Notice of Meeting
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Civic Offices, Leigh Road, Eastleigh SO50 9YN 2000/01 Community Safety Preventing Crime and Disorder 2002/03 Fostering Business Growth 30 November 2007 NOTICE OF MEETING CABINET will meet on Monday, 10 December 2007 beginning at 6:00 pm in the Committee Room, Civic Offices, Leigh Road, Eastleigh TO: Members of Cabinet Councillor Keith House (Chair) Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Resources Councillor Anne Winstanley (Vice-Chair) Cabinet Member for Social Policy Councillor David Airey Cabinet Member for Transport & Streetscene Councillor Louise Bloom Cabinet Member for Environment Councillor Alan Broadhurst Cabinet Member for Leisure Councillor Cathie Fraser Cabinet Member for Health Councillor Chris Thomas Cabinet Member for Customer Service & ICT Councillor Peter Wall Cabinet Member for Business & Skills Staff Contact: Alison Wright, Democratic Services Officer Tel: 023 8068 8111; Email: [email protected] RICHARD WARD Head of Legal and Democratic Services Copies of this and all other agendas can be accessed via the Council's website - as well as in other formats, including Braille, audio, large print and other languages, upon request. Members of the public are invited to speak on general items at the start of the meeting, and on individual agenda items at the time the item is discussed. To register please contact the Democratic Services Officer above. AGENDA 1. Minutes (Pages 1 - 6) To consider the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 November 2007. 2. Apologies 3. Declarations of Interest ENGINEERING 4. Parking Controls in Hamble Village (Pages 7 - 48) PLANNING POLICY & ENVIRONMENT 5. Consultation by Hampshire County Council on the Hampshire Minerals Plan (Pages 49 - 88) 6. Local Development Scheme Annual Monitoring Report (Pages 89 - 92) 7. Urban Character Area Appraisals (Pages 93 - 132) 8. Eastleigh Thursday and Saturday Markets (To Follow) 9. Adoption of Carbon Compensation Policy Paper as Part of Going Carbon Neutral by 2012 (Pages 133 - 148) 10. Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2008-2012 (To Follow) 11. Vehicle and Plant Replacement Programme (To Follow) 12. Domestic Refuse – Policy on Agreed Start Time for Collections (To Follow) STRATEGIC ISSUES 13. Strategic Priorities Progress Update (Pages 149 - 168) 14. Joint Working (To Follow) FINANCE 15. Corporate Financial Monitoring (To Follow) 16. Fees and Charges (Pages 169 - 204) 17. The Point Taxation Considerations (Pages 205 - 210) 18. CIP Strategy Review (To Follow) 19. CIP - Schemes Approval (To Follow) 20. Concessionary Fares - Annual Report (Pages 211 - 222) 21. Exempt Business To consider passing a resolution under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 in respect of the following item of business on the grounds that it is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. The Schedule 12A categories have been amended and are now subject to the public interest test, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This comes into effect on 1st March 2006. It is considered that the following item is exempt from disclosure and that the public interest in not disclosing the information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. EXEMPT ITEM 22. Concessionary Fares - National Bus Pass Scheme (Pages 223 - 232) DATE OF NEXT MEETING Thursday, 10 January 2008 at 6:00 pm in the Committee Room, Civic Offices, Leigh Road, Eastleigh This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 1 1 CABINET Thursday, 1 November 2007 (5:30 pm – 5:47 pm) PRESENT: Councillor House (Chair); Councillors Winstanley, Airey, Bloom, A Broadhurst, Mrs Fraser, Thomas and Wall Also in attendance: Councillor Norgate ________________________________________ RECOMMENDED ITEMS (REQUIRING A DECISION) 49. APPOINTMENT TO PUSH OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Issue To make appointments to the PUSH Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Paper 6). Considerations At its meeting on 19 July 2007, Council approved the establishment of a formal Joint Committee for the Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH) and a Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee to scrutinise the activities of the PUSH Joint Committee. Council also agreed that a non- Cabinet Member and a non-Cabinet Deputy Member be appointed to serve on the Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee and that these places be offered respectively to the Conservative and Labour Groups. However, this was subject to the appointments made by the other PUSH authorities. It is recommended that a non-Cabinet Member be appointed to serve on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with a second non-Cabinet Member also appointed to serve as deputy member in their absence. As each authority is appointing fewer than three members to the Committee, it is an exception to the general definition of bodies to which proportionality applies. Therefore, the authority has, provided the appointed member and deputy are non-Cabinet Members, complete discretion as to whom is appointed. RECOMMENDED – That appointments be made to the PUSH Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 1 2 50. CIP - SCHEMES APPROVAL Issue To approve schemes as part of the four-year Community Investment Programme (CIP) (Paper 7). Considerations The Council approved a 4-Year Strategy in April 2002 and since then reports have been submitted, on a regular basis, to the Executive/Cabinet seeking approval for schemes to progress. The Cabinet approved a revised Community Investment Strategy on 3 April 2006 which updated the programme for 2006/07 to 2010/11. This report seeks further approvals to be financed from funds earmarked for the CIP. The report also advises that expenditure is being incurred in advance of Capital Receipts being received and the measurement of this risk is embodied in the new Prudential Code of Practice for Capital Finance. A requirement of the Code is to continually monitor the Prudential Indicators and report to the Cabinet any changes resulting from the CIP Strategy. Any proposed change in borrowing limits requires approval by the Council. The changes to the Indicators resulting from alterations to the Strategy as a result of the schemes in the report are shown in Appendix B to the report. RECOMMENDED - That the Council be recommended to approve the changes to the Prudential Indicators (Appendix B). RESOLVED – (1) That £200,000 to enable County Architects to develop a detailed feasibility study to provide a 300 seat professional standard auditorium in the Hedge End area in 2007/08 to be financed from monies earmarked to fund the CIP be approved; and (2) That the approval of schemes granted since 1 April 2006 (Appendix A) be noted. (NOTE: Councillors Bloom and House declared a personal interest in this item but remained in the room during its consideration and voted.) 2 3 RESOLVED ITEMS (SUBJECT TO QUESTIONS ONLY) 51. MINUTES RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 4 October 2007 be agreed as a correct record. 52. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members were invited to declare interests in relation to items of business on the agenda. Any interests declared are recorded in the relevant minute below. 53. HOMECHOICE HOUSING REGISTER Issue To approve the amended Homechoice Housing Register (Paper 4). Considerations The current Homechoice Allocations Policy was approved by Cabinet on 6 January 2005. Since then a major review of the Homechoice Housing Register has been undertaken which has shown that Homechoice no longer complies with case law. As a result, the Allocations Policy has been amended and is attached to the report for approval. The main changes include: • The addition of a fourth band to ensure that an applicant's cumulative needs spanning more than one reasonable preference can be taken into account. • Re-categorisation of housing circumstances into reasonable preference groups. • Removal of the annual lettings plan with allocations being made according to priorities only. • Use of labelling on property descriptions restricting allocations for persons with a local connection only. • Changes to the membership and operation of the Housing Support Panel to ensure that those with the expertise in supported housing are part of the decision making allocation process. 3 4 • Simplification of RSL transfer applicants application dates and the application of consistent policies between all RSL tenants in the borough. At its meeting on 12 September 2007 Social Policy Scrutiny Panel considered this report and agreed to recommend to Cabinet to approve and adopt the amended Homechoice Housing Register subject to: (1) The policy being clarified with regard to the application date being the date of the original application and not the date of application onto the amended Homechoice Housing Register for purposes of prioritisation; (2) The examination of the section regarding preference to those applicants with a local connection to consider those who have a local connection when they first apply but due to changes in their circumstances whilst on the register may no longer be defined as having a local connection; (3) Consideration being given to the amendment of adverts to give greater emphasis to the number of bed need rather than the actual number of bedrooms. Jenny Stark, Housing Needs Manager, advised that the draft policy and the adverts could be amended to take into account (1) and (3) above. She confirmed that (2) above could be dealt with by officers as the policy makes provision for a person to have a local connection with an authority under 'special circumstances'. This would allow an applicant to be given a local connection in the circumstance detailed in (2) above, and the normal routes of appeal would apply if the applicant did not agree with the decision. RESOLVED – (1) That the amended Homechoice Housing Register be approved and adopted subject to the amendment of the draft policy and the adverts to take into account the recommendations from Social Policy Scrutiny Panel as detailed in (1) and (3) above; and (2) That consideration be given to providing training for all Councillors on the Homechoice Housing Register.