Prime Minister Harold Wilson (2)” of the National Security Adviser’S Presidential Correspondence with Foreign Leaders Collection at the Gerald R

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Prime Minister Harold Wilson (2)” of the National Security Adviser’S Presidential Correspondence with Foreign Leaders Collection at the Gerald R The original documents are located in Box 5, folder “United Kingdom - Prime Minister Harold Wilson (2)” of the National Security Adviser’s Presidential Correspondence with Foreign Leaders Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. •. --:.., \ ~.~ t . ~, Depqrt.?J!:ent. of $.ti!.te :·. • :· ~ • • • • • ••• ~ •• •<t' : • • -·.. ~ . .. : . : . :: .. ·. : -.&iBAi't ·. , . ,t' .. \ ·.. · .. • • • 'l .. ·.. ·... ~ . ~ . ! . ..: .. .. •. : .. i :·. j • ~ l • . l • • ; f .! •· .. I i ••• :it- ! . .. :.· . ;- ~=- ,. i ' . ~ . ~ .· : . ·\ . Digitized from Box 5 of the NSA Presidential Correspondence with Foreign Leaders Collection at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library • ~--, '' ; : .• ~·-:···· .r· .·. ,·< .· .. : ---f~ . ~ . ·.. ,·. • • * .... • '\ 3 ' . .. - ' ; : ·.• ', .. :l ~" o..., . ~ . '"• ~ ~ ">- ,. , . • • ._·"":1 . ~·. i · ~c.~;~~_.,.,. ,-; :.; q 1:~~..:;~,;-f ~ . '. I , :'! • i ;~. "-:-(<.:7 ~~ )' • :: 3! s f.:,;---"'·:;; (5 Department of State. '!iS~ (;~!f!H'\f11'!, , .f~ "".:;:;;'7;1r;~ . : '. : . .. .. 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TO 'AND A NEW ·'I ! \~ ST~OMG MEASU~ES EN~URE ~OEOUAT~ CONSERVAilO~ .. I :I· ~~ EMeRG~NCY ETOHAGE PROGRAM.· THESE STEPS HAK~ .NEW DEMANDS ; i :~ ~ 011 'iHE AMt:RICAN Pt:O?LE .. ·.AT THE ~AME Tit-iE·, 'TH~Y PHOVlOE 1 ~1 TH~ BASIS FOR A STRONGER U.s. ECONOMY IN THE F0TURE, --~-~ THIS, IN TUR~, SHOUt.,O li,\V£ A eeNEFXCIAL IMPACT ·oN THE J ;j IN~E~NAT10NAL ECONOMY • : ·· . ·.- · ~ · .. ·.' -~: .......,......;·! : . • . • I l !" ~1.IN ~ClOSINGr LET M~ EMPHASlZE THE IMPORTANCE .l_"AVE ATTACHED: i I '. I , '~ TO~H~VING HAO THE AENtFlT OF YOUR VIEWS ON ~HESE ISSUES IN ' ·::_ j YUJR Mf::SSAGt. OF OEC:EM8ER ~0. ~iE -ARE. SiRONGLV COMMITTED ...... 01 TO ~O~KI~G WITH YOUR GOVERNMENT AND OTHE~8 tN CONFRONTING ··.- l -::,':i OU~ CUMMON PRO&L.EM5 •. WHil..e: MUCH REMAINS TO BE OO;.!E, WE ·. 0 • __,-i ARL; ENCOUH AGEU BY TE POSIT I VF. 8 TE?S WHX CH HAVE ~EEN TAKEN,·. •: . ·• · I j ' ·~~~~·-"' . - .. ·.· . ..·;;: i l! 4 ' . :: . .· .. .· . : . ' \ .. ·... ..:: <; i .-:._~, • ..,"r.,';.'T TQ ~~PfPPa.O.';J'trr::n W1THnpr IHf.,..AJ±Tt-J:QPIZATIQN OF THE EXECUTIVE_SECRETAR • . •. :--·-, - . ·. ~ ~:.. ·:. ,· ·. .p ~ .• •• • • , i. ·:-__ · : :d.:.· .. ·.... : ·I .·.... .· ".... ": .. •· . .. ...... ='•~ ... ~ RE~ENTt..Y, FOR QIIH MUTUAt..···W·t;.L.~ ..HF.lNG,· tT IS tMPERATt'VE I >~ TH~i l'<f. CCJNTp.:Ut. ilf.VE:L.O?ING. A CQ~·H~OI~ .APPROACH lN OEALIN~ I o •"" ~<:,~ wi1'H t:N~R<.,Y ~~u~1..t.1~~ ANn t~.AT :·.a; CONTINUE TO COORlllr~ATE 1 ~~'-1 ct.o.~El.Y !N caNr~ONTING aLi~ _~caNoH_I_~ Ol~F'Icu_~.;r~E.s •. ·· .. ·. I ..• ! ·-~· .. i ; I . I LOOK FORWA~U TO STAYING I~ C~QS~ iOUCH WITH YOU ON TH~SE .; IMP URT At~ T l SSUES.. ·. ~ A. :·~ . .... ·. •• .. I .·~... .. ~·· . :, .. ; ... KISSINGE-R •• '.t . " :.. !- .• ; .. .: - I ,• ,: . I ... ·• '• ·. I ~ I ·. ' I , : . ' ' . ·• .... •' . • .. •• !I .. ·. ~~. ; I I • . ~ . ' •; &EGRET , ; ..... I .. .. ~. I • -- ll'HE PRESIDENT HAS SEEN .•• •' MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE 4086 WASHINGTON ADMINISTRATIVELY INFORMATION CONFIDENTIAL June 18, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Henry A. Kissinger SUBJECT: Message From Prime Minister Wilson Prime Minister Wilson• s note (at Tab A) thanks you for your congrat­ ulatory message (text at Tab B) on the outcome of Britain's EC referendum. The Prime Minister states his pleasure that the verdict of the British people was so decisive and his conviction that the result is good for Britain, Europe and for the world. He says that a relation­ ship of mutual trust between Europe and the United States is the cornerstone of Britain's foreign policy and states that as a member of the Community Britain looks forward to close, continuing cooperation. He concludes that he shares your conviction that such cooperation will contribute to world peace and prosperity. The Prime Minister• s reply message is forwarded for your information. ADMINISTRATIVELY CONFIDENTIAL • '. FROM: BRITISH EMBASSY THE HON. WASHINGTON, D. C. 20008 SIR PETER RAMSBOTHAM KCMG TELEPHONE: (202) 462-1340 The President 12 June 1975 The White House I have the honour to forward a message from the British Prime Minister, Mr Harold Wilson, in reply to your message to him on the result of the British referend~• on the European Economic Community. H M Ambassador ' \> •; • ~- ~- ~--·:::- -~~- -~ Thank you very much for .your message on the outcome of the referendum and for your congratulations. It is a great satisfaction that the British people should have given so decisive a verdict. I am convinced that this result is good for Britain, for Europe and for the world as a whole. As Prime Minister I have, as you know, always seen a relationship of mutual trust between Europe and the United States as the corner-stone of our foreign policy. We look forward as members of the Community to a close and continuing co-operation. In the face of many difficult:_prcoblems ahead, I share your conviction that such co-operation will contribute to world peace and prosperity. -· • 10 DOWNING STREET THE PRIME MINISTER 12 June 1975 Thank you very much for your message on the outcome of the Referendum and for your congratulations. It is a great satisfaction that the British people should have given so decisive a verdict. I am convinced that this result is good for Britain, for Europe and for the world as a whole. As Prime Minister I have, as you know, always seen a relationship of mutual trust between Europe and the United States as the corner-stone of our foreign policy. We look forward as members of the Community to a close and continuing co-operation. In the face of the many difficult problems ahead, I share your conviction that such co-operation will contribute to world peace and prosperity. The President of the United States of America • - ~r u! ~L<./ I /_ I) ~ ~,;#Cll~·t THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON 86 6/23/75 TO: DR. KISSINGER /J~ Robert D. Linder • To PM Wilson fl"om Prealdflllt Ford At thia hiatoric moment., I want to congl"atulate you ud the people of Great Britain on the outcome of the EC referendum•. It refiecta recognition otincreaalq interdependence. It reinforce• the prospect o£ 1rowlng European cooperation and harmony. And lt demonatratea the aame perception of commo11 deatiny which haa Cl"eated a wider community of Atlantic and i.nduatrlalized natlona. The United States looka forward to continued and growing . ' .• cooperatlOA with Great Britaln. •• part of a vital. unified Europe. · By baildlng on the accomplishments of the past and by working together to resolve the dlfficult problema ahead. the industrialized dem~ncies can further their O'WI1 well-being and cuntrlbute algllificutly to sreater global harmony and prosperity• • . MEMORANDUM NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL 4086 ADMINISTRA TIV ELY ACTION CONFIDENTIAL June 16, 1975 MEMORANDUM FOR SECRETARY KISSIN FROM: A. Denis Clift Robert Hormats SUBJECT: Message to the President From Prime Minister Wilson Sir Peter Ramsbotham has forwarded a message (at Tab A) from Prime Minister Wilson thanking the President for his congratulatory message (at Tab B) on the outcome of Britain's EC referendum. The memorandum for your signature to the President at Tab I would forward the Prime Minister's message together with a brief summary.
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