry” and “The computer aided therapies, epidemic of mental illness: Why?” research on pharmacogenetic screening to customize or The need as well as demand for personalize drug treatment, mental health services has development of animal models of increased considerably all over disorders, prevention research the world. As an editorial in the aimed at early identification and Archives of General Psychiatry prompt interventions are all recently noted; “psychiatry faces needed. Tom Insel, Director of one of the greatest public health the National Institute of Mental challenges in contemporary Health (NIMH), USA, notes that medicine”. Provision of urgently needed breakthroughs appropriate and adequate mental in psychiatry include discovery of health care to large populations biomarkers (for early detection raises difficult questions and of illness), pre-emptive numerous challenges. Continuing interventions (for those detected stigma of mental disorders, to be “at risk” or in pre- negative public image and symptomatic stages of the consumer (patient) and carer illness) and better treatments (family) discontent are still major (for those with symptoms). issues to be dealt with. Innovative intervention Recently, the President of the strategies need to be developed. United States of America, Barack Greater cutting edge research Obama launched the most efforts are needed to fill the ambitious research plan to unlock

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the mysteries of the human a century”. A recent Lancet mind/brain to date. Titled the editorial described the future52 BRAIN – Brain Research through psychiatrist thus: “The Advancing Innovative psychiatrist of the future must be Neurotechnologies – initiative, able to ally human and scientific this program aims to develop understanding; to collaborate new tools and comprehensively meaningfully and respectfully with map the activity of the human patients in planning care; and to brain. It is anticipated that this be confident and pragmatic, but project will enhance our receptive to new discoveries that understanding of the human may challenge the very basis of his brain and accelerate discovery of or her understanding of mental new and better treatment for illness. Psychiatry demands brain disorders such as exceptional doctors” schizophrenia. But Eric Kandel (Based on the “30th Anniversary Lecture” warns us: “The future of delivered at Pushpagiri Medical College, neuroscience is brilliant. The Thiruvalla, Kerala, India on 17thAugust danger is that we are at the foot 2011) of a mountain range that people think we have already scaled, it’s a huge mountain. It is going to take

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Rakesh K Chadda MD, FRCPsych, FAMS President, Indian Association for Social Psychiatry; Professor of Psychiatry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India

t is difficult to trace the psychiatry in form of identifying beginning of the social role of family in mental health I psychiatry in India. The care, development of general community care of the mentally hospital psychiatry and ill in an informal way has existed community psychiatry programs since time immemorial. Persons and role of ancient Indian with mental health problems concepts in psychological were looked after by their methods of treatment. families, temples, dargahs and A formal social psychiatry other similar places. The person movement may be traced to was generally accepted in the 1950s, when Dr Vidya Sagar community, and the social stigma initiated family’s involvement n in was not probably as high as in the the care of mentally ill at Amritsar last few decades. Absence of outside the walls of the state mental hospitals in the pre- mental hospital. It was not colonial period and a limited possible to accommodate all the number of inpatient beds even in patients in the overcrowded the later period is an evidence of hospital. Dr Sagar made the acceptability of the mentally arrangements for the family ill in the society. India has members to stay with their important contributions in social

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patients in tents in the ground the general hospital psychiatric outside the mental hospital, and units starting mainly from 1960s54 also provided treatment and and initiation of the community group sessions for the patients mental health services beginning and the families. The approach in 1960s and later spreading all helped the family members over the country, has led to learning caring skills for their remarkable service development, patients and also reduced the bringing psychiatry to hostility in the minds of the mainstream medicine, improving patients about their family members as they had not been ●●● abandoned like happened One of the One of the previously. The improved patients went back to the unique features of the community with a message that general hospital mental illness could be treated, psychiatric units in India is reducing the associated stigma that the family members (Sagar, 1972; Kapur, 2003). The stay with their patient experiment becomes more during the period of significant in the background that 1950s was the period when hospitalization. families were considered ●●● contributing to development of

mental illness rather than being having a role in therapeutics. This acceptability of psychiatry as a was followed by setting up of discipline in the society and also family units at other places in reducing stigma associated with India like Vellore and Bangalore. mental disorders. One of the unique features of the general In the later period, role of social hospital psychiatric units in India factors has been identified as is that the family members stay being associated with a better with their patient during the outcome in schizophrenia in the period of hospitalization. This is International Pilot Study of helpful in facilitating Schizophrenia. Development of improvement in the patient and

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also prepares the family member training the primary care to take care of the patient physicians and paramedical55 following discharge in the workers in mental health community. The stay is also used delivery. The NMHP also focuses for interventions like on making mental health services psychoeducation and family accessible to all, especially those therapy. This also helps in in need of it and includes acceptability of the patient by the community participation in the family following discharge from ●●● the hospital (Wig, 2004).

The community psychiatry The practice of yoga and movement, which started in the ancient teachings of 1960s in form of community Gita have a great outreach clinics, expanded in potential in relieving the 1970s at Raipur Rani in in North stress related disorders, India and Sakalwada near anxiety and depression Bangalore in south India to include training program in and improving mental mental health skills for the health. doctors and the paramedical ●●● workers and development of

educational materials for the development and expansion of community, and integration of mental health care services mental health in general health (Chadda, 2012). The community care. The two programs were a care model of mental health fore runner for the National delivery through integration of Mental Health Program (NMHP) mental health with general health of India, launched in 1982. One of services was further replicated in the important features of the development of mental health NMHP of India has been services in a number of integration of mental health in neighboring countries like general health, achieved by Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, conducting mental health clinics Islamic Republic of Iran, Nepal, in the primary care settings, Pakistan, Palestine, Sri Lanka,

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Sudan, and Yemen with inputs psychotherapy and also the art of from Indian experts in form of living. Gita is also probably one 56of consultancy support (Murthy, the most translated religious 2010). classics of the world (Murthy, 2010). The beauty and sublimity The ancient India has also of this work, the eternal important contributions in relevance to the problems of psychosocial management of human life, and its universal mental disorders and also mental approach that helps to consider health promotion. The practice of the whole creation as one are the yoga and the ancient teachings of special features of this important ●●● text. The methods used by Lord Krishna to help his disciple, The methods used by Arjuna, in the situation of war are Lord Krishna to help his considered by many to contain disciple, Arjuna, in the the best principles of situation of war are psychotherapy. considered by many to Yoga and meditation are the contain the best other contribution of the ancient principles of Indian wisdom to the world and psychotherapy. are now well recognized as helpful in management of ●●● anxiety, depression and

psychosomatic disorders and also Gita have a great potential in mental health promotion. relieving the stress related disorders, anxiety and depression Some of the Indian psychiatrists and improving mental health. have also extensively written Gita is a compilation of teachings about Indian adaptation of of Lord Krishna, delivered by Lord psychotherapy. Surya has Krishna to Arjuna in the challenged the western concept battlefields of Kurukshetra in the of dependence (Surya & Jayaram, great war of Mahabharata. The 1964). Neki (1973) gave the lessons could be described as concept of Guru-Chela including the basic principles of relationship as model of Eastern WASP Newsletter June – July 2013 |

psychotherapy in India, where scientific meetings and the therapist takes the role of publications and to advance the57 Guru, the teacher and the patient, physical, social, psychological and the role of Chela, the disciple, is philosophic well-being of the contrast to the Western mankind by such methods as psychotherapy. In the Eastern promotion of research and model, the therapist often takes deliberations into it. The a more active role than the Association has its own journal, conventional therapy. the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, which is now in its 29h The Indian Association for Social year of existence. IASP holds its Psychiatry (IASP) was formally national conferences every year, borne in 1984with great hopes and also had opportunity to host under the giant leadership of the World Congress of Social stalwarts like Professor A. Psychiatry in India in 1992, and Venkoba Rao, Professor V.K. will also be hosting the 2016 Varma, Professor S.M. Congress. India also hosted the Channabasavanna, Professor 2001 WASP Congress under Shridhar Sharma, Professor B.B leadership of Professor Shridhar Sethi and Dr. M.A.M. Khan. Sharma, the then President, Some of the objectives of the WASP. Association include to study the nature of man and his cultures To conclude, India has important and the prevention and contributions to social psychiatry, treatment of his vicissitudes and beginning from the application of behavior disorders, to promote ancient Indian concepts in mental national and international health promotion and collaboration among management of mental health professionals and societies in problems, in development of fields related to social psychiatry, mental health services and to make the knowledge and community mental health practice of social psychiatry programs and also in promoting available to professionals in social social psychiatry as a subspecialty psychiatry and other sciences and of social psychiatry. to the public by such methods as

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References a therapeutic paradigm. Am J Orthopsychiatry;3:755-66  Chadda RK (2012). Six decades 58  Sagar V (1972) Challenge of our of community psychiatry in times. Indian Journal of India. International Psychiatry, Psychiatry, 15: 95-103. 9:45-47  Surya NS, Jayaram SS (1964).  Kapur RL (2003) The story of Some basic considerations in community mental health in the practice of psychotherapy India. In: Agarwal SP, Goel DS, in the Indian setting. Indian Salhan RN, Ichhpujani RL, Journal of Psychiatry;6:153-6. Shrivastava S (eds). Mental  Wig NN, Awasthi A (2004) health: An Indian perspective Origin and growth of general (1946–2003). New Delhi: hospital psychiatry. In: Directorate General of Health Agarwal SP, Goel DS, Salhan Services, Ministry of Health RN, Ichhpujani RL, Shrivastava and Family Welfare, S (eds). Mental health: An Government of India/Elsevier: Indian perspective (1946– 92-100. 2003). New Delhi: Directorate  Murthy RS (2010) From local to General of Health Services, global- Contributions of Indian Ministry of Health and Family psychiatry to international Welfare, Government of psychiatry. Indian Journal of India/Elsevier: 101-107. Psychiatry: 52: S30-S37.  Neki JS (1973). Guru-Chela relationship: The possibility of

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It gives us immense pleasure to most rapid and substantial inform you that the XXII World inhuman history. Congress of Social Psychiatry will The WASP Congress is returning be organized on 29 November-3 to India after 15 years. The December 2016 at New Delhi, country has a unique distinction India. Professor Thomas Craig will of organizing two WASP be the Congress President. The Congresses in the past, in 1992 world all over is experiencing and in 2001. The Indian rapid changes, initially with Association for Social Psychiatry globalization and migration, (IASP) is a vibrant organization of which were facilitated by easy nearly 900 mental health travel, and the lately by the professionals, and has been information revolution. There is holding its national conferences an increasing recognition of the every year since 1984. IASP is also burden contributed by the one of the oldest national mental disorders, which is a organizations of social psychiatry challenge to the social in the world. psychiatrists. With this background in mind, have chosen India as a venue for the WASP “Social Psychiatry in a Rapidly 2016 has a lot to offer in form of Changing World " as the theme its more than 5000 years of for the WASP Congress 2016. The heritage and culture. The infinite focus will be on changes in the variety in land and lifestyle, the social arena that are among the value for money items and

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cultural diversity are sure to informative program with amaze you. symposia, workshops, invited60 lectures, free papers, poster Delhi, the capital of India, is well sessions & exhibition integrated connected with nearly all big into the schedule. The congress cities of the world and offers a would offer an amazing mix of number of competitive venues scientific program with pre and for an international meet. The post Congress satellite city is a hub of fast growing workshops. We look forward to industrial and economic activity, this opportunity to meeting and has headquarters of large colleagues for a shared learning, Indian and multinational social and cultural experience. corporates. It should not be difficult to arrange sufficient Looking forward to welcoming sponsorship for the Congress you in WASP Congress in 2016, through its corporate houses. - Professor R.K.Chadda, The city is also a major tourist attraction owing to its rich Chairperson, historical and diverse socio- Organising Committee, cultural mix and a number of WASP Congress 2016 historical buildings like Humayun Tomb, Safdarjung Tomb, Red [email protected] Fort, Qutab Minar, India Gate, - Professor B.S.Chavan, President Estate, Parliament and Organising Secretary, Old Fort and also new architectures like Lotus Temple WASP Congress 2016 and Akshardham. [email protected]

We assure you an outstanding five day educational &

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Tom Craig, Michaela Amering, Driss Moussaoui, Roy Kallivayalil seen after the WASP EC meeting during WPA Bucharest Congress, April 2013

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WASP President Driss Moussaoui’s address during the Award ceremony during WPA Bucharest Congress. Prof Eliot Sorel and Prof Dan Perlipceanu are also seen.

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Asia Pacific Symposium during WPA Congress Bucharest, April 2013. Afzal Javed, Roy Kallivayalil, T Akiyama, Helen Herrman and Y Huang are seen

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WASP E-Newsletter June – July 2013 Chief Editor Dr. Roy Abraham Kallivayalil [email protected] Assistant Editor Dr. Shahul Ameen [email protected] 

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