Gender Bias in Natural Language Processing Across Human Languages Abigail Matthews Isabella Grasso Mariama Njie University of Christopher Mahoney Iona College Wisconsin-Madison Yan Chen Esma Wali Thomas Middleton Jeanna Matthews Clarkson University
[email protected] Abstract relationship of profession words like doctor, nurse, or teacher relative to this gendered vector space. They Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems demonstrated that word embedding software trained on are at the heart of many critical automated a corpus of Google news could associate men with the decision-making systems making crucial rec- profession computer programmer and women with the ommendations about our future world. Gender profession homemaker. Systems based on such mod- bias in NLP has been well studied in English, els, trained even with “representative text” like Google but has been less studied in other languages. news, could lead to biased hiring practices if used to, In this paper, a team including speakers of 9 for example, parse resumes and suggest matches for languages - Chinese, Spanish, English, Ara- a computer programming job. However, as with many bic, German, French, Farsi, Urdu, and Wolof - results in NLP research, this influential result has not reports and analyzes measurements of gender been applied beyond English. bias in the Wikipedia corpora for these 9 lan- guages. We develop extensions to profession- In some earlier work from this team, “Quantifying level and corpus-level gender bias metric cal- Gender Bias in Different Corpora”, we applied Boluk- culations originally designed for English and basi et al.’s methodology to computing and compar- apply them to 8 other languages, including ing corpus-level gender bias metrics across different languages that have grammatically gendered corpora of the English text (Babaeianjelodar 2020).