
Android Smart TV BOX

User Manual 5. Sklpe video chat ll lntroduction Connection CombininsW, PC,lheenltsreb, and appticalbns, Antuid wMngs a ff€ Android smad to bx could @nned lo HOTV, non_HDry prcjocloi monfroi amplfiei sFakei Ethemet HerFtune ilopr Mru rM- . Dc iack conneds to adaptor (5V A) pC ryr Wfi yourffi ry tu, yow HDry n* &@mos an atudade inEGde Home lhat €n be enjoyed by lhe whote tahity . AV oui: CVBS video & UR audio o* Conned to mn-HDW and/or sFake6 . YPbPr: Connedslo non-HDry . lllle@k . . OilBshqirydkkiret@t Opiiel:Opt€ldigblaudiooulputiConn*toamPltrEr . . Mu6HbdaF([email protected]) S/PDIF:ccnaldishlaudaooutPutConn6toamplils a RJ45 netuoft pd: Conno6 to Elhernei . kw and sharc rtu . HDMI: Connedslo HDW . Socialntuftptul(Fae hk, Tffiei erc.) . Buit-in wf wiih anieflna (optional) . USEHosl ConnetsloUSBdev@ . SkrruSN fiends and frmily . cad srol: connecito SD/MMC/MS €d. . W d rectoeemaits, and lse dher ffi@ sotuare TheAndroid ry box odDuis adao at lhe *me lime Men ft is connded to *vsralaudio devies . tuload thousands of tu afld paid amtjdion

k has mllt vi& and audio odpuls, whach you to your 9bF atte conn€d t to BDw, mdDW. montoi sFakers and amptiler Turning on/off your Android TV Box B4 a USB @em into pur andrcid bx, make a ftee video catl ro you. trnds on Skr. . Connedyour Andrcidwbx lo dherdeues ffire you @nnedpow . Porer on: Plug lhe porer ad46 io the Wr soure, and lhen mnned he porer adaPler to he P(rer sockel or vour Gautions Andrcidru.The sytu runs automal@lly, the $aning lryo appears andthen lhe Homescr*n displavs' . Porer ot Disconnd the pMr soure ad lhe unit frll turn on l. h@ndtheunilloolherdevices,dis@nnedpMrf6t . when ths system is running, resE PMr b6on on lhe remote @ntrcl to pd vour Anddd W box into siandbv mode' Wkn 2, h @nnd fre unil lo ohor &vi@s, read the ussr guide of other devi6 ror s#y €dffi & d 6nnd rhe unt io yourAndrcid W bx is in $a.dby mode, press Peer buton again lo slafr il iffiFtible prduds. .LEDindiBto6:MenyourtudrcidWborisinstandbvmo&ireredlshtisonwhenvowAndroidWboxis$adins'blue 3. h d idedpt he pMr Mile in lhe pro@ss of uNmding or uploading / &Mtoadire lhe fimmE, or 6sn the doEge @d is light is on der a shod while. il# or cmovd, to avoid dab loss or prqmm eror 4- &dplqorunplugihWrGbleuhrethands. 5- & d pd heary nems on the rer €bte or the unii. Remote Controller 6. Undw he ,M eble berorc cleaning the device. Wpe he unil dh a en pi*e d dry ctdh. eo nor hr any tiquid or rorcign :Ot subbne b in$d anside tk unit thal @utd resutt in a shod crcuit Mh frre or eterocution haads. : 7- h d ftmpt disassemuins or Emodeting ihe unir. Men the unil is nor woiling proFl,, ptease prd*sionals .j-, @nlad tor rcpair -, E. tuteunilina@l,drypla@. "-' -/*&l&i..- l 9- I)fuM he peer 6en ihe dsvice is lnused br tonq peiods d rime or if t is d.maged. @-'rq*.

...:ffi;:&*-# What's in the box

irl : &1ffi yd should ftnd inside the hx: i).:::l . Mdrybox o Rm@ @nbd l.-rl 1,-1, :.-:. :-1 tJ..i::i.!-.1 r'iIfflli.,.l . ;' iii li r:

i L" { . Drag lhe iiemtowhereyou wanl t, andthen tifl yourremote contot. 1, To open the Notifications panel 3) To move an item on the Home screen Move the cuEor lo ihe lop of lhe screen then statls bar displays. Drag the Slaius bar down irom lhe top of ihe screen . Click & ho d ihe ilem you wani to move, unti it is scaled bigge. Dont lift your mouse. D.ag ihe item to a .ew tocation on lhe on lhe Hohe screen, you can also press Men! and click NOTIF CATIONS.

The Noriticauons panet disptays your wr€tess provider and a I st of your curent noliicaiions. Notifications about ongoing adivities are . Pause al the edse oflhe screen to drag ihe ilem onto another Home screen Fne. llsled iEl, lollowed by Noiiiaiions about events such as rew mail notil€lions or ca e.dar remindere. . When the ilem iswhereyo! want il, lflyourmoLse

4) To remove an ibm from th6 Home sc.een 2. To respond to a notification . Click & hold the ilem yoL wani lo remove, unil ii is scaled bgger Don't lifl your remoie contot The Launcher icon changes to a . open ihe Notifications panel.

. Cick a nolfrcalion to respond to it . Drag the ilemlotheTrash Can icon. Liftyourremote @ntot. . The Notificaiions panel closes. Whai happens re*deFnds on lhe notiication.

3 To clea. alt notifications Lau . open the Nolitications panel ncher remarn ln llst . Click Ctear at the iop r ght of ihe pane Att evenlbased notifications are cleared ongo ng noltricdion. the Clickihe Launcher icon on the rightside olihe Home screentovis a[ insia]ted apptications

1. To ope. an applicalion: 4. To closethe Notilications panel O. ihe Home screen click ihe Launche. icon to open Launcher Move the cursor using remole conuot or mouse to lhe des red Drag lhe tab at the botom of the Notiflcatons panel to the lop ot ihe screen Or jusl press the Back buton. The panel also closes when appli€tion then press OK on the remole contol or click the left mouse button io open the appticaiion. you cick a nollicalon to espond lo ii.

Or yo! can locale lhe desred applicaiion by pressing Arcw keys (LetrRiqht/Up/Down) on ihe remoie conto and then Dress Enl;r to

2, To switch to a recently used application: Using SD card

Press & hold the Home butlon A small wndow opens, wiih icons of applications that yo!'ve used ecenlty. Ctick an icon to oFn its you can satety insed ihe sD card into yourAndrcid w anyiime when ihe unil is on or of Gently slide the card inlothe sD.ard slot applicaion Or press Backto return to the cutrenl applcation. unljt yo! hear a ticking sound 'prepaang SD card' witt be displayed on ihe slaius barfor one second You can safeLy remove the SD you card rrom your Android ry any itme ihe unil ls rLrned ofl. lf you ned io remove lhe sD card while your Android rv is on musl

3. Preinshlled Applications: unmount the slorage card iorm lhe dev@ Itst, to preveni corupling or damaging lhe storage card The oreinslalled aDDlicalions varu in dlflereni areas and dltre€.tfimware versinn. . Press Seflings, lo open ihe Setngs app ication. . Press SD card & device slorage. . Click Unmolnt sD cad You can now safely emoveihe SD card riom vourAndroid ry

Managing Notifications

Nol icalion icons repon the afival of new , calendar evenls, as well as ongoing evenis. When you rece ve a nolfrcal on ils icon appears in lhe Status bar You can open ihe Nonfications panel lo viewa tist ofat your nolficaiions I

Connecting to Networks 1) Go to /sdcad, lons p€ss ihe desired frlefolder to pop oul a window and seled'@py'.

. WLFi: When WiFi signal is available, UseWiretess & NeMoft setings io coniguE and manage connedions 10 ne&orks by a Press Menu bofton and select'pasle'. Then lhe dested filefolder will be Fsled unde.flash. using Wi Fl b Press Menu button and seled crealefolder lo pop out awindowwhich requesis you io npulthefolder name Afrerihe

Wred netuorks provideEtersecurilythan awfeless neMoft and cantansferdaiafasier When both WLF] and Wred neMorkare available, lhesystem will usewfd netuork WlFi and dred netuo* Gn be seamtessty switched.

Using onscreen keyboard ^

You enter using the ien onscreen keyboard Some applications oFn the keyba.d auiomaticatly I n othe6, you ctick a le( fietd where you mni lo enlerGn b open the keyboard.

l. To changethe keyboard language you've lr used ihe Android Keyboard sefrings io make more than one tansuase avaitabte when using rhe onscreen keyboad {see Setiings > Language and Keyboad sefrings > Android Keybard setings > tnput tanguages), lhe curent keyboard tanguage is displayed on lhe SFcekey and you can switch languages. 1) Prcss 6 hold lhe Space key

2) Wlhoul lfling your finger move il to the let or right uniil the anguage you want appears in the center of the smatt window above

3) Lift yourfrnse.

fyou have many languages available. you may haveto repeatlhese steps ioiind the tansuaqe voL want 2. To change tha inputmethod/keyboads if you've lnstalled varlous input methods to input mufriple langlages, yo! can swiich betueen ditrerent inpur methds and the corespondins keyboards popoulthe opiions menu. 1) Go io Setings > Language and keyboard setings > Seled lhe input meihod io use ior typing the te{. . Prcss MENU lo 2) Press and hold the re{ field to pop od lheAndroid kevboard window . Prcss'd buitoniorefreshlhefolderlisi

ra-' wrndow and seled lnpul melhod fodernb choose a file and then click the More bufron lo oop out a window and then vou can €.ame copv, cul, deleie 4) Clck the desiled input meihodkeyboard


Applications 2. Apps lnstaller (lnstalling Android APK )

Click ihe Launcher icon on lhe righi side ofthe Home screen !o t'ew att iostatled appticalions There are various ways to install applietions on yourAndroid device: l) Throush the Android MarkeUplaystore 1. File Browser a. Open Androld Markeilo brcwse and search fortee and paid applicalons Paid appli@tions are not offered n all areas by all you you must Ead and accept the tems of seruic to coilinue. [3] -,n. r"."*,u"n or in rhe Launchei rhen rhe F,re Manaser inreda€ ap@aE cariers When open Android Maftet forthe first i me, . The files slored in the etrernal SD cad are under/mnusd€d or/sdcard. b. When you find an appliclion you wanl, you can download and install iton yourAndrcid device your luncllons your . The files stored in ihe e*emat USB mass sioraOe devi@ (USB had drive, USB stick etc.) are under mnusda orlsda Wartrirgl lfthe appllcation requres access to dala or contol of any on Android device, you are asked loreviewand grani permisson betore downloading

Read this screen carcfully. Be esFcially cautious wilh applications thai have ac@ss your you cllck oK on this /iash" is the built in memory spac for users to sloE frtes Don,l put ftes under oiher dfedones. To check the €mairirg space, go io 1o many fundions orlo a signfficant amount of dala. Once Setiings > slorage > lniernal storage vailable spa@ screen, you are resFnsible for ihe resuts ol using this applicanon on yourdevice. Wa..'ng! Beiore you install non ma*el applications, make surc theAPK liles thal you got are safe You are respons ble forthe resutrs

Hdtotranalerfilesfrom the e*ernal SD cad into lhe internal flash memory? ofinsralling and using lhese non-ma*el applicallons t0 t

2) lnstalling single application through Filebrowser a. Go 10 Setings >Applicalions, tick "Unknown sour@s'to a low insrallation of non-market applications. b. Copy theAPK fles you want 1o insial io SD cad and insen the ed into yourAndroid device. . OFn File Manage( and frndlhe apkthal youwantlo insEll. d. Open il and click on lhe tnstall buton And the application will be installed.

3) Batch installation through Filebrowser a. copy the APK fles you want 1o insbll lo SD cad and in*d the @d into your Andrcid device. b. OFn File Managei and find lhe folderthal oftains apk frles. c. Long press the lolderto pop outlhe conGn menu. d. Cticl'aalcn instaU'. Soled the applications that you want b insbll- Cli6k on lhe lnslall bufton. And the solectd applicaiions will k inslalled.

IhelollNing Setingsstreen apFars-Ick"Enablevideo €lling" sothatyou can havevideo yourtrends 4) Throuqh Apps lnstaller charswilh a. Use renote 6nh' or mouse io clc\ lheApps lnsEller i6n in he Launcher. b Aririofpreloadedapplicdionswilldisplay c. Seledthedesned applications a.d dick"lnsiall". Theselecied applicdionswill be inslalled. You can also copyAPK frles into SD card or Flash memory and lhen useApps ln$aller install lo ihe applicalions. ieaeive aalls from 4. Network info I Use remorecontrcl ormouseto clickthe Network icon in ihe Launcheroron the Home Screen.

You can a@ess and playthe shared frles in yourlo@l netuork. video calling IT 5. Skype video chat video 6lls from

Use remote contol ormouseio clickthe SkyF icon in the Launcheroronihe HomeScreen I myvdeo to Yo! sign inlo skyE lo chal wiih yourfriends.You rcmain signed in, evenwhen you are usins olher appl€tions, until you deliberaiely I quality Afteryou have signd inlo Skype, ihe followins SkFe screen apFars. Press Menu to pop oui the options menu. Click Senings. I

Press Ba*to €tum to Skypescreen and click"Coniads"to display yourcontadtisi. Seledone contacr and you can choose ro make a SkyF ell orSkyFvideo €ll orjuslsend lM. . Press the ight mouse buflon loctose the brcGe.and returntothe Home screen

. Press Return on ihe remote contot to ctosethe browserand retu.ntoihe Home scr@n

. Press lhe middte mouse bulton or Menu on the remotecontotto pop ouithe options menu Long press ' ihe lefl mouse buton ordouble clickthe lefl mouse button n the btank area to disptay lhe zoom rn and zoom out 6. Browser voL Jse B'owse.'o vewrebpases aidio qear.h'o'irrormaiioi ttiweb 1) To scroll a webpage Afler connectng to nelworks lhrough w -F r or neMork cable cl c k E con ihen ihe browser rnledace appeare as below a. Press and hold OK buflon, and then drag uryard to scrol down ihe screen, dEg downward io scrol up rhe screen. ti you

cannot sffoll down lhe sfieen while viewing lhe screen wilh videos move the cursor outside of the video ptayback area and lhen scroli down the screen.

Press OK quickty b &ice on a webpage, map, or othersc€en to zoom. For exampte, you doubte-ctick a section ofa webpage in Browserto zoom lhal section to frl lhe width of the screen.

c. Press lp/Down/LetuRightto scrolt lhedisptay up/down/teturiohtwhen there is a scrolt bar pressing d. seled items by Up/Down/LetoRight. Press Ente.toopenlhe setected iiem (openirg a tink, setecting a texliield, and so on). The arcw bufrons and Enier bdon are padcularly useful ior selecling tinks and oiher tems that are ctose together sLch as letfields and @ntots in torms.

2) To refresh the current page

Press Menu and cl ck Rehesh The webpage is reopened lpdaiing any contenl ihal has changed

3) To go back and foruard among the pages you have opened

Presslhe Back bufron Or p.ess Menu and click FoMard

4) To download a file

You can download iles and even applicallons irom web pages. Some apps (sayihe chinese taniian brcweo give the users options to

save the downloaded frles. Users can save the downioaded ile in ihe internal I ash memory or the externat slorage dev € Curent y

Browser from automaiica y save downtoaded fite in lhe exiernat SD card

13 Wa..i.El Applielions dowrloaded from the web can be from unknowi sources. To prolect your Android device and peBonal daia download applcaiions onlyriom lrusied sou.es, such asAndroid Market.

Djtrereniwebpages oflerditrerentmechanismsfordownloading piciures, documenls, appications, and olherfiles. click&holdanimageoralinkloafrleortoanoiherwebpage lnthemenuthaiopens,clicksave.

lfthe iile is in a format suppoded by an appllcation on lheAndroid devi€, it is down oadd to your SD carc.

5) To view the files you've downloaded

Press Menu and click Mo€ > Downloads Therles youve downioaded are lisled in order Click afilelo open t.

6) To change Browser Settings Press More blnon b oFn a menu ofadditional items, tnctuding Deiaits, Setsswaflpapei Crop, Rotate Left and Robte Righ PressMenuandcickMore>SellingsYou€nsetdelaulizoom,llck"Opennewwindowsbehindthecutrenlone seihomepage, cl-ar 1,s ory cslore deldLl seflngi e c

7. Gallery Use remoie conko or mouse to click lhe .on H on the Home screen or in the LaLncher and ihe follofrng photo view inledac

l: H['ffi3;i;;::::::;:H;:.r;ffi=:'#rril::::hffi h' M'""''"? sc'een'per"

. Clck an album to open land view ils contents. click a pictLre in an abum toview it. . Press Zoom in orZoom oul bufrons io zoom in orout. When ihe picture is zoomed in, drag lhe picturelo v ew pads thai are nol

n view When the Dclure s zoomed to fllnthewindow Press Left or Rightloviewthe netorprevious picture inlhe album. . click SLideshow button lo watch a slide show of the piclu.es in the album c ick a picture to end ihe slideshow . Press Menu buton to disp ay the options menu, ncuding the share buiion, the Deleie blton and ihe More blton

To play mlsic cl ck a song in your ibrary io listen lo lt orwhlb viewing a list oitacks in an atbum, press Men! and ctick puyALL. The

Playback screen opens and lhe song you cli*ed orlhe ffst song in ihe album or other ptaylisi stans to ptay The tacks in lhe curenr USB sloraoe device) . playlisl play in order until you rcach the end oflhe playist (unless you choose a rereal option). Othefrise, piayback stops only iJ yo! Click Hislorylo seethe list ofpiayed videos siop t eve. wher voL swil.h applicaiions. Cl ck Senings io open lhe sening screen. You can 6tear h story and detete cache ftes. Refrove all hislory played recenty to gel more space

Remove cached lhumb iles io reduce the f te tisl oad ng t me

click a vdeoiie, then the pop loilowing optionswndowwl oui seecta vdeo ptayerand uck use by deiauxtorlhis action . Nexltimewhenyouclckavideofrte thevideowit beptayedwilhlhedefaultplayelTocearlhedeiauliseiiing,golo Setings >Appl.ation Sellings > MarageApptcaliors > selecl ihe def.u tvideo ptayer > Tick,,Cleardefau[s

crck l** ro palse prayback ctick ,K& ro resume plavback. t click . lo skiptolhe ne{tack in lhe ablm playlisl, orshutre. Click [-;--) sk]piothe ptevious tack nlhe album. playlisl, orshufle click f-::- b open ihe cutrent paylst clickavdeofieioopenthefollowinqpaybackscreenandthevideoptays Cickthevdeoioviewthepiaybackcontosior click f_::,- io play the cutrent play isi in shufie mode (lEcks are played in kndom order). pausing,resuming,andskippingbackwardandfotuard Dragthestderlogodnecitytoasectionolthevideo clickl:.::::::ritotoggerepeatmodeDonlrepeat,Repeatlhepayisi,orRepeaiihecurenii€ck. llyoudon'lchoosearepeat

opiion or shuffle mode, the racks in ihe curent playlist play ir order unl I you .each the end ofthe play ist.

You can relurn to the Playback screen tom mosl olher screens n ihe Music appl cation by pressi.g Meno and clicking PLAYBAC K

You can reiurn lo lhe Payback screen trom any other appication by opening lhe Notifrcalions panel and clckng ihe ongoing ffusc

9. Video player (LocalVideo) ,* *.r" u,)^ ,n" E on the Home sffeen or in the Laon.her and ihe iollowlns vrdeo ce.1er screen -^.,'"r."J," " "-

C.kSDcardorBliltinFlashorHDDloviewlhevideoflesonSDcard(e"ternalSOcard) orbuLnrlash,orHDD(etrernal 4.,Display settings clck IEI ro oause Dravbach Setup yourtv output mode,setup display postion.ltihe piclure @nnot & disptayed proFdy qo to Seflings>Disptay seting>sei sc€en crid ro Esme pbyback size > > press m Cuslomize Press LEFT/UP/RIGHT/DOWN butons io seted rhe desned opiion> OK to change > press Rerurn io Fp click Ll io skrp backwad oul the confi rmation window crck SXX b skip roruard

Settings p- are use remore contrcr or mouse 10 cLi* the icon ** r*" **.n or in the Launcher The forowins seflinss

available for codguration: 'Wteless & ntuorks' 'Ethernet' 'sound' 'DisPlav' 'ApPlications' 'Accounts&svnd''Privacv" "StoEge" 'knsuage & kevbad' 'A@essibility'"Dale &iime"Abul device'

1. Wireless & networks WiFi: ched to turn on WiFj so you can conned to wi Fi netuoils. Men click an encryPted netuork, e.ter the secuntv key 5. Applications settings 2. Ethernet settings: . UnknoMsources:CheckloFmitinslalbtondaPpli€tonsthalyouobiainfromrebsiles,email,orotherlocaUonsotherihan

rtarninsr To prdecl your Android devi@ d pMnd dah, domlod applieiions only from lrusted sources. such as Andrcid Ma*ei.

. ilanage applicauons: oFns a rist d d Se apdffins ad othe. sotuare instatted on your Android w, atong with iher sizes.

click ihe Ebs to show only tu@d apdffis, o.ly runniE appli€rions, atl applictions or appticaiions on SD card. By defauit, lhey are sodd in alph@l @ ,b knu ad did Sod by sEe lo dispiay apptications in order by size Click an application to oren nsApplidon Itrs.en. eFdlE u happlicfon andSere tcametum, frsAppticaiion tnfo scEen may include butonsrormanagirulheapddmlde.r@rytu aPlieton tostop. and uninsbttins he applietion. . Runnins sedicos: OPnsa lislds6apd@6d F6of appldonshai provi& $ryi@s lo olherapplietions orthal run even when ftr main applbton br't rund4. Fd ffimde. iE tudrcB ons@n keyboad. Abve ead seruie, one or more gEy bars sh@what prce*slhe runniE * lds d hdmud mehory nb using (how mud memory you woutd €cover

iI you slopFd the servi@) Epndiru on he Se. ss you dH t in h tisr fr etu oFns a diatos in Mich you can stop h or opens its Seflings screen.

6. Account syn settings .lfyouchoose.DHCP',thenyoudon'tneedtoinputlPaddrss,subnetmaskandthedelauftgatewayThelPadd€sscanbe obtained automaiicallY Check background ddaand auiesyn seflings. the . tiyou choose to use gaiic tq you can use lP setings to enier an lP address and other neMok etings manuallv click pop so you @i inpul the data, You can also usethewredfuneless keyboard lo inpdthe inputfield to outthe soft keyboad' 7. Privacy settings

Factory dah rBet Erases all dyour petsonal dab from intehal sloEge, includins idomaton GqteAccounr, any . Press OKlo conitm. abdyour other a@ounts, your system and application senlnss, and any downtoaded appticaiions. Reering pur Andrcd W d@s not erase any syslem soture updalesyou've downloaded oranyiiles on yoursD cad. such as music or phdos 3. Sound settings

click Sound in lhe Sefrinqs screen to adjusivolume level.

19 8. Storage settings Troubling shooting SD cad, Tohl space and Available sFce Lisb the amouni d spa€ on any SD ed inslatted in yourAndroid W and rhe amounr 1. No signal on the HDW you have used io store photos, vidss, music, and otherfrles. . Check ifthe HDMI cable is securely connedd. UnmounisD€d UnmounisthesDcardiromyourAndrodwsorhaiyoucanf6matrhecrdorsarely€moveitwhentheunilis . Check ifyou have selecledthe @tred HDMI input on your HOry. on. This setrins is dimmed fthere is no SD card insialled, {you have already unmounted it, or ryou have mounted the SD card on

2. Gannot turn on yourAndroid w box. Fomat SD cad Pemanenlly emses everyihing on an SD erd and prepares t for us with your Andrcid ru You must unmount an . Check rlhe power connedor has compldely plussed inloihe OC socket d yourAndroid ry SD cad bdore you canfomd il. . Check flhe porer supoly is stable.

AuiFin memory avaihble spae:The remaining builLin memory spa@iorstorage. 3, Cannot connect to netuoil App data availaue space: The remaining builfin memory spa@forAppd*a. . Make sure the netuork cable is securely @nnedd and he Elherrei wotrs rell.

. Make sure mFi ntuork is co.nected and the scudiy key lor the enryptd netuort is cored. 9. Accessibility . Make sure you seledihe cored P address se$ngs

4. Some HDWS cannotdisplaythe entE pidue.

There arc tuo ways 10 fx this prcblem. 10. Language & keyboard settings 1) Setup the sc€en Etio ol your HDw as adomdic. On your HDry, go lo Men! >Scren >P.ess arrcw buflons lo seled he Etio type > Choose automatically display lhe entrc sc@n. U* lhe Language & Keyboard seflings io selecl the lansuase rorlhe let and for conriguriry rhe onscreen keyboard, including words 2) On your Andrcid w box, 90 1o setinss>Display sdrexd sc@. size > cldomize > Press LEFT/UP/RIGHT/DoWN butons 10 thatyou've added to iisdiclionary seled the desked opilon> Press OK to chaqe > PlB Rdum to pop outthe coffmation window . Select langoago Opens the Language scren, where you €n seledthe language to use for the le( . Selecl input mothod You can *led ihe inpui meihod io use for lyping the bn. 5, Remob control do* not Epnd. . Andbid Keyb@rd *frings screen . Make sureihe bafleriesaregod. The corection and captulizalion features affed only the English veEion olthe keyboad . Make sure no obie6 block the Fth E@n the Ende @drcl and the signal sensor area on yourAndrold w. Auto+apiblizato. Chek to have the onscr@n keyboard automatically cpilalize ihe f6t lefler dthe fr6i rcrd der a pedod, lhe . Make sure the distan@ bMn he cmde 6ntol and yolrAndrcid W &x is not morc lhan 5 mete6 frrsr word ir a red qeld and each wod in name frelds lnpul languag$ OFns ihe ,nput Lang!4es screen, where you can check lhe langu4es you wanl to have available when using ihe onscFen keyboard Quick fixes Check to automaliElly cored some common misspellings as you lype

Show suggestions Che* to show suggestd words in a stip above the onscreen keyboad as you type.

Autorompl€te Che& lo automaliGlly eder a suggesld rcd, highlighled in orange in ihe stip above the keyboard, when you

11. Date & Time settings

Use lhe Date &Ime setiogslosddate, timezone, time, tme format, dateformat.

12. About Device

"Abod hvi@" indudes infomalion about yourAndroid Tvbox.ll includes,Satus, Lqal infomation, Model numbei Android veBion kemel veaion.build numberethemel infomalion.

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