The War Doctor 3: Agents of Chaos / PDF \ V63RV9SJGU

Th e W ar Doctor 3: A gents of Ch aos

By Ken Bentley

Big Finish Productions Ltd, United Kingdom, 2016. CD-Audio. Condition: New. Language: English . Brand New. The between and Time Lords rages across the history of the cosmos. Nowhere is safe. Worlds are ravaged by battles beyond their understanding, but certain other races hunger to fight in the ultimate conflict. When Earth comes under threat, the War Doctor is drawn into Ollistra s schemes once again. But the wily Cardinal has not foreseen every move. The Time Strategist has its own game-pieces in play, and when volatile forces with their own agenda join the fray, no-one can predict how the war might turn.3.1 The Shadow Vortex by David Llewellyn. Cardinal Ollistra exploits the War Doctor s affection for Earth to send him to East Berlin, 1961, on the trail of a Dalek agent. Lara Zannis has breached the planet s quantum shield on a very special mission for the Dalek Time Strategist. Caught between MI6 and the KGB, the War Doctor must first escape the Stasi before he can hope to stop Lara. Cold War scientists are about to make a breakthrough - the Daleks want control of the Shadow Vortex , and Agent Zannis...



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