Bacterial biopolymers: from pathogenesis to advanced materials

M. Fata Moradali1 and Bernd H. A. Rehm 2* Abstract | are prime factories that can efficiently convert carbon and nitrogen sources into a large diversity of intracellular and extracellular biopolymers, such as ,­ polyamides, polyesters, polyphosphates, extracellular DNA and proteinaceous components. Bacterial have important roles in pathogenicity, and their varied chemical and material properties make them suitable for medical and industrial applications. The same biopolymers when produced by function as major factors, whereas when they are produced by non-pathogenic bacteria, they become food ingredients or . Interdisciplinary research has shed light on the molecular mechanisms of bacterial synthesis, identified new targets for antibacterial drugs and informed synthetic biology approaches to design and manufacture innovative materials. This Review summarizes the role of bacterial polymers in pathogenesis, their synthesis and their material properties as well as approaches to design cell factories for production of tailor-made bio-based materials suitable for high-value applications.

Processive Biopolymers are produced by living and are Although biopolymer synthesis consumes chemical Continuous catalytic reactions synthesized by processive that link building energy and nutrients, it is maintained by bacteria as by an without blocks such as , amino acids or hydroxy fatty acids biopolymers enable them to persist and grow under a releasing its substrate. to yield high molecular weight . Bacteria can wide range of often unfavourable conditions, including

Synthetic biology synthesize various classes of these biopolymers, such exposure to immune responses of the host during infec­ An interdisciplinary research as polysaccharides (composed of sugars and/or tion. These polymers have diverse biological functions, field that involves the acids connected by glycosidic linkages), polyamides such as adhesion, energy storage or protection, and their application of engineering (composed of amino acids connected by bonds), synthesis is regulated in response to environmental principles to biology aiming at polyesters (composed of hydroxy fatty acids linked by stimuli7. Their physicochemical properties are important (re)designing and fabricating biological components ester bonds) and polyphosphates (polyPs; composed of for bacterial behaviours, such as translocation, attach­ and systems. inorganic phosphates linked by anhydride bonds). For ment onto biotic or abiotic surfaces, invasion, protection decades, scientific efforts have been focusing on under­ and persistence. For example, bacteria produce extra­ Cell factories standing biosynthesis pathways of bacterial polymers cellular polymeric substances, which is a general term Engineered cells that have been reprogrammed for because of their involvement in bacterial pathogenicity referring to various bacterial polymeric substances that enhanced production of and persistence. These polymeric substances can func­ entangle themselves into a matrix that encases bacterial desired compounds. tion as storage molecules, as protective capsular layers cells. Production of extracellular polymeric substances is surrounding cells and as major matrix components of essential for the formation of , which are highly biofilms, which are involved in 60–80% of all human structured microbial communities2,8 and one of the most 1–3 1 bacterial infections . However, research on the physico­ persistent forms of on Earth. As formation Department of Oral Biology, 2,9 College of Dentistry, chemical properties of biopolymers also sheds light on is the hallmark of many chronic infections , a large University of Florida, their utility for medical and industrial applications. body of research has been conducted to understand the Gainesville, FL, USA. Recent advances in synthetic biology and bioengineering role of bacterial biopolymers in biofilm formation and 2Centre for Cell Factories and methods allowed the production of innovative biopoly­ in pathogenesis. Such bacterial biopolymers and their Biopolymers, Griffith Institute mers with uses or potential applications in medicine (for biosynthesis and biological functions provide targets for for Drug Discovery, Griffith example, hyaluronate as a ), as additives in developing novel antibacterial drugs. University, Brisbane, QLD, Australia. cosmetic products, as additives in food (for example, On the other hand, extensive research has been focu­ *e-mail: b.rehm@ xanthan and dextran) and as biopolyesters in packag­ sed on harnessing the unique material properties of 4–6 10 11 ing . The rational design of biopolymer-producing bacterial polymers, such as , dextran , xan­ 12 13 cell factories has increasingly attracted research and than and polyesters , in industrial production for s41579-019-0313-3 commercial interest. medical and technical uses. Over the past few decades,

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24 Biocompatible genome and advanced molecular techniques adaptive immune responses . Secreted and capsular A characteristic of biomaterials have generated a large set of data not only providing polysaccharides are used as antigens in conjugate vac­ defined by their non-toxicity insight into the role of bacterial polymers in pathogen­ cines (Table 2). As newly emerging serotypes of patho­ and lack of activating the esis but also for engineering bacteria as cell factories gens such as S. pneumoniae and N. meningitidis reduce immune responses. that produce tailor-made bio-based materials. Such the efficacy of existing vaccines, the development of Homopolymers renewable and biodegradable materials could replace serotype-independent vaccines is becoming increasingly Polymers composed of one oil-based commodity materials and would also advance attractive25. building block. development of novel high-value biomaterials to pro­ , a water-soluble polymer of α-1,4-linked vide solutions for unmet medical needs as they are often and α-1,6-linked glucose, is a widespread form of car­ Heteropolymers 14 Polymers composed of at least inherently biocompatible . This Review highlights recent bon and energy storage that promotes survival during 26 two building blocks. advances in our understanding of bacterial biopolymers, starvation . During the intracellular phase of infec­ reflecting on their biological function and their use as tion, glycogen can have an important role in the sur­ Sessile lifestyle bio-based materials. vival of pathogens, such as tuberculosis, A bacterial growth mode associated with biofilm subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium 27,28 formation and loss of motility. Main classes of bacterial polymers and Chlamydia trachomatis . Polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are polymers com­ Besides their role as virulence factors, bacterial poly­ Opsonization posed of sugars and/or sugar acids. They are classified saccharides exhibit unique material properties (Fig. 2). An immune response by which into homopolymers and heteropolymers and they can be Chemical synthesis of polysaccharides is very laborious, antigens are marked by specific and charged or non-charged, non-repeating or repeating, costly and limited to low molecular weights and has been antibodies to facilitate their and branched or unbranched. Diverse bacteria produce achieved for only a few types of polysaccharides. Hence, recognition and engulfment polysaccharides and store them inside cells (for exam­ microbial cell factories are required for the manufacture by . ple, glycogen) or secrete them either as capsular poly­ of these polymers. The presence of hydrophilic groups Serotypes saccharides that are linked to the cell surface or as free (for example, hydroxy and carboxyl groups) on poly­ An epidemiological exopolysaccharides that contribute to the biofilm matrix saccharides confers high water-binding capacity and classification in which groups (for example, alginate and cellulose)4. When motile, allows intermolecular interactions and crosslinking (for belonging to a single species pathogens produce virulence factors and toxic mole­ example, polymer–drug, polymer–polymer and polymer– of share cules (for example, flagella and ). However, host and cell interactions). Polysaccharides can distinctive immunogenic surface structures. when they switch to a sessile lifestyle, they produce form porous hydrogels that can be used for drug delivery different types of exopolysaccharides as matrix com­ and controlled release of anticancer drugs29,30, immobili­ ponents, such as alginate, cellulose and hyaluronate. zation of enzymes31, tissue engineering30, therapeutic cell This switch to the sessile biofilm lifestyle underlies the entrapment and protection of transplanted cells from the progression of many chronic infections as embedded host immune system32,33 (Fig. 2; Table 1). Hydrogels made or encapsulated cells are protected from immune cells of bacterial cellulose form efficient matrices, hydrogel and antibacterial drugs2 (Fig. 1). For example, alginate nanofibrillar network scaffolds or fibre composites for within the biofilm matrix of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biomedical applications; for example, in wound dress­ provides a survival advantage by protecting cells from ings that deliver human epidermal keratinocytes and phagocytosis1. Alginates (Table 1) interact with divalent dermal fibroblasts24,34–36. Production and application of cations to form dense hydrogels with high water-holding cellulose produced by Komagataeibacter xylinus have capacity15,16. Production of cellulose (Table 1) provides been extensively studied37,38, and a process for large-scale similar advantages to enterobacterial pathogens17,18. production of bacterial cellulose-based ‘rayon fibres’ for produces phosphoethanolamine cel­ use as wearable textiles has been developed. A successful lulose, which forms mortar-like structures to stabilize example of a bacterial used in biomedical proteinaceous fibres. These fibres mediate strong applications is hyaluronate produced by non-pyogenic connections between cells in complex biofilms and Streptococcus zooepidemicus39. Commercial formulations provide resistance in high-shear conditions19,20. Some of a gel-like fluid of hyaluronate were used for injection pathogens, such as Streptococcus pyogenes and into the knee joint to mitigate arthritis pain. cereus G9241, produce a capsule of hyaluronate, a linear Specific enzymes naturally modify bacterial poly­ negatively charged heteropolysaccharide (Table 1) that saccharides to change their material properties and sup­ mimics the structure of hyaluronate found in human port their biological functions (Table 1). For example, the connective tissues. Thereby, these pathogens can hide presence of acetyl groups on polysaccharide chains nota­ their antigenic surface from opsonization and phago­ bly alters the structural conformation and affects chain– cytosis21,22. Serogroup B causes chain interactions, solubility, water-holding capacity, invasive meningococcal disease and produces a capsu­ viscoelasticity and molecular weight16,40–42. Genetic lar polysaccharide composed of homopolymers of sialic engineering of polysaccharide-modifying enzymes in acid (N-acetylneuraminic acid) with (α2→8)-sialic acid bacterial cell factories or the use of such enzymes for linkages. This structure resembles polysialic acid moie­ in vitro modification of polysaccharides allows pro­ ties of human tissue antigens, and such molecular mim­ duction of tailor-made polysaccharides. The design of icry imparts poor immunogenic properties on these materials becomes even more versatile through blending capsular polysaccharides, making the pathogen invisi­ with other polymeric and non-polymeric components ble to the host23. Streptococcus pneumoniae causes severe (for example, citric acid (crosslinking), stearic acid lung infections and comprises more than 100 serotypes (esterifying) and plasticizers). Blending allows tailor­ that produce different capsular polysaccharides to evade ing of properties such as viscoelasticity, gelation degree,

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Meningitis Ulcerative keratitis Upper respiratory tract infection • Attachment Dental plaque PolyP • Biofilm Polyesters • Protection

Endocarditis Phosphate and • Biofilm • Carbon and energy storage energy storage Pneumonia • Aggregation • Protection • Biofilm • Carbon and • Stress tolerance Cellulitis Lifestyle transition energy storage Colon cancer • Encapsulation Motility • Protection Intestinal tract Attachment Capsule Polysaccharides • Carbon and infection nitrogen storage eDNA Urinary tract infection Fimbria Polysaccharides Polyamides

Host immune response

Fig. 1 | Bacterial biopolymers and their functions. Bacteria can survive in diverse ecosystems and infect a variety of living organisms. When produced by bacterial pathogens, secreted biopolymers can function as virulence factors, whereas intracellular polymers are mainly reserve materials that increase survival during starvation. The switch from motility to sessility of bacterial pathogens is a strategic decision that is often connected with the production of exopolysaccharides. Pathogens benefit from the production of high molecular weight polysaccharides as they are an integral part of the biofilm matrix and interact with counterions and other polymers to form a hydrogel-like niche2,16. Furthermore, they protect embedded bacterial cells from environmental stresses, the immune systems and antimicrobial treatment. This lifestyle transition underlies the establishment of many chronic and hard to eradicate infections. Capsular polysaccharides are attached to the cell surface and protect the pathogen from and antimicrobial drugs. Glycogen is an intracellular storage polysaccharide that promotes the survival of some pathogens during the intracellular phase of infection. (PHAs) are highly reduced biopolyesters that function as storage compounds that increase bacterial fitness and potentially function as an electron sink in anaerobic zones of biofilms54,56. PHA-metabolizing enzymes are produced under specific nutritional and environmental stresses to enhance bacterial survival. Polyamides function as bacterial capsules or slimes to protect cells45 or as intracellular storage material. Bacillus anthracis, which can cause lethal infections, produces such a capsule. Polyphosphates (polyPs) are chains of condensed phosphates that function as a storage material with high energy-rich bonds. The metabolism of polyP is positively correlated with the production of virulence factors64,67. Extracellular DNA (eDNA) mediates the surface adhesion of cells and stabilizes the biofilm matrix through interaction with other secreted polymers and cations1. Proteinaceous components such as fimbriae, pili and flagella are extracellular self-assembling nanostructures that contribute to surface attachment, the formation of the biofilm matrix and/or .

porosity and material strength. Such materials have Polyamides. Bacteria can produce polyamides or gained much attention as feedstock materials or bioinks poly() chains (Fig. 3a), such as secreted for 3D bioprinting with numerous biomedical and engi­ poly(γ-d-glutamic acid) (γ-PGA) and poly(ε-l-lysine) neering applications, including , drug (ε-PL) or the intracellular cyanophycin (a copolymer delivery and drug testing43. Cell-loaded 3D scaffolds of of l-aspartic acid and l-arginine), which can func­ alginate or hyaluronate have been used successfully as an tion as capsules or biofilm matrix45,46, or as storage artificial extracellular matrix that provides a temporary materials47,48, respectively (Fig. 1). Similarly to the role environment to support infiltration, adhesion, prolifer­ of polysaccharides in the biofilm matrix, a polyamide ation and differentiation of various cell types, includ­ capsule or biofilm is poorly immunogenic and con­ ing mesenchymal stem cells, fibroblasts, chondrocytes, ceals pathogens such as Bacillus anthracis from surveil­ osteoblasts and embryonic stem cells44. Overall, bacteria lance by the immune system45. Many non-pathogenic are a major natural resource for the production of a vast polyamide-producing bacteria, such as Bacillus licheni- variety of polysaccharides with many potential industrial formis, Bacillus megaterium and most cyanobacteria, and medical uses (Table 1). have been considered as hosts for the production of

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Table 1 | Key bacterial biopolymers and their applications as bio-based materials Polymer Structure Bacterial producersa Unique Potential Commercial and yield characteristics applications applications Alginate Non-repeating Pseudomonas aeruginosa Acetylated, Hydrogels, fibres, films Bacterial alginates do not negatively charged (P), other pseudomonads HMW (molecular and for have GRAS status; algal heteropolymer, and spp. (NP); mass >1 MDa), various purposes, such alginates are widely used β-(1,4)-linked ~26 g l−1 (P. aeruginosa polydispersity as drug delivery , cell as biomaterials for food, β-d-mannuronic acid PGN5 (ref.152)) index close to encapsulation and cosmetic, pharmaceutical and α-l-guluronic acid 1.0, tailor-made tissue engineering and biomedical purposes production (for example, wound dressings and antacids) Cellulose Homopolymer, Escherichia coli (P), Acetylated and/or Hydrogels, fibres, films Bacterial cellulose unbranched Salmonella enterica (P), pEtN-ated, -free and nanoparticles for produced by certain β-(1,4)-linked Sarcina spp. (P and NP), or -free, various purposes, such bacteria (for example, glucose units Agrobacterium spp. HMW (molecular as drug delivery and K. hansenii) has GRAS (NP), Rhizobium spp. (NP), mass ~1 MDa), high cell encapsulation status; widely used in Pseudomonas fluorescens tensile strength, food, biomedical and (NP), Komagataeibacter high water-holding packaging products hansenii (also known as capacity , high (for example, wound Gluconacetobacter hansenii crystallinity index, dressings, surgical and or Gluconacetobacter thin fibrils, high porous dental implants and xylinus) (NP) and structure, forming textile fibres) Komagataeibacter ribbon cellulose, rhaeticus iGEM (NP); high mouldability , E. coli (NP) as recombinant tailor-made host; ~18 g l−1 (Acetobacter production xylinum KJ1 (ref.88)) Hyaluronate Unbranched negatively Group A Streptococcus (P), HMW (>1 ×106), Hydrogels, Bacterial hyaluronate charged heteropolymer, Pasteurella multocida (P), highly viscous, surface-modified produced by certain alternating β-d- Bacillus cereus G9241 (P) gelling properties, liposomes, bacteria (for example, glucuronic acid and and Streptococcus equi high stability , high nanoparticles and S. equi) has GRAS status; β-d-N-acetylglucosamine (NP); Lactococcus lactis, water-holding microparticles widely used in cosmetic, residues linked via Bacillus subtilis and E. coli capacity , tailor-made for many medical, topical, ophthalmologic β-(1→4)-glycosidic (NP) and Corynebacterium and cell-free pharmaceutical, and viscosupplemen- bonds and β-(1→3)- glutamicum (NP) as production food and cosmetic tation formulations glycosidic bonds recombinant hosts; applications (for example to treat ~12 g l−1 (S. equi157) osteoarthritis of the knee) γ-PGA Homopolyamide Mostly Gram-positive Highly hygroscopic, Hydrogels and blends Antiscalant, dispersing composed of d-glutamic bacteria, Bacillus anthracis negatively charged, for biomedical, agent, thickener, food acid and/or l-glutamic (P), Streptococcus chelating cations industrial and additives, humectant and acid units connected epidermidis (P) and bioremediation drug carriers by amide linkages Fusobacterium nucleatum applications between α-amino and (P); B. subtilis, Bacillus γ-carboxylic acid groups licheniformis strains and E. coli (NP) as recombinant hosts; ~44 g l−1 (B. licheniformis134) PHAs Inclusions, homopolymer Gram-positive and Various thermoplastics Nanoparticles, fibres, Some PHA-based or heteropolymer of Gram-negative with melting films, blends and products are FDA (R)-3-hydroxy fatty acids bacteria and ; temperature of composites for various approved (for example, Pseudomonas putida, 60–180 °C, glass purposes, including sutures); applied in Aeromonas hydrophila, transition temperature vaccine development, medical products, Ralstonia eutropha and of ~4–40 °C, 10−80% regenerative cosmetics, food Alcaligenes latus (NP) as crystallinity , medicine, implants packaging, coatings, industrial hosts; E. coli and elongation to break and tissue engineering agricultural films and Ralstonia eutropha (NP) as 3–450% based materials recombinant hosts; ~168 g l−1 (E. coli CGSC 4401 (ref.158)) PolyP Homopolymer of Most bacteria; 127 mg per Negatively charged, Hydrogels or Generally , polyP has orthophosphate residues gram of cell dry weight rich in high-energy nanoparticles GRAS status as a direct linked by anhydride (Citrobacter freundii159) bonds, PolyPs for biomedical food additive; widely bonds (~1,000–1,300 applications (for used for industrial phosphate units) are example, regenerative purposes such as in liquid potent modulators medicine and phosphate fertilizers, of the human blood drug delivery); for water filter cartridges and clotting system delivering high-energy wastewater treatment phosphate for synthesis reactions GRAS, generally recognized as safe; HMW, high molecular weight; γ-PGA , poly(γ-d-glutamic acid); PHAs, polyhydroxyalkanoates; pEtN, phosphoethanolamine; polyP, polyphosphate. aPathogenic (P) or non-pathogenic (NP) in humans.

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Table 2 | Bacterial exopolysaccharides as virulence factors and drug and vaccine targets Exopoly­ Structure Pathogen Pathogenic mechanism Potential drugs Vaccines on the saccharidea and targets market or in developmentb Alginate β-(1,4)-linked Pseudomonas spp., Biofilm matrix component; Alginate oligomers induce Polymannuronic acid; non-repeating Pseudomonas antiphagocytic factor, a greater negative charge alginate; conjugated heteropolymer of aeruginosa protection from free on the cell surface, reduce with various carriers; partially acetylated radicals and antibiotics bacterial adherence and AR-105c,d (IgG1 mAb) mannuronic acid and biofilm formation, bind to targets alginate guluronic acid bacterial flagella and inhibit motility , and disrupt the extracellular polymeric matrix114,160c; alginate lyase degrades alginate and reduces the viscoelasticity of mucoid biofilms161; a class of mercaptoben- zotriazoloquinazolinones inhibits the Alg44–c-di-GMP interaction and alginate production112 Pel Partially acetylated P. aeruginosa Biofilm matrix component; The glycoside hydrolase NA (1→4)-glycosidic protection from certain PelAh targets Pel and linkages of aminoglycoside antibiotics inhibits biofilm formation, N-acetylgalactosa­mine reduces biofilm thickness and N-acetylglucosamine and increases neutrophil killing162 Psl Repeating P. aeruginosa Adhesion of cells to The glycoside hydrolase MEDI3902d (IgG1 mAb)

pentasaccharide of surface for biofilm PslGh inhibits biofilm targets Psl d-mannose, d-glucose formation; protection from formation and reduces and l-rhamnose phagocytosis, oxidative biofilm thickness162 stress and antibiotics Cellulose β-(1,4)-linked Many Biofilm matrix component; NA NA homopolymer of enterobacterial phospho­ethanolamine d-glucose species (for cellulose has a mortar-like example, function and stabilizes Escherichia curli attachment to coli, Salmonella bladder cells; protects enterica and Salmonella enterica Citrobacter subsp. enterica freundii) serovar Typhimurium inside macrophages; antiphagocytic factor Hyaluronate β-(1,4)-linked repeating Group A Biofilm matrix component; NA Group A Streptococcus: heteropolymer of and group C antiphagocytic factor ; Lancefield group glucoronate and Streptococcus supports pneumococcal A N-acetylglucosamine spp.; Bacillus growth on digestion conjugated cereus G9241; with TT carrier ; Pasteurella N-acetylglucosamine multocida Carter -deficient type A polysaccharide conjugated with recombinant pneumococcal SP0435 K antigens >80 serotypes; E. coli (groups 1, 2, Capsular ; antiphagocytic Unnatural cyclic NA (CPS) differ from each 3 and 4) factor ; some are octasaccharide other by their structurally similar to (6-deoxy-6-amino) sugar composition, host cell polysaccharides; cyclomaltooctaose inhibits linkage between adhesion to the host cells; K30 polysaccharide the sugars and their anionic CPS binds cationic transport in E. coli E69 by stereoisomeric formse antimicrobial and binding to the transporter prevents cell lysis Wza163 Colanic acid β-(1,4)-linked repeating E. coli, Shigella Biofilm matrix component; NA NA heteropolymer of spp., Salmonella stress tolerance; fucose, glucose, spp. and protection from antibiotic glucuronate and Enterobacter spp. treatment galactose, decorated with O-acetyl and pyruvate side chains

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Table 2 (cont.) | Bacterial exopolysaccharides as virulence factors and drug and vaccine targets Exopoly­ Structure Pathogen Pathogenic mechanism Potential drugs Vaccines on the saccharidea and targets market or in developmentb GBS 9 serotypes, Group B Capsular, antiphagocytic NA Various capsular poly­saccharides heteropolymer of Streptococcus factor ; interfering with polysaccharides glucose, galactose and (also known as complement-mediated conjugated to carrier N-acetylneuraminic acid; Streptococcus killing proteins are currently N-acetylglucosamine or agalactiae) under investigation as rhamnose are variable vaccinesc Polysialic acid Polymer of Neisseria Capsule component; γ-Cyclodextrin blocks N. meningitidis capsular N-acetylneuraminic meningitidis and molecular mimicry with the Wza transporter163 serogroup A , C, Y poly­saccharides acid with (α2→8)-sialic E. coli K1 polysialic acid moieties and W-135 capsular acid linkages of human tissue antigens; polysaccharide or antiphagocytic factor oligosaccharide antigens individually conjugated to DT, TT

or CRM197; synthetic glycoconjugate of Hep2Kdo2 (the core tetrasaccharide in LPS) and DT164f Pneumococcal >91 serotypes; Streptococcus Capsule component; The glycoside hydrolase Mixture of purified poly­saccharides differ from each pneumonia required for pathogen Pn3Pase degrades CPSs from multiple other by their sugar (8 genetic groups transition from the lung the type 3 capsular types of S. pneumonia; composition, their due to variation in to the bloodstream; polysaccharide of S. conjugate vaccines linkage between cps loci) antiphagocytic factor pneumonia165 containing CPSs the sugars and their stereoisomeric forms Staphylococcus >10 serotypes; CP5 Staphylococcus Capsule component; NA CPS (that is, CP5 CPS and CP8 serotypes aureus antiphagocytic factor and CP8) conjugated have repeating to P. aeruginosa units of N-acetyl Ac mannosaminuronic­ acid, N-acetyl l-fucosamine and N-acetyl d-fucosamine; variable based on glycosidic linkages between the sugars and the sites of O-acetylation CPS, capsular polysaccharide; DT, diphtheria toxoid; LPS, ; mAb, monoclonal antibody ; NA , not available; TT, tetanus toxoid. aLipopolysaccharides (for example, O antigen) are not included. bA complete list of glycoconjugate vaccines is provided in ref.166. cIn clinical trials. dPassive immunization. eSee EK3D database devoted to E. coli K antigens. fAntibacterial vaccination strategy.

polyamide-based materials49. Polyamides are highly PHAs and their metabolizing genes in the context of charged and can be polyanionic (for example, γ-PGA) persistence and pathogenesis remain largely unknown. or polycationic (for example, ε-PL). They are biodegrad­ PHA– mutants of P. aeruginosa showed reduced attach­ able, non-toxic and renewable. Metabolic engineering ment to glass surfaces and reduced stress tolerance in allowed enhanced biotechnological production of poly­ biofilms, suggesting a possible contribution of PHA to amides. Polyamides have been considered as substitutes persistence during infection54. In the plant-pathogen for chemically synthesized polymers in industrial appli­ Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, which causes major cations. For example, γ-PGA can be used as a flocculant losses in rice production, the regulatory protein PhaR not to replace synthetic flocculants (for example, poly­ only represses PHA synthesis but also affects production aluminium chloride and polyacrylamide) in wastewater of extracellular polymeric substances, the bacterial life­ treatment50,51 (Table 1). ε-PL has antibacterial properties style, phenotypic changes and virulence55. PHAs are pro­ as it disrupts membrane integrity, and its crosslinked posed as a sink for electrons under anaerobic conditions; form was used in antimicrobial coatings52,53. that is, in the absence of terminal electron acceptors such as oxygen, they enhance survival56,57 (Fig. 1). PHA synthe­ Polyesters. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) such as sis and mobilization are regulated in response to environ­ poly((R)-3-hydroxybutyrate) are bacterially synthesized mental stimuli, such as nutritional and environmental . They are linear polyesters that are synthe­ stresses, providing a survival advantage55. sized and assembled into hydrophobic spherical inclu­ PHAs have been considered as unique bio-based plas­ sions and they function in carbon and energy storage7 tics that can be bioengineered, chemically modified and (Fig. 3b; Table 1). Although a wide range of Gram-positive processed into high-value medical materials (for example, and Gram-negative bacteria produce PHAs, the roles of sutures, tissue engineering scaffolds, drug carriers and

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Regenerative medicine particulate vaccines) or low-value commodity bioplastics Polyphosphates. PolyP is a polymer of condensed phos­ A branch of medicine aiming (Table 1). Production of tailor-made PHAs via bioengi­ phates (three to several hundred inorganic phosphates) at regrowing, repairing or neering, physical blending and chemical modification that is highly negatively charged and rich in ‘high-energy’ replacing damaged or diseased resulted in improved material properties, which met anhydride bonds. It functions as an energy-storage poly­ cells, organs or tissues. specifications for industrial and medical applications58,59. mer63,64 (Fig. 3c; Table 1). PolyP synthesis is an evolu­ An exciting innovative approach engineered bacterial tionarily ancient ability of bacteria, and polyPs, besides cell factories to assemble PHA inclusions that are densely functioning in phosphate storage, also provide chemical coated with functional proteins of interest. These func­ energy for biosynthesis pathways, function as a buffer tionalized PHA beads were stable after separation from against alkalis and as a metal-chelating agent and con­ the bacterial cell mass and showed promising perfor­ tribute to channel complexes for the uptake of DNA7,64,65. mance as vaccines, immunodiagnostics, bioseparation PolyPs also regulate cell signalling and thereby affect resins, enzyme carriers and tools for recombinant protein bacterial lifestyle, persistence, viability, growth, stress production60,61. The functionality of these non-porous tolerance and virulence66–68 (Fig. 1). protein-coated PHA beads was further tunable by con­ Due to their eminent energy-storage feature, indus­ trolled encapsulation into porous alginate microspheres, try has increasingly considered polyPs to drive energy- which allowed flow-through applications. This study is an consuming enzyme-catalysed reactions (Table 1). They example of the tremendous materials design space pro­ are also considered as morphogenetically active bio­ vided by bioengineering of polymers and by blending of materials in regenerative medicine, such as in cartilage polymers to generate functional composite materials62. repair and bone regeneration69,70, and as drug delivery

Cations Alginate Cellulose Hyaluronate


Material properties: • Water holding Films • Viscoelasticity • Ionic strength • Extendibility Cells Fibres • Gelation • Stability • Crosslinking Scaffold • Modifiability • Biocompatibility • Biodegradability Cell encapsulation or cell sheet 3D printing Microspheres Hydrogels

Fig. 2 | Bacterial polysaccharides as biomaterials and their properties. High molecular weight exopolysaccharides, such as alginate, cellulose and hyaluronate, are well-known virulence factors constituting the biofilm matrix. The interaction of polysaccharides and other polymeric substances can determine the properties of the biofilm matrix. Bacterial polysaccharides­ are very diverse, and their diversity and material properties are determined by the constituent sugars or sugar acids, the type of glycosidic linkages and whether they are unbranched or branched, the length of the polymer (and thus the molecular weight), the type of side group (for example, acetyl, pyruvate or succinate) and the degree of substitution7,16. Bacterial polysaccharides are important biomaterials due to their unique material properties, including solubility , rheological characteristics, viscoelastic properties, interaction with cations, ionic strength, crosslinking, gelation, water retention, extendibility and stability under different conditions. Hence, polysaccharides have been applied as natural viscosifiers, thickeners, stabilizers, gel and film formers, and additives or have been processed into nanostructures (for example, nanoparticles and nanotubes), microspheres, microcapsules, sponges, hydrogels, foams, elastomers and fibres43,44,156. Besides the desired material properties, high purity and the purification process are crucial for the use of bacterial polysaccharides as high-value biomaterials32,43. d-Glc, d-glucose; d-GlcA , d-glucuronic acid; GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; l-GulA , l-guluronic acid; d-ManA , d-mannuronic acid.

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a Polyamides

Storage • Substitutes for oil-based H H O H H • Modifiable polymers N γ • Industrial applications α * β • Biocompatible • Biodegradable (for example, thickening) C H H • Biomedical applications O OH n Hydrogels (for example, drug delivery) • Polypeptide-like Composite microparticles • Polyanionic or polycationic Hygroscopic and protective Functionalized nanostructures PHA synthase b Polyesters or microstructures

• Enzyme immobilization CH3 O • Purification or separation H • Drug or vaccine delivery O OH Genetic • Tissue engineering modifications • Diagnostics or imaging PHASCL n PHA MCL (R)-3-Hydroxy fatty acids Depolymerase (PhaZi) • Thermoplastic • Biocompatible Phasins (PhaP) • Elastomeric • Biodegradable PhaR regulator • Modifiable • Bioplastics c Polyphosphates Nanoparticles

Energy storage • Highly negatively charged • High mixability and • Regenerative medicine O O O O O modifiability • Energy-donating system • Drug delivery • Smart materials P P P P P • Morphogenetically active –O O O O O O • Biocompatible (for example, –O –O –O –O –O bioinks) ++ + • Biodegradable Ca Na Hydrogels Metal chelating

Fig. 3 | Bacterial polymer granules as biomaterials. a | Polyamides are composed of amino acids and are non-ribosomally synthesized by specific synthetases. They are found as intracellular granules without confining membranes and decorating proteins or as secreted extracellular capsules and slimes45,47. Due to their biodegradability, non-toxicity and modifiability, bacterial polyamides have been considered as substitutes for chemically synthesized polymers that can be processed into formulations for industrial, biomedical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications50. b | Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), such as , are natural polyesters that are synthesized into hydrophobic spherical inclusions from

(R)-3-hydroxybutyric acid. PHAs have been classified into short-chain-length PHAs (PHASCL; containing constituents

with 3–5 carbon atoms) and medium-chain-length PHAs (PHAMCL; containing constituents with 6–14 carbon atoms), which are primarily produced by pseudomonads58. Synthases and other PHA-binding proteins decorate the surface of PHA inclusions. PHAs are unique bio-based materials processed as bioplastics or bioengineered functionalized nanoparticles for uses in medicine and industry. PHA nanobeads can function as effective platforms for enzyme immobilization, protein purification, bioseparation, drug or vaccine delivery , tissue engineering, diagnostics and imaging58. c | Polyphosphates are composed of orthophosphates (inorganic phosphates, three to several hundred phosphates) linked by phosphoanhydride (P–O–P) bonds. They contribute to energy storage and can be processed into hydrogels or nanoparticles for various applications (Table 1). The phosphate and counterions such as Ca2+ and Sr2+ are released on hydrolysis and can be used for bone biomineralization, as smart bioinks for generating 3D scaffolds and for cell bioprinting of regeneratively active patient-specific osteoarticular implants69–71,73. Polyphosphate or hydrogels were formulated for improving tissue integration of meshes to improve the outcome of surgical hernia repair72.

vehicles71. Owing to their capacity to interact with posi­ bioinks in regenerative medicine71,73 (Fig. 3c). As no abi­ tively charged polymers (for example, alginate and hya­ otic polyP minerals have been found on Earth, living luronate), inorganic cations (for example, Ca2+, Mg2+, organisms, in particular bacteria, are unique sources of Zn2+, Fe2+, Na+ and K+), or basic organic components (for polyP. Bacteria belonging to the genera Mycobacterium example, amino acids, polyamines and peptides), polyPs and Corynebacterium produce polyP granules with a high can be processed into hydrogels or nanoparticles for bone yield and therefore are potential production strains for biomineralization69,70 and other biomedical applications72. the manufacture of polyPs74. Importantly, the physical properties, such as mechani­ Smart biomaterials cal strength, stability and functionality, of polyP-based Other polymers produced by bacteria. Bacteria also Biomaterials with the ability complex hydrogels or nanoparticles vary with the type of produce other types of biopolymers, including extracel­ to respond to stimuli or (Fig. 1) physiological conditions interacting counterions or blended polymers. This varia­ lular DNA and proteinaceous components . They at the micrometre tion provides substantial design space to generate a range are not only important in bacterial pathogenesis but are to nanometre scale. of desired material properties for ‘smart biomaterials’ and also considered for development of bio-based materials.

202 | April 2020 | volume 18 Reviews

DNA foundries Extracellular DNA arises when a cell lyses and releases understanding of biosynthesis pathways and enzymes, Facilities using advanced intracellular DNA. In biofilms, lysis of a subpopulation of knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of synthesis, software, automation or cells contributes extracellular DNA to the biofilm archi­ modification and, if required, secretion informs produc­ robotics and analytical tecture, for example in the stalks of mushroom-shaped tion of novel tailor-made polymers. For example, many approaches for faster, easier 75 and scalable assembly of DNA microcolonies of P. aeruginosa . Due to its high negative bacterial polysaccharides are enzymatically modified to develop advanced cell charge, extracellular DNA has multifaceted­ roles, includ­ at the polymer level, such as acetylated, deacetylated, factories. ing in the adhesion and stability of the biofilm matrix epimerized or phosphoethanolaminated, and these through interaction with positively charged polysaccha­ modifications affect material properties, such as visco­ Second messengers rides (for example, Pel) and cations, it is a nutrient source elasticity and gel-forming capacity40. Genes encoding Small molecules that relay 1 signals received by cell-surface during starvation and it confers antibiotic resistance . enzymes involved in polymerization and modifications receptors to effector proteins Secreted polypeptides, for example composed of alter­ of polysaccharides are usually co-clustered in one main and regulate cellular processes. nating hydrophilic and hydrophobic amino acid resi­ operon (Fig. 4). Potent specific promoters often con­ dues, and proteins, such as fimbrillin, pilin and flagellin, trol these operons and the transcription of the entire Systems biology 4 A research field focusing on can be molecular building blocks of extracellular biosynthesis gene cluster . understanding relationships self-assembling structures, such as functional Biosynthesis of polymers in bacteria is controlled between networks of biological (for example, curli fibres), fimbriae, pili and flagella. by regulatory networks that process environmental processes through These self-assembling structures can form nanofibres or signals and mediate responses through transcrip­ computational and nanotubes and mediate to biotic and abiotic tional and post-translational regulation (Fig. 4). At the mathematical approaches. surfaces, development of the biofilm matrix or motility transcriptional level, transcription factors activate during pathogenesis. Several features of these structures promoters that control the expression of function­ make them attractive for applications, including the ally related genes. Such transcription factors include precise arrangement of protein building blocks in self- sigma factors, which are subunits of RNA poly­merase, assembling structures, their high surface area to volume and regulatory proteins that bind to DNA regions ratio and polymorphic transformation in response to upstream of biosynthesis genes. Some sigma factors physical and chemical stimulations. These features ren­ are sequestered by anti-sigma factors and are released der them valuable bio-based materials and biotemplates on exposure to external stimuli. For example, AlgU is for fabrication of novel nanostructures, nanodevices a sigma factor that binds to the core RNA polymerase and multilayer lattices applicable in bioengineering and and thereby mediates binding to a specific promoter nanomedicine (for example, drug delivery)76–78. region upstream of the alginate biosynthesis gene The genetic programmability and ease of engineer­ cluster. AlgU is sequestered by the membrane-bound ing of extracellular DNA, polypeptides and proteins anti-sigma factor MucA in P. aeruginosa85 and likely make them fascinating programmable biomaterial other pseudomonads under conditions that are not platforms that are hardly achievable for other biopoly­ permissive to alginate production. On environmen­ mer types, including polysaccharides and polyesters79. tally induced destabilization of this complex, such as Straightforward genetic programmability has generated in response to cell envelope stress or on mutation of much recent interest in developing engineered living the mucA gene (for example, adaptive mutation dur­ materials; that is, living cells are engineered to auton­ ing chronic infection), AlgU is released and activates omously self-assemble entire materials with novel and transcription of the alginate biosynthesis gene cluster. tunable properties for a variety of purposes, such as An engineered MucA-inactivated strain86 constitu­ microbial electrosynthesis, biosensors, electronic moni­ tively produced high yields of alginate, which might toring devices and bioremediation79,80. We only scratch be an avenue for enhanced production of bacterial the surface of the vast scope of self-assembling structures alginate. Furthermore, small non-coding , produced by bacteria and their applications, but they two-component systems, regulatory RNA-binding have been reviewed extensively elsewhere80–83. proteins and second messengers (such as c-di-GMP and c-di-AMP) are involved in signal processing and Bacterial polymer synthesis complex regu­latory networks that control polymer syn­ Synthesis pathways and their regulation. Genome thesis in bacteria1,87. Improved understanding of these sequencing, functional genomics, advanced molecular regulatory complexities via systems biology will inform tools and techniques, and new biochemical and bio­ synthetic biology approaches for efficient production physical approaches enhance our understanding of the of polymeric materials. biosynthesis of bacterial biopolymers. Vast DNA and protein databases combined with in silico approaches Processive synthesis of high molecular weight bio­ provide insights into biosynthesis pathways and the polymers. Bacteria have highly processive enzymes for the structure and function of key biosynthesis proteins. All production of biopolymers with high mole­cular weights these advancements have created a solid foundation for (molecular mass >100 kDa) that cannot be achieved by the design of cell factories for enhanced production of chemical synthesis. Many bacterial exopoly­saccharides polymers or to produce tailor-made polymers. Current have high molecular weights, for example mole­cular mass synthetic biology approaches that use DNA foundries are ~3.9 MDa for alginate from P. aeruginosa40, ~1,000 KDa the next-generation tools for the design of cell factories for cellulose from Komagataeibacter sucrofermentans and allow precision engineering of production strains84. DSM88 and ~2.1 MDa for hyaluronate from S. zooepidemi- Biosynthesis pathways for representative bacterial poly­ cus89, and this affects polymer properties, bacterial patho­ mers are illustrated in Fig. 4. In addition to a better genesis and evasion of host immunity and antimicrobial

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90–96 Nutraceuticals treatment. In the context of bio-based material devel­ anti-inflammatory substances and antibiofilm agents . Food additives that not only opment, bacterial polysaccharides with high molecular They can also be a source of valuable , such as supplement the diet but also weights have gained much attention as materials that are rare sugar monomers (for example, fucose)97, which are provide health and medical biocompatible and have high water retention capacity, in high demand as precursors for pharmaceuticals and benefits. excellent gelling properties and a long half-life under nutraceuticals. Another example is hydroxyalkanoic acid physiological conditions. Bacterial biopolymers can also monomers that can be obtained from the hydrolysis of be a source of biologically active oligomers (molecular PHAs, which are precursors for several antibiotics98. mass usually <10 kDa). Such olig­omers can be used as There are various mechanisms for controlling the degree therapeutic drugs for applications such as promotion of of polymerization of poly­saccharides. They include sub­ angiogenesis, inhibition of tumour progression or induc­ strate tethering, as described for mycobacterial galactan. tion of the production of proinflammatory mediators, In this example, the acceptor of a -linked initiator

Alginate Cellulose Dextrans and levans • Acetylation + • pEtN addition Mr • Attachment • Epimerization – • Acetylation Motility Xanthan • Biofilm formation Extracellular synthesis

Peptidoglycan CPS Flagellum Hyaluronate Gram Gram positive negative LPS

Wzx/Wzy-dependent Polysaccharide pathway Synthase-dependent pathway ABC transporter- synthase dependent pathway Regulation Activation – c-di-GMP Post-translational level + c-di-GMP

Multitiered regulatory networks alg operon PD 844K EGXLIJFA sRNA TF TCS RBP SM bcs operon has operon GFEPRQAB ZC PABC Transcriptional and translational levels GDP-ManA

UDP-GlcA UDP-Glc Glycogen UDP-GlcNAc PolyP +ATP

Glc-1-P Fru-6-P glg operon PgntUasd BXPC AP

P ppk ATP Gluconeogenesis Glc-6-P FA PHB

Acetyl-CoA Polyamides TCA cycle

cap operon KDPG +ATP PB CA DE Carbon source Glycolysis phb operon Pentose phosphate pathway PC1ABR

204 | April 2020 | volume 18 Reviews

108 RiboTite system oligosaccharide binds to a specific site on the glycosyl­ and toxic molecules . Therefore, biopolymer synthe­ A multilayered modular genetic transferase and facilitates processive polymerization sis and function might be new targets for anti­microbial control circuit using standard resulting in longer polymer chains99. Another mechanism drugs to overcome persistent infection, antibiotic resist­ inducible promoters and is the coupling of polymerization with modifications, for ance and antibiotic persistence109–111. Although this is orthogonal riboswitches for tunable control of T7 RNA example the processivity of alginate polymerization in an emerging field, there is evidence for the success of polymerase activity and P. aeruginosa, which is linked to in situ enzymatic mod­ such approaches. For example, inhibition of the inter­ recombinant expression of ifications (that is, epimerization and acetylation)40,100,101. action between Alg44 and c-di-GMP, which is required genes of interest. The chain length determinant protein Wzz also controls for alginate polymerization, by a class of thiol-benzo- the degree of polymerization of, for example, lipopoly­ triazolo-quinazolinone compounds reduced alginate CRISPR–Cas (ref.112) A genetic system for gene saccharide O antigens. In the absence of Wzz, O antigens secretion by P. aeruginosa by up to 30% . OligoG editing based on naturally are randomly distributed and of shorter chain length than CF-5/20 (an alginate oligomer) decreased the thick­ occurring genome editing in in the presence of Wzz102,103. Substrate concentration is ness of mucus in cystic fibrosis lungs and destabilized bacteria and archaea that another regulatory mechanism, as it affects the rate of the biofilm matrix and the extracellular polymeric net­ confers adaptive immunity 113,114 against invading phages. polymerization, the yield of the final product and the work . Furthermore, biopolymer-degrading enzymes molecular weight. For example, high concentrations of (such as alginate lyases115,116 and amylases117) degraded CRISPR interference the UDP-N-acetylglucosamine substrate increased the the biofilm matrix. Finally, natural products (such as A method that uses a molecular weight of hyalorunate104. Finally, the degree quercetin and curcumin) reduced the production of catalytically inactive Cas9 of polymerization also depends on the copy numbers of alginate and other polysaccharides by reducing the protein and a customizable single guide RNA that binds to polymerase and synthases. For example, the presence expression of the quorum sensing-regulated genes and DNA and blocks transcription of a number of different synthases competing for sub­ concomitantly virulence factors such as pyocyanin, pro­ of a gene of interest. strates reduced polymer chain lengths of alginate40 and tease and elastase in P. aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB)105. and Yersinia enterocolitica118–120 (Table 2).

Biopolymer synthesis as a target for new antibacterial Producing novel bio-based materials drugs. In pathogenic bacteria, biopolymers are often Design of cell factories for the production of novel major virulence factors and contribute to the persis­ biopoly­mers. Over the past decade, knowledge of the tence of infections in different ways, including antigenic biosynthesis of bacterial polymers together with systems mimicry (for example, polysialic acid and hyaluronate)23, biology and synthetic biology has revolutionized the hiding of the antigenic cell surface to evade opsonization rational engineering of cell factories, which has increased and phagocytosis (for example, hyaluronate, alginate and production yields and/or led to production of innovative γ-PGA)1,106,107 and as a barrier against antimicrobial drugs bio-based materials (Fig. 5). As mentioned earlier, bio­ synthesis of bacterial polymers requires the engagement of complex cellular processes from gene expression to ◀ Fig. 4 | The main metabolic routes for the synthesis of bacterial biopolymers. provision of enzymes and proteins, central metabolism, Intermediates of central metabolism are diverted towards the provision of precursors and regulatory and signalling systems leading to intra­ for polymer synthesis. Four general mechanisms for the production of polysaccharides cellular assembly or secretion across the cell envelope. in bacteria are shown. Synthesis of some secreted non-repeating polysaccharides, such as alginate and cellulose, is mediated by multiprotein complexes, usually Hence, design of cell factories for production of novel consisting of a polymerase, a copolymerase, carbohydrate-modifying enzymes and biopolymers requires integration of the complexity of secretion subunits. The genes encoding such functionally related protein subunits are cellular and metabolic process and extensive experimen­ co-clustered in large operons, such as the alg and bcs operons. Some polysaccharides, tation to combine the relevant genetic information. DNA such as xanthan, are produced through the Wzy-dependent polysaccharide synthesis foundries use advanced software, robotic and analyti­ mechanism. In this pathway the repeating sugar units and their linked lipid carriers are cal approaches to allow automated ‘design–build–’ assembled by several glycosyltransferases at the cytoplasmic membrane, followed engineering cycles for the high-throughput development by flipping across the cytoplasmic membrane, the final polymerization step in the of desired cell factories through synthetic assembly of and secretion. However, the synthesis of some polysaccharides, such as genetic elements. DNA foundries have higher experi­ hyaluronate, dextrans and levans, is less complex and is mediated by a single enzyme. mental consistency and lower costs than manual oper­ Dextrans and levans are synthesized outside the cell by sugar transferases that convert disaccharides into polysaccharides and use the energy that is released by ations. Furthermore, modular genetic elements, such as hydrolysis of the of the disaccharides. Modification of secreted promoters, terminators, ribosome-binding sites, orthog­ polysaccharides (for example, acetylation, deacetylation, epimerization and phos- onal polymerases, untranslated regions, signal peptides, phoethanolamine (pEtN) addition) can occur during translocation of nascent polymers putative stabilization modules, genetic effectors and across the cell envelope. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (for example, polyhydroxybutyrate enhancers, provide a dynamic plat­ (PHB)) are synthesized by a polyhydroxyalkanoate synthase that coverts form to tune gene expression and protein production. hydroxyacyl-CoA derivatives of central metabolism into intracellular polyesters. Striking advancements include the introduction of Enzymatic processes independent of ribosomal protein biosynthesis synthesize inducible and/or controllable genetic switches, such polyamides. Dashed lines indicate multiple enzymatic steps, a circled plus sign as T7 polymerase-based expression systems121, pro­ indicates positive correlation and a circled minus sign indicates negative correlation. grammable T7-based synthetic transcription fac­ ABC, ATP-binding cassette; CPS, capsular polysaccharide; FA , de novo 122 RiboTite system123 124 biosynthesis; Fru-6-P, fructose 6-phosphate; Glc, glucose; GlcA , glucuronic tors , the , vector engineering and 125 acid; GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; Glc-1-P, glucose 1-phosphate; Glc-6-P, CRISPR–Cas tools, to allowed fine-tuned expression glucose 6-phosphate; KDPG, 2-keto-3-deoxy-6-phosphogluconate pathway ; LPS, of endogenous or heterologous genes. Furthermore, lipopolysaccharide; ManA , mannuronic acid; polyP, polyphosphate; RBP, RNA-binding CRISPR–Cas9 has been successfully used to simultane­ protein; SM, second messenger ; sRNA small non-coding RNA ; TCA , tricarboxylic acid; ously manipulate several genes. CRISPR interference has TCS, two-component system; TF, transcription factor. been successfully used to redirect metabolic flux towards

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Genome sequencing Molecular biology and Metabolic pathway biochemical analysis engineering

In vitro synthesis Precursor Precursor synthesis Central Genetic parts substrates metabolism Biosynthetic pathway Polymerizing enzyme or +Enzymes active cellular fraction (optional)

Polymerizing Omics Controlled ratio of comonomers Activated enzymes precursors Structure and function

Enzymatic in vitro modifications Systems biology Synthetic biology Adding Pyruvyl, acetyl Hyaluronate non-sugar or pEtN Repeat unit residues transferases synthesis Vector PA Comonomer PHA composition Epimerases CRISPR–Cas9 Modular genetic toolkits Molecular Hydrolases PolyP mass or lyases Xanthan Synthesis and Physicochemical Agri-food wastes Extracellular polymer-modifying enzymes modification machinery analysis Chemical modifications Alginate and cellulose

Molecular Chemical mass hydrolysis In situ engineering of polymerizing and Targeting biopolymers Cell factory modifying enzymes Cell killing Properties Crosslinking and functional (covalent and moieties ionic) Novel Polymer polymer Production Antibiofilm agents

Fig. 5 | Production of novel enhanced biopolymers and biopolymer synthesis as a target for drug discovery. Production of novel biopolymers can be achieved by synthetic biology for the development of cell factories. In vitro enzymatic synthesis or modification of biopolymers as well as chemical modifications can achieve novel biopolymers with altered material properties and functions. Molecular biology and biochemical or biophysical approaches have provided insight into biosynthesis pathways of bacterial biopolymers. Selective inhibition of biopolymers that function as virulence factors offers targets for antimicrobial drug discovery. Systems biology , synthetic biology and metabolic engineering tools have accelerated the construction of novel cell factories for the production of novel bio-based materials. PA , polyamide; pEtN, phosphoethanolamine; PHA , polyhydroxyalkanoate; polyP, polyphosphate.

PHA biosynthesis6. Other examples are the rational As illustrated in Fig. 4, the biosynthesis of biopoly­ reprogramming of Komagataeibacter rhaeticus iGEM for mers is linked to central metabolism, which means the production of cellulose-based materials126 and the that the engineering of highly productive cell factories engineering of broad-host-range vector systems to use requires integration of carbon, nitrogen and energy cyanobacteria for the production of renewable bioprod­ fluxes133. Initially, several cell factories need to be gen­ ucts127. Recombinant production of hyaluronate, PHAs, erated to then efficiently convert precursor substrates γ-PGA and cyanophycin has been successfully achieved into polymers. For example, a genetically engineered as these required reconstructions of relatively simple mutant of P. aeruginosa produced ~125 g of alginate pathways. E. coli, Ralstonia eutropha, Pseudomonas from 1 g of dry cells40, which suggested a predominant putida and Alcaligenes latus are industrial workhorses flux of precursor substrates into the polymer. Indeed, for commercial production of PHA, and Bacillus subtilis understanding the major points that control the flux has been used for commercial production of hyaluro­ in the biosynthesis of biopolymers and the energetic nate128. Novel inducible systems such as light-sensing state and relevant metabolites in the cells is a key step or temperature-sensing systems can act as logic gates, for increasing productivity. Thus, the metabolic engi­ timers, switches and oscillators to precisely control the neering of synthesis pathways aims to enhance sub­ expression or production of desired products in response strate and energy flux towards biosynthesis of the to specific inputs or inducers129,130. These inducers are desired polymer. Biosynthesis of active precursors is alternatives to chemical induction, which suffers from an energy-consuming process and is commonly based loss of directionality and poor control over the induc­ on diversion of metabolites from central metabolism tion period. Light-sensing systems from cyanobacteria and primary cellular functions (Fig. 4). Therefore, deter­ have been adapted for the photoinducible expression of mining the redox state of the cells is important when specific genes in E. coli131 and P. aeruginosa132. one is amending metabolic pathways and redirecting

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Glass transition metabolites towards the desired biosynthesis pathway. Challenges in bacterial production of bio-based mate­ A reversible physical transition The redox state is determined by factors such as elec­ rials. The application of bacterial biopolymers as (for example, from a hard, tron carriers (for example, NADH and NAD+), oxygen bio-based materials is expanding (Table 1). Despite glassy state to a soft, rubbery availability, the carbon and nitrogen uptake rates and inherent properties such as biocompatibility and bio­ state) that an amorphous material undergoes in a the kinetics of enzymes involved in metabolic flux. For degradability, some bacterial bio-based materials have particular temperature range. example, the balance between the concentration of hyal­ shortcomings; for example, they do not meet specifica­ uronate precursors and ATP levels, which are linked to tions (such as consistency and purity) that are required the of electron carriers, was crucial for optimal for medical applications. In addition, bacterial fer­ production of hyaluronate39. In B. licheniformis, increas­ mentation is inherently expensive and associated high ing the ATP content of cells increased the production of production costs often prohibit commercial use. γ-PGA. This was achieved by improving the respiratory The basic chemical structure has a major role in deter­ electron transport chain (through the Vitreoscilla sp. mining the biophysical properties of a biopolymer and haemoglobin), ATP synthesis and nitrate metabolism134. its applications. For example, some PHAs have high crys­ In another example, weakening or abolishment of com­ tallinity that causes stiffness, brittleness, poor thermo­ peting pathways (for example, β-oxidation of fatty acids) mechanical properties (high melting temperature and and boosting of NADH (or NADPH) levels increase low glass transition temperature), high hydrophobicity carbon flux towards PHA biosynthesis125. In E. coli, a and stickiness and therefore restricts their applica­ combination of multiple gene deletions and additions tion58,144. For some polysaccharides, poor mechanical coupled lactate utilization and conversion with the stability, a lack of elastomeric properties and reduced sol­ formation of GDP-fucose and, in combination with ubility due to neutral charge or a high molecular weight blocking of the competing colonic acid biosynthesis restrict their utility. However, these biopolymers are pathway, this strategy led to high yields of fucosylated naturally diverse in structure and can be enzymatically N-acetyllactosamine oligosaccharides135. Such con­ or chemically modified, which provides a wide range of trol elements should enhance carbon and energy flux physicochemical properties suitable for various applica­ towards the synthesis of the biopolymer, but not towards tions. Improvements of biopolymers have been success­ cell and/or metabolic by-products40,136. fully achieved by genetic manipulation of cell factories, Systems biology combined with metabolic engi­ improving fermentation conditions and enzymatic neering using computational methods linked with modifications142,145–147 as well as blending with other high-throughput measurements of cellular processes biopolymers and/or chemical modifications such as (including metabolic pathways and gene regulatory and crosslinking, chlorination, epoxidation, hydroxylation, signalling networks) and omics data (that is, transcrip­ carboxylation, etherification and esterification144,148,149. tomics, proteomics, metabolomics and fluxomics data) These approaches have extensively improved biopolymer has greatly advanced the development and improvement properties such as stability, solubility, crystallinity, glass of cell factories and their products5,137 (Fig. 5). The num­ transition temperature, elasticity and permeability and ber of in silico tools and computational frameworks to have expanded the utility for biomedical applications, support synthetic biology approaches is growing and such as drug delivery and regenerative medicine43,58. these include the iGEM Registry of Standard Biological For medical applications, the cell factory and the Parts (a collection of genetic parts), COBRA and Cameo biopolymer must be certified as ‘generally recognized as (for gene target identification, gene knockout and gene safe’ (GRAS), a designation determined by the FDA that overexpression)138,139 and macromolecular expression applies to substances accepted as safe. Despite advan­ models (for computing the optimal proteome composi­ tages (for example, biocompatibility) over synthetic tion of a growing cell)140. In particular for biopolymers materials, biomedical and biotechnological applications with a complex biosynthesis pathway such as polysaccha­ of bacterial biopolymers are constrained by the GRAS rides, computational modelling of the interplay between status of the production strain. For example, despite the central metabolism and biosynthesis pathways can extensive study of bacterial alginate biosynthesis, these strongly improve bioengineering strategies. In silico alginates cannot be regarded as GRAS so far. This is also genome-scale metabolic flux analysis identified meta­ true for many products derived from Gram-negative bolic engineering targets in E. coli to enhance the bacteria, for which host cell-derived impurities such as yields of and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate- endotoxins might reduce product quality150,151. co-lactate), contributing to 11% and 56% of cellular dry The GRAS standard of biopolymers requires the weight, respectively141. Accordingly, metabolic engineer­ establishment of standard assays to demonstrate that ing of E. coli achieved the production of non-natural polymers derived from bacteria meet purity criteria and tailor-made polymers such as poly(lactate-co-glycolate) are safe to be used as a medical device. Furthermore, the with a broad range of material properties142. safety profiles should include that long-term use will not Rational engineering increased the range of pro­ induce undesirable immune responses and potentially duction hosts; for example, developing the halo­ autoimmune diseases. Currently, the FDA and contract philic bacterium Halomonas smyrnensis AAD6T as a research organizations lack such standard assays for biotechnological production platform that does not quality control. Development of these standard safety require costly sterilization steps (high-salt media pre­ assays and their validation in relevant animal models vent growth of other living organisms) for the pro­ will be important. Compositional analysis of bacterial duction of levan, Pel exopolysaccharide, PHAs and biopolymers using next-generation, high-end analy­ osmoprotectants143. tical instruments such as advanced chromatographs

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and mass spectrometers will help further improve their the treatment of bacterial infections. Owing to rising quality control. rates of , the development of Also, it is clear that development of safe bacterial cell novel strategies to fight bacterial infections is in high factories (for example, novel endotoxin-free and non- demand. Insights into the synthesis, secretion and regu­ pathogenic strains) through synthetic biology and bio­ lation of biopolymers will disclose new and specific tar­ engineering as well as efficient purification methods gets suitable for drug discovery; for example, for targets can lead to a plethora of new polymers and high-value that weaken bacterial defences against the host immune biomaterials. Successful examples include generation of defences or antimicrobial treatment (Fig. 5). endotoxin-free E. coli ClearColi150 and the commercial Polymers that are produced by non-pathogenic bac­ use of highly attenuated P. aeruginosa PGN5 for produc­ teria are considered safe materials for a range of applica­ tion of alginate152 and non-pyogenic S. zooepidemicus for tions. Despite great advances in the design of cell factories production of hyaluronate, which was purified through for enhanced biopolymer production as well as produc­ extensive filtration and diverse adsorbents to eliminate tion of tailored biopolymers, challenges remain. Because impurities153 (Table 1). of a plethora of interacting components and multiple Successful industrial-scale production of biopoly­ feedback loops in complex biological systems, rational mers depends on various factors, including the cost of engineering of novel GRAS-certified cell factories and precursor substrates, yield over substrate rate, volumet­ biopolymers remains challenging. It is important to ric productivity and the cost of downstream processing reduce this complexity through systems biology to better (purification). Whereas bioengineering aims at improv­ inform genome-scale metabolic models, metabolic net­ ing the upstream process (use of low-cost substrates and work modelling and computational simulations of large increased productivity), bioprocess optimization of the data sets that feed into synthetic biology approaches. upstream and downstream processes is required for This work will provide the foundation for efficient scalable and cost-effective manufacture154,155. Production bioengineering strategies and accurate predictions of extracellular biopolymers is challenging because of for cell factory and bioprocess development. associated high viscosity of the culture liquids, which In this Review, we have highlighted the advances reduces the diffusion of dissolved oxygen and ATP for­ in understanding the roles of bacterial biopolymers in mation. Therefore, strategies that could enhance toler­ pathogenesis and their current and potential applications ance of anaerobic conditions or boost energy-generating as bio-based materials. We hope that this Review will guide systems may enhance productivity. both drug discovery programmes and the development of new bio-based materials by outlining strategies to over­ Future perspectives come pitfalls and challenges associated with biopolymers Extracellular polymers that are produced by bacterial as virulence factors and as innovative bio-based materials. pathogens are major virulence factors. Thus, inhibition of their biosynthesis pathways represents a strategy for Published online 28 January 2020

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Related links This research introduces K. rhaeticus iGEM This work describes engineering of E. coli ClearColi eK3D database: producing cellulose at high yields, which is optimized BL21(DE3) to produce truncated lipopolysaccharide through development of a modular genetic toolkit molecules suitable for endotoxin-free protein for rational reprogramming of the cell. expression. © Springer Nature Limited 2020

210 | April 2020 | volume 18