Valley of St. Louis, Lodge of Perfection. Ancient & Accepted , S.J. Chartered, October 19th, 1881.

April 2021 TrestleBoard

Greetings Esteemed Brethren of the Lodge of Perfection!

Once more we have travelled through the Vernal Equinox. Alas, Spring is here, and the natural world is resurrected from Winter’s icy whispers. Many religious faiths celebrate their respected traditions and holy days during this time of year. We as Free Masons respect the religious traditions of those of another faith. We as Free Masons live in peace and harmony with those of another faith. We as Free Masons influenced this country where we have the Freedom to practice the religious traditions of our faith! In this respect, we are a beacon of hope to humanity and to history. May the Grand Artificer of the Universe decorate Spring with such beauty and music so to awaken in you how beautiful this season and our Country truly is.

The Scottish Rite Creed The cause of human progress is our cause, the enfranchisement of human thought our supreme wish, the freedom of human conscience our mission, and the guarantee of equal rights to all peoples everywhere our ultimate goal.

Virtual Reunions

Our Spring Reunions will be virtual. Yes, I stated Reunions. There will be 2 opportunities for our Blue Lodge Brothers to join us in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. If you know of a Brother who missed the last Reunion and was thinking about joining all the information that he needs is on the website. Please inform your Blue Lodge Brothers of this website and event. On April 18th and the 20th, we will be honoring Most Worshipful Brother Barry V. Cundiff 32° KCCH, Grand Master of the of . We will also be celebrating the Grand Lodge of Missouri’s Bicentennial. On May 16th and the 18th, we will be honoring Illustrious Brother James D. Cole, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander, Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction. We will also be celebrating 70 years of the Scottish Rite RiteCare Language Program. Take time to view the special announcement from our Sovereign Grand Inspector General, Illustrious Brother Robert W. Cockerham, 33° which is located on the website to see how successful our reunions have been and for new information.

. Valley Membership Achievement Project VMAP

Our last meeting was cancelled so that we could inform the Valley of St. Louis during our virtual 4 bodies meeting. Our work continues and we hope to move forward with the goals that we have been working on. Thank you to all the Brethren who have contributed to this endeavor. It is genuinely appreciated.

Virtual Education, Valley of St. Louis

The next installment of our virtual educational series is tentatively scheduled for April 27th at 7:00 pm. The topic for the evening will be the 26th degree, Prince of Mercy or Scottish Trinitarian. Question. Are you on Face Book? If you are there is a private group page called Archives of the Rite. The educational series is recorded and then posted on this site for those who could not attend due to other commitments. If you have any questions, please contact me.

The Knights of St. Andrew

Venerable Knight Levi Banker 32°, called a virtual meeting on March 26th to catch up with each other and to receive 3 petitions for membership. It was an enjoyable evening and plans are in the works for an Initiation Ceremony. The ceremony is open to the public and is usually followed by a social event in the Lounge. More information will be posted when appropriate.

Capaha Scottish Rite Club

Do you live near the Cape Girardeau area? Did you know that there is a Scottish Rite Club in that area? If not, you do now. Brother Vern Davidson 32° is the current Club President. The Valley of St. Louis is quite large and many of our Brothers living south of St. Louis cannot always find the time to attend a 4 bodies meeting or an event. You can still enjoy your Scottish Rite experience and get involved closer to home. If you have any questions, contact Brother Vern, or send me an email. Due to the public nature of the TrestleBoard I did not post his contact information. Brother Vern Davidson 32° is also a line officer in the Lodge of Perfection.

The Walker Scottish Rite Clinic

The annual Puttin’ for the kids golf tournament is scheduled for Wednesday, May 19th, 2021. All the information that you need is located at the following address.

In Closing,

I decided to select the following verses from Morals and Dogma due to a situation that arose in my Blue Lodge. Long story short, a newer Brother decided to drop out of the Lodge. His neighbor is a member and informed me that the Brother had fallen on some extremely hard times. Finally, after phone calls, texts and his neighbor talking to him he called me. I informed him that he never really got involved and had not experienced the Brotherhood that exists in our Blue Lodge. He confessed to me that he joined to join an appendant body. I can inform you that he learned a valuable lesson about Brotherhood during our conversation. One he will not soon forget. In the Scottish Rite we build upon the lessons of our Blue Lodge. We are the College of . The education we provide is exceptional. Especially here in the Valley of St. Louis. I highly recommend all our Brothers to investigate the information that is available to them. Yet, another aspect of the Scottish Rite is that you have the chance to meet Master Masons that are from different Blue Lodges other than your own. This fraternal interaction builds stronger bonds of Brotherhood and in my opinion strengthens the Masonic Fraternity. Yes, we have beautiful degrees that teach many lessons. Lessons to live by. Yes, we have high quality educational material. Lessons to contemplate and to live by. But the foundation of our Fraternity is Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

Brotherhood. If you have not experienced it, get involved and you will!

“The great distinguishing characteristic of a Mason is sympathy with his kind. He recognizes in the human race one great family, all connected with himself by those invisible links, and that mighty network of circumstance, forged and woven by God. Feeling that sympathy, it is his first Masonic duty to serve his fellowman. At his first entrance into the Order, he ceases to be isolated, and becomes one of a great brotherhood, assuming new duties toward every Mason that lives, as every Mason at the same moment assumes them toward him. Nor are those duties on his part confined to Masons alone. He assumes many in regard to his country, and especially toward the great, suffering masses of the common people; for they too are his brethren, and God hears them, inarticulate as the moanings of their misery are. By all proper means, of persuasion and influence, and otherwise, if the occasion and emergency require, he is bound to defend them against oppression, and tyrannical and illegal exactions. Morals and Dogma. 11,6-8.

Words from the past that have never faded and will not fade in the future. I hope this TrestleBoard finds you safe and your family well.

Sincerely and Fraternally, Robert Bowles. 32° KCCH [email protected]