FRIENDS OF ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS AUTUMN NEWSLETTER Number 67 December 2017 2 FRIENDS OF ST MARTIN-IN-THE-FIELDS PRESIDENT Revd. Dr Sam Wells THE FRIENDS COMMITTEE Dorothy Cone Robert Demming Co-Chairman Celia Ellacott Newsletter Editor Andrew Goodhart Treasurer and Membership Secretary Kristine Wellington Susanne Wood Co-Chairman Ruth Wooldridge Front Cover: LES COLUMBES INSTALLATION JUNE 2017 Back Cover: ST MARTIN’S THEN AND NOW Contributors: Revd. Richard Carter, Revd. David Charles-Edwards, Bob Demming, Julie Emig, Michael Hellyer, Revd. Dr Sam Wells, Susanne Wood All communications should be addressed to: Friends of St Martin’s, St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 4JJ or to:
[email protected] website: If you change your address please don’t forget to notify the secretary. 3 CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION It’s a great pleasure to be writing to you for the first time as co-chair of the Friends with Susanne and also to take the opportunity to thank her for her inspiring leadership over the past six years. The theme of continuity runs through this newsletter, from the way in which the Friends’ chairmanship is being handed on to stories of hopefulness, respect for others and Christian faith in action over the years. From the past David Charles-Edwards, writes about growing up in Trafalgar Square, as the son of the vicar between 1947 and 1954. From the present, Revd. Richard Carter describes the Sunday International Group’s summer outing to Brighton. The SIG for refugees and asylum seekers, which the Friends support financially, is one of the ways in which St Martin’s is reaching out to those in dire need now, in ways that nourish the spirit as well as the body.