
• •

READERS NO 1\ )( ( ;\ s \~ 1);' \ u ... : Buy a n.eighbour 0ne for Christmas? SI DE NEW:;

1~ -l ~ c· d =i 1 2 DE C, ) ') 11 ,QjS ,_JI r=.

731 Sewerby Street1 Lliïect.or~ 16. A guide to Services & Organisations in the :tv!o:::s Side area Tel. 061-226-4439 (after 71:m) ONE SHILLING ALL CO~TRIBUTIONSTO THE NEXT f' rom M.0'"·s Side Nevsagerrt s PAPER BY SATURDAY,~rdJANUARY. or the publ.Lsh e rs Mancq.es.ter & WHY NOT SELL TJIE NEWS TO YOUR Salford c~uncil of Social Service FR.IENDS? 16 Quee.n st Manchester M2 5JL Free copy with every 10 you (By Post ls 6d) .. _ sell.

THE IMPORTANCEOF GREENHEYS During the next 18 months we will be seeing the rehousing and demolition of most of the Greenheys/ Carter Street area. It is vi tall;yr important that the people /",- ~ whose homes are being kn.ocked d own by the Corporo..tion get _.~;~J_;;- rehoused as and wher-e the y wan t. One thing tha t we must no t · forget is that the rehousing of t:tris area affects everyone in . · '"!HAT HAPJ?ENS IN CARTERSTREET NEXT YEAR WILL HAPJ?EN TO PARTS OF MOSS SIDE WEST 1~ïI THIN 2 YEAR S, AND TO THE REIVlklHDJ~R OF i·, uoss SIDE YŒST SHORTI,YAFTERWJI.RDS 0 If tl:re people in Carter Street get what tlrey wan t , then the way will be open for the rest of us to have a say iD our i future. If no t , then who knows where vve' 11 all land up? The point is this - for tl~e Corporation to provic1é the housing whi.ch the survey shows the people of the Car:rrer Street ar-ca want,(see opposit page) Mancheffter's housing policy will have •• • r : l to be changed considcrably. This will only be done if the powers-that-be in the Tow11 Hall see that the people El,ren't going to all.ovv themselves to be pu shed ar-ound like she e p ,

For instance9 if the inhabitants of Greenheys said1 "Not one of us is going to move out of Greenheys until we1re offered the ao commodat.i on we want "9 thon the Council will have to rethink i ts po Li cy fairly quickly. Be cause 1,ve feel i t is so Lmpor t.an t , we will co rrt.i.nue to report in c1otail what is 2:oing on in Carter Street in future issues,

·--THE FUTURI:·----~OF THE FA"PER. Therc will not be a Moss Side News 't on the 27th December since we feel in nead of a rest. The next issue will come out on the 10th January 1970. Pr om then on we are ~robably goi~g to came out monthly instead of f'o r-tru gh t Ly , Tho mai.» r oa sou for this change is that the strain of publishing so fregucntly icf nt presont stretching. our limited resources. ..

militant meeting • by He Lon; Dune en & Rogor Jo.ckson

It vms dï:s:hoo.rtoning · to . sec the obvious 2.ngor end m.ili tcmcy of mo at, · of -the 80 o.r sa. people o:t:t the People' s Associo.tion meeting dcmpcrroû an« cxploi tod by Mr-, Po.t; Po.g.ct,Moss Sida Lo.bour Po.rt;y Agent c.nd Rov..Bri2.n Jo.cks.on,Ministcr of Gr-orvt \Vostcrn St. Mcthodist Chur chc Fo r- dcap i te cnccur-ag i ng ... rcpor-ting from Rousing Action Group mcmbcr-s o:hout whr:..-t· tbJ.e g:rrnup has bccri d od.ng end o. blunit; and rcvoo.ling speech by Mike Ross c>.bou-t Mo.nchostcr · hou s Lng polic;w;w"hcn ïit; came, to. clo.rif;ying, tho Ls.suc s wcr-o corrîu scd by Po.got: and Jo.ckson' s poli ticoJ.. gyrn:n..'1.stics.


Aftcr n, A. G ~ membcr-s had Bu t.torworth St. \°i 6 nust; act., outlincd r-cccrrt · c-,ctivi tï.c_s ,: wc must resist this treEJ.t• mos.t impo:riir.ntly th:os:o· in. the ment and· stop thn Town Ha'Il, Co.rtc..r St. c Loar-nncc o.roo~. rcpcating thcir disastrous Mike Ross apoko , s.lo.rnming,fih.o polieies,doscrib.od by one council's housing policy,on apoakcz- o.s: · · wh.ï.ch sub j e;e:it ho he.s d.onc. c-.,. 0trHE TO\TN. HALL BUILDING lot of· rcsco.rc.h.Ho grwo o. num.• STABLES ]?OR US ON THE MOORS ber- of di.sturbing Lne'trinco s AND V/HùPPINGUSJ THERE11 of the f:Lno.ncio.l intorost~s t-J:'Dc.t ccr-t ca,n Aldormcn and PART.Y LINE Councillors hrwc in fir.ms. · lillov,r ar-o wo going t.o be tre• t.œ.t. rccci vo: C oz-por-a t ion o.tc.d by t:h.c counc-i.L whcn corrtz-ac t.e, · our turn cames - this was T:lœo. To.tm Iful].. is · no-s confu ecê ;' the issuc,but unfortuno.toly· hte aa i.d , ithey- kriow very well acne pecpâie wanted tIDJ une itlw:tt à. family wi.11 move any-«. t:his ~coting for iili.cir ~wn whier-e, against itheir ovm. cho- poli tico.l ends .Mr. Po.g.ct, once ie es, rather than · f'ac Lng t-he o..go.in borvat Lng :for itb.o Lo.bOJUr .. fright:ening prospect of' Par-ty , wo.s mono .interosted heing ::t.ef.t in a s.treet vü:th ir.i his own pnrty line,which ithe surrounding_ hou ses dem- :fc.hls fo.r short oi the aama o Lf.shad , :hrl.f este.d wi. th r-a+s whtlch wcr-o being di.scussed. and. vulnérable ito burglo.ries. Ho manngo d to get yct ::mo• Sue:h: térrors had never been ithcr ros.olution to the resisted unitil the people of' eounc LL pae s ad , that we c'.ll Rutterworth St. Br~dford know will soon die in,thc decided to. res:ii.s.t.: , as a· group, . wo;sto baako-t :Jtn üddi tion ilD until ithey got the hcu scs i:hc more cxpcr-Lonc cd politico.l the y want cd , in thte nar-eas profi:toors an omrvtcur- s t cpj-ed i:hcy chose o in. Ruth Dunklcy· inn.ppropriotcly usod imo meeting to announc o STl...BLES ON T.HiE M.OORS. thr1.t sh c hopes ito at cnd as en Lndo.po ndcrrt; in the West Feeling in the meeting war-d , wo.s mili tan.t, a.s more people Funny how ovcryono' s intonestod epckc , in s.ympathy wi.th just boforo olGction timc! ( c orrté.nucd ) 4.

1-n b\,/ E..PH . On Wednesd8.y I werrt aâ.ong to the monthly council meeting a't the T.ownHall. On. the agenda was the medicEü officers report and rccomm.endation to dec Lar e unfi t 800 houses in the :Sickley Street Area. The Compulsory Pur-chaae Applica• tion for the Monton Street Arca 1. 2. 3. was a.Lao being discussed. Pat Page t , of the Eoss Side Labour Party, held a meeting on Friday concerning the :Sickley Street Aren. Whether the resic1ents are not awar-e of the streets LnvoLved , or what their attitude is r-egar-dâng c Lear-ano e , wasn • t f ound out as the a't t endnnce was meagr-e, A pi ty renlly bec auao many questions were answer-ed and a que s t i.onrd r-e v.as comp• iled to help sort out the numbers who warrt to r-emad n loc• e,lly. Tenants will not be notified unloss the Land.Loz-d or the agent c anes to tell thcm. Ovmer Occupiers will eventm:üly receive 2, form. to fill in. The c Lear-anoo will bogin in appr-ox.imo.uo'Iy 3 y ear-s time. Ownez-Occupicrs will have to wai t up to 2 yeo.rs for their money aftor being re• housed I wonder if the corporation vlill let them live ront free those two ye ar-s until they get their money to r-cpay i t. I think if property is being Compulsory Pur-chuae d then the money to doit with should be there. Me,ybe som• eone c an answez- these questions to the sntisi'action of those concerned. Another i tom e.t the council meeting wac Rn obj oct ion by a councillor to the inc1ustrialisea. building uni ts going up on the redevelopmenit si tes. H.e ar'gu ed thEi.t i t wo.s casting more to build this way tihan the trt'l,c.l.itionally buâ.Lt hous eu , The time aave d was ne sma.l.L i t was unjustifinble to use this mo thod. Haar-I HeEu'! I go pasrt Greonhcys Lane e L tè twico n dny on the bus and sec thcae egg boxas going up and I "m a.otormincd I will not live in these Grey flat concrote hl8.Sses. Isn't it vossible to add colour to the concrote mixture and mould i t into brick or atone affect uni ts. If we have to have high ri:.ë:c then mako the pill moro ::_,o,l8,t2.bloto sw2.:î.l0vv. A strong pï:·otest went on E'.bout battery hens but not n peep for humans being tronroa. on a par Hi th them. ~ïlw,t

.. ~.: .. TOWN l-lALL TELLS CARTER ST .. °'vJt"1 ERE 'ro ë; o /

THE PEOPLE OF THE CAB.TER ST. AREA ARE FIGH'rING FOR THEIR FUTURE: THEIR ENEMY - THE TO\'VN HA:LL l RALF THE FAMILIES IN THE CLEARANCE AREA SAY THEY WANT TO LIVE : IN IWLME. ONLY. ONE. FAll/lILY !N TWENTY CHOOSE TO LIVE ON AN OVER• SPILL ESTATE. 338 RESIDENTS.SlGNED.A PETlTION DEMANDlNG THAT THE COUNCIL GUABANTEE.THEM A HOUSE Vi/HERE.TtIEY .CHOOSE.BEFORE THE GOVERID/IENT ALLOW THE COUNCIL TO .DEMOLl SH THEIR OLD HOUSE. THESE FACT S WERE TOLD THE GOVERNl'IENT lNSPECTOR AT THE PUBLIC lNQUIRY . ON NOV .25th ( see .the last i·ssue of the 'News'). Tlill TOWN HALL I S TOOBLOODY l'l[NDED TO LI STEN TO WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT. 1'fr Crawler, assistant To\vn·Clerk,.stated at the Inquiry that the Corporation is no t . prepared ·to link demolit-i.on wi th re• housing in the same locali ty. The p_eople have to choose between whatever accomodation is available at the time Carter St. is cleared. The Town Hall says the people * * * * are asking the impo~ible, but OF THE NEV! HOUSES NEXT YEA.R are they? .What are the facts WILL BE IN OVERSPILL ESTATES. behind this head on clash? That may.mean that more than the 5% of Carter St. people Where.are the new houses? who chose overspill will ;·: The Corporation plan to build . have to move onto one. But some 3,780 houses in 1970. if all those who put an Over 450 OF THESE NEW HOUSES overspill as their first WILL BE IN HULMS - WHY CAN I T choice were given it, any T~ C.OUNCIL RESERVE i OF THESE fa:mily who rea11y wants to, FOR CARTER ST. PEOPLE? stay in the city should be The Council says the able to. BUT SOME PEOPLE WHO houses may be needed for other CHOOSE AN OVERSPILL ESTATE clearance areas. But the other DON1T GET OFFERED IT - SO clearance arèas have their own WHAT'S THE TOWN HALL UP TO? local housing developments - . 3. The Council says i t i s in 1970 360 houses are planned too slow and expensive to to be built in Bradford, 300 co-ordinate clearance with· in Ardwick, 280 in Harpurhey, re-housing, so that local 250 in Collyhurst, and 370 fur• people can live locally ther out at Blackley. THERE afterwards. THIS I S RUBBI SH. HAS ALSO BEEN ][[LITANT LOCAL - IF LONDON AND SALFORD CAN G ROUFS IN BRADFORD, ARDWl CK, DO.lT, WHY NOT MANCHESTER~ HARPURHEY AND ELSE\VHERE DEMAND• lnfact in ·Moss Side West ING TO BE REHOUSED LOCALLY. the time of re-building after 2~ The Council says that alot demolirion would need to be of people have got to be re• speeded up if locals are t6 housed on overspill estntes if be re-housed locally. And' the quality of the new housing su.ch 'phased' re-development i s to be an improvement. Du.ring wouldn't cost the coùncil '70 280 new houses are planned any more if they made the for Knutsford, 200 for Wilmslow, · private builders pay the . 180 for Hattersly, 150 for Sale, extra costs if contract dates and 100 for Bury. INALL OVER i were not kept to. P.Ï.O. (, 4. The council says i t can •t The new àaite'r St '1s all fields treat a r-ea s as a complete The new carter St plans are com.munity, but only individual a model of what the council is familie_~· Why no~? WHO IS THIS up t o , They claim to be ~edev7 ClTY BF.J.NG RE-BU".LLT FOR - . TJIE eloping the area for res1dcnt1 GREA.TER. BAPPlN:E:ss OF THJi; PEOPLE al use but ONLY 25% WILL BE os THE C01'1-VEDTlENCE OF THE TOWN USED FOR HOUSING. TEE PRF~SENT BALL MACHINE?·. . -i533 DWELLINGS.ARE _TO BE RE- .· Most peop.l e want houses, not flatsPLAC:C:O BY. ONLY 146. MOST OF . · . . . . . ! THE LAND WILL BI!: USED FOR SCH- J · of the. Carter St fam1l1es. - ooL PLAYlNG FlELDS( 40%) and ·,say that a new hou se for ~heir · NEW ROADS ( 33%). Are such o Ld , and .no t a flat o.r maisonette,. extensive playing- fields, is what they want. But und e'r ·· eut off from the comminâ ty pre.sent council po l.i.cy :11-ost new by fencing,really th~. best a ccomoda't Lon near the ci ty centre. u ae ' of the land? is ·flats and maisonettes - you Of those 146 new houses have tt o go· ti:/ an overspill to - 86 are flats and maison- get~.a new house unless you ~e ettes, 60 are houses. very lucky! Yet normal terrace This is an improvèment on housing can be built at the Hulme but only 14 of · .. -~ same densi ty as maisonettes - those 'houses have· 4 bed: · · and cheaper ! rooms.

~.·~ of. the Carter St people. have 5 or more people in their Government action or local f'atni.Ly , .and ..10% have 7 people militancy? or 'moz-o , Are the se J.arge fami• This conflict ·between wha t lias being catered for? The .t ho people warrt arrt wha t ·: numbe r :of hou.ses in Hulme wi th the Town Hall plans:to give 4 bedrooms is very f.ew; the them was presentes to the number éouncil house that can Government Inspector. THE comfortably take a 7 people GOVEIDH.'illNT. l\'fA.Y LI STEN \'VHERE fauri.ly is vertually ~onexistant. THI! TOWN HALL HASN 'T, BUT I S THE COUNCIL PENALlSING THE RESIDENTS ARE ALR.F..ADY THINK LARGE -FAMLLY? 1.i'TG. ABOUT -THEIR NEXT ACTIONe ··-·- ·------NEW DWELLINGSAV.iüLABLE FHOM THE NEW DWELLINGSTHE CARTER MA.NCHES1rER COUNC.lL .LN 1970 STREET AREA PEOPLE WANT - lnner City: Hulme 4-60 50% · ·want to live in Hulme :Bradford 360 i.e. 60% Ardwick 300 24'.t'o warrt to live wi thin Harpurhey 280 3 miles of city centre Collyhurst 250 (other than Hulme) Others 580 5% want to live on over• spill estates. Outer City; Blackley 370 Wythenshawe Pk , 90 70% want a council house i.e. 10% 8, not a flat or mais• Overspi]-l: Knuf sford 230 onette Wilmslow 200 33% of familïes 'have 5 or i.e. 30% Hattersly 180 more people in them. ' Sale 150 Bury 100 Tetal: 3,780 new bouses in Qthers 230 '70 - but how many will get ------__ ]21,1j.l t? -~-·~- 7. 1. Whq:4 :t-T: .t i.ono.Li,ty Wér.S I:2.riG Tu.ssc1,ud. \· 2. ..ho W[l.s Vle,dmirir Iillich Ulianoff.

'Vihnt religion is the Aghn Khan Head of.

4. V/hcn was tho Ci vil Vfor in Gree:1,t Br'L to.in. 5. Who ·:rn.s the Kin.2, e,t the time.

6. Who 'dRS the L:.nous vcgc tar-Lan d.r::1.m:.1.tist.

7. Who ,·1E1.8 the pa irrtuz- of 11Tho Las t Sup:pcr;:.

(J ,., u. Whc1,t wae the nome of the Norwog Len explorer 1861 - 19300 .. 9. Vlho vzas shot f'or he Lpi.ng rofugccs in· the first v/ orld Wo.r. - 10. Vv'lw,t was the other nemo of Samue l, Langh.oz-no Clemens o 11. Who wo.s the bishop of Worcester in 1535.

l2o Who or'gand s ed the Ar-ab.ian Army in the first èKorld WE.1,r.

l3. Who invented v.:irolcas tolegraphy. .J>; ~::, 14. Who built St. Pauls. +\ , '0 \~ 15. Who wr-ote Il .?ho C onplcat Angler. ;; /\ n' / . n \...:J'. t>: 16. Who discovered Rad ium, :--=--- 17. Who was Andre Amp I ore. y\~ - 18. How did Lord Kitchener die. 19. Which Egyptio.n mumrayW8.s f ound in ! ., 1• 20 • Who wrote 11Thc Song of Riuwathc.

2l. Wherc W8.S James Wolfe killodo \ 22. Who waa the wife of Leofric of Mcrcia. ,_,_,, 23. Who crcnted the thirùror. 24. Who c ompos ed 11Tho Gondoliers" j \_ \ LJ 25. Who succeedcd Willi8m 1 V. Answors on pD,gc nine. .: !/ \ '-..------. '-.._;

·~· 8. Guyana

METElvI - GE 1 lb gre:en bananns 1 lb swect 1ot[l.toes 1 lb y::-1.ms or coco -à- lb bLack or white tripe ~- lb aaL t f i sh 1 medium size onion (finoly chopped) 1 sma'LL tomnto ( eut in quar-tor-s ) i p~ cre0mod coconut IViETHOD Peel c.nd wash 8.11 vege tab Les and snL t fish, and p'Lace in a medium s i.z o aauc epan vli th the y;:•ms o r coco gt the · bottom of the pot, the e,rcon bananae nex t and swe c t po trvt• oes on top. r eu t Sé:Ü t fLsh on top and just cover vrith wv..ter. Chop onion finely and put in, o.Lao the c r et med coconut and tomnto. Cook on o. medium light, and when coconut h[I.S mel ted o.n~ there is 2. curd in the pot add tripe and simmor till vogot;:i.bles are o o olce d ,

COOK UP nrcn 1 pigs tri.il ·l lb black or white tripe (eut) i lb bl~ck eyed pe0s -} pk creomed coconut 1 medium size onion (choppod) -1 lb .br-own rice · .' -1- lb s tewa.ng mea't 1 ama Ll, tromrvt o .IVIETHOD aock b Lack oye pcas ovcr-ni.gh t , eut up pigs tc:ül 2.11.d wash , eut up s t ewa.ng mervt nna. put them t o boil wi, th the b Lack ' cye peas until peas ar e ncar Ly c o oked , there should be rvt Leas t one p Lrrt .of fluid loft on the porvs to whi ch r-i.co c oconut, onion and tonmto ch ouLd be ri.ddcè. o.Lao é:1. pinch of sEù t if necessary, when the pot s tar-t s to boil o.rld tripe End s t i.r- Lerw i.ng on 8, Low light urrt i L r-i c e is c o oke d ,

. .... ":. / .:.~;-,k,.-----'f"\\~'J . r --.... . ' >-r· ~\ J 3 '-~ ' - -" _..-.-,.( ,.·,~ <~:,.., \ . ~, . . . I"-.,,, ;. 1 1--'-<..:_ "-..J! .. t \\ \..... I .... -' ·-- . :-:: ...... ~ 0 t d . Moss S ide ---

Si tuated between \fostwood Street and Bar-t cn Street: is ,a row o.f. small houses wi th a. Large communal garden kn.own as the \i/estwoad Homes. The se houses were buil t. in 18«1 by g Mr •. Jiohn. Rcb i.ns on. o.f Vlestr10od Ha'l L, Le ck , Staffs. In memory af his daughter Emily. · 11r. Robinson wRs cha.i rman of Sh.él.rp SterrRrt & Co, engi• .. ·-·1·· "iiecr·s~···ofOxford Street, I:.'iEm. l1ester (whar-e Toot1:ü' s wnre- ! house is now situc1.ted) and the original condition of the Trust. deed was for super-annuat.od workm.en or thcir wi.dows t.o live rent f'r-ee , 8, sum of 13/= a week for married c ouj.Lc s : 10/= for single persans. The accomodation is for three married couples and six single Lnma't e s .• Wh en, Sharp Stewart &. Co. , zioved from Mc1,nchester to : e, Scotlnnd on Clyde.side, the original candi tions wcr-e mod• ified so that Emy needy persans may app1.y. There. is no religious qua'Li.t'Lc a't i.on for residcncc. Tvvo of the originRl governers were the rectors of St, Saviour's Chorlton-on-Medlock, and St. J,rnn.es .Moss Siüc. The houses are now Ln, 8. rathcr d i.Lap i.d a t ed state and .· Rre probably due for clemolition within the next two yearc • .-.... .,,---.. ,,,--..._ ,...--....._, ~ r:J---'-/ '-"' '--" '-"' '-~~~ J.~.\.. (') ~~s_w_E_~~!!::'.~'rn.:1~3__~1::~7\;0{ ~*l _, ) 1. Swiss. . 14. Sir Ch~istophcr Wrd( ))~~( 2. V.I.Lunin. 15. Ezaak \/nlton. 0. () 3. Ismailli Mah.orueûarie, as. Picrr Curie and his wife. );- ·- 4. 1600 - 1649. 17. French scicnt~st, the Anp wa~ ' 5. Ch8.rl;3,s 1. named o.f~er ham, 6. G.B. ùhaw. 18. Drowned 1n 1916. -i··)L. · r,.Î 7. _Le?n8.~doDa. Vinci. 19. T~tEmldw.mcns. ~ 7L a \1· 8. Fr1dtJof Nane an , 20. H.W.Longfellov,. .

r)..\: ...:.~ ~ ./~ ~/ I'\\ -~~ ~ ~ I::, ==~./-:;-:::S- '# (). ~ · · · _-. -..._ =- -- -: rv11:: 1=\t~ '( ~~-=- -= [ / cJ t~~~XMA.S//,r- -~~ )) () • "',, 1 '/§ J' ".;: '- I ! \ \ \· ' /";--- ~~~~~~~__7-~-.__/~ ___/· 1-f I G 1-1 R l s E - 1-l 1 G 1-\ p R \ C . E .! ~---~, .•. . • b . T-/ • l S .. . . > . . .. _ . , .,. , y .:li;e.1:-: :um.ner. . . We ar-e a'Lways': be rng Jtàld by ··thcrne>"who' kriow wha t ' s good:-.for u a" t!n.at. sky, scraper blocks of f'La t.s , and system buil t :m.aisonettes are: essential in the redevelope:m.~nt of our modern cit.ies. There are. +wo main. arguments put, for.ward in th.eir favour; one is c o s u and the second is spac e , Whnt a, lot of ;rn~:-*;rnnonsense:! As far 'a8 the cost of tow~r blocks are concerned it is a Corporgtion c La im to work to f'ac t .that they .c8.n be anythir.rg e. densi ty of 8.pproximately 85 f'r-om, '20% tro 80% more expensi ve · po op'l,o to the acr-o l ;- to buil'd 'th.an. ncrmat. tcrrac.ed· Gi ven the unsatisfactory type h.ou.ae s of brick. In the cas e of buildings, wh i ch. are ugly, oî system bu.LLt; ma.i s one ttaa , expcnsivc and terrible to live i t was statéd. by .Cllr Dean in in the question wc must a s.lc is th:a l\.fonciiliester· Council · on'Ly WHY· DO THEY IŒEP ON BUILDING this month the.t. a development . . THEïVi? Pe rhnps one reason is A, " o.f. brick buil t; houses Ln Nor.th• ·the f'ac t thc1,t the big c ontrri,c- 9 • enderi· had cost ~1,000 per urii~ tors? «h o hrw o invcsted mi.11:ions " le.ss th8,n, system bu:ilt, housing in I'ac t or-Los and plant, for elsewher.e tm; th:c . city. In f'ac t; system building, constantly the re .. a.I, cost of high flat.s is woo locnl planners witlu their not apparent .at 'a first g Lanc s schcmes. They of.Jâor. overwor.kcd b e cause of the Ministry· of bcr-ougnr [',rchi tects such: extras Ho1tsi11g subsidy which was ad• as doing all the dr-aw'i.ng s, i.n justed in favour of tower flats f'ac ü nll the de s i.gnang . for them s o that., th:e higher the b Lock in paclcago . cleals. \ïo must re- . the; more. t4?' goV:f}rmrienii.: pays .momber- that. local offic La Ls arc. towards eabh. dwG:J,.ling·;· just a s vu Lne r-ab Le as Emy one WheE. ie.· .c ome to look n t the els~ to high!·pressure salesman• quep3t,i011 Of 'Sp8.Ce, this a.l s o .· t3hip. is ,a. ·°fEÙse .argument! Por j;nst• ance 1 'in Haringcy, London, in The f'ac t tho.t local· of-r'icials · :"the. pas t two or th1~ee years,. -~-re subj cet to .euch pr-e s aur-o's ithé Council has built, develop• mako s i t Rll the rnor-o impqrt:.. . · Ihents of TV/0 STOREY HOU SES, ' arrt for local pecpt c t o · exert :\vi:th a fcw old pe op.tcn flats, ~pressures of the.ir own, It. Ls at a density .of 110 pcioplc ta.· ifter a1i·supposed to be us~ ït11:~ acre. The nozma.L d ens.i ty ... thRt the riew buÎld-ings arc f·ar, ':&Qr.clevelopments contnining not. the pi-of'L ~ inargins of the ·''lt many :22 s t or-ey .b Loc ka is about; ·big building contractors~ . As 136 · to the acre. This is agaf,n Cllr. Dean said in ario thnr- · ·io be to be considered in th.e ·9-ebfl,tc11You "r c' condcmnirig. people light of the fact that_ M/ c ·to ,,a battery: hen exîstcncci, m pooz qua.l i ty s tuf'f", 11 -t-----~.:: . ..,... ------...... - ., DUE TO Dit'F:t.CULTY I~ HEATIIfü/THE PIŒMISES\ THE. NEXT FEV/ l-lou~H\IG 'A-·~cT.IOf\\ ,:;;G>Rou P \VL~,ET.-HJ(î-5 •, WILL BE HELD AT 23,. SEVŒRBY STREET. ,, .. ' NEXT MEE.TING -:HH, ''.bHUHS·IlAY 18th DE0E1ViBER. 8 ._o·op.in.: ELECTION

Thu circua is com.ing to town~ Bring on the bnnd s o.nd. the bunncr-s , Hing out the bclls é:1.nc:1 the speeches, Thoy':ro 1:1.ftcr your voto,Mrs.Jonos.

You~ll bo nskcd your opinion sincoroly, Thora 111 bo stro.ngors ab ou-s in the stroot, The kicls will got kisses nnd pennies,

Th0y' r-c o.ftor your vote 1Mrs. Jones. Thora'· 11 be a.r00.ms of [', now lif o returning, Of hausos ond go.rdens for o.11, Of o. shop nt cnch corncr,yos r-or.L'Ly , If you vote for the mnn o.t the door.

And whon the ahou s i.ng . is ovez-, Will we cùl ho tho scmo o.s bcf oz-o, Y os, t-hcy '·ro c oming, ge:t r-oady , thoy I rc c oming, Thcy'ro nftcr your blood,Mrs.Jonos. SELNEC P or the Laaf monüh, or tvro th.ose f'ann.Lâ.az- old Corp• oro.tion buao s fuo.t wo hiav c but thi.o now soom.s vcry ail grown to lov-c so muchi.(?) unlikcly-. have.: b ccm l:!ailing undoz- fo.l• SELNEC's first. ob_j oc.tivc so c o.Louz-s, is t.o. mr.ko o:11 services Tho ncw Soufu Eo.st. Lcrrcs pO)C' for ·1t.ri.cmsclvos·,end ... and N:orth Enst Cheshire thcir fixst. o.ction ho.s (SELNEC f'or short) Rogiono.l be.en to tcy- ·to put o. Tro.nsport. Authori ty has surchC'.rgc o;f 3d on o.ll bus t.o.ko!ll.ovcz conrtx-oL from tTuo journios in the ru~h hour. City Counei.L, But -fuis isn '-t_ o..11. Tlmc racw o.uthority;- ·con.troils Thoy "r c ci.pplying for an moat.noj' the old bus sor.v:ie:c s.; r.ll-round incronso in o.ll :iin itl:n.o mien ( inc:1.ud:img the bus f'rvr-os , Cit;y buses nnd North Wostcrl!ll.) Bo.th of th.ose Lncr-cas os nmd o.Jls o. hrvs o.. lo.rge sny in will, if ci.groc.d ta; b.y tlino itluc opGl:ro,it;iono:IL . fuc su.burb• govc.rmn.cnt, c omc into. f'oz-c.o an, rnil ecrrv.Lcoa, in JTC1.nu mzy. THE CATCH. SELNEC COMES TO BUTIY BUSE~,, NOî TO FRAISE THillK~ At.. first; si.gtLit; -thio. accma a pcrf.ccitJ.y .. r-caeonab'l.c â d on. ,. 1 :• :.. GAME POULTRY I· . . 1 .. •· ., ,e:· • 8ARB&a>e c.11 ICMIWI ~ ,:a .SPIC-lltUf'V

1 7', -.LE.~R~DRA R~.1 MOSS SU>E h •----·· ......

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PAtrnuq. .