Smart glasses: Interaction, privacy and social implications Ubiquitous Computing Seminar FS2014 Student report Marica Bertarini ETH Zurich Department of Computer Science Zurich, Switzerland
[email protected] ABSTRACT INTERACTION Smart glasses are wearable devices that display real-time The main purpose of smart glasses is to provide users with information directly in front of users’ field of vision by us- information and services relevant for their contexts and ing Augmented Reality (AR) techniques. Generally, they useful for the users to perform their tasks; in other words, can also perform more complex tasks, run some applica- such devices augment users’ senses. In addition, they allow tions, and support Internet connectivity. This paper pro- users to do basic operations available on today common vides an overview of some methods that can be adopted to mobile devices such as reading, writing e-mails, writing allow gesture-based interaction with smart glasses, as well text messages, making notes, and answering calls. as of some interaction design considerations. Additionally, Therefore, although most of the usage of smart glasses is it discusses some social effects induced by a wide-spread passive for the users, i.e. reading content on the little screen deployment of smart glasses as well as possible privacy of the device, active interaction with such devices is fun- concerns. damental to control them and supply inputs. In fact, users Keywords: Smart glasses, Head-worn displays, input tech- need ways to ask smart glasses for instance to open a par- niques, interaction, body interaction, in-air interaction, pri- ticular application, answer something they need to know, vacy, social implications insert content for emails, messages or input fields, or to control games.