LUXOR Luminary THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF LUXOR SHRINERS Luxor Shriners Head Office, 14 McLaughlin Crescent, P.O. Box 2084, Saint John, NB E2L 3T5 Vol 78 • No. 1 • Spring 2018 2018 Potentate Ill. Sir Doug & Lady Lynda Patient Kyra Pasqualetto poses outside the Shriners Hospital for Children in Montreal during a visit. (See Article on Page 32) Phone: 506 652 2832 • Fax: 506 658 9231 Website: • E–mail:
[email protected] Page 2 Luxor Luminary Spring 2018 A Message from IMPERIAL LEADERSHIP One of the few things we can be completely sure of is the inev- effectively, we con tinue to expand our outreach and telehealth pro- itability of change. Much has changed since we opened the first grams. Both of these efforts allow us to serve amazing numbers of Shriners Hospital in 1922 - nearly 100years ago. Our lives, our children who, otherwise, would likely never experience the special culture, and our society - including the delivery and expectations brand of hope and healing that is the hallmark of Shriners Hospi- of health care - are all far different than they were back then. Shri- tals for Children. Despite the fact that we only have buildings in ners Hospitals for Children® has a well deserved reputation for three countries, over time, we have provided care for children in seeing unmet health care needs of children, and finding a way to 176 countries. That is something we can all be extremely proud of, help. That awareness was the underlying force for our decisions to and an example of how, by going beyond our hospitals' walls, and provide care for orthopae dic conditions, burns, spinal cord inju- using available technol ogy, such as telehealth, we can serve more ries and cleft lip and palate.