The B-G News October 31, 1958

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The B-G News October 31, 1958 Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 10-31-1958 The B-G News October 31, 1958 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News October 31, 1958" (1958). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1444. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Weather Thought For The Day Friday, tunny with UrUe 1#mp«ratur« Anger makes dull man witty, cnan«*. Htqh U to IS. but It keep* them poor. ^X-GX^ —Bacon Vol.43 Bowling Green Slat* University. Bowling Green. Ohio. Friday. Oct. 31. 19S8 No. 12 Violation Brings Identical Name 3 Suspensions Causes Mix Up Three men students have been Some confusion has arisen over suspended from the University for the recent suspension of a student the remainder of this semester be- from the University because there cause of a violation of the Uni- were two Larry Lee Fruth's en- rolled. versity's alcoholic beverages re- The Larry Lee Fruth who is a gulation, it has been announced senior physical education major by Wallace W. Taylor Jr., dean of in the College of Kdurntion has 1 men. not been suspender . The violation occurred during the Homecoming week end. Scholarly Juniors All th'ee will be allowed to ap- ply for icadmittance to the Uni- To Be Recognized versity next semester. Dean Taylor stated. SORORITY SCHOLARSHIP NIGHT was held Tuesday night la ih. main Photos by Hsrge At Meeting Monday chairman of Alpha Delta PI. received the silver plate for the sorority with the auditorium of the Administration Bldg. Featured on the program were a film Fifty-eight high ranking juniors on scholarship and the awarding ot trophios for scholastic achievement Receiving greatest Improvement from Miss Carol Lens, assistant to the dean of women. the trophy for the sorority with the highest point average last semester Is Undo The sorority with the highest pledge point average was Iappa Delta. Carol in thc College of Business Admin- Gee. president of Alpha XI Delta. Presenting the trophy Is DeUght Thompson. Rant, president ol KD. accepts the trophy from Virginia Weadock. president of istration received invitations this Student Office president of Delta Gamma, sponsors of the trophy. Mary lane Csuctal. scholarship Alpha Chi Omega, donors of the award. week to a social "Get-Better Ac- quainted" meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday, in the Alumni Room of thc Union. HoursThe officers ofRelessed the student body ^^ %. fe^ ft.^ ScholaStkally; The faculty of thc College will be hosts to the students, all of have released an announcement whom have a point average of 2.6 stating; their office hours. At these or better. times, the four officers will be Dr. Gilbert Cooke, professor of in the Student Body Office, 219 business administration, Dr. Le- Administration Bldg. The tele- A D Pi, Kappa Delta Receive Awards land Van Scoyoc, professor of eco- phone number of the office is 416. nomics, and William Schmeltx, as- Norman Nunamaker, Student Alpha Xi Delta, with a point average of 2.880, received sociate professor of accounting, Body president, is in the office the Esther Russell cup for the sorority having the highest will present information about from 3:30 to 5 p.m., Monday gratluate work. through Friday. Lewis Moorhead, 75 New Scholarships scholarship average for last semester at the semi-annual Jpp Students Fined vice-president, can be contacted Panhellenic Scholarship Night held Tuesday in the main audi- there from 11 a.m. to noon, Mon- torium, The award was won last spring by Kappa Del- day, Wednesday, Thursday, and For Studying Abroad For Illegal Parking; Friday. ta. Offered To Students Alpha Delta Pi received thc Court Session Tuesday Migration Carolyn Krukemycr, secretary, trophy for the greatest improve- is in the office from 3:30 to 5 Approximately 75 new scholar- ment, with an increase of .166. Ten students were fined p.m. Monday through Friday, and ships for study in Latin America Election Party Kappa Delta was awarded the tro- Tuesday for parking offenses or Morse Sanderson, treasurer, is will be aitded to those offered for phy for having thc highest pledge non-registration in the Student there from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m., Mon- l'.ifS!i-60 under the Inter-American class average, 2.651. The awards Court. T Tomorrow day through Thursday. Cultural Convention program. hc Planned NovA were won last semester by Kappa The following persons received Institute of International Educa- Delta and Alpha Phi, respectively. $1 fines for their first parking The following schedule for those tion, which administers the Go- Supplying election results to re- All-sorority average was 2.612, offense; ROBS Contons, Tom Turk students making tho bus trip to vernment student scholarship pro- sidents of Bowling Green and Uni- and all women's average was and Robert McLean. Bill Hobott Miami University tomorrow has Merchandise Editor versity students by way of a spe- grams, will accept applications for 2.198. had his fine suspended. Ed Troxcll been announced by Sara Banks, the new grants until Jan. 15, 1050. cial telephone lines will be the Linda Gee, president of Alpha was also fined $1, but is appealing assistant to the dean of .student On Campus Today Applicants should be United object of thc Press Club's Elec- Xi Delta, accepted the trophy, the decision of the court. affairs. States citizens, not more than 35 tion Party Tuesday. which was presented by Delight The busses will arrive in front Miss Susan Shaw, campus mer- The party will be held in the Paula Gregg was fined $1 for of the University Union at 6:30 years old, have a Bachelor's de- Thompson, president of Delta her first parking offense, and was chandise editor of Mutlemoiselle gree or its equivalent before de- Grand Ballroom of the Union Gamma, donors of the cup. Miss a.m. to be decorated with banners magazine, will be on campus today where television coverage of nat- also fined for non-registration, but and signs. They wil leave at ap- pnitur,-, knowledge of Spanish suf- Carol Lens, assistant to the dean the fine was suspended. to talk to students, preferably ficient to live ami stutly in the ional and state-wide elections may of women, presented the improve- proximately 7 o'clock for Oxford. sophomores and juniors, interest- country concerned, and good be viewed. ment award to Mary Jane Csue- For his second parking offense, Everyone going on tho migra- ed in fashion careers. Miss Shnw health. A demonstrated capacity Results will also be taken from sai, scholarship chairman for Alp- Ted Howard was fined $3 and tion and who have meal tickets will also discuss with interested for independent stutly is also nec- thc United Press-International ha Delta Pi. one week suspension of his car. may cat from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. in students a training program that essary. teletype for up-to-thc-minutc Virginia Weadock presented the Jim Beard and Robert Colburn Founders' dining hall, including provides working with the maga- Information and application data on the elections and the pledge trophy to Carol Kaht, pre- received a $3 fine and one week Prout residents. zine and a local store for a few forms may be obtained from the Rlght-to-Work issue. sident of Kappa Delta. suspension. Box lunches will be provided for hours a week. Institute of International Educa- A movie, stressing the import- John Winners paid $0 for im- the trip. These may be picked up Appointments with Miss Shaw tion, 1 East 67th Street, New York ance of high scholarship, was proper registration and his sec- in thc respective dining halls as may be made through the place- City. Requests for application Falcon-Redskin Game shown to those attending. Beth ond parking offense, and lost the the students making the trip pas* ment oifice after 10:30 a.m. to- forms must be postmarked before Adams, president of Panhellenic use of his car for one week. through the breakfast line. Arrival at Oxford is slated for day. Dec. 31, 1958. Council, presided at the meeting. To Be Aired In Nest Individual group averages are: 12:30 p.m. The Miami-Bowling Green foot- Alpha Xi Helta, 2.880; Kappa Del- Following the game, a 6 o'clock ball game will be broadcast Sat- ta, 2.868; Delta Gamma, 2.861; Handbooks Ready, dinner will be served in the Ox- urday at 2 p.m. in thc Nest, ac- Phi Mu, 2.814; Alpha Phi; 2.811; ford College dining hall, located cording to Ron O'Leary, head of Gamma Phi Beta, 2.802; Chi Ome- Directories Coming on High St. Tickets for this meal World Views... the Union Activities entertainment ga, 2.792; Alpha Gamma Delta, will be distributed, free of charge, committee. This broadcast will be 2.760; Alpha Chi Omega, 2.659; Distribution of student hand- upon boarding the bus in the mor- SPRINGHILL, NOVA SCOTIA—The disaster-wrecked community books started Oct. 24, and will ning. of Springhill, Nova Scotia, celebrated the harrowing escape of thc available to students who are un- Alpha Delta PI, 2.610; Delta /.eta, "Lucky Dozen" yesterday. Twelve grimy miners were brought to able to take part in the Miami mig- 2.514; and Delta Xi Theta, 2.346.
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