Analogue model of inversion tectonics explaining the structural diversity of Late shortening in southwestern Mexico



The Laramide fold-and-thrust belt in southern Mexico is characterized by N-S–trending structures in its central and eastern part and by NW-SE–trending structures in its western part. Here, we investigate, experimentally, the possibility that the Laramide structures of southern Mexico may be the result of inversion of previously thinned lithosphere zones under oblique compression. A revision of the geology of this region shows that the presence of two extensional basins, representing relatively weak blocks within more rigid lithosphere, strongly controlled the subsequent deformation pattern. For modeling purposes, we divided the southern Mexico lithosphere into blocks with differ- ent strength profi les: (1) a stable craton; (2) a weak block composed of the Guerrero Morelos Platform; (3) a relatively strong block exposing the pre-Cretaceous Tejupilco schist and the Early Cretaceous Teloloapan volcanic arc (Tejupilco anticlinorium); and (4) a weak block repre- sented by the Arcelia–Palmar Chico basin. A series of physical experiments simulating the mechanical response of an analogue lithosphere composed of fi ve simplifi ed strength profi les was constructed. The model lithosphere was thinned orthogonally and shortened obliquely. Shortening was accommodated mainly by reactivation of preexisting extensional structures. The resulting orogenic deformation in the models is not entirely sequential and foreland-progressive. Inversion tectonics of extensional basins is thus proposed as an explanation for the structural diversity observed in shortening of southwestern Mexico. The predictions of our lithospheric model may be tested when more geophysical information about the structure of the southern Mexico lithosphere becomes available.

LITHOSPHERE; v. 2; no. 3; p. 172–187. doi: 10.1130/L48.1

INTRODUCTION platform sequence during Albian– GEOLOGICAL EVOLUTION OF (Morelos Formation; Cerca et al., 2007); and SOUTHWESTERN MEXICO DURING THE Late Cretaceous Laramide shortening defor- (2) the Arcelia–Palmar Chico deep basin, which EARLY AND LATE CRETACEOUS mation in southern Mexico occurred primarily is characterized by a fl ysch-like sequence dur- through large-scale folds and thrusts involv- ing the Valanginian–Aptian and an alternating Recent work has provided a wealth of new ing Early Cretaceous and older rocks. These sequence of and dominantly mid- information on the geology of southern Mexico structures strike N-S in an E-W section of more ocean-ridge basalt (MORB)–type volcanism (Cerca et al., 2007; Talavera-Mendoza et al., than 160 km between Ciudad Altamirano and during the Aptian–Coniacian (Arcelia–Palmar 2007; Solari et al., 2007; Centeno-García et Papalutla (Cerca et al., 2007; Martini et al., Chico Group; Martini et al., 2009). These al., 2008; Martini et al., 2009; Mortensen et al., 2009) and NW-SE farther to the west, NW of two basins are separated by a block expos- 2008). Southern Mexico geology is character- Zihuatanejo (Martini, 2008) (Fig. 1). The avail- ing the pre-Cretaceous metamorphic basement ized by a fi nite number of different terranes or able geological information from southern of the Tejupilco schist (Fig. 1) and the major subterranes that can be recognized by a detailed Mexico consistently suggests the occurrence Early Cretaceous Teloloapan volcanic arc. The analysis of the surface geology (Campa and of an episode of lithosphere thinning prior to scheme emerging from these fi rst-order observa- Coney, 1983; Sedlock et al., 1993; Tardy et al., Late Cretaceous shortening (e.g., Centeno- tions suggests that, as in many orogenic zones, 1994; Dickinson and Lawton, 2001; Keppie, García et al., 2008; Martini et al., 2009, and inversion of extensional basins is an important 2004). We focus our work on an ~220-km-long references therein). At a regional scale, at least mechanism in controlling the style and geome- and ~70-km-wide, E-W–trending zone, with two zones with geological evidence of Early try of Laramide shortening. Furthermore, it may complete exposures of Cretaceous lithology and Cretaceous extension can be identifi ed from explain the occurrence of N-S–trending struc- structures, located to the west of the Paleozoic east to west (Fig. 1): (1) the Guerrero Morelos tures in the central and eastern part of the south- Acatlan complex (Figs. 2 and 3). Platform, which has a sedimentary record of ern Mexico Laramide belt and coast-parallel, The aforementioned papers provide a continental margin conglomerates and minor NW-SE–trending structures in the western part detailed reconstruction of the geological evo- volcanism during Hauterivian–Aptian (Zicapa of the belt (Fig. 1C). In this work, we experi- lution of the region, which is characterized by Formation), followed by a thick carbonaceous mentally investigate the possibility that the an Early Cretaceous extensional phase in the N-S–trending contractile structures may have Arcelia–Palmar Chico Basin and in the Guer- *Corresponding author e-mail: mcerca@geociencias formed as a result of positive inversion tectonics rero Morelos Platform, predating the Laramide during a phase of oblique compression. shortening. Based on these observations, we

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NORTH Toluca AMERICA Puebla PLATE Cuernavaca ? APC 20°N Fig. 1b ? Sierra Madre GMP del Sur Ciudad Altamirano 18°N TA Papalutlathrust Chortis stable plateau COCOS PLATE block or craton TMVB Chilpancingo B Zihuatanejo

study area Acapulco Ma G 18°N Fig. 1c GMP Mi Zihuatanejo Anticline 16°N Acapulco J GOLFO PACIFIC X O Thrust DE OCEAN PACIFIC Normal fault OCEAN 16°N MÉXICO 150 Km 150 Km Puerto Angel Strike-slip fault 100°W 98°W 96°W

100°W 98°W Figure 1. (A) The study area is located in the area known as Sierra Madre del Sur in southwestern Mexico. (B) The lithosphere of southern Mexico has been classifi ed into tectonostratigraphic basement terranes (Campa and Coney, 1983; Sedlock et al., 1993): G—Guerrero; Mi—Mixteco; O—Oaxaca; Ma—Maya; X—Xolapa; J—Juarez; the Guerrero Morelos Platform (GMP) has been consid- ered either part of the Guerrero or the Mixteco terranes. TMVB—Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. (C) Regional structures and blocks defi ned in this work: a stable plateau or craton, exposing the Paleozoic Acatlán complex; weak block composed of the Guerrero Morelos Platform (GMP); a relatively strong block exposing the pre-Cretaceous Tejupilco schist and the Early Cretaceous Teloloa- pan volcanic arc (Tejupilco anticlinorium [TA]); and a weak block represented by the Arcelia–Palmar Chico and Huetamo basin (APC). Dashed lines represent the limits of the Xolapa and Guerrero terranes proposed by Campa and Coney (1983). Solid gray line is the limit between the Guerrero Morelos Platform and the Xolapa complex; thick solid lines represent the areas where the Xolapa complex is thrust over the Guerrero Morelos Platform. Strike slip along the thrust trace was proposed by Silva-Romo (2008).

propose a model in which inversion tectonics review of the geology of southern Mexico. the region is underlain by a continental base- played an important role in controlling the dif- In the following section, we discuss only the ment below the Arcelia–Palmar Chico sequence ferences observed in the strain localization and relevant data for construction of the model. (Elías-Herrera et al., 2000; Talavera-Mendoza deformation style observed in the Mesozoic Schematic stratigraphic columns and the rela- et al., 2007; Martini et al., 2009). Moreover, lithostratigraphy of these terranes. Recent papers tion between blocks and tectonic events are two large-scale batholiths of continental affi nity support a model in which the Mesozoic volcano- presented in Figure 3. are found on both sides of the Arcelia–Palmar sedimentary successions of the Guerrero terrane Chico basin: the Placeres del Oro intrusive were deposited directly on the thinned continen- Arcelia–Palmar Chico–Huetamo Basin (ca. 119 Ma; Martini et al., 2009) and the Tin- tal margin of the North American plate (Cerca gambato batholith (ca. 130 Ma; Garza-González et al., 2007; Centeno-García et al., 2008; Mar- The Arcelia–Palmar Chico Cretaceous basin Vélez, 2007; Martini et al., 2009). tini et al., 2009), leaving no space for accretion was built on extended continental lithosphere The Cretaceous history of subsidence of the of allochthonous terranes as the cause for Late and consists of the western Huetamo and east- Arcelia–Palmar Chico basin starts in the Late Cretaceous shortening. Thus, analogue models ern Arcelia–Palmar Chico areas, the lateral con- or Early Cretaceous with apron sedi- of lithospheric scale were constructed to explore tinuity of which has been recently confi rmed by mentary deposits and volcanic rocks (Guerrero- the infl uence of lateral mechanical variations Martini et al. (2009). Cretaceous sequences were Suástegui, 1997) of poorly constrained age during successive phases of extension and com- clearly deposited above metasedimentary rocks (Angao Formation). A period of continuous pression on the structural style that resulted in of age in the Huetamo area (Centeno- subsidence and marine transgression in the late the upper crust. The relative strengths of blocks García et al., 2003, 2008; Talavera-Mendoza et Valanginian to Aptian is recorded by the San used in the model were inferred from the basis of al., 2007; Martini et al., 2009). Precambrian and Lucas Formation (Pantoja-Alor and Gómez- geological and deformation history. Paleozoic detrital zircon ages and metamorphic Caballero, 2003; Omaña-Pulido et al., 2005; The reader is referred to Cerca et al. (2007) continental clasts in conglomerates in the lower Talavera-Mendoza et al., 2007; Martini et and Martini et al. (2009) for a more extensive part of the Cretaceous sequence suggest that al., 2009), and there is a continuous record of

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Eocene - Oligocene in age undifferentiated Balsas and Tetelcingo, Oapan Fm Campanian - Eocene Silicic and andesitic centers volcanic Intrusives - Eocene W Thr W Texmalac ′ ′

N 99°00 Continental sediments rocks and volcanic 99°00 ′ Papalutla Papalutla HUAUTLA 18°30 Atenango 1 S =foliation Major thrust thrust Inferred Anticline Overturned anticline Undifferentiated rocks Undifferentiated Miocene - Recent TILZAPOTLA CALDERA PGM (B1) ra-Carranza et al. (1998), Cerca et al. (2007), Serrano-Duran Serrano-Duran (2007), et al. Cerca (1998), et al. ra-Carranza W ′ W ′ 99°30 99°30 Mezcala 0 TAXCO Symbols S =stratification W ′

Major strike-slip fault Major strike-slip fault strike-slip Inferred

Teloloapan Thrust Teloloapan

eloloapan Arc eloloapan T 99°45 W ′ 100°00 N N ′ ′ LA GOLETA 18°00 19°00

Tejupilco Anticlinorium Tejupilco Amatepec Thrust Amatepec Limestone Morelos Platform Aptian-Cenomanian Acatlán complex Paleozoic Mezcala Flysch - Maastrichtian Turonian Zicapa Formation Early Cretaceous Group Tecocoyunca Jurassic PGM W ′ W ′ NANCHITITLA 100°30 SAN VICENTE 100°30

Amatepec pelagic Limestone Aptian-Cenomanian Metamorphic rocks volcanic Metamorphic rocks volcaniclastic Schist Tejupilco ? Jurassic Early Cretaceous Early Cretaceous ?

Tzitzio Anticline T T Tz Tz Tzitzio z z Anticlinorium Tejupilco t tz oA oA o o An A A nticline Arcelia-Palmar Chico (B2) Arcelia-Palmar N ′ N ′ 50 km 19°00 18°30 Reefal limestone Reefal and red beds Aptian- Cenomanian lavas and pillow Massive with pelagic limestone Aptian-Turonian San Lucas Flysch Berriasian-Barremian Sedimentary pelagic rocks Valanginian-Hauterivian Arcelia-Palmar Chico Arcelia-Palmar Figure 2. Geological map of the study area compiled after Campa-Uranga et al. (1997), Montiel-Escobar et al. (1998, 2000), Rive (1998, Montiel-Escobar et al. (1997), et al. Campa-Uranga compiled after area Geological map of the study 2. Figure Platform. Morelos PGM—Guerrero mapping. and our own (2009), et al. Martini (2005),

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Massive and pillow lavas, ultramafic Shearing showing sequences, incipient oceanization Intrusives, mafic dikes kinematics, dashed line: Massive lavas, subduction arc inferred sequence Volcanic silicic rocks * Tingambato and Placeres Red beds, anhydrite, continental Conglomerates, sandstone, del Oro intrusives margin shale, with intercalated Jurassic sedimentary, volcanic, and volcanic rocks § Mezcala intrusive suite metamorphic rocks, continental Sedimentary metamorphic rocks, “Flysch-like” sequences † Purungeo and San Miguel sandstone and shale intrusives continental margin Mixteca terrane, Acatláncomplex, ‡ Temascaltepec intrusive Pelagic to reefal limestone Paleozoic metamorphic rocks

Figure 3. Schema of the main stratigraphic units of the blocks in the studied area and the structural relations proposed in this manuscript (see text for details). The analogue models produced in this work focus on the inversion tectonics observed in the Late Cretaceous. GAPC—Group Arcelia-Palmar Chico; GMP—Guerrero Morelos Platform; FM—Formation.

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marine sedimentation from the Valanginian to Group and the Amatepec limestone are thrusted the Late Cretaceous fl ysch-like sequence of the Hauterivian in the lower part of the Arcelia– against the Tejupilco schist along two low-angle, Pachivia-Miahuatepec Formation (Fries, 1960; Palmar Chico Group (Salinas-Prieto et al., parallel, N-S–oriented structures. Shortening Salinas-Prieto et al., 2000; Hernandez-Romano 2000; Elías-Herrera et al., 2000). in the Huetamo area is observed as large fold et al., 1997). Late Cretaceous to Tertiary red bed A major episode of mafi c volcanism in structures (Martini et al., 2009). In the north- sequences are thin or absent in the Tejupilco the Aptian to the Cenomanian (105–82 Ma; ern part, folding is concentrated in the Tzitzio anticlinorium, and the Eocene to Oligocene Delgado-Argote et al., 1992; Elías-Herrera et anticline, a major asymmetric fold with an axial volcanic units were emplaced directly over the al., 2000) suggests localization of extension in plane steeply dipping to the west developed in Tejupilco schist (Morán-Zenteno et al., 2007). the basin. The transition from pelagic limestone post-Campanian times. The structural style of This indicates that the block remained a topo- intercalated with mafi c lavas in the Arcelia– the Tzitzio anticline (ample folding in Late Cre- graphic high from the Late Cretaceous onward. Palmar Chico area (Salinas-Prieto et al., 2000; taceous red beds) differs signifi cantly from the Shortening deformation of the Cretaceous Elías-Herrera et al., 2000; Elías-Herrera, 2004) pervasive folds and thrusts affecting the Arcelia– units of the Teloloapan arc was accomplished to platform and reefal limestone of Aptian age Palmar Chico area (thrusting and stacking of by two phases with opposite vergence (Salinas- in the Huetamo area (El Cajon Formation; the Early Cretaceous sequence). Because of its Prieto et al., 2000; Cabral-Cano et al., 2000). Pantoja-Alor, 1990; Skelton and Pantoja-Alor, Paleocene age, it has been interpreted as an out- The major structures have N-S orientation and 1999; Omaña-Pulido and Pantoja-Alor, 1998; of-sequence structure or as the product of a sec- eastward vergence, such as the low-angle Telo- Martini et al., 2009) and to subaerial conditions ond phase of deformation (Martini et al., 2009). loapan thrust system, which juxtaposes the represented by deltaic clastic sediments and Teloloapan arc against the Guerrero Morelos biostromic limestone of the Barremian–Early Tejupilco-Teloloapan Platform. Since there are no major thrust struc- Aptian Comburindio Formation (Alencaster and tures between the Tejupilco schist and the Telo- Pantoja-Alor, 1998; Pantoja-Alor and Gómez- The Tejupilco anticlinorium is a basement loapan arc, for modeling purposes, we assume Caballero, 2003) indicates progressively shal- high between the Arcelia–Palmar Chico basin that they behaved as a single quasi-rigid block lower facies to the west, and implies a scenario and the Teloloapan arc that exposes the Teju- during shortening. The age of shortening is of high subsidence rates (Elías-Herrera, 2004). pilco schist (Elías-Herrera et al., 2000; Elías- poorly constrained in this area because of the This condition was established and lasted until Herrera, 2004). The youngest ages obtained lack of stratigraphic markers, but it must have the Albian–Early Cenomanian, when a period of for detrital zircons from the metasedimentary been post-Albian (the age of the limestone). carbonate deposition at the fl anks of the basin part of the Tejupilco schist are Late Triassic Late Maastrichtian to early Paleocene postkine- is represented by the Mal Paso limestone in the (Martini et al., 2009) and represent further evi- matic intrusive bodies emplaced along the front Huetamo area (Pantoja-Alor, 1959; Buitrón- dence of an older continental crust below the of the Teloloapan thrust system and farther to Sánchez and Pantoja-Alor, 1998; Pantoja-Alor Jurassic to Cretaceous sequences. Rock frag- the east in the Guerrero Morelos Platform pro- and Skelton, 2000; Filkorn, 2002) and the ments of the Tejupilco schist have been recog- vide a minimum age for the end of thrusting Amatepec limestone in the Arcelia–Palmar nized in debris deposits at the lower part of the (González-Partida et al., 2003; Meza-Figueroa Chico area (Elías-Herrera et al., 2000; Cabral- Arcelia–Palmar Chico basin (Elías-Herrera et et al., 2003). The structures with westward ver- Cano et al., 2000). al., 2000). According to Elías-Herrera (2004), gence are less intense and have been associated The thick sequence of red beds of the Cut- the original listric fault that put the Tejupilco with back thrusting in the late stages of shorten- zamala Formation (Altamira-Areyán, 2002) schist in contact with the Palmar Chico Group ing (Salinas-Prieto et al., 2000). partially covers the Arcelia–Palmar Chico was later reactivated as a fault propagation fold basin, indicating a shift from marine to conti- during inversion of the basin. Guerrero Morelos Platform Basin nental depositional systems. The base of the The Teloloapan volcanic arc (Campa and Cutzamala sequence is exposed at the fl anks of Coney, 1983; Salinas-Prieto et al., 2000; Talavera- The Guerrero Morelos Platform basin is a the Tzitzio anticline, where a Late Cretaceous Mendoza and Guerrero-Suastegui, 2000) is N-S–oriented, ~100-km-wide zone with wide- age has been established on a paleontological located in the eastern and southern part of the spread exposures of Cretaceous platform car- (Benammi et al., 2005) and geochronological Tejupilco anticlinorium and was apparently con- bonates framed between the Teloloapan arc basis (84 Ma for an interbedded lava fl ow— structed above continental basement (Salinas- anticlinorium and the Acatlan complex (Fig. 2; Mariscal-Ramos et al., 2005; ca. 74 Ma for an Prieto et al., 2000; Elías-Herrera et al., 2000; Fries, 1960; Hernández-Romano et al., 1997; andesitic clast—Martini et al., 2009). Continen- Elías-Herrera, 2004). The main volcanic activ- Cerca et al., 2004, 2007). A Precambrian and tal sedimentation was partly concurrent with the ity was Hauterivian–Aptian (Talavera-Mendoza Paleozoic basement has been inferred by Vélez shortening and continued after it into the early and Guerrero-Suastegui, 2000), and detrital zir- (1990) and Levresse et al. (2004) to lie beneath Paleocene (Martini et al., 2009). The youngest con ages in the associated sedimentary succes- the Guerrero Morelos Platform basin. The Guer- red beds deposits unaffected by shortening are sions peak at ca. 129 and ca. 124 Ma (Talavera- rero Morelos Platform basin subsidence started cut by late Eocene dikes and intrusive rocks Mendoza et al., 2007). Volcanism progressively in the Early Cretaceous, when over 1000 m of (Serrano-Durán, 2005). waned between the Aptian and latest Albian continental red beds, minor lava fl ows (40Ar-39Ar Shortening of the Arcelia–Palmar Chico (Guerrero et al., 1991; Monod et al., 2000). The age of 127 ± 2 Ma; Fitz-Díaz et al., 2002), shal- basin involved a pervasive deformation, variations in depositional environment recorded low marine to tidal anhydrites, and some lime- observed at the regional scale, in N-S–oriented by ammonites found in the Teloloapan lime- stone banks (Aptian-Albian) were deposited folding and thrusting. Eastward thrusting of the stone suggest a rapid increase in depth from close to the cratonic border to form the Zicapa Arcelia–Palmar Chico Group against the Teju- east to west (Monod et al., 2000), consistent Formation and the Huitzuco anhydrite (Fries, pilco anticlinorium postdates the Cenomanian with a westward migration and localization 1960; de Cserna et al., 1980; Cerca et al., 2007). volcanic activity (Elías-Herrera et al., 2000). of the extension at the Arcelia–Palmar Chico We interpret these sequences as the evidence The volcanic units of the Arcelia–Palmar Chico basin at this time. The sequence is covered by of a period of large-scale extension and minor

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volcanism in the backarc of the active Teloloa- To the east, the Guerrero Morelos Platform is Early Cretaceous extension followed by the pan arc. Rapid extension was replaced in the bounded by the NE-SW–trending Papalutla Late Cretaceous shortening. late Albian by a period of steady subsidence, in fault, which thrust the Acatlan complex over the In both phases, the wall was displaced by which platform and reefal limestone developed Guerrero Morelos Platform with a northwest 30 mm (around 18% of extension and shorten- in a platform environment (Morelos Forma- vergence (Cerca et al., 2007). ing, respectively). During the extensional phase, tion; Fries, 1960; Hernández-Romano et al., two metallic perpendicular plates provoked a 1997). Low and constant subsidence rates con- Pre-Cretaceous Continental Metamorphic velocity discontinuity (VD) in the middle part cluded by the end of the Cenomanian with the Block of the Arcelia–Palmar Chico basin (Fig. 4). deposition of the overlying Mezcala Formation One model (Laramide 01) consisted of a single (Hernández-Romano et al., 1997). Limestone The continental metamorphic core of south- phase of extension; the other models (Laramide facies of the Morelos Formation are progres- ern Mexico was assembled during the Paleo- 02–04) were subsequently shortened. In model sively shallower toward the east (Hernández- zoic, when the Mixteco and Oaxaca terranes Laramide 02, extension and compression were Romano et al., 1997), coastal and reefal facies were tectonically juxtaposed (Ortega-Gutiérrez, orthogonal, whereas the last two models were directly overlie the Acatlan complex or its Juras- 1981; Ortega-Gutiérrez et al., 1999; Elías- deformed obliquely at an angle of 15°. The sic cover (de Cserna et al., 1980), and limestone Herrera and Ortega-Gutiérrez, 2002; Talavera- angle of convergence between the Pacifi c and is very thin or completely absent over the east- Mendoza et al. 2005), and they have shared a North American plates was calculated by Schaaf ern Acatlan complex, suggesting that the stable similar history of sedimentation and deforma- et al. (1995) for the Laramide time. Before start- plateau of southern Mexico was only partially tion since the Cretaceous (Nieto-Samaniego ing the shortening phase, the mobile wall was covered by the Albian-Cenomanian sea (Cerca et al., 2006). The geometry of the shortening rotated counterclockwise, and the gap was fi lled et al., 2004, 2007). structures affecting the Mesozoic cover defi nes with material similar in strength to the normal The beginning of inversion in this area is a broad, northward-convex arc showing an out- four-layer lithosphere. In two models (Laramide marked by the switch from carbonate to silici- ward vergence away from the metamorphic core 02 and 03), black sand was added to fi ll the clastic sedimentation, marked by the Mezcala (Ferrari et al., 1998; Cerca et al., 2004; Nieto- basins formed during the extensional phase to Formation (Fries, 1960; Ontiveros-Tarango, Samaniego et al., 2006), suggesting rotation simulate syntectonic sedimentation. 1973; Hernández-Romano et al., 1997; Lang and/or vertical movements of the metamorphic Top-view pictures of the model were and Frerichs, 1998; Cabral-Cano et al., 2000; block locally followed by gravitational detach- obtained at regular time intervals. At the end of Cerca et al., 2004, 2007; Nieto-Samaniego et ment of the cover. the experiment, models were soaked in water, al., 2006). The Mezcala Formation ranges from frozen, and sectioned in longitudinal stripes to the Turonian in the central part of the Guerrero PHYSICAL EXPERIMENTS document and photograph cross sections. Morelos Platform (Hernández-Romano et al., 1997), to the Coniacian in the Atenango del Model Setup Model Simplifi cations, Selection of Rio area (Lang and Frerichs, 1998), to the early Analogue Materials, and Properties Maastrichtian in the Texmalac area (Perrilliat et Modeling was performed at the Tectonic al., 2000; Fig. 2). The end or at least waning of Modeling Laboratory of the Institute of Geosci- Analogue models allow us to integrate con- shortening is marked by the inception of subaer- ences and Earth Resources (National Research ceptual models of geological evolution in con- ial magmatic activity and sedimentation since Council of Italy) at the Earth-Sciences Depart- crete terms but necessarily simplify rheologi- the end of Maastrichtian (González-Partida et ment of the University of Florence. The sim- cal and/or geometrical parameters that exert a al., 2003; Meza-Figueroa et al., 2003; Levresse plifi ed model was constructed considering an potential control on resulting deformation. In et al., 2004; Cerca et al., 2007). idealized initial strength profi le for each region the fi rst place, our models are not a realistic The red bed succession of the Guerrero (e.g., Corti et al., 2003). We performed a series representation of the lithosphere, but an ideal- Morelos Platform is similar in lithology, depo- of four experiments in which two preexisting ization inferred from geological information. sitional environment, and age to the Cutzamala built-in lithosphere-scale weak zones (Arcelia– The use of homogeneous materials with depth- deposits in the Huetamo–Palmar Chico area. Palmar Chico and Guerrero Morelos Platform invariant properties for representing the strongly However, in the Guerrero Morelos Platform basins) were subject to successive orthogonal temperature-dependent rheologies of the lower basin, continental deposits are less widespread extension and oblique shortening (Fig. 4). The crust and ductile mantle is a major simplifi ca- and essentially confi ned to small structural basins were simulated by stripes with a weaker tion employed commonly in similar experi- basins (Cerca et al., 2004, 2007). The whole strength profi le (three-layer) welded within the ments (Davy and Cobbold, 1991; Burg et al., continental sequence is affected by gentle fold- normal strength profi le (four-layer; Fig. 4). The 2002; Sokoutis et al., 2000). The sharp lateral ing that tends to decrease toward the top (Cerca mechanically stratifi ed lithosphere was con- contrast of strength along a vertical contact is et al., 2004, 2007). structed with alternating layers of quartz sand also a simplifi cation in our models. Lateral con- The eastern and western boundaries of the and silicone + sand mixtures with properly trast in rheology is likely to produce localized Guerrero Morelos Platform basin are N-S– and scaled density (Table 1). Isostatic equilibration instabilities, secondary fl ow in viscous layers NE-SW–trending deformation zones, respec- during deformation was achieved through a (e.g., Montési and Zuber, 2003), and disturbing tively: to the west, there is the Teloloapan dense glycerol-gypsum mixture, which simu- buckling wavelength and amplitude. thrust system, a low-angle, N-S–trending, and lates the asthenosphere upon which the model In our setup design, the moving wall trans- eastward-verging structure that juxtaposes the was fl oating. mitted lateral tectonic driving forces. In the Early Cretaceous Teloloapan arc sequence Models were deformed in one phase of case of extension, the experimental design is with the Guerrero Morelos Platform limestone orthogonal extension (velocity of 7.5 mm h–1) intended to simulate the hypothetical conditions (Campa-Uranga, 1978; Campa-Uranga and followed by oblique shortening at an angle of before shortening and does not consider com- Ramírez, 1979; Salinas-Prieto et al., 2000). 15° (velocity of 9 mm h–1), representing the plexities derived from nonorthogonal extension.

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A 17 cm fixed wall fixed wall

“weakened” 25 cm extension 3 Layer crust cratonic crust mobile wall

oblique 3.3 cm compression α =15° Figure 4. Analogue models setup: Gypsum - Glycerol Mixture (A) construction of the initially mechanically heterogeneous sec- lateral metallic plate tion above a high-density fl uid simulating the asthenosphere, and VD: velocity discontinuity directions of successive extension and shortening; and (B) materials and analogue strength profi les. B VD—velocity discontinuity; lith.— 17 cm lithospheric; Kfds—K-feldspar.

Kfds sand

Silicone-corundum sand 3.3 cm Silicone-corundum sand Glycerol - Gypsum Mixture + 10% W Oleic acid Kfds + corundum sand

σ σ σ1– σ3 (Pa) σ1– σ3 (Pa) 1– 3 (Pa) Silicone-corundum sand 0 100 0 100 0 100 + 10% W Oleic acid Brittle crust Brittle crust Brittle Ductile crust Ductile crust crust + lith. Silicone-corundum sand Brittle mantle lith. mantle Ductile Ductile lith. mantle Ductile lith. lith. mantle mantle

TABLE 1. CHARACTERISTIC PROPERTIES OF ANALOGUE MATERIALS USED IN THE EXPERIMENTS Analogue material Density Effective Power-law Coeffi cient of Cohesion Prototype material simulated (kg m–3) viscosity parameters internal friction (Pa) (Pa s) K-feldspar sand* 1220 ± 10 – – ~0.60 <100 Upper crust Silicon + corundum sand 100:50 weight 1415 ± 10 3.2 × 105 n = 1.32 – – Lithospheric mantle in craton crust A = 1–10–6 Silicon + corundum sand 100:30 weight 1280 ± 10 1.2 × 105 n = 1.21 – – Ductile crust in four-layer lithosphere A = 5–10–6 K-feldspar + corundum sand† 100:35 weight 1330 ± 10 – – ~0.75# <100 Brittle upper mantle in four-layer lithosphere Silicon + corundum sand + oleic acid 100:30:10 1225 ± 10 7.5 × 103 n = 2.34 – – Ductile crust in weak lithosphere weight A = 1–10–5** Silicon + corundum sand + oleic acid 100:60:10 1380 ± 10 6.3 × 104 n = 1.65 – – Lower lithospheric mantle in weak lithosphere weight A = 3–10–6** Glycerol + gypsum mixture 1415§ 6§ Newtonian – – Asthenosphere Note: Silicon = Mastic Rebondissante 29 (delivered by CRC France). *Dry K-feldspar sand with angular grains with dimension ~200 µm. †Dry corundum sand with rounded grains with dimension ~250 µm. §After Sokoutis et al. (2000). #After Panien et al. (2006) negligible cohesion materials. **Measured with a coni-cylindrical viscometer at room temperature (20 °C ± 1°).

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Several other factors having a great infl uence in TABLE 2. EXAMPLE OF SCALING PARAMETERS FOR VISCOUS ANALOGUE MATERIALS AND DUCTILE the result of deformation were not considered, NATURAL LAYERS η σ σ such as erosion, the effect of pore pressure in Layer Density Viscosity, Layer thickness, ( 1 – 3)viscous Strain rate, e Rm –3 † –1 the generation and growth of structures, thermal (kg m ) (Pa s)* h (m) (Pa) (s ) 5 22 evolution, and addition of new material in the Lower crustmodel 1280 3.2 × 10 0.005 1.6 × 10 0.0005 0.39 Lower crust 2900 1022 1 × 104 3.17 × 108 3.1 × 1014 0.90 crust by magmatism. Sedimentation was con- nature sidered in three of the experiments in which the *Considering a velocity of shortening of 3.1 × 10–10 m s–1. extensional basins were fi lled before the short- †Mean values in the case of natural lithospheric layers. ening phase. Our model aims to simulate the structural style due to mechanical heterogeneity of the ers considering the initial strength profi le at the west of the cratonic area in the northern part lithosphere and does not consider the thermal onset of the second phase of shortening. of the model, and a second strip of extensional evolution. Nevertheless, a warm geothermal faults localized above the eastern side of the gradient below the basins can be the cause of RESULTS Tejupilco anticlinorium. After 11% of exten- the weak zones in the lithosphere (e.g., Boute- sion, deformation localized in the middle of lier et al., 2003), which allow and localize the In this section, the proximal side to the mov- basin 2, rapidly developing a set of rift-oblique deformation of an orogen during shortening ing wall is referred to as hinterland, whereas the faults between the two normal faults delimiting (e.g., Chapman and Furlong, 1992; Pollack distal side corresponds to the foreland. The cra- the rift center. Figure 5B shows a summary of et al., 1993; Hyndman et al., 2005; Hartz and tonic area is located to the east in the distal posi- the evolution of extension in the basins for two Podlachikov, 2008). tion, and the north of the models is located at the experiments (Laramide 02 and 04). In this fi g-

upper part of photographs. The model blocks ure, the width of each basin (Wbasin) along a line Model Scaling Analysis were given the names of the prototype blocks located at y ~9 cm from the south for models or basins: Guerrero Morelos Platform (GMP or Laramide 02 and 04 was divided by the total

The model generically explores the infl uence basin 1, B1) and Arcelia–Palmar Chico (APC or initial width of the model (Wi = 170 mm) and of lateral mechanical variations during succes- basin 2, B2) for the basins and Tejupilco anti- plotted versus the amount of deformation for sive phases of extension and compression, and it clinorium (TA) for the area between the basins. consecutive increments of extension. Although focuses on the structural style that resulted in the The results are presented in two parts that relate the velocity discontinuity is located in basin 2, upper crust for the comparison with the natural to two main issues addressed in this work: (1) normal faults are observed at the surface fi rst prototype. The model is a scale representation the surface evolution of deformational patterns in the eastern margin of basin 1; after only 5% of the prototype under study following within during oblique shortening, and (2) the fi nal of extension, faulting propagates into basin 2. the possible principles of geometric, dynamic, result in vertical section of the models. After 6% of extension in both experiments, the and rheological scaling (Hubert, 1937; Ram- width of basin 1 becomes relatively stable with berg, 1981; Weijermars and Schmeling, 1986). Deformation of the Two Phases in Top View continuous subsidence. On the other hand, basin

In this case, we used a geometrical scale such 2 widens linearly up to values of Wbasin/Wi of that 1 cm in the model represents 40 km in Extension Phase 0.35 at 18% of extension. −7 nature, l* = lmodel/lnature = 2.5 × 10 . Stress scal- The models share a similar top-view evolu- ing is obtained by applying the general equation tion exemplifi ed by pictures taken during the Oblique Shortening Phase for reducing gravitational stress (σ* = ρ*g*l*; Laramide 04 experiment shown in Figure 5A. The evolution of oblique shortening is exem- where * denotes the ratio model/nature of each The evolution of structures indicates a general plifi ed in Figure 6A. In these experiments, bulk parameter, g* = 1 in the case of normal condi- westward migration of extension. The fi rst shortening refers to the advance of the moving tion of gravity, and l* is the geometrical scale). major normal fault follows the geometry of the wall divided by the initial length of the model. The ratio of gravitational to differential stress in cratonic area, with a general N-S orientation In this case, shortening deformation reactivates the viscous layers (Ramberg number; Weijer- that turns toward the NE in its northern part, and all the previously formed structures as thrust mars and Schmeling, 1986) provides a measure that formed in the models at the western margin faults. Thrusting in the eastern boundary of B2 for testing dynamic scaling, and it is given by of the cratonic area (at ~5% of extension, not and in both boundaries of B1 was observed after shown in the fi gure). Farther north in the weak 7.5% of bulk shortening in the southern part of zone, the fault acquires again a N-S orientation. the model, and uplifting of both basins becomes ρgh Rm = d , (1) Subsidence activated in the middle part of the evident. Reactivation of normal faulting is (σσ− ) 13viscous Guerrero Morelos Platform (basin 1), and nor- observed north of the cratonic block in B1. After mal faults began to propagate from the lateral 9% of bulk shortening, foreland advance of the ρ where and hd are the density and thickness fi xed walls toward the center of the model. By reactivated normal faults occurs on the eastern of the ductile layer, respectively, g is the accel- 6% of extension, a normal fault formed in the margin of B2, and there is gentle uplift of the σ σ eration due to gravity, and ( 1 – 3)viscous is the western margin of the Arcelia–Palmar Chico horst block (Tejupilco anticlinorium). differential stress that can be expressed also as (basin 2). Concentration of extension in the The relative width of the basins with respect σ σ η η ( 1 – 3)viscous = e, where is the viscosity of western margin of the cratonic area implies to their original widths is plotted in Figure 6B the viscous layer and e is the strain rate given in that mechanical contrast with the weak zone for the Laramide 02 experiment, in which short- the case of shortening by the ratio of the mean amplifi es deformation (e.g., Bonini et al., 2007). ening was parallel and opposite to extension. velocity of convergence, V, and the thickness of The Tejupilco anticlinorium is an uplifted area Both basins show a similar decrease in width

the ductile layer hd. Table 2 documents the scal- between both basins. By 8% of extension, nor- characterized by episodes of major decrease ing procedure for upper brittle and ductile lay- mal faults with arcuate surface traces formed between 3.5% and 5% of bulk shortening, and

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Downloaded from by guest on 30 September 2021 CERCA ET AL. block cratonic 1 Arcuate faulting basin TA 2 basin ntinuity. extension; note the difference in widening of basin 2 the difference note extension; block cratonic 1 basin HORST 2 ~ 10% extension basin block cratonic B1exp-04 B2exp-04 B1exp-02 B2exp-02 PGM TA initial setup ~ 20% extension VD APC

Extension (%)

. mh mm 7.5

-1 oiewall mobile 4cm 0 5 10 15 20 Map view

0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0

basin Wi / W Figure 5. (A) Top view and interpretation of the extensional phase in experiment Laramide 04. (B) Ratio between basin width and (B) Ratio between 04. Laramide phase in experiment of the extensional view and interpretation Top (A) 5. Figure (B2) after 5% extension. APC—Arcelia-Palmar Chico; TA—Tejupilco anticlinorium; PGM—Platform Guerrero Morelos; VD—velocity disco VD—velocity Morelos; Guerrero PGM—Platform anticlinorium; TA—Tejupilco Chico; APC—Arcelia-Palmar 5% extension. (B2) after A B

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a c d b

block cratonic inverted basins

th shortening in experiment Laramide 02. TA—Tejupilco TA—Tejupilco 02. Laramide in experiment th shortening

block cratonic Anticline development on TA block inverted basins ~ 7 % shortening B1exp-02 B2exp-02

Bulk shortening (%)

9mmh 0 5 10 15 Initial setup after extension ~ 15 % shortening -1

oiewall mobile 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15

4cm basin Wi / W Map view B A anticlinorium. Figure 6. (A) Top view and interpretation of the shortening phase during experiment Laramide 04. (B) Decrease in basin width wi (B) Decrease 04. Laramide experiment phase during of the shortening view and interpretation Top (A) 6. Figure

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after 9% bulk shortening, respectively. The fi rst confi rming previous observations in analogue by folding, with different kinematics separated width decrease seems to be related to strength brittle-ductile systems (Fig. 7B; e.g., Brun and by the brittle mantle. Indentation of the stiffer loss caused by folding of the ductile layers in Nalpas, 1996; Dubois et al., 2002; Del Venti- lower crust between the upper and weak lower the weak areas and early stages of reactivation sette et al., 2006). The mechanical heterogeneity crust is favored by the relative strength contrast and folding of the sand layer fi lling the basins, of the blocks in the models and the presence of forming a syncline; in contrast, the lower ductile whereas the second episode is related to a the preexisting normal faults result in shorten- mantle is thrust by the weaker mantle, producing major uplift and advance of reactivated thrust- ing structures that do not follow a linear sequen- an anticline. During progressive shortening, the ing. Comparison of fi nal top-view photographs tial and progressive development. For instance, weak crust accommodates strain by folding, but of the extension and shortening phases (Figs. 5 a greater strength contrast of the weaker crust mainly by thickening and extrusion (Fig. 8D). and 6) suggests that shortening deformation was with the cratonic area resulted in an inverted accommodated preferentially by folding and basin with two opposite vergences. Figure 8 DISCUSSION reactivation of preexisting faults. shows transverse sections of experiment Laramide 04 that cut at different positions from Geological Constraints and Assumptions Model Deformation in Cross Section the lateral fi xed walls. In section “a,” deforma- to Construct a Conceptual Model for the tion is distributed along the entire section, but Inversion Tectonics in Southern Mexico The transverse sections of experiments it can be observed that inversion of the brittle provide a detailed view of the vertical accom- crust faults and relief uplift took place mainly Several authors have suggested, explicitly modation of deformation in models (Fig. 7). in the weak zones. From top-view photographs, or implicitly, the idea of inversion tectonics in During extension, deformation of ductile lay- the easternmost fault is activated at early stages southern Mexico for explaining local deforma- ers in the models is characterized by thinning of shortening (~7.5% of bulk shortening). The tion features observed during Late Cretaceous in the weaker crust area. The lateral rheological response of the lithospheric system is charac- shortening (Campa-Uranga and Ramírez, 1979; boundaries with the normal and cratonic crust terized by gentle anticline folding of the weak Cabral-Cano et al., 2000; Elías-Herrera et al., control the location and propagation of normal crust section. From section “a,” trough “c,” it 2000; Elías-Herrera, 2004; Centeno-García faults in the upper brittle crust (Fig. 7A). can be seen that a large-scale anticline is formed et al., 2008; Cerca et al., 2007; Martini et al., After shortening, the fi nal deformation pat- by the uplifting of the contact between weak and 2009). In this work, we integrate the geologi- tern of the inverted extensional basins was con- normal crusts near the moving wall. The fl ank cal observations to produce a model of inver- trolled by the geometry of early normal faults, formed by the normal crust deforms mainly sion tectonics to explain the structural styles observed in southern Mexico. The experimen- tal results suggest that inversion tectonics are a plausible model for explaining the diversity of basin 2 basin 1 structures found in southern Mexico; however, A cratonic localized extension testing of this model would require independent area data, such as a more complete set of fi eld evi- Extension dence and geophysical information. In order to uc constrain the model, we based our setup on the lc wlc only available information, which essentially um stems from surface geology. wm The initial setup is based on the additional lm following considerations: 1. Continental-scale convergence with east- 1 cm ward subduction of oceanic plates below the asthenosphere North American plate has been active at least since the Early Cretaceous (130 Ma), as sug- Laramide 01 gested by continental-scale seismic tomog- raphy and numerical modeling (Grand et al., B basin inversion basin inversion 1997; Lithgow-Bertelloni and Richards, 1998; cratonic Bunge and Grand, 2000), leaving no space for Shortening area models postulating accretion of intraoceanic arcs. Our model considers an already assem- bled continental lithosphere at least since the Early Cretaceous. 2. The Early Cretaceous extensional phase geometry and kinematics are practically unknown and are inferred here from geological asthenosphere 1 cm information. We propose that the onset of exten- sion might have been marked by the deposition Laramide 04 of the Zicapa conglomerate to the west of the Figure 7. Cross sections of (A) experiment Laramide 01 after extensional phase and (B) experiment continental margin in the Early Cretaceous. Laramide 04 after shortening phase. uc—upper crust; lc—lower crust; um—upper mantle; lm— 3. Inversion resulted from the switch from lower mantle; wm—weak mantle; wlc—weak lower crust. extension to oblique shortening with main

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basin 2 basin 1 weak zone 1 weak zone 2 A D

squeezing of the asthenosphere 1cm weaker lithosphere asthenosphere1cm

wide inversion narrow inversion cratonic area B Simulated materials Brittle upper crust Lower ductile crust

asthenosphere 1cm Weak ductile lower crust

Brittle upper lithospheric mantle lower crust detachment and foreland transport of the inverted basin opposite vergence Weak ductile lithosphere mantle of the narrow basin C Lower ductile lithosphere mantle

Material added at model boundary uplift and folding during shortening asthenosphere 1cm

Figure 8. Cross sections at different position along strike of the main structures formed in experiment Laramide 04 to highlight lateral variations of deformation.

vergence toward the E-NE between the Turonian such as the propagation in space and time of crust is accommodated mainly by preexisting and the Paleocene. The inversion is localized deformation and the overall geometry of the extensional structures, and no new structures and more evident in the Arcelia–Palmar Chico surface structures, can be analyzed in relation parallel to the mobile wall were formed (consis- basin, in which volcanic rocks intercalated with to the crustal mechanical heterogeneity and the tent with the modeling results of Brun and Nal- pelagic limestone are thrust over the shallower polyphase deformation that occurred during the pas, 1996; Dubois et al., 2002; Del Ventisette et Amatepec limestone (both limestone sequences tectonic evolution of the study area. In essence, al., 2006). have approximately the same age) and over the modeling results show that basin inversion is a The inversion of basins is observed to occur Tejupilco schist, and in the Guerrero Morelos plausible mechanism to explain the diversity of as a response not only to reactivation of the pre- Platform. structures observed in southern Mexico (Fig. 9). existing normal faults, but also to thickening Some mechanical results of modeling that and continuous deformation of the ductile lay- Comparison of Models with the can be applied in the comparison with the natu- ers. The development of preferential vergence Geological Data of Southern Mexico ral case include: is toward the east in the model, but some sec- The inversion tectonics in models are largely tions showed an opposite vergence (Figs. 8C) A direct comparison between structures in infl uenced by the presence of a mechanical con- that developed in a late stage of deformation, as the models and those of southern Mexico would trast in the lithosphere that can be produced by documented in southern Mexico in the Tzitzio overinterpret the available information (e.g., either long-lived preexisting discontinuities or anticline (Martini et al., 2009). Eastward ver- Burg et al., 2002); however, a discussion of the faults produced in a previous phase of strain. gence was favored by the high strength contrast geological evidences and their comparison with The extensional phases produce a tectonic fab- between the cratonic crust and the weak crust. the model results can help us to understand the ric in the crust that controls the geometry of In the model shown in Figure 9, the oppo- mechanism of inversion tectonics. Particularly, shortening structures. With the low angle (15°) site vergence developed in the absence of the the fi rst-order characteristics of deformation, of oblique convergence, shortening in the brittle relatively stronger cratonic crust and with an

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Tejupilco anticlinorium

17 cm B F 5cm 25 1cm


C 1cm


D 1cm e G g


Figure 9. Comparison between: (A) a schematic section (symbols as in Fig. 3) inspired in the models results, and (B–H) photographs of the model results for experiment Laramide 02. Photographs B, C, and D show the top view of the model before starting and after the extensional and shortening phases, respectively. (E) The structural style resulting in the area without a cratonic zone, (F) close-up of the upper crust; (G) vergence, which is better developed when a craton is present, and (H) close-up of the upper crust.

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initially horizontal contact between upper and deformation of southern Mexico lithosphere. Bonetes en el sur de México (Región de Tiquicheo, Estado de Michoacán) y sus implicaciones cronoes- lower crust. In the close-up areas of Figure 9, The experiments allowed us to develop a par- tratigráfi cas: Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas, shortening in the upper crust can be observed to simonious model explaining some aspects of v. 22, p. 429–435. be accommodated by reactivation of pre existing Late Cretaceous shortening deformation, which Bonini, M., Corti, G., Del Ventisette, C., Manetti, P., Mulugeta, G., and Sokoutis, D., 2007, Modelling the lithospheric normal faults and transport of the extended zones are controlled by the previous extension and rheology control on the Cretaceous rifting in West above a detachment surface. Major reverse faults geological history. 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