ABSTRACT Wandapos is not the first pos software, neither is it the last, but wandapos is unique in several aspects, from its conception to its realization. This document

highlights the dominance of wandapos over other pos software, supported with facts. Check it out!

By Why choose Wandapos over other POS software? Dr.-Ing Stanley Mungwe And Sondi Mikael

Steve Jobs Project, Cameroon

October 2014



CAMEROON http://wiki.idempiere.org/wiki/Steve_Jobs_Project




Dr –Ing Stanley Mungwe Sondi Mikael Raphael

Chairman and CEO wiki.idempiere.org/User:Ralph ITKAMER


Get it right!

Why the noise about another POS software?

Why more than 100 downloads in less than a week?

Why the slogan ‘Africa’s gift to the world’?

We freely give out what others don’t.


Contents ...... 2 Get it right! ...... 3 Introduction: ...... 5 Used for this paper: ...... 6 Let’s start! ...... 7 We are open, others are closed ...... 7 We freely give what others ask you to pay for ...... 8 We are a fork of unicenta opos, so, imagine the functionalities we provide ...... 10 Here is a list of the functionalities that Wandapos provides: ...... 10 We provide training at a very low prices ...... 11 We have a vision ...... 14 Strategy ...... 14 Steve Jobs Project core values ...... 14 Matrices for participants ...... 14 Metrics under which participants are measured ...... 14 We keep working on the software...... 16 Conclusion: ...... 17



Wandapos is not what you think it is, it is more than that. Wandapos = stable(unicenta + iDempiere + ).Choosing a POS software for your business has to be a big task, it is not done by imitating or choosing what others use at their frightening maintenance prices. Do you know that the leather Gucci uses to produce its leather shoes are also used by other shoe manufacturers to produce the same leather shoe? But you might be wondering why the Gucci shoe is far more expensive than those of other manufacturers? Well… get it now! It is because Gucci is branded as being the Company that has/is dressing so many stars. Here, at Wandapos, we believe you will brand us, not because you are the biggest company on earth, but because our product is better than others, as per the training and maintenance prices. Yes only the training and maintenance prices, no buying price! Wandapos is free to download. We received freely, so we are giving freely. We are prosumers and not consumers (Check out the Web Economy by Redhuan D. Oon). Wandapos is better than others in the following aspects:

- We are open, others are closed

- We freely give what others ask you to pay for

- We are a fork of unicenta opos, so, imagine the functionalities we provide

- We provide training at a very low cost

- We have a vision

- We keep working on the software

There might be some terms you don’t understand above. Everything is detailed in this document. You will have answers even to questions you did not ask yourself.


Used for this paper:

- High speed internet connection - / Netbeans IDE - Screenshots - Picasa software - Web Economy by Redhuan D. Oon - ERPSoftware by Redhuan D. Oon -


Let’s start!

We are open, others are closed

We believe in the community, in you. We believe you in three ‘kings’, as inspired by the WebEconomy by Redhuan D. Oon; Content, Community and Traffic. Our content is and is being set by you, you generate the traffic, and you are the community. You are king. We are open to any request to be a developer at wandapos, we are open to any criticisms, and of course! To companies that wish to make use of our services. We will not close our services to a group of companies to frighten others because they will look our services to be the best. We are already better than our competitors, and now we are being different from them. We will not restrict our certifications to a group of individuals because we are hungry of fame. We will give you the necessary info to use our software on your own. We will not cheat on you!

Here is a table also made available in our installation guide, of all Wandapos references.

Reference Description Link Wa6ndapos For users who http://wandaapos.com/support.html Support seek support on certain issues concerning Wanda POS

Wandapos Link to download http://sourceforge.net/projects/ Download the latest version wandaposdapos/files/latest/download?source=files

of Wanda POS

Wandapos For developers http://wiki.idempiere.org/Cm:Cameroon

Developers’ who are support interested in working on Wanda POS

Support libraries http://sourceforge.net/projects/wandaposdapos/files/ for wandapos For other libraries needed for smooth operation of Wanda POS

WandaPos http://www.wandaapos.com website For users who want to visit the Wanda POS website

Wandapos Wiki http://sourceforge.net/p/wandaposdapos/wiki/Home/


For those who want to meet the real gurus behind the success of Wanda POS

Here is a screenshot of our support page on our website:

We freely give what others ask you to pay for


We freely give what others ask you to pay for You see it for yourself. I provide this info because Wandapos gives those two buttons free… free as in ‘free lunch’. This functionality is packaged with the application even in Version 1.0!

Now, iDempiere ERP was chosen for the sync because T

The code for the implementation of these buttons was written by Redhuan D. Oon.

Wandapos does not just synchronize with any ERP. It does so with iDempiere ERP. An ERP as seen and published by Redhuan D. Oon, and published in his book titled ERPSoftware is;

The right way of understanding a software is to understand not only what it is needed for but how it has to be done. ERP has to follow these constraints and requirements:

1. It has to do sound accounting transactions that are approved by auditors; 2. It has to cover numerous departments of different roles within an organization; 3. It has to cover numerous roles of users with different access authority; 4. It has to carry processes and data across departments to satisfy different users; 5. It has to be responsive when accessing voluminous data including archived ones of previous years; 6. It has to present data in very well formatted user-friendly tone and design; 7. It has to be secured from fraudulent practice and traceable to source documents; 8. It has to interface with latest web technologies and external 3rd party applications; 9. It has to be able to operate on different computers with different operating systems; 10. It has to follow design of business and operational rules governing its data from different authorities be they internal, external or regulatory; 11. It has to allow changes to its behavior or model constantly or periodically as the case may be.

Now, knowing what an ERP is and the advantages of using one, evaluating the benefits got from using it are outlined above.


We are a fork of unicenta opos, so, imagine the functionalities we provide Get this information from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Openbravo:

Openbravo POS is a web-based Point-of-Sale (POS) application for retail and hospitality businesses. The application came into existence called TinaPOS. For legal reasons the application was renamed to LibrePOS.[13] In 2007 LibrePOS was acquired by Openbravo and it is known by its current name. The program is completely integrated into Openbravo's ERP application. Through this integration it is possible to update stock levels, financial journals and customer data directly in the central database when a POS sales is executed in the stores. Openbravo POS can be applied using PDAs for order intake

In 2009, Unicenta forked Openbravo and nowadays, record so many downloads.

Now, in 2014, WANDAPOS forked Unicenta. So, imagine the bugs we avoid, the community that will follow us and the functionalities we provide.

Here is a list of the functionalities that Wandapos provides:

- Windows XP; Windows Vista; Windows 7; Windows 8; WePOS; ; Mac OSX - Extensive peripheral support includes: Java POS; ESCPos; OPOS; - Switchable/Mixable Retail, Restaurant and Store sales screens - Bar; Cafe; Leisure; Restaurant; Retailer; Supermarket; General Store; Lots more... - Automatic screen resolution scaling from 800 x 600 up - Highly User customizable Sales screen, Ticket and Receipt layouts - Ideal for mobile retailers POS / Pop-up type stores - Customers; Products; Inventory and Multi-Location management - Apache Derby; MySQL; HSQLDB; PostgreSQL; Oracle databases and Cloud hosted databases - Category + Product Import - Multiple Printers + Output to Kitchen Display monitors - 40+ High Quality Reports - Internal Payment Gateways (US) and External terminal support - Chip and Pin - Support FCFA (Central Africa (CEMAC) and West Africa (UEMOA)) Money - Barcode scanner; Weighing Scales; Mag Card; Customer Display - Powerful scripting language - Multi-Language - 15 languages Inc.' English; Spanish; German; French; Dutch; more... - Cloud hosted database capable - User and Role Security i.e.; Admin; Manager; Clerk; Guest Security - Inventory Management - IDempiere ERP Products Synchronization with Unlimited Wanda POS's Stations - IDempiere ERP Customers Synchronization with Unlimited Wanda POS's Stations


We provide training at a very low prices


Over the years, SAP has been regarded as the giant and king of POS and ERP solutions… It is just a façade… the truth was published on the Wandapos website at www.wandaapos.com.

SAP as a company has been very successful in the west, yes successful in providing a complex, expensive and a hell of a software which is will not let business scale. SAP is growing every day in revenue yes but failing every day in bringing proper business tools to millions of small and medium-sized companies in the west.

The Census bureau reports that companies with less than 100 employees account for 98% of the total number of companies and represent over 35% of the active workforce in the USA. This number is bigger even in Germany. Most of these companies have no access to the right software to manage their business operations. SAP has always been to complex and too expensive for them. SAP has been unable to solve their problem in USA, Germany, Italy, and now like any other big company from the west, SAP has stepped up its raid and violence into Africa. SAP has announced on its website that it is extending its footprint in Africa with $500 Million Investment. As other companies will do when they come to Africa it claims it has a seven year plan to up-skill local African talent and drive innovation and growth on the continent, lies, lies, lies, before I get emotional SAP has been in Africa since 1992, its now SAP is realizing that Africa needs innovation. The revenue derived from SAP's operation in Africa, does it remain in Africa or is transported back to the west? Answer me SAP! I met a young man in Cameroon's mountain city, Buea who did an SAP ERP training for 5000 Euros does and SAP is talking about a plan to skill-up Africa, what percentage of young Africans from Cameroon, Nigeria, Egypt etc., can afford for such a training for such a price? SAP according to me has betrayed its intention by the claim on skill-up young Africans. What about the cost of licenses, deployment and support? Africa's emerging economy is made up of mostly small and medium sized companies and they expect software which is affordable and intuitive, easy to be customized, requiring little or no training to use, or in the case where training is required, it should be affordable and there should be a possibility for the young Africans to "prosume" and add value to the software. SAP is closed and you either take it the way it is or leave it!

Our claim is not that we have all the solutions for the emergence of the Africa and its dynamic young but underemployed population. We claim to debunk the lies told Africa by giant companies like SAP and propose a software business model which will sell our young, restless and talented at longer consulting years and at higher value. We propose a software business model that will reverse the brain drain and save our young Africans from always thinking of leaving for greener pastures either abroad or complex expensive and non-scalable giant proprietary software like SAP which is increasing Africa's problem by the capital flight, as their profits are sent back to the west. The top 10 companies in Africa run on SAP. 58 of the top 100 run on SAP. When we take a look at the top 250, 63% are still untouched. SAP's vision is to continue their violence. Yes it's a violence against Africa's youth and its Economy! Japan's Toyota disrupted General Motors, Indian's Zoho is disrupting Microsoft and Google!

We propose a software business model for Africa which will disrupt the world software market specifically SAP by creating and providing software solutions and IT professionals at attractive prices by

12 training and using available underutilized brains in Africa and leveraging the power and the economics of scale of the cyber economy. Instead of selecting and training University graduates and making them pay huge amounts of money for the training like SAP is doing, we focus on qualifying, training and hiring students from under privileged backgrounds. They are trained for a minimum of a year while earning a stipend and then afterwards they are offered jobs. This approach helps unemployed youths to have a decent living while powering the company’s growth, as our in house talents are cheaper the labor market price. Open source projects give us the freedom of changing the code and provides us the window to interact and learn from software professionals all round the world. Wanda POS, our most recent project (www.wandaapos.com) is new Point of Sales from our students after 9 months training. It is a unique open source point of sales software with synchronization with Idempiere an open Source ERP software. Now users all round the world can synchronize all information for customers, products coming from Idempiere ERP to Wanda POS and also synchronize Orders coming from Wanda POS. This software is truly Africa's gift to the world! And in contrary to SAP’s model, we have proven that African youths can help the world with innovation, reverse the brain drain and drive their continent to emergence. SAP stop the violence in Africa!


We have a vision The following are the values that drives our success. This is copied from our idempiere wiki page at wiki.idempiere.org.

The Steve Jobs project Cameroon aims at creating through training at least three Steve-Job-like Cameroonians by 2020, set up a Silicon Valley based company to protect credit of our project results by 2015, set up excellent ERP support call center in Cameroon by 2016, and become a reference hub for Africa and beyond by 2016. This is an initiative of Red1 (talk) (Malaysia) in close collaboration with Dr.- Ing. Stanley Mungwe, CEO of IT Kamer, Germany. This project is now under the proposed KAfrica Foundation.

Strategy Pareto Principle - learn from the guru 20% of his experience that has 80% impact.

Learn by doing - get hit by a bug, and do not rest till you find out what the heck happened.

Learn by teaching - when you tell someone something, more things come right in your mind.

Learn by playing - inter-team contests, role playing and actual field sales and profit.

Some call it branding - we call it 'planting our flag on the mountain'.

Some call it focus - we call it 'attention directing tools'.

Some call it free - we call it 'freedom'.

Steve Jobs Project core values Ensure student and customer success - Obsessive and unwavering commitment to making students and customers successful.

Focus on scoring the goal- Relentless focus on delivering results that lead to the final goal: 3Steve Job- like, and Silicon Valley achievement.

Strive for excellence and visibility- Commitment to a collaborative environment infused with professionalism, integrity, passion, and accountability.

Matrices for participants Metric Metrics under which participants are measured

Punctuality Must be punctual in all aspects and keep deadlines

Documentation Consistently document steps, results and references of every work. Work is not considered until it is well documented


Publish The end result and user guide of every work must be publicized in a community or forum etc. Community is our free tester and natural examiner

Use modern communication methods make the best of modem free or cheap method of communication instead of face to face meetings and phone calls

Transparency When you don't get something say you don't get it

 Using project chat-rooms and email groups is a must  Integrity,  Professionalism  Be hard and diligent  Be honest

Positive "can-do" attitude, goes above the call of duty, strives for personal excellence, focuses on results, and drives customers and student success


We keep working on the software

We have a young and enthusiastic team of developers that constantly review the code and fix bugs. We look forward to having a perfect system to offer the world. I speak with facts. Most of our documents were published after the software was made available for download. The working software was just the start of a big journey. And guess what! You are part of this wonderful journey, since you are reading this document.

Below is a table of the Wandapos Development team and help desk. Just Google the names and be stuck by what you see. No more comment!

Contact name Contact Type Department Telephone Email address (Cameroon) Redhuan D. Project Guru ERP systems (00237) Oon 76781554 [email protected]

Dr.-Ing Stanley (00237) [email protected] Mungwe Project leader Medical 79910862


Eyog Yvon Developer & Software (00237) Leonce Tester Engineering 72469067 [email protected]

Tatiotir Senior Software (00237) [email protected] Raoul Developer & Engineering


Sondi Mikael Developer & Networks (00237) [email protected] Support Engineering 76724430

Fonyuy Developer, Software (00237) [email protected] Taryuni Support & Engineering 77952965

Isidore Documentation



Now that you more about Wanda POS software, the choice is yours. We are not selling anything we do not have. We have what we sell, the knowledge and expertise; and we do not sell because we want to get rid of what we have, but because you need what we have!

- Who wants to get rid of his knowledge and expertise? Do you? Surely not.

We do not use any jargons that frighten you away. Our prices are clearly stated on our website at: www.wandaapos.com

We welcome any bug reports at our sourceforge address.

We welcome Developers, because they are the future of the software.

We welcome companies, they are our pride.

We welcome any criticisms and suggestions, they make us better.

We welcome you! You are part of us, just know where you belong.