Volume 2, Issue 7 Gary Bedingfield’s March 2008 Contact: Baseball in Wartime
[email protected] www.baseballinwartime.com Baseball in Wartime Goes Dot Com t has taken eight years to get there, like to think it is the most widespread Sign-up a friend to the but the Baseball in Wartime website coverage of POW/internment baseball Baseball in Wartime Newsletter has finally gone dot com. You can now outside of Tim Wolter’s book POW I visit the website using the brand new Baseball in World War II. I’m hoping to expand the Baseball in URL www.baseballinwartime.com. Wartime newsletter mailing list this month, For further reading on the subject, I’d and I’m looking for your help to achieve This has hopefully given the website a strongly recommend Tim Wolter’s book as this. I’m sure each of you must know at more international appeal and made use of well as Phil Marchildon’s Ace, Gary W least one person that would enjoy a URL that is easier to remember. Of Moore’s Playing with the Enemy, and receiving the newsletter in their email course, the other URLs Robert Skole’s fictional work, Jumpin’ Inbox on a monthly basis. Just send me www.garybed.co.uk and Jimminy, which is reviewed on Page 7 of their email address and I’ll make sure they www.baseballinwartime.co.uk will continue this newsletter. are included for the next issue. If, at any to function for the foreseeable future. time, they decide they no longer want to Since returning from Cooperstown in Dario Lodigiani receive the newsletter they can simply January, I’ve been pretty busy writing a drop me a line and I’ll make sure their number of articles for publication, but Passes Away at 91 name is removed immediately.