What I’m Grateful For

The Student Leadership Retreat at Leoni Meadows is an annual gathering that takes place early in the school year. This year’s retreat took place on September 26-28, with the theme “Leadership Lessons from Nehemiah.”

At the retreat, student leaders from the Pacific Union’s 34 junior and senior academies met to talk about their roles on campus and to learn from each other as they plan for the year ahead. We asked them to share their thoughts on gratitude. We wish we had space to publish all their comments—all 200+ students participated! Here is a sample of their responses. I’m thankful for all of the amazing people in my life and their impact on me. Emma, Sierra View Junior Academy

It is so special to meet so many kind people with similar beliefs and ideas as me. Caleb, Escondido Adventist Academy

Printed: October 2021 - Page 1 of 6 Article reprint from Adventistfaith.com on November 2019 2021© Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Copyright, All Right Reserved. What I’m Grateful For

This year I am especially grateful for my family & my senior class at . This year, more than ever, my class has grown spiritually and closer as a class. My class is like a family. God is what holds us together, and for that I am thankful. Leilani, Lodi Academy

I am thankful that I could come here & connect with so many new & amazing people. Erik, San Fernando Valley

Printed: October 2021 - Page 2 of 6 Article reprint from Adventistfaith.com on November 2019 2021© Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Copyright, All Right Reserved. What I’m Grateful For


I am grateful for forgiveness. Going through life knowing that I can have a 2nd chance & that God will treat me no different no matter how far I go astray. I am forgiven by Jesus & that is the greatest gift of all. Hannah, Orangewood Academy

I’m thankful for this camp that brought me out of my comfort zone and helped me make friendships. Diana,

The opportunities that I have to live in this free country & worship God freely, without any fear of death or persecution. Isabel, Pacific Union College Preparatory School

Printed: October 2021 - Page 3 of 6 Article reprint from Adventistfaith.com on November 2019 2021© Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Copyright, All Right Reserved. What I’m Grateful For

I’m thankful for getting the chance to connect with other leaders. I’m thankful for God giving me the opportunity to guide others. Torri, Holbrook Indian School

I’m grateful for SDA education. I love being able to learn with & from people who share my same beliefs & I love being able to worship our living God as a family. Toshann,

I’m thankful because I have the opportunity to be here at leadership camp & being able to expand my knowledge & skill in the leadership field. I’m thankful for having the opportunity to worship God this morning with friends that I just made & an amazing praise band we had just now. Fabiola,

I’m grateful for coming here & listening to what the had to say. She changed my life…a female pastor changed my life and she will continue to change other people’s lives as well. Nathalie, Fresno Adventist Academy

My experience this weekend was great. I finally got to meet & make friends with people from other schools after 3 years of shying away from it. I’m grateful I chose a position of leadership. Emily, Central Valley Christian Academy

I am grateful for my amazing community! Even though the fire destroyed our town, our community supported each other. That is so amazing! Jaron, Paradise Adventist Academy

Printed: October 2021 - Page 4 of 6 Article reprint from Adventistfaith.com on November 2019 2021© Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Copyright, All Right Reserved. What I’m Grateful For

I’m so thankful for the opportunity to come here & learn how to better serve my school. I made many new friendships & was reunited with many old ones. I am so honored to be blessed by God to have my leadership position & I can’t wait to use what I’ve learned here to be a better servant & leader. Thank you God! Nikki, Pine Hills Adventist Academy

I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a leader for my school, and I’m grateful that the Lord gave me some qualities to help make it a reality. I’m grateful for the opportunity to meet with others even if I’m not the most sociable. Emily,

I’m thankful for the privilege of coming to camp to learn and get closer to others who believe what I believe. Jared, Hawaiian Mission Academy

I’m grateful for the opportunity to lead in an Adventist community, alongside others who do the same. This leadership conference has given me the chance to meet people and have experiences like no other. Joy, Mesa Grande Academy

I have had an absolutely amazing weekend. I met a bunch of new and amazing people. God brought me to Leoni Meadows during a tough time, and it helped me a lot. It is an amazing experience to be able to have this opportunity! Thank you. Natalie, Mother Lode Adventist Junior Academy

Printed: October 2021 - Page 5 of 6 Article reprint from Adventistfaith.com on November 2019 2021© Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Copyright, All Right Reserved. What I’m Grateful For

I’m thankful for being able to worship with friends in a safe place. Tristan, Academy

I’m grateful that I was able to make new friends and share many laughs with them. I’m also grateful for all the new ideas I’ve learned this weekend from my peers. Amanda, Glendale Adventist Academy

I’m very thankful for the opportunity to lead a great school. I’m grateful for the many friends I met this weekend who are very sweet. Thank you Pacific Union Conference. Angelica, Newbury Park Adventist Academy

Printed: October 2021 - Page 6 of 6 Article reprint from Adventistfaith.com on November 2019 2021© Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Copyright, All Right Reserved.