The Frisco-Man, March 1911

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The Frisco-Man, March 1911 FRISCO-MAN THE FRISCO-MAN RAILROAD PAINTS FOR ALL PURPOSES Coach and Car (Metal)Surfacer "Metalsteel" Paint "Metal" Canvas Preserver ,, ,,, Building and Station Paints "Metal" Canvas Roof Paint Freight Car Paints ST, LOUIS SURFACER & PAINT CO, ST. LOUIS MAKERS - NEW YORK gi 0% Spring Suit Time is Here g 02 $3 8 TRY WARD'S TAILORING DEPARTMENT THIS SEASON D? ?a 704-706 Commonwealth Bldg., & PITTSBURG,PA., January 27, 1911. go MOWTGOMERYWARD 8: CO.-Gentlemen: I want to thank you for having ga gone to csceptional pains in getting out my clothes, which have been received, 8 and upon which I have had many compliments as to the texture of the goods 8 and (he fit - they being perfectly satisfactory to me. go ga Yours very sincerely, J. W. OHRUXI, ga8 rllarra~crof Central Dcparlmenl, Prefwrcd Accidenl Insurance Company of New Ymb. Ra 8 Send a postal card requesting our Men's Spring Fashion Book for 1911 & 0% and pick out your new suit. Address the nearest house. B MONTGOMERY WARD 81 GO. a$$I 4 19th and Campbell Sts.. Chicago Avenue Bridge, go 0% KANSAS CITY CHICAGO %3 With the Mantle is the most Brilliant Car Illuminant; and at 1: cents per Pintsch Light hour the cheapest. A Car Heating System providing, automatic- 3 ally, u n if or m temperature with minimum Thermo Jet attention and cost. 1 An Axle Lighting System regulated to ensure proper control of generator output and proper battery control with minimum B-C-S attention and cost. The Safety Car Heating and Lighting Co. ,1 CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA 2 Rector Street, N,, york ST. LOUIS MONTREAL BOSTON WASHINGTON SAN FRANCISCO Mention us when writing: to advertisers, it will help us both. THE FRISCO-MAN 1 HAMILTON WATCHES ~&&y@&& THE ACCEPTED RAILROAD TIMEKEEPERS OF AMERICA THE MOST DURABLE THE MOST ACCURATE TRIED AND PROVEN TO BE THE BEST Their records on all the railroads of America for phenomenal accuracy are UNEQUALLED HAMILTON WATCH CO. :: :: Lancaster, Pa. WRITE FOR BOOKLET I Thousands of Friscomen BE'$ Thousands of Friscomen I CONTINENTAL CASUALTY CO. I CHICAGO 1 H, G. B. ALEXANDER,President W. H. BETTS.Secretary The LARGEST Health and Accident Insurance Company in the world. It has paid nearly $10,000,000 to about 400,000 policyholders. It costs Nothing to learn how little it costs Friscomen to Insure their Incomes. CONTINENTAL CASUALTY CO.. Chicago: I Address ......................................................................................... Mention us when writing to advertisws, it will help us both. 2 THE FRISCO-MAN I ST. LOUIS Try Dearborn Treatment FROG & SWITCH CO. FOR LEAKING TROUBLES MANUFACTURER Chr formulas especially prepared for this work rive instant relief and save the wear and tear on fliles of re-rolling :at end of every trip. Deorborn ntertreat in^ Preparations, scieu- tificnlls prepared. prevent foalninrr. corrosion, ncde, and leakine, and effect great sarin~sin FROGS, SWITCHES, CROSSINGS, ogcration of engines. SWITCH STANDS FOR DEARBORN DRUG & CHEMICAL WORKS STEAM 6 ELECTRIC RAILROADS McCormirk Bldg. CHICAGO Standard Steel Car Company 1 GENERAL OFFICES: Pittshurg, Pa., Frick Building WORKS: BRANCH OFFICES: Butler. Pa. New Castle, Pa. NEW PORK:170 Broadway CHICAGO:Fisher Bnildina Hammond, Ind. All Steel or Composite PASSENGER and FREIGHT CARS For a11 classes of service, from our standard designs, or nccordiug to speciflcations of purchasers. ELECTRIC RAILWAY TRUCKS STEEL CAR UNDERFRAMES 21. C. B. Type of Const~ction Truclts. Bolsters. Brake Beams. V~WCVCrWVWVVchVIWVVchVI.WVVchVIWVVchVI EDGAR B. WOODWARD LOUIS 8. WOODWARD PRESIDENT SECRETARY WALTER B. WOODWARD J. HUMPHREYS HAWES VICE-PRES'T AND GEN'L MANAGER TREASURER Woodward & Tiernan 'rinting Company 309 to 325 North Third Street MANUFAOTURERS OF ST. LOUIS, MO. ART Printera Electrotypere CALENDARS Binders School Book Publishers Stationers Blank Book Manufacturere TELEPHONES: Lithographere Photo and Steel Plate Engravers ~IIILOCH. CENTRAL 3400 BELL. MAIN 3490 Book and Catalogue Work a Specialty THE FRISCO-MAN 3 "It The the Time" -, 2% Dial The United States Express Company Every rallroad man should hvc one of these dlnlv on Ills watch. Mlstake In reading tlic tlmclmpourlble. m13y to make a mlstake of an even flve mlnutes on the ordinary (Ilal. and qurh a mlstnko mlgllt mean your llfe and the lives of others. They are nobby :I- well a4 practical. All flfiures are 1!prIght. Qaiclc! Safe! SIII.P! Sold 011 EIgln. \Valtham. Illlnnls. Ilnmpdcn. South Bend. Seth Thomas. Rockford nnil Htrmllton watches. Get one for The Unlted Swtes Express Companyls the authorized the watch you now carry from :my luspector or leweler. 11 agent of the Government In the tmnspcrtatlon of money he bas not ~otthcrn I o stock hc c:rn get thorn from Jobber3 and securltlea bctween Ule treasury department sub- or rllrent from any of the :rbnve uamcd rn.rnlllart~lIrers. treasuries. Government depoeltarlea and banb ~hrotighout D"sl,qed by H. S. Montgomery. Gen. Watch Inspector. the country. Sante Be. Pnwengerd nge nnal .Jferchnndime fnkrn inn Bondu%fi Comrmnv habeen erenLerl bv the Government of the Un~ied%~tst&a bonded lineiiftbk traaqportatlon of merchandlse and passengers' baggage wlthout examlnallon at New York la all lnlend nor18 01 entry. Fabrri II Exrlnrl~e Dr brrn~tule~rt-Thledeparl- PANTASOTE oleo1 of l%c Company Lues +rnveler# check8 pa able I throlt~lioutthe world at thelr full face valuv. and)are. wlthoGt uestlon, one of the grateat convenledcea to the Lour~stor%udnes9 mnn. The National Standard Drafts for any amount drawn by thlsCompany on all Dart8 of the commercial world. for Car Curtains and Telegrwlllc and uble trawler of money are made by all Car Upholstery ofnee# of Ulls corn ny ta and from pLt\cey In the Unlted SWLm. ~n1ucb.or Krnore~gnCountries. - Foreign Expremmund F1.eipLI1 Degnrlment- Fomard~ express shipments of merchandlee. parcels. baggage. valuables and frelght eonslgnmente of small or carload I018 ta or from all Forelgo Countrlea. Agasote Headlining Thls Compan '8 buslness, at IIa own oUlcea at No. 57 a market, 5.3. Londo:; 17 James SI Liverpool. 4 Rue WATERPROOF %be, "Opera House Paris; 642 ~erdlnandktrasse Hambur& and 4 ~iar&Della Zecca, Oenoa. Is handled under the advanced Amerlwn methods of transoortstlon. HOMOGENEOUS in its Composition; wl~lch wItI1 It8 shlp Ing cornapondence a1 all WI& rlncl al clt1e.r 'and portn or the eo~m~ierclalworld, en3,le 811s will not warp, blister or separate Conmans 10 clve Ule best nnd aulckwt aervla a1 the Further lnlormatlon can be obtslned at soy agency of the Unlted Smtes E re88 Company or upon ap llcatlon SEND FOR SAMPLE to 118 ofUcea at 87 8aahlaplon Sweet. Chl-o. Rector StrceL New York. United Slaten Expl'ew money Orderm- ought by everybody. Good ever where. Chamea from The Pantasote Company three amount. done, .odd by. tc~emaoh-. st monable rates. 11 Broadway, New York I'isher Rld~. 793 >Io~~nd~~ocl~Hiclg. D1 H, RAWSON, Gen'l Supt. Chicngo. 111. Sau Prnnriaco. Cal. Frisco Bldg. St. Louis Mention us when writing to advertisers, it ill help us both. 4 THE FRISCO-MAN , Con. P. Curran Printing Co. I PRINTERS DESIGNERS : ENGRAVERS LITHOGRAPHERS ' BLANK BOOK MAKEES PHONES EIGHTH AND WALNUT STREETS Bell. Main 5191 Kinloeh, Central 991 ST. LOUIS, MO. THIS LANTERN APPEALS TO SWITCHMEN in wejght. Short ahd compact. Has a rigld bail of bent wood. urac- tically indestruciible of ample slze to ~nsur; Erm p-ri ~atesko.39~tandard elohc as furmsbed bv iherailroadcom aniei. 01 the hundregs that we have sold we have not had a sdgle com- pint nor one re- urned. When you recelve the lantern, if not found Ratislactor, return ~t and we w17i refundyour money,less tran~portatlonchargem ST. Lours, Ma. Price, eomplele, $1.50 Each CAPITALAND SURPLUS Same, without globe. 81.36 Each Money to accompany $10,000,000,00 order. Please use post-o5ce - or exprens moue order No. 90 Switchman's Lantern. in making remiltnnce THE ADAMS & WESTLAKE CO. Solicits accounts on which interest will be al19wed. 319 West Ontario Street : CHICAGO Executes Trusts of every description. WRITE FOR OUR NEW LANTERN CATALOG 4 ROBERT We HUNT & GO., Engineers CHICAGO NEW YORK PITTSBURG ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO ,MONTREAL LONDON INSPECTION OF RAILROAD MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT Mention us when writing to advertisers, it will help us both. THE FRISCO-MAN 5 Frank E. Palmer Supply Go. ST. LOUIS, MO. GENUINE FAESSLER EXPANDERS PERFECT FLUE CUTTER JOYCE-CRIDLAND GO. LIFTING JACKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION CATALOGUE ON REQUEST Over Rolled 50.000 from miles Beat Qualitj in use Steel CONTINUOUS JOINT WEBER JOINT WOLHAUPTER JOINT THE RAIL JOINT COMPANY Ba,;x;:: pa. Boston. Xass. Portland, Orsp OENERAL OkTICES : Chicaeo. 111. 9.n Pranei~co,Odif. Cameron Bldg., 185 Madison Av., New York City ~~$~r~,O~,y~&~~~.y~lO. makers of Base Supported Rall Joints lor Standard and Spealal Rall Seotlons. alao Girder, Step or Compromlse. 'Ondon' ''C"Eng' 'fontreal, Can' Wrog and Swltch, and Insnlatlng Rall Joints. HIQHEST AWARDS-Paris. protected by patents. 1900: BnffaIo. 1901: St. Louis. 1904. I I JRBY MANUFACTURERS I LUN BER CO. Long Leaf Yellow Pine Lumber I ADDREBB CORREBPONDENCE TO Houston, Texas 1 J. W. CHANDLER. General Sales Agent 1 SIMPLICITY I EFFICIENCY 1 DURABILITY 1 BUFFALO I Solid or Truss BRAKE FOR BEAMS Every Service 1, ~~I.lanl&r~r~re~by BUFFALO BRAKE BEAM COMPANY 1 ST. LOUIS BUFFALO NEW YORK 6 THE FRISCO-MAN Of railroads and other industrial organizations is by far the most misunderstood member of the organization. His action, in enforcing the rules and administering the discipline laid down by the heads of the organization, is frequently the subject of bitter resentment on the part of the rank and file. The minor official is the human buffer between the men higher up and the workmen.
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