Download Full Article 4.6MB .Pdf File November 1939 MEM. NAT. Mus. VrcT., XI, 193Q. GRAPTOLITES OF AUSTRALIA: BIBLIOGRAPHY AND HISTORY OF RESEARCH By R. A. Keble, F.G.S. ( Palaeontologist, National 1J1usem·n, JJ:[elboiirne) and Professor TV. N. Benson, B.A., D.Sc. (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealcind.) The Australian graptolite fauna is probably the most complete in the world, certainly in regard to its Ordovician components, a fact clearly appreciated by McCoy. He had ready for the press descriptions and figures of most of the species afterwards described in J amcs Hall's J\fonograph published iu 1865, which may be regarded as the basis of systematic graptolite research, when he received from Hall a proof of his fignres. McCoy immediately conceded him priority and adopted his specific names. Had Hall delayed sending his proof, McCoy wonld certainly have pnblisl1ed his figures and descriptions and his name would have been just as pl'ominent in the literature of graptoliies as Hall's. Com menting on "Graptolitcs (Didymograpsus) frutieosus (Hall sp.)," l\IcCoy snys, "this is the first Victorian gmptolitc I ever smv, and, as it was then a new species, I had named it in my .MSS. after J\fr. J. A. Panton, who found it iu the soft shalcs of Bcn(Ugo, of ·which goldficld he was then "\Varden, nncl in ·whose hospitable camp I was then able to recognize the true g-cological age of the gold-bearing Rlates of the colony for the first time. �rhe same species was subsequently dis covered by Professor Hall in Canada; aud ns he kindly sent me an early proof of his illustration before publication, I of course adopted his name as above" (Prod.
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