OF A T ST N R E O M P T H R Y A S P I C E S D R N A E D G B E O M U J D I N nederlandse UN Y astronomenclub IV E R S I T NAC 2010 65th Dutch Astronomy Conference Contents 1 Welcome 3 2 Organizing Committee 3 3 Program 4 4 Posters 10 5 Invited Talks 12 6 Contributions 16 7 Participants 70 8 Sponsors 77 http://www.astro.ru.nl/wiki/meetings/nac2010 Conference venue: Van der Valk Hotel Nijmegen-Cuijk Raamweg 10 5431 NH Cuijk phone: +31 485 33 51 23 JRH 2010 1 Welcome Welcome to the 65th Dutch Astronomy Conference! This years meeting is organized by the Department of Astrophysics at Radboud University Nijmegen. The Department has been established in February 2001. It is a honor for this young and vibrant department to host again the NAC meeting after the 58th Dutch Astronomy Conference in 2003. On behalf of the organizers it is my pleasure to welcome you all to Cuijk. I wish you an interesting meeting with fruitful discussions. J¨org R. H¨orandel (chair of the organizing committee) 2 Organizing Committee C. Custers, H. Falcke, E. Gebhardt, P. Groot, J.R. Horandel¨ (chair), D. Maurits, G. Nelemans Radboud University Nijmegen Department of Astrophysics Heyendaalseweg 135 phone: +31 24 36 52804 6525 AJ Nijmegen email:
[email protected] 3 3 Program Wednesday, May 19th, 2010 10:00 Registration 12:00 Lunch Opening and Session 1 13:00 Welcome Paul Groot 13:05 Opening Paul Mengde – Mayor of Cuijk 13:10 Introduction J¨org R.