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Guantanamo Daily Gazette Ol Sunday's flight Editor's Choice Water Usage C-141 Guantanamo 10:00 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 1 Golf Course will open for walkers Roosy Rds. 11:50 a.m. 2:05 p.m. Storage: 10.4 ML - 74% NAS Norfolk, Va. 6:40 p.m. 7:55 p.m. only, no carts will be rented. Hours of operation are 6:30 a.m. to Production: 462K Andrews AFB 8:40 p.m. See page 3 4:30 p.m. Consumption: 1.2ML I Guantanamo Daily Gazette ol. 46 -- No. 214 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Friday, November 2, 1990 NAS tightens security on flight line terminal building and catch a flight By J03 USA PETRILLO without any problems. "The public parking lot and the As of Nov. 7, only authorized terminal building's east side lower personnel will be allowed in desig- level are not restricted areas," said Burma - Burma's military gov- emment has placed new legal re- nated locations of Gitmo's Naval Air King. "This includes the passenger strictions on Buddhist monks. Station's flight line areas and air waiting areas, Air Terminal Office Nine Buddhist sects are being terminal building (AV-600). window, nursery and bathrooms." recognized. Many of Burma's dis- "All naval air stations adopted a If you want to eat at the Country sidentmonks belong to sects other procedure to identify those individ- Kitchen while you're waiting for than thosenine. It'sagainstthelaw ual needing access to different your flight, "We ask that you exit the for monks to form or join any spaces of a flight line," said investi- building at the north side and walk other sects. Penalties of up to three gator in charge of NAS's Physical beside the hangar bay area," said years in prison are being threat- and Flight Line Security Petty Offi- King. "We are no longer allowing ened for monks who violate the law. cer 1st Class (SW) Jordan King. people to cut through the hangar bay "These areas include various mainte- or walk around the south side of the Tokyo - Two time bombs ex- nance departments, air operations, building." ploded in Tokyo Thursday night, weather station, hangar bay, north King added for those needing to killing one police officer and and west side of the hangar building conduct financial business on Lee- wounding six others. The bombs and Fleet Composite Squadron Ten ward Point, there won't be a problem exploded in a police dormitory. (VC-10)." either. "Right now, we are giving Police say the bombs apparently King added each authorized per- people authorization to use the Cen- Senior Chief Petty Officer (SW) Raymond Hines, NAS Security were planted as a protest against son's badge shows their picture and tral Fidelity Bank Window." King Director, presents COMNAVBASE Capt. Bill McCamy the first nextweek's coronation of Japan's Flight Line Badge. new emperor. Leftist extremists the areas they have access to. said they plan to relocate the Country have vowed to disrupt the cere- "Blocks of numbers surrounding the Kitchen and bank teller window situation being the way it is and ter- have a Flight Line Security Divi- mony. picture identify their designated re- eventually. rorism a constant threat, security is sion." stricted locations." For those need- "This procedure is a result of an being stepped up. And Gitmo is tak- King said he realizes this proce- Egypt - Security sources in ing access to restricted areas occa- inspection that occurred last Febru- ing this stand on heightening secu- dure will take time for Gitmoites to Egypt say a crackdown on extrem- sionally, temporary and visitor ary, not from the recent terrorism rity very seriously." get used to. However, Guantanamo istMoslem fundamentalists led to badges are at the OOD's Office. exercise Gitmo just went through," King said right now the Security Bay residents can rest assure Lee- another 150 arrests today. A However, King added, the aver- said King. "The Navy is hardening Detachment will monitor the pro- ward Point's flight line areas are well fundamentalist group is blamed age Gitmoite can still enter the air their security posture. The world for the slaying of the speaker of gram. "However, eventually we will secured. Egypt's parliament last month. Judge sentenced Beirut - A stick of dynamite ex- N.Y. Daily News strike enters 2nd week ploded near theFrench Embassy in UPI - The bitter strike against Daily News," and "not one team- for the embattled tabloid. to prison Beirut Thursday. But police say UPI - One of the few His- the dynamite did not hurt anyone the Daily News has entered it's sters truck will deliver ink to the Theodore Kheel, an unpaid ad- and did not cause much damage. second week with no end in sight. Daily News." viser to the nine striking unions, said panic federal judges in the nation The explosion occurred outside an In a show of support for the More rallies are scheduled for he has put together a group of people received a six-month prison sen- unfinished building about 600 strikers, 13,000 people massed today, with groups ranging from who would like to purchase the tence yesterday. yards from the embassy's main outside the Daily News headquar- unionized firefighters to minority news from its current owners, the Federal District Judge Robert gate. ters in Manhattan lastnight to dem- journalists planning to join the pick- Tribune Company of Chicago, and Aguilar was sentenced in San onstrate against news management. ets outside news headquarters. publish it in a joint arrangement with Francisco for lying to the FBI Leaders of the city's largest unions Union leaders also said that be- the New York Post. and disclosing wire-tap informa- vowed to choke the paper if it does ginning this weekend, they would Kheel said the deal he proposed tion to a mobster. USA notreach an accord with the strikers. begin boycotting businesses that to Tribune Company President Aguilar had a reputation as a Local teamster leader Barry advertise in the paper. Charles Brumback involves giving liberal jurist during his 10 years News Feinstein said "not one teamster's Yesterday, Daily News manage- news employees 20 percent equity in on the bench. Aguilar's defense was an attack on the government, Seattle - The first black ever truck will deliver newsprint to the ment rejected a possible sale offer the paper. commissioned as an officer in the accusing federal agents of perse- Navy's music program was swom cuting him in retaliation for his in today. Musician Chief Petty Iraq offers hostage families visiting rights sometimes anti-government rul- Officer George Thompson be- ings. UPI - The standoff in the Bush dismissed Saddam's offer, say- top PLO official in Amman, Jordan, came a limited duty officer at a U.S. District Judge Louis Persian Gulf is three months old ing, "I don't think he'll win the hu- says Iraq would free all the hostages ceremony in Seattle. He opened Bechtle was transferred from today. Iraq is offering to let the manitarian award for this." the ceremony himself, conducting if it is guaranteed that there will be Philadelphia to preside over the families of its so-called foreign The president warned that the a brass ensemble playing "The no military action to end the stand- trial. After sentencing Aguilar to Star Spangled Banner." Th- "guests" visittheirlovedones during time for diplomatic pressure is run- off. six months, he ordered Aguilar to ompson has immediate orders to the holidays. In reaction to Saddam ning short. But he denied he was In other developments, the state pay a $2,100 fine and give 1,000 become a bandmaster in Washing- Hussein's offer, White House "trying to prepare" the country for department said the U.N. backed hours of community service when ton. spokesman Marlin Fitzwater asked war and said he "desperately" he is released from prison. "Why doesn't he let the hostages wanted a peaceful resolution to the economic sanctions are beginning Seattle - Fifteen people have Bechtle noted that Aguilar is come home?" crisis. to seriously affect Iraq's economy. been indicted on racketeering beginning the process of im- Britain's foreign office called the Baghdad also announced yester- But department officials say the charges in Seattle. They are sus- peachment and disbarment. offer "cynical propaganda." day it will release four sick U.S. measures havenothad any real effect pected of running a nationwide Aguilar remains without bail During campaign stops in Mas- hostages after intervention from an on Saddams resolve to end his three- fraud scheme that bilked banks, while he appeals his conviction. businesses and individuals out of sachusetts and Florida yesterday, American-Arab fellowship group. A month-old occupation of Kuwait. millions of dollars. Officials say the group made a series of fraudu- lent real estate equipment leasing Gitmo Marines honor tradition with the 215th Marine Corps Ball and fraud transactions. Guantanamo Bay - "On Nov. and a local tradition is the annual zette for more details. the ball itself, call Master Sgt. Bretti 10, 1775, a Corps of Marines was Marine Corps Ball at McCalla Han- For information tickets or about at 2330. Ohio -A would-be robber ended upsortofavictim in Toledo,Ohio. created by a resolution of the Conti- gar. This year's festivities include a Local shoppers can 'shop till they drop' The man pulled a gun in a conven- nental Congress. Since that date, sunset parade on Marine Hill, Friday ience store and demandedmoney. many thousand men have borne the evening, Nov. 16, featuring the Guantanamo Bay - "Shop will display their paintings, needle- But he became distracted long name Marine.
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