Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By DIMAS HARYO PRAKOSO Student Number: 164214134





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By DIMAS HARYO PRAKOSO Student Number: 164214134





When you first came here,

you weren’t in a bad patch

but you still have A way at

looking at things like the

world hadn’t touched you

yet. I think I wanted to

protect that.












I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my thesis advisor, Drs.

Hirmawan Wijanarka M. Hum for guidance, patience, and advices he has given me to make this thesis happen. Even when the world has looked down upon us, he continued the works with ease. I am thankful for everything Sir Hir has done for me and honored to be Sir Hir‟s mentor. Moreover, I want to give my gratitude to my thesis co-advisor, Arina Isti'anah, S.Pd., M. Hum, for giving me feedback and suggestion that made a huge improvement towards my thesis.

I am also thankful to all lecturers and staff of English Letters Department in Universitas Sanata Dharma for their help, knowledge, experiences, and guidance during my time as a student, mostly to my academic advisor, Th. Enny

Anggraini, Ph.D.

My deepest love is given to my cat O‟renivita. Thank you for existing in this world. She is a god creature, which I am blessed to be her owner because she always accompanies me throughout the whole process of completing my undergraduate thesis. Although she does get too excited when I am working on my thesis, nonetheless, I am still thankful.

I would also like to give my humble, sincere thanks to all my best buddies,

Maureen Karina, Jugal Parmar, Maruška Maru Fedáková, and my university friends, Jennie Kim (Ayu), Clara M, Riris, Michelle, Satria, Nanda, Aska, Septian,

Angel, Ceff, and Natha. I love you guys so much.Thank you for keeping me sane.

Dimas Haryo Prakoso





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 5 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 6 D. Definition of Terms ...... 6

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 8 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 8 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 11 1. Theory of Characterization ...... 11 2. Theory of Psychosocial Development ...... 14 3. Theory of Mental Process ...... 17 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 20

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 21 A. Object of the Study...... 21 B. Approach of the Study ...... 23 C. Method of the Study ...... 23



CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ...... 26 A. The Characterization of Tobias Eaton...... 26 a. Ambigious ...... 28 b. Survivalist ...... 34 c. Affectionate ...... 40 d. Traumatic ...... 43 1.B The Psychosocial Development of Tobias Eaton...... 47 2.B Mental Process of Tobias Eaton ...... 53


REFERENCES ...... 70 APPENDIX ...... 71 Appendix 1: Table Contents of the Psychosocial development: eight ages of man...... 71




DVD : Digital Video Disc YA : Young Adult MTV : Music Television IMDb : Internet Movie Database HMMA : Hollywood Music in Media Awards USD : Dollar etc.




DIMAS, HARYO PRAKOSO. (2020). THE PSYCHOSOCIAL DEVELOPMENT AND MENTAL PROCESS OF TOBIAS EATON IN NEIL BURGER’S DIVERGENT. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma. Characters are those who exist to give pleasure to audiences. Characters have their characterization, which then can be involved with the development of the characteristics through psychology. It exposes the character‟s hidden personality from the workings of the conscious mind, the unconscious. The character of Tobias Eaton showed himself to be mysterious if analyzed without the pyschoanalysis. The results of significant changes in Tobias Eaton‟s personality are configured through the theories used psychosocial development and mental process. Throughout the process, Psychoanalytic approach is used to identify the inner thought of the character‟s behaviour. There are two research problems in this thesis: (1) How are the characteristics of Tobias Eaton portrayed in Neil Burger’s Divergent and (2) How does the inclination of the psychosocial development and the mental process of Tobias Eaton shape his personality in Neil Burger’s Divergent. The first problem is answered through the character characterization in film by Boggs and Petrie. The character of Tobias Eaton is analyzed based on how the character visually and mentally acts. The second problem is answered through the characterization of the character which is used to analyze the psychosocial development by Erik Erikson of the character. After that it uses the development and the characterization works as a shred of evidence for the effect of the character‟s mental process by Sigmund Freud. From the analysis, the findings state that the character of Tobias Eaton personality in characterization misrepresented his character as a whole based on his appearance alone. The childhood exposure from the psychosocial development found that the character has suffered through abandonment and physical abuse, which changes Tobias Eaton‟s vision in society. The adaptation of the character Tobias Eaton related to the unconscious and conscious mind found to be psychologically healthy and mentally unhealthy In the conclusion of this research, the character of Tobias Eaton successfully revealed through the interaction of psychology theories which use other components; unconscious and conscious, to analyze the hidden personality of a character.

Keywords: characters, psychology, development, psychosocial development, mental process





Karakter ada dikarenakan mereka yang tujuannya memberikan kenikmatan kepada penonton. Karakter mempunyai karakterisasi mereka masing-masing yang nantinya bisa disangkutkan dengan pengembangan karakter melalui psikologi. Karakter tersebut dikarakterisasi melalui pikiran kesadaran, pikiran alam bawah sadar. Karakter Tobias Eaton hanya akan terlihat misteriuus jika hanya digambarkan melalui karakterisasi. Perubahan kesat yang dapat dilihat di penilitan ini terhadap kepribadian Tobias Eaton adalah teori-teori yang di gunakan dalam penilitian ini; perkembangan psikososial dan proses mental. Dari proses tersebut, pendekatan psikoanalitik dipakai untuk mengenali tingkah laku pola pikir bawah sadar sebuah karakter. Terdapat dua permasalahan di dalam penelitian ini: (1) bagaimana karakteristik dari Tobias Eaton digambarkan dalam film Divergent oleh Neil Burger dan (2) bagimana inklinasi dari pengembangan psikososial dan proses mental bisa membentuk kepribadian karakter di film Divergent oleh Neil Burger. Permasalahan pertama dijawab menggunakan karakterisasi karakter di film oleh Boggs dan Petrie. Karakter Tobias Eaton dianalisis berdasarkan bagaimana karakter secara visual dan mental berekspresi melalui film. Permasalahan kedua dijawab melalui analisis karakterisasi yang menggunakan perkembangan psikososial oleh Erik Erikson dan karakterisasi sebagai bukti untuk efek proses mental oleh Sigmund Freud. Dari analisis, penemuan-penemuan dapat ditemukan bahwa kepribadian karakter Tobias Eaton dalam karakterisasi salah mengartikan karakternya berdasarkan penampilannya secara menyeluruh. Paparan masa kanak-kanak dari perkembangan psikososial dapat ditemukan bahwa karakter tersebut telah menderita melalui pengabaian dan penganiayaan fisik yang mengubah visi Tobias Eaton pada masyarakat. Adaptasi karakter yang berkaitan denngan alam bawah sadar dan sadar ditemukan bahwa Tobias Eaton secara psikologis sehat dan secara mental tidak sehat. Dalam kesimpulan penilitian ini, karakter Tobias Eaton berhasil terungkap melalui interaksi teori-teori psikologi yang menggunakan komponen; alam bawah sadar, alam sadar, untuk menganalisis kepribadian tersembunyi dari suatu karakter.

Keywords: characters, psychology, development, psychosocial development, mental process





A. Background of the Study

Characters are those who exist to encounter conflicts and to win the audience‟s interests, which is as villains or heroes. As stated by Feist & Feist

(2008) in their book Theories of Personality, The audience can be satisfied if the characters are “believable in playing their roles, which is the same way that the story should be believable” (p. 270). The characters are interesting in the audience when the characters have their uniqueness: how the character expresses their feelings, actions, and expressions to the audience.

When the audience is interested in certain characters, it is usually because the characters have multiple dimensions and depth, which allows for the discussion on their characterization. Characterization follows the part of how the character acts, appearances, talks in a story. In this case, it is also essential that characterization can sometimes be affected by the psychosocial development of the character. “Psychologically, mature people would come through the experiences of childhood and adolescence in control of their psychic energy and with their ego functioning in the centre of an ever-expanding world of consciousness” (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 47).




Tobias Eaton, one of the main characters in Divergent, plays a significant role in the movie. As one of the main characters, he is obligated to have a unique background and concept that makes him an interesting character. According to

Roth‟s perspective on reading the transcript movie, she says:

Reading a script is an exciting experience. I‟d never read a script before. I was impressed by how closely it stuck to the general plotline of the book. I haven‟t read the updated script, so I don‟t know how it‟s transformed. I‟ve been told it‟s transformed in really positive ways. I‟m going to read it soon. And from what I saw on set, it was developing quite nicely. So, it was surprisingly positive. I was expected to feel very personally insulted if anything changed, but I didn‟t feel that way, at all (Radish, 2013, para. 3). In short, it can be concluded that the only changes Burger made from this movie was the plotline and not the characters. The character of Eaton is depicted the same in the movie as Roth‟s novel.

In the divergent world, society is divided into five different factions:

Abnegation for the selfless, Dauntless for the brave, Erudite for the intelligent, and Amity for the humble. Tobias Eaton, nicknamed “Four,” is a twenty-four- year-old man from Abnegation, a faction for the selfless. Tobias Eaton is handsome, smart, cold-hearted, physically built. He works at Dauntless as an instructor for the initiates born outside of Dauntless. Eaton has already known himself to be a Divergent—a derogatory term used to refer to individuals who are born outside the norm because they singlehandedly belong to every faction there is—from the beginning of the story yet in secret. Tris Prior, his love interest in the movie also turns out to be a Divergent. However, the two kept their silence despite knowing each other‟s true identity because they both were trying to



conceal their identities from the upper class—note that being a Divergent is forbidden in this universe. Eaton never trusts the society, nor does he ever trusts his comrades who have a connection to the upper class because Eaton believes the superior factions, which are Erudite and Dauntless are monopolizing other factions in secret. That is why Eaton always opted to conceal his true identity in the face of society until he met Tris Prior. He is the deuterogamist of the movie.

His mother, Evelyn Johnson, died when he was still a child, and ever since, he has been taken care of by his father, Marcus Eaton. After his mother died, Tobias Eaton became a victim of his father‟s physical abuse. Although

Marcus‟ intention in the movie was to try to help him to be a better person, to

Eaton, his attitude towards him was physically and mentally hurtful and have caused him traumas that affected his childhood. Like everyone else in this universe, Tobias Eaton got tested for placement in a faction as he turned sixteen through a serum-induced psychological aptitude test. Abnegation was the result in his aptitude test, but, as individuals are allowed to choose placements in other factions, he chooses Dauntless instead to be his faction to escape his father‟s cruelty at the „choosing ceremony.‟

Tris, as a new initiate, engage through steep paths. As they are now not only ranked among other initiates to become a full-fledge Dauntless, but their ranks also determine who gets cut. If the initiates rank below the minimum requirements, they would automatically fail and become factionless. To rank above the minimum, initiates need to pass three tests.



The first test is a physical test, where the captains pushed their physical abilities, endurances, accuracies, and abilities to the limits. The second test is a simulation test which is also fairly physical, where the initiates are injected with a serum that stimulates the part of brains that processes their fears in a state of a deep hallucination. The last test is a final test where they have to successfully do the last two test on their own without the help of their supervisors.

After Eaton and Prior become acquainted with each other and fall in love,

Tobias Eaton begins to open up to her. Eaton reveals the secret coup that has been going on, with Dauntless and Erudite working together to overthrow Abnegation which has been in charge of the factions for years. The reason is because Erudite suspects that Abnegation houses many of the Divergent population in their society. Much like everybody else, they find the existence of Divergents threatening due to their many traits and abilities, and thus wants to erase them by calling them rebels or viruses that destroy humanity.

Prior to the beginning of the movie, Tobias Eaton escaped his hometown to erase his past. The reason why Tobias Eaton becomes the object of this study is to reveal the psychological reasoning as to why he acts the way he does; is it because of the influence of others or love?

This study is conducted to analyze how Eaton manifests his development in the movie using characterization and psychosocial perspective to reveal his other side of personality.



The fundamental aim of this thesis is to explore Tobias Eaton‟s development through the concept of psychosocial development to understand the mental process of the character. The character of Tobias Eaton is chosen because of his secretive nature. Psychoanalytic Approach is used to realize his unconscious and conscious mind. The characterization of Tobias Eaton is needed to give a general idea of Tobias Eaton is like as a character. Furthermore, the finished characterization of Tobias Eaton is used to expose his childhood memories, in which the psychosocial development then is applied. The character is then analyzed through the mental process after his childhood development is exposed. The result of the exposure is determined by how much his childhood affects him. After this, the mental process needed for the last requirement of the research to thoroughly figure out if the character of Tobias Eaton‟s behaviour and thought changes due to his childhood experiences, which is why the psychoanalytic approach used in this research.

B. Problem Formulation

Two questions discussed in this study. The questions are:

1. What are the characteristics of Tobias Eaton as portrayed in Neil Burger’s


2. How does the inclination of the psychosocial development and the mental

process of Tobias Eaton shape his personality in Neil Burger’s Divergent?



C. Objectives of the Study

The objective of this study is to answer the formulated problems. This research has two main objectives. The first is to reveal the figuration of the character of Tobias Eaton through his actions in relation to the influence of his surroundings. The second objective is to analyze the inclination of the psychosocial development that affects the mental process of Tobias Eaton, which causes him to act the way he does.

D. Definition of Terms

There are three terms used in this study. These terms are necessary to be used to help understand and avoid misunderstanding from the reader. The first term used in this study is Personality. From the perspective of psychology, personality does not have any single definition because theorists have many meanings to describe the word personality. Still, to a degree, personality can be described as, “a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person‟s behavior” (Feist & Feist,

2008, p. 4).

The second one is the mental process. The mental process is a term used to describe the psychological process in a person‟s mind, and the words “mental process” has the same meaning as personality development and tripartite. “Freud theorized that healthy personality development or mental process requires a balance between the id and the superego.” (Freud & Breuer, 1895, p. 285).

Furhtermore, to understand how it works. The idea begins with the concept of the



unconscious and conscious. The unconscious is implied to expose hidden personality that a person cannot see and cannot access through in their mind(id).

In contrast, the preconscious and conscious can access it through their mind, and they are there to tame the hidden personality from showing in a person (ego and superego). Thus, the mental process can have their imbalances where one can be more dominant than others which can affect a person‟s personality.

The third one is the psychosocial development. The psychosocial development is a term used to describe the psychological process in a person‟s past life. Erik Erik‟s theory is focused on the social relationships than on sexuality, “you have likely heard of an identity crisis. He theorized that during adolescence, we all face a crisis of figuring out who we are. Each of the stages has this either-or quality. (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 290). The psychosocial development is there to described as a time of crisis—a time when the personality would go one way or the other, which is how an adult‟s personality is made.




A. Review of Related Studies

Neil Burger‟s Divergent is a movie that shows how the main characters encounter many problems that influence the character developments throughout the story. Featured below are three related studies about Divergent, and another one that is not. To avoid plagiarism, a comparison between this study and these studies are needed.

In Handoko‟s 2016 of Class Struggle as the Impact of Capitalism Seen through Faction in ’s Divergent focuses on the class struggle as the impact of capitalism. In that study, she uses the theory of Marxist to see the class struggle in the class society, and also other critical intrinsic elements used which are; Theory of Setting, Theory of Capitalism, Theory of Class Consciousness,

(Wilczynksi, 1981, p.78). Theory of Class Struggle is used in this study to understand the idea of classes and struggle or realization of the oppressions which happened in Divergent. The Theoretical Framework is used in her study as completion to answer the problem formulation. She applied Marxist Approach in her study to sees progress as coming about through the struggle for power between different social classes (Handoko, 2016, p. 12). In her study, she finds the idea of capitalism revealed through faction in Divergent that Erudite wants to conquer the profits economically and politically by overthrowing abnegation.



The second study of Primananda 2015 of Analyzing Hegemony: Faction

System in Veronica Roth’s Divergent focuses on the further analyze formula of science fiction and the concept of hegemony in Veronica Roth‟s Divergent. She discussed the formula of science fiction in Veronica Roth‟s Divergent which includes the explanation of “anomaly”, “linear retrospective”, and the hero or heroine. She uses the theory of Hegemony from an Italian Marxist thinker,

Antonio Gramsci to expose the extrinsic elements in Veronica Roth‟s Divergent

(Primanda, 2015, p.16). In her study, she pointed out that the purpose of “Faction

System” is to protect people from killing each other in Veronica Roth‟s Divergent.

She explained how Prior‟s story begins with the initial mystery, which is Prior‟s ceremony test to choose which factions does she wants to be in. The sensation of fear in Veronica Roth‟s Divergent shown when Beatrice lives in the “Dauntless faction”; she forced to conquer her fears to be brave. She was filled with curiosity and tried to unlock the mystery of the problem after Beatrice was visited by her mom which in the ends, she realizes a war between Erudite and Abnegation.

Nindita writes the third study. In her 2019 of The Disingenuous

Histrionic Personality Disorder and The Mental Process of Amy Eliott Dunne in

Flynn’s Gone Girl, she explains how Amy Elliott Dunne‟s characteristics revealed using histrionic personality disorder with psychopathy and how later on her mental process leads her to manifest such disorder. The thesis intention itself is to highlight the topic of how the mental process of Amy Elliott develops her personality. In conclusion to her characterization of Amy Elliot, she explains that

Amy is intelligent, manipulative, egocentric, and cruel. In the idea of how her



mental process works aligned with her characterization that has been characterized by Kharisma. Every time Amy faces a traumatic event, it leads to hatred—it can lead to the activation of the death instinct—afterwards, the activation of the death instinct leads Amy to the destructiveness (Nindita, 2019, p.50). Amy‟s ego always provides the id to get what it desires. Her ego continues the impulse of the id that is processing the primary process of to the secondary process, from a subjective image of revenge because of the hatred to the revenge plan (Nindita, 2019, p.55). In Amy‟s superego, it concluded that her superego is not mature enough to be balanced to her id because her superego is weak, which made her impulsive (Nindita,2019, p.57). Kharisma fully understood that the character of Amy Elliott is a psychopathy woman that ends up being the female villain in the book, which is why her study focuses on the psychology of the mind of the character.

From the related studies above, the researchers have shown different theories, analyses, and also objects on how they correlate their theses. The first related study uses the novel as the object of the study and classified her analysis on how class struggle impacts the society, which focuses on the society rather than to the characters of the story. The second related study uses the novel as the object of the study uses the novel as the object and classified her analysis on how hegemony overpowered the society, which again focused more to the society instead, but fewer influences to characters.



The third one related study uses the novel as the object and classified her analysis on how the character of the character reveals the tendency of histrionic personality disorder with psychopathy and how her mental process manifests the disorder. But related to the topic, most of the studies use the same approach, which is the psychoanalytic approach.

There is some clear different focus from the studies above, which are different from this study. This study explains about the characteristic of the main character, Tobias Eaton, which reveals the inclination of psychosocial development related to psychopathy, and how Eaton‟s mental process manifest such personality, which is almost similar to the third study.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this section, the theories which are associated with characterization, psychosocial development, and mental process provided in the following discussions.

1. Theory of Characterization

Characterization is one of the essential intrinsic or extrinsic elements of literary work. Characterization is used to understand how the character is behaving in a story. Characterization helps explain the details about a character in a story, which in this case is to explain the details about Tobias Eaton‟s character in Divergent.



The characterization resulted in how Tobias Eaton behaves, how his appearance portrayed throughout the entire story in Divergent. To understand the character‟s description. They explain seven specific kinds of characterization to describe the character of the story, which are the following (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, pp. 59-66): a. Characterization through appearance

The minute we see most actors on screen, we make certain assumptions about them because of their facial features, dress, physical build, and mannerisms, and the way they move. Our first visual impression may be proven erroneous as the story progresses, but it certainly an essential means of establishing characters. b. Characterization through dialog

Their real thoughts, attitudes, and emotions revealed in subtle ways through word choice and the stress, pitch, and pause patterns of their speech.

Actors‟ use of grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and particular dialects (if any) reveals a great deal about their characters‟ social and economic level, educational background, and mental processes. c. Characterization through external action

It assumed that real characters are more than mere instruments of the plot, which they do what they do for a purpose, out of motives that are consistent with their overall personality—the actions should grow naturally out of the character‟s personality.



d. Characterization through internal action

Action that remains typically unseen and unheard by even the most careful observer/ listener—inner action occurs within characters‟ minds and emotions and consists of secret, unspoken, thoughts, daydreams, aspirations, memories, fears, and fantasies. e. Characterization through contrast: dramatic foils

The use of foils—contrasting characters whose behaviour, attitudes, opinions, lifestyle, physical appearance, and so on are the opposite of those of the main characters. f. Characterization through caricature and leitmotif

To etch a character quickly and deeply in our minds and memories, actors often exaggerate or distort one or more dominant features or personality traits. This device called caricature (from the technique used in cartooning). A similar means of characterization, leitmotif, is the repetition of a single action, phrase, or idea by a character until it becomes almost a trademark or theme song for that character. g. Characterization through choice of name

The use of names possessing appropriate qualities of sound, meaning, or connotation— a great deal of thought goes into the choice of names, they should not be taken for granted but should carefully examined for the connotations they communicate.



2. Theory of Psychosocial Development

After the characteristic of the character described through Boggs and

Petrie‟s theory, the concept of psychosocial development applied to help the study reveal how Tobias Eaton‟s character treated throughout his life, which might affect his behaviour, attitude, and action in his present time. This theory consists of eight stages of developments, and only three of them used in this research, which are the following (Feist & Feist, 2008, pp. 38-46): a. Initiative Vs Guilt

There is in every child at every stage a new miracle of vigorous unfolding, which constitutes a new hope and a new responsibility for all. Such is the sense and pervading quality of initiative. The criteria for all these senses and qualities are the same: a crisis, more or less beset with fumbling and fear, is resolved, in that the child suddenly seems to “grow together” both in his person and in his body. He appears “more himself.” More loving, relaxed, and brighter in his judgment, more activated and activating. He is in free possession of a surplus of energy which permits him to forget failures quickly and to approach what seems desirable (even if it also seems uncertain and even dangerous) with undiminished and more accurate direction.

The danger of this stage is a sense of guilt over the goals contemplated and the acts initiated in one‟s exuberant enjoyment of new locomotor and mental power acts of aggressive manipulation and coercion which soon go far beyond the executive capacity of organism and mind and therefore call for an energetic halt on one‟s contemplated initiative. The problem again is one of mutual regulation.



Where the child, now so ready to over manipulate himself, can gradually develop a sense of moral responsibility, where he can gain some insight into the institutions, functions, and roles which will permit his responsible participation, he will find pleasurable accomplishment in wielding tools and weapons, in manipulating meaningful toys—and in caring for younger children.

Naturally, the parental set is at first infantile: the fact that human conscience remains partially infantile throughout life is the core of human tragedy. For the superego of the child can be primitive, cruel, and uncompromising, as may be observed in instances where children over control and strict themselves to the point of self-obliteration; where they develop an over- obedience more literal than the one the parent has wished to exact; or where they develop deep regressions and lasting resentments because parents themselves do not seem to live up to the new conscience. b. Industry Vs Inferiority

The child must forget past hopes and wishes, while his exuberant imagination is tamed and harnessed to the laws of impersonal things—even the three R‟s. The child psychologically already rudimentary parent, can become a biological parent, he must begin to be a worker and potential provider. He develops a sense of industry—i.e., he adjusts himself to the inorganic laws of the tool world. The child‟s danger, at this stage, lies in the sense of inadequacy and inferiority.



If he despairs of his tools and skills or his status among his tool partners, he may be discouraged from identification with them and with a section of the tool world. To lose the hope of such “industrial” association may pull him back to the more isolated, less tool-conscious familial rivalry of the oedipal time.

A child‟s development is disrupted when family life has failed to prepare him for school life, or when school life fails to sustain the promises of earlier stages. We have pointed in the last section to the danger threatening individual and society where the school child begins to feel that the colour of his skin, the background of his parents, or the fashion of his clothes rather than his wish and his will to learn will decide his worth as an apprentice, and thus his sense of identity—to which we must now turn. c. Identity vs. Role Confusion

With the establishment of an excellent initial relationship to the world of skills and tools, and with the advent of puberty, childhood proper comes to an end. Youth begins, but in puberty and adolescence, all sameness and continuities relied on earlier are more or less questioned again, because of the rapidity of body growth which equals that of early childhood and because of the new addition of genital maturity. The growing and developing youths, faced with this physiological revolution within them, and with tangible adult tasks ahead of them are now primarily concerned with what they appear to be in the eyes of others as compared with what they feel they are, and with the question of how to connect the roles and skills cultivated earlier with the functional prototypes of the day.



The danger of this stage is role confusion. Where this based on a robust previous doubt as to one‟s sexual identity, delinquent and outright psychotic episodes are not uncommon. If diagnosed and treated correctly, these incidents do not have the same fatal significance which they have at other ages. In most instances, however, it is the inability to settle on an occupational identity which disturbs individual young people. To keep themselves together they temporarily over-identify, to the point of apparent complete loss of identity, with the heroes of cliques and crowds. The initiates stage of “falling in love” which by no means entirely, or even primarily, a sexual matter—except where the mores demand it.

3. Theory of Mental Process

After the characterization of the character revealed Prior‟s personality development, the first problem formulation answered. Then, to answer the second problem formulation, a psychoanalytic approach is used to see how the character‟s mental process of Prior‟s personality manifests her personality. “The mental process consists of a three-part structural model” (Feist & Feist, 2008, pp. 27-38): a. The id

The id has no contact with reality, yet it strives continuously to reduce tension by satisfying basic desires. Because the sole function is to seek pleasure, we say that the id serves the pleasure principle. Besides being unrealistic and pleasure-seeking, the id is illogical and can simultaneously entertain contradictory ideas. The id is not immoral, merely amoral.



All of the id‟s energy is spent for one purpose—to seek pleasure without regard for what is proper or just. In review, the id is primitive, chaotic, inaccessible to consciousness, unchangeable, amoral, illogical, unorganized, and filled with energy received from basic drives and discharged for the satisfaction of the pleasure principle.

The id operates through the primary process. Because it blindly seeks to satisfy the pleasure principle, its survival is dependent on the development of a secondary process to bring it into contact with the external world. This secondary process functions through the ego. b. The Ego

The ego is the more evolved of id. It is governed by the reality principle, which it tries to substitute for the pleasure principle of the id. The ego becomes the decision-making of personality because it is partly preconscious, and party unconscious, the ego can make decisions on each of these three levels. The ego must take into consideration the incompatible but equally unrealistic demands of the id and the superego. According to Freud, the ego becomes differentiated from the id when infants learn to distinguish themselves from the outer world. While the id remains unchanged, the ego continues to develop strategies for handling the id‟s unrealistic and unrelenting demands for pleasure. At times the ego can control the powerful, pleasure-seeking id, but at other times it loses control.



The ego has no strength of its own but borrows energy from the id.

Despite this dependence on the id, the ego sometimes comes close to gaining complete control, for instance, during the prime of life of a psychologically mature person. c. The Superego

The superego, or Above-I, represents the moral and ideal aspects of personality and is guided by the moralistic and idealistic principles as opposed to the pleasure principle of the id and the realistic principle of the ego. The superego grows out of the ego, and like the ego, it has no energy of its own. However, the superego differs from the ego in one crucial respect—it has no contact with the outside world and therefore is unrealistic in its demands for perfection (Feist &

Feist, 2008, p. 30).

The superego has two subsystems, the conscience and the ego-ideal.

Freud did not clearly distinguish between these two functions, but, in general, the conscience results from experiences with punishments for improper behaviour and tells us what we should not do. In contrast, the ego-ideal develops from experiences with rewards for proper behaviour and tells us what we should do

(Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 31).

A well-developed superego acts to control sexual and aggressive impulses through the process of repression. It cannot produce repressions by itself, but it can order the ego to do so. The ego observes over the ego, judging its actions and intentions. Guilt is the result when the ego acts—or even intends to



act—contrary to the moral standards of the superego. Feelings of inferiority arise when the ego is unable to meet the superego‟s standards of perfection. Guilt, then, is a function of the conscience, whereas inferiority feelings stem from the ego- ideal (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 31).

The superego is not concerned with the happiness of the ego. It strives blindly and unrealistically toward perfection. It is unrealistic in the sense that it does not take into consideration the difficulties or impossibilities faced by the ego in carrying out its orders. (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 31)

C. Theoretical Framework

In this undergraduate thesis, there are three theories used to answer the formulated problem. First, the theory of characterization by Joseph M. Boggs and

Dennis W. Petrie used to reveal Tobias Eaton‟s characteristics in the movie.

Second, the concept of psychosocial development inspired from Sigmund Freud by Erik Erikson and the theory from Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis are used to answer the second formulated problem which is to find the inclination of the psychosocial development and mental process of Tobias Eaton that shapes his personality in the movie.




This chapter consists of three parts, which are the object of the study, the approach of the study, and the method of the study. These parts are functioning as the methodology. The first part of this chapter consists of the explanation of the object as the focus of this study. The second part is the approach of the study, which consists of an approach used in this study. The third is the method of the study, which consists of an explanation from how the data is collected. a. Object of the Study

Divergent the movie is two hours and nineteen minutes long mystery and sci-fi movie that is directed by Neil Burger based on the 2011 novel by Veronica

Roth in 2014. The movie first came out on March 21, 2014, continued with its

DVD release on August 5, 2014, internationally (IMDb, 2014). The budget of the movie cost over 85 million and grossed over 288.9 million USD in the box office and received many nominations from Critics Choice Award for Best Actress in an

Action Movie, HMMA Award for Outstanding Music Supervision – Film, Blimp

Award for Favorite Book, Teen Choice Award for Villain and Breakout star,

Young Hollywood Award for Best On-Screen Couple, Best Cast Chemistry – Film and Favorite Flick.



Divergent also has won some nominations, which are from MTV Movie

Award for Favorite Character, People’s Choice Award for Favorite Movie Duo,

Teen Choice Award for Breakout Star and Action Adventure. The rating of the movie consists of 6.7 out of 10 reviews from IMDb, 48 on Metascore, 777 users, reviews it with over 472 critics (IMDb, 2014).

Divergent is chosen as the object of the study in this research. The society which begins in a futuristic world inside a safe wall in a dystopian version of Chicago is diverse. The diversity caused because of the division of each faction: Dauntless the brave, Amity the kind, Candor the earnest, Erudite the smart, and Abnegation the selfless in conflict.

In Divergent, the conflict does not only happen to the characters in the movie but also the division itself. In the division, Erudite believed that they should be in charge of leading Chicago, which led to forming forces of a group from different factions to fight the leader of all of the faction; Abnegation. While the fight has occurred among each faction, the main characters of the movie at the same time were under different conflict, which creates two side stories in the movie.

The main characters of Tobias Eaton and Beatrice Prior together were forced to face the problems of themselves and others (the society). Related to the problems, the character of, specifically Tobias Eaton, has faced extreme progress and identity exposure. Thus, the connection of helping Beatrice Prior and the fight between each faction are all connected to Tobias Eaton‟s past relationship.



b. Approach of the Study

The psychoanalytic approach is used for this study because it is the most suitable approach to analyze character development. Psychoanalytic criticism is a form of literary criticism that uses some of the techniques of psychoanalysis in the interpretation of literature (Barry, 2002, p. 92). Those techniques of psychoanalysis are selected: psychosocial development and mental process. A personality cannot only be analyzed through characterization because it lacks the components of the exposure of the unconscious and conscious mind in a person.

The personality of a character revealed by analyzing the character‟s childhood past—the mind of a person divided through id, ego, and superego. The character‟s personality distinctively determined through close analysis of the person‟s conscious or unconscious action. Therefore, it is arguable that psychoanalytic best used as the approach to analyze the data efficiently. c. Method of the Study

The method used in this research is library research method. This study used Divergent, a movie directed by Neil Burger primarily as the source. The secondary sources used in this study taken from the ART of watching films

(Boggs & Petrie, 2008), which is the first step to understand the characterization of Tobias Eaton. Then the next study was taken from Erik Erikson, the Theories of Personality (Erikson, 1950), which is the second step to expose the character‟s childhood that can be analyzed once the characterization of Tobias Eaton revealed. The last study chose from Sigmund Freud, Studies of Hysteria (Freud &

Breuer, 1895), which is the last step to expose the unconscious and conscious



mind of the character once the second study finished analyzed. The rest sources that used in this research taken from official media; (Burger, 2014), (IMDb,

2014), (Merriam-Webster, A.S.M.R, 2020), (Ph.D, 2015), (SparkNotes Editors,

2011), (Todd, 2019) and previous undergraduate theses; (Handoko, 2016),

(Herndon, 2014), (Nindita, 2019). (Primananda, 2016).

It took three steps in this study to understand the object of the study. The first step was to watch the primary source of Burger‟s Divergent movie. The researcher took notes to characterize the characteristics of Beatrice Prior, which is the object of the study. After watching the movie and found the figuration character of Eaton, the researcher began to formulate the problem formulation based on Eaton‟s performance in the movie, which then found; that exposing

Eaton's real personality through psychoanalysis would be good. To analyze the problem formulation that the researcher had created, the researcher needs to search and learn about the theories that the researcher decided to use first; psychosocial development and mental process. Then the researcher observed the theories that have been chosen, which are to characterize Eaton figuration of character through psychosocial development and mental process through Freudian psychoanalytic.

First, the researcher took to find as many related studies from a website so it can be sure that any researchers have not conducted the research that the researcher has made, and to avoid plagiarism, and also to compare the differences between each study. Next, the researcher started to read and understand both theories of Books of Hysteria and Theories of Personality.



The second step was to analyze the characteristics of Eaton through the theories that have applied in the first step. In this step, the researcher gathered all evidence from the movie to entirely compose his figuration of character into parts, which then the researcher added the psychosocial development to reveal Tobias

Eaton‟s experience life so the researcher can fully understand the figuration character of Eaton. Then the researcher started to analyze the mental process of the character, which, after the researcher has analyzed the mental process, the researcher combined it with the characteristics that analyzed from the second step to find the inclination which shapes his personality.

In the third step, after the researcher has finished analyzing the works, the researcher goes to the last step, which was to conclude all the data that has collected through the introduction, review of literature, and methodology into a summary. Inside those summaries, the researcher has included evidence of data mostly from the analysis to prove the research of Eaton, is established and analyzed adequately through using; theories, backgrounds, and studies the researcher have made. The last step is to recheck the summary the researcher has summarized to avoid misconception between the works and the summ




This chapter focuses on discussing the figuration of Tobias Eaton‟s character, which serves to reveal psychosocial development through his background story and how he manifests such personality through his mental process. Based on the problem formulation, the discussion in this chapter is divided into two subchapters. The first subchapter tries to reveal how the figuration of Tobias Eaton is shown in the movie. The second subchapter is the analyses on the psychosocial development and mental process that leads to Tobias

Eaton‟s thoughts and acts from the beginning of the film to the end. This subchapter is supported by Erik Erikson‟s psychosocial development theory and

Freudian psychoanalysis theory.

A. The Characterization of Tobias Eaton

According to Boggs and Petrie, “To be interesting, characters must seem real, understandable, and worth caring” (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 60). In the movie Divergent, Burger follows the characterization of Tobias Eaton based on

Veronica Roth‟s book, and Tobias Eaton is portrayed as physically attractive, yet emotionally distant. He is also the deuterogamist, which means he acts as the supporting character for the actual main character, Beatrice Prior.



Tobias Eaton‟s entire life is dedicated to run away from his family, especially from his father, Marcus Eaton. After having materialized this goal by choosing the faction Dauntless, he stayed there until he met Beatrice Prior. At first, Tobias Eaton was never impressed by Beatrice Prior because of her rebellious nature, which prompted her to show little respect to her superiors.

However, over time, he realizes that Tris is not like any other person he has met in

Dauntless, and their relationship turns into romance.

Tobias Eaton—before meeting Tris— finished first in his initiation class.

After being officiated as a member of Dauntless, he works in the intelligence sector but also serves as a captain for training new initiates. Tobias Eaton has also been offered the position of Dauntless leader twice but rejected both offers, the reason being his distrust towards the factions‟ superiors; he thinks there is something wrong with the system of leadership in the society.

Tobias Eaton is Tris‟ supervisor for the second test. Tris successfully passes the simulation with only three minutes long, which is four times faster than the average. Tobias Eaton suspects that something is off with how Tris handles the simulation that well for a first-timer. He then realizes that Tris is divergent. As one of the captains of Dauntless, a rational way to handle this situation is to report it to his superior. Still, since Tobias Eaton is secretly a Divergent and because he already feels an emotional connection towards Tris at this point, he then helps her pass the tests without raising any suspicion from his superiors nor the other initiates.



These acts that Tobias Eaton made in the movie reveals how his character is configured. Therefore it gives more points to the discussion of understanding his character more deeply; the following lists are the characterization of Tobias Eaton: a. Ambigious

In Divergent, Tobias Eaton is described as an ambiguous person, which is a term used for something that has more than “one interpretation”

(, Ambigious, 2020). As a protagonist, Tobias Eaton, upon his introduction, provides the audience with a sense of ambiguousness in terms of where his moral compass lies, making it possible for him to be an antagonist which is a person who is selfish or “opposed to someone” (Dictionary, 2020).

. To achieve the right reaction from the audience, the actor or actress must have certain qualities that describe their character the minute they appear on the screen. “A major aspect of film characterization is revealed visually and instantaneously.” (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 60). The first impression of Tobias

Eaton when shown in the movie is that he seems to prefer darker colors when it comes to his garments: A black jacket or sometimes just a black or grey shirt with black combat jeans and black combat boots, which provides a tribute to his character‟s position as a soldier or an officer, and also can determine the character presumably be an antagonist. For example, Tobias Eaton and Christina‟s dialogue engagement: Christina is one of the side characters in the movie.



TB: My name is Four. C: Four like the number? TB: Exactly like the number C: What happened, one two three were taken? TB: What‟s your name? C: Christina. TB: Well, Christina, the first lesson you learn from me if you want to survive here, is to keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me? C: Yes (Burger, 2014, scene. 5).

Since Tobias Eaton has seniority, it is his right to shut the new initiate with a bluff to display superiority and authority amongst the new initiates. Tobias

Eaton, rather than use aggression to shame her for disregarding him as an authority, instead opts to shut her down with straightforward intimidation. He does not resort to aggression when presented with ridicule; In the conversation between Christina, it can be seen that Tobias Eaton ignored her questions because it is a personal question that can lead to exposing his identity.



Furthermore, another essential thing that needs to be pointed out is that

Tobias Eaton is a very serious person. He never jokes around, nor laugh in the entire movie. Tobias Eaton did chuckle once or twice, but that is only because of how determined Tris Prior was to the commitment when she still initiated.

Although most people were intimidated by Tobias Eaton‟s voice because of how serious his voice is in the entire movie, Tris Prior thinks that he is not.

TE: What makes you think you can talk to me? TP: Must be because you are so approachable. C: *chuckles* TE: *stares* TP: *nods down* TE: Careful (Burger, 2014, scene. 5).

The conversation between Tris and Tobias Eaton can be seen again in that the character always being distant when he is questioned. Tobias Eaton tries to conceal his identity by distancing himself from conversations, which is why he does not talk much in the film. To Tris Prior, Tobias Eaton is very approachable.

Although he might seem cold from the outside, he is seemingly kind. It is only his exterior that tricks people into thinking that he is, “unwilling to compromise”

(Dictionary, 2020) hence being an antagonist.

Nevertheless, what makes his character more intimidating than others in the movie is because of his stature and stoic countenance. Tobias Eaton speaks with a deep voice, which makes him very masculine and tends to have an intimidating aura towards people around him.



A person can also intimidate another person by adjusting their body from the shoulders to the head of a person‟s body. To support this argument, an article from Todd a senior reporter, in the June 2019 issue of the journal Psychological

Science, she found a way to tell her audience how a person can look more intimidating by doing this:

Throughout five experiments with a total of 1,517 subjects, researchers at the University of British Columbia found that people who appeared in photographs with their heads tilted downward—wearing otherwise- neutral expressions—were perceived as more dominant than people with their heads held straight-ahead or tilting upward (Todd, 2019, para. 4).

The argument adds a lot of input to Tobias Eaton‟s characterization based on just his behavior. As a proper soldier, Tobias Eaton needs to stand straight at all times. As a habit, he often tilts his head downwards to people he is not close to, which is why Tobias Eaton looks very intimidating at the beginning of the movie.

From this angle, it can be seen that Tobias Eaton does tilt his head a little bit downwards to signify superiority to the initiates. He often does this because he does not want to be taken lightly as captain amongst the Dauntless initiates.



Until the climax of the movie, Tobias Eaton, is revealed to side with the main protagonist, Tris, to defeat the actual antagonist in the movie, which makes his moral compass lies to being a protagonist, “Although appearance is an essential measure of a character's personality, appearances are often misleading.

Perhaps the best reflections of character are a person's actions” (Boggs & Petrie,

2008, p. 62). Tobias Eaton‟s action he made in the movie reflects the quality of

Tobias Eaton‟s true self.

Sometimes the most effective characterization is achieved not by the heroic actions in the film but by the small, seemingly insignificant ones. For example, a firefighter may demonstrate his courage by saving a child from a burning building, yet such an act may be the only performance of duty rather than a reflection of choice. His essential character might clearly be defined by risking his life to save a little girl's doll because such an action would be imposed on him not by his duty as a fireman but by his judgment about the value of a doll to a little girl (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 62).

Tobias Eaton is a Dauntless soldier. Thus he is in charge of maintaining order and upholding the rules of his society. He is expected to act as he is told to by his superiors without question. Yet, he breaks this task by passing Beatrice

Prior despite knowing that she is a Divergent.

It is to be understood that the reason Tobias Eaton helps Beatrice Prior is not solely because he has fallen in love with her. It is true that Tobias Eaton, later on, falls in love with Beatrice Prior‟s personality in the movie, but the reason why he chooses to save Tris is he admires her resilience:



[Tris and Molly walk onto the ring and face each other] Molly: How long do we fight for? Eric: Till one of you can‟t continue. Tobias Eaton: Or one of you concedes. Eric: According to the old rules. The new rules: no one concedes. Tobias Eaton: You really want to lose them on their first fight? Eric: A brave man never surrenders. Tobias Eaton: Lucky for you, those weren‟t the rules when we fought (Burger, 2014, scene. 11).

From the conversation above, it can be seen Tobias Eaton negotiated the rules with Eric, which in the end Tobias Eaton failed to bargain. Tobias Eaton‟s action in this scene shows his considerate feelings to the initiates, which is indirect to Tris. Tobias Eaton softly disagreed with Eric‟s term, which then indicates the passive-aggressive manner when Eric has rejected his term.

Tobias Eaton knows that he can choose either to ignore her and follow the principle. Still, he helped her because she has good potential and was also different from any other initiates. He did eventually tell Tris the reason he helped her improve right after Tris was attacked by her friend, who is at the bottom of the rank and tried to eliminate Tris so he can go up a rank and then later saved by

Tobias Eaton.

Four: You‟re weak. You have no muscle. You‟re never gonna win, not like that. Tris: That‟s good to know. Four: You have to use your whole body. Keep the tension here. [he touches her midriff] Tris: Okay. Four: Go on offense. You‟re fast, so you could win if you attack first. Tris: Okay. Four: You get into the side, you jab ‟em in the throat. [Four hears someone calling him and turns; to Tris] Four: Keep working (Burger, 2014, scene. 15).



From the analysis above, it proved that his action was done on purpose and not because of his job, which reflects his description as the protagonist of the movie. b. Survivalist

Tobias Eaton is a survivalist which is a term used to describe something as someone who is strongly determined to survive, (, Survivalist,

2020). A survivalist can also be described as selfish, “concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one's own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others” (Merriam-Webster, Selfish,

2020). The evidence of this can be taken through the analysis of internal action,

“that comes unseen and unheard of, the inner reality revealed through visual and aural into the character‟s mind” (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 62), which means the character is analyzed visually through their unconscious mind.

In the movie, there is a scene where the characters enter a sim or simulation; a technology allows them to stimulate the part of the brain that processes their fears in a state of deep hallucination. The hallucination emulates the characters‟ deepest fears and other unimaginably dark unknown things they might not have been aware of its existence. Because the tech helps them manifest fears out of their thoughts, when they are in the simulation, those fears become simulated realities that they have to overcome.



The evidence is when Tobias Eaton engaged in his third fears, which is killing an innocent in a sim accompanied by Tris. The purpose of Tobias Eaton‟s simulation is to help Tris from having to expose her identity as a divergent on her final test when she is engaged in her simulation later on. In that scene he shows that as a soldier, he must obey orders without questions, and because of that,

Tobias Eaton then developed his third fear right after he joined Dauntless. He started from the bottom to the top with the power of talent and his hard work, and sometimes in his journeys, there are some corrupted leaders that he cannot obey when the orders were to harm an innocent.

He has experienced a lot of difficulties in his journeys, which is why he is different from any other captains in Dauntless. This argument supported from the dialogue he said in the movie, which he said it himself right after they passed the second fear:

Tobias Eaton: As a Dauntless soldier you have to follow orders you don‟t always agree with. Tris: Who is she? Tobias Eaton: She‟s an innocent. I have to kill her. [Tobias Eaton walks over the girl and points the gun to her head] Tobias Eaton: But I can never do it. Unless I look away. [Tobias Eaton looks away and shoot the girl] (Burger, 2014, scene.45).



It can be seen from the picture above, that the reason he could not shoot the person in front of him in their eyes is that he knows what he does is wrong.

The point of that was he does not want to remember nor see the way his victim looks before he shoots, which is why it was easier to shoot them while Tobias

Eaton looks away because it lessens the burden he carries. From this evidence, it can be described that Tobias Eaton is a selfish person. Tobias Eaton is a smart character, but he never questions the tasks that are given by his leader. He grows to be a cold, distant individual because of the way he was raised by his family, which was manipulative and abusive. Because of the influence of the family,

Tobias Eaton becomes oddly submissive to manipulation, yet very paranoid and distrustful to figures of authority and people in general.

Before meeting Tris, the selfish desire is there because he only can trust himself, and no one else—Tobias Eaton‟s reflection towards to his action in these fears accumulated his mentality to be a survivalist. Thus, the assumption of this particular action is influenced by the act of running away from his father.



Another example of his selfish desire is when Tobias Eaton is being compared to one of the side character in the movie, Eric. Eric has been friends with Tobias Eaton since initiates, and then both became captains to the new initiates. Different from Tobias Eaton, Eric is bolder. He is more bloodlust, aggressive, and slyer than Tobias Eaton.

These characters were rivals ever since initiates, and the rivalry is triggered because of Eric‟s envious feelings. Tobias Eaton finished first in his initiation class, and Eric finished somewhere below Tobias Eaton‟s ranks in his initiation class. The main reason why Eric is different from Tobias Eaton is that he is not divergent. Supposedly, since Tobias Eaton finished first in his initiation class, he should be considered to have a higher power in his captain position than

Eric. Still, ironically, Eric has the „higher power‟ than Tobias Eaton does.

In the movie where most of the time Tobias Eaton would say something related to Dauntless, Eric would indirectly cut his statement off and replaced it with his idea, which then becomes a valid statement that is followed by the initiates. Even though they have the same position as captains, Eric dominated the position of captain more than Tobias Eaton. It is learned that Tobias Eaton rejected the offer of becoming the leader of Dauntless twice. The reason he refused the offer might be because he simply cannot lead or because he does not want to. The reason for that is because most of his childhood was filled with being submitted with orders from his father‟s abusive action to Tobias Eaton, which also led to his trust issues with people in general.



Because Eric is opinionatedly bolder than Tobias Eaton, he is allowed to do anything that he wants, including eliminating any initiates that he wants.

Although Eric is a very strict captain, he sometimes respects someone that has a high spirit, or that is generally also a bold person. Whenever an initiate failed to do the task that was given by the captains, Eric is usually the one that punishes them.

Will: Eric says you‟re done. Tris: What? Will: He said you were out. Your father‟s on the council, Tris. Maybe they‟ll make an exception and let you go home. [Tris looks visibly upset] [not wanting to be thrown out, Tris runs after the train as it starts to pull away, Tobias Eaton watches her run and as she gets close he helps her into the train] [Eric notices Tris and comes over to her] Eric: Who let you out? Tris: I did. Eric: You did? [Eric watches her a moment] Eric: Okay. [Eric walks off, Tris turns and looks at Tobias Eaton who smiles at her] (Burger, 2014, scene. 22).

The reason why Tobias Eaton cannot do what Eric does is that Tobias

Eaton secretly only cares about himself. The reason Eric allows Tris to join

Dauntless again is that Tris is mainly bolder than Eric.



Eric: One thing you will learn here is that orders are not optional. [as Tobias Eaton gets ready to throw the knives at Al, Tris suddenly interrupts him] Tris: Stop. Anyone can stand in front of a target, it doesn‟t prove anything. Eric: Then it should be easy for you to take his place. [Tris walks over to Al and takes his place in front of the target] Eric: Same rules apply. [Tris takes a nervous breath, Tobias Eaton throws his first knife and it hits the target beside Tris‟s leg] Eric: Oh, come on, Tobias Eaton. [Tobias Eaton throws his second knife at it hits the target beside Tris‟s head] Eric: You get closer than that. (Burger, 2014, scene. 18).

Tobias Eaton‟s selfish desire was broken off after he met Tris. His selfish desire to be a survivalist can be acknowledged to change in this scene. The moment Tobias Eaton tries to manipulate Eric through suggestion is when Tobias

Eaton‟s as a character progressed.



Tris: You cut me. Tobias Eaton: I meant to. Tris: You meant to? Tobias Eaton: You think he was gonna let you off without a scratch? You‟d still be standing there if I hadn‟t hit you. Tris: So am I supposed to thank you? Tobias Eaton: You‟re supposed to be smart. If I wanted to hurt you, I would have. [Tobias Eaton turns and walks off] (Burger, 2014, scene. 18).

The reason for that is because his feelings to Tris is more critical to obeying orders. If Eric were the one that throws out the knives, the outcome of her condition would be different knowingly he would not have cared that he hurt her in the process. Tobias Eaton cut Tris in her right ear because if Tobias Eaton did not hit her, then she might be hit by Eric, which is far more ruthless than Tobias


The comparison between Eric and Tobias Eaton does reveal the contrast between them from attitudes, personality, and thoughts that Eric is more ruthless and bolder than Tobias Eaton because Tobias Eaton is a survivalist character. It is also necessary to know that Tobias Eaton avoids feelings or consequences, which is why he never disagrees with anything Eric says because he always distanced himself from difficulties, hence being a survivalist. c. Affectionate

Aside from being a serious person, Tobias Eaton can be described as an affectionate person too. Tobias Eaton uses this action whenever he engaged in a conversation with Tris, and usually, the action is done repetitively. In this analysis, the affectionate makes Tobias Eaton as a character to trust a person once again.



Examples of leitmotif might be seen in the repeated Fred Astaire dance routines performed by the prosecuting attorney (Ted Danson) in Body Heat or in the repetition of the phrase "sports fans" by Colonel Bull Meechum (Robert Duvall) in The Great Santini. One of the union henchmen in On the Waterfront adds dignity to his yes-man role by constantly using the word definitely. Perhaps Charles Dickens rates as the all-time master of both techniques. Recall Uriah Heep from David Copperfield, who continually wrings his hands (caricature) and says, "I'm so 'umble" (leitmotif) (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 66).

The character of the main protagonist, Tris Prior, influenced Tobias

Eaton to be more open to his identity which can be recognized through his facial expression, mainly a smirk. The character of Tobias Eaton does not smile that quite often because his character is not a funny person or actively social. This quirky smile of his always occurred when Tris does something unbelievably incredible and is unexpected, which somehow makes himself proud of her.

It can be seen here as an example that the smirk he gave to Tris when

Eric already told her indirectly that she has eliminated from the scoreboard. Still, instead, she came to the next stage of training either way showed how highly- spirited Tris is and also how proud Tobias Eaton is. The only initiates shown boldness to Eric or Tobias Eaton was Tris herself as she is the main character of the movie, but the reason she does this action towards their captains shows that she listens.



It has been mentioned from Tobias Eaton and Eric said that „Dauntless never give up‟ and the only one that caught up to that was Tris. There are many times Tobias Eaton has smirked upon Tris‟ action and the second time he smirks is when Beatrice and Tobias Eaton were in the simulation room. In this part of the movie, Tobias Eaton and Tris came to an indirect conclusion that they were in this together. Before both of them injected themselves with the serum, Tris was hesitant towards Tobias Eaton because she feels that Tobias Eaton trusted her too much with the task he was about to do in the scene.

Tris: Are you sure you want to. Tobias Eaton: Why wouldn‟t I? Tris: I don‟t know, I mean you haven‟t told me anything about yourself and now you just wanna let me inside of your head? Tobias Eaton: Are you afraid of that? Tris: You‟re not? Tobias Eaton: No. (Burger, 2014, scene. 42).

When Tobias Eaton said no, it could be seen the smirk in his facial expression says a lot to his character, which he was okay with Tris to go to inside of his head. The smirk can be symbolized as the „trust issue‟ that is closely opening up as Tobias Eaton falls in love with Tris. As Tobias Eaton helped Tris to progress, unknowingly, Tobias Eaton is also being helped by Tris. Therefore,

Tobias Eaton‟s dominant feature resulted in letting his identity exposed to be able to trust someone again.



d. Traumatic

.A Tobias Eaton, as a character, has gone enough bad and enjoyable experiences in his life, and ever since he joined Dauntless, people are now calling him Four instead of Tobias Eaton. Though what makes the name Four so unique?

“A character can be characterized just by their choices of name if they have any”

(Feist & Feist, 2008). The character of Beatrice Prior changed her name when she entered Dauntless; she went from Beatrice before Tris. The name of Tris does not have any impactful meaning. The name of Tris is just a shorter version of Beatrice

Prior, and it is still the same name from her real name to her new name, which is different from the name Tobias Eaton.

The name Four came from his Tobias Eaton fears that he had never overcome in his life: the fear of height, confinement, ruthless killer, abusive father. It does not state where he gets the name Four in the film, but it can be considered, the name of Four is mainly used to avoid exposure of his real name.

Also, those fears can be work as a reminder of his traumatic event, which is what

Tobias Eaton tries to hold. Tobias Eaton is reminded that he has those, but it reliefs the idea that he has walked the right path, at least in his view.

On the subject of Tobias‟ fear of heights, in the scene where the initiates play capture the flag game, which is a game that the captain chose to help the initiates to practice their teamwork against each other. As the game is about to start, Tobias Eaton follows Tris as she walks away from her group right after the team huddled together, he asks:



[as the others argue amongst themselves, Tris gets the idea and goes over to the Ferris wheel nearby] [Tris starts to climb the Ferris wheel when Tobias Eaton calls out to her] Tobias Eaton: You‟re not gonna jump, are you? Tris: No, I‟m just trying to get a good vantage point. [she carries on climbing] Tobias Eaton: Good thinking. [Tobias Eaton starts to follow her] (Burger, 2014, scene. 24).

He follows as Tris climbs up the ladder; Tris realizes that Tobias Eaton is afraid of heights. She figures this out as they are as high as 100 feet from the ground. Tobias Eaton hesitates to climb up even more as Tris unknowingly leaves him on the ladder. Through the visual image that Tobias Eaton is terrified, this is the first time the audience sees Tobias Eaton breaking his façade and showing weakness before the simulation scene.



Under the simulation, Tobias Eaton is much more adapted to his fears due to the help of Tris. Although he does not fully overcome his fears, he does help Tris understand how to safely engage the simulation without exposing her identity as a Divergent in the simulation. Out of all of his fears, this one is the one he finds easiest to handle.

The next stage of Tobias Eaton „s fears is fear of confinement. This fear is the second least severe fears he has to encounter in the simulation. From the shot above, it looks like they almost will not make it, but Tris‟ reflex to help

Tobias Eaton overcome his fears helps them make it through it without the extra suffering that Tobias Eaton has to handle alone. With the help of bolt laid around on the floor, Tris grabbed and stuck the bolt through the wall‟s gap hole in the bottom and made it through the third stage.

As explained before, Tobias Eaton‟s fears made him more selfishly defensive. He shot the girl without looking signifies that he is terrified, which is why it was easier because it lessens the burden he carries. The traumatic event of killing an innocent made the character mentally vulnerable that he undeniably confess killing an innocent is better than not obeying the tasked given by his leader.



As they moved on from the third stage, they suddenly transported to another place, which is in Abnegation. Tobias Eaton has trust issues that developed in his past. His trust issues were caused mostly by his relationship with his family. Unlike Tris, whose family is supportive and kind to her and her brother, Tobias Eaton‟s family is nearly the opposite of what Tris has, which is abusive, harsh, and manipulative. His father is the last fear, which is the worst out of those three fears he is just encountered in the simulation.

Tris: Why are we in Abnegation? Tobias Eaton: Your last feat is your worst fear. It lives in the deepest part of your mind. [they‟re in a house, the see Marcus coming down the stairs, holding a belt] Tris: Marcus had a son. What was his name? Marcus: Tobias. [Tobias Eaton looks around in fear as they are surrounded by multiple versions of Marcus walking towards Tobias Eaton] Marcus: Tobias. Tobias. Tobias. Tobias. Tobias, I was trying to help you, to be better. [Marcus walks over to Tobias Eaton, as he goes to raise the belt to hit Tobias Eaton with Tris stops him] Tris: No! (Burger, 2014, scene. 46).

From the image above, showed how terrified Tobias Eaton was when they arrived in his family‟s house, especially after he saw his father. If Tris had not been there, Tobias Eaton had to go through his abusive experience all over again.



1.B The Psychosocial Development of Tobias Eaton

In this part of the analysis, the character of Tobias Eaton is drawn back to his childhood life to describe what kind of development he has gone through from he was a child until an adult. The concept of this development then revealed how

Tobias Eaton‟s character treated through his childhood life, which might affect his behaviour, attitude, and action in his present time. It realized that parts from sections of sequels need to be collected to collect the full data of Tobias Eaton‟s history, Furthermore, because this thesis only focuses on the first movie, the evidence of Tobias Eaton‟s history is limited. From the previous analysis that has analyzed, most of the story of Tobias Eaton‟s childhood has told.

There are some categories of psychosocial development stages that are not shown in the review of related theory because not all of the stages are necessary to use to understand Tobias Eaton‟s history. According to Erik‟s summary chart of psychosocial development, the stages ranged from one year to

65-year-old and so on (Tobias Eaton‟s age: 24), which is why most of the stages of Erik‟s development not used. It must learn that these stages have their encounter as to what changes the development of a child in his or her life, and these stages were charted by Erik Erikson to know what engagement that child‟s encounter while in development to maturity.



a. Initiative Vs Guilt

The stage of the second stage of psychosocial development is called locomotor, and the age ranged from three to six-year-old, “which the child continues to become more assertive and to take more initiative, but may be too forceful, leading to guilt feelings,” ( as cited in Erikson, 1950, Para.

3). The age six is when Tobias Eaton first encountered his father, abusively.

Marcus Eaton was the one responsible for Tobias Eaton entirely. The role of

Marcus Eaton exposes as the main reason Tobias Eaton has become the way he is right now.

As the leader of Abnegation, Marcus Eaton wants a perfect child for his image. In this stage of development, a child can be expected to regress and destroys the parent‟s expectation of their child supposed to be, and this term can go the other way around. The character Tobias Eaton does not expect Marcus

Eaton‟s expectation, which leads to his abuse.

The initiative of Tobias Eaton supposedly to be overly-obedience when encountered with his father‟s desire which led him to feel guilty. The guilt that is caused by a failure of expectation can affect the mentality of a child which causes

Tobias Eaton to have “anxiety” (Erikson, 1950, p. 256). The anxiety is triggered when the action of expectation that the father wants him to fail to be fulfilled, which made Tobias Eaton develop a sense of cautiousness.



Because the desire cannot be expected, the guilt becomes sensitive to changes. A character sometimes finds their way to get away with problems, which are “when the child can no longer tolerate in himself” (Erikson, 1950, p. 257). The influence of his father caused him to have anxiety that changes his perspective about his family; desire to escape from his father. b. Industry Vs Inferiority

This stage is called latency. The age of this stage ranged from the age of six to 12-year-old, which “the child must deal with demands to learn new skills or risk a sense of inferiority, failure, and incompetence.” ( as cited in

Erikson, 1950, para. 4). This stage of psychosocial development is the peak evidence of Marcus Eaton‟s abusive behavior towards his son, Tobias Eaton. In the movie, when Tris and Tobias Eaton were in Tobias Eaton‟s simulation, they were encountered with many obstacles of fears. In the last stage of the simulation, they had faced his extreme fears, which is the fear of his abusive father.

[next they find themselves in Abnegation] Tris: Why are we in Abnegation? Tobias Eaton: Your last feat is your worst fear. It lives in the deepest part of your mind. [they‟re in a house, the see Marcus coming down the stairs, holding a belt] Tris: Marcus had a son. What was his name? Marcus: Tobias. [Tobias Eaton looks around in fear as they are surrounded by multiple versions of Marcus walking towards Tobias Eaton] Marcus: Tobias. Tobias. Tobias. Tobias. Tobias, I was trying to help you, to be better. [Marcus walks over to Tobias Eaton, as he goes to raise the belt to hit Tobias Eaton with Tris stops him] Tris: No! [as Marcus attacks Tobias Eaton knocks him out and Tris and Tobias Eaton wake from the simulation] (Burger, 2014, scene. 46).



From the script above, when Marcus says, “I was trying to help you, to be better” with a belt in his hands shows the first evidence that Marcus Eaton abuses his son physically. Supposedly, the belt was there to punish Tobias Eaton when if he had failed a task given by his father. The knowledge and skill Tobias

Eaton‟s acquired from his father through force teaching affect his mentality to be rational. The skill Tobias Eaton learned from Marcus Eaton may make him

“discouraged” (Erikson, 1950, p. 260) to do anything if Marcus Eaton's way of helping is through force teaching as in abusing his son. Marcus Eaton, as a father, has failed to teach Tobias Eaton the knowledge he should be truly learning.

Tobias Eaton's past journey might help him to success in future life.

However, it may cause “the child‟s mental development to be disrupted” (Erikson,

1950, p. 260). It is agreed upon that Marcus Eaton‟s action to teach Tobias Eaton to learn something is linked to physical abuse, but does it help him? As it is discovered that Tobias Eaton finished first in his initiation class, and he works in the intelligence sector of Dauntless but also trains new initiates as a captain. These achievements of Tobias Eaton resulted in the answer of both yes and no. The knowledge and skills that Tobias Eaton has right now as an adult might come from the experience of his abusive father, but it can also be from the effect because of the abusive father, hence the inferiority.



The action of the abusive father to Tobias Eaton might be the reason he was intelligent. It can also be assumed that he was smart because he follows the idea that he does not want to follow his father‟s path. The negative outcome of this development is that it makes Tobias Eaton distrust to anyone, and it made him only to trust himself. The positive result of this development is that it makes

Tobias Eaton more cautious with his surroundings. It does not change the fact that even if he chose a different way, the experienced of the trauma from learning through physical abuse could unconsciously affect the mentality character to be submissive to manipulation. c. Identity Vs Role Confusion

Adolescence is the name of the last stage in this research, and the age ranged from the age of 12 to 18-year-old, in which the teenager must achieve a sense of identity in occupation, sex roles, politics, and religion ( as cited in Erikson, 1950, para. 5). the child in this stage that they might isolate their true colors to able to adapt to society.

The danger of this stage is role confusion— is the inability to settle on an occupational identity which disturbs individual young people—to the point of apparent complete loss of identity with the heroes of cliques and crowds” (Erikson, 1950, p. 262). Tobias Eaton in the movie experienced the lack of identity of what he is as a person. It may have to do with his childhood experiences in the past but from the evidence collected in the movie, it shows that Tobias Eaton lack the identity of what faction he should be in or he should be as.



Tris: What‟s your tattoo? [Tobias Eaton smiles at her] Tobias Eaton: Do you wanna see them? [Tris smiles, Tobias Eaton turns, takes his shirt off to show the tattoos on his back] Tris: That‟s amazing. [Tobias Eaton has symbols of each faction on his back, Tris touches his back as she looks at them] Tris: The factions. Why do you have all of them? Tobias Eaton: I don‟t want to be just one thing. I can‟t be. I want to be brave, and I want to be selfless, intelligent and honest and kind. [he turns to face her] Tobias Eaton: Well, I‟m still working on kind. (Burger, 2014, scene. 47).

The script above that Tobias Eaton‟s tattoo represented his motivation to become all of these factions; Dauntless, Erudite, Candour, Abnegation, and

Amity. It realized that Tobias Eaton is a divergent, and divergent owns all of the factions, but their percentages of the factions sometimes different than the other.

Tobias Eaton said he wanted to be all of the factions which shows the determination and motivation to become a different person from what his parents might have wanted, which the role confusion is applied.

It realized that he entered Dauntless at the age of sixteen, and in the movie, he is at 24-year-old, which means he has improved for over eight years.

Within those years, Tobias Eaton tries to become all of the factions because he simply does not want to have only one identity, which proves the role confusion as what Tobias Eaton as a person is. His mindset proves that if he becomes all of the factions he would be a better person because every faction is precious, which makes him perfect. Ideally, this is caused due to the lack of acceptance between

Tobias Eaton and his father's relationship. Because he was rejected by his father, he instead wanted to be accepted by society by becoming all of the factions.



It is an ideological mind—and, indeed, it is the ideological outlook of a society that speaks most clearly to the adolescent who is eager to be affirmed by his peers—in searching for the social values which guide identity (Erikson, 1950, p. 263) The Ideal target of identity that Tobias Eaton tries to get is particularly confusing as he is lost. The problem might be because he is divergent that he believed by becoming all of the factions he would reach his ideal identity, which led to the role confusion. As the mentality resulted, the psychology aspect of

Tobias Eaton can be assumed the role confusion might motivate him to be a better person. Because of the action his father did in the past, reflects the action Tobias

Eaton makes in the present.

2.B Mental Process of Tobias Eaton

The mental process of Tobias Eaton in this part is analyzed right after the characteristics, and the psychosocial development of Tobias Eaton finished to understand his mental process more accurately. The components of the mental process categorized into three parts; these are the id, the ego, and the superego.

According to psychoanalytic theory, most of what controls our behaviors, thoughts, and feelings are unknown to our aware minds, and it is the unconscious that usually guides us.

Freud theorized that healthy personality development requires a balance between the id and the super ego. These two divisions of the mind are naturally at conflict with one another: the id attempts to satisfy animal, biological urges, while the superego preaches patience and restraint. The struggle between these two is an example of intrapsychic conflict— conflict within the mind (Freud & Breuer, 1895, p. 285).



In this case, a healthy personality involved in the balance between the id and the superego. If the id‟s demands met and the superego is satisfied with the action the person‟s made and not overwhelmed by guilt, then it can be assumed that the personality of that person is healthy. If one of the categorized parts is more dominant than the other, then the result of the nature of that character might affect how the character behaves.

If the id is too strong, a person will be rude, overbearing, selfish, and animalistic. If the superego is too strong, a person is constantly worried, nervous, and full of guilt and anxiety and is always repressing the id‟s desires. An overly strong id makes one a psychopath, lacking a conscience, or an ogre, selfishly meeting one‟s needs without concern for others. An overly strong superego, on the other hand, makes one a worrier, a neurotic, so overwhelmed by guilt that it is difficult to get satisfaction. Sometimes it is said that the ego is the mediator between the id and the superego—the ego does not help to find compromise; the ego helps the id to satisfy its desire by focusing on what is real (Freud & Breuer, 1895, p. 285). Tobias Eaton is analyzed in three parts of the categorized mental process, which are the id, the ego, and the superego. The goal is to describe whether the mental process of Tobias Eaton has dominancy towards each part based on the movie Divergent. a. The id of Tobias Eaton

The Id works in the manner of the unconscious mind, and it does not contact the surface with the reality. The purpose of id is to serve the pleasure principle. The primary pleasure principle, for example, a son may show conscious obedience towards his father while the son unconsciously wishes to run away.



These opposing desires are possible because the id has no morality, and it cannot make value judgments or distinguish between which one is good and bad because the id just wants the pleasure.

In review, the id is primitive, chaotic, inaccessible to consciousness, unchangeable, amoral, illogical, unorganized, and filled with the energy received from basic drives and discharged for the satisfaction of the pleasure principle. (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 29) The id needs to be stable with the superego. The id and the superego‟s dominant traits can determine someone‟s mental process accordingly through its action. According to Freud, there are various drives grouped under two major headings: The Eros (life instinct) and Thanatos (death instinct). These drives originate in the id, but they come under the control of the ego. (Feist & Feist,

2008, p. 31). The Eros or sex then characterized by an aim and an object; narcissism, love, sadism, and masochism. Furthermore, the Thanatos or aggression, according to Freud, is to return the organism to an inorganic state

(Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 32). Because the ultimate inorganic condition is death, the final aim of the aggressive drive is self-destruction, sarcasm, humiliation, and the enjoyment of other people‟s suffering.

Throughout our lifetime, life and death impulses constantly struggle against one another for ascendancy, but at the same time, both must bow to the reality principle, which represents the claims of the outer world. These demands of the real world prevent a direct covert, and unopposed fulfillment of either sex or aggression. They frequently create anxiety, which relegates many sexual and aggressive desires to the realm of the unconscious (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 33).



The sex and aggression share the center of Freudian dynamic theory with the concept of anxiety. Anxiety emphasized that it is a felt, affective, unpleasant state accompanied by a physical sensation that warns the person against impending danger. In this case, only the ego can feel the anxiety, but the id, superego each are involved in one of three kinds of anxiety—neurotic, moral and realistic.

Tobias Eaton experiences the concept of neurotic and realistic from the supported Freudian theory. Tobias Eaton has been physically abused by his father, starting from the range of the age of six to adult. The development Tobias Eaton carries were affected by his mental, which triggered the anxieties of neurotic, and realistic. The presence of neurotic anxiety happens due to a traumatic event that

Tobias Eaton had to face in the past.

The feeling itself exists in the ego, but it originates from id impulses. People may experience neurotic anxiety in the presence of a teacher, employer, or some other authority figure because they previously experienced unconscious feelings of destruction against one or both parents. During childhood, these feelings of hostility are often accompanied by fear of punishment, and this fear becomes generalized into unconscious neurotic anxiety (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 34). This particular anxiety happened in the movie right after Tris, and Tobias

Eaton engaged in Tobias Eaton‟s last fear simulation, which was his father. The expression of Tobias Eaton itself was changed right after the figure of multiple

Marcus Eatons surrounded him. It can be assumed that the supported theory of

Freudian works in the manner of unconscious triggering, which involves the ego to be woken up by the id. The past experience from the inferiority which is the failure, and the incompetence rejection from his father is shown. When he sees



Marcus in the simulation, his though instantly recalled him back to his childhood memories. The interpretation of the learning through punishment recalls the mind within the id, which woken the ego. Because of the id‟s impulse triggering, the ego then tries to relax the id, which cannot be shaken. If the ego is not able to comfort the sudden trigger from the id, the mind then shut down because that is what the id‟s pleasure. Tobias Eaton‟s action is submitted into receiving the pain from the belt until he was shaken by Tris‟ sudden counter to defend Tobias Eaton.

After that, the ego is then grabbed back full control of Tobias Eaton‟s mind and helps Tris fight the rest of his fathers.

A third category of anxiety, realistic anxiety, is closely related to fear. It is defined as an unpleasant, nonspecific feeling involving a possible danger. For example, we may experience realistic anxiety while driving in heavy, fast-moving traffic in an unfamiliar city, a situation fraught with real, objective danger. However, realistic anxiety is different from fear in that it does not involve a specific fearful object. We would experience fear, for example, if our motor vehicle suddenly began sliding out of control on an icy highway (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 34).

The third category of anxiety is called realistic anxiety. The fear of heights seen from the figuration of character in the scene of Tris and Tobias Eaton was climbing the Ferris wheel to take a better vantage point to see the whole area better and to get the location of the hidden flag. The realistic anxiety defined “as unpleasant with sudden mixed feelings” (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 34). The unpleasant feeling from Tobias Eaton came from his height fear, but the mixed feelings came from the rusty and noise of the Ferris wheel, which heighten the fear even more.



Tobias Eaton started to look down after he stopped climbing the ladder, which is when the impulse of the id is shown. The ego tries to compensate the id‟s desire from climbing the ladder, which was succeeded by the ego. Even though

Tobias Eaton made it to the top, the id continues to give anxiety to Tobias Eaton‟s mind, which is failed because the ego subdued it.

The fear of killing innocents seen in the scene of Tris and Tobias Eaton engaged in his third stage of fear. From the figuration of character and psychosocial development of Tobias Eaton, it is realized that the fear of killing innocents linked to the influenced of his abusive father, which developed the character of Tobias Eaton. Tobias Eaton‟s selfish desire to not disrupt his feeling is the affection of his mentality, which caused the ego to follow the id‟s impulse desire.

When he held the gun and pulled the trigger to the innocent's face, he swayed. In this simulation, the id and the ego are both dominant against each other. The id wants to shoot the person because of the manipulation of the orders, but the ego does not want to kill the person because it is morally wrong. Because of the unstable mentality that Tobias Eaton has, the desire of both then is fulfilled; id shots the person, and the ego ignores the visual feeling from the shooting, which avoids the guilt from happening.



It realized from this that Tobias Eaton has an aggressive id that is somewhat always managed by the ego. The id is overpowered by the help of the childhood life that Tobias Eaton had experienced, which disrupts his mentality.

Furthermore, the ego is helped by the motivation to change, which allows him to psychologically to overpowered the id‟s overpowered power. Although the anxiety caused him to feel weak, the fears he has encountered enabled him to be selfishly defensive and to become more cautious with his surroundings.

Anxiety serves as an ego-preserving mechanism because it signals us that some danger is at hand. For example, an anxiety dream signals our censor of an impending danger, which allows us to better disguise the dream images. Anxiety allows the constantly vigilant ego to be alert for signs of threat and danger. The signal of impending danger stimulates us to mobilize for either flight or defense. Anxiety is also self-regulating because it precipitates repression, which in turn reduces the pain of anxiety. If the ego had no recourse to defensive behavior, the anxiety would become intolerable. Defensive behaviors, therefore, serve a useful function by protecting the ego against the pain of anxiety (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 34). In the end, the anxieties affected the mentality of Tobias Eaton unconsciously within the id‟s impulses. Tobias Eaton‟s anxieties allow him to be more vigilant, but it also made him selfish. It emphasized that Tobias Eaton‟s id is rather aggressive; it is caused because of the experiences Tobias Eaton had to encounter in his life, hence from the psychosocial development of inferiority.



b. The ego of Tobias Eaton

The ego in the mental process is the surface conscious, which works as a link towards the external world. It is governed by the reality principle, which tries to substitute for the pleasure principle of the id. As the sole region of the mind in contact with the external world, the ego becomes the decision-making or executive branch of personalities (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 29). It attempts to help the id get what it wants by judging the difference between real and imaginary.

If a person is hungry, the id might begin to imagine food and even dream about food. (The id is not rational.) The ego, however, will try to determine how to get some real food. The ego helps a person satisfy needs through reality (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 284).

The character of Tobias Eaton, through discussion is revealed as considerate, selfish, and distant, which are the reflection of his habits come from the interaction of the mental process that later faces the external world.

At times the ego can control the powerful, pleasure-seeking id, but at other times it loses control. In comparing the ego to the id, Freud used the analogy of a person on horseback. The rider checks and inhibits the greater strength of the horse but is ultimately at the mercy of the animal. Similarly, the ego must check and inhibit id impulses, but it is more or less constantly at the mercy of the stronger but more poorly organized id. The ego has no strength of its own but borrows energy from the id. In spite of this dependence on the id, the ego sometimes comes close to gaining complete control, for instance, during the prime of life of a psychologically mature person (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 29).



When the cognitive and intellectual functions performed, the ego must take into consideration the unrealistic demands from the id. In this case, if the ego fails to fulfill those demands, the primary process of the id tries to move onto the secondary process. This ego later can safely alternate a develop-reasoned sort of plan that would complete the id‟s fulfillment.

As the region that houses basic drives (primary motivates), the id operates through the primary process. Because it blindly seeks to satisfy the pleasure principle, its survival is dependent on the development of a secondary process to bring it into contact with the external world. This secondary process functions through the ego (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 29). The example of these can be taken from the movie when the imagery of

„fleeing‟ comes in Tobias Eaton‟s mind. The primary process of the image escape in Tobias Eaton‟s primary process does not fully satisfy his desire, which was to run away from his hometown. The cognitive skill then planned the way to be able to escape from Abnegation. It learned that the character of Tobias Eaton is smart and very cautious. Tobias endures for eight years before he can escape from his hometown, and his planned works entirely because, in the movie, he was not in

Abnegation anymore. If his cognitive skill worked accordingly to his plan means that Tobias Eaton's personality is right.

Since the primary process of Tobias Eaton‟s mind comes to play, the imagery of planning an escape also made. In the movie, it stated that the rules of transfer made when a child has reached the age of sixteen-year-old. His father abused Tobias Eaton at the age of six, which was after his mother left him. The primary process of Tobias Eaton‟s id developed a plan which cost him nine years‟ worth of plan to escape from his father.



The primary process, which the id operates through, cannot be completed alone. It is already stated that the primary process is the ideal planning that the id desires. The primary process motivates the ego with the pleasure principle, which is selected by the ego accordingly through thoughts and reasons to make the plan works in the external world—furthermore, the secondary process succeeded once id‟s idea is filtered.

In this case, the id of Tobias Eaton wants to escape from Abnegation, and the id then performed various plans, but the decision-making of the ego then stops it to find an alternate method that can work for the external world. At times, the ego can control the powerful, pleasure-seeking of the id, but at the other times, it loses control. The ego has no strength of its own but borrows energy from the id.

Despite this dependence on the id, the ego sometimes gained complete control, for instance, “during the prime of life of a psychologically mature person” (Feist &

Feist, 2008, p. 29). Tobias Eaton waited for nine years to escape from Abnegation.

His control over the id ultimately is more dominant than his ego. If Tobias Eaton had not followed his ego accordingly to plan, Tobias Eaton‟s id would have made him leave Abnegation earlier before the choosing ceremony even starts. If Tobias

Eaton chose the id‟s plan, then the identity and the reputation would be leaked.

The ego‟s plan worked because since the ego can also feel the abuse pain from the id‟s impulse, it can be argued that the ego moral would also want to flee from his father. If Tobias Eaton‟s action had gone towards his impulse pleasure, then the reputation of his father would have been more severe than the one that has done in the movie.



After he left from abnegation, the ego tries to pinpoint his identity which revealed from the psychosocial development that he wanted to be all of the factions. Tobias Eaton wanted to be accepted by the society because he was rejected by his father. The ego tries to decide the identity with help of the unconscious mind, the id and the superego of what his identity be which then resulted in finding the ideal identity to be all of the factions. The role confusion is caused especially by the id because of the traumatic event. As the mentality resulted, the psychology aspect of Tobias Eaton can be assumed that the role confusion might motivate him to be a better person. Because of the action his father did in the past, reflects the action Tobias Eaton makes in the present.

Andrew: Beatrice, I don‟t think you understand the level of scrutiny we‟re under. They‟re doing everything they can to discredit us right now. Tris: Who is? Natalie: Erudite. They believe that they should be the governing faction, not us. Andrew: So we have to be careful right now, okay? Natalie: Even Marcus is under attack. Tris: For what? Andrew: It‟s an old accusation. That he mistreated his son, and that‟s why the boy defected. Tris: Is that true? Andrew: No. Natalie: Of course not. Children defect for all kinds of reasons (Burger, 2014, scene. 3).

This scene was one of the evidence that the action Tobias Eaton has made in the movie reflects how he, as a person, still can respect his father‟s reputation even when he physically abused him. It can also be the evidence of his selfish and distant desire that wanted to live alone without having to engage in any problems.



Nonetheless, Tobias Eaton's action has made the exposure of Marcus

Eaton‟s behavior towards a society less sever and almost to be unknown because, in this part of the scene, not even Marcus‟ friends know that he was once an abusive father.

Anxiety serves as an ego-preserving mechanism because it signals us that some danger is at hand. Anxiety allows the constantly vigilant ego to be alert for signs of threat and danger. The signal of impending danger stimulates us to mobilize for either flight or defense. Anxiety is also self- regulating because it precipitates repression, which in turn reduces the pain of anxiety. If the ego had no recourse to defensive behavior, the anxiety would become intolerable. Defensive behaviors, therefore, serve a useful function by protecting the ego against the pain of anxiety (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 34).

The id‟s pleasure from Tobias Eaton is fulfilled from the decision of the ego, which came from his action. The character then is known that Tobias Eaton does not always follow the id‟s desire when the demands were unrealistic. This problem occurred because the power of the anxieties is too strong, which makes the ego agrees. The reason for that is because the motivation of Tobias Eaton only reflected on Marcus Eaton‟s personality.

Those anxieties act as the defense mechanism of the secondary process which Tobias Eaton had learned from the physical abuse Marcus had given towards him. Because of the selfish and distant desire, Tobias Eaton was able to be hidden until the ego is helped by love coming from Tris, but the role confusion of the psychosocial development is still applied to him which caused the character to lost his true identity.



c. Superego of Tobias Eaton

The last part of the mental process is called the superego. The superego works the exact opposite of what the id works, but the demands are usually the same. The id always aims to follow the pleasure principle, but the superego always seeks to support the moralistic and idealistic principal. The superego has no energy of its own, just like the ego of the mental process. However, “the superego differs from the ego in one crucial respect—it has no contact with the outside world and therefore is unrealistic in its demands for perfection” (Feist &

Feist, 2008, p. 30).

The superego has two subsystems, the conscience, and the ego-ideal.

However, Freud did not clearly distinguish between the two functions. The conscience is resulted from experiences with punishments for improper behavior and “tells us what we should not do, whereas with the ego-ideal developed from experiences with rewards for proper behavior and tells us what we should do”

(Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 30). The character of Tobias Eaton follows the subsystem of the conscious more rather than the ego-ideal. The reason for that is because

Tobias Eaton‟s childhood was known to be unpleasant. Tobias Eaton is punished more for what he has done in the past than awarded with accomplishment through obedience.

A well-developed superego acts to control sexual and aggressive impulses through the process of repression. It cannot produce repressions by itself, but it can order the ego to do so. The superego watches closely over the ego, judging its actions and intentions. Guilt is the result when the ego acts—or even intends to act—contrary to the moral standards of the superego (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 30).



Contrary to Tobias Eaton‟s ego, the superego of Tobias Eaton is less dominant and more balanced. Tobias Eaton, as a character, has shown an emotion of feeling guilt in the movie even though the character of Tobias Eaton is distant and a survivalist.

If his superego were to be more dominant than the other mental process, which is id and ego, then Tobias Eaton would not have chosen Dauntless as his transferred faction. Through the decision he made, he surely would not have selected Dauntless if Tobias Eaton is not abused. It is assumed that he decides to be a dauntless soldier because he only had learned the experiences of enduring pains, which is the standard requirement of becoming a soldier. Although the mental process of Tobias Eaton‟s goal was to try to flee from the physical endurance experience, the anxieties are there to help the mental process creates resentment to prove that he can better than his father, which is pleasure-seeking.

The superego is not concerned with the happiness of the ego. It strives blindly and unrealistically toward perfection. It is unrealistic in the sense that it does not take into consideration the difficulties or impossibilities faced by the ego in carrying out its orders (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 31).

For some people, the superego does not grow after childhood, but the superego may “dominate the personality at the cost of guilt and inferiority feelings” (31). Furthermore, “the ego and superego may take turns controlling personality”(31), which results in extreme fluctuations of mood and alternating cycles of self-confidence and self-deprecation. (Feist & Feist, 2008). Although it



is learned that Tobias Eaton's ego is more dominant than the rest of the mental process, his ego sometimes allows the unrealistic demand from the superego.

Right before the end of the movie, the character Tobias Eaton was woken up by Tris from the simulation, which Erudite controlled him. After they have saved the dauntless soldiers from being controlled and the innocent abnegation people from being killed, Tobias Eaton and Tris then go outside of the dauntless‟ building to escape, which where Erudite was hiding. When Tobias Eaton and Tris went out of the building, Tobias Eaton sees his father with Tris‟ brother, and Peter

(the initiate friend) were waiting for them. Tobias Eaton swapped glances between

Marcus Eaton. In that scene, Tobias Eaton shows that he was still terrified of him.

At that point, they were alerted with an ambush from Erudite. They ran and jumped to a train that was moving slowly and escaped. But before they fled,

Marcus was not able to jump over the train. In this part, the superego of Tobias

Eaton relentlessly helped Marcus Eaton escaped with them. He lent his hand over to which reached Marcus Eaton‟s right hand then pulled him into the train. In that exact moment, the superego demand was allowed to be had. The guilt he would have experienced if he had not helped his father into the train signified that the character of Tobias Eaton would be the same as his father, which he does not want to be, hence the guilt childhood he has experienced from the psychosocial development.



The superego and ego had taken turns controlling the personality. The superego helped Marcus Eaton which the superego is not concerned with the happiness of the ego. Tobias Eaton helped Marcus because it triggers the defense mechanism of his anxieties he had experienced in the past, which was Tobias

Eaton‟s pledge not follow the same path as his abusive father.

the relationships among id, ego, and superego in three hypothetical persons. For the first person, the id dominates a weak ego and a feeble superego, preventing the ego from counterbalancing its incessant demands of the id and leaving the person nearly constantly striving for pleasure regardless of what is possible or proper. The second person, with strong feelings of either guilt or inferiority and a weak ego, will experience many conflicts because the ego cannot arbitrate the strong but opposing demands of the superego and the id. The third person, with a strong ego that has incorporated many of the demands of both the id and the superego, is psychologically healthy and in control of both the pleasure principle and the moralistic principle (Feist & Feist, 2008, p. 31).

The character of Tobias Eaton follows the pattern of the third person, which psychologically healthy and in control of both the pleasure principle and the moralistic principle. But from the aspect of mentality, Tobias Eaton is underwhelmed by the anxieties he has, which is now acting as a defense mechanism to be more vigilant, distant, and selfish to people. However, it is admitted that Tobias Eaton‟s habits from his past experiences are fading away when he met Beatrice Prior. After he fell in love with her, Tobias Eaton was not selfish, distant, and secretive to her, hence the third pattern of the mental process




In this particular chapter, the results of the analysis that has done in the previous chapters shown. The research completed identifying Tobias Eaton‟s character in Divergent and how the characteristics, psychosocial development, and mental process have resulted in the character‟s personality. The conclusion from this research proved that the inclination of the character happened which revealed the character‟s hidden story.

The findings from the characterization found in Neil Burger‟s Divergent is that the character of Tobias Eaton is an ambiguous person. The introduction of the character's first impression is to be reckoned as the antagonist of the movie.

Through dialog and visual evidence, it is shown that Tobias Eaton sides with the protagonist all along.

The information on Tobias Eaton‟s childhood life is found that the character follows the guilt from not fulfilling his father's expectation and inferiority from failures which led to his abuse and also the role confusion that makes the character lost his true identity.



From the evidence above, the findings can be gathered and analyzed through the mental process of Tobias Eaton. It is concluded that the character‟s id is followed by the inferiority which makes his id rather aggressive due to the anxieties of his past failures that becomes the traumatic event of the character.

Furthermore, the ego is followed by the role confusion in which the ego tries to pinpoint the identity influenced by the id that wants to become all of the factions led to the loss of identity. The superego is followed by the role of guilt which is triggered when Tobias Eaton engaged with his father that led to the guilt he would have experienced if he had not helped his father.

In the conclusion of this research, the character of Tobias Eaton is indeed affected by his childhood experiences. Through the characteristics, psychosocial development, and the mental process of Tobias Eaton, it can be concluded that he has tried to overcome these problems by trusting Tris. The experiences from his childhood turned to anxieties which also becomes the defense mechanism of

Tobias Eaton as a character.

For further improvement of literary analysis, the researcher would like to suggest other researchers conduct researches using the same analysis with combined objects. The objects are from all of the sequels which are related to Neil

Burger‟s Divergent, Insurgent, and also Allegiant to be more accurate in deciding whether the personality of Tobias Eaton is affected by it.




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Appendix 1: Table contents of the Psychosocial development: eight ages of man. Stage Ages Basic Conflict Important Summary Event 1.Oral- Birth to Trust vs. Feeding The infant must Sensory 12 to 18 Mistrust form a first months loving, trusting relationship with the caregiver, or develop a sense of mistrust 2.Muscular- 18 Autonomy vs. Toilet The child’s Anal Months to Shame/Doubt Training energies are 3 years directed toward the development of physical skills, including walking, grasping, and rectal sphincter control. The child learns control but may develop shame and doubt if not handled well.



3.Locomotor 3 to 6 Initiatives Independence .The child continues years vs. Guilt to become more assertive and to take more initiative, but may be too forceful, leading to guilt feelings. 4.Latency 6 to 12 Industry vs. School The child must deal years Inferiority with demands to learn new skills or risk a sense of inferiority, failure, and incompetence 5.Adolesence 12 to 18 Identity vs. Peer The teenager must years Role Relationship achieve a sense of Confusion identity in occupation, sex roles, politics, and religion. 6.Young 19 to 40 Intimacy vs. Love The young adult Adulthood years Isolation relationship must develop intimate relationship or suffer feelings of isolation. 7.Middle 40 to 62 Generativity Parenting Each adult must find Adulthood years vs. some way to satisfy Stagnation and support the next generation. 8.Maturity 65 to Ego Reflection on The culmination is death Integrity vs. and a scene of one self Despair acceptance of as one is and of one‟s life feeling fulfilled.