Lecture 4. Thermodynamics [Ch. 2]
Lecture 4. Thermodynamics [Ch. 2] • Energy, Entropy, and Availability Balances • Phase Equilibria - Fugacities and activity coefficients -K-values • Nonideal Thermodynamic Property Models - P-v-T equation-of-state models - Activity coefficient models • Selecting an Appropriate Model Thermodynamic Properties • Importance of thermodyyppnamic properties and equations in separation operations – Energy requirements (heat and work) – Phase equilibria : Separation limit – Equipment sizing • Property estimation – Specific volume, enthalpy, entropy, availability, fugacity, activity, etc. – Used for design calculations . Separator size and layout . AiliAuxiliary components : PiPipi ing, pumps, va lves, etc. EnergyEnergy,, Entropy and Availability Balances Heat transfer in and out Q ,T Q ,T in s out s OfdOne or more feed streams flowing into the system are … … separated into two or more prodttduct streams thtflthat flow Streams in out of the system. n,zi ,T,P,h,s,b,v : Separation : : : process n Molar flow rate : (system) : z Mole fraction Sirr , LW Streams out T Temperature n,zi ,T,P,h,s,b,v P Pressure h Molar enthalpy … … (Surroundings) s Molar entropy T b Molar availability 0 (W ) (W ) s in s out v Specific volume Shaft work in and out Energy Balance • Continuous and steady-state flow system • Kinetic, potential, and surface energy changes are neglected • First law of thermodynamics (conservation of energy) (stream enthalpy flows + heat transfer + shaft work)leaving system - (t(stream en thlthalpy flows +h+ hea ttt trans fer + s hfthaft wor k)entering
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