Volume 45, Issue 1 January 2010 the Dispatcher

Central Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society Oklahoma Railway Museum Ltd, OKC Train Show Norman Depot Celebrates Behind the Scenes 100 Years by Gary Githens by Greg Hall Ed Birch, Jr. orchastrates the largest train show west of the Mississippi River and probably the most respected train show in the country from the view point of vend- ers.

Train show story will be in the February issue.

photo by Greg Hall 13 Nov. BNSF crew passes Norman Depot on the way to set out cars for the Centennial celebration.

The Santa Fe county seat style depot has been open to travelers for 100 years on November 18, 2009. The brick depot replaced an earlier Santa Fe wood structure locat- ed across the tracks from the new depot. A week of ac- tivities celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the depot was sponsored by the Norman Performing Arts Studio and included art displays, singing groups, historical pho- Train Show Chairman Eddie Birch, Jr. addresses ex- tographs and memorabilia, and three historic passenger hibitors and volunteers about procedures at the 2009 event. cars from the Oklahoma Railway Museum.

The three passenger cars became the hit of the celebration with close to two thousand visitors touring the cars. Vol- unteers from the museum staffed the cars, gave tours and provided the background information of the cars also. Visitors enjoyed sitting back in the seats and reminisced about their past travels by train and shared their stories with staff. A large number of visitors experienced their fi rst time on a passenger car and were very impressed with how well the cars were maintained and decorated. The museum was well publicized and covered by local Exibitors and volunteers at the procedure meeting held at the Okla- media on several occasions with front page pictures three homa Railway Museum. times. additional pictures on page 4 continued on page 3 pictures page’s 4, 5 & 6 Page 2 the Dispatcher

Oklahoma Railway Museum, Ltd.

Board of Directors Stan Hall, President I have just sett led in from a cold day sett ing up the Com- Jim Pasby, Vice President pany store for the Christmas Train on December 19th. and Program Chair We have all the items in place and are ready for a bunch Drake Rice, Secretary of visitors. I am hoping for snow that day but, a litt le Charles Price, Treasurer warmer weather. We had about 1,000 riders last year John Ansell, NRHS Director and I expect about the same this year. One of our mem- Bob Cossairt, Director of bers has a chuck wagon and will be serving a hot meal for Museum Grounds & Facilities our volunteers that day. It is going to be a lot of fun and Bob Hussey, Director of should get all of us in the mood for Christmas. Track Maintenance Jim Murray, Director of Mechanical Operations The Oklahoma City train show was a huge success this year; by far Harry Currie, Director at Large the largest att endance ever. I want to thank all of you who helped with Greg Hall, Director of ticket selling, security, and in our booth. We saw a lot of members and Museum Activities other visitors over the two day event. Ed Birch and his committ ee did a Kenneth Kozak, Director of super job. Museum Displays

Our annual meeting will be on January 9, 2010 at the Hometown Buff et Ed Birch Jr., Train Show Chair on Northwest Highway. Dinner on your own starts at 5:30 am and the Gary Moore, Membership program will begin about 6:00. We will have a movie showing in the back- Chair ground that covers the last two Thomas the tank Engine Events. Lots Gary Githens, Dispatcher of pictures of Kids having fun. We will not have an election this year Editor since there was only one nomination for each open board position. I will Ed Birch Sr., Director Emeritis have a few presentations for some members who did something that helped the Museum during the Year. Articles and/or photos are due by the 15th of each month. Email to “Editor” at: Have a merry Christmas and I hope to see many of you at the annual [email protected] meeting. Stan Hall Surf the Web... The ORM Website address oklahomarailwaymuseum.org

2010 McMillan calendars now ORM telephone number: 405/424–8222 available to ORM Membership! ORM FAX number 405/424-0504 The 2010 McMillan calendars will be or- dered son. These full color quality cal- endars make an excellent Christmas Gift for the hard to buy for person. One size Please renew fi ts all and each day has room to write your ORM mem- appointments etc. AT&SF, BNSF, CSX, bership at the UP, NS and DRGW available. earliest possible date. Contact Larry Dodd at 405 315 6125 to order yours today.

$10 per copy, saving you nearly $4.00 over Internet pricing. the Dispatcher Page 3

Museum Update by Drake Rice Another year comes to a close and marks ten years since Cowcatcher Magazine. Everyone that at- the museum was established. A lot has been accom- tended always say the same thing, “it’s the plished during this tenth year. Congratulations to all the best show we have ever been to”. We thank members who have volunteered their time this year to Ed for all the hard work and effort to make make the improvements that have been accomplished. it happen. The biggest step was the purchase of the additional land to the north which will allow the museum to grow. I The Katy Trail Contractor is back working again under know President Stan Hall is looking forward to the an- the 23rd Street Bridge, correcting the problems they have nual museum planning meeting and a date should be set created by not following the plans. Bob Hussey has con- in the near future. We have a lot of planning discussion tinued to ride herd on the project, and hopefully they will on setting goals for 2010, since we have many carry over be fi nished in the near future. This project has been a projects from previous years. demonstration on miscommunication and not being able to read plans. We certainly appreciate Bob’s efforts to We look forward to the Annual Members Meeting on keep the folks on the straight and narrow. January 9th and looking at what has been done in the past year from the photo view. The program is always an I hope each of you have a very Merry Christmas and exciting time and we have been having excellent turnouts Happy New Year. If you want to make a fi nancial do- for the meeting. nation at the end of the year, don’t forget the museum. Donations can be made in the name of the Oklahoma The OKC Train Show 2009 is now history and we ap- Railway Museum to the Community Foundation. If you preciate the leadership of Ed Birch, Jr. and his committee need additional information, please contact Drake Rice, that lead the efforts. It should be noted that the OKC at 478-3225 and information can be provided. Train Show was named best show in the southwest by Membership Meeting January 9th Arrive beginning at 5:30 if you want to go through the buffet. Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. Meeting is at the Hometown Buffet, NW Highway at 63rd St.

Norman Depot Celebrates 2010 Board of Director Elections 100 Years by Greg Hall The only nominations received for Board of Director positions were for those currently holding the positions. continued from page 1 They are elected by acclamation and all have agreed to A special thank you goes to the Union Pacifi c and the continue serving. Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroads for their gracious Nominees Received for Board Positions efforts in the free transportation of the cars from the mu- President: Stan Hall; seum trackage to Norman. Without their assistance, this Treasurer: Charles Price important part of the celebration could not have taken Director of Museum Grounds & Facilities place. There was also a large number of man hours pro- Bob Cossairt; vided by museum volunteers in preparing the cars for Director at Large movement, taking the cars to connect with the Union Pa- Harry Currie and cifi c, and staffi ng the cars for tours. A big thank you goes Director of Museum Activities: to all involved for making this a once in a hundred years Greg Hall experience for the Norman community. Page 4 the Dispatcher OKC Train Show Norman Depot Centennial Behind the Scenes continued from page 1 continued from page 1 Below, ORM Coaches on the Way to Norman

photo by Gary Githens photo by Gary Githens Vendors unload material. Unloading and reloading takes many 9 Nov. ORM crew arrives at Eckroat to transfer cars to the Union hours. Volunteers are on hand to assist. Pacifi c.

photo by Gary Githens photo by Gary Githens The pre show setup is a major event in itself. 9 Nov. Union Pacifi c crew connecting to the ORM coaches

photo by Gary Githens photo by Gary Githens 9 Nov. Off into the sunset the go as the Union Pacifi c passes ORM Boxes with items to be unpacked and set up for display. After the 2032 which is in the Eckroat siding. Darkness was on us at this show unsold items have to be repacked. time. the Dispatcher Page 5 Norman Depot Centennial

photo by Greg Hall photo by Bob Cossairt 13 Nov. BNSF crew delivers coaches to exhibit siding at Norman. Southbound passes ORM coaches.

photo by Raymond Woods, Jr. photo by Greg Hall Norman Mayor Cindy Rosenthal reads the Governors Proclamation photo by Greg Hall OU Oklahoma Daily reporter declaring the day “Norman Depot Day.” “Norman Depot Day” proclama- visited the ORM coaches. tion.

photo by Greg Hall photo by Raymond Woods, Jr. ORM coach served as a location for senior pictures. Greg Hall discusses the Norman Depot Centennial with Norman Mayor Cindy Rosenthal. Greg is on the Norman Depot Centennial Committee. Page 6 the Dispatcher Norman Depot Centennial

photo by Raymond Woods, Jr. photo by Raymond Woods, Jr. Model railroad display at the depot. Norman Depot visitors discuss one of the numerous photos on display.

photo by Raymond Woods, Jr. photo by Raymond Woods, Jr. Visitors to the Norman Depot enjoy one of the numerous events. Stan Hall welcomes visitors aboard ORM coaches.

ORM Coaches On The Way Home

photo by Greg Hall photo by Raymond Woods, Jr. 23 Nov. BNSF Brandt truck crew in thick fog at the Norman Depot Guy Lynn’s motor car was a big hit with visitor’s on Saturday ready to leave for Flynn yard. the Dispatcher Page 7

ORM Depot Store Order Form – Engraved Platform Bricks The Oklahoma Railway Cost is $50.00 per brick. Museum, Ltd. (ORM) has Up to a maximum of 4 lines with 16 letters and spaces per line items available for both chil- dren and adults at the Depot Store. These include baseball Purchaser’s Name ______Phone No. (______) ______caps, polo shirts, t–shirts, lapel pins, and coasters. Funds raised by donations for these Line 1 items support the Museum projects. Line 2 The Depot Store, located inside the Oakwood Depot on the Museum grounds, is open Line 3 during regular Museum hours – 9 am to 4 pm on the fi rst and third Saturday opera- Line 4 tion days of each month April through October. The store is also open for special events. Become an ORM Member Engraved Platform Bricks 2010 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION: More than one platform $30.00 per year – Individual Membership in the Oklahoma Railway Museum, Ltd. brick can be donated to the (spouse included) Museum and you can make copies of the attached form. $25.00 per year – Individual Senior (age 65 and up) (spouse included) and Mail completed forms with Individual Student (full–time student) Membership in ORM checks or money orders to: Jim

Murray, ORM, 3400 NE Grand $36.00 per year – To add Railway Historical Society (NRHS) Membership Boulevard, Oklahoma City, (add $5.00 for spouse) (Student Memberships: $16 per year) Oklahoma 73111. If you have SEND NRHS DUES TO ORM ADDRESS BELOW, NOT DIRECTLY TO NRHS any questions, you can e–mail

Murray at: $500.00 - Lifetime Membership [email protected]. Send your application and dues to: Oklahoma Railway Museum , Ltd. 3400 NE Grand Boulevard Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111 Crosstie Donations Friends and families of Name ______ORM continue to make dona- tions for crossties, equipment Address ______and facilities on the Museum property and on the leased City ______track. If you want to make a do- nation to purchase a crosstie, Phone ______Fax ______Cell Phone______a donation of $42.50 will help purchase a new crosstie. You can donate a crosstie in recog- E–Mail ______nition or in memory of someone. All donations should be made out to the Oklahoma Railway Important NRHS Dues Information Museum Ltd. Please note on the check Send NRHS dues to the ORM, not the NRHS what the donation is for, mail to: ORM Ltd., 3400 NE Grand Bou- levard, Oklahoma City, 73111 Oklahoma Railway Museum, NONPROFIT ORG. Ltd. U.S. Postage 3400 NE Grand Boulevard PAID Oklahoma City, OK 73111 Permit No. 1323 Oklahoma City, OK Annual Membership Meeting Annual membership meeting January 9, 2010. Arrive beginning at 5:30 if you want to go through the buffet. Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. Meeting is at the Hometown Buffet, NW Highway at 63rd St.


Page 8 the Dispatcher

Important NRHS Dues Information Video Camera & Editing For ORM Status I now have equipment avialable to make, or at- tempt to make, a Christ- mas train promotional video to place on You- Tube.

All renewals are handled My thanks to Truman Hefner and Terry Meade for loan of technology to make this venture pos- sible.

Gary Githens Dispatcher Editor

NRHS Dues Renewals for 2010 PS: future assistance is needed. contact me. In a few days you will be receiving in the mail, renewal form for your 2010 dues. This will include National as well as Chapter dues. The dues structure is as follows: National - $36.00 Family - $ 5.00 Student - $16.00 Youth - $ 5.00 Please send your renewals to the address on envelope. Chapter - $30.00 (Central Oklahoma Chapter) Do Not mail anything to NRHS. through the Chapter and information will be submitted to National electronically. Once a month our Treasurer sends check to National for the total amount of dues that have come in for that period. All memberships are through Dec 31, 2009, so please send your renewals in as soon possible. Any not re- ceived by March 30, 2010 will be dropped off the NRHS membership list. Anyone renewing after that date will be considered a new member. This would break their continu- ity with NRHS and could affect whether or not they might qualify for a 25 yr. or 50 membership award. John Ansell Director, Oklahoma Chapter NRHS