
MFMP Business Case Submission November 2010

Appendix 2 – Supplemental Materials


MyFloridaMarketPlace Facts ………………………………………………………………………... 2 MyFloridaMarketPlace Chronology…………………………………………………………………. 5 Strategic and Tactical Plan…………………………………………………………………………… 19 Exhibit A – FY 2009 Accomplishments……………………………………………………..………... 27 Exhibit B – FY 2010 Accomplishments……………………………………………………..………... 30 Exhibit C – DMS Organization Structure .…………………………………………………...…….... 36 Exhibit D - Organization Structure .……………………………………………….……. 37 Exhibit E – MFMP System User Information……………………………………………….……… 38 Exhibit F – Customer Satisfaction Survey Results……………………………………………….… 44

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MyFloridaMarketPlace Facts November 2010

Overview: MyFloridaMarketPlace is the most sophisticated and far-reaching procurement initiative undertaken by any State government to date. Not only does the size of the system, in terms of both buyers and vendors, make Florida unique, but the scope of functionality that it encompasses surpasses projects undertaken elsewhere. The project is self-funded; a 1% fee paid by vendors selling to the State, funds State Purchasing operations, the Office of Supplier Diversity operations and the MyFloridaMarketPlace Project (including all payments to Accenture.)

What it does: MyFloridaMarketPlace automates the State‟s order, approval, invoicing and payment approval process, making the procurement cycle more cost effective and time efficient than a traditional paper based system. Additionally, MyFloridaMarketPlace provides electronic tools to streamline the development and execution of solicitations, as well as the award and management of contracts. Online certification of minority vendors, online catalog shopping, and online quoting are also key features of the system.

Project timeline: The project began with a contract between DMS and Accenture signed in October 2002. Vendors began registering online in April 2003 and the first State buyers began using the system in July 2003. Today, 32 agencies, over 15,000 State users, and over 136,000 vendors use MyFloridaMarketPlace.

Benefits: Saved over $194M from November 2004 through August 2010 on nine renegotiated statewide contracts (Original Office Supplies (28%), PCs, Laptops and Monitors (40.5%), Material Repair Operational Supplies (10%), IT Hardware/Network Infrastructure (9%), New Office Consumables (5%), Medical & Dental Supplies (5%), Police Officer Equipment (1%), Police Officer Uniforms (1%), Lawn Services (.5%)) Improved accountability for the expenditure of State funds (online history of approvals for every PO and invoice) Better insight into the State‟s purchasing patterns overall, providing a foundation for decision-makers to fully leverage the State‟s buying power and negotiate better contracts for goods and services Reorganization of DMS‟s State Purchasing Division resulting in a more streamlined and more capable central procurement organization to serve the State Have reduced average requisition to purchase order cycle time by approximately 47% since project inception; have reduced average invoice to check cycle time by approximately 42% since project inception Overall system usage has grown from 38K transactions in FY04 to over 477K transactions in FY10 Project has received several awards including 1) Excellence in IT Leadership Award from IT Florida , 2) Honorable Mention given by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, 3) Achievement for Excellence in Procurement (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008), 4) ComputerWorld Laureate, 5) Leadership in Public Sector from IT Florida, 6) Davis Productivity Awards, and 7) Digital Government Best Fit Integrator & Govertnment-to-Business Awards, 8) 2010 NASCIO Finalist, among others Have eliminated the need for paper processing of purchase orders and invoices across State agencies Enhanced facilitation of MBE (minority owned) business participation in State purchasing Achieved 97% Overall Customer Satisfaction in the 2010 User Survey, with a 95% Confidence Level Consistently achieve operational excellence through over 99% compliance on comprehensive system operation and customer support performance metrics in performance years 06, 07, 08 and 09 Page 2 of 74 Appendix 2 MyFloridaMarketPlace

Supported the 2007 Governor‟s Executive Order to encourage the purchase of Environmentally Preferred Products by adopting “green” product standards, identifying almost 7,000 commonly purchased “green” products, and updating the system to flag those products in the online catalogs to encourage agency “green” purchasing Results from conducting a reverse online auction for PCs, laptops and monitors increased the State Term Contract discount from 10% to 45%, a savings of 35%. For local governments, the largest purchasers of this equipment, actual dollar savings are estimated to total $50 million Implemented cross agency benchmarking to help identify agency best practices in both PO and invoice processing in order to allow continuous improvement in operational efficiency across the state Created a forum for open engagement between the State and vendors to support and encourage DMS’s “Business Made Easy” initiative

Key Statistics:

Current Key Operational Statistics as of September 30, 2010 (cumulative to date) Purchase Orders Created >954,000 Invoices Processed >1,566,000 Registered Vendors >136,000 Minority (MBE) Vendors >49,000 (approx. 36%) Total Spend Through System >$8.9 billion Total State Users >15,000 Catalogs Loaded >640 Customer Inquiries fielded (via help desk- July 2003 to present) >317,000 Strategic Sourcing Identified Price Reductions >$194 million to date

MFMP Program Adoption Continues to Grow:

Purchase Order Value (USD)

Dollar Value of Purchase Orders Issued $1,659,581,668 $1,569,100,730 $1,472,234,536 $1,371,458,894 $1,375,418,935



Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

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New Users (State and Vendors)

New Registered Vendors New State Users


16,438 14,288 14,001 14,161 16,075 15,437 8,161 3,915 874 294 618 608 622

Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

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MyFloridaMarketPlace Chronology

Date Activity

August 1999 KPMG begins study on changes to Florida Financial Management Information System

February 15, 2000 KPMG releases Modernization of State Government Financial Management Business Practices Study

August 14, 2000 Thomas D. McGurk resigns as Secretary.

August 31, 2000 Executive Office of the Governor issues to State agencies Guidelines for IntroducingCompetition into Government Services. State agencies are directed to look at each program, service, and activity (PSA) to determine its worth and value to government and citizens and to explore introducing public/private competition into the delivery of PSA as a viable way to reduce costs and improve efficiencies.

September 5, 2000 Cynthia Henderson is appointed as Secretary.

March 5, 2001 Department issues ITN No. DMS 00/01-015 for a Web-Based Electronic Procurement

March 20, 2001 Pre-Response Conference is held.

April 18, 2001 Responses Opening Date for the Web-Based Electronic Procurement System ITN No. DMS 00/01-015. Seventeen replies are received. Department invites all 17 respondents to make oral presentations.

April 25, 2001 Attestation Conflict of Interest and Non-Disclosure Statements are signed and dated by the evaluators.

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May 1, 2001 Vendors sign Consent To Closed Meetings and Nondisclosure forms which acknowledge that the initial demonstration sessions have been determined by the Department not to be subject to the Florida Public Meeting Law (Section 286.011, Florida Statutes) and that the vendor consent to the sessions being closed to the public and all persons not directly associated with the Provider or the Department. Discussions are to be treated as confidential between the Department and the Provider until the Department has entered into a final contract.

May 1 - 11, 2001 Sixteen vendors each provide a 6+ hour presentation summarizing their responses and answering questions. The information exchanged during these sessions is used by the proposal evaluation team as part of the evaluation and scoring process.

May 15, 2001 Department announces the ranking of vendor proposals and its intent to negotiate with the 2 highest-ranked vendors, Accenture and KPMG.

May 22, 2001 Requests for clarifications were sent to the 2 vendors. As part of the request, each vendor was invited to participate in 2 days of discussions. The plan for the first day was for a more detailed clarification of the vendor‟s response. The plan for the second day was to enter into preliminary negotiations.

May 29 – June 1, 2001 Clarification responses are received. Vendors (Accenture and KPMG) present and discuss their respective solutions for 2 days.

June 2001 The negotiation process with the top 2 vendors begins.

September 6, 2001 Accenture presents cost estimates for several different proposals including a modified partnership solution with the Department and State Technology Office (STO) costing $68,779,058. Presentation estimates that it would cost STO $113.7 million to produce a solution equivalent to the Accenture solution costing $91.5 million. The $113.5 million cost includes $33.2 million associated with lost savings to the State due to the assumption that implementation would take STO four months longer than Accenture.

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June 21, 2001 Accenture and KPMG released from the confidentiality requirements imposed by Consent To Closed Meetings and Nondisclosure signed May 1, 2001.

September 7, 2001 Purchasing Director sends e-mail to Secretary Henderson regarding a presentation prepared by the Department of Financial Services (DFS, formerly Department of Banking and Finance), STO, and the Department. The presentation contrasts 3 options for implementing the eProcurement system, as described below: “Full Service” - selecting either Accenture or KPMG to provide complete of the eProcurement as originally proposed. (Cost - $80 - $90 million.) “Partnership” - selecting either Accenture or KPMG to provide the software, equipment, and implementation and business reengineering services while DMS provides the Vendor Management and Customer Services, and STO houses and eventually takes over operation of the equipment at the Shared Resource Center. (Cost - $50 - $60 million.) “DMS/STO” - re-bid acquisition of the software, equipment, and system implementation services; DMS and STO operate the eProcurement system from the Shared Resource Center. (Cost - $80 - $95 million.)

September 25, 2001 Accenture provides a 7-year revenue, costs, and benefits analysis across 4 options: Accenture‟s Full Outsourcing Model. (Cost - $130.7 million) Accenture/State Partnership Model. (Cost - $115.3 million) State-Led Model. (Cost - $129.9 million) Business “As-Is” Model. (Cost – $45.9 million)

September 2001 DMS Cost Analysis by Category shows the costs for 3 options: Accenture. (Cost - $91.5 million) KPMG. (Cost - $90.5 million)

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Date Activity DMS/STO. (Cost - $74.9 - $82.2 million)

October 9, 2001 KPMG submits its Best and Final Offer.

October 16, 2001 Department issues Intent to Award, announcing its intention to enter into final negotiation with KPMG. In the event of an impasse, the Department reserves the right to enter into final negotiations with other potential services providers.

October 18, 2001 Accenture informs the Department that they intend to protest the Department‟s decision to enter into final negotiation with KPMG.

December –January Negotiations continue with KPMG. 2002

February 2002 Department retains an outside counsel from the Gray Harris Law Firm to be the lead negotiator.

April 12, 2002 Outside counsel e-mails KPMG regarding direction to Secretary Henderson by the Executive Office of the Governor “that the Service Provider‟s fee, after first paying LBR, is 1% until $83 million is paid, then the 1% fee is to be re-negotiated.” Extends the deadline for KPMG to provide written agreement to the fundamental terms of the contract to April 15, 2002.

April 15, 2002 KPMG corresponds to Secretary Henderson stating “Your request that KPMG Consulting provide a broad acceptance or rejection of the currently proposed material terms is, with all due respect, premature in light of the history of the contract negotiations and the unresolved issues facing the parties.”

April 16, 2002 Outside counsel formally advises KPMG Consulting that an impasse has been reached and that the Department intends to move forward with negotiations with the second-ranked potential Service Provider (Accenture).

April 18, 2002 Outside counsel, in correspondence to KPMG, clarifies that the Department has not terminated negotiations with KPMG, but has declared an impasse and provided notice of its intent to

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Date Activity negotiate with the second-ranked potential Service Provider (Accenture).

May 7, 2002 KPMG responds to Department request to confirm “whether it is in agreement or not in agreement with the substantive terms of the contract.” KPMG indicates that it and its key team member, SAP, desire to reach agreement but require that the contract terms be appropriate for the project and that the contract fairly and rationally allocate risk between the State and KPMG Consulting. Identifies 8 key issues that needed further negotiation and clarification.

July 26, 2002 Outside counsel e-mails Accenture and KPMG of the process to be used to make an award, or alternatively, the events that would trigger a re-procurement. The e-mail instructs that the firm that returns the contract signed without modification with the most beneficial and highest quality scope, software functionality, and service level agreements, as determined by the sole opinion of the Department, shall be awarded the contract.

July 29, 2002 Accenture and KPMG are given “final” versions of the eProcurement contract with 5 business days to return the signed contract.

August 5, 2002 KPMG declines to sign the contract as presented. Accenture signs a proposed modified contract and attachments.

August 6, 2002 Department issues its Intent to Award the Web-based eProcurement system contract to Accenture and that the Intent to Award supersedes the Intent to Award issued October 16, 2001.

August 9, 2002 Counsel for KPMG serves a Notice of Protest regarding the ITN Intent to Award to Accenture.

August 13, 2002 KPMG sends letter to Secretary Henderson indicating that they have no choice but to protest the Notice of Intent to Award to Accenture since Accenture had made very material changes to the contract in contravention of the Department‟s explicit instructions to sign the contract without making any changes.

August 16, 2002 Department‟s Assistant General Counsel sends letter to the Counsel for KPMG stating that the Department has decided to withdraw the Intent to Award dated August 6, 2002. As a result,

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Date Activity KPMG‟s protest is moot since there is no intended agency action with respect to which KPMG is required to file a formal written protest.

August 20, 2002 Department issues an Intent to Award the Web-based eProcurement system contract to Accenture and that the Intent to Award supersedes the Intent to Award dated August 6, 2002.

October 2002 Edwin Rodriquez, Deputy Secretary, becomes MFMP Project Manager.

October 7, 2002 Accenture signs Web-based eProcurement system contract.

October 9, 2002 Secretary Henderson signs Web-based eProcurement system contract.

December 12, 2002 Department issues ITN No. 58-973-561-N for third-party consulting services for management of the MFMP.

January 7, 2003 Secretary Henderson resigns; Simone Marstiller is appointed Interim Secretary.

January 8, 2003 Offeror questions in response to ITN No. 58-973-561-N (North Highland) are posted.

January 10, 2003 Department amends ITN No. 58-973-561-N to change the due date for replies to January 16, 2003; change negotiations begin date to January 23, 2003; and change electronic posting notice of award date to February 3, 2003.

January 16, 2003 ITN responses for third-party consulting services are opened.

January 17, 2003 Department issues purchase order for Tribridge Inc., to provide assistance with the evaluation of replies for the ITN responses for third-party consulting services. Vendor was paid $4,900 for 28 hours of service.

January 20-24, 2003 Evaluation Team reviews and evaluates ITN responses for third-party consulting services.

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Date Activity

January 24, 2003 Interim Secretary Marstiller designates Negotiation Team; top 5 vendor responses are selected for negotiations (, North Highland, Mevatec, Infinity-Software, and Acclaris).

January 28-30, 2003 Negotiation meetings with individual vendors are conducted.

February 2003 David Bennett, Senior Management Analyst, replaces Edwin Rodriquez as the MFMP Project Manager.

February 10, 2003 Notice to award contract to North Highland is posted.

February 19, 2003 North Highland begins third-party consulting services for MFMP.

March 6, 2003 Interim Secretary Marstiller signs $1.8 million contract with North Highland to provide third- party consulting support for implementation and performance monitoring of Accenture contract and MFMP.

March 14, 2003 Florida Administrative Weekly publishes Department‟s Notice of Proposed Rule Development for MyFloridaMarketPlace rules.

March 21, 2003 Interim Secretary Marstiller prepares certification of circumstances per Comptroller‟s Memorandum No. 07 (2002-03) explaining why North Highland contract signed after services are rendered.

March 31, 2003 “Go-Live” for Vendor Registration System of MFMP.

April 14, 2003 William S. Simon is appointed Secretary.

May 1, 2003 Secretary Simon signs $312,320 Amendment No. 1 to the North Highland contract. Amendment is for additional resources through August 30, 2003.

June 2003 Jennifer Young, State eProcurement Project Director, replaces David Bennett as the MFMP Project Manager. Page 11 of 74 Appendix 2 MyFloridaMarketPlace

Date Activity

June 27, 2003 Secretary Simon signs Modification 1 to the Accenture contract. Modification revises the contract‟s Statement of Work Schedules and modifies the contract‟s System Functionality provisions. It also provides that the Department will compensate Accenture for the additional services required by the System Functionality modifications in the amount of $192,104 (June 2003, $76,000 and December 2003, $116,104).

June 27, 2003 Voucher for $76,000 is made to Accenture by the Department for associated with Modification 1.

July 1, 2003 Department adopts rules as identified in the Florida Administrative Code: Rule 60A-1.030, MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendor Registration; Rule 60A-1.031, MyFloridaMarketPlace Transaction Fee; and Rule 60A-1.032, MyFloridaMarketPlace Transaction Fee Exemptions.

July 1, 2003 MFMP is “Go-Live” at two pilot agencies: DMS and DOT.

September 5, 2003 Secretary Simon signs Modification 2 to the Accenture contract.

September 6, 2003 Secretary Simon signs $264,900 Amendment No. 2 to the North Highland contract. Amendment is for additional resources for the period September 1, 2003, through December 31, 2003.

October 2003 Accenture claims $937,194 from transaction and usage fees collected and deposited into Accenture‟s MFMP bank account for professional services associated with Modification 2. $313,734 for completion by Accenture of the design requirements for the on-line interface. $623,460 for up-front hardware and software acquisition costs and system design costs for the Billing and Collection Requirements.

October 21, 2003 Secretary Simon signs Amendment No. 3 to the North Highland contract to restructure the deliverables and payment schedule.

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Date Activity

November 2003 MFMP Real Time Integration achieves “Go-Live.”

November 2003 Accenture claims $313,733 from transaction and usage fees collected and deposited into Accenture‟s MFMP bank account for completion by Accenture of the design requirements for the on-line interface as required by Modification 2.

December 2003 Ailneal Morris, State of Florida IT Procurement Project Manager, replaces Jennifer Young as the MFMP Project Manager.

December 2003 Accenture claims $429,837 from transaction and usage fees collected and deposited into Accenture‟s MFMP bank account for professional services associated with Modification 2. $313,733 for the completion by Accenture of the design requirements for the on-line interface. $116,104 for the outstanding balance related to DFS Requirements

February 11, 2004 Department revises Rule 60A-1.031, Florida Administrative Code, MyFloridaMarketPlace Transaction Fee.

April 30, 2004 Deputy Secretary Hosay signs $125,000 Amendment No. 4 to the North Highland contract on Secretary Simon‟s behalf. Amendment is for additional resources during the period January 1, 2004, through June 30, 2004.

May 16, 2004 Department revises Rule 60A-1.030, Florida Administrative Code, MyFloridaMarketPlace Vendor Registration.

June 24, 2004 Deputy Secretary Hosay signs settlement agreement pursuant to comptroller‟s Memorandum No. 4 (1987-88) and Comptroller‟s Memorandum No. 7 (2002-03) for services provided by North Highland for the period March 1, 2004, through April 30, 2004, prior to both parties signing Amendment No. 4.

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Date Activity

July 1, 2004 In proviso to the Appropriations Act (Chapter 2004-268, Laws of Florida), Legislature authorizes Department to submit a budget amendment to use the 1-percent transaction fee and shared realized strategic sourcing savings to pay Accenture.

September 30, 2004 Department receives $3 million LBR payment from Accenture.

October 4, 2004 Billing and Collection System successfully launched per Project Manager. Subsequently referred to as the Transaction Fee Reporting System.

October 12-13, 2004 Department issues 5 Completion Contract for MyFloridaMarketPlace RFQs: Development and Integrations - Application Development; Operational and Support - Buyer Adoption and Post-Implementation Support; Operational and Support - Systems Maintenance and Operation; Operational and Support - Customer Service Desk; Staff Augmentation – Customer Service Desk. Responses to RFQs are due on various dates during the month of November 2004.

October 27, 2004 KMPG provides Independent Accountant’s Report on Applying Agreed Upon Procedures which entails a review of the MFMP transaction fees collected and revenue share.

November 7, 2004 Department revises Rule 60A-1.031, Florida Administrative Code, MyFloridaMarketPlace Transaction Fee.

December 2, 2004 Department signs letter of intent specifying that, upon approval by the Legislative Budget Commission, Modification 3 to the eProcurement contract, reducing Accenture‟s base competition from $92 million to $69 million, will be signed.

January 28, 2005 William S. Simon resigns as Secretary.

January 31, 2005 Robert H. Hosay is appointed as Interim Secretary.

March 2005 DMS (Sec. Tom Lewis) expresses desire to continue the program and DMS and Accenture start

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Date Activity again on negotiations to reach a settlement on a revised contract business model

May 2005 Legislation passed requiring that the State collect the 1% transaction fee and pay Accenture its portion, versus Accenture collecting the 1% transaction fee and paying the State its portion

June 2005 – Contract Amendment #3 signed to implement the May 2005 legislation to change the flow of cash for the 1% transaction fee

October 2005 DMS and Accenture reach agreement on a revised business model for the Program. In Contract Amendment #4, Accenture agrees to 24 comprehensive performance measures and State extends contract for 3 years. Original Contract: 5 years, $92M Revised Contract: 8 years, $110M

January 2007 – DMS Secretary Change: Linda South appointed new secretary by Gov. Charlie Crist

April 2, 2007 MFMP goes live with the MFMP 2.0 or Ariba 8.2.2 upgrade. This upgrade dramatically improves efficiencies in both purchasing and invoicing functions and system performance in MFMP.

July 2007 – Contract Amendment #5 signed to transfer responsibilities for hosting of the hardware and software supporting the eProcurement system from a third-party data center in Miami to the State Resource Center (State‟s internal data center) in Tallahassee

September 2007 Transfer of the hardware and software supporting the eProcurement system from a third-party data center in Miami to the State Resource Center (State‟s internal data center) in Tallahassee is completed.

October to December MFMP strategic goal of migrating Florida School for Deaf and Blind (FSDB), Division of 2007 Administrative Hearings (DOAH) and Legislative purchasing from SPURS to MFMP to enable sunset of SPURS begins in earnest. FSDB has training scheduled for 1/22/08 and 1/23/08 and

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Date Activity goes live in MFMP purchasing 2/4/08. DOAH has training 2/12/08 and goes live in MFMP 2/18/08. Legislative purchasing still evaluating

December 2007 Agency Benchmarking Activity (ABA) pilot is completed 12/06/07. First ABA summary report to be provided to agencies end of January 2008.

February 4, 2008 FSDB goes live with purchasing and invoicing activities in MFMP

February 12, 2008 DOAH goes live with purchasing in MFMP

April 10, 2008 Office of Legislative Services and DMS enter into a Memo of Understanding to enhance MFMP specifically for the OLS. MFMP will be scoped so that OLS data will only be visible by OLS. This enhancement will be completed no later than September 25, 2008.

May 8, 2008 MFMP initiates first Vendor Teleconference call. Referred to as “Fireside Chats”, DMS and Accenture MFMP staff take an hour once or twice monthly to cover topics of interest to vendors. Over time, the chats have evolved from conference call to WebEx sessions.

July 1, 2008 Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) issues RFP for Next Generation Study of MyFloridaMarketPlace

August 2008 Disaster Recovery Site moved from Miami, Florida to . Review of the site is scheduled for September 19, 2008 to ensure the site is in compliance with contract.

September 8, 2008 BCP, International (BCPI), the firm selected by OPPAGA to do the next generation study of MFMP makes an initial introduction to MFMP staff.

September 25, 2008 Change Request 44 to address Data Visibility for the Legislature‟s Office of Legislative Services (OLS) successfully implemented.

October 3, 2008 Legislative OLS issues first purchase order through MyFloridaMarketPlace

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Date Activity

September 2008 to BCPI conducts its study of MFMP operations and staffing. January 2009

January 12, 2009 OPPAGA releases its study of MFMP. Recommendations are two-fold: (1) exercise a 24 month short term renewal of MFMP to continue operations and prepare for a re-compete for a new operations manager, and (2) re-compete for a operations manager upon expiration of the contract. Note: Modification No. 6 was the implementation of recommendation No. 1.

March 16, 2009 Based on OPPAGA report recommendation, DMS forms a renegotiation team and a formal letter is sent to Accenture indicating DMS‟ intent to renew and renegotiate the contract.

March 19, 2009 As required by Florida Statute, DMS sends notices to the Governor, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of its intention to renew and renegotiate the MFMP contract with Accenture in accordance with the OPPAGA report.

April 15, 2009 MyFloridaMarketPlace initiates the new “Customer Service Survey Approach” process to gather real time results and customer satisfaction in Customer Service Desk experience

June 1, 2009 As a joint partnership between the Department of Fiscal Services and the Department of Management Services, the old State Purchasing Subsystem (SPURS) is retired!

July 15, 2009 DMS executed Accenture MFMP contract renewal through 12/08/12. Renewal was effective July 1, 2009 with significant savings to the State including a change in the revenue share model. Though this renewal, Accenture is paid a fixed monthly cost and the state retains all excess fees.

July 16, 2009 The Auditor General initiates a new Statewide Vendor File Audit. This audit is expected to be completed in mid-October 2009.

July 29, 2009 The Auditor General initiates a new Information Technology Audit. This audit is expected to continue until January 2010 with a report to be issued by April 2010.

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August 25, 2009 MFMP begins offering interactive online WebEx training sessions for agency customers. This allows customers statewide to attend short training sessions from their desk while saving the state money in travel expenses and administrative time.

October 26, 2009 MFMP launched its new Vendor Information Portal (VIP) upgrade. The new VIP make several improvements for vendors, the most significant of which is vendors desiring e-mail notices of bids are automatically signed up for the Vendor Bid system. Over 77,000 vendors were pulled through from MFMP to VBS, significantly enhancing competition for State of Florida bids for goods and services

February 2010 Submission of OEG Business Case for MFMP Re-Compete

July 26, 2010 MFMP goes live with the Analysis 3.0 upgrade. This upgrade included significant enhancements to the reporting tool including the addition of data from MFMP, FLAIR and VIP.

July 2010 MFMP began the planning and requirements phase of the Sourcing 3.0 upgrade. This upgrade, which will drastically improve Sourcing functionality, has a scheduled go-live date of March 2010.

August 6, 2010 MFMP launches its latest training initiative, MFMP Training Tours. These recorded online training sessions, which combine narrated PowerPoint presentations with web videos, allow customers to access a training 24/7.

September 2010 The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) recognized MFMP for improving state operations. NASCIO selected MyFloridaMarketPlace as a finalist among 33 state IT initiatives in 10 categories for its 2010 Recognition Awards for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Information Technology in State Government.

September 2010 MFMP began the planning phase of the Buyer 3.0 upgrade. We are currently in the process of identifying all the enhancements of this upgraded version. Buyer 3.0 is scheduled to go-live September 2011.

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MyFloridaMarketPlace Strategic and Tactical Plan

Plan Overview

Purpose This plan documents the strategic and tactical goals for the MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) team, including the initiatives to support the MFMP strategic direction as well as State Purchasing during fiscal year 2010-2011

Areas of focus are defined in this plan and will serve as a guide for the MFMP team.

Accomplishments for previous fiscal years are included as appendices to this document.

Stakeholders of the Plan There are various stakeholders impacted by MFMP team initiatives, including: . The governor and State of Florida Legislature . Executive sponsorship at DMS . State Purchasing . The MFMP team (DMS and Accenture) . Department of Financial Services . MFMP customers: state agencies and vendors

The MFMP team will keep stakeholders informed of initiatives and potential impacts. These communications are discussed regularly at scheduled MFMP communication team meetings.

Updating the Plan The MFMP team will provide additional stakeholder updates as time circumstances change. As the team collaborates directly with MFMP customers and state leadership, they may identify new strategic and tactical initiatives.. When significant changes to the plan are required, program leadership will update the plan and review the updates with DMS & Accenture executive leadership to confirm direction regularly at scheduled management meetings. Minimally, the plan (created in 2008), is updated / refreshed annually. Page 19 of 74 Appendix 2 MyFloridaMarketPlace

Strategic Goals and Objectives The plan is governed by the DMS Strategic Plan, which for MyFloridaMarketPlace, includes the overall five year goals to increase adoption of MFMP and increase customer satisfaction. The plan includes six strategic areas of focus that guide activities through the current fiscal year, and extend through the next three – five years of the MFMP program. These areas include:

. One eProcurement and payment system . Coordination with DFS for W-9 verification . MFMP Buyer and VBS data retention and storage . Ariba upgrade activities . VBS / SPURSview updates . Enhanced MFMP public relations and marketing Section 2.1 provides context for each of these areas of focus, including the specific initiatives to achieve the goals.

Tactical Goals and Objectives There are five tactical areas of focus that will guide activities through the remainder of the current year. Those areas are as follows:

. Strengthen revenue collection . Buyer 3.0 upgrade requirements definition . Buyer / vendor training and communication planning / execution . Execution of W-9 verification project . Determine data management solution options

Section 2.2 provides context for each of these areas of focus, including the specific initiatives that will be undertaken to achieve the goals.

Delivering the Plan DMS and Accenture will continue to work as a unified MFMP team in order to execute this plan and make it a success. The following tables represent the responsible team members for leading efforts to achieve each of the strategic and tactical goals / objectives. As program initiatives and personnel change, the responsibilities will be adjusted.

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Strategic Goals and Objectives (timeframe: FY 10 through FY 13)

Goal / Objective DMS Team Accenture Team Member Lead 1 One eProcurement and payment system A. Rabon K. Koegel 2 Coordination with DFS for W-9 verification R. Lieblick B. Cliburn 3 Ariba upgrade activities R. Lieblick K. Koegel B. Cliburn 4 MFMP Buyer and VBS data retention and storage R. Lieblick B. Cliburn 5 VBS / SPURSView spdates E. Swanson B. Cliburn 6 Enhanced MFMP public relations and marketing A. Zeigler K. Koegel

Tactical Goals and Objectives (timeframe: FY 11)

Goal / Objective DMS Team Accenture Team Member Lead 1 Strengthen revenue collection E. Swanson K. Koegel 2 Buyer 3.0 upgrade requirements definition R. Lieblick B. Cliburn 3 Vendor training and communication planning / E. Swanson/ A. K. Koegel execution Zeigler 4 Execution of W-9 verification project R. Lieblick B. Cliburn 5 Determine data management solution options R. Lieblick S. Sackreiter

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Reporting Progress Program management will direct the team‟s ongoing focus based on the plan. Key status points will be included (as accomplished) as part of the weekly status reports. Management meeting checkpoints with both DMS and Accenture leadership will be taken to review the status of initiatives and to discuss progress on plan activities.

Areas of Focus

Strategic Areas of Focus

Area #1: One eProcurement and payment system The MFMP team continued to make progress in this area during FY 10, including completing a detailed analysis and comparison of the various shadow systems used by DC, DCF, APD and DOACS. To move forward with comprehensive use, there is a need to minimize, if not eliminate, all shadow system use for requisitioning. Additionally, the team will continue to work with agencies to increase invoicing adoption.

Goal(s): . Comprehensive use of MFMP for invoice processing . Increase invoicing adoption so that FLAIR processing is used only in exception cases (specifically for AHCA, DCF/APD, DOH, DOR, and FDLE)

Initiatives: . Work with DMS Legislative Affairs to understand options for eliminating shadow system use across enterprise agencies . Continue to meet with AHCA, DCF, APD, DOH, DOR to understand invoicing challenges . Continue master agreement adoption campaign, including a focus on agencies with significant contract spend not currently included in MFMP

Area #2: Coordination with DFS for W-9 verification In line with federal legislation, MFMP is working with DFS to implement a coordinated solution for verifying vendor W9 information.

Goal: . Work with DFS to implement a W9 verification process which limits the impacts to vendors and buyers (go-live in FY 11)

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Initiative(s): . Coordinate with DFS to confirm design approach . Determine / Develop necessary buyer and vendor training . Develop / Execute training and communication plan

Area #3: Ariba upgrade activities This area encompasses upgrade activities related to Ariba Buyer and Ariba Sourcing.

Goal: . Complete Sourcing upgrade . Complete planning, design and development activities related to Buyer upgrade; Begin testing and verification activities in line with targeting a September 2011 launch

Initiative(s): . Confirm system enhancements applicable to Sourcing and Buyer upgrades . Implement upgraded Sourcing module . Create associated Sourcing and Buyer training and support materials for Agency Users and State Purchasing

Area #4: MFMP Buyer and VBS data retention and storage As MFMP and VBS information and attachments continue to grow, it is essential to have an effective data management solution in place. It is also important to consider State of Florida record retention requirements and the ability to retrieve historical data in a timely manner. The MFMP Buyer and VBS data retention and storage project will review the current state of attachment storage in both MFMP and VBS and the associated costs.

Goal(s): . Determine a data management solution that aligns with the State of Florida retention policies . Balancing online availability of data with ability to retrieve historical information that is not currently “online”

Initiatives: . Develop a report with data management solution options including recommendations for management and external stakeholders . Communicate solution to stakeholders / provide guidance regarding implementation strategy

Area #5: VBS / SPURSView Updates

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While VBS and SPURSview are widely used tools, the technology is dated and not user-friendly. During FY 10, the team consolidated customer feedback for proposed enhancements.

Goal: . Enhance the current Vendor Bid System (VBS) and SPURSView tools used for solicitation advertising / transparency focusing on streamlining processes, modernizing the look, and rebranding

Initiatives: . Confirm proposed enhancement list . Identify capacity to implement proposed changes

Area #6: Enhanced MFMP public relations and marketing This area includes increasing awareness of MFMP activities and successes through various media and outreach channels, including buyer and vendor training events.

Goal(s): . Increase press releases for MFMP activities . Increase buyer/vendor attendance at training events by another 10%

Initiative(s): . Identify target dates for FY 11 buyer and vendor conferences . Continue marketing and communication activities through channels established during FY 10 work with Strategic Sourcing Services team . Work with State Purchasing contract managers to promote their state term contracts and bidding opportunities to both MFMP buyers, other eligible users (OEUs) and vendors (primarily through online vehicles due to travel and funding limitations)

Tactical Areas of Focus

Area #1: Strengthen revenue collection This area includes continued enforcement around transaction fee reporting and payment requirements.

Goal(s): . Implement additional notification to vendors who are excessively delinquent in reporting and payment activities

Initiatives: Page 24 of 74 Appendix 2 MyFloridaMarketPlace

. Send formal letters (under signature from State Purchasing) to top vendors who have agency spend and are more than 90 days delinquent in submitting a transaction fee report- In Process . Send formal letters (under signature from State Purchasing) to top vendors who have agency spend and are more than 90 days delinquent in remitting owed transaction fees- In Process . Implement SB 2386 related reporting activities / tracking with DFS

Area #2: Buyer 3.0 upgrade requirements definition This includes reviewing upgraded base functionality, assessing if there is an ongoing need for existing change requests in the future, and confirming new system enhancements.

Goal(s): . Define the requirements for the MFMP Buyer 3.0 upgrade

Initiatives: . Identify Change Review Board members / Design Team members as a part of upgrade activities . Assess existing change requests / determine scope of customization going forward . Confirm new system enhancements

Area #3: Vendor training and communication planning / execution This area focuses on enhancing vendor outreach through vehicles such as training opportunities and specific marketing of MFMP benefits and tools. Goal: . Enhance vendor outreach by at least three new vehicles

Initiatives: . Identify conference opportunities for exhibiting and presenting (including related travel) . Confirm training schedule (including ongoing monthly vendor meetings)

Area #4: Execution of W-9 verification project In line with federal legislation, MFMP is working with DFS to implement a coordinated solution for verifying vendor W-9 information. While this will be an ongoing process, the team will take preparation steps to support this initiative, including improving the validity of current vendor registration data.

Goal: . Implement MFMP application and interface changes required to support W9 verification project . Begin vendor purge process (for vendors who have not had transactions or activity associated with their account for at least two FY) Page 25 of 74 Appendix 2 MyFloridaMarketPlace

Initiative(s): . Complete initial vendor “purge” process prior to W-9 project launch . Complete development activities to support W-9 project launch . Execute communication activities associated with the W-9 project

Area #5: Determine data management solution options The team will support the Buyer and VBS data retention and storage initiative by creating a data retention workgroup and identifying data management solution options that align with State of Florida retention policies.

Goal(s): . Determine data management solution options . Execute communication activities related to solution

Initiatives: . Form a data retention workgroup to represent agency customers . Develop a report with data management solution options

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Exhibit A - FY 2009 Accomplishments

The strategic and tactical areas reflected in the FY 09 plan were as follows:

Strategic Goals and Objectives

Goal / Objective DMS Team Accenture Team Member Lead 1 One eProcurement System W. Bikowitz S. Sackreiter 2 Procure to Pay Integration R. Lieblick B. Cliburn A. Rabon 3 Enhance the Vendor Interaction with MFMP E. Swanson K. Koegel 4 Operational Reporting A. Hughes B. Cliburn 5 Increased Outreach through MFMP/State Purchasing R. Lieblick K. Koegel Conferences A. Smyth 6 Enterprise Sourcing Tool Adoption D. Gries K. Koegel

Tactical Goals and Objectives

Goal / Objective DMS Team Accenture Team Member Lead 1 Buyer Training / Outreach D. Gries C. Call K. Bickley A. Rabon 2 Vendor Training / Outreach E. Swanson C. Call 3 Customer Communication A. Smyth K. Koegel 4 Enhancing Catalogs K. Bickley M. Oyster 5 eQuote Adoption E. Swanson R. Leggett D. Gries

Key Accomplishments against these goals, objectives and associated initiatives are as follows:

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Strategic Goals and Objectives:

Area #1: One eProcurement and payment system  Completed SPURS sunsetting activities

Area #2: Procure to pay integration  Continued to meet with agencies who have yet to fully adopt the MFMP invoicing module to conduct training sessions and to discuss timeframes for increased adoption

Area #3: Enhance the vendor interaction with MFMP  Conducted regular vendor education sessions via teleconferences and web-ex sessions that provided focus and training on specific areas of the system and processes for working with the state

Area #4: Operational reporting  Incorporated reporting training into existing training classes being delivered by MFMP team  Distributed and summarized a survey to assess outstanding need for operational reporting tools. The findings from the survey did not lead to a conclusive need to implement a separate operational reporting solution at this time

Area #5: Increased outreach through MFMP / SP conferences  Participated in annual MatchMaker Conference  Initiated planning activities for FY10 conference that includes participation from key areas such as State Purchasing, OSD, and the MFMP team to meet with vendors about how to do business with the State of Florida

Area #6: Enterprise Sourcing tool adoption  Continued support of Departmental and State Purchasing Sourcing event launches  Initiated design activities related to VBS / Vendor registration integration (to be included as part of VIP launch)

Tactical Goals and Objectives:

Area #1: Buyer training / outreach  Conducted buyer training sessions according to published quarterly training schedule,  Conducted 77 instructor-led training sessions and trained more than 653 customers

Area #2: Vendor training / outreach  Completed quarterly web-based training updates  Conducted several Vendor Teleconference / WebEx sessions

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Area #3: Customer communication  Conducted regular communication status meetings, including implementation of a monthly CSD meeting (which includes reviews of templates, contact trends, etc.)  Continued updates to MFMP websites, including updates related to Vendor Information Portal (VIP) launch

Area #4: Enhancing catalogs  Increased number of punchout sites to 13

Area #5: eQuote adoption  Incorporated eQuote benefits during classroom training sessions and vendor WebEx sessions

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Exhibit B: FY 2010 Accomplishments

The Strategic and Tactical areas reflected in the FY 10 plan were as follows:

Strategic Goals and Objectives

Goal / Objective DMS Team Accenture Team Member Lead 1 Vendor Information Portal Launch W. Bikowitz S. Sackreiter 2 Enhanced customer outreach A. Smyth K. Koegel 3 Ariba upgrade activities R. Lieblick B. Cliburn 4 One eProcurement and paymentsSystem A. Rabon K. Koegel 5 VBS / SPURSView pdates E. Swanson B. Cliburn 6 Strategic sourcing / contract adoption D. Kosberg J. Bard

Tactical Goals and Objectives

Goal / Objective DMS Team Accenture Team Member Lead 1 Strengthen revenue collection E. Swanson K. Koegel 2 Identify / review agency shadow systems K. Bickley K. Koegel A. Rabon 3 Desktop procedures R. Lieblick K. Koegel 4 Enhanced reporting R. Lieblick B. Cliburn

Key Accomplishments against these goals, objectives and associated initiatives are as follows:

Strategic Goals and Objectives:

Area #1: Vendor Information Portal Launch The Vendor Information Portal (VIP) was launched in October 2009 and met all of the associated goals that the team set related to this area.

Goal(s): . Simplify the vendor registration process including the screens involved in MFMP Vendor registration: Complete (FY 10) Page 30 of 74 Appendix 2 MyFloridaMarketPlace

. Simplify the transaction fee reporting and payment process, including the associated screens: Complete (FY 10) . Create a more personalized „vendor portal / home page‟ when vendors access MFMP information: Complete (FY 10)

Initiative(s): . Upgrade the Vendor Registration System to be more intuitive and functional: Complete (FY 10) . Consolidate Vendor Registration process between Vendor Registration System and Vendor Bid System: Complete (FY 10) . Implement system enhancements for prioritized vendor system changes (e.g., vendor registration, PUR 3776 form improvements, vendor home page, etc.): Complete (FY 10) . Conduct regular vendor education sessions that provide focus and training on specific areas of the system and processes for working with the State: Completed monthly meetings during FY 10; Ongoing (via MFMP Vendor Meetings)

Area #2: Enhanced customer outreach The team increased direct interaction with buyers and vendors via in-person training sessions, conferences and ongoing web-ex sessions / teleconferences.

Goal: . Continue direct interaction with vendors and key divisions from the State- In Process

Initiative(s): . Conduct vendor conference on „Doing Business with the State of Florida‟ (November 2009): Complete . Participate in OSD MatchMaker Conference (November 2009): Complete . Conduct Buyer conference (target date of March 2010): Complete . Continue Web-ex sessions for vendors on various MFMP topics: Completed monthly meetings during FY 10; Ongoing (via MFMP Vendor Meetings) . Develop online on demand recorded vendor and buyer trainings: Complete

Area #3: Ariba Upgrade activities This area encompasses upgrade activities related to Ariba Buyer, Sourcing and Analysis. The decision was made to defer the Sourcing upgrade until FY 11, as the team took time to research alternate tools in the marketplace and compare functionality. After reviewing the functionality, the decision was made to move ahead with a Sourcing 9r1 upgrade, but that the timing would have to be adjusted to launch it in FY 11.

The Analysis upgrade will go live on 7/26/10. Design, development, and testing activities have been proceeding well through FY 10.

Buyer upgrade activities will begin the early part of FY 11.

Goal: . Complete Sourcing upgrade: Deferred until FY 11 Page 31 of 74 Appendix 2 MyFloridaMarketPlace

. Complete Analysis upgrade: In Process as of 6/30/10, with a go-live date of 7/26/10 . Begin preparation activities for Buyer upgrade: Not Started

Initiative(s): . Identify system enhancements applicable to Sourcing and Analysis upgrades: Complete: (1) Analysis enhancements have been completed and are being implemented as part of the Analysis upgrade; (2) Sourcing enhancements have been proposed that will alleviate the concerns that State Purchasing has had to date (regarding associating vendors with a given event and sending initial email notifications to all vendors within a given commodity code) . Implement upgraded Sourcing and Analysis modules: Sourcing is deferred; Analysis implementation will be complete on 7/26/10 . Create associated Analysis and Sourcing training and support materials for Agency Users and State Purchasing- Analysis: In Progress- training sessions to begin in July 2010; Sourcing: Deferred . Work with Change Review Board to identify system enhancements applicable to Buyer upgrade: Not Started

Area #4: One eProcurement and payment system During FY 10, the MFMP team continued to meet with agencies to assess any existing “shadow” systems for purchase order processing and to discuss increased usage of invoicing and master agreement functionality (for those agencies who have yet to fully adopt these features).

Goal(s): . Comprehensive use of MFMP for invoice processing- In Process . Increase invoicing adoption so that FLAIR processing is used only in exception cases (specifically for AHCA, DCF/APD, DOH, DOR, and FDLE)- In Process . Increase master agreement adoption- In Process (Analysis upgrade will be including additional contract data which supports use of master agreements and available reports to track master agreement data)

Initiatives: . Partner with DFS on DFS‟ goal of “Go Green – Get Green” by accomplishing items such as mandating agency invoice processing for MFMP transactions: In Process: Met with DFS in April 2010 to discuss how MFMP can support DFS‟ goal of “going paperless”; . Continued to work with AHCA, DCF, APD, DOH, DOR to assist with Invoicing questions: Saw increased volumes in invoicing across these agencies (as reported quarterly via the Agency Benchmarking Activity) . Conduct master agreement adoption campaign, including a focus on agencies with significant contract spend not currently included in MFMP- In Process: DOT was a member of the Analysis Design team, and explained the importance of having contract data in Analysis to support master agreement reporting; including this data in Analysis and having these reports will facilitate continued adoption efforts

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Area #5: VBS / SPURSView Updates During FY 10, the MFMP team requested feedback from agency Purchasing Directors, MFMP Change Review Board members, and established a workgroup. Additionally, the team created an “Upgrade website” that includes a section for VBS / SPURSView upgrade information (including a list of the current, proposed enhancements).

Initiative: . Survey customers to understand desired system functionality: Complete . Identify and understand desired customer driven system changes: In Progress (Feedback received has been included in “Proposed Enhancement” list on DMS website)

Area #6: Strategic Sourcing / Contract Adoption The Strategic Sourcing Services team was successful in developing a baseline of current level of usage and satisfaction with statewide agreements. Additionally, the team delivered a framework to track and prioritize future strategic sourcing opportunities. Other key FY 10 accomplishments include:

. Developed new ACS for Food Products ($70 million), Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Services ($10 million), and Auto Parts ($1 million); Food ACS being used by two counties already, and DOH, DJJ and Miami Dade are evaluating this ACS for potential use . Developed and launched Water Treatment Chemicals ITB to drive potential future savings on estimated $80 million annual spend . Designed and supported implementation of improved contracts website that included newly created descriptions, benefits, FAQs and „How to Use‟ content to provide more information to eligible users . Developed and executed Communication plan targeting seven eligible user segments with seven specific communication channels, and then transitioned plan to DMS Operations . Created “spend by entity” database with targeted contracts to deliver visibility of spend on statewide agreements by eligible user segment and individual eligible user . Conducted price benchmarking of targeted contracts to understand competitiveness of pricing

Goal(s): . Increase usage of current state term contracts among other eligible user entities: Complete (and efforts will continue into FY 11) . Identify new state term contract opportunities that benefit agency users and other eligible users- Complete (and efforts will continue into FY 11)

Initiative(s): . Work with other eligible user entities to understand awareness of current contracts and to understand opportunities for new contracts: Complete

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. Develop and roll out state term contract training which would be available for other eligible users: Conducted Buyer conference that included state term contract training, and implemented communication channels to facilitate awareness of available state term contracts

Tactical Goals and Objectives:

Area #1: Strengthen revenue collection Revenue collection was a key area of focus for the team during FY 10, including completion of “FLAIR Gap” activities and additional notification to delinquent vendors.

Goal(s): . Implement additional notification to vendors who are excessively delinquent in reporting and payment activities: Complete

Initiatives: . Send formal letters (under signature from State Purchasing) to top vendors who have agency spend and are more than 90 days delinquent in submitting a transaction fee report: Complete (and ongoing into FY 11) . Send formal letters (under signature from State Purchasing) to top vendors who have agency spend and are more than 90 days delinquent in remitting owed transaction fees- Complete (and ongoing into FY 11) . Roll out transaction fee training to agency customers: Complete . Implement the transaction fee review process: Complete

Area #2: Identify / Review agency shadow systems The team reviewed current shadow systems that continue to be used by agencies for requisition processing. This included agency meetings and demonstrations as well as a preliminary cost assessment associated with maintaining these shadow systems.

Goal(s): . Assess the functionality of shadow system use for requisitioning across MFMP agencies (specifically DC, APD, DCF, and APD) through full adoption of MFMP for requisitioning processes: Completed “Procurement Shadow System Comparison” document in January 2010 (that provided additional detail of ARTS, PRS, and AIMS which are used by DCF, DC, and DOACS respectively)

Initiatives: . Complete a detailed analysis and comparison of the various shadow systems used by DC, DCF, APD and DOACS: Complete

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Area #3: Desktop procedures The MFMP published an updated System Administrator manual, and is in process of completing an updated Buyer manual (to be published in early FY 11)

Goal: . Document all routine business processes to support knowledge transfer and cross training opportunities: Complete (and ongoing into FY11)

Initiative: . Document all day to day desk procedures and ensure that the topics are up to date: Complete (and ongoing into FY11)

Area #4: Enhanced reporting As part of the Analysis upgrade, the team engaged the MFMP Change Review Board for feedback and prioritization of system enhancements; Analysis is scheduled to go live with these enhancements on 7/26/10. As part of this upgrade, customers will have access to enhanced data that facilitates operational reporting (including FLAIR data, additional VIP data, and additional Buyer contract and invoice data)

Goal(s): . Identify if there is a need for any further refining of available operational reports for MFMP customer agencies: Complete

Initiative(s): . Work with Change Review Board / other agency stakeholders to understand applicable Analysis enhancements as part of upgrade activities: Complete

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Exhibit C – DMS Organization Structure

Linda South, Secretary Department of Management Services

Anthony W. Garcia Director of State Purchasing

Rachael Lieblick Chief of State Purchasing Operations

Vacant Operations Manager

Amy Smyth Anne Rabon Vacant Communications and Process Specialist Vendor Manager Process Specialist Process Specialist Page 36 of 74 Appendix 2 MyFloridaMarketPlace

Exhibit D – Accenture Organization Structure

Project Partner QA Partner

Strategic Sourcing Program Management Program Administrative Support

Application Support Technical Infrastructure Stakeholder Team

Production Support Application Development Buyer Stakeholder Support Vendor Stakeholder Support Technical Infrastructure Support s

Accenture Proprietary and Confidential

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Exhibit E – MFMP System User Information



September) September)

Total T Total Total Total Total Total



FY2011 FY2010 FY2009 FY2008 FY2007 FY2006 FY2005

YTDTotal Grand Grand Total



Registered Vendors 3,379 15,437 16,075 14,161 14,001 14,288 16,438 43,042 136,821

Sourcing Registered Vendors 2,045 9,715 10,094 8,434 8,091 7,542 8,494 19,125 73,540

eQuote Registered Vendors 1,991 9,103 9,336 7,652 7,282 6,790 7,837 21,222 71,213

ASN Registered Vendors (3) 29 27 14 19 21 54 267 428

Registered MBEs 1,590 7,280 6,720 5,607 4,913 4,497 4,914 13,741 49,262

Registered CMBEs (Subset of Registered MBEs) 245 101 167 (2,129) 594 64 1,029 4,785 4,856

Registered SDVBEs (Subset of Registered MBEs) 149 604 367 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,120

Registered Certified SDVBEs (Subset of Registered SDVBEs) 12 77 72 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 161


Cumulative Users Loaded at End of Month 15,220 15,092 14,470 13,862 13,244 12,950 12,076 8,161 N/A

Total Active Users Within Last 30 Days N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Peak Number of Active Concurrent Users N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Average Number of Active Concurrent Users N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Overall System Utilization

September) September)

Total Total Total Total Total Total Total



FY2011 FY2010 FY2009 FY2008 FY2007 FY2006 FY2005

YTDTotal Grand Grand Total

All statistics represented are cumulative for the current fiscal year (July

Purchases and Payments

Number of POs Issued * 50,438 163,196 153,250 153,367 162,696 162,430 84,405 24,791 954,573

Dollar Value of POs Issued * $733,252,741 $1,659,581,668 $1,569,100,730 $1,472,234,536 $1,375,418,935 $1,371,458,894 $585,438,955 $196,294,915 $8,962,781,374

Contract Spend $304,699,873 $700,092,451 $732,379,928 $624,789,235 $607,360,057 $643,595,948 $255,748,712 $3,664,249 $3,872,330,453

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Overall System Utilization

September) September)

Total Total Total Total Total Total Total



FY2011 FY2010 FY2009 FY2008 FY2007 FY2006 FY2005

YTDTotal Grand Grand Total

All statistics represented are cumulative for the current fiscal year (July

eQuote Spend $20,294 $139,922 $94,238 $275,999 $301,508 $1,125,542 $1,603,095 $1,008,872 $4,569,470

Number of Invoices Paid * 74,310 313,934 299,596 276,428 239,924 253,246 95,326 13,679 1,566,443

Dollar Value of Invoices Paid * $186,256,390 $786,973,727 $762,223,811 $751,920,036 $628,100,097 $996,026,177 $522,008,871 $69,763,870 $4,703,272,980

Contracts/Master Agreements

Total Contracts/Master Agreements Approved 396 1,551 1,250 1,496 3,430 5,248 4,248 2,398 20,017

State Term Contracts (Including Distributor MAs) 87 584 359 282 1,927 1,917 2,487 2,020 9,663

Agency Contracts 309 967 891 1,214 1,503 3,331 1,761 378 10,354


Catalogs Loaded 50 (307) 5 60 215 (235) 106 745 639

SKUs Loaded 21,928 22,142 265,572 8,832 (7601) (46,250) 8,519 66,919 340,061

Punch-out Catalogs 0 4 4 3 0 (1) 2 3 15

Sourcing Events

Sourcing Events Created as of Month-end 7 40 44 62 78 75 102 116 524

Sourcing Events Closed as of Month-end 1 26 33 42 124 51 98 86 461

Individual Agency Utilization

September) September)


Total Total Total Total Total Total Total



F FY2010 FY2009 FY2008 FY2007 FY2006 FY2005

YTDTotal Grand Grand Total

All statistics represented are cumulative for the current fiscal year (July

Dollar Value of POs Issued*

Agency for Health Care Administration $5,173,038 $9,050,280 $10,699,620 $9,101,909 $8,165,924 $6,568,069 $6,608,670 $1,944,689 $57,312,198

Agency for Persons with Disabilities $7,137,053 $11,374,442 $9,453,173 $12,709,486 $13,359,287 $10,520,944 $0 $0 $64,554,384

Agency for Workforce Innovation $51,045,375 $67,061,769 $35,397,646 $17,224,125 $11,766,672 $16,553,875 $6,818,095 $0 $205,867,557

Attorney General $2,245,345 $4,189,194 $3,697,913 $2,913,078 $3,563,842 $4,090,511 $371,333 $0 $21,071,215

Department of Business and Professional Regulation $5,738,189 $7,578,533 $9,807,219 $10,001,924 $10,527,839 $6,692,635 $2,629,360 $0 $52,975,700

Department of Children and Families $45,934,971 $109,260,380 $96,337,058 $83,170,410 $110,506,389 $109,686,587 $20,092,190 $17,610 $575,005,595

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Individual Agency Utilization

September) September)


Total Total Total Total Total Total Total



F FY2010 FY2009 FY2008 FY2007 FY2006 FY2005

YTDTotal Grand Grand Total

All statistics represented are cumulative for the current fiscal year (July

Department of Citrus $267,633 $913,888 $891,073 $1,119,383 $906,296 $965,331 $1,134,811 $1,535,907 $7,734,321

Department of Community Affairs $8,743,361 $10,976,346 $16,116,517 $28,956,098 $37,837,039 $77,854,763 $1,514,188 $0 $181,998,312

Department of Corrections $111,152,663 $354,361,615 $399,090,877 $283,489,299 $209,468,354 $186,722,186 $17,456,961 $0 $1,561,741,955

Department of Education $13,031,577 $21,151,091 $23,012,615 $28,846,134 $24,564,785 $18,358,778 $13,621,723 $16,392 $142,603,095

Department of Elder Affairs $967,641 $1,826,386 $1,614,975 $2,361,003 $2,415,851 $3,158,264 $1,583,497 $0 $13,927,617

Department of Environmental Protection $16,056,969 $35,215,320 $46,097,210 $70,284,833 $67,065,651 $60,457,240 $15,294,256 $7,212 $310,478,692

Department of Financial Services $18,883,798 $56,233,509 $49,852,417 $38,817,577 $50,414,053 $34,310,430 $9,766,201 $0 $258,277,985

Department of Health $178,450,489 $386,373,221 $319,450,552 $341,743,007 $320,511,583 $291,849,706 $139,998,962 $36,243,145 $2,014,620,666

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles $57,691,916 $74,486,707 $68,442,960 $54,209,930 $72,382,552 $112,757,369 $32,101,038 $0 $472,072,473

Department of Juvenile Justice $29,362,057 $34,044,950 $24,672,297 $36,953,237 $39,039,564 $39,701,708 $35,539,881 $13,330,179 $252,643,871

Department of Law Enforcement $14,397,977 $23,936,637 $17,148,780 $25,288,889 $21,076,819 $17,216,932 $7,046,410 $0 $126,112,443

Department of Management Services** $52,089,385 $111,342,160 $98,211,187 $75,425,532 $42,274,754 $54,157,209 $51,244,083 $66,233,600 $550,977,910

Department of Military Affairs $2,546,233 $3,812,632 $4,569,327 $4,871,800 $3,535,313 $5,462,333 $1,459,122 $0 $26,256,760

Department of Revenue $7,892,870 $25,646,874 $19,562,013 $29,159,212 $25,015,425 $28,611,535 $16,189,912 $0 $152,077,841

Department of State $4,055,251 $6,651,424 $6,747,830 $6,734,888 $7,655,466 $14,741,125 $11,460,223 $0 $58,046,206

Department of the Lottery $2,166,418 $4,686,465 $4,481,135 $4,248,652 $6,829,096 $7,026,036 $3,195,753 $0 $32,633,555

Department of Transportation $45,940,656 $171,981,413 $198,327,895 $222,301,997 $206,273,073 $197,434,016 $156,338,498 $73,094,017 $1,271,691,565

Department of Veterans Affairs $16,532,275 $29,621,387 $26,273,001 $32,305,319 $35,267,290 $25,220,868 $20,925,539 $3,853,383 $189,999,063

Division of Administrative Hearings $228,419 $2,966,728 $3,485,078 $326,711 $0 $43,993 $30,943 $1,567 $7,083,438

Executive Office of the Governor $2,771,322 $5,703,452 $4,082,809 $4,051,696 $2,671,260 $2,484,036 $568,737 $17,216 $22,350,528

Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission $26,492,522 $71,798,725 $58,805,438 $40,939,734 $38,603,506 $34,250,140 $9,270,378 $0 $280,160,443

Florida School for the Deaf and Blind $3,741,409 $6,521,581 $4,411,998 $1,513,751 $0 $0 $1,442 $0 $16,190,181

Parole Commission $27,910 $145,619 $195,996 $173,718 $426,972 $338,359 $20,706 $0 $1,329,280

Public Service Commission $0 $0 $0 $5,032 $7,565 $1,169,802 $448,314 $0 $1,630,713

State Courts $2,451,232 $10,668,942 $8,164,120 $2,986,172 $3,286,715 $3,054,115 $2,707,731 $0 $33,319,027

Southwood Shared Resource Center $36,785 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,785

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Individual Agency Utilization (continued)

September) September)

Total Total Total Total Total Total Total



FY2011 FY2010 FY2009 FY2008 FY2007 FY2006 FY2005

YTDTotal Grand Grand Total

All statistics represented are cumulative for the current fiscal year (July

Dollar Value of Invoices Paid*

Agency for Health Care Administration $102,827 $579,759 $459,086 $440,824 $459,264 $4,214,832 $5,337,876 $1,121,806 $12,716,274

Agency for Persons with Disabilities $124,784 $729,866 $1,114,089 $1,121,186 $1,138,375 $382,012 $0 $0 $4,610,313

Agency for Workforce Innovation $11,372,602 $40,693,411 $18,741,111 $9,327,804 $6,260,682 $12,863,888 $7,090,552 $0 $106,350,050

Attorney General $0 $0 $860 $39,380 $176,291 $893,614 $42,839 $0 $1,152,984

Department of Business and Professional Regulation $1,051,226 $6,830,408 $8,926,533 $7,991,795 $8,614,305 $4,786,023 $1,097,991 $0 $39,298,280

Department of Children and Families $943 $3,012,553 $1,406,952 $1,878,330 $162,703 $1,176,421 $94,327 $453 $7,732,681

Department of Citrus $0 $39,245 $4,612 $0 $42,209 $17,048 $110,961 $0 $214,076

Department of Community Affairs $3,229,028 $13,105,645 $13,755,621 $25,323,983 $16,643,284 $50,697,821 $679,641 $0 $123,435,023

Department of Corrections $28,731,614 $117,733,924 $152,364,712 $144,500,131 $118,744,683 $69,686,509 $6,358,697 $0 $638,120,271

Department of Education $4,658,932 $17,832,867 $20,866,202 $23,778,127 $20,898,249 $14,758,857 $9,963,215 $0 $112,756,449

Department of Elder Affairs $195,921 $972,429 $1,094,699 $1,083,277 $1,008,930 $2,337,571 $878,410 $0 $7,571,236

Department of Environmental Protection $6,264,171 $30,969,493 $41,881,041 $60,477,873 $55,533,329 $53,603,001 $8,708,578 $7,165 $257,444,650

Department of Financial Services $10,748,893 $36,219,029 $38,440,717 $34,245,922 $23,523,157 $30,598,126 $3,431,459 $0 $177,207,303

Department of Health $31,379,993 $114,594,507 $88,941,027 $71,069,889 $29,163,044 $340,443,300 $296,718,816 $16,391,946 $988,702,522

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles $17,374,477 $49,386,602 $44,940,591 $50,382,286 $61,212,939 $69,157,797 $7,315,150 $0 $299,769,842

Department of Juvenile Justice $1,661,983 $8,972,566 $8,104,257 $8,429,245 $13,447,087 $10,331,756 $8,205,817 $250 $59,152,961

Department of Law Enforcement $36,964 $194,442 $134,484 $2,700,721 $44,500 $12,265,405 $2,582,398 $0 $17,958,914

Department of Management Services** $18,851,930 $97,955,539 $79,968,056 $35,815,691 $30,130,381 $51,705,806 $28,262,771 $16,636,827 $359,327,000

Department of Military Affairs $451,623 $4,328,554 $3,496,435 $3,829,866 $3,857,059 $3,481,616 $232,346 $0 $19,677,500

Department of Revenue $0 $36,677 $278,397 $1,412,157 $552,451 $19,373,723 $9,553,811 $0 $31,207,216

Department of State $2,250,061 $4,939,130 $5,707,820 $6,056,164 $7,370,860 $14,726,046 $8,751,151 $0 $49,801,232

Department of the Lottery $1,320,324 $4,590,921 $4,045,509 $3,536,885 $7,941,662 $5,948,872 $2,633,182 $0 $30,017,355

Department of Transportation $24,848,969 $148,999,392 $149,315,814 $192,209,964 $162,411,244 $172,091,667 $96,604,628 $34,214,693 $980,696,371

Department of Veterans Affairs $3,955,532 $18,060,200 $16,304,732 $24,181,010 $20,852,213 $16,028,697 $11,035,995 $1,388,592 $111,806,972

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Individual Agency Utilization (continued)

September) September)

Total Total Total Total Total Total Total



FY2011 FY2010 FY2009 FY2008 FY2007 FY2006 FY2005

YTDTotal Grand Grand Total

All statistics represented are cumulative for the current fiscal year (July

Division of Administrative Hearings $0 $0 $0 $11,919 $0 $43,625 $24,666 $0 $80,210

Executive Office of the Governor $1,592,920 $3,412,802 $2,600,037 $2,433,829 $2,370,639 $1,812,715 $447,541 $2,137 $14,672,621

Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission $7,562,084 $48,799,553 $50,904,708 $36,468,778 $32,406,675 $28,540,162 $3,802,654 $0 $208,484,614

Florida School for the Deaf and Blind $2,713,487 $4,244,064 $3,747,052 $479,162 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,183,764

Parole Commission $0 $0 $0 $9,415 $283,818 $316,957 $0 $0 $610,189

Public Service Commission $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,562 $1,014,264 $282,491 $0 $1,304,317

State Courts $5,775,104 $9,740,148 $4,678,656 $2,684,424 $2,842,503 $2,728,048 $1,760,909 $0 $30,209,791

Southwood Shared Resource Center $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

Overall Customer Support


September) September)

Total Total Total Total Total Total Tota



FY2011 FY2010 FY2009 FY2008 FY2007 FY2006 FY2005

YTDTotal Grand Grand Total


Number of Customer Inquiries By Category

Buyer 577 2,453 2,913 4,542 5,389 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Invoicing 142 464 578 1,002 1,514 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Integration/Interfaces 173 286 120 119 362 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Contracts 33 223 170 129 190 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Reporting 27 70 70 96 117 N/A N/A N/A N/A

eQuote 76 360 486 634 800 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Ariba Supplier Network (ASN) 13 79 68 49 96 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Security 24 8 17 10 65 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Payment 11 25 18 13 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A

eInvoicing 6 35 15 22 22 N/A N/A N/A N/A

SPURSView 33 199 144 56 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A

SPURS 1 23 1,486 679 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A

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Overall Customer Support


September) September)

Total Total Total Total Total Total Tota



FY2011 FY2010 FY2009 FY2008 FY2007 FY2006 FY2005

YTDTotal Grand Grand Total


Vendor Bid System 279 2,080 1,554 248 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Sourcing 197 2,296 1,794 2,058 3,171 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Catalogs 11 31 18 12 21 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Vendor Registration 4,323 20,050 22,145 18,777 18,642 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Other/General Info 3 0 2 1 6 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Billing & Collections 1,024 5,539 6,657 8,237 6,674 N/A N/A N/A N/A

FLAIR Gap Analysis 4 7 1 17 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A

TOTAL 6,957 34,228 38,256 36,701 37,074 46,007 49,013 69,347 317,583

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Exhibit F – Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

According to the latest MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP) customer satisfaction survey, 97 percent of MFMP customers are satisfied overall with the system and its services. While MFMP customers receive ongoing training and new tools from MyFloridaMarketPlace to continuously improve their work in purchasing and payment processing, these survey results are a testament to the success of the MFMP team‟s efforts. The August survey of 1,400 active MFMP customers in purchasing, and finance and , had a 23 percent return rate. Those two groups use MFMP more than any other group. The majority of survey participants used MFMP for more than two years. Ninety-seven percent of purchasing respondents stated they are "moderately to very satisfied" with the purchasing tool, up from 89 percent in August 2007. Ninety-six percent of finance and accounting customers report being "moderately to very satisfied" with their ability to process invoices, an increase from last year. The survey results show MFMP continues to surpass all expectations. When we issued the baseline survey in 2006, customer satisfaction was at 80.5 percent. The increase to an astounding 97 percent overall satisfaction shows that the MFMP team listens to their customers and delivers system improvements to increase efficiency and user-friendliness. MyFloridaMarketPlace continues to provide an effective and efficient approach to conducting the state's business, and we appreciate customers' validation of that through their responses.

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