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The Eastern Mail (Vol. 09, No. 24): December 27, 1855

Ephraim Maxham

Daniel Ripley Wing

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Recommended Citation Maxham, Ephraim and Wing, Daniel Ripley, "The Eastern Mail (Vol. 09, No. 24): December 27, 1855" (1855). The Eastern Mail (Waterville, Maine). 439.

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illiecellans. I fruit is easier gathered ; in fact every renSotl is in favor of low growlli. We now try to 1 form a head not higher than lliiee feet from A VIOHT AT AS ALPHTE INN. the ground, for apples, letting iho branches groW.QuU’H . .. ■ 1 fMveRfrj! »hh)U)?h PiedMom towards ' ^ Canttftaiiuns. th« Alps, Gtitat 8i. Bernard bl^fdg ipy object • Talking of conundrums,’ said old Ilurri- of the presttnC Jaunt. Ahrang 'my iravelWiii: j cane, siretoliing • himsell' all OVeV Si«;ml Hall, eonipti'iions in the pt^seni coach—if the heavy, ' nnd sending out one of those mighty puffs pt lumtHiring thing in nhich we rode can be cntl- Havana smoke which had given bint his name. ed such'^WM •>< EinglIgbhtAti, named Fiiihern. ‘ Talking of conundrums, can any of you tell uic He had IIWteloA !>• r nearly the whole cohfi- when a ship may be said to be in love? ’ nent, and hiS comphnionltblp was not only pleas* * 1 can tell—1 can,’ snapped out Jjtlle Tur­ ani but Tatuable. We left (Jhaltillon in the tle, ‘ It’s when she wants to he manned.’ moi’ningi'Mnd'Bt itoon we stopped to dine at a ‘Just missed it,'(]uulb Old Ilurriejtnu, ‘ hy little inn some'fifteen Miles to the horthwest ol VOL. IX. WATEllVILLE, MAINE...... TUUKSDAV, DEC. 27, 1855. NO. 24. a mile. Tiy again. Who speaks first ? ’ Ayace. It was 6nly about twenty miles froln ‘ I do, secondly ’ answered teinon.^. ‘ It's St. Bernard, and directly among the Alps.— which grew a lot ot shrubbery, provided, that there 1 should be delected, nnd p'-rbaps taken diurnal motion, I produced the phenomena vul-' zwanziger lor each subscipteiil hour. Cliui'ch- when site wants a male. There was no othef boilding In sight than those ‘ Not c'orreet,’ replied nurricanc.- ‘'The ques- belonging to the inn, ftfr there was hardly a shrubbery was deeply rooted enough to liold at a di.'.advaniage. If 1 allowed the villiaiis to garly called * The Merry Dancers,’and every-j'e.-i, palaces pfctures,'gallerics, shops nnd show chance to build ariOther. A wilder spot I me. I look liOld of somo of ilie huslieS which conic up, they could not be very particular other appcaraiicf, exactly as seen in the iiaiu-.i places have been visited. The church of the * ***’•> is still open.’ ne*er saw ; but yet it was grand and romantic. * It**’*’ n*mr the top.and tmmd them firm With about their arms, as the work of killing a man rnl sky, while il disappeared as the globe j Frari, St. Maria Gloriosa de Frari, has tvio of • ‘When shesaship of great size,’ (sigli.s) a Hoick prayer 1 threw off my coal and laiots, i in Ins sleep i.s not lery dilRcuU. At length 1 turned, as ht’ing the part representing the sea (he most inictesliug monuments in ail Italy—■ modestly ptop^ndud Mr. iSmoolhly. ^ Tbe giant Alps towered up close at band, and to the points ol incidence. In corroboration of j those of Titian nnd Cnnova, both Venetians. ‘ ^yhcn shea tender lo a mnnoftcar,'(,ii\n all about tbe spot we could see the massive and then let myself down, l" found the shelf | reiiieiiibered a place in the long passage thro’ not mofe than two leel wide, and you may be-1 whieli I bad come where there were two re­ my theory, 1 have to remaik that, during my ' By a .singular coincidence, Ihcac two eminent f'*** ^loncl, regnriling the reflection of his laco crags lilting their dark gray beads altove the last voyage to the Arctic Regions (1860-1) i arti.sis—tliough one has been dead Inr two cen-]'^ i'** boots. forest trees. A wide stream went dashing lieve that it was a dubious track ; but I hur- cesses, 1 liurried out from my room,nnd glided ried on and reached the jutting lock in safely, j noiselessly along to this place, where 1 lound a we never, among the nuiiierous icebergs, saw , lories and the ollior not a quarter of one—have! .’Everyiliing but correct,’ responded Hurri- In wildly through the gorge, and its roar was at fe i Jn a moment more 1 was flat on my breast.' position which could not have been bettered.— any tlint were colored, butqll were a yellowish | both hud monuuients creeled opposite one aii- In ' first almost deafening wlicn tbe stream was ‘ When sliu’s struck uiinck by a hcAvy swell,' i and then readied over after the hoy. I caught 1 Tliese recesses were directly opposite each oth- white; and, during the following winter, the j other over their remains in Ihu same cliurcli, noticed that my companion regarded ,|,e | him by the collar nf his jacket, and lohl binTto ' er. ^ were about four fcci wide. One of aurora was exactly the same color ; nnd, when within ibo last ten years. C'’s monument siigge.'led Siirlight. pigee with Interest. artU he took parTicular note ' '“clp h.mscif all he could. He made hi. last h^*njvas for a wtndow and the other seen^^ed llinl part of the globe was covered with bruised , is a pyramid of marble in reliel, almost twenty ‘Not ns yot,’said liur.iciiie. ‘ Ciini'f^liur- V- - ■ - ’ - . . . ■ j effort. 1 threw all my strengtli into that one ' to have been originally left for a closet, but it glass of tlml color, (lie phenoniena produced in feet high, standing out of tlie wall of the church ry along !' of several ibiogs wlucli seemed very common lilt, and the poor fellow Was dragged over the had no door, and was lunilxrod up with old my experiment wa.s the same, as was, also, the and supported by figure in sculpture, ’Tilimi's ■ When she tnakfi much of a Jiist sat'or,’ place to me. After ditioer we went out back cried .Sina-ilipipes. t of the Iwuse to look at ilie torrent. As far as rock and laid hy my side. j diesis. I w*viil to my room and left the lamp, Aurora Australis, in tlie Antarctic regions, monument is perfectly ..gorgeoui. Tliere arc ‘ It was Some time before tlie youngster and having once uiorc eaBuilned my pistols, 1 where no colored icebergs were ever seen. 1 liwo female figures, the size ol life, on each side IIltc there ua's if gfea’t gfon’n, and the eyes could reach on either hand the water moved, after I laid liiin down; but -hen he ' returned to my\newly lound stand, i look ray | regiet that it is out of iny power to exiiibil the j tied of the most exqiii.sitc form and figure.— pipes was lliruwn out of thh window. When came and went, dashing over its bed -of rocks peace was restored. Old Hurricane ‘ propelled ’ .—tumbling, crashing, boiling and hissing, and did. I found that he was perleclly sensible. I j position on one ol the old cliesli, ana thus had i experiiiienls I have described, owing to the pe-1 The Emperor of Austria, I understand, con- asked him if be could walk, aiitf he said y8i ; a great udvaniage in my favor, fut wliils il j culinr manner in wliicb tbe room must bo Iribuled a large sum of money towards the erec- again. i soon grew diezy with.the view ; foV 1 had so I arose, and bade him follow me. We ; would he difficult for any one in the passage to , daikeiied, even if 1 had the necessary appara-1 lion of this monument, ‘Y'ou might have said, ‘ when site hugs the jiDHgined wbat would be tbe sensation of my reached the little gorge in safety, and itiade | see mo I cuul.l yet see them plainly on nceounl (us with mej but it is an experiment so simple wind,, or ‘ when she runs down for a smack,’or soul, were I to fall into the mod flood; and the our way up the bank, and when we were once .of ihe.oppusise window, against wbiub their i Ihnt il uan easily be accomplished by any per- The Frenohman and his English Studies. wlien she's alter a consort,’ or sometliiiig of Very thought was so fearful that 1 sliaddered niore on (he fnilhinl ground the hoy sank down I forms wuuhl be clearly revealed. j son inlercsled in ilie beautilul phenomena of Frenchman—Ha, my good friend, I have Iliat sort. But il wouldn't Imvo been right. and grew weak. Near at band was a narrow upon bis knees and clasped his bands. lie | 'So there I sal, and at the end of half an - dte aurora borenlis." met with one difficulty—one very strange word. Tlie real solution is'—when she’s attached to a loot-bridge, formed by three stout loge^wliicb How you call ll-o u-g-h ? buoy ! ' had been fallen across from crag to crag, and was not-ever twelve or thirteen years of age, i hour 1 heard a cieaking of the stairs. I drew ' ' ' ^ and dressed in a sort of hunting garb of cham- back as far as possible ; and ere long a form . |Correspondence of the boston Tost-J Tutor—Huff. • Tlmt’s il, is it ? ’ said Smasliplpcs wlio had bound with ropes. - There was no railing of I ois skin. He had an intelligent look, nnd his glided through the recess. It was a man, the Venice. Fr.—Tres bien, Huff; nnd snuff you spell raysteriou-ily re-appcnred. ‘ That’s just wliat any kind to protect the paasengvts, and 1 had S-n-o-u-g-h, ha 1 I stepped out to tell the ladies. Now some of ho desire to cross over. ucoent was pure German. very one with whom 1 had eatgp supper—and Hong me if some men wouldn’t rather see a Come,” I said, after he had blessed me a in bis hand he carried a lantern. After him Tutor—Oil, no, no. Snuff is S-n-u-douhle-f. you loll me when a ship's beloved ? ’ When we returnei) to tbe inn, we found the sheep washing than to look at Niagara Fulls, ^ Tlie fact iji, words ending in ougli are a lilllu dozen lines, *' gel up and I will help you to came three men.< I heard them at my door— ami would think it ‘ a pity the water so runs to ‘ When the cariieiiter ro-gmirds her,’ quoth O&tler just leading the horses out, but my com­ Meislcr KaVl. ‘ Stuiishpipcs you must find the panion asked me to take a turn up stairs. I the inn, for you must be weak and faint.” I heard them enter my room—and in n minute waste.’ Why Venice is perfectly glorious I j .-fia beautiful language, ‘ “ No, no I ’ he answered quickly, “ I most more I could liear tliem talking in wondering cigars.” followed him up, and after reaching tlie second ivould deprive myself of every luxury am mil , „ j remember" luul And Smaslqiipes hroughl out his hot 6l landing, he turned into a sort of corridor, which go the other way, and 1 must hurry, too. I tones. For a while 1 could only understand of my comforts lor a long penod ; I would tve C-o-u-^ Cuff. I have one had Cuff, ha ! ought not to have slopped to look over into (he that they were surmising wlial could have be­ Regalias, and buhold there came a great clout) led out into a long wing 'towards the stream. on bread and water for a year, or lay tn jail lor that is wrong. We say Kuuff over Social Hall! At tbe further end of ibis passage he opened a stream, and you see what came of doing it. I come of me, but at length I heard the order SIX months, it by so doing it would procure me Cuff door and entered a small room, in wbicli was looked at the water so long that I became diz­ given to search. I could hear that tbe doors the means of visiting Venice, for two days, and j pr._k„uf, eh, hien. Huff and Knuf, and The Puzzi.s;d Irisaman.— Duiing our fasl between ma and my room were all opened, and I I could not do it otherwise. The houses-are a bed-frame, but no bed. I looked out at the zy. I fell upon the rock that juts out there, pardonnez moi, liow you call l)-o-u-g-li ? Duff, conflict with Great Britain, a number of our little square window, and fognd the torrent and as I was going off I caught it with my that the aparlmsDls were searched. At length ; mouldy and (he streets grass grown, business | troops were engaged in repairing the fortifica­ close below me. At least, I could liave easily hands. I should not have been here alive now he with the lantern reached the recess, and as i is nowhere; there is not horse or a vehicle in Tutor No^not Duff. tions of Niagara ; and wliilst So engaged ihg his lantern was raised so as to cast its rays in, the place—gondolas excepted—fare is poor, jumped, from where I then stood, half way if you bad not come.” Fr.—Not Duff? Ah ioui; I understand— enemy commenced ii pretty sharp fire, so (bat across the boiling stream. ‘ I told tbe boy I was thankful as he was. I was discovared. room.s have stone floors and no carpets ; one it is Dauf, hey ? il occupied nearly the whole of ihe time of our Hal here yon are 1 ” the brigand chief * I don’t wonder they’ve taken all the bed­ He thanked me and bletsed roe again, then ol my companions waked up this morning with Tutor—No, D-o-u-g-h spells Doe. forces to keep on the look-out for Ihe shots of said he hoped he could repay me sometime, uttered ; and on the next moment he drew his ding out from here,’ I remarkesl, as I turned a live scorpion in bis bed, and yet this is Ven­ Fr.—Doe. It is very flue; wonderful lan­ the enemy. Finding that tliey did not inahe dagger. my gaze from the window to the bare frame­ and then turned away. I watched liim till he ice, the guage, it is Doc, and T-o-u-g-h is Toe, certain- much headway, they stationed a son of the ICin- was out of sight, and then turned back toward ‘ My pistols were both ready. work of tbe cbucli. —“ Glorious city in the see ment. My beefsteak was very Toe. orald Isle to give wuiiiing when a shot or shell tbe inn. I smoked another cigar, chatted ‘ •• Move this way another step, and you die,” 'flic Fca is ill the broad, the narrow strosts, ‘ Why BO P ’ asked Filzliern. Tutor—Oh, no, no,; you should .-.ay Tuff. was coming. Tliis Ihu sentinel fnillihilly per­ awhile with (lie ostler, (the landlord being said I. Fbbiiig stilt flowing ; und tbo salt sea-weed ' Why, no one could sleep here, with such a Clings to the marble of her ;iu)ace.s. Fr.—Tuff? Le Diahle ; and the thingfarm- formed—alternately singing out,‘ shot,’ * shell,’ away somewhere.) and then went up to my ‘ But he only laughed, nnd came towards me. roar in bis ears.’ No truck of men, no footsteps to and fro, ers use; how you call him P-l-o-ti-g-h, ploft’. ‘ shut,’ shell,' until finally, Ihe enemy started a room. I was shown into the same apartment At that inument every nerve in luy body was I.end to her gates. The path lies o'er the sea. ‘ And yet I slept here once,’ be said. Invincible ; niid Irona the land we went, ha ! you smile ; I see I am wrong, it is Plauf I Congruvu rocket, which Fat had never seen that we visited; it was well furnislied then, as still as a dead man’s. 1 look deliberate aim * Toil f ’ i As to th- floatiiig city—steering in, No ! ah, then it is like Doe ; it is a liel'orc. He besUaled, and see'mg U elevate, and looked comfortable. Yet I disliked (he at his bead and fired. 1 saw liim stagger back, And gliding uji list streets, os in u dream, ‘ Yes. But there’s the horn. I'll tell you beautiful language, ver' fine Ploe. he shouted, ' Shut! nnosile led and pownful. They were a pair ol iiiy j last one uttered a shui p cry, and ran towards is Ruff, and Il-o u-g-h is Buff, lia! six provinces, mine of whose dialects he can direction—on iny way from Great St. Bern.vnl own invention, and one hammer operateil on 1 the stairs, liul the other two tell. It was a full the tiiilitiital career of Venice; Americans, children ul a now powerful Republic; with the ' Tutor;—No, Bow. speak. Here, five (liousniid miles ebuiige not to Chaliillon. t reaehed the inn we.have just biiih puns, so that they were easier to carry i luiiiiile Indore the fourth man made his nppi-nr- woiidcHul history of '.his maritime Stale before ' Fr.— Ah! 'tis ver’ simple wonderful lan­ the sound ul a word. Around every fireside, left about the midille of the afleiiioon, .•ii.d ii*. tlian llic- ordinarv uenpim wiili douldi flint j aiice. 1 saw him heiween me and the window, us. how can we look on her neglected and ul- guage ; liui I liave what you cull E-n-o-u g-li 1 and from every tribune, iri every field of labor my horse was tired, nnd fearing that 1 .sliuiild i lucks. 1 Icll my lamp hurtling with a luw ■ and 1 euuld -d- that, he hail a weapon of some monl forgotten career, and not feel a glow of ha ! wliat you cull him ?. und every factory of toil, is heard tlic same not he able to reSCh Ayace until long Hlter lliime. ami having- secured my door, went to kind in lii. Iiiiinl. “ I’ll do tin- ivurld a eiilliusiasm ? [N. Y’. Homo-.Journal. longue. We owe it to Webster. He lias dono dark, I resolved to remain here fur the iiighl. hill. The roar of the n-rrent roun lieeiom a- iiiu.” I ijitcii-il to niysi-ll, null »itii a cHrcfiil for us more than Alfred did for Euglaiid, or So 1 grtve iny horse to the o.slli>r, anil oiden il wiltl niii-ic to mt*. and I w..- mil long in la!l iiiiii, 1 liii il ii») Inst linll. Till- innn giive a cry u For unlo us she hulh a spoil be.vonil , • AMKRICAN LlTKIiATCKF, IN Kintoi'n.—The and ilii-ii sliieei-rcd from iny i-iglil. licr iiffime in utory, nnd iier long Nrrny 'Cinliiius lor Greece. ^His hooks have uduented supper and a room. There was no other trav­ iiig a-le.-p. or mighty f>ltadowff, wIiomi dim fornift deipund Europeitn corrcspomleiit of the Newark Ad- three gcncralioiis. 'j’hey are Ibievcr multiply­ eler beside myself, but I found plenty to eii- ‘ I must have slept not far froiii three huur.s, • Without a moment’s delay I sprang from Above the dogalesff city’s vaiiitilied fiwuv>w Ours ift » tiopny which will not decay \ vcrii,-er, writing fnim Rome, says: ing his innunierahiu army uf Ihiiikers, who ivill gago ray Hlleniion. When supper lime caine. when 1 was awakened hy feeling something on iny rctri-at, ami liasleiied to my room, where 1 my shoulder. 1 started up and made an in- found iiiy lump still huriiiiig. My little port- With the HiiillOt 8)iylock luid the Moor, • Y'ou w ill not he surpi i.-cd fo hear il said Ir.'iiisiuit his name from age to itge. I founti a new comer at the inhie. Me was a And Dierrcs cannot be swept uw'ay — that the progress of Letters and IScieiiCo in the [Glances at the Motroiiolis. tall, diiik looking man, but yet with a very in­ sliiiclive imivemeiil towards my pistols. maiiieau bad not been moieslvd, and Ironi Thu keystone of the arch ! though all were o'er, • “ —hli 1 ” uttered some one close to my ear. llieiice 1 look iny powder and reloaded my pis­ For US re.peopled were Iho solitary shore. i United Slates is doing more to coiieiliule re- telligent lace, and one calculated to command .spect lor the country aluoud lliaii its noisy and TifKT Must Fay kor ,Ouk Overcoats.— “ Don’t be afraid. You saved my life, and now tols. After this had been done, I look the In youth she was all glory—a new Tyre— A suit was brought on in Jersey City yester­ a certain degree of respect. He was dressed HBoin.uluus politics. Whilst il would be diffi­ in a plain suit of green cloth, w ilhoul oriiameiil 1 am come to save yours.” lam; in one ha.i.l and a pistol in .lie other, nnd ; flro day, before Justice Gardiner, against ‘.lie N. ' My eyes were now laiily open, and liy the went out into the passage. 1 found the hind- And blouushe bore o’er subject, earth and settf cult to find p name In its multitudinous body of of any kind, save that the shirt, or frock, was legislators, placeincu and aspirants, w hich is Y. und Erie Railroad Company, by Lewis dim light ot my lamp 1 could sue the features lurd. tlie ostler, the boy who had given me the I'hough making many slaves haracir set tree, Barnes, ol Jersey ,City, for an overcoat whicli worked with black cord upon the breast. He And Europe’s bulwark ’gainst tlic Ottomilc,” ^ evei heard outside of the cireje uf its iuimedi- uf ihu boy whom 1 had rescued from the rock waiiiiiig, and llireu women galln-red about the But now how changed ! was stolen from his seat in tiie ears on that nad n military appearance, and I at once look ate relations, your men of Letters uro-luiniliar- liim to be a military officer in the Austrian only a few hours before. spot where I had sliol the brigands. ' Venice lost and won, road. The train stopped Rt Port Jefvis, and ‘ ” What is il 1" 1 asked, not a little startled. • " What do you think of tins ?” I asked. Her thirteen hundred years of Ireudotn dune. ly known and honored in all the iiilelligeiil cir­ service. Ho conversed with me in French, Sinks like u seu-weed luto whence she rose.” cles of Europe. Irving, Prescott, Bancroft, the plaintitf, seeing a notice posted up in the ' ” You arc to he murdered and robbed be­ ‘I’lie landlord was friglilened, and he slam- cars that passengers in order to keep their but with the Germanic accent. We were Tickiior, Wheaton, Sparks, Cooper, Bryant, fore moiningl '' he replied, in low, quick tones. roerrd out a reply which 1 could not uiider- Now Austrian Sold'iers and Austrian officiale scuts, must liave souie'arlicle of huggngc or alone at tbe table, and after some remarks bud Loiiglelluw, Emerson, Huwthornu, arc not only ‘ “ Murdered ! ". “ What, here 1 ” slaml. He feaieil that I should suspeut him, guard the streets and fill the offices. wearing appart-l in them, left liis overcoat been passed on general topics, he asked me it repuhlislied in Eiigiund, hut, uf them in >< Yes—here- The brigands are about, and but I contrived to quiet him on that point, and Our hotel is near the mouili of the grand tliere while he went into the refreslimenl sa­ 1 was traveling north. I told him no—that 1 canal, close to St.,Mark’s Cathedral. It is Paris and Lt-rpsic, and, in some inslunees, Vi (hey know you have money. Y'ou am in dan­ soon "afterwards we went below, wliere we loon. Upon reluriiiiig heMiseotered that his had come from the north,and was going souili. usually supposed that we cannot go about Ven­ enna. Such ta, in fact, Ilie popular taste for ger 1 They mean to kill you a»d throw your found the third man whom Iliad shut silting in overcoat had been slolen. The Company de­ ' “ Rather a bard road,’’ be said with a smile ; ice except-by water. ■ This is not so. Every American writers, that' .even 'such books as body out of this window into (be stream, and the hur-r6oiu. But he never spoke again, and clined loi pay for it.- He sued them and tbe “ but if you. are uot going on by night il may house is iicce-isible from the streets, nt'weli as The Wide, Wide World,’ and * The Lamp- be all saiu." -> u -- (hut would bo the last of you! ” ” died befoie morning. I saw that (lie boy was , Justice decided in liis favor.- -[N. Y. Times- fearful ihiil 1 iniglil expose liim unintentional- j canals.^One side of a block usually ' lighter,' are read in both French ‘ “ Wheie is (be danger? '* I asked. *“ But how do they know 1 have money ? ” ly, hut I soon assured him to llio eonluLr.y, for ' .frunis...... a canal and the other sidr- a street.— | nnd German editions. Irving’s nnd Hnncrofl’s Gentlemen's Shawls. — The following, ‘ “ O, only now and then a lellow who wants 1 asked. to u question of the host’s as to liow I happen­ Bridges of a single arcli cross the canals in eve-' Histories are as yet the only Ainerieun works from a corresimndent of (lie Portland 'rians- to oyerbaul your luggage." ‘ “ You.lold ibem so.” ry direction. Sometimes all the space between j—exeepiiiig, of course the cosmopolitan * Un­ ‘ ‘yRobbers, do you mean ? ” .•‘l—told—" ed to be ao well prepared, I answered with an cript, writing from Seoilund, wo eotniacad U» .“•Yes. You ale supper with the brigand easy nmniier: houses is taken Up by a canal, but oftener a ' cle Toni,' known and read in all tongues. “‘'Esacily." canal has a street alonsido of it. People go all that liHve received an Italian version; hut tlie thuse who have-donned the siiirnrl ewtouiv, m chief 1 ” Oil, it's simple enough. I knew iliat fel­ * “ Have yog ever come across ilicm ? ’’ English language is now so generally studied ! being a la mode i ‘ “ So the mystery was out, and I knew what low that 'iile supper witli me the moment 1 saw over the city on fool with the same facility All, 1 wish 1 could, sir. 1 came for that hy reading people on the continent that thO I I left home, our dandies were pin- a fool I had been to trust a stranger. him. for 1 liave met liim before. When he that they go by the canals, hut there ta no way purpose.’* of ridiiig except by the gondolas. Last even­ grearpubllshing houses of Leipsio—the Ger-^„,'„^ their shawls under the chin, and at ilio * “ What, to bunt up brigands ? ’’ ‘ *‘ But,” said 1, ” the landlord will—” asked me about my money, and warned me not ‘ “ He dares not do Bnytliing,” uterrupltxl to travel any further until morming, 1 knew he ing ufter our arrival, we took u man from the rimo mart of the hook-lrudg, where 'Im pul*-I waist, and thus fettered they get over ilio ‘ *' Yes ; I trust you, lor I know you would hotel and asked him to conduct 'as to St. Mark’s lisln-rs have an excliunge ol theii own—timl it, ,,roiind about nr gracefully ns a half-hipped be a fool to betray me. I am sent out by gov­ the boy. “ Fear binds him. We come here— meant to rub me, 1 knew il, Ttieo when 1 a—the brigands cumu here when they please, went to bed, 1 snored, but did not sleep. By- Place. Here lighted up with gas, the Place, their interest to reproduce in cheap form the j vjhatigliai. The shawl is worn l>cre very gen- ernment to arrest these villa’us if possible^ 1 perhaps one hundred yards square, and sur­ original text Ilf American books. The clieap e,„iiy by all classes, mid Ilie Edinhurg dan- and he serves them. . and'by 1 heard tomu one come to my door and have a delaehmeiit of soldiers at Cariiillon. 1 rounded hy shops on throe sides, and the Ca­ editions uf THUchiiii'Z—the Harper ol Germa-j qjog havo a variety of fanciful slyletof airaiig- * “ Then you are with them 1" 1 remarked. try il. I snored away llieo, hut at the same have onlyi.been about here three days, and thedral on the fourth, had thronging il a great ny, are to he lound in all Ilia huok-slorcs ol | i„j, but usually it ia thrown over the left ! cannot help myself,” he said, "for 1 lime had my pistols ready. After that person* have hardly got started yet. Are you on number of people promenading, chainitig, mak­ liave no other home but with them.” went away I liap{>ened to remember the recess Europe.’ | slioulder, and fastened willi a half lie under tlie^ busioess ? ’’ ing love, many of them drinking wine and PARLorrASD’kiTCHEN.^^Talk of the par-1 right shoulder; thence carried iffound lhe wAlsI,' ‘ “ Patgiy,’’ 1 answered. ‘ You may imagine how peculiar my feelings and there 1 went and hid myself. I did not must have been at that time. I could not lake fire until the ■ villains showed llielr weapons, smoking before tbe cafes, seated on chairs, and lor with its louoli-nic-noi elegance—wo care j opposite, and fastened with nnolher tie, . f 1 began to like toy oompanion, and before allogellier a general time of happy hilarity. my horse, for one of the brigands was in tlie and oA'ered to attack iiic." nought lor it. Let its covered niiignificence : ---- — ...... —a-....., yre left the table we cracked a bottle of wine, Venice looks as if there were neither - trouble riot in darkifcss-- its red vclvelfi lie in slirouds In this, paper Ihe laws of Cohgssss are pok" i told him my, buesness, and informed him (liai stable. I could not fly, for the yard was watch­ e •• 'J'his satisfied mine bust, and essured the ed. The boy infoniied me that there were hoy. The foriiier protested earnestly that he or care here; and very little business, except -■-its pictures gaze dimly llirougli crape--ils , lished hy uulliuriiy-—(Squatter Sioveraigte.^ 1 had soiqo reason to dread inceliiig robbers. just to supply daily wuiils. The .market ap­ splendid piano stupd dginh in its linen cover—, We Ireely confess ilie hope tlittt llitj Congress Our conversation was careless, and before we four of the robbers at-the inn, and iliai they knew nothing about the inlihers, and I affucted would be at niy room in an hour. He also ac­ to believe him. Of couVsc I'slept no more (hat pears to be well supplied with meat and fish, its worsted roses iimhphiks, nnd gilt flowers re-1 which aisomhles in Dtcemln-r will be the lust, arose from Ike table 1 had confessed iliat 1 Mild a great vniiely of fruits nnd vegetables, main unplucked in dark corners—ila carpel, Wo go for dissolution of Ihe Union speedy and traveled will) quite a sum of money. knowledged tlial he liad been sent up to see if night, nor did I leave my pistols far out of I was asleep, and If my door was locked. 1 reach. In the morning 1 offered to pay ray the luiier prineipally lioro the Islands around 1 unseen. Lei the shutters and* double■ ’’ final.-"isqualter Sovereign. ' After.supper the officer said 1 must excuse Venice. I have never seen fitter apples, pears, qyf((,i„g oxulutio every beautiful ray ol light; This iolamous paper, as will be seen frons biffl,'us he bail orders to send to liis (rou|ni -,— iltketl him if ha could not help me. hills, but the landlnrd would lake nothing'. I • “ ] have done all I cun," he spid. ” 1 have ate an early breakfast and then set out on my plums or giapes. For strangers at ' while we can have thu pleasant, airy, yellow­ the above, is made tlie organ of (hU Nairuiiul so J WHS again left alone. 1 ligliled a cigar. living here is rather expensive, hut with 'he : „,„j uncutpeted kiielnn. 'rids is the Adiniiiistrutiun in Kansas; in it ‘ the laws iircr anouretiJ some of the girls in ihe house th<*y wouhlii l j y ear afterwards I went that way again, The ^uspellded Irom each end of a pole, whicli iv ||,g kllchen in the great house, where servants proverb that two of a trade uannof agree fias carried across Ihe shoulders, are seen “I “I* i,„vb entire couliol, and (he lady of the house dgwp into a depp uhiuni. and then took an ab* trust, Tlie dagger and club do llielr work *" ' sanie I101.1 was al the inn, and he assured me some exceptions, truly. In tbe Chronicle to- hours. Thei-e sell ihu ivutcr Irom house to j,er foot within its preciiicts; hut day, appears the rare, announcecnent of the ru|kt luriv I saw a hoy ahuusl down to (he boil­ They mean the,chib lor you, nnd ilicii if }our | ihai nu hriganJs liud been there since the niglii body is lound in (lie sirtsni.'nnhody could ^ on wliicli 1 had stopped there belure. I in- house, just us milk and olbvt arttclss^issB 1 a„d couiforiuhle kllebcil of the well marriage of two Doctors, bona tide M. D-'ti, ing, h'uiatng flood, oliagiug to a sharp puini ol cd about the slieels of London and New York.I J,, working man, where Iho wife and Ihe viz-: Albert E. Miller, M. D., ol, Rome, am) a jutting ruck. Fora few muinenis 1 was too snear yoo wire mnidered. You uiider-luiid quirrd lor ilte hoy alio IiimI been there, proles- iiiis, ami 1 must go hack, lot llo ) II ex|" cl me. ' -mg to think that the lad was his son, hut he With ilto advent ol the railway an acqueUuci 1 together, hnd the iliile children Mary E: Walker, M. D'.. of Oswego toWiT.— hurrifled to move. The pour fellow was soui" of pi|i«s is to supply ihe ciiy with fresh water Thus paired l|ie two'istaoliSKed themselves in tweiily feel below mu, hanging with bis leet su 1 •liall tell Iheui that you uie siioiiiig ioudly. knew iioilnog ol him, and liiiiied that ‘‘ tbe lit- prattle rbund the mother while her own hands and ibw 1 luuiid your dour ioektd.” its scainp tMilouged to the briguiids."' Irom tlie main land, ala Croton. set the (able lor lea. 'There may tm snow in Rome, and commenced business under the.flrni near the waier that the dashitig siiray .^'“1 i have been to the Riallo, ‘ where merchants soaked them.' lie caught my ey e end his cries “‘And-1 did lock H,” 1 uttered, woiideiing thu gleaming, or sun arrows lodging in llteUips of Drs. Miller* Miller Walker, the wife stUI most llo congregate,’ and though the scene is were piercing. Lsaw (hat he could not help how Iha hoy got in. i Aomiual Rosn’a Theory OK THE Aurora of trees—there may be cjiy walls about, or retaining igi iilfttVity oi bet o**" u' hutinoax ‘ Hb smiled Hiul me that the socket, UoRfcALia.—*’ It having occurred tome Ihui, il not the same as wlien it was the great exchange blue utidulaling hills. It mutters not, in such afl'airs hy.qtakjng use of her maiden name.— hhnseir in Ihe least, for the point upon which and oioney mart; wlon SAy/oct nnd ‘ the Moor ' ‘ If llie Doctors are agreed let others hold their he hong was so far out that he could not swing into which the holt shut vrus so aiiaiiged that, niy theory was true, namely, ‘ that Ihe pbeiiom- a place, averyiblng smacks of iru^ comfort.’ were ; tliere is now a great deal of traffic. The peace.”—[Syracuse (N. Yx) Chronicle. ^ bis feet in so as to touch (lie rocji below,him, il could b« leiuvvrd from Ihe oulsidr. Once eiia ol the aurora borealis vrere occasioned by rRAiaiNO OK Trbkb.—'Ilie editor of Ibe the aciion uf the sun, when below the pole, on bridge is a single arch of stone of elegant pro-] ihekb- •fid it was almost impossible for higr lo raise mure be hade ui« be on luy guard, and assured portions, spanning the grand canal, seventy ! Horupultural Review says Maine at the Pabis Exhiuitio.n. The kitnself a hair. me ihat the brigands would ha up in an hour tbe surrounding masses ul colored iee, by its. live leet wide aiid.ninely-four feet above the, ” Ifces with low heads dido bear sooner aiiA^ only ai iiclo al the Paris E-xhlbiilon from Me., ‘ ‘‘ Help J help! ” he cried |ii such agooizing al least. rays being reflected from the points of inci lie *“'’ *‘''**^|„.d will bear longer, iliaii w hip slocks! was a miichioe Invented by Messrs. Sgnborn wula., ...s three ^ „„d b^Vn-poles. In our l.rairles, low ‘headed ' & Carter, of Portland, for backing and flniris- tones (hat I felt my' heart leap painrully. ‘•‘ And now ws are square,” he said, ‘‘ or as deuce to clouds above the pole which were he- rowa of .hup., f2;'^; 1" d uee, are tU only ones that ca.i hold up llielr ’ i.,« hooks. They wercAwarded « medal for it- ‘ For a momenl 1 almost determined to leap nearly so tut we can be al present, lor ) uu lu^y love invirihl*,' the phenomena might he aititl- into the flood, but that would have been mere he sure that I risk my life uow. Protect your-- ciatly produced ; to accomplish ifcis, I place a Here arlsel^ 1. com^ I 11^. or Lfd J,heir fruit, ' Ttmy are nal'n- j V* Grand Medal of lluiior, ‘0, the decor- self if you can, and may God help you.” powerful lamp lo represint the run, having a 1 tea ara so . 1 ■ i,r»-deeessor be-' rally shaped fruit hearers, and they are miser-1 uli^n of the Legion of Honor,' was awarded to suicide, without helping him. But |py iho'fa mencedin iheyear ot , lb,'/* npopuluf with ibat class of purchasers 1 two Americans’McCormio and Goodyear.- became calm in a few mumeiils, and then 1 ‘ With these words be went away, and I wg's lens,at the focal distance of which I placed a rec­ went carefully lo consider, if iherv was not left to my own refleeiions. My lamp was still tified terreilrial globe, on whicli bruised glass, of ihb various colors we have seen in Baffin's some means' by w-bieh 1 dould reatli hip). 1. boroiiiu, and having knocked ibe crgsl from tvnlked fttrtbhK down, and sooii found (bat the the wi^, I examined my pisiula over agaio.- - Bay, was lilaced, to repieAenl the colored ice­ bergs we had seen jp ibat luculiiy, while the .0 .n.lj.,1 I, . Iinaol. ™ lb. t>.»'l »»•' •"■’i r;”.";!.'’! liTnii. uS-'i ‘■"b" ...... Keck'upon wbkh hb^held was ■ jut from a par- There were'four of Ihe robbefs, and 1 haij foi^ tww shelf which cniended nbooi parallel''with balls to Are—NOf) ibey willjpul Ariffiriug. J (*pHce beiwetu jinU h|jiiawirg<*u n':;;: “u., b....«v. ..i.., g,,.. i .'nbnsxi'iim - - ngS «t' ihu. My neil pjovtioem wtujieli bUttk, •• rrjirvwini To ropreseni tha water lo at disiance eV acme forty fhet ddw n took courage ...... , , , , • , dulartdiiigtsdeliulitruUnd very clieajL d sulyaarto ai-aclions but transitory: it ie, in /^'f, paWsa to diess mygelf, and then I begun to ihiiik.— the clouds above ibe |>ole, wbicb were to re- wttWne matt « ^arH • tlH' of ha" or insect., ^ot injur'^d by winds..,he , wA.’cA .vn.’i.s fAe lust riCorf *s«a hisa!" fMiVth^'ij Sboold... .. I«■ rVmain----- .. :in...... my ..rtmm,.... . or should I1 seek-eek Icylvecclve ibeIbe rafractedrefracted rays, I appliedappllecl a hot IrooIronic to wiiltgni roouWuol gob^ow.for'.sponge; and hy giving the globe a regular's.xlRn cents z. HH! ■fit* STfje Caatetn iWaU,....Wafcrt>iUe, Ijct, 27, 183^, .rfffrJhr il- k.A TA/l£LLlxil Ji. =iat FasuKa or La FoRTMi|K. T^fanslated from the French [ ^ Sssj MlTin Tsti ir you will but u*a your exfMaisnce-and j Otift I copying important potitiona in the management 4 > « 4 4 «« aiA by Eiirv Mfright^.^^Twt^voiamoa"fright Two volamm ane. Boston rf-: 1ipayl'.^agoJ.^ bfolter tfulin Candid met' of sevoral railroads, and especially of the New 4j)f (Ett0tprn 3)lail. y, ur common Wlu-e in conn^Blion «rflh boiAo,' o* t«r. tlKio^or I’ltitu- thuBkc^w.^^o Bnnbu^, Certer„& l^*inA,s(j| .• | A Itw pay^Hgo 1 you will find lha bookl^aluidWB nida | but if t* . "» OrAia. Ily Wtlllam H Pre«coii, Correnponaini There h no better r|nlUiua^''for conray)^ lessons of tnt^i# fbtf jtreMant ' lly long,face Huveo Rujlroad, had not buen deeply interfac­ , , , . , ,,, I' wMtrabtrol llio InUitiiiaof FraBc«, of w Rayal jtoiu- ifdomfotha minds oT yonth than the^ijlble. and by ’ ana.JuguHuulponi^, II me of a sad ed in securing his silence and absence from the WATEKVILLK. 4 4 DEC. 27. 18i>5. only when you Itt wh*f you luive Men, qualiry fiayof Ki»tory *t Ma«rlt«. iHroi, Id Ihe place for sludy and obrervafion; _ . , , .• xn i i ui - fi.M fntAAmi a .HrwApAi^rr Afvnti.Ko lOaiMeAt., . . . . , mechanical ex«cul»on. ThU i» piohnbly a» near phrfec. at maturitynrity. He who has here so pleasniitly sung ‘ the ly I (eit „„ disposition lo believe ’a charge informed, a great nuipber of importmU papers^ hnetoa.Ar^ AiTAntii for ih* KAAtera .idAii.titd Ate AuthatiMd lo atm lhal in Order lo learn with correclncBS and tion, in quHlliy of paper, bonuty of printing and style of heroes of old .Esop's line.’ snys of his own labors : , brother, especially a.a it was insinual- which will he pubiislied. They will form a ‘ Withifli mem* allnil naturesnutiimn usessba thetlsn gifttrtft ofnf speech■nssnrh i! _ j . .i .• T . . . »Ha\7eJ^^V^^o(^•^"''ThMr^’r"^tll'^rI‘r"r^.rd^."^As"«lVn" satisfaction, you must keep something like a j binding, ns is nttuined in nny publishing house in the Yea, ill my work, the very fisliiie»‘"preac!i ed, raiber shew openly affeged, aitdlherelbre 1' curious chHpier in the history of speculating ------{journal, in .nl.inl.which your„n„r ,l,.inn.doinga andan., nl...4.,o.Innobservation*. b'liion. Tlio Tolumcs rtro illustrated witH maps and And to our human aelves their aermons suit. »*»ked : .enterprises in the Neiff ^Vorld. The oe#|9Q A. Ta ROW MAlk xTravrIInf Agrnl. portmitB, which Impart to them additional interest and Thus to come at man I use the brnte.' * Well, brother Candid, Imvc you seen brother j haa been interred temporarily, and WtU prob^ must be noted down. Most men are apt to j V.j^ ^Vwe are pleased to learn Vtmt the enterprise of It is thought that Mr. Wright, in the present tranela- Honest on the subject and ascerluined from him tubly he iianspurted luiAmeiicu.' Nt \r Vkar's CllKKli !-vThe Fveninp of. forget. The daily record will at all limes ena- j the publishers is in a fair way to be rewarded, ae the tion, has been very sncccssfu! in rendering these fables (be (acis ol (he ense ? ’ The reply wa., ‘No, Frt'ANKtm- l>ec. 81 ft baa pr. iniae of being duly lionored I ble you lo recall pail ubaerfationa, and lo bring demand for the work thus far exceeds thcsupply. into English, retaining all that was possible of the spirit my brodier, I .eally have no time (o ailecd lo | MnmeMa, Dec. SleWart of the originals. The volume Is full of illustration**, and he .. a (er; he« des wh.oh you w.ll unders.aud ' „„ c^fil^ Mt the ^^a|..rtllle Houae. Landlord Pishon them to bear upon your fulure practice. ' ,.ot room for thi. week-au aole artiol. from the Boston will make a very appropriate gift book for the young. (hat 1 do not believe II to be irue.’ * Wei . luv . ■ j .1 ..7 ti. »» ■' a iind Ilia numerous friends have arranged for a. Now if there are any. whose eyes should Daily Ghronicle, wlilcb puts a proper estimate upon Mr. It is tor sale at Mathews's. b.olher,' I replied. ‘I ehall go di.eel,“o d*.‘^"•^"•8 »"'P; I'lill lliBl proniisca hoi only lo do them rredil, chance lo fall on Iheae few linea that hare kept | Prcscoil’s merita as a hisioriun, and contains a succinct fiiK (Jbkat B<»aT Diamond By Mrs. Ann Augnsta b-otber Honest, tell him wbat you say. and ae^ T' '“"'“'""'B Accouut of the events timt iranspired in the important Curler. Boston: Fhillipi, Saiii|i8oit Sc Co* but to make a high mark lor lha * gmid time jiuuli a juumal or have noted down their ohser- him..i™ aa.. lo... ils truth.. .1. ^ 'PiThe lookI L ol (be good (be , point... where bir Jolm Branklin and Ms period of the world'f history of which this work treats* This is a handsome Juvenile, with illustrations from „ • . , ,, , parly penahed. It Wax Wi the cdaat oppdsTfe roming * lo il^ H good sleighing favors | taiions, that will favor the public with a few designs by Billings. ' Tho author of this beautiful nud man in return was a picture. How er- . , 0-1.1 i- u ma. Our readers will find it of great interest. „ -.I- 1:1 1 _ I ... I r .1 Monireal Inland, fbeir hones lie buriefl'm them, Ihe following 1ii*t of managers are com­ words from their pena, we doubt not but that llic work will be found at the bookstore of C. K. inleresting story,’ says the publishers' advertisement, venlly did be implore me to lake no rurlher Ifae sand wiiliin an extent of 12 miles. " This notice of it, anij what solemn assurances did he pel vnl cndoifors for the mo»( saiiafiictory prc' they will be cordially received. Mntbews, Weterville. , 'the poetic graee of which cannot fail to impress the It the 5ib winter siade they periahed. 1^ give me in five minutes further conversation least imaginative of readers, is already favorably known drifting sands of that barren region, being in dicliofi.«. R. A. Datis. k'oRtsr Btme raon trb Woods or Mairb Ey Flor­ that be would be more cauiious. I have at « IMRKKM, nAOnDlA. ence Percy. Uoston : Drown, BHaio & Co. Fort- under her maiden name of Cray, to a iarge^portien of 68 deg. north latitude, have piled in gnccessive WAI.TKU nKT»’IIKI.E, WAtArvlIlf Korridgtwock, Dec. 24ili, ’6o. laud. the publio, at home and abroad, as a highly successful present yielded to bis entreaty ; but whether j, „ ,,,3 bones of those i.eble and itl fafed t. K CKOMUKTT, nAtrrtlllF si it DUUMMU.Ml, WAWrviltA. Christmas brought us. In addition to itie i * Florence Percy,' who is understood to be Mrs. L. A. writer for children. Her former books, with many of my conduct was right or wrung perhaps your , WM A. OAKraitr. WAtenlUr. her contributions to various juvenile periodicals, have readers can determine better than 1 can. At x,’ _ _ 1 - ... O. C. TOZiaa, WAtArrin#. uausl favors of .Sunlaclaus, some four or five r'"''“I'''’''of Farmington but now of Tort- all events, brother Candid, should he repeat'. Mr. Stewart describes the region a, dreary a P Wk.HrOX, WaUtrtlllr land, has euriched the columns of the Portland Tran- been rforinted in England, where some of them have at­ M p.arrtiiKUa, w*At«rviii# ' iitchei of the choicest quality of snow—heavy, tcripty Botton Po$t^ and some other papers, with many tained a high degree of popularity.* .1. .IP ... »*.ii ... f 11 . 1 *^1 1"'® exireiDe—not a blade ol grass, nor a r O H^rvoKO, WAtArvlllA •• •' "“y I -Hick ortimbef met Ihe eye. No game of JOSEPH P.ATOS, WinAiow. I and as much inclined to lie still us a strong delightful little poems, which have been extensively For sale by C* K. Mathews. another time. JAt OH MAHSItAlst, CbtiM copied i and her nom de plumt has come to be familiar I kind could be found. He was informed by the HENRY PKROtVAls, OAUrTlU* .norwesler will permit. Of course the holiday Tub Agr or Fable ; or Stories of Gods and Heroes* A short story more. Three years since 1 Eerpiimaux tliM the Esquimaux Venched Ihe 0 R rniu.Ti*p. WAf<-rniiA ' was but soberly noticed ; Tin appropriate ser- to all newspaper renders who hare any poetic taste. Tlioifins Bniflnch. Boston : Sanborn, Carter Sc was pastor of a church in which were some fe­ Til. RTACRIH)I.E, VAAAAltm* She now makes her first venture in a volume of her Bazin. spot just in I'MDe k> see the laat man die ol hun­ rilR FtTON. Ki-utUirA MillA niuii, with good music and a tasteful illumina- , A knowledge of mythology Is necessary to the right male gossips, a race which I hope are now rap­ ger, who was leaning agailist sohsi ohjiset #ben o. a. 1111.1., akttshnrse own, whioh wo trust will be so well received that this idly dying away. Nothing could occur in con- UBO UllOllUIN, hiulh rsiresid j lion, at the Universalist cliureti, being the only sweet Ronfjtress may be enconrnged to furlhar atleraplt understanding and proper appreciation of much of the discovered. He was tooifax gone lo be SBt%d. A ) until \tin, a. H'sunills elegant literature of our own language * and this is equal­ neclion with the church, but what these pr«le- . religious ruiicessioii made lo it in Walerville. and 8(i)l higher flights. Her modest little book oomee Mr. Stewart has brought home the remains Sir. Pishon ia good fur liis part, out word opportmiely for the holidays, and will be a very appro­ ly necessary whether we are reading proee or poetry. aways could inako misohief out of it. At a of a bow, having the name ef 9ir John Frank­ for it J nnd will do bis best to please and satis- ^t Kendall’s Mills the Universalist Society priate tcH^oninl of love and esteem. Listen to her The volume before us aims to impait this information- church meeting 1 stated that 1 was resolved to lin on it. A hammer, kettles, part of a blue fy the most exacting. 8"”® " Kendall's Hall, wliicli we are greeting song, which will awaken a response in the and does it in a pleasing and attractive manner. Fre* destroy this practice of scandal, and that 1 flag, and other articles belonging lo (He anfot- I sented in this way it is no longer a dry study, but a would embrace the very first ebnnee of tracing ' IFor Th. Es.lJrn Mail 1 ' ’’‘'’S* ®°'"P»ny. heart of friend and stranger lunate xcssel. source of amusement, and while the stories are correct­ ila author. An opportunity soon offereil- A TO ALL WHO LOVr MK. ObMrraaotu and Study on the ronn. (®''i"y®^ "» iu*®"** wh a xest worthy the oc- ly told, the work has all the charm of a story-book. El­ Neiv H'ateh, Dec, 34. Yc who hare watchcfl me aIwc I chose young lady was propoaed-tui church fellowship More exercise of (lie min Jin observing nnd its^ object The severe storm had Hie path which ImuIa me here ttMlay, egant poetical illustrations, a profusion of which appear and the detractors were quickly at work. I The body of Justus Matibews, a worknsan, Oft like a child who Haying goes, in the volume, greatly enhance its value, and'add to the was found tills morning in the Western puhurbs no power tu defeat the good time, to which Tripping and stumbling on the way,— overheard one telling of a pretty story, which, reflecting upon the course uf- nature, and the interest. * Our Book,* say the publishers, * is not for the they had looked forward; and the glow of Ye whoAo sweet words of lore and trust on its very surface, indicated exaggeration, ' Is of this city, with his throat cut nrrd wjisis t^qij. processes of cullivaiiim, would be uf vaet bene­ llavc elieered me when my RUIh was dim, learned, nor for tiie theologian, nor for the philosopher, (his true ? ’ 1 asked. ‘ I do not know, sir, but H^^as in the house of ltli<^u AVakepian, nod pleasure within was pro(iorlloned loihe frown-' *1111 llopfv rose smUing from the du."t fit lo most farmers and to their sons. Some And sang anew her triumph-hymn,— but for the reader of English literature of either sex, I hope not.’ ' Why do you report tbat you are hud been conneetetl with a band of Mjller- And ye whose hands in friendship true who wishes to comprehend the allusions so frequently few among them do pass over their farm, and iug weather without. A storm seldom stands Have never yet been clasped In mine,— not sure of ? ’ * Mrs. -■ told me, sir, and ites or Spiritualists or something of the kinid. in the way of t lose whose custom is to go One moment, while I bring to you made by public speakers, lecturers, essayists,and poetsi I was ouly just mentioning it in confiJepce.’ To Seven of his brethren ‘ havp been arrested on along the roads with their ayes open. They The wreath which I have dared to twine. and those which occur in polite conversation.’ Several No garland &int with rich perfUmeA, suspicion uf having bad a hand in the murder, throuyh instead of ndjiiiirning over. chapters near the close are occupied with a historv of Mrs.------1 went, and found that she had rniliee the adaplatiim of different crops to the To cloy Uie sente and charm the brain, told something, but not quite so bad as report­ and are now in prison. Mb. Saxk's PoKM.-^^evv Etigland ’ ha, But simple buds and half-oped blocmis, Northern, Eastern and Egyptian mythology, aa well as differeol soils; they uhsprve life effect, of the Bom in the rugged woods of Maine. LaTfb.—The murder of last nighf created that of the old Druids. The volume U presented iu a ed. I insisied on her authority, and went on difiTerenl processes of cultivation. Such farmers been read one hnndred and seventy tiroes, be­ 1 know that *jnid the gorgeous (lowers tracking the report from one 10 another, till it much excitement as the facts became known. Which happier hanib have culled away handsome dress, and being illustrated, will not be inap­ find work fur (he mind as well as the body ; fore the best associations and audiences in our From Poes) ’s euchmutiMl bowers, propriate for a holiday present. ended in—nothing. Not quite h> either; for. The petsons arrested hnve all been considered The gnrland whkh I bring to-^y inofTensive. Jackeoti the gray-haired porter at country ; and liaving thus tar escaped both Is imt^a wreath of ragged stems For sale at Mathews’s. the facts were stated to the church, wbo, very they ihu, keep ibrmselvri bright and content­ Ihe Depot is among the prisoners. Matthews’ Tied with a IWw linpmect blMmis, Violet 5 A Fairy Story. Boston: Phillips, Sampson & wisely, strongly censured the practice, and for ed. The irdiuuaness of hard labor is lessened ‘ faint praise ' and reliable censure, nnd taken Beside the orange-grave's pure gems neck was shockingly mangled. It is said that And the magnolia’s rich perfumes. Co. a good period at least checked the evil. Did by the acliviiy of ike mind. Nor is llie good the best complimsnis of the best critics, it can 1 fling no rare exotics down, An exquisito Httio story. It breathes such a love of I act rightly in the case ? he consented lo be sacrificed in order to hasten Brothers nnd ulsters, at your result confined to themselves alone ; their sons hardly be regaided ns fatal to its reputation Ttic ttundeliou's golden crown, Nature, in all her forms, inculcates such excellent prin­ 1 have lying before me a sermoa very re­ the millennium. The woman at whose house The early snow-drop, low and sweet, ciples, and is so full of beauty and simplicity, that it cently delivered in one of our large cities and the deed was done is about 70 years ol age.— and laborers catch Ihe same spirit uf observa­ lhal we failed lo hear it. Our genial friend, The butter-cup with suUry hue. The wUtl-Tosa sought by dainty bees, will delight not only children, but all reader^ of unso** printed only for private circulation. 1 wilt She represented herself as Jesus Christ, and as tion and reflection, and thus they become in. at Ihingor, where it was read on Ihe succeed­ Rich clover-blooms and violets blue, phisticated uites. The author seems tw teach the gen­ having the power lo raise the dead. And the pink snow of orchard-tre«s, borrow its closing paragraph : - lelligrnt and more rfficicnl laborers. ing evening to an audience of some two thou­ Are hern',—the arbutus that hides tle creed which Coleridge has embodied in the^fumiliar ‘ My hearers, be cautioned against such .\tnong dead leaves and sprouting brakea,— lines, The Washington correspondent of the New - Where the various\ro|iS in the field are sand, are therefore better able to give it an Bweet nameless flowers from river-rides, abuses. Let us put a check upon our curiosi­ York Commercial Advertiser, says : And liUes from our northern lakes. ' He pravetb well wbo lovetb welly made mailers of study, il^ possets an inter­ honest judgment. The Whig, always cool Beth mao, and bird, and beast.* ty. “ Do yodr’own buciness." Next lo yoat The course taken by Guv. Shannon has met And M A traveller, far away own, be careful of your neighbor's reputation, est and a value distinct fn)aA.jbe amount of and reliable, says uf it— From northern Menes and iinrihern loves, This is likewise prettilydllustrated by Billings. willi strong animadversion here, and the Ad­ Mr Sase'* Foem, upon ' New KnglnnU,* delivered on Grows faint with breathing, day by day, For sale at Mathews's. lie slow to believe aught against him. Give ministration know tui) well that lliey must fail money they bring in. They become one's Thur^lA/ aveninR, in the Merceniilo Courte, ii one of The fhigrant breath of splr> groves— no credence .to flying reports. Reject unfujund- Groms tlr^ of hloesoms rich and bright, Aumty Wo-snEaruL’s Stueibs. Transinted from the in tlie attempt 10 save their indiscreet, partial ttRcliTr* ; ibej give him lestont to be ireiisured i the muAt ApnrklitiR anil billlianC productions which has Hurit iiLS.a tropir summer knows, ed insinualinns. Pay no attention lo rumors yet come trom hU nntAe‘*K}uainl, humorouA and episrum- And welches with a deep delight GerniHn (ur Alt Good Ctiildrca who hnve Learned to and mischief making agent. If a collision bus up, end. lo b« used. And it U those only Mholniatio. It is well wnrth ine reputation which' Mr. S. The perfume of a s«ce1 home-rose,— Think, tty Cousin Funny. no.«lon ■ 1‘hilliiiF, Siiinp- that go about like orphans in the world, or been avoided, it has not been through Govern­ *0% I..—. I 4 . ...d, 1... I * h*' attained, as ono of the most geuial and gifted poets Or pained by the bewildering songs •on & Co.' New York : J. C. Derbv. foundlings whom none dure own. Remeiiiber •erk to leirn Riid to proQt by theio ltfi»oni| i Gf QRSteru bir^ with gorgeous wings, No people excel the Uermiins in making ullruutivo or Slmniioii’s agency, fur he has done alt he Turns wearily away and longs that what everybo'ly .says must be true,' is a could lu hiiiig it on. He acted upon hearsay which are furnished by the growing corn and > ***='**■ *» *'*• ihnu««ca upnii the mind and mai ners of the ..To...... hear the strain our robi-own sings, books for children, si.d this is 4 very hsppy Attempt in j worthy of the lather of liea. As mal- age, 31n>hap some hearts will turn away evidence, and followed the dictates of prejudice potatoes, and fruiu of various kinds, who are And the Mercury says From songs more lofty and divine, tlmt Ime. It is mnde up of fobtes m.d Ules m verse,! everybody’s word is worih nobody's withwitli * iippliciitiouiinnliriitinu and improvement,'irnnrnvoniont.' byhv AuntyAniitv Won-!Won-1 s . ¥i* ■ • t and passion, wiihuut uii alleinpl to obtain cor­ really Inlelligeni and exemplaiy fanners. A And tired of a subtimer lay, iHKin;;. it yuu iiearnmiintt your will, UGniaiid The coiunkon impression ret|kdctinglt we believe was. Will listen fur a while to mine. derful, following each, and enlivened'by the questions rect iiifurmuliui'. as lu the Alleged violation of r.o. Wo. .lu.. f - • 1 4 •» / . that U surneAved, 111 its kind, uiiy thing ever before heard proot‘ of what you hear. Lei nut (he scarciiy few, by dint of unwearied toil from year to | it wah nil tha author promised ; it was a perfect Tliere is some bud punctuution and A nnmber of ty- ami remarks of her eager listeners. The illustrations, of law, by like Iree stale selllers, iitid vuinmuned hero. It »*aA all lha author promised uf (ruth be Htoned ioi by the number ol.utU year, anil by ■ »oul-uincliino pariimonv, may ’ «' "•<> I'M' 'cuiiont of hi. lioiiror.; pogroptiicnt errors in the volume, which shoutd not which there is an abundance, have nil (he quaintnesa of to n conflict ol exiertniuaiiun agiiiiist them ^ Mr. K. 1*. Wliipple, of lloston, give! the have eisaped the eye of the proof reader. It will he (he originals, and must* prove a great fund of amnse- davits. Keep truth on your side. Speuk evil their iilieady banded and iniurialed enemies, get money ; and ibis loo, without observing any found at Mathewn's. of no man. If your neighbor injures you, tell lessons, excepting a few brief ones which were 11'°""'. I*'''''*"/ *'®'>'"8- Subject, ment to children. ' the border pio-sl'avery men. Governor Slinn- A Tkratisk ON English ruNcruATioN; • designed for This will also bo found at Mathews's. hi^ ii is his fault alone. If he wish it, for­ nuii did wlmt lie euuld 10 lavur a civil war, un­ inculcated by others while they were young.— " Luther. l.elter 'Writer*, Anthors, Printers, and Correctors Thk Beaks or E[>l.«ode in. Saxon give him. Be no busybody.* Hate talebcaf- der the pretext ol preserving order. 'I'iie pos­ of the Press ; nnd for tlio use of Schools nnd Acad­ Rut those who Slick lo the old way in every-j “A MF.unr Ciiuistmas " and “ Ha pit History. By Gustave Nient/.. With other Tales.— ing. O, if ye all would do this, would there session of ikriiis by Ihe doomed city ol Law­ emies. By John Wilson. Bostou : Orosby, Nichols, Bubton : Crosby. Nichols & Co. not be a millenium I Wicked and inexcusable, thing, through thick Slid thin, and for ,,0 other ! Nxw Ykaii. ! ” — A little late, w.e may be( _ & Go. This is a translation from the German, very handsome­ rence, prevented or delayed an attack upon There is rfo branch of education which has been so as well as human I Alas, my hearers I ’ ly got lip and beautifully illustrated. The Bear story lliero, and Governor Shannon thereupon issued tbe reason than because it is the old way, are not greeting, hut far enough in advance sadly neglected, eren among scholars nnd literary men, is charmingly grotesque ; indeed, it could hardly be of FKTUtDOB & Co.’s New Stork, at No. 100 an order, ksliicli was I'urtunaiely nut complied II men and are not good farmers—they are but ®“r last to alone for the tardiness. That as that of which this little Tolume treats. This is a Ge'-tnaii parentuga were it otherwise, 'fhe other tales VVdsliington street, between State and Water, v*ilh, that they sliould give up their arms, so Tt- little mors than brute laborem, wbo by dint of' y®® '"*7 wisely provide yourselves with pres- truth well known to printers and correctors of the press, lli are also very interesting, and the book wilt And groat lliHl tliey iniglit be suliject lo he butchered in who, from the nature of their employments, have al. was to-day opened (o the public, when most of Bo lierseveiance gel some money, but get little 1 r-f* f®r New Year s, con^ull “ Our Table, favor lu the eye-s of- youth. For sale at Mathews'. those gentlemen engaged in (he book-trad* in cold hlcod, lUkd when utterly defenceless, wsiys possessed more knowledge of this slighted aocom- ro sUe that is worth having. We are not ridi- Mathews s.______pHshuient than ' the rest of maiiklnd.* Although the Hariit and Aggie ; ur the Ride. Boston: Crosby, low city called upon Mr. F., and partook of Ihe Tliese things are well scann«td liere, and Will Nichols & Co. * *■' Wi lack uf an established system of punctuation has al­ generous hospitality by which lie inaugurated he llioruughly inveatigated and exposed. •T> cuUng the old way, but oidy laying tbat they llosTON Almanac fob 1856.—See adver- This is something novel in the way of Christmas toys; ways occasioned serious inconvenience, very little has (lie commencement of a career of increased Guv. Slmiiikoa’s nominal ion as Governor of Me should Im ooinpared with oesr goes, belore'one lisement of this annual iucnoilier column, It bnt in these Jays when equebtrianism ranks so high, 1)1 been done towordi establishing one until quite recently, prosperity,—for the exclusive agency fdr New Kansas lias been sent lo (he Senate, but will will no doubt make the eyes of the little ones sparkle Sp­ can with any propriety niainlsia dial (liey cer­ will be found at Ihe bookstores. and the great want of such m work as the one before us is England of the Harpers' publications, which nut be taken up until af'ior the middle of Janu- at with delight, ami furnish them with much innocent tainly must be Ihe best. That the old are in made apparent by tbe rapidity with which It has run he has obtained, must of itself be a fortune to ary. 111 CoN'CKKT.—M. Jenny Urelt, whore singinc omusement. It is a collection of colored pUtes, on Bris­ (hiough fire eJitrons. U is now, by'reoent additions any firm. Customers desiring any of/(he stan­ At very many cases Ihe best, is 'jndouhtedly true ; our ciiixens liave listened lo with pleasure, and tol board, of fast horses in various attitudes, nnd their Kansas Art'AiRs.—TIte mail accounts of and improvements, made by far tbe roost complete trea­ riders, Harrte and Aggie, with a ' running accompani­ dard works of these great publishers, can al­ tbe peaceable saiilemeni of affairs at Lawrence 8b) lhal Bern ways are sometimes belter ihun old, her brother Ben C. Bred, are mwking a musiv tise (VI the subject that has ever appeared—being not a ment * of dogs. A descriptive poem accompanies the ways find them at (his place, and country trad­ —a notice of which was received by lelegratUi is undoabledly true. It is only by comparing small^oUectioQ of general rules merely, However cor­ eol lour through their native Stale. Their pistes, and the whole is enclosed in a neat box. It is ers need not leave Ihe store to make up a com­ some days ago—caitto lo hand on Satorday.and on rect, but a vrell (Ugested system, extendiug to the mi- Ikem that one ean satisfy himself fairly and programme presents miiny atiraciioiir, and they one of tbe most charming designs of the season. Fer plete assortment. they confirm the Irulli of the latter, (hough Ui imtoit particulars i and the scores of mooted questions, The building itself, which has been built ex­ in .properly, which path will lead him most direct­ have been received with great favor wherever sale at Mathew's’s. Call and see it. each side lias its own -version of the Modh df OiM where ovco * doctors diflsr,'—Had on which we have pressly for the firm, is oi Malone sand-stone, selilemenl. Thus, (lie St. Louis Deniociiit ly lo ibe desired object. they have sung. They will give one of their The National Maoazinb.—With the January num. P® fought oiaoy a battle at th« * Ptsnd/ or over *b'3 ‘ impos­ five stories in height, and well finished, as well (Benton) says: ^ The matters upon which fanners, and good enlerlaiiimenis in Walenille ere long. ing stone '—are here either defitdtely settled oi tk* mer her cemroeoces the 0th vol. of (he National Mugazine — rkxlical JeVOtsJ to LHeraturo, Art and Religion,nod as highly ornamented. The winifow's of Ihe The propositions of peace came from Atch- farmers, differ, are so numerous that no one Hie store of J. M. Paiieiijj^ the east side its of both sides fairly stated. In addition to what is ! a j store are large and costly plules of glass, the thi one whicli shouii! he on the tubleof every Chriitlnn fsin- i-son and Shannon, at » Connell held lit Law­ thi con eapeci 10 settle them all for himself in one enumerated iii the title, as copied above, an appendix Is fixtures, of fancy wood, unpainted, and evhi'y. of the river, in Augusts, was ret on fire on added, containing rules on Ihe use of capitals, a copious ily in the land. It diacueset nil fuhject» openly siiu rence last Friday and Saturday, at which a till thing conpecieil with the sflies establishmeni irenly of pence was condetied; To the de­ Nf. year, or even in one life. This is a mailer of Sunday night last, and Rhenexer Ilursey was list of abbreviations, valuable hints on the preparation freely, but In a nuhner whioli can give no offonio, even rejoicing, fui every farmer may be assured tbat of copy and on proof-reading, &o. This work should to the most fastidiuos—ns is fully acknowledged by the arranged in the most perfect order. Qn illf mand made npan iheni to obey the'laWs, and arrested and bound in >800 as the incendiary. rear, it is thirty-three feel in widili, and a por­ deliver up llirir arms, the people of LaWrtxf^o Mi heoan aever exhaust his opportunities (or learo- be in every printing office and school in the land, and secular and the religions press of all denominations, who Ui The store whs not consumed. on the desk of every nan who pats i>an to paper. award to- the National, at the same time, the credit of tion of this space is occupied by Ihe circulating responded by prnfeaaing their eofiManr willing­ N* ing something new. The pleasure of acquir- ness to de the former, hut fiaily re^svd to yicU Hon. Samuel P. Shaw has refitgnrd the From the introdnutorr chapter, we quote a few amus­ being not only the elwapeet, but one of lha roost beauti­ library, while in the centre a broad flight ol lai iug knowledge—and this is one uf ouf highest ing examples illustrating the value of correct punctua- fully-printed magailues in the United States, The steps lend to a dry, airy, well-llglited and ex­ like latter p<>lnl. • ' presidency of WatervUle Dank and removed CM pleasursi—is always possihla with the tiller of tion. which were new lo us, and i^ay be so to our read­ present number I. embellished with twenty-Ave engrav­ tensive basement, wliich will be used as a ware- On these-terras, boeliliiiek herd HTmlnate^, of lo Purilaud. Hie beauliful residence here, a lha suiL ers.' ings and contains an abundance of the best reading. room. Taken ubogetUer, it it^one of Ihe most and the Mwsoarl troop* rrtviveit qrddrs oq p short distanct} below Ihe Univcrralipt oliurch, *' A ItlarksmUh, |t—elwf by a fcolr-draMtr's shop, obetrved tn Ordera for Ihe magaxice may be directed to Carltox desirnbla business localities in Boitlon, and in Sunday morning to dlsbundl 'llie MbBftbrlails iCi Is your corn best when planted deep in the tbe viodov an uqi^uUm |plarant,...... wlikb Iw rwul M RUiows is offered for sale- ic PHiLLire, 300 Mulberry street, New York. Subsorip- the hands of ils present proprietors. No. 100 ware artneU with revolver* and dotiblp-barTbl- itt soil, or when pul near the surface? Does it * Wbai do yoa ttdak!— iiii I'd riMve ytxt fbr nothhia tion* rosy flomnisnc. with tbs Jsnusry or July numbers. I W«8hj„gion street will probably berome one led shot guns, and were for the most, at AimI givt ytnx M>m» driak.’ yield a belter crop when you spread all your Bubinkss in Portland.—We call |iarticu- Term., *3 a yesr, in «dv«,ee. Single number., 18 3-( of ,|,o „oDnI and notable plaoes of Ihe city. mounted. They were eneampeJl m Whirayusii TUc ran uf VuWaa, «l(b a UrRf hlack (ward un Ids d at Leeompioq ikiuor. Dut ihe shavor nf lif.briU demanded payment; when the ry numbsr of tills oniqno periodical ootnmencet the new Xhe lIiLLOTiFE.—a few .years since a on the KansM rirer, ten miles west of Law­ up, wound Ih# condor when you leave the houses are among them ; and those who do suiitli, Ik a steiiturlaa voke. refrmd him («• iiU own ptucard, great deal 'was suid about u discovery made by whtrti tli(* barU-r very ^MN|-t(Miiioppdl> pro(iii>sotbln|r, tbs usual variety, profpsely illustrated. Representa­ in Ulster Co., of a moihud of taking daguerre­ many stalks upon Ibe acre give (he largest fised to try them befure trading «lsewbere.-;c And gtre you some .drink T' at Lecuinplon. 'fbe free state men tfrodunled tions of scaues and evenVa In Europe, connected with otypes with all the natural colors of a land ontottot of grain? Fur putatova it it best to Thera, OJ iu Walerville, and everywhere, Ihe AifOtlirr rxaiupb* Uf tW lufBrrous will tfnd still huttvr to lo seven humired in iMiwreiicek all armbd with w tiM vnlue uC JuMt imurtuatkm (lie history of the wer, are furnislied witii a promptiie.a scape, dress, or person. Some lime,since lliu Sharpe’s rifles, while iwb hundred Tnore tSould put (ho manure iu tlw hills, or spread it oit the best business men are those wbo boldly ' hang ' Kwry U4t> In lUU Uud which, givst Ihia work temewbal the character of an ii-{ announcement was made timt (lie discovery easily have hern gathered from the allJbinrNg in surface and harrow, or plow it in ? How far IlRth twenty nell-t unnn eerti limnil; out the banner on the outer wall* through Fir. ud tweaty on kuiS* Slut Swt. lustraled newspaper ; while its thrilling stories, ila sci- was after all a failure, and ,could not ho ren- coHikiry, nnd were il>er«fore in !» fenr of ibe 8t .\ml tbu U true without decett, apart do you Itavr your rows, and the hills in their adveriiseroenls. None but enterprUing entiAo treatises, mcclianiual Illustrations, gtiipliie de-, defed of any praclical vulue. But tike 8au- result bud a collision unfortunately arisen. If tlkc iirea-nt iMdiit* be rtinoeed, end uUier* Inn-rted .* Silkiwl, snriplions, Incidents of travel, uiiecdvtes, &c., &o., fur-' gerlies Telegraph slates that the indefatigable lo lha rows, to insure the largest erup lo the acre? th. tru. BMWDlng of tlw (kiMaK. will .1 unye .|>|w«r;— The St. Louis Republican has utmiher ffc- and honest men con afTurd to sell cheap. uiab dsilghtful and profitable reading f^r uli classes of experimenter has been conslanliy at wqrk in • Kvwy tady In thU land count in a detpaiclt Horn llidependeilce, wbieb How oMoy buibels of seed do you put y>n the Book-Bindino.---Tboee who notice llie ad- twenty nUI*: uimhi e«li hand raadera. Fubllshed by Frank Leslie, New York, at >J bringing his new thing to perfection, has fit B) VIt. ; and‘ twenty‘ nn1 hnnIinndM and Eet. says: eJ acre 7 Do yuu eui your seed, or do yoe ptuiil a year. rerlisement of Mr. Bailey , of Portland, will And thii te (rue, WlUn>ut deewit ’ ” lenglli succeedeitf And seems likely to reap a The whole affair lerittinnied' aceording lo k For lole lu Wslerviils. at C. K. Matbewe’e. 'Ueaiiais’b Maoaxi.nk.—There le no'oilier roagealne e< 41 whule ? Is it belt lo plant Ibe potatoes deep see (bat books, pampblels, mugaxines, music, hundsome pecuniary reward, in uddiiion to the R (iruvcrnnr’« widh^M. kv m .._*a>.. that puta forth Us claims in so modest i miinner as this! the Governor’* wishes, bv a |»romi*e, on The iu the suit, or pul them nesrer the surface ? Kvkrt IlKoiNaiMO IS East voh Chilurrn who Love fame which hriungs to ilie persistent artist. He part ol the Lawrence jkeoJUe, to deliver dp'the and all kinds of plain or faucy binding, can he )>TVi>T Trnnslateil from the tlermnn, by Cau«in Fnii- at the enmetime that few are of rqa-il excellence, liow- hns iilready rec-ived an offer of 530,000 for ID Is iposs seed best when ouwn with grain in & offenders to jusli(e—lo obey lit fulure Ihb law* I obiaiued by laaeing their ordera at this office. nie lloston : l‘hilllp*, Sampemi Co. ever loud they may boost. The January number is the Hillolype, says ihe Telegrnph, provided Till* Is Ihe qneen of the Juvsniled ; at any rale, It is of the leirii'jry—to rwaogiiiae the GuveYnoi os lha spring, or will yuu plow up the stubble aud The bindery is one of the beet and most exten- most beautifully embellislied with engravingt on steel heje willwin go to0 KuropeP-urope Hi>da.',, ohiaiiiou.ain foreigntore.g. patents.paten s. « lha.belt we her. seen for the yonnger portion ol those and wood, an elegant fashion |ilat«j and iis ev- Ji sow in August or bepiember, or will you sim* live in the State, and prices as reasonable, at riiis tiffer he declined, deeintiig it i.isuffl- Uwabiding people shoald do. - ' nw* s to whom book, are given. It Is in quarto form, and idanoe of tha axaellenee of its conlenta, it will be siifli. In ply invert your bound out fleldi, top-drvss, and least, as elMtwhere. Now is the time, as the oonsists of alinple atnriet, pretenled In a manner so-at- dent t(j enumerate the names of Kev. Juaeiih lleleber, 1i®'l' accounts alale that Ihe Missourians pul on Ihe grass srvd immedia'ely ? Which of year c|oees, to put all such publications in coo- traotiva that (bey will prove eaay reading aven Ibrihosa Fllen Louisa Chandler, Ahoe Cury, U. H. Sinildard, Camphor Ointment for Ciiappkd Hands. ' were mueh enraged at being disbanded. wbo are not very fond of atudy. Tbe paper i* fine and George D. I'reutloe. Author of busy L——'a Diary, W- all is ilta safest or moot profiuble ? Shall your ditioa for use and preservation. Gather (ben Scrape into an earihern vessel IJrkunces of, Mortality' among IloBiKs-Wa Is'irn ri white, the type bu),e and elfpr, and tbe e,graving,— Oilmuro Simms, as contributor*. We have aelected one sperinacilerinaciii and half an ounce of k*hile w'ax ;, ,bu, u .11 « 11 1 manure be plowed down under (he sod, or will up and bring them in, and thus adorn the een- taeh of whioh oocupiea a whole page—are beautilullp add 6 drachms of powdered camplior and four , rvrnvuiHn'. li * lu ‘‘uidemtc ftiver, u w of its stories, of an amnsiiig chiiractar, which will ap­ t( you, ufler plowing, pul it on the mirfaoe and ler-table and improve lbs library. colored. Ifappy will tie tbe oblld wbo I, made the poa- pear next week. I'uhliahed by Abraham It. bee, Phil- lablvspoonfuls of Ihu best olive oil. Let it jr **" y "B'V®8 i^tcU IfOi barrow It in ? Do you find the most benefit aaasor of Ihia charming gifljiooltion Tuesday uaxt. Call adelphie. at gb * year, with * liberal diacount to elubs. .land near the fire until it dissolves, stirring !t j I .. I I Bloomfield ahead 1 The Me.Farmersaya for 4 at Hathewa’a. u from it wbeu you use it fresh from the barn, It IS also sold by all periodical dealers. well when liquid. Before retiring pul Ihe oini- ,h« horsp^flegh in tbat Mr. A. W, Farkinan, of Bloomfield, owns . hAUOKXr'a Stardaiiu Fikst RxAosa.for the Youngest • UAurKa'a MAeAxiEB.—.The January pumber- hns k or vheu you let it ferment nnd puivetixe be . n.i. a ... 11 .1- . 1 . .wnn f Learner*. Ily K|>*s Sargent, author of tba * StaniTard c a pair of oxen, 6 years o|d, lhal weigh 4700.' speaker,'Roaiou trblllips, Bempsen fc Co. been saiita* by Fetridge It Co., of Hoeluo. Tbe prinei- use...... soap aa usual. „r, L',;,!!;:!”iry,r foro it HOM upon the loud ? for the Buy Slate Iron Company, i>*«a let H They girl 8(1. 4 in. and are 8 ft. 4 Inches j This little work—Atit in th. aonie bm latl In order of pnlarlioles are;—January (at, 4. D., a.UOO—aoomionl. Tbswe, and a ibousand oimiUr questions ora illustrated account of lb* improvoii.anu tu ba tnliuipat- Death OF Robert Sciiutleb,—[Tr«nslai- three horses horlh MftO qa(;h, Tim' Qtiu-la*- I long, by 5 ft. ' in Iheir slocking*.’ Wbo ' I'uk'kiatlon-coBapleiM the admlrahla serlet of reading 4 *d hi this progreuiv* world, in lb* eouraa of lb* next ed .from the Courier de* Kiais Unis, Dec. 19,] j*®" Advertiser says ihaf’sopie qf, the Oueatni- a disputable; and (ha corrocl onswar lo most of .... .1, V \oi ! 1 1 .-v.. .. . I nuaiberiog five, which wa hava aeverdl tlmaa g up • . \ hero is John Otis—-Sslh commanded to the atlealloii ef teaohen and ikote Inler- tbousaod year*{ Virginia lllustraledior Advanlura* of The follokking lines from a private letter from > belonging to 'liiursion A tStocIfiMa, stab- I .•« "f r« * Robert t^chuprltr died about Ibo ipiddlo of i ^^^rud. ble I ibvy give «a»y corn at gsrUMsd prieciploa . ' lha lUflsrent grade* for whioh Uk*y were respectively ero Travel; Little Darril, by Cbo*. DIokent. Tbe yuD last month, at hi* residence in the environs of i Oliver Wendell HoVnes’ Oration before (b# ID Ihia number are engraved in Ih* beat atyla flam very and many useful hints 1 but (bey were not oBiBlbM^ayj _____ deslfoed. hi beauty of eascuticsi these rnidiog booki I England Society, ifreaied , great Mao*. Tbe Uvium hansM say* (kAi Iroia an otfieial doon-*arpass any othera extant j Indeed, ao bandsomaly ta this apirltad datigni, and what M fuuvertant In tach mattera, in the strictest incogMt» with hi| faqiily. | (ion. He 1^-4eitounge4'ihe ...... i^Filioaists oTNm wrillf n with ipec'iol refereoca to llie soil and ' went reoeuliy j>abliah«f, on lbs *tglia(io( of France, j one printed and embellished (bat it would make no con they are primed with artlatio tkill and taste. He was not enriched by hi* monstruu* fi;auds; EngUed iagood r«uqd t«^ a* 11011101/1^ "I ona printed and embellished (bat it would make no con- fubsoil of your own farm, aud their Uachinga 1 ‘i,**^'* 'iwAiSf'tnT.HMl*.'uk' pMMh.^ that hUn-l.eouiilry. Ivn'plible gia b^k for children, where it liai not yet For e*l* at J. G. Mpody's, Watervllle. America Ute upi^ ,anfl la. bU,^ £ isced aMdiSealioa wkicb your awn obseivaliont I hiDUj,, tib guiicoiHuJlroya, IdJ liuiyik. been introduced Into tha aohoult i aud tlioss in search of funds nereisary for bis su'j*i*teiiee. .repca«^...... ^nd*... of oppli^...... iHe oloa do* backed, 33 bsvis liiu one or'bolli ansa, dS having loai prasenli for lha young‘would do wall tocsIlatUttb. Th* moet isstient man tbal ever broaihed eurasri ilie and •aperirnee moK point out, . b* was ucru; and tbe me*k**( losu wurdsied ou oneerborik whh el«b rent. ewe's nnd look at tha • Btandard Ffrit BeSdrr.' ' Kgyptlsii koown d lon^ lime ^ lT,oeii4ia S9«c. Z7, 1813.

[Fnnii liie Nw York Nationnl MffiigDr of Frt'. 24.) TK > i» \ cK \(Inor I THE EASTERN MAIL, be for thtro, for their opponentji nre gaihf-riii^ Fori land AtlvtTlisciiu'iif.s. FOUjrilE nilEMOiY! VAPOp.—Pr.liiis «loiio nion* to iwv*'II''mfr NFW GOOD.S r.) iik CIVK.N AWAY! an INDEl'ENDBNT FAMII.T NEWSPAPER, inumerioei sirengili, and will, doulMle.s:*, ovvr- Nl’AV F.VI.L &^Vm'rKll GOODS! vv. the <’f»ndtttmj of litOirtnltv niUlricit ^i^h hinif rmn|»hdnt<. timn E. t. EEDEN U OO. U publUhti. every Ihureday by whelm them' teener or Uter, tmle^s^ our pi e.senl “nFoUwr pracMtlmierofniMidnM tout tmii •tnisrtlr.l «1th the P. W. BAILEX'B tViliopen OB i^atindiy, Ikneti.htr U'. the largest a WIJVO, patent pr^eu of i.aturali*«lion i. .pee.lily ar- ...... THAYER, MAR8T0N & CO. till InKtriimoiit that Mill eitiiTc> to the n o o K n 1 ,N I) K R Y. Rich and Desirable Fancy Goods. KDIT01t9 4N9 BA0PKIET0K8, resteil. I'liefe patent milU are <*rindill*' out k tnnlhinc In thetiluiiH'nf • hii^hty M««lirntotl Vnpor, ^rhlrh Iliitinx ru-t ronirm-il from lln.ti.n with nn, . . ... •••* ^ , i *1 "•'t'* •lln'ctly on ttu* ill-teniN*. anti n*>t ns hitherto, hv svnlpnth^. .\o. ViH Kxrliatigr **trori, • • • • • fSirllamt. .•flTAIll.t; Kcllt (•|llll.«TM\S .V NKV VKXIl a I>I1K.VKNT«' Ai‘ ^9" BouielU liiock^ Main Sirfet. him mill tW'll .rlcclcil .lOrft of voters with n8lOlii>hing rnplOlly, ! the liop- Thoo* who nrr trvnthlwl with arlfWig fbaw THE LAHOKJn* BINDKItY IN THK ATATK. KtarGfft^reil In Wntrrvlllei I .VI III Vi BPS* MAXHAM. DAH*L K. WINO. per is kept full of fresh grist from the old world. '“''"tt. ihcir iiit»re.t. ly ntving ihp itygrmn v«p.,r 'lIKRE \nu ran liave Musfc, Magatines, pAniphlrls. in faet eoBsiariafj IX p^RT Of 1 li It .V T L R K;% • a P .V a n A n 1. K Qentlemen who have lately visited that por-. Uavtio:..—Dr. Curtli'i Uygrinal. the ortgimU .na onlygmi- any and every kind of Book from a folio lilble to a K'M French fletknic*. In vrlvrt ami Iratbrr, ■««rnio minn Clothing A Famishing Goods, T B B M 9. nchild's primer, tioo of the State conflriD'tile above statements. ‘rtki.. ------tots Fancy d« fn rarlelT of «»ylei. I.VIlnaoil. -Vro propiifpil lo utter to their olit friend, niul tlie piildio paid It) adVsncet or within one inonlh, $l>5d Bound in St^ieM to $tnt your Oicn Prtrifblbia.'somcR new a» •! \ canfifnl paftertt*, very chr-sp. is food for reHection to Southern men in Tiftitb**'Port Monaica of rverv »lcw*r1ptbm. ft«no ’ ?7 M to :! Ofl , e . Inrxrr iind ludtor etuvk . of , \luod«,— ,then...... over.. before paid within fthiwtontlit, .... ij& There iy’d BAILEY’S, 68 Kxchanpf strcri. Papier Machc. .Icwrll. tllove an » Work, ItiO In to | •»I>’'neir in this mnrltt^l. I liix stock einUrnces u vgnety of this mailer, and the sooner the issue iri prompt* thi*ms^iwof the tow prho» at which r.stt a Kt'itiAiJiSrf paid within the year, . - - 2.00 (TT" Onlen* fur Binding mar N* left with MA.tiuM A Wno, at ItiiacwiMxl, Mah)*i/any and 5an'lal W’tM>d do. I 00 to 400 ' .1.. __ •» lit I r _ II ^ ^elUna thrir Urc** anti fnshloiiMhle utock of Dry Ooodi*. ttarpet* the>1,11* ____ . OVtRCOATS. ly met the belter it will be for an parties.— Inf^. rrorKcrj,Feaibm>. Ac^thatln moat fumtlics thar»* la a A beautiful aaeortmeut orc.tnl ra«f*a can! tra)s,matcli botv«. • uVlins i’uleful*, in EnglWt French and Germnn Clotits Q;7* Moat kinds of Countiy I’icduce tHkcn In pay Wbal will our Texas exchanges say to this aurphHof on hsn«l. thrir naw atjlc# of I)rca« Oooru-hr*, Jn'r*log rnmt»s (ia»(h ftrusbe*. fanr) bracflets, •»r vnrlun* cnhirY. gntdos bimI j>nceft. Heary rilot Over Bient. . . . nr .11 I * . • . . Shawls nnti Rmbroldarloa, ara so cheap that even thoor wlio fana.emert riHbInns and einer> Ixi-'ki’t-*. lattev ao.-pvand p**r Kro^k* ftnil Niteks, Heavy Menrcp Cloth fioftnnts, Heavy State Ol 1ning[Sr It will be rctlieinbered that keen up with the foshlnna anti rraldc nor cnongh m No. 4 Tl* WHOLRRALZ RRXLRR tX funier) of all kliitl*. 0^ No paper dlscontlnned until all arrearages are Iho’-kiii nf.d rnahmorc '(’ver Frock.x »nrt Nnck*, Kltith- pi^, except at the option of the publishers. a few months'ago, j; A. Wilcox published a OBOIOC FAiaiLV OROOnaiES. ' Tprta t Yamlllea />/;a’.SaS Asn y;t'N/.v/;KN f:oA’t\^, by the Creole wen* pul forward willl con'ltiera- kccep u, pit the miTlmnlc keep ir, let the merchant keep it R. L. day! Ver\ rh’h .*^11 ver Cake Ba-krt s. 7 ts» In 12 00 Api«’''e III...... i...... 1 \ t?i .. It eoatu hilt ft trifle, and may aleTlnte niurh'i^antTerlnff. All or- f*nnie new patterns do 5 tK» to 8 .''»0 apl'we SltiKlft and |> .iililp r>rcfl.*trd I'rocks, Frock Nneks and POTTIlis l*N TOUR PoCAKT lloOKS. YcUllg incil w)tO. |’t),Wt.l— W Im real llie Antl-Siavery prchS at- • dereAhnn'd be mhlrraaerl to the pioprh'for. J. I’ SUf.t.tVAN, Wholesale and Retail Paper Warehonse, Silver Mugs. Fnika. t'adnr*. 8nlt-rellais. .**|Mwvn*, Sugar .S.u’k*. innnrr^iiotun'il e.YpreHa’r for tho ru-lnin trude, o*' to dress wo)), eiit well, drink well.uiid ride well, rui< in AhovcK Rutter Knife* ^In-tardand Fgg spootm, Ar Hi I iliriex. (tf'ited 10 laugh Hfid make merry gctierally. V-0 Waahliiglon «treet, boatou, it may be tmd at^e^l of the No’2! K*cch\noi Sirskt,-- Porthm* Hlixiitry* F rocks, Ueefers ond Hcav^' debt for tlie^e enjoyinonts, can apply thin to (lieintielvc*. WT.t ^ .11 ■ I .1 ,>...1. ' ^8'^“ nt nl 2S ceiita per l>ox 2w24 Ala«> a gr*’a( vatkt) offwiiillrlabras. w.itrlistands. n>larhnips. Work it Co it * uric ut ii.*ti:cnta, SVowhefinn. Me. /'tONBTANTI.Y itn han«l, all sln*s and qiialirirs of Wrapping. rhina vasr*. lo) tea scfl* vBla'ri'*. china dnfls rhlnn l'<*\e". •peaks the trurh The foreign iiopulaiion of \Vr;-l» rn Texas is Vy Bnl ng, Hirdwarr,Cloth, Bln»e, P.nveleiFa, aii'l tiH (!»• ra* • i«neen umhr thedoctoia r«re alKiutn yearlronhled with t TO PUROHAaFM OP FtTH GOODS I till Kiincy (!:i*«iiiiere*. fr^riflnn und Erencli FuUrics, 1>‘24 ('mhIi I*al4 f(»r l*iiprr Ninrii. That, being beggar'd, you would coin false moneys It^llver rotiiplalnt. hidlKf^Oen, dyuftepata. For 20 Days! t'nioii Clrtlli*, Nuttincll*, am! mnrty other Fabrics— Out of that crucible ea.ieii debt. To live 7 eat diatrowNTil ber very niiu'h, atrciiKth Drugs, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. than the Whniraair t*rtera> together witli n very Inrge *fooH uf On menns not yours—be brave in silks and laces— Zielung. These people own nq negroej*, iioi^ Ac. At Ills earnfilt aollcltution alie eonclude*! to try the t fllVri, 4IX hsa thla itai opened at *1 uffrn* ftw •ah* amkhi-r QaTlantin stedils—splendid in banquets-all do they wisli Slavery either peon or of the HenUh Uentorer. T( iiivvc Immc'llate ri lief, anJ Rich Vests, joking In rviurtiing hvnlth JOHN W. PERKINS &, Oo. .is aplcrhlld tot s'tlvriunn Fitch T1p|iSf« or Vletor • uflt !i* jil’ilii :itol funcy Velvet, Silk, Stitiii. iMei.adllifl. Not yours—ungiven—unherited-unpaid for. Comiiirrcial Ktrrrt, y«rttan4. Die* nii.l t'ufl. IlfiHir own iiiaiiufartun’. uii'le tip In the I ite«t This is to trickster, and to fitch Southern stamp.—[Mobile News. C. W. ATU’EIils, T)eerlng Blork, Congronn nlrc«i. North S|A» • Liiatin.:. I w eeil, (*lofli. N'lilciieirt', niul ii Inrgi* u**ortinf i.t ----- DKALKEB I — ■ tyhw and uiixit ttiorbugii iivutiit-r. loueilter with Hi* h and •>f heiivy tvi.rking Vests. Also, nn liltnsuaiU’hirgc ua- Men's art and labor, which to them is wenlth. Market Sqr.. Portlaml, OfMorfll Agent for Mnino. .1.0 J[OOl>Y, French coot raia-aau l fur trliuiultiija. whieh luu-t Ih* -•oM wllti Col. Walkkr's Doings in Nicaragua.— Life, daily brcad-q^uitting all scores with,* Friend, Agent f»ir tVafcrTllle, mill poU by ilctilurein nicdlclnc cTort- lu Tt! f!NTV D.kYfl s« 1 sni dfternihied to «-lo«c nIT »u> ■•ii'ek I'f soiTmchl Ilf wbers. , FOUKlGN A DOMK.STIC DRUGS. You're troublesome. * Why this—iurgive me— The Aspinwali (Panama) correspondent of the I'^nglUlt and American W’liltc Land, ' Futx, If piieathlv, iN-fore that (huv, tliliiklug of iii.nUng a > h inge /tcnfirmcn's Fhmishimj Goods. li what—when dune with a less dainty grnco— VASflAiaotin’, Mr .August 6, 18r*&, / | In my hualncM, I N*»w a lictlcr opiwirtunity for puniia-Ing nice Fur fJiHMis at Kralirnriijg n great vrrictv of L'licJorshirts, Drnwer* IMain folks call—(hoft.*' New York Evening Post thus speaks ol the Mr. ItORNtm IVar Sir—r i'onmienrotl inking .Innni* Wiiit- French and American Snow White /AnCy Whirl* Shiil.H. (iosniiis. (hdlor*, Uruvalst Focket lldkfs.* comb'n Roiiirdy for tlie Ai^lhma. leet April. I Imre Itecti ' < the Itiw rate at which t «haM nrll them, mat md hv tutind iigaln D K Y A N i> IN on.. Slm k*. »S* trfs* Miifiler*. (Nirnfortur*. Buck Mittens anti ^RK's Shawls —The New York papers are very se-1 execution of Gen. Corral^.general scope l<*tl witli the AnthniH for many yenru. It wn* wry txn) with nwt f Together with ft IftFRe assortmefll of ' , , fofikjnna timndp foiuti vere upon the New'York diindlos for wenrlng shawls. , «r ii » . • for tl»e rix month)* before 1 uiirtl your metllflne- tl rtmitl not lAtIh** reUiciBlwr t)ic place and that Uiej * UiHfiU muvt tu -old. (.fioves.tiannfirtt*, Cloth. .Silk and Li«le (HoVe«. Brnres, W4 can see no impropriety in the custom. It is a com-1 WHlKer s expedflion work.; ntid won even obliged to xell my cow, not bring attio to tnkc PafhU, C'oinra, ArtfktX* ItfatoHnlw, Varfllahrs, llrdialit I Wat/ffirh'.De*' ■ und 11 gcnerul :i'»*ortineiit of Kuiipy Goods Iteodcd for ft can* of her. j ea, talaea \Yarw. IlyfHittfT*. Uauiphrnr, (lentlcmnn's loilct. •“ Corr»l is reported .□ have died like a true I lint! made up my mind not to take any more mctllrinc. for T ' naming I'IttM, A-r. DENTISTRY! I ItrHiii ii A 4kit.i:D Ci.otiiim:, Ai\ &«'. had triiHt many difTen'iit kind)* witlinut iloing mo any giMMl: amt which/wc offer (o consumers and tlie trade on tlie most fitv* eSA h a pmUeworthv and bottutPul ousb)in—this delightful Mild breve man. His only regret hi dyi.'g, lie I \R. n. N It Mtni}* wonU raspactfuH) Inform I did not believe any nu^llrinc could rrlloTo mo. A fHond gave orabV'trrms. I F all peraons tequiriug tVntnl Bervlrr*. ibtil ifltercbange of garments between the sexes. We houe suid, WHS iLhI lie left an aged moilier und I wo mo a Imttio of W liitooinb'a llotni’ily, ami mndo me pr*»ntli*c to try Also, Agents lor Br. CnrtD’H Hygrnnfti <'rsmp and Pn(n Kll iis is akkWABKxri.T locstrp ib WsTravit t.r aur ImmetlliiU* relief; helpless sisters wiiliout means ol support, and Icr, viid other patent medlrln**^. Bin24 ill* olXro In H ixseoM's llititfiixu (fttrmerly nernpiert I'y I»r. (i)*oi|*, !i *p!cndi*.| «rtneU offUillps nnd neok dresses aira pearl powder. Next to bnekwheat and tM‘f^)re I liad taken one itoitie I wma atilc to work. T can now Burbufik.lprcpftrfd to rH*ra*rni nilo)*erH(ioiis in work In tiiMin* ami nut of doom; nridT tM ver>' grateful to yim i i ticiitli*nn*n'.*' Rich l’‘i?»lin'nulilc I'rn*. wliiclt they flulttf cakes and molasses we lore a pretty woman, and ns we a country torn by internal I'uclions and plun­ NOYKS, WESim; A CO. a ki itGit'Ai. oicntintuy cannot quite be a pretty woman we like to be as near for fnrniHliing a medleitio of such pnw(>r to relit'vc tin* .\Mttiina. , iheniaelvf*, oiiniod l#u *‘n»|*.ir*v»i in Uu'hne*s, I’rice uuT one 0# possible.—i Ex. dered by rulliless loreign invaders. 24 IU»*pcotfnlly youra, THOMAS CKAWFOIdl. tn the iiitxt nppmvetl tiisnncr ; none hut the best ninii*rinl- ()niitity, hy uny otltcr E*tui!ii-hu»ciil i>n llm Keunci'ec General Commission merchants. iiswt^oBdaU w«rk w.ABBAjvKn to give |«*na«*neiit ^nUnt■f’tlon. Tills invasion u‘ a neighboring Stale by a BRO!(CiilTi8. fto preTiilcnt among ‘ profoaBionalfi,' ift cured tiy AND bCVLfliS IN liiver. Tnx Nkoro Makes Arouxent!—If the Dr 11 irris wou|.| Nuiiouiie,* til st in a*lHii-in t«i hi* ioriio-r I I Ilia stpl) Ing artlfli i >1 Dvulurcs. its h:>s piiieUm’d iliv slaves were not kept bv their owners they would perkb. all pulnjouary coniplaluts. Bold cTorywIicrc, at 25 rta. per box. I und Busaiu Fitcli Anclftid***. Victoriniis 'nnd Tifipi'ts, WIMIs lllork. f uHinicrrlnl K|., right to use [Speech of Stephena of (Jeorgla. wlio were openly embarked from a port in the c. NoYrj*, D.WTDN'H IMPBUVKD Kl.tSTlC BAHK. Mock Ermine, B i'lger un«i H'nii ('upc*, 1 ippets iind inholallon for HlHcasrd Lungs. TlHlM tv II. Wt>TU.X, J fnrm r of Comiucn Ul IS'harf, John Little, a fugitive slave, who went Into the Cana­ ('••lliir*. M.irttn, Filcii und ILid^er (.'uIVh nnd .MnlleiSf United Slates, under the very eye of our gov­ 1S.\.\C M CL’TLSR, ) PORTLAND, M K. on** of ttw* Br*‘,dr*t DuproTriustita of ih* agr dian woods wlthoot a dollar, has raised crops this yenr Tiic mode of lulialation, in ca.ftet* of dlxcatHHl luiigi anti tliroat, I'lti h Skin*. 1 rimniing lor C.ipes and 'I'Hhitna. Funcy ernment officials, having published their inten­ A a R NOW RKICSVIXO Those Interested will rtceiio further iul«Mitt«iion h> eallDig that wiU bring khn $2400 i He thinka be will be able rccomiuciidcd by Dr. Curtin in hlx atlvcrtitcmont, Mtrik*‘»i ux an at hi* ofllcc. ' Fiti* foi ('luMreii, Otter C ip*. rollarS) Swaii'i llown, tlie true one. It is now gcncmlly admitted by our bout phy^I* to * take car* of htroself.*—{Albany Journal. tion long before the event took place, appears tienc!'i*<* and M Louis. j t t«htVtt.<*, und a large lot of elegant clane, that local diflli'ulticA can ofily bo succei*i*f\jlly tn‘n(<>ti by t'auiida and SoiiUw'rn Kxtia, | FI.OUU, HIUl'^TM AK aii'i New Y«*ai's Pr«*neiil* -a iH'uutiful a"<*rtenml What U the dUIereuce betweena tree and an elephant V rather strai ge to us outsiders, especially when LOCAL applicationH. Tbla pmeUre luu be<'n pitrewoil from tiio Fanc) Mild Super ) / now oiH-ulug at K T. KI.DKN A fO A .SI. KIGM UOTlES. , flr.^t wMi W)*pcct to externa! inflnnnuation and corn»>ioni<. ami A tree leaves in the Spring, but an clephttiit luaves when 0(mI and Polock Kish, C : atiidt 0* Wolf, (NioOi Nrttiu and llnlVulo Bolu s and viewed in.connection with the guvernmeiii’s we «cc not wiiy dtsuaiica of tliu tliront ai/d luiigt* may tint lip ADIK’*—cnil nt Eldcri A Vn. '* mid exnnifiM* their l.i the manngerie does. Mackerel, Hetring, Xir. . Sleigh .shuwls. Al)**», \V*>lf, rnon, Uu'*viu Dog Skm and ireatinent of Gen. Wwl, who had just pul trcatcil l!> tlio aaino manner: we iFCliove they may. In tliifi viiri- i * Mess and No. 1 Beef, L sitH’k of Fancy (loud*, Jii*l thr thing* for fnill«!-») pri’«eii ■ BntVuio (.‘o;it*, Jcc. Thk iMKoapAND —.A'brlgbt /our years of down sueli an attempt. ntile rliinate of ours, wliore lung and tiimat eompbdntit Imvo Ih*- Clear and nH*hS Pork, I.nrd. age, wuHcfiig.eije w4ith her dWt)ieC'V'tiHUc>d the telc- come »o prevalent and rife, W4* rarneaUy reertimmend to the Dfc.19. ^ Benton Institute. grapUlc^pol^.'Along the road, nod inqdtfd^i. why they While Oftteb Cushia'g Is fulminating political imlilie, ail4|to tku afttietod eft|tocially, to avail tlieuiM'lvey «>f Dr. m HAr.-a U'IBRF.I.LAH. VAt.lflKS, (^nrtiti’s femtHly.—(One wlio liiul triM It.) Htn? adverti'*ement in E. OABISIOX A S O. 'pilK anniial nitN'tlag of th<* Hmnl of Triial***** of Ili4 Bouton In- TRCNK.A. TUAVKLINn BAtJj*, were pipeod there. * They tustaiuAhe telegca|>h)c wires anathemas against British ministers and con­ I Stllute will W liohieii at tlie huthUliK oil W)'d>0^ tld** |>ni«*r. I BRUSH MANOFACTURKRS, Tito* who UIO ticsiroux of gelling their nn»ney*i to cenyejr fffessagik from one place to anoiher,* wAa'tlie suls who lire using lawful means to induce the CAUTION.—Dr. Curtlx'a Ilygeana is the original and only ila>« tise ninth d>) i Jantury iiext.ul ten <»'ehM-k In llte fore- reply** * Oh, 1 understand it alt now, fathor,' suid she, genuine article 2m 1C U«H>SI. 11 R|fHARB.'*i».N. Ss-ervUrv worth, will do well to call uiol cxuuiinu tlii.x stock before and pointiqg to thq'.glau iusulaton, Addeif, * 1 see the worthless denizens of your city to go lo her 190 Fore-it, Portland. Beiiluu, l>i*c. 20, IHU). *JI ' purch.i-ing clsculioru a** tiicy uio deleruriried tu ofitr A (7AHI>. .Miinufuclnrcrs of inkslaods AVI he I*iibll«lir4 nrrrntbrr Sfilli, 1 KxtraorJtna *7 liitliiri*inoiii« to rnrrhasrrs- roajatily’s dominions and enlist in her Crimean MRS. HARRIS—'Phtsici'an, is located In Wutervllle, and TAYLOU’S I'AIKNI l)BK8SEB BBUSH, * i THE BOSTON AliMANAO. FOR 1856. i Waterville, Oct., iK'i'). At Tbackeray*s leeture on Tuesday evenihg, there armies, is not some other slock jobbing, scrip may be fottoU at her rerat., opporite the Kliu- iiul ft!) kiiiils wf Mftcliino Brushes to nnler. i:itf wood Hotel, ready to attend all who may desire her Profession­ / tONT.llNINtJ,—the ce»iston. with tlie c»»ruph-te .'*U* was a peice of Waugh’s Italia exposed to view at tho speculating member of Mr. Pierce’s cabinet al seyvices. Refers to Dr. M. (Jornell, Dr. C. Rolfe. Pro \ / ii*ti«'s rtf liidiotr) in thi* Hty. as eoniplh**! in puraunnee «*f h.VTKST llYJTEhKGUAlMl! back of the speaker. We had the felicity of sitting in encouraging Ibis species of piracy, peculiar lo fessors in tho Female Medical School, Boston,and Dr N.Il, NOT G O N K Y K T ! he law of ItLVi. front of two young ladies, and this was a portion of their Mosety, Piiiladelphia. TIm* eim-O* of Ma*<*n‘hua»*!ta nf IK'ih. !•> I^^n|l< nod riiuiitle*. Tremendous Excitement In Waterville!! conversaUon ** Uh ! taitt*a a beautifu] picture : whnt is our young American republic, and which seems roniplele. ean’full) cniMpBe«t flrtau aiitlientie dnt.v, nnd allowing Thirty Yrars.Kxpcrlctirf of nn Old \iirse. Alarm! Alarm ] ' it ? ** Why, don't you kuow ? its the Colarutu at lo be peculiarly grateful lo the taste of the Hi- tin* popuialbm of eiery town for |HV» nnd ; Athenet" “ Oh, no./ane,you know It's In Venice”— Let no wife or mother oe;;lect to read this advertisement in , VV I X T E it IS II E K E ! I Deseriptl^e shrti tl or the PnI'lle l.lltmry •♦f (hertt.i «»f Bo-tnii, TK.IOE KiriNED !!I libuslering army of our strangely inconsistent another columu of this paper. It Is highly Iniportunt. (1)0 i I with a full psge engruvlng of th** l ew l.lhmr) Building In B»»yl- ' *' Well* so it it: I declare I bad forgotten . Ii'o a big tr IS KviDcsT I'lio.w ancRsr r. r. poRTe that 0 C. T07.IKII...... Is. pruparwd...... fnr the. cri>!s!. lie li"S Juit rc stnn slitTl : round thing ain’t it V **Yes,but it isn't half 6f turned from Bust«in with oim* of the finest stocks of ESTY SiA KIMBALL some as Dr. Neal's church.” [Timet. There is but one sentiment among foreign the wonderful cures performed by the t’R\>ti‘ axd I’.mn Killlr, ' Boelrni, with full |Mig»* fk*w oflhw Uew Memiiilllt* BuiMtug. Slilll- prep-ired by CCRTia A Pkkki^h Its (quiil has nevrt been j READY MADE CLOTHING luer sln*et • .■\re niiniiiR TrndcLv ()id low prii'ca at wliicIi they nr« A celebrated portrait paiMtrr says the reason that residents liereabuuls, which is, that Walker known tor removing pain in all eases ; for the cure of Hpitnil i Ter offered for sale, which he Is bound to. sell at prices thst I Ik -wripiDe sketeh. with engrwriug, of the Motiumeiit to (In euKliiK tlioir ).o';;o nml aplondi.l stock of tomcats are so musical, is because they are all Bddte- and bis associates are nn belter than piralet, Coin-plainta, (tramp In tlie Limbs and Stoinneb, Rbenniuii)rirt*s nf tin? ahnved iinmi'il nrll- tliere has been no poem to thoroughly Homeric and to should subieci him lo the severest penally of Or of ct ntCfl Dress Frock, higli or low r«*t' 1 lenlli elas*b1c*t bi )eirtle-. aixt on ili* Uulm* Ijiw iiud Pcr-oiiitl ' clua, Is MO (*i.nriiinn* lliat nil thu knnwin^ on«*fl who hnve G"' Toa’r has them. l.luVty BIB : 1 neifecliy origiual ns thia** Song of Hiawatha and by of the law. T!io sliooling of poor; Corral was iHarkctfi. 'I'lie Nation:il Goveriinieiii, wBti the new Coogrt*#* poliiiitill\ liny rcj;nril !«» the fiiftire slute nf their pnrsca, tinck to Art* vmi In want of Bor**a*-'Vfylng Pant*. «t of g»*iitrri fanc) No.‘I I itst.Mt* liovv, nod wliifi* KsTY St KiMit.M.L nro Homeric we do not mean ” .imitative of llorder,” iiiiy also a mariler of the worst kind, for which Iocs. caMimeres, nr hint k I’akls r) p Toik*rhas lliini. ibs-im-i: ■ j more than by original we mean *' new, unheard of, iiii. Or of Bfe proM-rring, heavy wndded vests, (tr p*nii**l silk*, t'eionaof tlie I nttnl fllatcs. nii>rs (if the .^Intes initl mmli* u hole (M- Hci’uuiit nf lliclr Iwrpe snles, they nun like nli other poems.” Mr. Longfellow does fur the In­ Walker find his Iriend and comrade, Parker Waterville Betail Piioes. grenadine, velvets, cashmeres and Idwk lasting, satin. Ar. Ar.* Tertilmh'- - the trii-le geiieroMv I'V lenving tin innrgln fnr lliC nut- dian myths and Indian life what Homer did for the old French,of and Texas memory should Ttnr.Wr lia* them...... (iftici r- ami Hfoakmaof Court* in thr Steto ; ruRtmii* ftrnlits which li.ivu liecii lumlcuii Pry G'kmIm for CtMritECTKD WKEKLY. TIm- .M.ip of l:o-ion I Hellenic my ttis and life. The cleir objective delinea­ Flour aO 00 r.t 00|Heef, fresu 6 » Or nf Under shirt*, Drawers, iieavr. Bgtit. i>lue uilxr*l or tlie lii*l few yenr». be made responsible.'’ JI 12 witite—high cost or low * U >•• T«»*U*r has them. Full |•.•4g^' ii4*w«of i.romlnrnt BuHtie-is stnieturtw ‘ tion, the breezy* out-of-doorness, the picture of what is Corn IQO \ 1 2r>;l’ork, frevh 9 n 10 1'he lomplete llti-h.e<*a-Wf«('lory nf Itoslon, and the iinial eity i elemental in nature and humanity, untroubled by intro- Or heavy wool siwks, purtsuioiitli rili!>c»l, *»r gents' r*isli Ontft 40 a •I'i Fork, salt 12 a 15 nieres? U/ Toxier Ims ll»*m. luforimiGon. wllhn I'lill al|ihalK*ltral liolex: I spectivo reflection, undisturbed by the somewhul mor­ Ns;w York, Dec. 22. Heims' 175 a 2'2-') Hound Hug S n 10 A 240 piigi a ill I'ltirl. Iwbig djual to an ordliinry uciuvo < utility, and the devotion of the linger to hk song, make post, writes—Marshal Pe issior ilemunds pi-r- Clieese -R a I'-l Mnckerol, best 7 n )0 At Toxler’s a perfivt rrgalin ion'll find this poem Homeric in tho true tenso of the w^ro, al III till Btstk-eller-iiti'l iS’rkatlcal Itealers Piihllohe*! h) i niissiun lo evacuate the Crimea foriliwith. He '.Apples, i.est 50 n 75 Sftlt, rack 75 Of Benily Made Clothing, tin- »ery ttest kind. 4w2;j .HMIN r. JK1\I':TT A ctt,. ir? Wn«hii*gt.*ii St ! though no vesiigc of imitation can be detected. Aiiplcs, t’ookiiii; yO i\ 25 MoInHKcs My i.elg’hbors nuiy tlilnk itinl ToxUt is rasii ileelares that it is impossible to continue openi- 4-2 tl 50 •' To sell good* to low A)r ih»* do» ii iMiIy cash As a good looking friend of ours, whose niou.staciie is •Apples, dried fi tl STurkeyH 12 Wateiville Library AModation. . Rut the IS up 1 Your tl«l gucxl Who tiike* the nen ! jet black and t.url« niagntncenliy <»ver his tip. was puls­ lions tliere on aceonm of the want of water for I’ol'itoe K 30 II 40 Chickens .12 'I'MK r4iiirre of l.4ature« l•e^or« W.I.. A-,wili einltr.iee tin ing the residence of a couple of damsel*, the following Hny luose 10 00 \ ’( -t 00 Going! Going! Gidi.g' Gone! 1 left lire*. Ol (he tr»l rlaoa- I of the army. The Russians have poi- FflenilH r.dl and fee liow we ilo''|t ’ ll'«-c 10 1 he l•lllllw|ng gentlcineii have been iHHliively engnce-l. * ii < G. W. STONE’S conversatitmti' '•aid to hnve been oviThrard : I.—. I Bv. 1 fX) a 1 -Jo d(* wonder how it goes t«i kUs one r*f iIioho creatures ^ooed ilovwells, and he asks what i« the use of Coitiirltirraliip FtlKDKitK'K N*>v I'M ^ COlKill ELIXIR, with a horrid mou'tachi* ?'* S —. ‘ Wiiy of ij iiirsa ! B iWKD I \ W.GR, 1;h44-, - - Bit 7. kit ping an army of 100,000 men .‘-hiii tip in '|'HK.un«ier.*lgtH>d Inive fonnetl ii rop.-irtiiu slilp in tin* Clolhing .tolls G. >\\K. tSg . - . - • 21. d'*t,*t know *’ L —. ••Well/ I'm going to get ih- lu'ot tiioir en'renchmenis? It will bo siiirn-ienl in Rlanittqf0. 1 and Tailoring Inisine-s, under tile tinii of Busii A Lise<>iv. I:DU ISP B IMPI'I F. Kaj . - - - 2v For (be Relief an*l(*nre of all Afrcetlonsof theThmal hnisb and try it.” Ainl she did —imt w«' won’t li*!l td and w ill do I' at tint olt| stand nf tii*o. M. Linectii, a few aud l.imgs: sui li as ('«oig|i<.. Colds. Cotnuniptloli. lOv. T. .'•r.MlK KING. ftrum hllis. innneiirs, Asllniia. it I* also an liivaln- you. gIrU. leave a gmrison'at lour or .five puinis, but Ill Wa.xt Waterville. IDh iiist.. Mr. Elijuli K. Hiiywur-I. diKtrs noitli ol the iliiams llotise .KIIIN Bl'.'‘ll. .In m Wnleivllle, Nov. IhlHG.'*,.- 17 W >i. M. I.INC«»I,\ P Dll .1 P 1 lio.MP.'‘ON, ubie temeiiy kir Chlldreti siiilcilng wllti the Wh-aiiftng there is much fear here in regard to the. ninral of Bridgewtiteti Mass ,ti> .Miss Lovii.u M Morrill, of Wu- Du. o W. iltil.MK'i. Ciruiih or Croup. Fur ah li>e aUive fuiuplaliits thI* Mk« I'aiitington’s Poem. —We find in the Telegraph remedy stand* utieqiiani'*l. It 1* purely a TifKlaMt eftVcl of an evacuation of llie Crimea. The lervillo. NEW TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. \ 1.4 ftn re I- nl'ii e\pi*rti-«t froln PeV m II Milhtirn. F«ti ('(miisnmd, pcrfeetly safe, amt not uuftleaaant b» tli« the followihg extract— Dec. l’2lh, at the resiilcnca of Col. Epperson, liy Ifev. llie (ho If. Hilling l« are III ti 1 oltlHin tte% issie. No famUy will be wttlivnt tt after haring tested ” Here ponder we, with most ec.static grin, mutter isVilll undecided. It is iiroliahle, how­ I But.'niun, .Mr. Hichur.l A-Edwards,of'i'reiiton. runii., RC.s//^ /JN('OLN, 4! il i 11 (ei.N. dU'l ^ at Ic.i-t (•■it-of•f them I'hiI'ln i Ita uwriU. Tl* read ol some new aromatic gin. ever, that llm advice ol Miirshal Pciissier will to .Mi-a .Mury A. Hale of VVatervlIle, Me. aying just ns’elic l tti4*]r Fail c'tm-k. are pn'p in**( to answer leetllie" ulll he di'lhi red In ihe |la|itls( .Mf4 ling l|ni|S4< l*rira) FlOy Crm* |M>r BoSilcw 'llie subtlest, cu'.est of ail balan's traps — nil orders In tbrir line at vliort nniirs. Ttiey iisve a tine s. l I.f Tit k. I. ft.f IJii- remaiidi-g I iWluie- ol the fcni-e will In Winslow, on ihu i4th inst., hy Robert Ayer, E***).. he •h>M tor ^1 2'i >lng'e Til kfis iHfaly-llii- icni- Maiiufai tured tiv G. W. Hrosa A-Co..A-Co., No. m94 Cm-. Burn aicoliAt and christened ’ ScMedam Schnapps,' be adopted. Ma*.*oi tiiivnt of Mr. Thus. U. Buruhnm to Miss M. A I'ratl. lirnnilcloilis, I'naklmcrra ninl Vetting*, purehascr (d a set *»r the etnirse. may purrtisse sitirh* ' tr*l-Blre« t. l.uw'e■ welf. Mush.8old...... Whotesai* and Ret*11 Ap{>roved within the nicely moral pale It IS also said that Engluiid wii.lie.i next In Seursinont, lOth inst, Mr. Wro. .L Pnrrnr, of Lin- ticket*, IM»( exi*en(U't{ lO tweli »u( of tieket« |•(lulctl*•^•l gii • b> Ke." bciiefltting every mortal uil, Towliiidi they Invite the attentluii of llwlr friends, at»4 from Ing icimisvkitt ti> SS\ Isiliiie kn1r it tlif ’Twill cheer the frame hut not [nehiiate. dition against Crpnsiiidt. reserving lo herself, sey F. Dow, of China. nml (icrfcet fits. Thv) keep on innd a good varict) of win ttunmeiM*. for Pnitlaud. amt general agvnt >*r Ihe side .1. nltlUlN!*, Men m*hoRi the ill of thir^t have long endured however, the privilege of demanding the aid of In Aliiion, Mr. Kv..scoe 0. Turner, of Belfast, to Miss Bookstore*. Per Order ot (lie IMrerGirs , a^etil for W iitervliU —L. Y. AfiVlMrfr. Ketidnirs MHIa. lyjl l)ip now their bills in hopes of being cured Gentlemen's Ready Made Clothing;. J H DItl MMUND. Cor See** Ii DR DOUTEJLLE Ahuguil \Viii*.|ow. The fmirtti leeture on Friday. Deei-mlicr 28. hy KDWtN P I See, *tl8 arcompDshed ! —cured are tliey by corning— an army fur disembarkation inca-te of necessity. Of suneiior 4|nality, wlilcti the) nrv selling at wry low prlrrs. I’IctIgIng tbcuisrivtM to ht'Of) w«di fM>*ted >r> the niosi ap|ir»ie>i ' U II I PPt.K. Ksil . the DDt II guldie*! Ii#**!) 1st. of tloatiai Huh- I tVING returned from PliU>nlv|pbia U> r«iuiiicpraict(ca, al« Are those henith'i hues the ffontispeice lutoriiing 7 FulI.V. C0M.MITTKD FOR lyUKIIEK.—The j,H’i~.** M*ana l.i’rnra.*' j || D. (era ill* prof«ss|onalserv|ve» In ih* yubl'a. Their ruddy tints their uriyin disclose, 0 fii-Hhiuus and stU<(s, sjkI (u sattsf) alien Lira* Ilia' ran tty low n Ilrati] . prln'-. g04Kl wKTk nnd iwrfei I fits, they < onfl<1eiitl) l*N'k for tUf , I (Mlli-c, .Main Nir4*cl—over KMcu 4s t'o.’a And w ith perennial blossoms crown the nose.” examination of Coburn and Dalton resulted on : hLi:i4iiiis * In Dixmnnt. Ko*v. Olh, Jonutlinn Wingate, aged gaiMinni* patroangv of tlieirold friend* and as many new ore* a* t Ilesiitore—Tampln Pt .opitnsB* th* Coiigregatloiial Cbwvah: Wednesday in their being fully cominiiled to will (’.’ill und exaiiiine for thenisclvis ^ U>NV.O D.V\ 18 rrs| eetfuBy Infn.vnS tlinee who are hi wntil I - . . . —- • An order lias b#en issued that none but Americans be years and U monilift. ut 8LKIGHH, llial lie kaeps nu hand at lit* rMixIsc** sliop t Wat. rvill.*, Feh. 1, 1866. ' ' 84 In I)ext»*r. 15th inst , Surah Maoomher, relict of the BUi'H $t LINCOi.N. Cor. Main and roniniou sts. shipped tor tlic new steam frigato Merr>tR*^u. await their trial for the crime ol murder. Waterville, Nov. 0. 17 lu .*>idtiey. file miles t <■<..« Mateiillle illlngi- nil as«orlmetit I .Instice Cushing, in his summing up the evi­ into Win. Macomber, of Rcndfield, aged R4. fttHii wbicb (tie) raiiiow Isll lo -ntt tbeiii(> (o remove to tlia on the Fenphscot arrived in town Ust Sunday with a dence on which he b.ised los opinion, bore very I2th inst I Calvin Emmons, son of Bntrick Emnion*. Til •XNUIIIl'' r.Art.yr aryn..^ .\Ff)/-'Asi/in.s'ft,- ; 1 11a*4, otfi-rs tit* Itwetiing lloitMt UH I preii.Ui**, consh-tlitgof Urge lot of furs, among which were seventy-six live cats ‘i« ui‘r«sot uftiellent Umt. nt ii W niHi <*iie t, Carrl.ige House, hard upon the prisoners, slating that to his In C«irtnth> I2(h insl.i Jane Uohtnmtfi, relict of die Allied Ointment and Hamer 6yrup. .4nd will always In wlrawienl iliiwawlHMi imilrrus vrrv I in a largo box. The music was great and the puny was lute Bnidlmry Rnhinson. aged nlmiit fifi (Pp«*n fee ID-rrse a«<( Horn lneiH*le*l. Hah! bullling to dirtwtious. wilt clAw*t a pormanaut rur« in a shoiti r a.-tiraiitml that every artlt U-use*! in their i oiisiruetlon ts of ti.r t with a Airnh-e-his nn sxrslh-nt < istifii Slid* a Well of gi*«*4 acter of hie freight.—I Bangor Mercury. time and with Was axpwiiHi than any other rciuclv It ia a s* i- • iMa* «'•( qualiti lie a*»uie-< it). Urwilrmeo nitastr aho woxtt an iliM' haifnr the wimls wf thw inlti nml wntt-r power known as tb* the Scotch were burning witches. At tl^ period when hk larj^cxt a*8ortuu*nt aud lowest prices, at arih-le of rale ln*nily, will slway* fliul a few sio h. tiom which to be strong upon some points, has not yet Itlieum, .'^rrufula, srysipela*. U bite Laproay, Oabcvrous Hu- Cornfiirth Ciir*tlng ami ('loUiiiig MiU. This i«au^«wii«it tho peasantry of Enghnd were burning threshing mills, T B T. RCDRN fc CO’S uior-, Bing Uoria,vk^ld Uesd, Raros, Bcal4*,<'lL|lbUtn- l'lie<. In l4H t. ami will ite wall (V poorwine ibem leSire hiivliig d-e- mill (M.wer faraimosr liny pnt|t«rTilla. ' 7> r-**l I lior-4. Co *. Covi-rvii Currln •*, VI a,igon, two H*igh*v Ww ler. deceased, recovered a verdict of ITiOO dainages N. B.—MedIcioHi put up with great care. is riH'ommended by |H*rfons of lliw lil^lte-t n'ciK'x'taliBliy, *m li F.KPH contIuuiU an hand a auppl f I hs I■e-r4:l*• •< n .IV or nstir ill* i*-i-lriire iit M eat >falagvtile, againet Mr. Kalph Coates, for killing a fine Newfound­ 8andi/orn, 8. J. Tlnriupsosii J. Ji C. llayas, nJIluro/ the Ijiw- K land dog belonging to Miss Wheeler, and for Injuring . lit .4nj Hme prsvMn- tn rhs 2r'fh of .vinii li wu-xf. when sai*rsalt*# favor of payinfz the long dii^regaided Freticli Kennebec County Hap. lenee Courier, and a host of utliers wlio know of Its «ftt'scy T O Ii E T. ' will Iw* rbwed Its niietlotii If lint preriott-ly dispnre-J af orSr- her in her efforts to save her pet. Tiie onirnge was rtfioliation clHiina, ohA«ned ihnt at. h futurt«;I ^rilK «urTcys for tllt^ T.tluable work are coinpl Mrs Jones. .Methuen, was cured of ^ah Itheuiu and kerufula ^Pll F *oii(tt slii.g hr tfic btiihUug Oil tha •(•lOiOK uV Main ami miigi’d (nfAt'*riri caused by Mr Coates** suspecting the dog to he gnlHy , i_i* 11 t I*. »Ai !■I 1 rcTi.aeurcvi.sed I'trfor enunivingengraving Thei he mapma|> will equal lu beauty any of 8 roar*' standing. J I Hiller Ptrirt KHTY A KIMh.4l.l. — AUft -- of entering hi* baru, and eating part of a quarter ut veal. (ime he 9houhi call tip the subject nnd nndresfl |ortbekiud ever pubibheti. It will be nearly five feet xiuare, Timothy Cowry, of Danvers wrs ruved of flrrufula of |i>ur'* 11.1NI ...... on f-S. 1.2. up S ymr*. la snma years' standing. MIXtIFN, at HHTY A KfMtlVl.l.’.ft. (lie Senate on it. The Preshlunt’s veto aiej-. •"'‘''‘“r 'ii'*;’ Nn I TicuMir llovi. ' ol fioiM PMMtt a B* (I witirli will Im Ms'iiri-*i by ami tgao* on Ilia Blunt. Dr. Butllq, \who wns not more fumed for med . . I, Xc., wtitl t D...ut(tut txirdor of tIvksIii ttiu rouiity, l-alNUi Itordvn of MclUnry, 111 , was iurrd of Hrrofuta when I ...... lot >(4 . II not pi«vH*nsl> subt, mr to |lm oaitaloctiaii . icnl skill than for bis common-rense mode of displaying siine was received lust sefsion so late as lo ren- mi.i iiu-luim.s ornr|.ii'iii>Krii.r>lly. w. rml ciMiOiinit tint lioiMt had aiwo-t dted wkhin him. t ll\ (itIDHw ! A u«w ato* kjmd ye^wdred l>v of fMrdc* wl»hii g to hull l4«rrni(h(ir )Airi(Htars rniiiiica af .•,.r 1. imnn<.iiblK fnr linn In di.iniiu it lilllv He "'»n ""J l^.mllj .III ili.lru U< po„r., «ropy ; _ii|rh of Houth Ihtnvers was rurrd of Hernfula. i Dee isVt. r.**TY A klMliAl.l. ^ u...» \V«i.rvIII*. Dec 1866 21^ fHIfilMAN HAL! it,) being called to attend an acoeiitrio individual, styl­ Cl r It imposttlllle for nan to tIttfCtl. ft It lulty. opportun'ty win t.. nlturil.d tb.'iu tu riicoiirmife lit. n ing himself Dr. Jonoa, the dramatist, during a iiervoua J. H. r^telToid of lAwrencr lestllW* to two cure# of Hrmiula ol believed tlie sinele idea upon wliicll ibu wliole ‘ pubtlMtlun by Itlrlux llnlr orJir. tliroujtli our .(cut., In ...u Very aggravated rlisrMter, and ol la ing iiliust If cured of a tiad X>R. B A B B i vltUt Ivl.HY \ FUhTlllUl^ far oala y low price*, at attack, which he* was subioet to. the fertile individual \t No 4 thnnh- How, hy .4 - . - , town, vheu .oltcitrd, nnd llius rveuro It. mrly 4.1‘ut). litinior. .4H IM’RCIMHKB Gm- U | |. w Holmes House, on Temple at. said—” Doctor, do you think that I write too much for message was predicted was nn error of fact, •' 24______S IIAKKII t (•O..I’ubll«h.r»,Aii*u«l4. l.ocy Redman of Laarootw wasruredof KiiiA's Kvil o| long Iiril disir es-t •'( l-etoiiel .'-(ll-oii'* t'arri.tgi* Hlio|i, where Ire my constitutieq 7 ” * No,* replied the dUerfminuting proceeded on (he ground llial claiinants wero. ciintioiianee. hasM ha-ate.l hi# rc-Mt-mc iml flKKICR. N. K. A. & H. Society—AnniiM Meeting. doctor, * but you do for your reputation !' Goods that Must be Sold. * Mr- Dlgiiey of Hairm waacured nf an old sore of 2D)ears 'I'HK Meniis-r# of thr .North heniKl>e* .Vgrttulturafand llertl- paid under the Ireiity of Loul.-iannof 1803, but' tj'KA. cofTee and spIccH ofthe l*e*i ()ualitii*M; Bure cr**ain tar­ atandlng. DR. POLBiPtR I rnliiirnl 8iM-h *y are hereby iiotincd pi un’*'! at Ute Town Hall Thk SoUTHRitN Litkrakt MKBtENGf.R. The pro­ the recoids in (be Stale Deparloienl show not tar, bU|tit. Kileruliis, stareli, sptirin CNiidlea, nil, burnliiK Hauiuel Welcit. Houtli Danvers, was cured of sore leg of 3 .4H remoTi't Id* les|dene« f|o|ii II i blmMiisl Hoti I. to Tem­ in VV ll•(-rvi^4■. on tin-flrst (bvy of Janm^ry isext, at (ruo’dock lu prietors of tUc fiOuthcfu LUernrv Messenger have an fluid, ueHt* foot nnd sweet oils, adamantine randies, lauitv* li) yvarafeUndirg. ple slnet, ti|>t llopar we*t of MuiU stlfftt. Ho- forenoon lor Cw (ol owing ps4-, .— nounded to the public that It U tVoIr lutention to dUcoti- the fuel. I greiii variety: cotton twine, n large let of mats of varloux Ubvrlolu Hyiia,. . Lawrnirrs, va» cwicd of a oavara bunar U To llo' (dM» »TS <»f Ih* Hoclefy . fltr thr nisiihig Tear. tiliue it* publicatieu w4U Uio iMcambcr numbar unless I kiuda: atuiie ware, s|>onge, biuahvs—a largw a»»ortitw‘nt: Iwt) | oceaaluued by va^^^iualiuuw,^iualit>u. ' UFklCK IN WiNGATK'fl lit I I, U 1 N G To n tnemU r of lite Khvi'uiiv* Coinmiiti r of (It* Maino Hlate S-N il ly tbf |.»eople of Virginia imd the 'Suath shtdl come to its AnOTHKR EmAIA in PaNTAI-OONS.—\Vh-1 l-*'>*;'>l»“tl«*.u‘“‘t..ra,“l|«.«uu.u.rr..Yury.n.l.,llwrli.rt..; .Mrs. Cnisbv, Lawrcncu, waa cured of Er)>lpvias uf 12 Wanted. 1'o (in* I'eforts of llo* on'ievft of tlu-HochCy Air tli4 past rescue antb increase it« circuiatioii. Negro slavery ami , .. , T 1 ■ ciKikiiig extracts, sagu, Uploea. out uival, pearl hailey, Irish yenrt’eontinunnre &lrs Fernnid, |.awrccue,was«nra other articles uuw ou of rrfdtTr. hh-h Ihe hltfln *( To hear Gt* rw|s>rt of tlw* Counidttrc ofHhmv iHmind and taka liitj ertw Ol tut Mlip viames U-ty was laal i.auU and must W sold WILLIAM DYKIl, Waterville Ub^a Brobiuo. Vail Mtver, was cured of huaR>ci af 6 prire will In* |«atd tn Casti, !•) T G HM’NDKRH .siiv nrtiot) liH*r«*«»n Fihe. 1*fie Saw Mill belonging to Mr. .Tames Palmer, week (litscovereu to'.hfi h feintfle in “ yesrk’ iianding tn 3 weeks. To »es- im‘(isnr«*« (hr (Lwirlv will adopt A>r the managr- in Ibis town, about three miles from the vilhigo. wus de> Kew York, PortloAd, Montreal & Quebec Juinea W Hunt uf Imwreitre waa cured of t'lirunie ditH- 1 M M F. N 8 K A N It im lit of (It* If gronmts for thr enriiing vmr stroyed by fire on NVednestIuy morning'last. I.nis about She cnnfeAsed the liiek, nnd Haled ibul site cnity nf the cheat, occasioned by humors. VIlI.r.lAM HYBH.Areratery HrKAMSIlIP I.IKh: UNPARALLELED 8UOOBBB $fi00, on which theifl was no insurence. We do not belonged in Lowell Mase. was miiiried and 8.1. TtiooipsuD of l..awrcure waa cured uf lad humor on U'alervtUu, Ikv 10.1866. 22 lenin'how the fire originated.—[ Skowhegan Clarion, i ' C'0uiirr(lng with the Grand Trunk Ilallroad. the fbc«. l-irusil A U RIVAL! bad a child. Her name is Flmma linrnrs, anil ^pUK A 1 flrat cl.nas atraoivrs CALBIHINIA MatthUv b'bure New Bedford, w^s cured af bad buiuor ou ( nil. WN. K. IIXVnKA'N A mrniber odM'HHtkll Aeeobbitfuh ftirlhe Advnnco- J aud WKt^TKUNi’OKT, one year old, the Ikea she was born in Moscow, hie. She is not; Mr*. L Uaritun, Ijiwreiire, waveured of an unmUtakable lnt,>riivt>.( Vi---t.(tl.- Bient ofdk'ieitce. recently stated at r meeting of the lo- tons turtlieu, will leave FOBTL.AND and Thayer, Marston ft Co., quite seventeen years old. In 1855 she mar- NKW YORK every t*atur*!ay, at 'io'cluek 1*. M , until iurthrr 8pider Cane* r eiely, Hiai there were only two articlue uianufacturej 1. D lteud,Urrat Vails, wu* cured of i'aucer, wlileli ii i t V r I! G .\ T 1 V K !’ I I. I, .s : 'Arc lu rci'cipt of their (hird large Htnch of lor febd ki,England that were not adulterated, vii., ried, a man named. DeLertL.7 r at Lowell,. . and •bir (luf pruprletnrs nr** tieirmilned luiiiuke. tins...... tlir viitcD tbv« ugii III* lip. Tbit uiiol vaiujihie and fwjteul medUiire in the etk. M. A Mann in lUiieoek waacutedof i'ane«r. w o u I. i>; A|IT|},VI\ A Wl.vri:il OLOTill.liCi! A 1 uly in lasoniinster wn» rur«d rf Cauct r in h«r ttomarli 4»rilileiiira'* I'lirtii-Ulug (siitida awA Mck Horace Mann bat proved that throughout all England ajieftlisA ttUflUuil Deenh^ati atnt Atanu a linf^roOelore, anaanil WUSwtiu usua IWl»V«a/tlivM Oqo*!* willaroefateumm be takoii to or withoutfrom tb» an) lialdniore. charge Ibrdri)#^* Norfolk and in iiecouiutemled aud pn-tiiUnl hy uiorr PhysirUns than aii.i A lady In Derry w.»a cured ul i'ascer. other me.ttid»ic evir Olfered In Hu pe«*pf. Hurpasshig all ntlicr >• .1 .V c V h' i n .s.' more Olafi bnc-hslf ot the adult populatloii dannot wriie lu cLamborinx the as the moet tixiiort. New York. Mr Carltuauf l.uari nee waa cured of Rarbeva'Itch. I Pi is tn tlieli operailou A*r efh> »>'>, rlennaiirg nnd lemovlug the .Mr (’h urcblll. law iruce, «aa cuied of barber*' llrb aUUiwg ro Iind uauo atgi.Aiws witl flud U Inr (hair tlitircWn hsine*.' yvf iLzi ( .x^Ll asili. * I HooUi forwarded hy this line to MuntrAi, ifueiicc, Bangor. morbid buuion from th* lull rr«t lo glvi* them an tar)) i.ilt befora purchasing. Ol Ilia Oltl *H*I8.______1 Bath, Augusta, Kastiiort aud St.John, with despttt4'b,at the Blrs. 1). 8. 8wan of Lawrence i9a» cured ol Huiuor* luu-rnal U H l> V , AimieeioN vorkK Bow; Hi the 8. J. Court, Thnre- ^ J choapoot rale*. A K. Hall, luiwreiice. wee cured o| •tek UvadarUe, eatt*c«l VVutrrvtllc, r ov. 20. lle-turlug lo lU- iwlk'Ul bl> Imt treasure, tLc rldna blfoalug to day, Deo. 18th, on motion of Hon. Lot M. Morrill, MrJ A DoWN-Ea8TER ViaiTINO One or our I Freight shlppod by this line can U luiurrd at the loaest b) liumordlg lUesiotuurh. i t klU'h'I’lkts! Tapestry, TUive Ply, Hupafllua, Comavaa, hiLia M. Buck, of WaterviHo.r adiuiiteti to practiew These are ouly a few uf the thuusawd raaca whh h iiilght b*> luau— \ ' Htiaw and PuinitsI CAavcTiau. Al'u. Pag*, HtaJr Rada, in all the OourtSvOf this 8tat«. Institutions.—Mr. Abner Wilson, paid to ”?"rfr«4gut®«,«ppiv to joiin, addure.1 of its aflkart. They are all living wltneraes. whooe I II K A I. T II. \o . for Stic at «Uol««*a1a prh-i-s. by RHTY 4 KlI^ALI.. unsol IcBed teolluiouku will be louud iu tlie I'lr* uUr* ot-coui- I Thta* f'llla have bem rercomutedesi liy over belong • Away Down East.’ who is at present ''V""’: ’'JX’J')..* •,''*7 pftMjibtl Uadk nvf, and may be hod of all AgeuU. I BLBIGUS POH I la.VOO ■•HltHOXH. A State out of Texas—Kfom vit^ sujouinmg in tins city, took a stroll Inst night rrfc’eof Clutiueiit. #1 , H\rup,&0 ‘ 'rilK iimh r»txm**l l>-«s M kviadaud is aiMiafkctarIng a larga UUAULKdIi KENT, Ueuer4l Ageut fovtbe United Mate#, Tlirreriinratc* may ba oeau a* (he (iflLa of tiie pr* prietor* 1 iiumliav of lw-4utl(ul IdLKlUllJft. uf the aa*v oiadvra otyJaa among (be residents of (bn Five Points, lo see FALL AED WINTEE CLOTHINO. ftud Canada Nos. 6 k 0 Apulctuu RIork, Isiwrvucf street, U Vt'. ItAllUINHH, U W. STU.NB 4 CO-,Hole Proprietors, that dia (o let bi In New Kngland, madaol tha soot aiataH* Lawrwoce, Masa , to vboui aB order* < Uould (w addiesovd- i als.nnd in s* neat and thorsHigh a usaaer os aay la Ihla we Imre come la .po.fB^sion ol MtU-li the pecuUai'ities anib sights of that dangerous J Sold by Urdding A Co., a Slate stiei't: Brewer,Btevvos « ' BH 4'vutrol birrel. I.omcIL Mo**., T Ut* N«w Fti»r«i. No. 1 TICONIO K0lV,hM Just roeolved t-unntry, lo tliitl M(iu lltmchV’lGiTiiii•» .olt »»t«bw..., Price 26 caiit* per Box, un tin* most rewsonat-tr Irrmv omke ft ,iroiiK iicmon.lruliuo lo lorm u Irt-n the ' Course of kis rambles be fell in with a i t-'uOu t)** nf'Uo u.ou .ubmuilbU ftbrlci,rum | Prei’renoiwd by Di. R. D. Havsi, and bold, wh< IcaoJa tttd ralaU,. woman nametl EiU-u .Smith, nf Baxter .Street. ““ T. by CliAULF;8 ll.KKNT. Genciwl Agrut for (b* Uiilird Huur^ OH rivi! koxik fgu onk dollar. N U. He has oiH* favor tn a*l^ of p«Hka»era—to CITE 8iai* out ot Wwiern lVxa». U'e htive lately la*. Nua 6aii(i U Applelou-8t , Lawieuca. lllte|.,tO Msfli Hos eouuin* 26 pills. •owly22 lilU A’CAl-L befurr buying eUrwhere, and ka wlU show than au Agtot for Waterfllle. iOit 'l.HKN «V t o. tuve lareiMd (heir ucw Moik of Vsik) JU8BFII MARBl’ON. 'a thesis Bultable .New Yaar's au>l ( biUtma* Gift". and they OD|ieaitatingly aver ihfti the foreigner, or the t IVB Fointa bpllo IihA nol IrRIlftpIrod, hut * n»*u AUat tlm umat rvaonuabl prioea. Fruueb castor, Uitv- VVdUnilh*. .Nof.2P. JS^-aOtf in ihn nnnrau I... t I .1 .11 1*1 • ! ®i aud Oaruiao cloth Ovcfcoata; Heavy Pilot, UutooUnluQ aud Hai-^ttt- IFee iliait sd«( rtlseii rut* la tu day 'a in»l*'r 111 liltf COUT80 Ol evpul# JtJ5 HMHdI lIlHt hII t)l hlfl j iiiett 8acka->-doubWor blnglc breasted. Vrwk*, Mouky Jacketa, kltetrUl'a tiatv. there are lb a man oppoted to slavery. There K SkKssiU), n —Dcccoibcr 8i. 1966. j Wsaerritle Aeademy. are nlw> ihibd f BHADUl'HT, leadVM4ri Nie*‘«ib^Mieht hM' ar«i ur)(ih^ life |)t!tti’u(l It'tini Ills puckp|9. Firtfil K'iih iiMlicrifl*' € I I highest Idd'lvr tlterefor, at tticetltie cf Jesbih H Drum-I vJ order* fitMU thoM* In ntvd ot DehCol service#. A B , osslsied l>y a compeUut ta'ftrd tf livririictura- Vnr fur­ XI ”*1^'”^ 1 jjI i.ji L,go l,M i/t il... To U fbuod au) wlienj 111 thU Tlelnlt).cousUtlug of OvcrCooi'i , uioinl. in Watc-rvill*. on Monday . tli* 2>i’v. *1‘d January, foreiiuiofftrto.lftkaaiMW eftsil in fft*or oLjlie “ ■? ' , . "I'l'ltfd «p Him policf.,Snd fcAi Uuii.r r«.t,, cou, Vr.o., .nd ua.'p-itci lie t« prepoted (•> furnUh atuu^pitevle dentiius ther ptirih'nlir.'spplv taVka PrUud|va|. l.roiJSf^??,eJ^eb!!vin(Sworkofdrillit.u .''“‘I J,~nv "‘n * “‘JV I D. 18,«8, ai2 o’cluik, P M all the right In (•tuiiy of Giitrga aute Miowiug da- j Applclvu Btracla. Vor , scribed mortgaged iraTeatate from any ui*-r*gafca und «ala im | UUli*#—CoaNar uf Malu aud 1 PIKCL of laud I'oi.taining about 60 scraa, koown Oi tk# ) examine our block before purchabtug elawhare axveution, tu wit Oue uitdivkUd hull nf (lie David lluoU-r Be Hitew M» fair at H T. BM«u f'u-'a A abort-toru plat*, Ukti.glng te the FaUlr nf Um late Rw Onn Uottr Mwrili ofTipoBlc llauk. fhnn. so raitad.sltuata In Cttidou lu saM cimniv ot Kvitavl*rc. | Maratou A (•art of sobl laud 1# lu giwoaaiid a partU w#o4-toiM. riwoff and uoundrd oa ibilow*. to wit: cnitheriy bv land (4 Joseph I ND Um k at the 1 ew and l•c.^u'l^ul Gimdk Juri op**'**^ WalwvUW, Nov. 1.1836. U nir sulweriU r wtll fooiivc srak'l pneoasU h*r •-nid laud unlUOA# amt Parker Piper and l«**a Baker, au‘l the Ablather Woodsuu FAuhrutdciie*,* Vraotek |lali<'al«a, Kusewnod writing Dr*ks, flt.*i >Uv of Januarv uc»t. Term* of pavtncni. ca*h ou dedvary (^ence, ana ultVM|itinatVveaol tbeSlftte •puJd I !^Olt(f0. XrQTIOt Is beraby glvail, Mial ik* aabaerlbor lua* baaaduD farm; westerly, by land of PhUlp C lloH, ioutbaily. by laud Ladiva\ ’ caiupautosa, UkU PatUoilus, French ai*rk bags, wur^ t[of.h\.U IHYUUFMHHWK, Adialulslraior. It kupalatad Adwimlatnuarott the eoiate of lltapUau Starli Ube lo see s dWiMoa, jrci ilivy fear lo ieM liiei in poosoMlioo of JoUu ItuunrU aod Footer Urnwn : aud aatU-viy, Uoxta, 4c...... I lha* u»l«er U*, l*v66 , ______^ ___. V______^ ___ ^Ute or Wotervllla In tite Couaty of Ranuabao. doeaaMd, In- by the AghaMkook river i couteiulog lour hundred aeiea, murv All inalerialft used lu Urarbm OUeAlinn Bill wkctlhf^r flt**v move or noL ibe “T*liT/U» Mt^W’■» Visn.’*—AR Inbplicd oaytitf. fklfilUd taataW, avd baa wadavtokao tkot tniai by givtog bo«d os IIm ur ie»a. teMegBor vUb all tk* bulUliogs ua lb* auulberly bait. J. JI. PLAI.'TKU k ‘-0.1 qucaiion, iJU wuoinor IM-(■# dw-uO. 1M_7 AVIIBK Hj »ABT(>N^^IW|i y Vherlf.^ V I Painting fur sale* by Patent Folding Umbrella. torcisilbu• urci^MkrA sillWill fDQVttmovu . lorfor IheinIDCCn «ltUaiid oringvrilin oo,ou , IimlicatHwiMt knowkna-H a ran.adynn.Mlrlor tor rough*,rounn.-rtild., coiat.sora mt- laroau.seibra-U, t« — ''ib. ■tut-orMSd4-<:-M

.1. ifT I’LAISTKO A CO. I WINTER CAMPAIGN OPENED t ! HATS! HATS! Dll. E. F. WHITMAN. AMDROBOOOaiK & KENMBBBO R. R. AN rt A L A t » OTit " ncAi.rnh t.\ N K.W (i 0 0 I) S ! I oculist AND AURIST, rOl) TIfff CORI Off Drugs and Medicines, 1141 t'Oiirl 8lreet* • • • lloaiOH. Asthma and Consumption. AT MRS. BR ABB'ORY’B. | •• X 1 N T «, o 11, s * n V H s T r r I' 8, Also, Inventor and liannfaetnrer of NKW ANl>^ Sfgjt y MiOitatl'HrL'LlA HATKIIVII.I.K. tSI’I.KNUID ASSOKTMKNTafKmbrnldrrlea ol tho hHte.l i \ Htj lesjiist reccireif direct from New York and selling rap* r N V t S I It I. K K A n T R U M !• K T S. N FAI.L AltilANUKxMKNT, HYOEANA ELMWOOD HOTEL, l«!ly at T«ry low prleca. | ArtHlrlal Ryes made and inserted at Sliorl Notice. N and after Monday. Oct 1, 1865, Passenger TratMSwlfl nroiishl Home l* ihe Do*, .f Ihs MIllloMi flninrr ol Mulii an.l In tli« litiniiivni* Orih rn IUS’ aM\ o(lvr«dfot sale In Waterville,and will ha sold at prices on the Rastem R. It., to all Btations on this road and on the laUodueed Into the stotDach,aod aubJect to the procesa of iil ntteri<1i‘>l to, on »|>p}l«'ution ut liin lllnok niid rulored VwhvU and ftaUiis-LFlaln and Wa- to which the humsn rare Is subject, its merits cannot be thk;wi|lff4v««n(lre ton highly extolled. Indeed, it may be ealied the panacea. Its Penobscot and Kennebec R. R. by this Una. digestion.’’ The llygeana Is for sale at all the Drun^J Main Street, opponite .MeroleMrii lltock, Irrrd llinck Hitka for C’npr*. Ilnatfiira ai M. I. K. • Togathet wBh a large assortment oi admilted by all who give It a trials vis—Habitual Costlvcnq|s, The Inhaler is worn on the breast, under th« Hnen, wlihob MiVinrry^ Dret% and Ufpairinff AITertlons of the Liver, Impurity of the Blond, Piles, Epilepsy, Penobftoot & Kennebec Kailroad. the least ioeonvmleorr—tbs heat of the body being anSelei wiri^iAm DVi^K, Of all kinds ofl^TRAW IlONNKTH. done in the best a'ryfe ' Boyi’ Hats and Caps Scrofulous and all other huiiiors. DycpepHla, Dillious AITections, to e|n|K)rate th« fluid. Hundreds of rases of cores, like the f Apothecary and Druggist, Of the prettiest patterns, always on hand. D) ^eutcry, Diarrhoea, and hII other diseases of the bowels, will lowing, might be named. LATKSr FASHIONS IlF.ClM.AULY KKCKiVF.H. ' be completely removed by its use. tYnteTTlUe Orl.1856. Fall Arrangement for Onlobor f, fN5S. ' One package of Che Hygssna has cured ireofthe AstnWo XVATI-.ltX'II.I.K, MAIN!-:. All of rhe almve Onoda will bo sold at prices which will present { In sbortit ’will renovate the whole system and place It in six years’standing. J F. Rxtskntnf, P.M., Duneannon, Fa. 1 A condition to renist the attack of all con'Aglous disease*. Let N and after M'mdav, October 1st, Trains on this Road wil I Great Inducements for Ladies m WING ATE. those who do not enjoy perfect health, resort at once to the use run dally (Sundiytexmptexl) between Bangor and Wo 1 am caret! of the Asthma of ten years’ standing by 1^: CtL Moiticinep compotunlc.l ftnw«|| Man. I^envc Bangor 7 45 A. m. Nos, 12 Ijr 13 Franklin Avenue. Botton, 52 JONA. UIGGINH, Agent for \VaU>rtiU«. 2 40p m. of a severe ease of Bronchitis by tbe Hygeana. Connsellor at Law, and Notary Public, Arrive at Wnterville 10 22 “ 6i0 “ court II. 11. II.\Y, solo agent for Portland, and general retail agent. The Rev. Dr. CftxxriR, of N. T., testifies of our medklnp ij Th6 BeU Assortment [BCTWKRN AND COItNIlILL STaiBTB.) nETUHNlNG; XV A T K It V 1 I, I, K . MII-LINFrilT OOOD.S. tENTR.\LLY located—convenient for Rll—not In costly apai-t- tho following language.^ Offlre with Ttnnteile No^on. Retidenre on Collrgentirel. / nieiits. nor subject to high reuts. VAIN KILLEKl Leave M'aterville 4 50 p M. 800 A.M- Ntw York, Not. 16, YIM. Arrive nt Bungor 7 15 “ 10 50 “ Dk.vr Fix—I think highly of Dr. Curtis’s Hygeana, as i 1 the“ 11 ?mJth nr>tiM-’> N just opened by Miss L. K Ihosi.U, at her store, CUnder th«M ctreumsUnees, being a practical hatter, and hav­ OLD RHEUMATIC AFFECTIONS CAN BE CURED BY THE corner of Miiin and Temple i^reetSi embracing ing liad loog experience in the business, he can sell the Tho passenger train from Bangor connects at Keodail's Mills remedy In diseaaeit>f the throat and lungs. Having bad anat C AIiIj and see: I best Moleskin Hats, (usually sold for 96 00,) at the low price of Cramp and Fain Killer. with train on the Kennebec and Portland Railroad, and at opportunity to teetlfy Its efficacy, 1 am eonvloced IbsAlAUa- I llunfirte, Hihbon*t Flower*. I«area. Kmhroidrrire IVatervllle with train ou the Androscoggin and Kennebec U. tt. most exceliunt medicine, both (he Syrup and the inhaling ai^ ^ The liirtjfnt Stork of I — swn — J84 00. Terms,Oash. On hand at all seasons, the Best Quality of Hats, of the most eacon henry hunt was cured of Neuraloia or Sciatio By this train passengers reach Danville Junction in season for plication to the cliest. * Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, Trimming Goods, Flannels and White Goods Rheumatism, after having been under Che care of a physi­ train for Montronl. and hy either of tho above Hoads, reach Prof. Center writes us at follows— approred fashions, lints made to onior and warranted to At. Dcian six months. The Cramp and Pain Killer was the first E»fir ofTrrecl in W nfertllk'. nt llir old .HUind Of Oentlemen, by sendii g the aite of the head, epn have a hat Portland in seaaoo for through train Io Boston and Lowell Oemlimim—1 have recently had occasion (o tet( yontl MOURNINO OOOB8, forward* d by expresi to any part of the eountry thing that Afforded him any permanent relief same day. Cherry Syrop and Hygean Yapor, In a ease of ebronlesoi^ WM. L. MAXWKLL, Mohair Caps. Veils Olnves, Hosiery, etc. AM which shel.i All kinds of hats repaired at short notice. Iy34 David Bareir was cured of a Rheumatic Pain in the Knes, Stage Coimectone. throat that had refhsed to yield to other fbrms of tfeatmeBtl I determined to «ell at the very lowest prices, and which her eus after three or four days and nights of Intense suffering, by one and tho retuU hat satisfied me, that whatever may be the eoM eoti*latlnt.'in |x;irt of U'omrnV. Mi.^ncn'and Ohil'.rrnN Hniler ^Ule of the t'raoip and Pain Killer. Newport, stages for Dextor, Dover, Foxcrofk, andMooid* lloota. n'omnti'n Kn'ueh i»n*l tlnmmmi KVi Unxkinn, Mlfnen'iind tmuer* ami friemls htb respectfully invited to examine. head lAike, connect with trains each way. At Pittsfield, stages position of your preparation, It Is no Imposition, but an eiil Kid •inl I’njrnt In’Kther Rnrodin, Ancle Tlc^. etc.— WatervUle. Miiv .3. 1855.______L E. INQALL9. T II. Carman, suffering from Cramp In the lliubi, the enrda cellent remedy. 1 wish forthe si ke oia the afflicted, that kl of hla lega knotting up in large bunches, whs cured by the for 8t. Pittsfield, stages fur 8t. Albfins, Hartland, Harmony. Al»o, description. Cambrlilgo and A'hcns.connect with trains each way. might be brought within the reach of all. " Royi’ and ToMthc* t'oininon and Fane* SItoea. Another Large Stock of New Goods, Cramp and Pain Killer At another time a few applicationa I entirely cured him of an exceedingly bad llheumalio affection Bangor, 8ept. 28, 1855. WILLIAM CUTTER, Supt Dr. Jonas, one of the most celebrated Physicians In Newl All of which will W atdd ae cheap f<*r cash aaran W hon^ht In Now n|M‘iiiiig at li. T Ft.ltKiti A CO.'fl among which sr* in.the back. York, writes as followB— " •own riraprcall and examine nt thcfullowint; prlreji— i fiO Res New stiles .M. D« lotilns nt 121*2c(d. being re ured Co the verge of the grave, was cured hy the ^ ATLANTIC, Capt Oxoaoi Knioqt* In o ease of chronie Bronrhltls, and being much In IkfOT dfL « Wonien'N Kid Shocp, from • . hi'to 1 50 700 “ “ “ very tine and wide,*25 to 86 cte. >(1. Cramp and Paiu Killer. and rOHKNTClTY, Capt P. A. PaiNoe,wlII ran aafollows: counter Irritation in affbctlons ofthe ibrMt, Broaehlal tnheil •fid other work in ppoporth.ii. ('ualoni work done bp naiinl. 1000 “ New styles Madder I'rints, fast colors, 6 els. yd. John Ruorman, after having suffered everything but death Leave Atlantic Wharf, Portlaod, every Monday,Tuesday, and longs, I onntherefore cheerfully reooommead your Bla ” Waterrllle,Mn> S, d.ltf ) 1000 “ do. do. cheap, 4 to 0 c(*. yd, from RHEUMATISM, which seemed to pervade almost every Wednesday,Thursday and Friday, at 7 o’clock P. M., and eated Apparatus as being the most convenient and *ff'***n 1 l(KX) ** Extra Hue DelK'ges, ITcU.yd. part of the body, was cared by the Cramp and Pain Killer. Central Wharf, Boston .every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, mode of applying anything of tbe kind I have ever sees. NoL I. B. KePARLAND, ^ I noL’SEKicunixa coods. STOVES—KITCHEN FURNITURE-GUNS. A man In Portland was cured by it of Bilious Cholic, when Thursday and Friday,at 7 e’clock P. M. doubt tbonsands ofpersonsmay be ieUeted,afiffmal^ bis life was well nigh despaired of Fare,in Cabin .... . S1.25 by using your medicines. Saddle & Harness Mfidfer, Of «very dosrripttnn, at equally Low Prlroatalao, II . W . B A R N K T Hundreds have been relieved by It of toothache, ague in the I must here be allowed to confess (hat laraopnoied to pfi. NFORMS the publio that he has Jnst returned from Boston ” on Deck...... 100 Main {Slli.‘l. tao/arrive in season for passengers to taku Che earli­ N B.—Dr. Curtis’s Hygeana is the oRiofKAL and OMir dliW-L RmbrniderieM of every de-crlptlon, and at less prirea than ever kind neatly and promptly done. D the New England States. lyd est trains out of the city. imbarticlb; all others are base Imitations, or vUeaod ivnmt«l lEM* CG^»T^^THf OH HAHP, txeforc Iteard of In Watervlllel Togelher with a full asAortnient KITCHEN FURNITURE: The Conipany are not responsible fot baggage to an amount 0U8 counterfeits. Shun them as } ou would roisON. IIariie«TeBf>r Mirdeaerfpiiona, Horae lllauKcla, \V1iIiib, of Carpetings, Rugs, Rorkings, Oil f'inihsartd Froth* exceeding 95ft in value,and that personal, unless notice is A good good variety,to which he Invllestheattentionofliouse- Thirty Years Experience of an Old Nnrse. For sale by Wm. DYER, end J. H. PLAI8TKD $, ro.,Wate^ I • tid «o rorili, find m» fbrih. «f*. f every grade and price, warranted frevh and free Ifrotn giVen and paid for at the rato ot one passenger for every ville—Dersmorr 8oN,8kowhcfan—M.M. Dntsffoit, North I kueper SIRS. WINSLOW. , u\i Tf: R s Til i: i: 7; &• k 0 » // /; a a n. dust, which will be solilat Doston Wholeitale Pctcoc. ft500addltlonal value. Anson,ly7. Watenllle, htiv. 10 / Guns, Rifles, Pistols, An experienced end Female FliTsiciftn, presents Alay 19,1855. L. BILLINGS, Agent. ______Wn.MAM A. MIITII ft CO. luilaK A«:i{ix<;v. U'ithallthe appurtenances fot their s.vfn and skiltful use, on io the ntleiitioii of Mothers, her A* SIIVCLAIIC tiand in variety. All kinds of REPAIR8 In this department, ^pllR subscribers havy^establlshed a Rook Agency In Phllndel* executed In the best manner at short notlee. BOOTHINa BYEDF, OHEAT CENTRAL ROUTE OULD I^vpectrully take thia opportunity to hbv that owlntr. I phla. and will lu^ish any book or pnhRratinn at the retail HENRY tv. BARNEY. FOR CHILDREN TEKTIIINO. From H'aUrviile io Niagara Falls, Buffalo, and the o«::^a0Llli6 W to Ilia K.XCKKIMNO LOW IMnCKK.and good qiial- price free of posta^. Any persons, hy forranllng the suh- Merchant'a Row, Main Street—late store of A. P. Stevena. lly ofhif t.mod-. he lia.a had auth a ru^h of cuatomera and Mich seription priieof m(vof,th« #3 Magaxines, Midi r« liarpers', WatervtUe, Jan. 1,185&. 26 T will immediately relieve them from pain,allay all spasmod­ dBCAT WEST! an iDcrwMr orrr.«de rer*nflv, together with -ome outdoor l.««i. OiMley*s. I'utnnm*^ tirahara e, Frank Leslie's 'Fashions, &e , ______. I ic action, koften the gums, reduce inllumination, and Is sure ners, he hv hern utial.h* n>giTe* full .learripllon of the great will receive the mega lilies for otieyenr and a copy of a 8plcn. to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it Mothers, it will giro ThrieU of IiIk 0»km1-. Unit the thirl aUxk rerdred tliia Kidl — did lithograph po»ra’t of either D ll■‘hlngfon, Jackson orliHy; reu to yotireelTfs and reliefand health to your children.— Anti tfiio my ftitilUief (xxr purchiuing^niid principle ot eon- or. If suhfcriblng Jbo h 82 ami a 81 Afagaxlne. they will i€>ceive a Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust C mpany ’ Price 25 cents per bottle iliicting my tratle, which ennhle*^ me. with hut probalh fi*w r*. copy of either of the three portraits. If sitbccriblng to $6 worth OK PKNNSYI.X’ANIA. We have sold ve» large quanmies of Mrs. M'lnslow’s Sooth- fflKMiaillMT A ' Itig Syrup during thopa^tslx years—over 20,000 bottles the IA—Fitchburg, and connecting Railroads to Albany.Troy r^fl.llo.,., t<> AI.U AX> KkKl- Til K IlEST ni..l A Vs SKI.I, of Mngaxincs, all thne purtnUts will bo sent gratis. Music CAPITAL, 260,000 DOLLARB, ^ \ 'Vx" *^'*V'* * think ot iiiy (omtwtitotk furnisiied to those who may^lsh it. ; last year. We believe it the best medicine In thewotllfor V or Schenectady, and N. Y. C. Uallroad connecting at Sus­ and i>rothcrA in irade. wliile putting my PJllCKS 80 VKRV Envelopes of etury dcscjiptlon and riie, In largo or small PAX MENTS E.XCl.lSIX Kl.T. Children Teething or for the cure of Dysentery or Diarrhoea in pension Bridge with I.oxv; ,ai think pirlin|.. I in«j l<.„. tliolr frluii.l.liin; l.ut I quantities furnisiied. 8eal Presses, Dies, &c., sent to order. AO I’ltii.XlltIM NOTRB A.N'I) .\» A^tiRSE.XIIC.VTS. Children whether it ori-i H from teething or any other cause — OHEAT WESTERN RAILWAY I . ' It gives universal sutblaction—never heard a qoniplalnt from jim »» wo. r«nhidvO thill It «ill not do lor mo u> ..rrlfioo tlio Every description of Engraving on Wood exccutod with neat- STEPHEN R.CIlAXVKOUn, Pr.sH. intoro.t nod ..Mtnrc ol in> oui.ton.ori. In or»l..r to ki.-n no pri. on ' any one ii'liip It—never sold a nivdirlno So universally success for Ijaniilton, Detroit, Chicago, Galena, La Salle,St. Louis, and neis and des|iatch. Views of Buildings, Newspaper Headings, all pnintM B’est—and at BUFFALO with Michigan Central and ln|, lirlKbbom in Imclo. I AM IlK'l'KIIMINKII TO VJewr of Machinery, Dm*k illustrations, Lodge t'ertiftcates. UIIAKLES O. IML.XV.Bfc’y. PI.INY KISK. Actuarj.. 1 fUl In relieving pain and effecting cures. In all cases above 1 stated, if taken in se.ison, relief is immediate and absolutely .MIchtgan Southern Line of Steamers for Monroe, Toledo and Business t'onN, Ac. All orders sent bx mail prompriy at­ Local Uonrd ornc.'’ 'CPncc Xlc.ilra Knocti Train A Co- Detroit, forming the cheapest, safest and pioot reiiablo Railroad of all tho foIla.log artkdeo, onmolj-.-. tended to. PercOiiB wishiug views of thetr buildings engraver! J .0. Howe & Co.,UlaochaTd, CooTer.. k Co.,NH«h, Callen­ certain. CCUT13 & PKUKINS, Druooistb, 7' -N. York Jnn.2'\ 1855. No. 40, Courtlaud street. route from Watervillc to Buffalo. Niagara Fall'<,nnd all points Hats, Caps, Gloves and Fur Goods, ran scud a daguerreotype or sketh of the building by msil or der k Co.. J. B. OILSIAN k Co., Oeorye It. drey k Co., Weal, as there are no Ferries to cross, and no estra charge for expH'SH. iVrMiiis lit a distance having rnlenlde aticles would Jome Reaa, Eeq., Albert Kfan',?K, Eaq.H.AI Ilolbrook, K>,|. , A Lady of the first rcspeclabillly write-*— moving baggage after leaving Boston. In tin at Tarlelj and to whloh I paj nij- pnrtkular attoiitlon. hud it 10 their advanbigc to address the subscribers^ as we K. U, Kothes.Eeq , Pblllp Oreely, Jr., Eecj., George Xl llliam Dear Sir—I happy to be abl to certify to the efficacy —— ALSO ----- Passengers would do welt to purchase their Tickets before would act as agents tor the sale of tho same. Gordon, Kxq., Hon. B m. G. Hates. ' cf Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sy rup. and to Che trutli of what it leaving home, as they will ther« by prevent all impoaitfon and f Tutiiing find Urni*a Fnrnialiing (Sooda, llitfTnlu nohra, BYRAM k PIERRE, The “Mixed System” of Life Insuri^ncc .vdopted by this is represented to sccomplisit llaviog a little Im>.v suffering Faiiry Slelsli Uuhea, Hlinnl Hnbea, Fur ffiniB, extra charge,-« on the wu\, can stop over at IVn) StMtions if they No. 50 South Third Street, Phil'Mlulphia. Pa Company .and the best English Offices. sci'in'‘*f allthe torn- greatly from teething, who could not rest, and at night by his wish, and have Htnpbtime to view NIAGARA FALLS and the Fiir t'npii, l^idieM' Ffiney Fitra, T runk*. \ ntUra i K DRTIM, _ ny20)______^ MAT HERCS,_ billed Riivsntagea of the Stork and kiutuaj Systems. The ‘ dies woubl not permit any of the rainily do to «o. I purchased a arpwt ilagx, Unihrollat, dc llotac Ulniihet*, ' MAMMOTH .SU8PEWS10N BRIDGE, the greatest works of i premiums t be paid in Cash : and the present yalL’eof Anu- ' bntlif of the toothing Syrup, in order to test the reuiedy . and { Nature and Art AIao, at WHOLCSALE AN© RETAIL, all kludsof .MeiiH* and l!ov«» STOVES, FURNACES ETC., ^ aual Dividends payable in Casli.on deuiaud. or di'iducted when given to Che boy according to direclions. its effect upon UOOI, HATS and CLuTU CATS ^ him Wiis like magic ; he soon went to sleep, and all pain ] <*ara leave noaton. FUchhiirg Aintlon, 7 1-2X.M. rtc 1 f.m. AT KUNUA L.I.'S XIILL8. from fature Prem unis, at the oplion o! tlir party insured. Hcmcniber in rialated’a lluliaiiig, under AimJefon flail OA&iffoyiNiA Ltffi InsDRANCB.and Pormiti-for Ausvialia. OFS and nervousness disappeared. We have had no troulile I Time from Boston to liuffalo, 24 hours. Bi>.ston to Niagara Has been before the ptiblie more than SO fcari, hie with him since,and the little fellow will pa-s thiough with Main ctreet. 'Vatervllle, .Maine Q0M,aDd the Sandwich Islands, at reduced rates el Pieuiiuut ' Falls,24 hours Buffalo to Chicago,24 hours Niagara Falls »nd ia dcaerA-wIly popular in tho cure of y -I AVir Jrmvi/rxy^ctftt/Mtr HV.i;. GEORGE It. BATES, General Agent. I c.''nif«»rl. the excrucliiting process of teething. >i> the sole aid to Chicago, 18 hours NoTem>»«r 2ft. 1855 New England B anch Office, No. 18 Congress 8t. Boston. [o/'*'*’’ 'VinHJow’^ Soothing 8y rup Every mother who regards Thiough Ticket* lor this line may be had at 20 8tate Rtreet, Spavins, Sweeney, Rini.l>eno, Wind«lls, Polo (Jorner of Post Offlre Avenue, a few doors fmni 8latest ' the hertltb nnd life of her children should poMcss it. or Ticket Office, Kitrhburg Railroad 8utlon, Causway Street, £vil. Callous. Orncked Heel^ Gall m all kinrls. ForSale. In Wnteivilie and vicinity, lives and properly nsured by S Uwell, M.-i*.-* ,M!iy20 1853. Mas II. A ALGER. Boston, nt the Ticket Office A A K. Railroad, Waterville, Me., and nil the principle Stations on the A. K. R R,—Alao at Tresli Wuunils, Spmiiia, Bruises, Fistuls,* 8it- H RATII.fKsq., Agent. 8. Plaibtfd, M. D.. Medical Einniln£r ForsaiVhv J^TEl'UrN I’Afi A Co., 149 ChamKei« .«(rcet. New k ’CHK HUU'K llOUSK niol hot on tho Weal ahlo Pittsfield and Newport stations on i’ A.K.R.R. Sst, Sand Cracks, Strains, Lameness, Pmin- * Main .Sl.,noworrapkil hy ItoT. K B.Thnr.lon York and b\ */• PLAl8TEn and IV I> Y E It. Water- ville—I. Dike, F.kowhegsn—G. A Wing. N. F.ilrtleld—M M Baggage checked through from Boston to .'^uspensloti Bridge, ijnxl Feet, Semtehes or Oreosc, Mange, Foot “xX -Vf Ubo. II, K,ty I aUo, tho Hou.e and hot oi, RUSSELL 8. BOULTER. Densmoke. N . Anson ■"■••ud at one or more stores In every town and from fiutpenslon Brixtge to Chicago.. No charge made for uS. ill Slieep, Garget in Cows, Rheumstism, the Kart Hide nr tho name atiecl, no. oeotiplod h, lion .loah \irOCL1) Inform his old friends, and handling. Fare by the above route llarriinaa Keq I'lirchnaerH iiiaj apply to CnaDlibuilh H (ia- M the public gener.illv. tli.d he in the Nep Knglumi .'‘/ft’*'*' ___ S'tes of Animals, External Poisons, Painful M to of llnattm. M.iai.,or to the auh.cribor— has taken the new shop, one iloor north KEODCED S3.00! -Verraiis Affections, Frost Hites, Boils, Corns, _U^.TTlllo,,Vt. M, •«. (16) JAMK8 STACKI'OhK of the Express office and oppoNlte the Custom i^ade Tin Ware, Apply to EDWARD 0. LOU'K, W’liitlowa, Bums and Srahltf, Cliillblnins, Chap. P 0., whero be will keep lonbtnntly on ANUEAO I UliEl)1) l,\In I..I- DIX-i niiau. .111., for sale alE Agent at Ticket Office, A. & K. R iljoad. pe haov boon out ’■ fonrt. on daya nir al.o made of the l>est of oak tiiiinenl« by Druggists and Msrrliants gen- Waterville Air Tight Cooking Btove. endly, through tho United Stales, British Posse*, I 0 6,5 1-2 find 7 Oft. I'l.tNOS. Alco, Pera- FOE CAlTfORNIA! si oils, and other Count-Hos. Aik' hy I phineft, Melodeonj. fired Organa and Md- ^ VIA NICARAGUA. | J. I'l-AisTai) & Co, anil \Su. Drnn, WaterTille- ophineii. lor Bale at Uomiod Erirrii. hy SFVkIV Ili;.>iDltKD AIILKS •IIOlt.TBII | A. LVKfUtP. I FURNITUKK WARE-ROOM. Isnac Donlinm, lieadfielJ—P. C. Bradford, Wintlirop. Monuments and Grave Stones. ' Than 6y any ofAer RouU ! J. P. CAFFREV A CO., UKLMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS mm-, Siih.cnl.rr i« ron.lnnll.v iiinimfnrlarine the beat TJIHOUOII IN ADVANCe OK TIIK MAIL. 1 01 ItiiMiin mid AMii.iiciin Jlnil.k iui« M..i.umpnian„ii ^rilE KubpMiriber Iiaviug establUhed a STOVE 8T0HE and ‘Ills lino of Stcnmvliius, fur •ptioH, snfo- Aiiheiy oldSiana, Comer oj' TempU Afainafv*frfE, llelmboM’s Highly ConreairsleA ty and ucGommuilatlun, iiro iinstir- Ora re .lotiea of any pnllern or ilo.iyn Hint iiinv bo wnnted 1 TIN t^llOP at iieiidalPa Alllla, will constanUy keep a Now offer for sale R complete assortment of Componnd Fluid Extract Bnohn, I eriiins wiHbinitUi purcb.xoe wnr:-., may' bt- a.tureil good aasortnient of 'passed Dassengers will bo pror**dlv con­ veyed over the Nicaragua Transit route,liw (lut W Cabinet Furniture and Chairs, ?0R diacases of the Bladder and Kidney s,9«rtnr «fvle. W. A. K. STKVF.NS. Mouilis, 8«lf Heating smootlilng Irons, rhalti and Cast Iron ; neonvini-c'd tlMitthlsls tbe best Cook Prove in the market forMahogany and eane-baek Rooking-ChalrS,oaneand wood-eaat who start up every day In a plaee like this, end ill Ihe papers Waterviile .lune U, ISTiit. 4Rtj| "Tuckets /nr i^vsTHALiA also fiirnisliod as above, dinld PuDijts, Lead Pipe, 8lie<( Lead and Zinc ; together with • large durability.oonvenieiice and economy; therefore I eau w4th do , of various patUrns, ehlldren's (jo.,ebildren’s Wil­ with glarttig falsehoods, too weltcaleotRUd todertlvetheyouBg, aasortmuut of UrltaoDlu, Tiu, Japanned, EnaBieled, Pheet Iron full conkdriic reccounieiid them to my friends mod everyone low carriages,cradles,chairs, etc.,etc., and those not aquainted with Uteir tricks. You raaoot b« too HENRY CLARK/ Ware, &r., &e, STOVES! STOVES!! who wants • good CooklRg Btevr. careful tn the selt^rtion of a remedy Id theta easel ikdug also expel lenced in the Fnmace business, will ktvp Also,on hand. Pmrlec, Diniog, Sitting and Chamber Stoves, Hnir, f'ottoD, Pnlmt -nf, and Spiral Spring Mnttreesoe. Ihe Fluid Extract Buehn has been pronouneed byemineRl Counie/lor and Attoiney at Law. open and close ^nts, which will be sold cheap for cash. Together with the best assortment aud tho largest siaod pbyiicUnt the greatost remedy ever known. ]tb« medkdne Darby's celebrated Wood Fnmace, pcrfceily pleasant In ItstaMe, and very lonoeeDt In Ite setltBi ■AST PITTSniShlt, . . . SOMKIISBT COUNTV, MK. WatervUle, Qct. IQ, 1855. EDWIN COFFIN. ZiOOSlNQ GliASSES, which will be set, and warranted to work satlsfaetorlly. These and yet ao thorough that It apDibllatss every psrllelt of the Driving Olovea Furnaces, with ail of the above namexl goodr<, will bo sold as FOB THE MILLION! to be found in town. rank and poisontos virus of this dreadful disiase; and, mm- c Iis-ap as at an) other place on the river. Knamelled, Plain, nnd Ornamented tikeany other remediee,doeenot dry up tbedleeiMe iMtheblMof. LAROK BSrortnicnt nf ITitrd anil MrQucilen'fi PLYMOUTH N. U.^-TlN ItooTtKO done at short mdlee and all jol>s done m Constitutional Dsbllily. brotigbl on by self abuse, a motv ter­ DUCK 0L0VK8, vnibracing all the diff«rt‘n( fvfilr* Hnd promptly. j. || KILBRETH. Wa’3. S2®IE3o mUlBIBSilEiS. CHAMBER SUIT.S. rible dleeaie, whkh hae broughlJlMmsaBde oftfae hMMiRM me# VwTsrIetief i.rthcif manuftriurr A'ho, a general ntiHirtrufiitof to untimeIv|{raves,thos blsetiog^e brilliant hopes of parenlf, Kendall's Mills, November, 1H56. lU Wlinteaale aiid RHaH, ml Mareton’e Btork. N.B —All klndsof Cabinet Furnituremanufasturad to or­ CALK, KTD and CLOTH 0l.0VK.<, coi sUiitiv on band and *tl. and bilghUDK In tbe bud tbe rlorious ambition of many a mo- ilngatTrry low gtica^,Bt TlIAYKIl, MAUBTON C0*8. l 8 NEWKLLlsnow prepared Sorffer She largest and best der, as low as can be bought on Che Kennebee. h NEW SPRING STOGK OPENINt?! I M’aterviile, Dee. 1., 1852 . 2fttf bie youth, eau be ourod by tbli JolblUble Kemedy. And ae • C/'• selected Stock of Boots, fiuorui and HiiuuERS ever offered medicine whioli must benefit every body, from tbe simply del­ nABT WnGBLS .—30 piiir*. ramie of the boul \ra.' H. BLAIE & Co., to (he eltisens of Waterville. and nt prices which cannot fail to NEW music icate to tlieconflaed and despairing IntRlld, mo voualls io W White Oak iiinl wurraiited. I'.ir ante t lien(i fneb Hult the most econoinli'a) purchaser. His slock consists of all found, ectlng both as s core amt prcvcBtlve. or crclit. by WII.I.LIAM llliOWN. REnowflpenitg their large aud elegant Fpring Slook of kinds of Lsdies’, Gents’, Boys', Misses'and Children's Boots, ItROKlVED EVMIIT WBKK BT U .Murrtlle. .Inn 19. Ih.Vi. V Dry (ioodv, embracing their usual variety} 'ihocs and Rubbers. J. G. MOODY, 1 Ilelmbold’s Highly C’onrenlrafed CONSISTIKU lb r ART Off Custom Work AND RepAiaiVQ done as usual. All kinds of T T T T T Boot, Shoe and Gaiter P.^TTERHS, ent to order find warranted. nt Ilia Ilook-alore, ^ Compound Fluid Extract Samporills Silks, Velvels, Sliawls,-Ginghams, All Id want of any of the above named articles will find It to roT Pnrirjrlng ih. Hlood, mnovlng all dliu.cT^itai frm l.l) Hyai.n, X’ouiiK Hyann, Kxtrn (Iiio and ojiiiosjto the Puat Uilicei DUJCfN. £LDBN iu Oo.. their advantage to give him a call before purcimsing. nensof Marcnry, «i,oaiiia .ail lu,r«dnce fa lir.,.braal* ------O'- fluvorc'l OoIoik;, Kin»* Oolong, ^iinc Muslins, Lawns, Prints, Waterville, Oct. 8,1666. . 0. H. N EWELL. ; ..nilltatlM.I dliMM, arlalDg ft«ia an of BImS. Only authorised agents for tho cclvhrmted Jluin Street, Wntfrville. sUt. yniig — flue fl.ivnr. nikI prime .Suucliong Tea*, nnw U'lth a cimire assortment of new and fashion.-ible uU M.onljf lelkklooiid.aKtu.lnoi.ilj ^Wliilo Muunulii Air Tight ('ook Blovca, KENNEBEC, 83.-—At a Court of Probate, held nt Augusta, opening uni| for «H]e f>v wvv. i>vi:r nU, Salt Uluuni, Scold Ucod, VIccr.UoB. ol (ho Throat o** Embroideries, Laces and Ribbons. KAA SOLD, amlevery one giving entire satisfaction. Being within and fbr the couuty ot Kennebec,ou the fourth Mon­ Piano Fortes. Leg., P.ln. .od Swclllog. oribc Hone., Totlar, FUiol.. o* lha Carpenters and Joiners, day of November, A. D. 1854. /PHn^ubserlber hescoostantlyonhandeoperlo ».«, OBd oil Scoly Croptloni oftb. Skla. •• <»• In every thing pertaining to a couiplete Dry Goods Btoek,their ulado of NEW iRea, they are notllablo to crack. Wiro largo Hues and heavy guard plates, there is no danger of hurtl­ J’DWlN JORDAN, surviving partner of the firm df Knox ft J PIANO FGKTES, of Boston mauufaclur* ThiA orllrla I. now giotorlbcd by lomo of ihc mo.t dlttla- F rnu wNiit to buy liOOIl TOOI.S ira'I nt K Cnffin'* varieU Isouo of the most extenvlve and select they have ever J Jordan, (Isaac Knox, late of (.'linton, (ItfceoseU, boing the I Heolwnre eml Store Store. Main «t.. Wolerville. offered. ing ous. There is a flue through the back of the oven, (such whichh« willsellon the most.iccommQdatlDgterme. galahcd phyolelon. Ib tho couBtty,BBd bo. piotod Btoyo #•' oa ennuot be found in other cook stoven.) to iviuvey all tbe shviin rother partner,) having presented his acceount for ailowanru: WaEervllU»J)oc. T, 1850 12 JO.^KPII MAKSTOW Cleol io pruUr. ibao loy proporalloB of Sor.op.iliio ..t of- WILLIAM II. .SNELL, \ CROCKERY, and smoke into tbe obliuney, when fuastingand baking; al<^, Orperid, That the said surviring partner give no­ IVrfd to the public Scrciol era of iceoBdoc) tlyphllla, Mer- I Of the latest styles, embracing every thing new and eleganL the «ia)npcra are so arranged as to throw the entire heat under tice to all persons Interested, by causing a copy of thfa ordeV Hnportant to Persons wishingito Travel! corlol oDd ScroIXIoBC dboorci, bore cBtlrcly movtred Ib th. either kettle (n 1>* published three weeks successively in tire Eastern Mall, iBoonhlc wiiOcof OBr P.kIfolBitkaiiOBO wkicb bod forBiB*. Counsellor at Law, prinlcil at IVatervlIle, that they may appear at a Probate Court ■ KNI>AI.I.'8 .X1IM.8,. . . SUMKItSKT t'OL’N Carpetings. Feathers. Looking-Glasses. AR in want of a cook stove, should give this an exainInatioQ ym rooicted orery aiodo cf tRoncai tkol ooiM bo doriooS. .\ne held at Auffusts, In said coun v, ou tbe fourth Monday of Every Dollar Invested brings Two / TbcM ouco lorBlcb Mrlhiaf cxonpl.c of Uii nodkliio la at. P.rtknlM »tl»ntl0B pal. to prorurin. K>lill.n' and they will find it the most econoniieai, and in every partie , mention," but alwsyK on hand, and for sale on the most satls- iar, the la-st stoie evv offered in this section, U- Deceniber next, at ten of tbe clock In tho fon noon, and shew M'iN W^TKD, with a Capital from ftYfiloftlOO, to ccMlnx KBO of tbo Doet lontoroto dlccotoc, alter the xUad* t factory terms. caffse, if any tliey have, why Ihesaitis should not heallowcd were dc.troyrd, aod the boat, ojrrody oScctcd, W. H. BLAIR k CO. ir. K. BAKER, Judge. f)Uw travelln every Hiate, County. City, Town endViileg* Norici.—Lcllcn ftoB roipoaclklo Phi.lcicoi cod Prolk*. BEDDING! BEDDING. K D W I N~C~0 F F flT, in the U. S and Britlsn Provinces, In a light, ea y and respect­ Kupt. to, tS»9t|. tVsterville, April 10/55—SOt ' A true copy attest. Attest—J. Bobton, Register. 21 •arcoficTrrol klodlctl CoUcgM,oiid ccrtlUatooot .att»fi«B Dealer In able business Thooe now ei gaged lu the bunlucss are making T. RLDKN h CO. havi^thla day rcceirod' p.UeiitA -III bo fouBd arraaipoayhig both Prcoaratloai. To tli4 honorable Judge of the Court of Prolmte within and for good pM.v, and are wull pleased with the rhaiie*. Smart,ener­ Pkicu, Fluid Extract llacba, S], ot 8 bottbe for t&. mj9 fur aale Sheathing Paper. Hardware, Stovei, Sheet Iron and Tin-Ware, til* County of Kennel«ee. getic men arc warranted to moke from 1?2 Oft to bjft 00 per day, Ij ARRKP and unlarri-d. for sale at K. C‘OIii'b Hard “ “ Sarupcrllla, •• u 11 pr4 Super Swisa Mill Blankets, nil ^iu‘A. klrc-Fraiiiea, f'arpeiilera’ imd Fnrmcra* Tools, 'rilE UNDhltStGNKD, Guardian of Parah A .,ivniiam G . Re- and a return of ail money invested, every thirty days. For ci)uallB rtrcoglh to OBO gallon of Syr«p of SaraopariSo. 0 •• Oorhuco do du extra qualltU*. < j _ wBriMuut Stove Store, llatn st.. Wnterville. Piiiiils, Oils and IStosN, Ac. Ac. 1 becca K.. Alinlna C., Joseph and Monies F Dixon, minor further partlealars Inquire of an Agent, or personally ef Propored oud aold hy II. T. HKlJlIIIOLII, ('hrailat, M 2t 1ft 4.11-4, 12 4 and 13-4 Lancacter Qullie, 1,50 to 82.75 , 47 Uuo Door North of tbe Post Office, U'atervJlle, Me heirs of Josfqth Dixon, la*e ot ('iinton Gon', in said county, de J081AI1 BRIGGS, 232 ('ongreEs Btreotraia'lPorilaiid Mo I‘^'■aalpui Strcol, near tbo Olrofd Hnaao. PhSodalpkia. 19 10'4, U*4 & 12-4 Meucheelt raud Allaudale. 1.2fito2.26 tVAPVYED, ceased, RUffBcrrULLT HxrRESEXTS.Thnt said minor* are selud 86tf INRAR THE COURT------HOnaa,) Purllalld,^ I To b« hod of J. it, PhAIHTKU h CO., Wotenlllc__ ft tf 14 “ “ Tuilct, Imperial and Mt!lt«d,2,f»Uto5(tU I Y thesubMirlber-Gfti MINK SKIN8, 800 FOX do..and all and poisesed of the following described real estate, vli:—Their J drucglctialpaiat IVImI■ oudaaiaak dcoirrrilaaAlMi.* cr.ry-hero. * 25 largx' vise Us-d Couifurtcri, 1,H7 iu2A0 ' Appleton Uutnal Fire Insaranoe Company. other kinds ufaliippiug Furs, fur which cash aud the high* interest In the llnmestcnd farm of said Joseph Dixon, deceased, FLOUR ! FLOUE!! 411 IcUcia dlrtrUnl to lha Pioprblor or itgrol tkcIto \ ]9mcdlumclic do 1.25to2,00 I U price will b* paid. BOSTON, MASS. silui^tedgln said I'liuton Gore. . AUo, their istcrost la thirteen est brnmls FAMILY FLOLTl coiiEtantly on liuniJ ni.dUlc utlfullou. IjS- ALSO. A LXKQC ASIoaTMSNT or _M'«JtcrvlUe,J>ec i; 23 U Y.MANLEY. Statement of ttie condition and affairs of the Appl«Um Mutual sixteenths of a l^t of land, situate In Kumliain Hi the county of, H. II JIAT, tVbolaaala Aput, Pocllood, Mo.*M Sheetings, pillow raao Uoens, bleached and br'n Sheet* Fire Insurance ('ompany, from tliu coumieuceiuent of its Waldo, and commonly called the River I'd * That advsutsg B ill lots to suit purchitsers. |nK^,all widths, qualities and prlres . Id’d and bruwn ' MAGAZINES FO]^ JAN., 1856, buoine^s, May 2ft, 1855, to the first day of Aug., 1855. eous offvr* liave been made for Gta same, which offer it is for | Hi05UH A. TAYLOll & CO. ^OLl) PENS, tiall and try them. the interest of all concerned imuiedtately to accept, the pro-> Table Spraads, ||u«n Uamasks, blM and uubl'd: ' A'l' JaU. inOODX'*«. Bungor, August, lB-53. OinU J 0 MOODY Crashes. Ticking*, Drilie, m.ipetv. ' 1 Amount lusoied since commenoemeot, •1,93090500 oead* of Mie to W put out at Interest for tho benefit of said Bolliua, NapkUS) Ac ku. I Detersou’s Ladies’ NatlonalMagailuv; tirahani’sNatlonal “ Termloated, l,ft7.3!551JW nilDors. 8be therefore prays that LloeoKe may be granted ” Now at Risk, WW,254.00 TKAVV KUN^K rs repHirod at short notice by rutiiau’s; lllustfatrd Alagaaius of Art; Harper’s MagaMne her to sell and c-onvoy tire almve desrribed real estate P> the Mi$S INGALLS. BLACKHMITHINO. OAnPKTIXfJS AND FEATIIKIIS. | Qudvy ’ff Lady’s Dtmk. “ Cash Premiums on tbe above. 25,215.86 person making said offer, according to the statute In eurti coset S int Undcnlgncd haring fom.d a partnrrahip Bodor th. CT The largest assortment and lowest priees are at ' “ Of Premium Notes, •25,708,27 made aud provided.______PliKBK R. DIXON. Iiw of WOODMAN OBd BBNBON, oAir thoir Mc.laao la all ___ ^Vuj, 2 if J Routrlie Bkuk. ' KKN.NEBKO, 8.8.—.\t ii t’ourt of 1‘robQle, held at Augusta, witli “ Llalillity ofthc Insured to Assessment, 74,4{>6,45 I Blacksmithing. workT Id thtir lino, iBcludlng llaiMand OxhhoalBf, -hlohlkox In aud for (tie (Tiuiity t>f Ksnuubec, ou tlic sccikkI Monday of “ A "sets of the Company, 09,71'2.81 CouKTYorKiKNXBic, w.—Atat^ouriof PinbaU held la Au­ ^ H K eubaoribor bavlnff,a purohRied ....the to-x-c^ la th. rory W BaBBov. Wllk Dci'emlK'r, A. D., 1655’ “ I/sses k Expimses Paid, 18,400,06 1 gusta, oil the fourth MtSDday of NovemWr. lh&5. Molasses, Flonr, Com, &o 1 “ “ ‘‘ lotPaW, 8JJft0,20) A Ulnvkimilli hliup li> Wiu.luw, lioar th. i ccrrlc, ih.y frol r/X nuns Kxtr« .wen .XIOI.A.S.SK.S, for >nle liv Win VTII U. MllflEiJ^R, widow of Krastua 0. M'heider, late of S3.2I8,16 I On the petition aforesaid, Grdkmbo . tlial notice Isr given by TBnpot, U prepared .o' nny work re^ .IVi MOOR, near ih* A. &■ A R R. Depot, t’lour, ‘ M atervlllu, 111 said County, deceased, iiaviug presented tier “ On hand and du* to Oocnpany, 6,805,01 publishing a copy of this petition, with thfa oidvr tlMreoo, Rapplicatkiii for niiowam-e out of the iwrconal estate of said dellalanre­ In favor nf t’ompany after paying all loaaes ___ qiiired in n counlrv shop. In the Blnckimlth May U, 1856 43,1 non s-Mon- 1 Coro. I.lme, Salt. A-r A,-, nt the loweit nricee. AI»o ■ tliiaa weeks suoecAxfVeiy. in tha Ku-Utrii Mail, a newapapsr ceased: OsoLaiptx, That the Hoklwklow give notice to all persons and expenses for which the Direotoiw eonsider the printed In Waterville, that all penous interested may attend on line. He hue in lii« emplnvinont, . an experienced work------r—~——;r~------' I ^ a lot ul Doore. .K.a.h „od Window lllioJi. | Interested, by causing a iimy of this onior to lie pubUahod throe company are liable, up to the present date, 70.4»8,1(: the fourth Monday of Ifocetsber next, at a t'ourt of Probate inun, who, Ht ul) times, hiis hie forge lit up. Hiid will Xl'oleiville, Oil. 1C. 3^,4 j ladiftft’Life Pwierren weeks siicreeslvely In the ^teni Mall, printed at tVaterrllle, The fort'golng is a full statement of the condition and affairs then to ht holden In Augtt*ia,aiid shew rause. if any why the dttiptitoh R job without eayiiig tu hw QUiloiueri-^’ welt that they may ap|>enr at a Bnxbate Court to be held at Auinista, I •conoroioRl hr tho SELF. 7 U'.NT’S a..we.i CALI- nOO'l S. juI77e'^i7ed of the Cnmpauy.prepared by the Dirpcters ami Is now sub­ prayernfsNid petition should not Int grunted. Huch m.tTcoto till tomorrow. *< ill oald (oiuiti, oil the muad Monday of January next, at ten be iriveu b fore said court. 11. K. BAKKR, Judge. I V L AI IRON, oold wholciale giid rolMiJ* XI aiol for .ale by C. S. .NK WKI.I, mitted to e members agreeably to r vote of the Comitanr. ^ ^ Rolo Rgoiii for Kennobeo Oo. of the clm-k hi the fureiioou, ami aUew cause, If any they have, passed 8epi ber 15,1865. ‘ Att«s(>-*J Bcrtom, HeglsUr Horses shod ell round Mew, fov One Hollar, Farmers' Boilers. 1 why the same shuulil not to olluaod. ’ The Directors are gratified lu being able to present so favor­ Copy of petlllQU and order of Court. In R judieioub and thorough manner,/ur rash. Other JIVHte>.ill.,.A-,,. a, IliU, able a report nf the business and success which has attvoded IH ______Attest—J. B_yRT^. Rei^lster. ^'BUNKS end V ALIhKS, ell .lie., oheeu ei ” A Tru.. J. Ruiroa, work ennnlly reesotmble. f • wvxf «n he M.ed Id IUouh. or the efforts that have been mad* to extend tbe operations of (be Thia mvorita looation and thoroogh mRiiner In which ^ ______A, SfNCLAIKX. 1.I Hog !?ilowar,ilowae. •• “ farforeatehv vale by si Forrrlostir^ oPMIorigage- r- COKKIN. XTOTii'K —All...... i.,i.n,.i .1 — 1 I <’onip»Dy. They not ben obllp»l to .wom tk. uu.iiil>«n all work will bo duno, I trusV will receive the publio N tbl und.r,lidi5 Tllhdraro ih!! ^ ’ n" aTi';’ , **'"<’ “ •>>« mnubom rplOMAH M. MUllRAY, William A. Mhrray and Nathaniel XWK GRKAT NATVRAI. RBMSSV Powder! Powder!! I Murray euiiveyed to Thomas L. Whithn»p, hy deed of mort­ piitrutmge. HIKAM ^IMUSON. I KKGSjustrecelvedaud fersaleby gage* I'aUsl (let. 29, 1A39 a lot of land situate in i'Unton, and do- WlnRiow, .lune Id. 1855. 48tf Me -1- t^l;.t'’.h;r^7o"!^L«^nCo^^.M^^ ambed as fulRowa, to wlii-^Part ttf flftean mile lot I, 1, bound- ' Indigostliin aad Dyspopd*. 8. T ELD r.N It ro traded hy oald UnUm, or its agents. 'mniutuy, and there RISH MOSS for enle by David 1*. Moiiiaou, will l>eno occasion of ever making an aBSesatent; the prosperity od westerly 1^ cheek lot imiiiheml three; nortbvrly by Die n*. d. 8. HOUtiUTON'S PSPUN.Ihefoae Clarrlssa Pullen, which has hitherto attended It will be porpetuated, and tiie north lino of f, 1: easterly by Und fitmierty sold to Admhiun ______J H £LAISTKI) fc CO Land Warranta. Cyrus t\ beekir, Jr, Amanda Pullen, Uaereio Juice, .till espente usually Incurred In securing pndectlon by insurance Hiukler, and suutoerly l«y (he south Ihie or IVlnthrop ft Dkka- hold, the 8r.tpUe. euio*. .|| tb. rerieaij T"r. .ubtrrlbrr will ronllnu. to pay tb. bifbrU prlfo fot Ambruce P. M<*rae, Albert Wheeler. greatly diminished. son’s part of 1,1 — cmtlMiiliig one hundred and twenty-eight Bnilding Materials l«and‘“i* Warrauts. TIIOMAaw""...... — Greeulief Hlia», 11. D. CorotM, -- - r 'Msmtdlesfur theae n^Mdrd^ntHlwa IIKKUICK. ROA RD Off orrtoXRi: arreiw moiv or U‘SS. 8aier. WllliRm Pnisifer} Fresldenl aud Treaturer. And notice Is hereby g^vso that the eondltlou In said mort­ Steve Nlure, Mei* alreel, Waterville. Crookery, China and Olaaa Ware. West Waterville, Dee. 6lh, 1855 8w22* niRROfORIt gage has been broken, by reason wberaof 1 claim a foreclosure. S 27 i’ACKAUKS juti r.oeivui anil ..llinf...... ^ at Hneluii William PuNifer, Gilbert D. Gooper, Ichabod Macoaiber, Wovoi^crM, 1856. »• JAMES BRIMNBR. , FOR SALE. wholnattle prioea, hr K. T KlaDK.V...... &* (H>. Information Wanted. Eheu Pulslfar, Utepiieu Miller, James Cnuner. qA M BeMwoorf Bo*rdt, Ul quelltv, aulUble for door Sylvester Phelps. * To the llonorahlo Jitdgo of ProbaU In and Ibr UmCounty of Ken- 'THO’S A. TAYLOtt 4i CO. ' m. aARAII U. UOED U'll bwbiour In Uetioll on thclnt 0\f panel.. AUo, Sebaatopol Takan. of 8rpt. iMl. .upiaord |«riU]|y luMn«. Kbo ra bnuti BBBN PULSIFBR,Secretary. us hoc. N*. AS WIWT MARRItT SOHARR. RASOWB. Ull iXasiA. Mrain «rnl«n oUhiI 6cl. 1. .I»r. nlibU no lnlrll%rnr. bn. brrii UMBLY RKPKKHENTS Ruth B. Wheeler, of WefaivUle. In to qabts. KUKl oath. O^eSf No. $, Schollag's J^utkliu^, Treusoni Row. ‘ JuviUfino** barley, rrcHrMI. Hbr nor. o»hy o il.rk ttmn ,lo Uln. Uranl «KO 88 „ , . . II said County, ihet site it (he widow of Jhamius 0. Whci'ier, X TRUCK wagons. • yronii ratbrr briow n-l-l Hr .la.-; dark bronii limlr nud Aill fi.rr ‘ nraton, Aufuit, IflM. late tMfsaid WatorvUU*. ( AUQUBTUS T. IlOn’MAN, Agent, Xl'olri.UI. ivel esUte, lu which she is uutitled by law to dower; wborefore Frio*, low, for ea.h or acceplekle oredll. rredved, and all reasouabie charges paid, MIIaEHIIUUU 1 ^ — _ . . she prays ihot Cosumbslouers may be appoluud by your Uo^or - .E®!*!*!”*’ "*• 'M—IH4 Wm. bruwn. GRASS SEEikS, fO WREM 4- SHOT.' D*lrt4t.Me..l>er.l0.1966, ** F ADJES I cftll it E. Coflln'R llitrawiiro iii.l Slot# to set uf aud aaslgii her dower iu the iiremlses, accormng to law, ortM Vlli b. Klyni, Aclltnwt at hi. Muni, urar tlir A a K U M ^ RUTH B. WHEELER. !>»»«>«■ ___ _ 14.x « • » n ». , .If Slorl one of tho.o I-IKK I’BESI-'.irN'KKii I Storeol Bariy Crop Molaatoa------?—i m ~ . ------KENNKBIld 88.—-Al a Court of Probate qehl at Auouste, In said B^UqiETT*S DTE HOPW, IIH08. Kxtrn .wool early crop MOI-AS.SKS, fur' lAntt WMTanta. Oouaky, on \i»m aac<»iid Monday of Deaemker. A. Dn 18i|c DUNN, KLDHN k 00. uOrr lh.full.^g at flMt bergelD.: Offies IIO "WashtHgton strsu, JE^slon, TO WHOM IT MAY COHCEBH. Umu MounUIn, .IIiill.A'MaM. Bay 8lefo, ’ >alo by K. C. 1-0 WK, at A.'tl A", it" ii llon'ol ' Tliatnlawribor, bavlug made arrangomanU Io Ho. On Ihe farMoiiig petition, OmnuEM, that aaU potitionar fivf T ADIFB'DRKSSKS, Cloek., 8hewl8, asd other erU- fpiia f.runl h.rinx .own lii. •«,4 .nd KHliri.Hl bU r,on> 100 nolke Umi«< tiuwe wc«fts siM*rMeiv*ly. In Easlem Mall, K.uncboc Vulcan, Black, Our 8lat«, 1 -by m«; not lb. iii«:baiik||.Mb.r in nbil b. b.a mwu the high- " ■"J OoleUed In e etyle vhtash eeldeoe '"**^‘*< *"■ >' XIAxS'^iaiT .111 ?'.r"«:"" •' ...... PHr'jfo'jtrN^otrHii'iiNis?.::, v.fLan' prittivd iu WnNrv^, eold t'ounAy. tiij4 oil pereiMts fakWiwatad 8lc«aa('a Alt Tiglit, Troy VIotury, EllMhathea. I allow. may attend ate t^«a(t Copr^. Io b* held sJ Aeiiurta, on 4tw KiupIroPUtc, ’ Puidard,^' . Ca®rot ‘oENfufMKN'S OVEBCOAT8, Dmr' Co»4 ,□(' DRUMMOND ** **“' ““f** ‘a. Hum. ou nr U-bir. ib. ar.l itay of _w.iorvmo, Oct. hmwx. , 3.I.U seaoiid -Mamlay of Jaiusaty iwxl, ajid ld ffftnioftt ftluHei M itian •*. simk ,1. (i. M(tlt|tl XViilrivillr, Jim, J. 1)'Kl* Tiue <’j>py of |ir(tti»ii ami order thervon. & CO AttvM J Bi'rtok. Redi^tt-r ■)^prifg^l8iM. iW;-